#conrad marsdeen
kit-catrock · 2 years
My contribution to the ssoblr sexyman vote
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numberoneavalonfan · 1 year
there is so much angst material between evergray and conrad
imagine them being friends, very good friends even (!!!) when they both were druids, then Evergray gets banished and it makes Conrad so sad and confused and angry that THAT ALONE is the reason Conrad left hiding it under the fact that it's for mastering his blacksmith skills and dedicating his life to it (or smth like that)
and when Evergray comes back to him 20 YEARS LATER when at this point Conrad probably thought HE DIED and accepted he's never going to see him again - he gets protective when Evergray is close and always keeps an eye on him and gets extremely anxious when he's not around in fear of losing him again
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jorvikzelda · 2 years
WHY DID THEY CHANGE CONRADS NAME FROM MARSDEEN TO MAARSDEN????? I didnt even know this change occurred ive only ever known him as maarsden but ????? 1st of all marsdeen is such a weird name where did they get that from. 2nd why did they one day just decide to make him… more dutch????? or where is the name change coming from?? questioning my entire existence
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incorrectsso · 5 years
Conrad: Dark Core is about to get a serious ass-kicking from Dr. Conrad Marsdeen! That’s right. I’m a doctor. Ph.D. in ass-kicking, Bachelor’s in pain...
Conrad: And a minor in women’s studies!
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This morning when I was walking down to Conrad Marsdeen's smithy to pick up some tools I stumbled upon a very old friend of mine! This is Taco, he was born a few years back at Jarlaheim Stables. His mum sadly died a few hours after he was born and he had to move to Moorland so he could live with a foster mum. After that, I never heard of him and I assumed he had stayed in Moorland. The second picture is the last picture I had of him, until today.
When I asked Conrad about it, he told me Taco’s owner had died a couple years back and the owner's family has nothing with horses so they just left Taco in the pasture without doing anything with him. I feel pretty bad for him, he looks like he is a horse that really wants to work. Conrad gave me the family’s number so I might give them a call.
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rsenak · 7 years
Comic Update ?.
Okay hopefully this is the last one of these “asks”. @a-word-makes-me-crumble @crystalrainsmith @scarlett-greytree-sso @katelynsilvernosestarstable @annegreenbellsso @sso-duskhill @allison-nightstar @emilie-catnight @sso-sam @ifellfromthenightsky @daniellerivergarden @amira-darkhall @swiftseaequestrian @that-sso-raven @odettebissette @sso-eden-dawnvalley @laraeasthillstarstable @esmeraldashadowlord @sso-zelda-dusknight @astridbluenest-sso @sso-aliarchdotter please can you tell me how does your character feel about the folowing people? (It’s fine if they don’t know some of them) Forgot to make it a main point but in this AU-ish setting, do they know each other? Or just heard of them, maybe met personally, something like that..? Astrid Starwright Vera Lightmoore Crystal Rainsmith Scarlett Graytree Katelyn Silvernose Anne Greenbell Alessa Duskhill Allison Nightstar Emilie Catnight Samantha Waterwright Dakota Moonchild Danielle Rivergarden Amira Darkhall Kate Swiftsea Dakota Lightwood Odette Fauna Lee Eden Dawnvalley Lara Easthill Esmeralda Shadowlord Zelda Dusknight Astrid Bluenest Aaliyah Archdotter Colette Miststar ~ Elizabeth Sunbeam Avalon Fripp Lisa Peterson Linda Chandler Alex Cloudmill Anne von Blyssen Keepers of Aideen Druids in general Pi Mrs Holdsworth Witches in general Ydris Magicians in general Justin Moorland Thomas Moorland Conrad Marsdeen Bobcats            - Loretta            - Tan            - Julie            - Sophia           - All the otherss Josh Jasper Holbrook James (Cloudmill????) Herman Raptor Baroness Mr Sands Dark Riders (Nihili, Sabine, Jessica, Katja, Tenebris, Mortem Amarante, Eryn, Keres) Darko Garnok Dark Core GED Gary Goldtooth Sunfields Hermit Hightowers (?) (Madison, ect...)
+ Optional, listed a lot of the ingame NPCs but if you miss any of them, feel free to include them. ALSO if you would like to you can mention others from the tumblr sso community (I can make them appear as a side character once in a while or just mention them... hmm)!!
why is this post so messy I tried!!!
