#compared to anyone with any sort of formal training... ahahah
isat-script-project · 5 months
helo :D this is cool i'm enjoying this
have you thought about making a github repository for this to let others contribute? i know you run it on neocities, but i know a way to link it to a github repo
and i'd probably contribute a bit if i could, i think it'd be fun :D i have some ideas as well on ways to format things and stuff
if not but you're still interested in my ideas then i can still tell you about them :> or not, i don't mind either way ^^
Definitely tell me about it! I just. I dont know how github works at all? I think it's probably glaringly obvious that I'm a total noob at all of this, and anything fancy is most definetely something i drafted my sister into explaining to me.
I tend to be, uh, a little possessive, about the script project, so contributions would need to meet my standards (even if i occasionally fail them myself), but i'd be delighted if others want to help out! Or if you have ideas on how to format things better!
I mainly run it on neocities because it's easy to use and also free..... i sincerely doubt I'm ever going to pass the 1gb free site limit, considering that the entire page so far takes up 0.3% of that.
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gastricpierrot · 7 years
Title: When Stars Align
Series: Daiya no Ace
Pairing: KuraRyou
Rating: T
Summary: Nothing good ever comes out of an intimate relationship between a human and a youkai, Ryousuke knows. He’s heard more than enough stories on betrayal, on disasters, on families being shunned. And being an onmyouji, he knows better than anyone else.
And yet, he lets himself fall.
Note: WELP THAT ONLY TOOK LIKE 3 MONTHS OR SOMETHING IM SO SORRY _(:D tagging @public-benches​ and @hailing​ because i feel like i need to personally apologize to you guys for taking so long ahahah OTL
Also on AO3! 
[Ch.1][Ch.2][Ch.3][Ch. 4][Ch.5]
Youichi has no idea who the guy is.
The one thing he knows is that he’s going to annoy him a lot, just by the looks of him. Really, no one with a grin that mischievous should be trusted with anything, even if he did have a pretty face and an onmyouji's outfit. Youichi notices the tell-tale signs right away as well; the unusual light in the newcomer's eyes, the way his footsteps seem to echo a tad too loudly in the open space around them. Guy's a youkai.
“So, you’re the new tengu,” Pretty Boy observes, in a sort of mocking, calculating way that instantly prods at Youichi’s temper. What is his problem? Actually, scratch that—what's with everyone here who's walked up to him questioning his ability? He knows Tetsu's probably set ridiculously high standards during his time here, but still. He's trying his best and he's not about to whine at this smug racoon.
"There anythin' you need?" Youichi's proud of how stable his voice comes out. Go a few years back and he'll probably be grinding their foreheads together and asking for a fight. Definitely not the volatility people would want from a protective deity.
"Oh, nothing much." A dismissive wave. "Just thought I'd check out the new guy."
"Uh...huh." That reason's way too vague to sound legitimate. "And you are?"
"Name's Miyuki Kazuya," Miyuki says with absolutely none of the formality the mountain youkai insist on using with Youichi despite his efforts to be casual with them. Youichi can't say he fully appreciates that coming from this guy, though. "Youkai-onmyouji extraordinaire! Feel free to use honorifics while speaking to me, yeah?"
Youichi snorts at that, crossing his arms. "You wish, pal. Even I don’t get those all the time here.”
“Have you considered that’s because you look a lot like a troublemaker?” Miyuki suggests offhandedly, so much so that Youichi almost fails to take offense at his tone of voice. Almost.
“And have you considered minding your own business?" Youichi tries hard not to snap. He's not letting this newcomer just waltz in and start judging him. He's already had enough of that the first time.
Miyuki simply laughs in response, hands raised in an unconvincing gesture of placation. "Sorry, didn't mean to touch a nerve there."
Youichi glares at him. "If you're only here to see how I look like, you're done. Go home, wander around—whatever, I don't care. Pretty sure you're at least smart enough to find something else to amuse yourself with."
Miyuki has the audacity to look offended at that. “Rude.”
Youichi allows himself two deep breaths. It’s his loss if he loses his temper, he knows. And despite only having known Miyuki for a grand total of ten minutes Youichi decides he’d rather kiss his master’s feet than to give him the satisfaction of winning whatever stupid little game he’s trying to play here.
“Alright, you know what?” Youichi works to keep his hands from clenching into fists. “Just be honest. What are you here for?”
“I told you, I’m just here to check out the new guy.” Miyuki’s smile turns wry. “I wasn’t trying to flirt, by the way.”
