#cons: has the political compass of an edgy 12 yo boy who just wants to say whatever upsets the most people
badolmen · 8 months
Minor lie on that post - I’m pretty sure the most expensive piece of clothing I own (not resale value, how much was paid) is this red dress from Macy’s. It was late, we had just finished The Mall Run (Christmas shopping with ALL of my siblings for my mother’s gifts as is traditionally headed by my father every year). We’re on our way out of Macy’s to the parking lot and I see this lovely red dress - black underslip and a red lace pattern top. I go up to it and literally say out loud “ooo pretty” flip the price tag and say “ohhhh less pretty.” I’m pretty sure it was around $165? Anyways Dad had me round up the kids and take them to the car while him and my older sister finished paying for the Macy’s gifts. I didn’t think anything of it until I opened a gift Christmas morning and saw that he got me that dress. I literally cried about it. And like, even now that I’m out and he gets the Dyke vibes I still bring it home with me to wear on Sundays because dammit I still like dressing femme and I want my dad to know I still love this dress.
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