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amira-darkhall · 7 years
~ amira + relationships with the inhabitants of jorvik ~
stuck it under a read more so i don’t make everyone scroll through it but anyways, here it is! (sorry it’s SO LONG but i got into it hope you don’t mind detail)
all the other tumblr people/characters - amira gets along pretty well with almost everyone! she’s kind of shy, so even though she might be interested in getting to know people better, she doesn’t really have a best friend. elizabeth sunbeam - amira looks up to elizabeth like she would an aunt. she respects her a lot. even so, sometimes amira goes against her a bit, because she feels that the druids aren’t moving forward/making decisions as urgently as amira thinks they should be. avalon - amira’s a little bit unnerved by avalon, since she’s never seen his face and he’s very cryptic. fripp - similar to elizabeth, amira looks up to him but can get annoyed when the druids refuse to take immediate action. lisa peterson - amira doesn’t always know how to act around lisa, because while on one hand she’s famous and kind of a celebrity, on the other hand amira pulled her out of pandoria when she was weak and vulnerable. it’s hard to reconcile that in amira’s mind, so she can be a bit awkward around her, but the two get along fairly well. linda chandler - amira and linda bond over mutual interests and their similar personalities. the two are pretty close (they both love to read). alex cloudmill - amira wishes she was more like alex (confident, brave, etc.). they’re good friends, and amira has known alex the longest out of all the soul riders, so she feels comfortable around her. anne von blyssen - (is anne rescued yet?) amira doesn’t know much about anne. she doesn’t seem like the type of person amira would gravitate to, but she’s still a soul rider, so amira is curious about her. keepers of aideen - although frustrating at times, amira is proud to be in their inner circles. she takes their trust in her seriously, and hates to disappoint them. druids in general - amira wishes she knew a bit more about them. to be safe, she’s extra respectful when she has to interact with them, because she’s always unsure of what they’ll say or do next. pi - amira holds grudges for a long time, and she hasn’t really forgiven pi for turning her (however briefly) into a frog. she tries to avoid her. mrs. holdsworth - none of amira’s grandparents are still alive, and she misses them. mrs. holdsworth fills the role of grandmother, and amira often confides in her, or comes to visit. witches in general - amira is fascinated by witches. they’re quite secretive, so she’s really curious about them. ydris - amira regards him with a certain level of distrust. he’s unlike anyone else she’s met on the island, and his magic seems unpredictable. magicians in general - they’re alright. amira can’t always tell if they are capable of real, powerful magic or just really good at sleight of hand/stage magic, so she’s a little cautious around them. justin moorland - (after he’s been rescued) amira is worried about justin’s mental state, and doesn’t believe he’s anywhere near what he used to be. she’s suspicious of what they did to him on dark core. before he was taken away, the two were friendly. thomas moorland - amira will always owe him a debt for giving her storm. she stops by often to check on the stables and offer to help out. she feels tied to moorland since it was her first home on the island, and she loves the people there. conrad marsdeen - sometimes amira will hang around the forge just to chat/be annoying. she likes conrad. the bobcats - it’s been a long time since amira was a newbie at moorland, and she’s pretty friendly with most of the bobcats. she still doesn’t like julie, but she’s friends with all the rest, and she and loretta have even come to a grudging peace (loretta is not nice in my headcanon, she’ll always be her grumpy old self) josh - amira thinks he’s cool, and doesn’t understand how someone so calm can stand to be around the bobcats all day. jasper holbrook - amira actually likes jasper, and will stop by to visit/bring news from time to time when she’s in golden hills valley. james - amira kind of treats him like the little brother she never had. and even though he can be annoying and greedy, she respects the way he manages to keep fort pinta running (who put a kid in charge again??). herman - herman is amira’s trainer, since she works at jorvik stables. she has a huge deal of respect for him (is he still stuck with g.e.d.?). raptor - honestly, amira