“Wow, I am so disappointed.” Youichi doesn’t think his tone could go any flatter. Miyuki, expectedly, is not at all bothered by that.
“Also, I didn’t catch your name?”
Youichi proceeds to spend several seconds trying to decide if he's still in the middle of making fun of him, or if their entire conversation up until this point was just Miyuki sucking at trying to make friends and probably being nice in general. Thinking back, Youichi figures he's probably kinda in the wrong as well; Miyuki technically hasn’t directly insulted him or anything yet. He can definitely trust his gut that long-term exposure to him is going to be a pain in the ass, but he supposes there’s no harm in trying to be a decent person for now. He shouldn't stoop as low as this tanuki so fast.
“It’s Youichi.” He manages to keep it from sounding like a grumble. Miyuki nods once.
"And I hear you've pulled off the miraculous feat of having Ryousuke-san like you?"
"I'm not sure if Ryou-san's exactly capable of harbouring any fondness towards people who are not Haruichi," Youichi deadpans, cursing himself for feeling blood creep to his cheeks at the way Miyuki worded his sentence nonetheless. "But we’re tolerating each other, I guess."
"Aw, no need to be so shy about it! You're even on a first name basis!" Miyuki flashes him another of his smug-ass grins, and Youichi's seized with the overwhelming urge to send him flying over a ledge in the mountain. Fortunately, he manages to settle for a heavy sigh instead.
"What exactly is your problem?" he asks, running a tired hand across his face. Of course, Miyuki looks at him like he doesn't even realize he's being a problem.
"Just curious over the person Ryousuke-san’s acknowledged, really,” he says, finally letting a bit of his mirth fade from his tone. “You may not believe it, but I’ve known him for a while now and I know how ridiculous his standards could be. I suppose you really must be impressive to some extent—though it’s not that I’d find out for sure, haha.”
Youichi’s taken aback for a second. “Huh. So you can be nice.”
“Though, it’s either that or—” Miyuki continues musing as if Youichi hadn’t spoken— “he has a soft spot for you somehow?? Wow.” His eyes widen dramatically as though he’s come to a mind-blowing discovery. “Didn’t know he liked the scruffy type.”
“I’ve no idea what you’re on about and I frankly do not want to know,” is what Youichi says but he actually has a pretty solid idea on what Miyuki’s implying and he can’t help but wonder how in the world does he come up with these conclusions. Does Ryousuke seriously treat him that differently compared to other people? Or is Miyuki just talking out of his butt to get some sort of golden reaction from him so he could have some good laughs?
“Eh, come to think of it, though,” Youichi decides on the safest course of action, and that’s to change the subject, “are you Ryou-san’s colleague from the Capital or something? Since you showed up around the time he came back.”
“By definition, yeah.” Miyuki raises his eyebrows, obviously bemused by Youichi’s evasion. “The big guys thought it’d be best for someone to accompany Ryousuke-san back after what happened during the ceremony, so.” He shrugs.
“What exactly happened over there?” Youichi’s asking before he could think it over, before it could occur to him that saying so would just further imply more investment on his part towards Ryousuke’s wellbeing.
The humour visibly fades from Miyuki’s face upon hearing the question, and Youichi feels the concern that’s temporarily receded upon Ryousuke’s return flood back to him full force. But it’s better if he knows what’s going on...he thinks. Ryousuke would no doubt try to keep it all to himself until he can’t—it’s better for them to be able to keep an eye on him and to at least be prepared in case something bad happens. He’s his sort-of partner in keeping this place safe; he has the right to know if there’s any necessity to start working solo anytime soon. What more with the Fox on the loose now and all that.
“Long story short: the Fox passed through him during her escape and he collapsed on the spot.” Despite Miyuki’s efforts to seem impersonal, Youichi senses that he’s bothered by this as well. “It’s not unusual given how that would’ve tilted his entire inner balance off axis no matter how spiritually strong he is, but we were aiming to take her down and with her nature it seems unlikely that she’d leave us unscathed even while making a quick escape.”
“You think she was aiming for Ryou-san specifically?”
“Hard to say, honestly. He was the person closest to the window, so it could very well be a coincidence.”
“Fair point.” Youichi slips into a lapse of silence, unsure where he should steer his thoughts next. There are too many uncertainties for them to make any proper conclusions and settle for a solid next course of action. And with the possibility of Ryousuke keeping quiet of any symptoms he might be having, there’s really nothing much anyone else could do.
