warrentrolls · 8 months
hi! just wanted to say another hello from a nostalgic place! i popped on to see tumblr has become twitter dashboard, but saw you were still posting and wanted to send a warm greeting from my old fantroll'ing days. I still use my little aliens here and there, in other forms), and i'm glad to see you still do too! Warm wishes, and happy Autumn tidings!
snf;; you are always so nice, i don't know you much but i always recognize ur url after all this time...
yeah this blog is a bit of a warehouse for interest posts these days... most of the fantrolls have been converted to ttrpg characters or just dolls i clack together in my brain when i'm tired but i don't think i can ever really leave them behind
and same to you, happy autumn!! my favorite season! <3 i hope it's gentle to you!
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fatedkings · 3 years
@conflagrationsstyle​     asked for a hibiscus sweetheart     //      ( *unknown )
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“ if you need to you can stay at my place for a bit—  it shouldn’t take that long though!   these things usually do not take that long unless they hide like little critters. ”    fingers motioning as mocking a spider for effect,    with a little insight on how hollows would normally cloak themselves in order to seek human souls there were few places near by that they could hide. however, orihime could not shake off the feeling she knew this familiar shinigami from somewhere...   “ sorry i didn’t even introduce myself, I’m Orihime Inoue! ”
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just-aina · 4 years
@conflagrationsstyle replied to your post “Aina has a problem, and she doesn’t want to talk about it.”
Absolutely not.
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burnishcd · 4 years
@conflagrationsstyle​ said:
🌜; 💃
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🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about 💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
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   ❝...I light matches and watch them burn when I feel like I miss being a Burnish. I got a few burn scars on my hands from a few accidents, but I tell people it’s because I’m not a firefighter.        I also had a few piano lessons when I was a kid.❞
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ardenssolis · 4 years
@conflagrationsstyle​​​ said (inbox):
"You act old, you don't look old. As far as I remember, you went to any lengths to remind me how young I was in comparison to you when aged experience was something you wanted to lord over me-"
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     DID BLAZE SAY SOMETHING? He honestly could not tell. She perhaps needed to speak up a bit rather than whispering. That could turn into a very terrible habit overtime if she was not too careful. Maybe later he would give her lessons on talking and being heard--
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lxgatus · 5 years
          HE HAD let the guise slip, under the assumption that he had a moment of privacy. Despite all the twisting roads and darkened corners, the humans in this world really DID have eyes everywhere, didn’t they? Perhaps this was going to be more problematic than he had first assumed. 
     THE human body flickered out of existence for what seemed to be only a few seconds before returning in full force, but judging by the crunch of dirty pavement behind him those few seconds were all it took. The Mahjarrat turned slowly, expression a neutral one. Even with his human body returned to him, the glint in his eye gave it a seemingly menacing glow, a stark contrast to how upbeat his voice sounded.
          ❝ YOU DO know that it’s rude to stare, right? ❞
@conflagrationsstyle sc.
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madburnishdetroit · 4 years
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Holiday List | Closed
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@psyncin-in-the-restrain​ said: Holiday List?
If asked, Lio would insist that he doesn’t need any gifts. He’d prefer a memorable experience over a present. Enjoying time with others and seeing the peace that came out of everyone’s combined efforts is more valuable to him than anything. This could include just having a party, going to a movie, a music concert, hot springs?? He’d call it childish, but if it’s snowing a snowball fight might be fun.
@conflagrationsstyle​ said: 📝
But Lio is only human. He can still be caught glancing through the windows of stores. I’m trying so hard to not mention Hot Topic. Forgotten Saints seems like a good brand name. He also likes sci-fi/horror stuff and music. He’d want a Galo de Lion model kit, but tbh he probably orders it the moment the pre-order exists.
@dangerous-times​ said: 📝
Lio wants 
Revolution ( ͡° _ʖ ͡°)
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matoiwielder · 4 years
[ slow dance ] for your muse to ask my muse to slow dance, with Utavel
Presently, a Christmas party orchestrated by Burning Rescue (mainly Ignis and Remi) was being held at FDPP. 
Galo had spent most of the night welcoming guests that were invited or friends he himself asked to come. Who else would he invite other than Lio and his buddies. He wouldn’t lie, he didn’t see Mad Burnish as party people but there’s no harm in coming, right? Plus, it was a good chance for them to get out and meet others. They were prone to staying close-knit and that still seemed to be the case. (Somewhat excluding Lio who would come to his side to comment on events happening at the party.) 
Once he was able to take a breather from flitting around the FDPP floor, he took a look at Lio’s friends still snug in a corner. Particularly one of them, Utavel, the science-y member on their side? Both of them were mere acquaintances, but he wanted to change that. With the party’s music changing to a down-tempo song, this was his chance. Galo would get her out on the dance floor! With nothing but that thought in his mind, he didn’t hesitate to stride over, extending his hand open towards her.
“Utavel! Would you like to slow dance with me?” He shouted, never truly knowing how truly loud he was and cutting into their current conversation.
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exitiumsuum · 5 years
Vibe Check! She produces the flurry of red lights and a song plays among them, projecting vocalizations and a melodic harmony.
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        While this also does little to contribut to the meaning of the phrase, he has to admit, this was perhaps the closest answer he would receive. There was something certainly vibing. Megatron watches the display, his engines voicing the contemplative hum that didn’t quite reach his mouth.
        “You continue to prove yourself a self contained collection of surprises, don’t you?”
