#congrats chinaski
isoboto · 3 years
will you please fuck off back to wherever pit of hell you came from. it was nice around here for a little without having to worry about your ignorant racist ass. newsflash asshole! you're an idiot who can't stop talking out of her ass because you have nothing meaningful to say. need i remind to your precious followers that you've said multiple racial slurs, and now you're going as far as to make fun of a 16 year old girl who was murdered. fucking cunt kys and go to hell
- oh boy look at who is crawling back from hell to yell at a tiny insignificant blog lol. didn’t come on Tumblr for like 4 months and immediately got sent a welcome party when I got back. I am truly flattered. way to make me feel very important, girl
now, before we proceed, here is a visual representation of me at all times, in case you have trouble understanding who and what I am
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okay. ready? let’s go through your claims:
1) pretty sure none of my followers care or pay attention to tumblr drama -- neither do I.
you seem pretty new to this social media stuff, so let me explain: on social media, there is this thing called ✨Unfollow✨ if followers don’t like the content the poster is posting anymore, or ✨Block✨ if followers would like to never see the poster again. if you run into issues while unfollowing or blocking me, google is your friend.
i had always thought nobody cares about me, but it truly warmed my heart to know sjw anons care about me a lot.
2) I actually put a lot of thought into stuff I curated and wrote about. anything and everything you said/posted online is recorded, thus I wouldn’t put it on my dash unless I know for sure i could defend it.
but it’s okay if you don’t know that. it’s easy to miss when you only come to my blog to act all high and mighty.
here are the long posts I’ve written or shared. These, in my humble opinion, are an interesting read. Perhaps you should read them with some open-mindedness i’m sure you have.
- (Not) Taking A Knee, In Sports
- National Horny League Podcast
- Post-“Logan Couture Got Sucker-Punched”
- Bust the BLM Myth: Does the Majority of Black People Want To Defund the Police?
- Letitia Wright Should Not Have Apologized For Doing Nothing Wrong
- Hunter Biden & The Biden Inc. 
For interesting things I’ve shared, see this tag collection: Little Interesting Things. It’s a mix of hockey funny tidbits, wacky knowledge and political opinions.
3) ah, so we’re back to "Eva said slurs!!!" claim. are you the slurs anon then? (she gave herself the nickname, not me)
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unless you have new evidence on me saying "multiple racial slurs", your false allegations have been debunked here and here. You’ve earned your honourable Get A Load Of This Dumb Idiot badge for your top-tier fact-checking skill.
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The entire saga is tagged under Once Upon An Anon: SPECIAL! False Racism Edition! in case you want to refresh your memory
4) in references to this post: i mean, i don’t specifically make fun of the girl, i am making fun of how public opinion reacted to it.
here is a story that you might not have know or heard of because the media didn’t cry like a banshee about it: Ohio girl, 13, stabbed to death, and another 13-year-old girl is charged with her murder
and then the stupid blue checkmark twitter defending knife fights. oh oops i mean the Brilliant Intelligence, Big Brain CRT Defender
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Twitter thread
If the cops didn’t intervene, you have that a girl being stabbed to death by her friend. If the cops intervened (ie. yelling everybody to Get Down multiple times and had to fire his gun to protect the girl in pink), the media faked outrage.
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take your pick. whichever way the cops did, the media and the sjw would insert CRT racial justice bullshit in.
moreover, i’ll address this before you claim this and that: people claiming cops shouldn’t have pulled a gun, they hadn’t do their research into police work because police are trained to pull an equal or higher force on the suspect. Donut Operator and Officer 401 did very good job giving insights to how police work.
i am of the opinion police should be abolished and people should be allowed to freely armed themselves, like how Cheran works. but i will and can play devil’s advocate -- frankly because sjws can’t make up their mind. people shouldn’t own guns, and only police can. then when police deploy their guns -- regardless of context, it is automatically an unjustified shooting.
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isoboto · 4 years
literally a whole ass racist a whole ass 4? 5? blog posts defending ur moronic conservative beliefs
1) sorry, which post are you referring to specifically? which part of the post(s) do you disagree at? i put a disclaimer on everything that’s it’s my opinion. you can agree or disagree. so far, seems like you focus on the hating the general beliefs and unable to point out specifics that you disagree at.
2) also, excuse me, “moron”/”moronic” is an offensive word. it’s up there with the “retard” category. as an SJW, you should know better.
3) i’m actually not a conservative. centre-libertarian.
4) Have you heard of freedom of thoughts and beliefs? the ability for one to have their own beliefs system and should not be infringed? or does that only apply to people that readily agree with you?
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isoboto · 4 years
why do you sound like someone who's about to tell me wearing a mask makes me a sheep? (different anon here)
hey, you wear masks if you want. i don’t care if you want to wear masks. your body your choice, eh?
