#compress: hey dabi nice to see you again. i have a few constructive criticisms about your dancing-
mettywiththenotes · 1 year
Between the fact that Dabi's big attack involves compressing his heat energy inside of himself and the absurdly theatrical bow, I keep thinking he's either paying homage to Mr. Compress or trying to steal his riz. Either way, I love it. lmao
YEAH ngl I read the word compress in that chapter, saw the bow and thought "HE LEARNED FROM THE BEST" lol
Dabi's carrying on the legacy of Theatrical Villains
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Hello, this is Robin. :) @arson-n-barf @scott-is-hyperfixating
This is my side blog no one knows because I literally never post on here. Anyways here's the first chapter and it might be because I've read it like 5 times already but I hate this with a fierce passion. Like. Anyways, next chapter is Hawks ( because I'm alternating the povs) and it's gonna be ready on Tuesday.
Any ideas and constructive criticism are welcome!
It was late at night and it was dark. A starless sky watched as mere mortals tried and failed to find purpose in life, dying in their never ending search for it. Dabi hummed a soft melody while walking, her hair brushing her burned shoulders ever so lightly. She wore an old black cape that had seen better days, and plain brown shirt and pants. She played mindlessly with the pieces of metal on her face, not only holding her skin together but also adorning her ears and nose.
The town was quiet, most were asleep. Much like Dabis cape, the houses and cabins of wood and stone had seen better. They were dirty and had an abandoned air to them, almost like ghosts were their only inhabitants. The woman could relate to that, she'd always felt very empty, too old, too useless. Unlike her though, the houses, the streets, the village; were all filled with fierce life inside, the dead like outside nothing but a facade to trick strangers.
That became clear once more when Dabi finally decided to end her walk, entering a dark alley. There, a dark door of enchanted wood waited for her. She opened it, the doors handle shining under long fingers. As she stepped inside she was immediately overwhelmed by the amounts of light and noise. The bar roared with vivacity, all kinds of beings drinking and chatting, kissing and fighting even.
They were all citizens of the great kingdom of Akarui, where blood was spilled in the shadows and people were burned at stakes. Not quite people actually, at least not all of them. All mortals perhaps, but all different from each other. For in the world they lived in everyone was different, looked different, behaved differently…
And had unique powers.
Elfs, vampires, dwarfs, fairies. Every kind of magical being you can imagine, all under the rule of one King, and of course the almighty Security Council. Knights and warriors were formed to maintain peace, and to assure the safety of the people. Well, not all people. The loud, weird, "dangerous" ones who were here, never got any protection. Really, as Dabi saw it they rarely got anything at all.
Ignoring all of them as well as the thoughts concerning her old grudge, she went straight to the back. Dabi opened a little hidden curtain, and a long corridor waited for her. She walked to the last door, and kicked it three times. A blue face opened it, eyes filled with rage.
"Fucking shit, you're late!"
"No shit, bitch"
She entered the room without ceremony, throwing herself in her own bed. Her roommate, Shigaraki, looked at her like she had just killed his puppy.
"We have a band to commit to! You can't just do whatever you want!"
"Actually the last time I checked I was my own person who can do whatever the fuck she wants."
"You're insufferable"
"You're an ass"
"Well, you are-"
"Dabi!" The door that connected their room to the other one opened with a loud noise and a girl with blond hair and sharp fangs threw herself into Dabis arms.
"Hey kid" She got up, Toga still clinging to her. "How was your day ?"
"It was awesome! Twice taught me how to make pie and big sister Magne is teaching me archery!"
Dabi was a woman of few words, yet, that didn't seem to diminish Toga's excitement in the least.
"Can we focus on what's important here ? We have a show guys!"
"Is shigaraki whining about us being late to the show again ? Cause' I don't really think the customers are gonna care. They're pretty drunk, you know. Oh, hey Dabi." Compress was standing in the doorway, and she could see Magne and Twice behind him. "How'd your walk around town go ?
"Went well. Nothing much. Nothing new."
The man nodded. He was tall, sun kissed skin under orange clothes and a black mask he never took off.
"Hey-o you guys! Shigarakis kind of right! We better get going!" A tall man with a another black mask and an energy Dabi didn't know how he had, Twice loomed over Compress, wearing all black and gray, though she could see some of his blonde hair shaping the mask.
