#connor┊єυи¢ιια ✽ *
aeviterncl · 8 months
✏️ + Marcel/Connor
MEME ┊accepting.
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Connor is the first relationship Marcel has had with genuine feelings involved that's also healthy, so it may take him a lot of time to adjust and be comfortable with his feelings being reciprocated—and to properly gauge the right amount of a response/action. He may overreact to small things and get super conscious of things he used to not even think much of before (ex. kissing, hugs, holding hands, being in the same space, saying he loves him—it all feels different when things aren't one-sided).
He literally won't be able to hide or mask anything he feels around Connor anymore. He has lied and deflected long enough, and he feels okay being vulnerable and genuine with him to the point where he really can't get away with a single lie ever again. His lies become very obvious.
He still very much regrets how he treated Connor in the past and he shamelessly tries to make it up to him even long after Connor forgave him. Most of the time, this manifests as him trying to give everything he can to Connor—lots of affection, compliments, gifts—and sometimes go past what he's actually ready to handle. IE. overcompensation to right wrongs to the point it can and most likely will irritate Connor.
If Connor ever sees his brand, I expect a bonding moment, considering how much that brand is tied to his fears in the first place. It would be something special for Marcel to take him to see his mother's grave (though this will be something long in the future after he has established he wants to spend the rest of his future with him—probably after engagement if it ever happens).
Sleeping on the sofa together might end up being a new form of comfort for the both of them. Before, it was something to be self-conscious of, but I feel the space would turn to something that felt safe and secure due to how often they might nap together really snuggled up while doing movie marathon nights (and falling asleep in the middle of them).
Hand-hand contact or kissing during movies? Probably frequent. After all, they've already established that their movie watching was really just a backdrop to have some time together or have excuses to talk to each other, so more intimacy would definitely be added to the list as they're now romantically involved.
Marcel would use cook some nice homemade dish to make sure Connor isn't wasting away during depressive episodes and nothing hits more like a good meal made by someone you treasure. He'd be practicing incorporating magic into the process to make a little show out of it.
Speaking of magic, little candle light shows as the day turns to night in the private space of their living spaces. As Marcel grows more confident in showing Connor more of his magic, I think he'd be more willing to talk about the questions related to his upbringing if Connor ever wanted to ask about them.
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aeipathcy · 2 years
“  not everyone is just gonna become another scar. some people will stay, if you let them.  ” ( connor to reanne )
It was basically a routine now for Reanne to call him over to chat or simply have company after work or a long day in which company would overall boost her mood. While it was exactly in her living room that she had confessed her feelings, she hardly cared to bring that up again. Rather, she had been replaying the words of that time. Connor had answered her, but it took her a bit to actually process what he told her.
In fact, she only realized it after that picnic that he had literally told her he liked her back. Like an idiot, she hadn’t really picked up on that until after she got caught up in the idea of being rejected. Thankfully, she hadn’t said anything stupid since then, but god how dumb was she?! Why did she assume every guy she liked would never look at her the same way? Did she somehow think that her feelings would never be mutual because of all those guys she dated in the past?
Today, the auburn-haired girl had taken to leaning on Connor’s shoulder as she cuddled up to him on the couch. It was somewhat of a quiet evening, with her not really talking too much as she mulled over how to fix the issue she started. Really, what moron confessed out of the blue like that and proceeded to not hear the answer because they were too caught up in their own head? Her, that’s who.
She finally glanced over at him when he spoke up to break the silence, ignoring the pounding of her heart when her gaze locked onto his. Ah, this must have been to continue where they left the conversation last time. 
❝ I guess they would, ❞ she agreed, ❝ but something in me says I don’t deserve those people. Something says I’ll hurt them if I let them stay, and I don’t want that. ❞ Her gaze lowered towards the cushions as she spoke, focusing on her fingers that were pressing into it in rhythmic intervals. 
But she couldn’t keep making the same excuses forever. How many chances to move forward had she let slip through her fingers by this point? 
To think she prized herself for being able to face things head on without being a coward and yet she did stuff like avoid love because of these lingering insecurities like some loser. She really needed to change that. How could she call others out when she was an absolute hypocrite? Pulling herself off of him she looked him in the eyes and placed her hands on his shoulders to summon her conviction into her next words, nearly pushing the boy too hard with her unchecked level of force.
It was time to change. Actually dating someone now would be the quickest way to shove away what her old friend trauma liked to remind her of—to replace old memories with new and relevant experiences as her therapist liked to say.
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 ❝ Are you sure you really want to date me? ❞ 
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aeviterncl · 1 year
Connor wasn't even sure if Marcel would be home, but it was worth a shot to actually be able to give him, his Christmas present on Christmas. The raven had sent the other a text on his way over, but there hadn't been a response. He knocked on the door when he arrived, planning to just leave the gift on the door step if his boyfriend had previous plans and simply wasn't home. Connor had all the time in the world when it came to the Holidays, but that didn't mean that, that stood true for everyone
UNPROMPTED ┊always accepting.
The whole day had been busy from the moment he had woken up that morning. While the Brändle household was not the type to celebrate Christmas, they still had festivities underway. For once, the father was home, the cat stayed indoors, and both of the twins were actually around the house. It was a rare occurrence for everyone to be able to see each other like this, and there was only one reason why the brothers and their father would set aside such a day to ensure they celebrated and saw each other face-to-face. It was the twins’ birthday.
In all the eventfulness of setting up the childish birthday decorations around the house and working on preparing a feast, it was no wonder Marcel had not even had the time to read his texts or notice his boyfriend called at all. He had noticed the buzzing of the phone in his pocket but he really had no opportunity to check what messages were being sent to him. While he wanted to check right away, he wouldn’t be able to until the workload diminished.
Just as the wizard was about to finally take a break and check the messages, his ears picked up on the sound of knocking on the door. As he was the one free at the moment, Marcel made his way to the front door and opened it, surprised to see his boyfriend there standing at the entrance. He could not hide the stunned look on his face, but boy was he glad to see him. Maybe it was the turn of their relationship that made him feel it, but the overwhelming happiness sprouting in his chest was clear as day.
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❝ I was going to call you after all the preparations were done, ❞ the wizard greeted Connor with a smile, ❝ you’re early but do you want to join us for dinner? ❞
It was then he noticed an item in the other male’s hand. Could that possibly be...? Well, it wouldn’t do any good to keep him waiting out here. Taking hold of Connor’s wrist, Marcel gently tugged him closer to lead him inside. Even if the package in his hand was meant more to be a birthday gift, Marcel was relieved he had also prepared something for Connor before he forgot Christmas was a thing.
Once Connor was safe inside and the door was shut behind him, the wizard led him over to the couch for him to sit. Leaving him for a moment, he went back to the bedroom he was supposed to share with Marie to grab the wrapped up gift he had gotten for him. Before long, he was back and sitting next to his boyfriend on the couch, eagerly holding out a wrapped box to him, ❝ I hope you like it. I wasn’t sure if you celebrated Christmas, but I got something just in case. ❞
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