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isoboto · 4 years
*Insert that Frodo keep your secrets gif here*
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isoboto · 2 years
I am now very intrigued by your fic with Kris' clone (why didn't they replace him after his stroke? when did they start cloning people? why didn't they try replacing Sid post-various concussions? why aren't there way more cloned pens running around given how horrifyingly injury-prone they are?)
Ahhh, thank you for your inquiry. I was nervous the concept didn't get communicate well or intriguing enough.
the answers are below the cut.
01. why didn't they replace him after his stroke?
the penguins organization wanted to but the Duplicate wasn't of age yet. i think i forgot to mention the Duplicate's explicit age (in my headcannon he's 16), but Kris referred to the Duplicate as "kid", so there are a big age difference between them.
02. when did they start cloning people?
since Mario Lemeuix's 2nd-gen Duplicate existed when Kris joined his first training camp, a safe estimation is the technology (or at least, the cloning effort) starts around 60 yrs ago. Or, during the Cold War era. the military was mentioned briefly as having a hand in it.
03. why didn't they try replacing Sid post-various concussions?
by the time the story starts Sid was either already replaced or currently coexisting with his Duplicate.
if we assume all rookies have to sign a contract before the cloning can begin (ie. at 18), the players would be at 33 before the Duplicates are somewhat ready (at 15). sid is currently 34, so the timeline works out.
of course, this is assuming they edit genes and raise the kids from start to finish (which obviously means each Duplicate project costs a staggering amount of money). an alternative is they recruit hockey players that never see the light of the NHL to train, thus reducing costs. but the chance of the Duplicate being equally good as the Origins would be low. gene editing gives the lab more control over the subjects.
another reason why they couldn't replace Sid outright is because his existing influence. although on concept the Duplicate and Sid are one and the same, it's staggering for both the fans and the teammates to see a fresh face.
04. why aren't there way more cloned pens running around given how horrifyingly injury-prone they are?
there are. i didn't mention them all, but Kris said the original team that won the second cup were slowly replaced by "half-strangers". i think the term may be confusing, but it refers to Duplicates starting to be integrated in.
thank you very much for your excellent questions! i'd take them into consideration for revision/continuation of this AU.
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isoboto · 3 years
lmao call me an idiot but you're the one who can't understand that even though you're "quoting" someone who is allowed to say a slur, you yourself cannot say it. i don't care about social media drama but your ignorance and ability to be a fucking cunt amazes me. you're just one of those people who says they're open to debate but then claims everything offensive they say is just dark humour. you're as dumb as a 14 year old falling into the alt-right pipeline. also, take an english class.
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who is allowed to say slurs and where can i get my “privilege to say slur” card? 
you didn’t seem to read my explanation post well at all, because i clearly went in depth to explain why i said what i said. i could have passed everything off as a joke -- but i didn’t. the ability of being a cunt is to be able to defend and explain myself?
and i’m pretty sure alt-right wants to have more authority while i explicitly stated that i want to abolish the police lmao. your logic is baffling to me.
also: i actually passed my english class with my faulty grammar. thank you. when i get more money i’ll hire a professional proofreader to check all my tumblr posts
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isoboto · 3 years
do you know any centrist, non-political or right-wing people on hockey tumblr, or left-wing people who aren't super judgy about politics or players' politics? i have a strict policy of not talking politics on the internet, like hearing different perspectives and have friends of different political stripes, and based on what i've seen from people on here i think i'm probably gonna get cannibalized for not being woke enough sooner or later :|
good day, anon 😊
i don’t know any explicit centric/right-wing hockey tumblr. most of those who i followed is centrist-left or left-wing. at this point i follow people for content, not politic-affiliation even though i’m political.
i’m going off based on the content they posted on tumblr and the tone they have in their post:
1. @ivyleaguenerd -- left-wing, but they don’t like cancel culture. a very nice person
2. @heddy -- left-wing, but mostly hockey-content. they’re talented. definitely recommend to follow even if you don’t necessarily agree with their political stance
3. @doubleminor -- probably centrist-left or left wing, but again: amazing hockey-content. another person that worth a follow
4. @girouxes -- left wing. they explicitly stated their blog is hockey tumblr-focus, no drama. they reblogged something about “not welcoming toward bootlickers and racists”, and i don’t know what is their definition of “bootlickers and racists”. they are a pleasant person to follow, though, so i would also recommend
5. @crooked-silence -- my first friend on tumblr. centrist-left or leftwing. blog stated they are hockey/writing-focus. they’ve pruned their blog, and it’s as non-political as possible, which i take is a hopeful sign for open-opinions and discussion. CS is wonderful joy. i think everybody loves them.