"Someone's here gotta have a half a brain enough to listen to me." Shigaraki murmured under his breath.
Dabi rolled her eyes but didn't ague. They did need the money from tonight's gig. A couple more days and they would have enough to go to the next town. The owners husband had been kind enough to let them stay here, after all.
As they headed to the stage, Shigaraki and Spinner tuning their guitars while Himiko sat by the piano, Dabi thought she would miss this place. They'd been there for nearly a month, playing in every bar and every party that would have them. It was a small town in the countryside of the kingdom. But unlike others, it was a refuge for outcasts. You could find every kind of being there, from mages to vampires; from nymphs to elves. Rumor had it the town was protected by one of Akaruis most powerful crime families, and so no bigoted people dared to attack it. It was nice.
The woman had many reasons to want to be in monster town, away from the spotlights of the capital. A cold breeze came in through an open window, and with her eyes closed, letting darkness and coldness embrace her, she stepped onto the stage.
Burned Birdie stay true
Her lungs stang like they were being pierced by a thousand needles.
Burned Birdie stay here
Her lips were dry and her throat hurt.
Burned Birdie don't you prey on me, prey on me
The burned bird was her, and her fire had destroyed its feathers. She didn't want to think about it.
Burned Birdie stay true
The little crowd erupted in applause when the song ended. They'd been there for three hours already, in not so long dawn would be coming, and they were all tired as fuck.
The bartender paid them what the owner owed, not much, but enough. It had to be.
Dabi went back to the room she shared with Shigaraki, while Toga, Twice and Magne went to the room next door, and Compress and Spinner to theirs.
"Holy fuck I think I'm gonna die of thirst." The woman threw herself on the floor, but trying to out dramatic Tomura was never worth it. Motherfucker was a class A drama king.
"Not if I die first" He hit his head against a wall, got a bottle she knew he'd been hiding from everyone in his dirty clothes; and half stumbling, fell, lying next to her.
"Wanna cure your thirst ?" He waved the bottle in her direction.
She gpt it from his hand, laughing. She would feel more thrifty afterwards, her throat hurting even more, her lips even drier; she knew it. But hell if she cared.
"So you're saying Himiko's new hobby is… writing ?"
"Writing love stories, shiggy."
"Don't fucking call me that. So she was talking to Spinner and Compress, and ?"
"And she wanted to know how to write a… spicy scene with an elf."
"Why the fuck, an elf ?!"
"I think she's writing about her crushes." Dabi took another sip. "Do you remember that dancer who was said to have performed at the princes birthday? She said she can tell he's hot from a painting she saw. So she's writing about that."
"OK but what do they have to do with that ?"
"Well she approached Compress and my man Spinny and told them about her story. And the… and then…" Dabi was already bending in laughter from remembering the man's faces when they'd told her "Then Toga asked Spinner if he'd ever had a lover who was an elf. She asked for details Shiggy. Can you imagine their faces ?"
"Elfs suck" Shigaraki was smiling but seemed to be feeling bittersweet about the story.
"Yeah, kinda. They're hot thou."
Shigaraki made a disagreeing noise, but didn't answer. He looked lost in thought.
At times like this, Dabis thoughts could run free through her mind. The memories she kept in a small locked chest when she was sober, came to her like an ocean wave. But she didn't care. Couldn't bring herself to. For once those tiny, happy children in her memory were distant, not her, not her siblings, but something else entirely.
Shigaraki was looking at the ceiling next to her, clearly almost asleep. She could hear Magnes and Compress snoring. They would have to leave, sure, and she liked the little town of outcasts but as long as she had these freaks with her she'd be ok. No one else was looking after them, no one else would. Tomura was like a brother ( a bratty, annoying, one, but still), they had met ten long year ago, and build something on friendship, music and friendly fighting. Something she wouldn't trade for the world.
Yeah, Dabi had a brother.
More than one, actually, she thought as a bird entered through the broken window, and delivered her a letter.
She had no energy to get up, but she didn't need to. She'd read it tomorrow. The words would wait for her. She fell asleep with the letter in one hand and shigarakis empty bottle in the other.
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