isn’t a huge fan. she likes weird obscure music and doesn’t think raptor has any talent. she doesn’t understand his cult following, and she doesn’t have a high opinion of his intelligence. the baroness - amira doesn’t know her very well, but the two are polite to each other. amira’s done her a few favors in the past, and she is always welcome at the winery. mr. sands - amira both hates him and is kind of scared of him. she’s frustrated that she can’t really do much about him, and dark core is often on her mind because of this. the dark riders - not their biggest fan. amira thinks katja is a creep and quite powerful, sees nihili as the biggest threat, and views sabine as more... human? they’re kind of antagonistic towards each other, since sabine is easily riled up, and they would probably get into petty fights. amira doesn’t know jessica very well. darko - for all the hype, amira doesn’t see him as the worst threat in the world. she thinks she could probably take him in a fight, and she’s scornful of his posturing as mr edgelord. garnok - amira’s worried about garnok, but she doesn’t really think about him directly. she’s more concerned with mr. sands and the dark riders, since they’re the people that need to be stopped in order to stop garnok. dark core - too many goons. amira knows the only reason they have any structure is the result of mr. sands’ influence. without him, they’d be useless. g.e.d. - at least they’re normal people. amira still hates them due to her love for the island, and she can’t wait until they’re gone for good. gary goldtooth - amira likes him, and wants to know more about where he came from. he seems to take good care of his horses, and that earns him another point in her books. the sunfields - if those hens get out another time, amira might physically fight filip. she thinks martina is a bit uptight sometimes, but she likes freja (and her cats). the hermit - amira likes him a lot. they have a lot in common (shy, love horses, etc.), and she spends time with him now that she’s won his trust. they mostly talk about horses. the hightowers - the adults and amira all get along pretty well, but she mostly spends time with madison. amira loves her, and understands what it’s like to be a kid with a lot of imagination, so the two are great friends and amira would probably kill for that kid (she’s never had any siblings and she’s very protective).
(extra) stein - stein and amira both work at jorvik stables, and they’re really good friends. he’s probably the closest amira has to a best friend. they often go riding together and hang out when they’re done with work.
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zdusk · 7 years
yo have some character relations!!
for @rsenak and her beautiful comic
Astrid Starwright - Considers Astrid a best friend; especially when she showed up to help herself and Justin after their dodgy encounter with...whatever happened by the ocean. Vera Lightmoore - Doesn’t personally know Vera. Crystal Rainsmith - Has spoken to Crystal a few times; and once played hide and seek with her. The game lasted for almost 5 hours. Scarlett Graytree - Doesn’t really know Scarlett, but has hung out with her once. Katelyn Silvernose - Doesn’t personally know Katelyn. Anne Greenbell - Has spoken to Anne a few times, but doesn’t really know her. Alessa Duskhill - One of Zelda’s best friends. Trusts her completely. Allison Nightstar - Has met Allison once before, but doesn’t know much about her. Emilie Catnight - Doesn’t personally know her. Samantha Waterwright - Doesn’t personally know her. Dakota Moonchild - Doesn’t personally know her. Danielle Rivergarden - Has spoken to Danielle a few times, but doesn’t know much about her. Amira Darkhall - Doesn’t really know Amira, but keeps seeing her all over the place. Should really talk to her sometime. Kate Swiftsea - Sees her around, but doesn’t personally know her. Dakota Lightwood - Has spoken to her a few times, and likes her. Doesn’t know much about her, though. Odette Fauna Lee - Doesn’t personally know her. Eden Dawnvalley - One of Z’s best friends. Probably the one to have introduced her properly to Justin. Lara Easthill - Doesn’t know her that well, but knows she’s a nice person. Esmeralda Shadowlord - One of Zelda’s best friends. Talks to her regularly. Zelda Dusknight - “Oh hey, that’s me!” Astrid Bluenest - Knows her well, but hasn’t properly spoken to her in a while. Aaliyah Archdotter - One of Zelda’s best friends. She could talk with her for hours. Colette Miststar - Doesn’t personally know her. ~ Elizabeth Sunbeam - Looks up to Elizabeth and respects Elizabeth. Avalon - Is a bit wary of Avalon. She’d feel a lot better about him if she could actually see his face. Fripp - Doesn’t know what to think about Fripp, but has an under Lisa Peterson - Knows Lisa well considering one of her best friends - Louisa McBurg - is her girlfriend. Linda Chandler - Doesn’t know much about Linda, but can hold a conversation with her.  