6. [insert shameless self-promo here about me being a semi-anarchist and you can come here to talk at any time 🤣]
i apologize for the very short list.
thank you for dropping by and i wish you all well moving forward.
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isoboto · 4 years
i'm like two months late to the party, but what's all this discord sever drama about? i've been wanting to find a hockey rpf discord for ages but if there's drama then i think i might pass...
hello. i hope you have a good day 😊
i am not currently in any hockey rpf server, and i’ve only been in 2 hockey rpf servers (each lasts less than 1 month) so my experience is limited when it comes staying in a server.
the discord server drama of me bullying a kid was a case a misidentification. the incident happened after i left the server. from what i know: you have the Bullies and the Bullied. allegedly, the Bullies mocked a user as being a wimp and used the Bullied’s age as an excuse to make fun of them. the situation has been resolved.
the discord server drama that directly involved me that directly got me kicked/banned was political arguments. i picked the side that isn’t aligned with the popular stance, got deemed a toxic/racist/whatever-ist person, and got kicked.
my brief stay in each server indicated the atmosphere is generally decent enough. most are there to promote their fic.
if you’re looking to join a hockey rpf server, i’d say you will probably find a nice community. give it a try. some people never got into any discord drama.
my advice if you decide to join a server is:
1) don’t talk about politics, period. at a time where either you’re woke enough or you’re not, not disclosing your political leaning is the best bet. if a political discussion brews up, don’t participate
2) focus on what the server is about, writing & hockey-watching. those two main areas are almost always guaranteed not to be too toxic (versus in general chats)
3) if you ever got yourself in a tangled web of drama, don’t put too much weight on what others say about you. remember that leaving and rejoining the server later is always an option if you feel the server isn’t a positive force in your life
i hope you all well. take a leap of faith
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isoboto · 4 years
the mitchy marnie kid frm the server
dunno who that is.
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isoboto · 4 years
Demonologist and devil worshiper here- hell doesnt want you, we will kindly pass you over to the jesus fandom
nah. i don’t believe in jesus, man. that disqualified me from the jesus fandom.
we die and we get buried under six inch of dirt.
we might not run into each other, sadly. my hell is Buddhism of 7 levels of Inferno, yours is a failed revolution. 
send my kindest regard to comrade satan.
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isoboto · 4 years
lmao i don’t wanna b ur friend ur like everyone else in big chat to just sit n call me a moron and mock me when ur the clown running the whole circus here that is ur blog. hope ur not religious bc ppl as insufficiently incorrect as u r go to hell w plenty of evidence lmao
lmao as i vividly recalled, you were the one calling me a “moron”. and really, it amuses me how you think i mock you specifically lol.
i reply with all anon messages with pretty similar style -- sufficient sarcasm.
plus, this is my blog. my territory. if you don’t like it, you’re free to leave. you’re the one coming in talking and yelling -- i did my part as a host and spar with you.
anyway. we’ll die and go to hell. see you in there, babe. i’ll make hell fun again.
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isoboto · 4 years
also way to associate every anon who doesn’t like ur political opinions as me aka ‘literal racist’ anon but ok
it’s anonymous so i don’t exactly know your name, eh? my blog was pretty empty until a barrage of anon letters came in and i have absolutely no idea are they the same people or different people. there is no ID numbers or whatever. so excuse me for the wrong assumption (to other anons).
sign your name next time. just a thought, anon.
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isoboto · 4 years
did u shit on that kid in the rpf server who was actually 18 or smth
first, which kid are you talking about? and second, how would i know how old are anybody lmao?
i don’t make a habit of asking ages. i talk to people the same way regardless of age, race, and ideologies etc. you should actually talk to me sometimes aside from 2nd-hand impression and tales.
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isoboto · 4 years
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Anon: you calling floyd’s death funny
Explanation: incorrect. if you want to fact-check, at least do so correctly. i’m referring to the way people protest about his death as ironic. Because it is certainly very ironic that people remembering the kneeling that led to floyd’s death…..by kneeling. (it’s funny in a twisted sense)
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isoboto · 4 years
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Anon: you using the c slur
Explanation: again, did you notice the quotation mark? I’m quoting people.
Full context can be found in  A Controversial Opinion: (Not) Taking A Knee, In Sports
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isoboto · 4 years
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Anon: “you using the r slur”
Initial Explanation: Did you notice the quotation marks? I’m quoting people.
Revised Explanation: lol i just dupe myself.
check out this dumbass. Calling me for calling them out?
I actually went through my entire archieve and Ctrl+F “retard” and only one thing popped up. Guess what?
That’s right! Missing context! 
Applaud for top-tier fact-checking!
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