hansuoddie · 14 days
i had to do it guys..
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reyadawn · 4 months
GUYS 😭😭😭😭
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night-for-night · 8 months
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jersey city morning - yashica mg-1 & expired 100 iso e-6 slide film - developed at bleecker digital & scanned with minolta dimage dual iii
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whispering-kavka · 4 months
hee hoo i got an idea for an npc today meet the seer and excuse the shite quality for this is a screenshot and not a saved png file
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what i got on them during the first 30-40 minutes of existence: >a seer is not a magical skill one is born with, it's a profession. once all the procedures and rituals are done, the seer sees what nobody else can. >one can become a seer if they posess certain qualities. most desired trait among potential candidates is heterochromia, particularly blue/brown. if the previous seer retires and no one in the population has this trait, the board sets up a festival with a lottery. >anyone can be a seer regardless of nationality, religion, gender and race. with one exception: warforged cannot be seers. one might think they would be an ideal candidate, not minding the conditions and being able to serve for a long while, but their non-biological body is an issue for the board. >the chosen seer will have their eyes removed. in their place mirrors will be installed. their hair will also be separated into six parts and braided into the pillar behind them. >the pillar functions as a job contract. the seer cannot move from their post unless they cut their hair. there is a minimum time a seer must serve and that time is marked by the lenght of hair. by the time they can reach the brass scissors on the opposite side of the room, they can choose to part ways with their post and return to normal life. some choose to remain there for longer, some until their death. >why would anyone let themselves be trapped in one place for several years? besides the painful surgery resulting with permanent loss of sight and being bereft of freedom, it's a pretty cushy position. the seers garner a lot of respect and have all their needs met. they are well taken care of by their attendants who bring them good food, drink and things of that nature + their families are granted a sort of allowance. they also receive expert healthcare they would not otherwise had access too in normal circumstances. most seer applicants come from the poorer parts of society that wish to escape poverty by any means necessary. parents frequently try to make their children become seers so they can live an easier life.
>despite the relatively nice living conditions, the stress of being bound to a place for too long and the inability to move around too much can lead to loss of sanity. the current seer started digging with their hands on the ground next to them, breaking nails and tearing the skin and flesh. she has not lost the clarity of mind, but there is a lot of pent up tension that needed to find an exit. not everyone takes well to this lifestyle, but there are instances of ex-seers who walked it off just fine. possibly those whose hair grew fast, but who knows.
>all seers who died a seer get a special burial. their body is embalmed and taken on a procession to make them experience the outside world for the last time. after that their mirror "eyes" are removed and their body is laid in a brass sarcophagus at the place of the seer's origin. the portrait of the late seer is hanged on the gallery wall of their post.
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liimonadas · 3 months
finally got my oc proper references... you know... for the occasion...
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geffenrecords · 3 months
i miss oregon so much
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conretewings · 1 year
Trying to rekindle my writing spirit. Got some ideas for my own material and the poor poor asks languishing in my inbox.
No I haven't forgotten them.
Yes I feel like trash about how long they've gone unanswered.
Stay tuned.
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goldsocks · 1 year
I don't. I don't want to show solidarity with a nation that pours concrete into the water sources for thousands (maybe millions) of people
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subsequentibis · 1 year
[strangled sounds of absolute incandescent rage hidden by a tightly stretched customer service smile]
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
The Children Groomed in Romania for the UK Sex Trade - BBC News
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Phillip Werren
from the lp Electronic Music
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horizonandstar · 2 years
ok yeah i’ve also been bouncing around “what if i put the sun and moon blorbos into my oc world” and honestly there’s nothing concrete i have yet so here’s some ideas:
1) sun and moon are still animatronics and wake up to an unfamiliar world years in the future after y/n manages to charge them and wake them up. they now have to adjust to a fantasy world where magic is real and also everything and everyone they knew is dead and buried because of the apocalypse that happened lifetimes ago
2) sun and moon are humans, and made a shrine in their backyard to see what minor deity would claim it. y/n, the god of rebirth, claims it instead. as the god of rebirth, 1 of their main things to do is live a new life like really often, which makes them an especially slippery god to catch, even for the other gods. honestly there’s 2 ways this can go afterwards
2a) y/n goes “oh cool!” and proceeds to live their newest life near the boys
2b) they stay as a god for a while, because they want a bit of a break, and make friends with some humans. this is new to them because they’re not a human making human friends, they’re a god making human friends
but god y/n would find it funny that sun and moon’s household worships the sun and moon gods :V theyre like “oh lol the sun and moon themed twin humans live in a house that worships the sun and moon themed twin gods” (y/n might also debate going “fun fact! the sun god is dead. half of your worship is going to waste”) (sorry soli but 1 of you has to die and i let lumi live instead)
oh yeah there’s also a lot of dead gods here. that’s the source of the apocalypse itself. the planet itself is hell of a lot colder than it used to be because the sun god is dead (ice age... 3!). death, ocean, etc, theyre all really messed up thanks to the sudden vacuum in gods
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sanguine-sadist · 2 years
Time to visit my partner again soon. Literally the day after I arrive is going to involve a pub crawl, which is. Exciting.
Surely I will behave extremely normally around the love of my life who I have not seen in months while intoxicated. What could go wrong.
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waloeders · 2 months
and if i said shiggy/my s/i song ⁉️⁉️
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concretewalldesigns · 4 months
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Faux Concrete Wall Panels vs Real Concrete Finishes:
#fauxconcretepanelsvsrealconcrete #fauxconcretewalls #fauxconcretepanels #fauxvsrealconcrete #fauxconcrete
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fresh headcanon hot off the grill: before wallter became addicted to drinking concrete, he was just a really tall guy named walter
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