Alex Cloudmill - Gets along well with Alex. They have a good friendship. Anne von Blyssen - Doesn’t know that much about Anne, but wants to get to know her. She’s in to her fashion, just like Anne. Keepers of Aideen - Is a little wary of all this magic business but is open to learn more about it. Druids in general - Is suspicious of the druids. Why do they always cover their faces? Pi - Has forgiven Pi for turning her into a frog, but still watches what she says around her.  Mrs Holdsworth - Loves Mrs Holdsworth to pieces. Will sit and talk to the woman for ages. Witches in general - They existence of witches sort of convince her more that magic is serious business. Hold them in high regard - she’s dealt with an angry witch once and never wants to do that again. Ydris - Doesn’t really trust Ydris all that much - he helped Pi and in doing so, helped Dark Core; the people who took her boyfriend from her. Learned to like him, as he is the boyfriend of one of her best friends. Magicians in general - Magicians are cool; knows Ydris is the only one who uses actual magic. Justin Moorland - Zelda’s boyfriend. Would take an actual bullet for this man. Thomas Moorland - Once Justin left, herself and Thomas got rather close - both of them grieving over the same person helped them make a friendship. Conrad Marsdeen - Likes the man, but thinks he could really use a break. Bobcats - Barely puts up with the Bobcats in general. Think they’re too self obsessed.           - Loretta - Loretta can be a bit...pushy sometimes. Somehow, the two ended up mutually respecting each other anyway.           - Tan - Likes Tan more than she likes Loretta.           - Julie - Doesn’t know her very well.           - Sophia -  Doesn’t know her very well.            Josh - Thinks Josh is cool. He taught her how to properly ride Western. Jasper Holbrook - A little wary of the old man, but he’s trying his best and has to give him credit for that. James (Cloudmill????) - Doesn’t like James that much. People like him have never been her favourite. Herman - Doesn’t know much about him, but she enjoys his company. Takes care of some of the Jorvik Stable’s horses while he’s been away.  Raptor - Doesn’t like his music, but is willing to give him a go as a person. Baroness - Respects the Baroness greatly. Mr Sands - Does not like Mr Sands. She gets a gut feeling around him that warns her to get away as soon as possible.  Dark Riders (Nihili, Sabine, Jessica, Katja, Tenebris, Mortem Amarante, Eryn, Keres) - Fights the urge to fight them on sight. Darko - Grew to put up with him considering a lot of her friends like him. Doesn’t see him as that much of a threat. even though he probably is Garnok - SInce Garnok placed that mark on her hand, she’s been almost afraid of the creature. She’s still nervous around large bodies of water. Dark Core - Loathes Dark Core with all of her being. They took Justin from her. GED - Dislikes everything they stand for. Came dangerously close to punching Mr. Kembell in the face once. Gary Goldtooth - Doesn’t know much about him, but loves to talk to him whenever he’s around. His stories of Firfall always enchant her,  Sunfields - She likes them, but really wishes they’d mend their chicken coop. Phantom has come dangerously close to standing on those chickens before. Hermit - She likes the Hermit. She thinks that him helping the wild horses is rather admirable. Hightowers (?) (Madison, ect…) - Zelda loves the Hightowers. It’s nice to see a functional, non-problematic family on this island. She treats Madison like her own sister.
Jack Wolfwatcher - One of Zelda’s best friends in the whole of Jorvik. Spends a lot of time with him.
Louisa McBurg - Met her through Justin, and the two started up a healthy friendship. One of Z’s best friends.
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spotty-lion · 7 years
Jack's Relationship with Other People
This is from @rsenak's form that she made for her comic. I'm not part of the comic, but I thought this would be fun to do.
Tumblr People:
Astrid Starwright - Quite friendly with her, hasn't spoken much to her but likes her company 

