#congratulations on being the only good bard of void i now know
On one hand i'm glad that you aren't affected by people telling you to go fuck yourself out of left field, but on the other i kind of worry that this may be encouraging harmful behavior in regards to people who can't handle that kind of thing. i dont expect you to 'handle this' or anything by any means since it would be unrealistic and just as rude to ask or expect you to try and control other's behavior, the thought has just been sitting with me for a while and i wasn't sure what to do with it but i'm also not great at Not Saying It. I just don't understand why anyone would think that it's okay to just go and say to a stranger, even in jest- It isn't as if people would just magically know your intent and where you're coming from. Regardless, i wanted to say thank you for being a bright point in my day. I appreciate seeing you on my dash, even if it's mostly just disses and weird alleyfights. :] I hope yall have a nice weekend. -Bard of Void 🔸
yknow what? that is entirely fair. time for a psa!
hi guys! you know whats cringe? sending people you do not know on the internet hate. i am personally fine with it. i can handle pretty much whatever you throw at me. i do not care. some people cannot. if you think the way i handle hate is encouragement to do this to other people, think again! dont be a fucking asshole.
that being said, larger blogs and platforms are always going to get negative attention no matter what they do. im glad that i am here to deal with it around here, as opposed to someone who wouldnt handle it well. 
psa over, send in your regularly scheduled bullshit!
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