Youichi’s attention flickers to Miyuki once more when he hears him exhale a heavy breath; his first sign of weariness and perhaps honest display of emotion. The smile he offers him then seems to be the most genuine one he’s encountered so far.
“Y’know, I get the feeling he’ll talk if it’s you,” he says, and Miyuki could only stare at him in confusion.
“And what gave you that idea?” Really, if Ryousuke doesn’t open up to even Haruichi, Youichi doesn’t see how he would have much of a better chance.
Miyuki shrugs. “Just a gut feeling, I guess.”
He sounds so confident about it that Youichi couldn’t help believing him, even just a little.
Truth to be told, Ryousuke doesn’t know how to feel when Haruichi declares he’s made up his mind to be an onmyouji over dinner.
For the most part—the selfish part, he didn’t like the idea. The profession has started dying out; many who now join the Bureau train to be clerks rather than exorcists or diviners. Ryousuke wouldn’t be surprised if it’d disappear altogether along with their generation. Unless Haruichi manages to earn his qualifications as quickly as he did, the field would have nothing to offer him by the time he’s a full-fledged onmyouji.
Of course, Ryousuke’s fully confident Haruichi could do it. He’s already got a head start, and he’s even more stubborn than him when he puts his mind to things. And if sheer will isn’t enough, Ryousuke knows more than anyone just how much potential he has. If he’s to begin training in earnest, he’d surpass even him in no time.
Perhaps that’s mainly the thing that leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He’s worked so hard to claw his way to where he is, yet it’s undeniable that his younger brother could easily catch up to him if he tries. Maybe it’s just him holding on to the last bits of immaturity he allows himself, maybe it’s just his swollen pride affecting his judgements, he doesn’t know.
But he knows he shouldn’t let his personal feelings interfere with Haruichi’s resolve. It’s not all unexpected; he’s considered the possibilities of this outcome since the day he decided he’ll let him practice on his own. So he tells him to do what he wants, to make sure he’s prepared to not sully the Kominato name or else.
It really is a pain to be the older sibling at times.
Though, Ryousuke can’t help feeling the slightest bit relieved as well. At least this way, Haruichi would be able to protect himself if anything happens to him sometime in the future. As much as he tries not to think about it, the Fox’s unknown curse still weighs heavily in his thoughts. At this point it’s difficult to not question if the curse was one of paranoia. Could his stressed mind have imagined the sound of that nail? Could they all perhaps be depending much too heavily on assumptions?
The breeze is cool against his skin, gentle despite the altitude. The smell of rain mingles with the sweetness of the nearby flower bushes, a largely refreshing change from the stench of the Capital. Ryousuke taps his fingers against his flute, waiting for the youkai to assemble before he begins. It’s turning out to be a rather big crowd tonight; he’s received almost as many questions as requests so far. Ryousuke didn't bother going into details; it's always difficult to tell if they're genuinely curious or if they're only trying to extract more gossip material from him. He isn't doesn't plan to indulge them either way.
If asked by a stranger, Ryousuke would most likely claim he doesn't have a hobby or any sort because he's a busy, busy person. But if he's to be honest to himself, playing the flute would be one of his only sanctuaries from the demands of his job. He finds freedom in the music, expression in the melodies he composes. Hell, if he doesn't enjoy it as much as he does he would never have bothered with these fortnightly performances. Playing has helped him through difficult times, no doubt. Especially back then all he had was his fue to earn a living and support both Haruichi and himself after their parents left.
Ryousuke spots Youichi joining his audience some time in between songs. Really, if Ryousuke’s the master of hiding behind a mask, Youichi can probably be considered the exact opposite; he could almost sense his questions all the way from where he sits.
It’s strange, how he only realizes a bit later that he’s going over the things he should and shouldn’t tell him.
“Something happened while you were away.”
It’s a statement, not a question. Ryousuke meets his eyes, finding the earnestness in his gaze making him waver not for the first time. Perhaps he's partly influenced but this newfound concern over his own wellbeing after his encounter with the Fox as well; his burdens seemingly trying to pile up more and more until he's crushed under their weight.
"Mind telling me what it is?" is what Ryousuke responds with in the end anyway because he can't have Youichi know he's getting soft. Youichi doesn't take the bait, instead staring at him levelly as if to let him know he's not taking any of that tonight.
