#conceded my PC to SO because they're able to have more fun than me rn
silasbug · 2 years
.. i'm hosting a LAN for 6 other people at the moment and i dunno. i was really excited for it but i keep getting reminded of stuff because of their lack of afterthought or consideration and it sucks.
i unfortunately had to work the last three days from 16-21, but was happy to host nonetheless.
yesterday we wanted to order food, i asked them to pick out a place and let me know so i could tell them my order during my break at work- nothing. by the time my break rolled around i just managed to text them to ask about their decision- by the time i got a reply i was back at work and couldn't reply until i got off. got told that now it's too late, they'd already ordered. i was more than a little miffed, but at least we had leftover chili.
today it was planned that we'd be cooking something. nice. great. i was really looking forward to it. i get home to be told that nobody felt like cooking, they'd just gone out and gotten frozen pizzas or something. nobody bothered to let me know, not even a quick text, so i could actually organize some goddamn food for myself. thankfully i still had something in the freezer.
but god fucking damnit. is it too much to ask to just.. not be totally forgotten about? to actually be considered? i was so fucking hungry when i got home, the kitchen was a mess, nobody put anything away (stuff from breakfast was still on the counter), had to clean before i could even make myself something to eat because there was just.. no space.
it's bringing up a lot of bad memories for me, but i'm glad everyone's having fun otherwise.
well, mostly. not doing this again.
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