#compliments to the composer frfr
oh-soo-diabolik · 1 year
Emotionally Sensitive S/O Headcanons
ADMIN: I had issues with my last account and had to create a new one, anyway someone requested this. So hopefully they see this!
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SHU: He's known for being very apathic, so with a s/o that's emotionally sensitive, he becomes very maniplutive.
More than likely, at first he's going to be annoyed that you're so sensitive, to the point it turns him off.
However, the more he observes you the more he grows to the idea of you being sensitive seeing he could his it to his advantage.
Heaven forbid you end up choosing him to be with, [dont worry i would too], he'll make sure to make you feel bad for trying to distant yourself from him.
There's no doubt, the closer you guys become the more clingy and manipulative he becomes.
Oh? You need to go to your next class? The one with Reiji, right? Why, don't you care about Shu's well being? You know he'll never last long without you. He'll die of thirst,
This man will make sure you come when called, you're sad? Come here so he can suck you dry, he knows you'll feel better if he does. I mean you are a masochist after all.
He knows how to hurt you and make you crawl right back to him, besides he's all you need anyway.
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REIJI: Being the Mister Perfect he thinks he is, he's composed and he expects you to be the same way.
I promise you, this man knew from the jump how sensitive you are, though he was rather displeased, but then he connected the dots. Just like Shu, Reiji will use your sensitive nature for his own benefit.
He remembers every emotionally draining and upsetting events he 'saved' you from, not he expects you to show him how grateful you are.
I know what your thinking, 'it's giving Ayato', and you're exactly right. However, Reiji would never openly admit, but he likes to be praised as much as Ayato does.
He will take advantage of your nature, like Shu, it would be push and pull with this man. He will be cold and harsh, most of the time, and 'warm and welcoming' another.
His actions will grow accustom to you, growing dependent on Reiji. he's treated you better than the others so how could you not want to be around him and be vulnerable?
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LAITO: The final boss of them all, he knows exactly how to get what he wants, of your emotionally sensitive? You're just his type.
This man is curling his toes as we speak, he's delighted you're 'easy to break', he'll become quick to 'defend' you against his bullying brothers.
Oh, you saw a baby bunny being abandoned by its mother? Here let Laito make you feel better.
He knows what to say to make you trust him, he'll compliment you and make you feel nice, but remember it's all for show.
Besides if you're always around him, he'll never go hungry! You practically fell into his arms.
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AYATO: The one brother who probably will lose his mind, second from Kanato. But for many different reasons.
For some reason, I feel like Ayato would prefer someone who's sensitive, at least sooner than his brothers. At first you will be made fun of by him, he'll still call you names and so on.
BUT, I don't think he'll really mind. Shockingly enough, I like to believe he would want someone who can express emotions for the both of them, frfr.
Although he won't admit, but he enjoys when his brothers manage to make you cry. Because he knows you'll come running to him for comfort.
You may think for just blood, but no, it would be for possession. I have a headcanon where I believe Ayato needs his lover to be around him at all costs and depend on him entirely, similar to Reiji.
It makes him feel superior to you, he likes to believe your life is in his hands, but is he wrong though?
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KANATO: Oh Lord, you've done it now, gg's.
If you think this pairing would be toxic, I like to think you're right and wrong? Why? With being sensitive himself, your sensitivity comes from a more sincere place. So there would be no doubt in hell, he would cling to you from the jump.
Remember, Kanato likes sweet things, and dolls. You're cute and sensitive? What else does he need?
I promise you, Kanato would never let you leave his sight. There isn't an hour or minute in the day you're alone.
He becomes almost dependent on your kind nature, 9/10 you're probably shy and soft spoken or rarely talkative.
Knowing he's bipolar, you're more than likely watching how you speak around him to avoid his violent ways.
13/10, he loves knowing he can make you cry easier than ever. So with that being said, you better not be showing his brothers your cute crying face. Puffy eyes and red nose from the sniffles, even cuter when you're wearing whatever he has you wear.
Will probably make you dress up and then make you cry just to see your crying face, is probably aroused by it. But we all know he isn't the only one.
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SUBARU: Oh this man may be cruel but he isn't a monster.
This man will not know how to act, 9/10, you remind him of his mom. So the feeling to controlling you wouldn't stray away.
Yes he is a Tsundere, but he isn't a monster, [though technically he is] He gives me 'tough love' vibes.
He believes you need to grow a backbone, especially with his brothers roaming about. He always seem to be the one following you around, always the one stepping in.
At first, he seems to not care how his brothers treat you, probably minding his business.
But then again, you remind him of his mom, sensitive and dependent. Although he doesn't like to admit, he feels like he should be the one 'caring' for you, because its apparent you cannot save yourself or stand up for yourself, so he'll do it...yandere??
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halalhyungwon · 2 years
obsessed with the bloody heart ost tbh
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