Vera Lightmoore - Doesn't know them

Crystal Rainsmith - Knows of her, but not personally

Scarlett Graytree - Doesn't know them

Katelyn Silvernose - Doesn't know them

Anne Greenbell - Doesn't know them

Alessa Duskhill - Quite friendly, hasn't spoken as much as others

Allison Nightstar - Name sounds familiar, but wouldn't say he knows them

Emilie Catnight - Doesn't know them

Samantha Waterwright - Doesn't know them

Dakota Moonchild - Doesn't know them

Danielle Rivergarden - Heard of them, but never spoken to them

Amira Darkhall - Heard of them, never spoken to them

Kate Swiftsea - Name sounds familiar, but never spoken to them

Dakota Lightwood - Doesn't know them

Odette Fauna Lee - Doesn't know them

Eden Dawnvalley - Name sounds familiar, never spoken to them

Lara Easthill - Could have sworn that he's spoken to her, but wouldn't be able to tell you who they were

Esmeralda Shadowlord - Has spoken a couple of times, quite friendly with them

Zelda Dusknight - Best friend. He doesn't know how he would cope without her 

Astrid Bluenest - Is aware of them, spoken to her once

Aaliyah Archdotter - Quite friendly with them, enjoys her company and conversation 

Colette Miststar - Doesn't know them


Elizabeth Sunbeam - Friendly, regards her with respect, but holds some animosity towards her for not acting as quickly as he would like

Avalon - Same as Elizabeth, although he regards the Druid with caution, there's just something about him

Fripp - Constantly has to remind himself that a squirrel is the leader of the Druids, friendly with him though

Lisa Peterson - Hasn't much in common with her, but he can hold some sort of conversation with her

Linda Chandler - Very friendly, gets on the best with her, shares a love of books and quiet time

Alex Cloudmill - Likes Alex a lot, can hold a good conversation with her

Anne von Blyssen - He can't wait to find her, but has a feeling that she'll piss him off

Keepers of Aideen - Gets on well with all of them
Druids in general - Regards them with caution, but has no problem with helping them out

Pi - He's okay with her, not someone that he would go over to and have tea with by choice, but is pleased that she isn't evil anymore

Mrs Holdsworth - Loves her to bits, sometimes goes over for tea and cake, is like a grandmother to him

Witches in general - Treats them with respect, but is cautious about them

Ydris - His boyfriend, loves him to pieces, would do anything for him

Magicians in general - Is used to the magic from Ydris' company, so any magic doesn't scare him

Justin Moorland - Finds him a bit thick, is grateful to him for providing a home when he hadn't anywhere to stay, but can only just about stand his company

Thomas Moorland - Likes him a lot, almost a fatherly figure to him, sympathises with him about losing his dunce of a son

Conrad Marsdeen - Likes him a lot, sometimes visits to help out with making new horseshoes

Bobcats - Cannot stand any of them, finds them insufferable and hates that he has to talk to them when he needs to train at Moorland. Finds that they whisper about him whenever he's around, especially with Z or Ydris

Josh - Likes him a lot, finds him very friendly and easy to talk to

Jasper Holbrook - Hasn't quite forgiven him for threatening to shoot him when he stepped onto his land that one time, but doesn't mind his company 

James Cloudmill - Really dislikes him for being such a little money grabber, but doesn't mind his company all that much
Herman - Loves him to bits, like an uncle to him, is desperate to save him from GED's clutches 

Raptor - Really doesn't mind him. Has no opinion of him, but thinks his music is okay 

Baroness - Likes her, not all that much, but doesn't mind spending time with her

Mr Sands - Finds him creepy as hell, is confused about why he helped save Justin, but he still doesn't trust him

Dark Riders - Just waiting for them to do something, doesn't like them, and is glad that he doesn't have to see them a lot

Darko - Detests him. Has no other feeling towards him but hate

Garnok - Is scared of what it could do, but is confident that it won't appear any time soon

Dark Core - They annoy him a lot

GED - Mrs Drake makes him want to commit homicide. He doesn't like them

Gary Goldtooth - Makes him laugh, cannot wait for him to bring back some more Jorvik Wild Horses

Sunfields - Hates the fact that they rely on him to round up the chickens, but doesn't mind their company

Hermit - Likes him a lot, is grateful that he gave him Potato to look after and is pleased that they have come to a mutual almost friendship

Hightowers - Likes them a lot, very friendly with all of them. Very protective over Madison and gets very pissed at Erik for not believing her about Nightdust being taken away, but has warmed to him now that he has accepted that she was right
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cat-winterfield · 8 years
ok I really like conrad marsdeen but god he's pretentious
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kit-catrock · 11 months
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numberoneavalonfan · 1 year
afraid that if i color this it wont look as nice
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old man conrad my beloved
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numberoneavalonfan · 1 year
there was an idea............
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numberoneavalonfan · 2 years
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numberoneavalonfan · 2 years
galloper chasing conrad because he slightly looks like jarl................
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numberoneavalonfan · 2 years
evergray and conrad are like those cool gay uncles that are better than your actual parents
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