deathlywounded · 2 years
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Nikaido - Dorohedoro, by Q Hayashida.  She’s a dream. 
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deathlywounded · 1 year
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The original design of this series is a masterpiece.
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deathlywounded · 2 years
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I started a new game. It is tearing my heart apart.
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deathlywounded · 2 years
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“Endless World”, Jaryuu Dokuro.  It breaks my heart every time. 
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deathlywounded · 1 year
Feeder “You are a gluttonous beast. The scent of raw flesh sends you into a frenzy, and the urge to maim and devour is one you cannot ignore. Your bright pink flesh, exposed for the world to see, pulses with veins and exposed tendon. Skin has always been so restrictive, after all. A beast who reveals all its vulnerabilities is one who can more easily catch its victims off guard. If one were to use gentler words to describe you -if they could find them to begin with- they'd say you quite literally have your heart on your sleeve. Of course, meat is not the only thing on your menu. Bones are just as satisfying, and the scent of freshly-drawn blood on a battlefield is beyond intoxicating. Your constant, aching hunger leads you to be impulsive, to the very point of attempting to eat your own writhing mass out of desperation. You are a being of your very own destruction, and you relish in it.”
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