#comrade the flu season has been terrible.
aalt-ctrl-del · 2 years
sometimes at the clinic we talk and stuff about the covids and the vaccine, but it is kinda a controversial take because outside break everyone is professional and in worksona, but inside break you can kinda derail and its chill to vent.
context background aside, a few people had to call out sick because they didn’t have the capacity to walk in and pull a full shift. The hours are intense and people are in and out to grab bites between patients. America yall.
But if they test positive for covid and have symptoms, techs cant come in. Makes sense. But a few had home tests and driveby tests, but had negatives, but still couldn’t come in due to the sicks.
The conclusion of my long and said tale. I mentioned how studies indicate erosion on the immune system from prolonged and persistent reinfection. And also how some people who had full blown covid (original? unspecified) had a reactivation of shingles - because zoster virus.
So that said about immunity, it isn’t impossible that these few individuals who have contracted random sick, did so to an alarming degree due to immunity erosion. Similarly to how measles can dump your immunity memory and make the next year a drastic inconvenience for anyone and any child who contracted measles.
But I don’t theorize that covid behaves, or that the typical immune system behaves the same way when it confronts a covid infection, as when the immune system may deal with measles. What the immune system in either case does is no way similar. But it could be the endothelial lining in the vascular system, or just in the epithelial tissue which is where rhino viruses and bacterial infections would concentrate, is eroded from the covid virus post recovery.
In the medical community - I have to research this more later since I haven’t really touched on it in a while - it is noted that there is immunity naivety, and the inability of the immune system to address covid in a safe method early on - before the virus embeds deeper into endothelial or epithelial tissues. The deeper the virus embeds itself, the farther it spreads in the surface area of tissue, the longer recovery, and the higher risks of a recovery from mundane infections from unrelated pathogens.
I attribute it to the abrasion the virus (covid 19) leaves in the vascular tissue. The deeper and longer the cut, the higher likely of a complication through infection from bacteria. This is especially so for those with complications such as diabetes or other ailments which compromise healing and recovery. Understandably, the body has a much more difficult time recovering from covid 19 than Omicron variants, but all the same scoring does occur in both situations. Those who recover from Omicron may be at higher risk of infection from the aforementioned pathogens - fungi, bacterial, viral.
Here is a current from CNN regarding covid 19 reinfections and the dangers X. 
“Common new diagnoses after reinfections included chest pain, abnormal heart rhythms, heart attacks, inflammation of the heart muscle or the sac around the heart, heart failure and blood clots. Common lung issues included shortness of breath, low blood oxygen, lung disease, and accumulation of fluid around the lungs, Al-Aly said.
The study found that the risk of a new health problem was highest around the time of a Covid-19 reinfection, but it also persisted for at least six months. The increased risk was present whether or not someone had been vaccinated, and it was graded – meaning it increased with each subsequent infection.” - 2022, Al-Aly
Naturally, the “we’re all gonna get it and get over it” crowd, failed basic microbiology. Did, in fact, never build a her immunity or sterilization, but primed a diverse demographic as the most fundamental (not most efficient) plague bearers.
And I guess if another country hated us a whole lot (vladmir putin), you couldn’t make a more convoluted way to spread and super spreader. And it is usually through facebook that ‘parents’ encourage covid parties.
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