"Ryou-san." His voice sounds clear in his mind, just as it had a long fortnight ago. Ah, figures why he's so sure. Ryousuke nearly scoffs at himself. Imagine him being so distracted that he hadn't even noticed the stupid link still being around.
He lets out a breath, turning away to watch the fireflies drifting lazily in the forest. "What do you already know?" he asks through their link, mindful of the few youkai still lingering around in the area. Wouldn't want even more rumours causing mass panic now.
"That the Fox probably cursed you and that no one's been able to figure out what exactly she's done." Ryousuke hears the ruffle of clothes; probably Youichi crossing his arms.
"That about sums it up, yes.” He keeps looking away, half wary of what he’s unconsciously showing in his own expression right then. Youichi’s bluntness in putting it strangely makes it all sound all the more dire. The cries of cicadas in the background fill in the silence that settles over them, sounding especially shrill that night as though they were trying to dramatize the situation further.
“And Ryou-san,” it’s Youichi who speaks again first, albeit hesitatingly, “there’s something else...”
Ryousuke has a bad feeling about this one. He gathers the courage to ask, nonetheless, “what is it?”
Youichi takes his time trying to figure out how to go on, so much so that it’s long enough for Ryousuke to find his calm and face him once more. He watches him swallow, gaze darting aside for a second before finally mustering the courage.
“You’re...you’re not fully human, are you?”
He really shouldn’t have been as taken aback as he is. The guy has access to his mind; he’s bound to find out somehow or another. Yet Ryousuke’s breath stops, his body tensing as his heart hammers in his chest against his will. What is he doing? He shouldn’t be this bothered; there’s absolutely nothing to be flustered about. It’ll be a pain in the ass if the humans were the ones to find out, but Youichi? Him knowing shouldn’t change anything much. Whether he’s part youkai or a pure human shouldn’t make a difference to him.
Deep down, Ryousuke fears the truth is that it would. That Youichi would react exactly the way he expects the people would; that he’d just brush off all his efforts and accredit his current abilities to some innate power magically available to him. Or worse—he’d treat him like some dainty young lord lest he overuses his power and loses control to the entity within him. Youichi's one of the few people who treats him as an equal and... Ryousuke doesn't want to lose that. He’s got too few of them to lose.
“And what if I really am not?”
Youichi’s eyes widen; Ryousuke can’t tell if he’s more surprised by the truth or the ease in which he’d admitted it. He doesn’t look away this time, even silently challenging him to make some sort of comment on that. Prove me wrong. Show me you’re not like them.
“Does that mean Haruichi’s not, too?”
Well that’s definitely unexpected. For once Ryousuke’s the one momentarily loss for words. Youichi doesn’t seem to be feigning it, in fact looking genuinely curious—and perhaps even a bit scandalized for not knowing anything. In the spur of the moment, Ryousuke thinks he probably won’t mind telling him everything one day.
A laugh escapes him, mostly one of relief. “No, he’s human.”
"Oh, thank god," Youichi breathes, albeit a bit belatedly as if abruptly breaking out from a sudden stupor. "I thought my senses were really getting that dull."
"You definitely still have a lot to work on, though," Ryousuke points out helpfully, expecting the usual call of his name in half-hearted protest. But this time, Youichi merely nods in agreement—giving off an air of determination oddly similar to what Ryousuke’s felt from Haruichi.
“I’ll keep doing my best,” he says, with a sort of newfound earnestness that Ryousuke can’t help suspecting to have stemmed from the discovery of his situation. It’s...unexpectedly reassuring, to say the least. Ryousuke might've felt severely offended if someone were to even insinuate he needs any kind of support just some months back, but with the recent events that mentality's definitely begun changing. As prideful as he admits to be, he's not stupid. He knows his own limits, how to overcome them, and when to accept help when it's offered. Knowing there’s still someone behind him alone takes a large load off his back.
“I’m counting on you.”
And for the first time in a long while, those words feel true. Ryousuke doesn’t know how much time he has left before the full effects of that curse kick in; if it’ll take days or weeks or months or even in just a few hours. He doesn’t know if he’ll die or turn into a fox or lose his spiritual prowess, or all that and more. But at the very least he knows one thing for sure, and that Youichi’s someone he can rely on if he goes out of commission.  
“You’re unusually honest tonight, Ryou-san,” Youichi observes, eyebrows arched. “Wonder if it’ll snow tomorrow?”
He lets out a very undignified yelp when sparks flared around his feet. Ryousuke lowers his hand, realizing how much easier it is to breathe now.
“Don’t push it.”
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