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shadowtongued · 5 years
‘ i think maybe you’re the only person who really knows who i am and still likes me anyway . ’
@conflagrationsstyle //  some starter meme icr 
                            ❝ WELL, THAT’S REALLY DEPRESSING, ISN’T IT?” His kind has never been anywhere near adequate at EMPATHY or consoling others, ISOLATIONISTS at their barest form after a culture shock in their youth. “I’m more than sure you’re just being cynical,” he muses while busy looking over shelves and oddities with LURID eyes, pausing often to rest a claw on his jaw in contemplation. “You should probably get out more, mingle, you know. It can be EXHAUSTING, but someone is bound to take a shining to you. Weave a little web of social bits and bobs. No one says you have to like all of them.”
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wolfenge · 5 years
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makiscie-blog · 5 years
@conflagrationsstyle / cont.
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                        “Why...?”   Kurisu’s nails dig into her palms,   knuckles white and jaw clenched so tightly her teeth have already begun to hurt.   Why?   Was it not obvious?   Was Utavel so blind that she couldn’t see what this farce had done?   Kurisu’s chest is filled with an aching fire and she feels herself burning from the inside out,   feels herself crumbling to ash under the duress of a fury that she had felt only once before.
                        “Why?   Do you have any idea how it feels?   Did you ever stop to think about what your actions do to others?   What they’ve done to me?   Do you even care?”   She lifts her gaze to meet Utavel’s and a hint of regret touches her heart at the sight of tears.   She brushes it away.   Was it not deserved?   Did she not have the right to her anger and disdain?   Utavel had hurt her.   Had taken a pure love and gutted it,   left only a thin shell of what had once been strong and flourishing.   It was no different than what her father had done.
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                        “Do you think you can just do whatever you want without consequence?”   Her shoulders begin to shake as the emotions she’d kept buried all this time threaten to boil over.   “I cared about you!   I loved you!   And you used me!”   She can feel her own eyes getting wetter by the second but she doesn’t care.   “I’m only here now because you stood to gain something,   isn’t that right?   You never wanted me,   you just wanted to feel like you were good enough to be cared about,   and it doesn’t matter to you who you get that from,   does it?”
                        Kurisu straightens her back and meets Utavel’s gaze with a stare so unflinching she may as well be a painting.   The emotion has left her,   leaving nothing but a cold resolve.   She had been hurt enough,   she would stand for it no more.   Chestnut hair flutters delicately through the air as she turns away.   Utavel doesn’t deserve her time anymore.   Maybe she never did.
                        “Stop pitying yourself and be better.”
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burnishcd · 4 years
@conflagrationsstyle​ !!
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       ❝When I give you the mark, you run. Okay?❞    He might be cold, but he’s not HEARTLESS. It’s quite given, that when someone would need help-- No matter who they were, Lio would step in to help. 
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sacrimarked · 5 years
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                     --“You’ve been quiet today,   dear,”   her own voice is rough from overuse,   the days spent shouting over the sound of a crowd were taking their toll.   There weren’t many of them left,   but even those that remained were more than enough to drown out a single voice.   Abriell stretched her arms over her head.   Since the attack life had been nothing short of exhausting.   Sleep came in short bursts at best,   and her days had stretched from sixteen hours to eighteen,   then twenty.   Comfort came only in the fleeting sights of lovers as she hurried through the halls of her home.
                    “Come here,   tell me what’s on your mind.   I love to listen to you talk.”
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madburnishdetroit · 4 years
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RNG Christmas | Closed
@conflagrationsstyle​ said: 🎄
16. our muses getting drunk off of eggnog
Does anyone really like eggnog? Lio Fotia does. Utavel noticed him drinking a bit more than usual. The crowd around the table was chanting “Go Boss! Go Boss!” as he chugged down his fifth glass before slamming it on the table. It was quite impressive for a person of Lio’s stature. The guy sitting across from him was already lying facedown defeated. Lio’s chime-like laugh and smile made him seem like an entirely different person, and it might have been mesmerizing if not for the fact his sights were not set on Utavel. His narrowed gaze beckoned her. 
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“Utavel, you’re supposed to be good at holding your liquor, right?” It was a challenge. A challenge that everyone in the vicinity knew he would lose, but allegiances demanded that they continue to cheer him on anyway.
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gyobu-a · 5 years
@conflagrationsstyle   ( utavel )  //   sc.
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 Poor,  poor  soldiers  merely  doing  their  duty  fall  behind  her,  struck  down  and  set  ablaze  like  ants  under  a  magnifying  glass.  He  studies  her  past  a  wall  of  men  at  a  safe  distance.  She  doesn’t  look  like  anyone  who  would  associate  with  any  of  the  eastern  forces  —  or  ANYONE  he  has  ever  seen  for  that  matter,  he  notes.  Foreign  traders  were  not  all  uncommon  on  the  shores,  but  they  typically  kept  themselves  out  of  any  conflict.  It  is  surely  a  sight  to  watch,  but  it  would  be  unfortunate  if  he  let  the  entire  guard  be  killed.  
 “Lower  your  weapons,  you  fools,”  he  orders  the  soldiers  as  he  floats  through  the  commotion,  nearing  her,  “If  the  first  thirty  men  were  unable  to  subdue  her,  what  makes  you  think  you  will  be  any  more  successful?” 
 Men  quickly  back  up,  standing  shoulder-to-shoulder  to  just  about  form  a  hall  around  him  and  the  strangely  quiet  intruder;  typically  those  who  wished  to  invade  were  much  LOUDER  and  had  an  army  backing  them.  He  keeps  a  decent  distance  between  them,  lest  he  suffer  the  same  fate.
 “You  will  have  to  excuse  them  —  they  do  not  take  kindly  to  strangers.”  he  greets  her  such  a  gracious  tone,  it’s  as  if  she  didn’t  just  down  a  good  portion  of  his  troops  in  a  matter  of  minutes,  “If  I  may  ask,  what  brings  you  here?”  
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