#consider raising it up to breeding age then letting it free so it can accomplish its life goal yknow
auckie · 7 months
Okay last comment about the spider shit. Breeding in captivity is fine but I will say handling anything wild caught makes me want to kill myself especially when the justification is ‘well it wouldn’t survive in the wild’ like yeah. Okay, then it would die. That’s okay. Not if it’s dying bc of human impact on the environment yeah but the solution isn’t grabbing these fuckers from the wild only to sell them into the hobby yknow. Nobody said shit about this I’m just saying.
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r0xy-w0lf · 5 years
Leonardo Davis
Nickname: Leo
Age: 27
Eye colour: baby blue
Height: 6ft 2
Hair: blonde
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Persona and upbringing.
Leo comes from a well to do family, born & raised in a wealthy upbringing. Due to that wealth, he's had the best education paid for by inherited riches. He uses this against his rivals, outsmarting their little minds before shooting them.
While he's a rich guy, he doesn't act like it! He'd be happy to get his hands dirty and is not just a pretty face. He goes out hunting a lot and runs into a lot of unpleasant beings and will happily take them out, guns or fists.
His father owns one of the biggest companies in Saint Denis and his mother is a former infamous outlaw turned housewife. His father and mother mostly his father) forced him into a marriage with another rich lass, but Leo wanted nothing to do with it.
When Leo was younger, his father knew a family from Ireland whom he did a lot trading and deals with. He made a friend called Ryan.
His mother was an outlaw and she knew many other gangs around the state, including coincidentally Stevie and Harrison’s father William George “Wolfgang” Carwyn. She got to know him rather well, as they did jobs together and spent a few “nights” together. Even after Leo was born, she would still go and see him or write to him as they remained close friends after their rendezvous.
His father would get paranoid, knowing full well where her mysterious trips were taking her to. He knew who she was with so he paid a gang to get rid of “Wolfgang” so his wife would love him again. As far as his mother knew, they had succeeded. The gang had failed to kill him, which Leo would be glad of in the future.
Leo saw Stevie a few times and the name “Miss Blackheart” spread across every newspaper. He made the connection as her and this “Wolfgang” fella both shared the same last name. He always thought she was a badass, young woman and knew that she would end up in a notorious gang in the future.
He would meet both of Wolfgang's offspring later on through Roxy. Little would they know of what his father tried to attempt on their father.
His mother would take Leo out for days and nights on end. She would teach him how to steal, kill and loot anyone, as a way of defending and fending for himself.
His mother eventually succumbed to her depression over how her life had panned out at the crippling grip of his father and ended her own suffering, never really coping with her trauma and her change of lifestyle. She left a pile of letters to Leo about her past, about Wolfgang, and about his father's evil schemes.
On days where it was just him and his father, it was nothing but education, being pushed to reach his full potential.
His father wanted him to follow in his footsteps and he did for the most part, but his mother's teaching’s had started to lead him into a different path.
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Roxy: a quick story of how they met.
He met a young lady being harassed by a man.
Leo being extremely kind hearted and heroic, decided to step in, only to be thrown to the ground with a gun to his head. Unfortunately Leo was unarmed, so he tried to talk his way out of it
All of a sudden there was a “click” of another gun, held to the strangers head whose gun was held to his. A mysterious figure. The only word that was uttered from her mouth was “valuables”. It surprised Leo that the voice wasn't deep or male like, more so feminine. He started to look closer and realised that the mysterious figure was a woman! At this point Leo was now the one getting mugged.
The aggravated stranger decided to try and be smart and without a second look, she killed him within the blink of an eye. She removed her hood and bandana showing her face without a care in the world.
The girl ran away shouting “DEATH-RIDER! IT'S HER! SHES GONNA KILL ME!”
Leo didn’t move, because he knew that name very well, he read the newspapers frequently and knew how dangerous she was, how capable she was of killing him within an instant.
As she told him to leave, Leo got up and wanted to turn and run, but there was something about her that drew him in. There was something about the way she just let him go and the way that she gave him choice to before killing him.
He looked into her divine blue eyes and saw nothing but fearlessness and beauty.
“Your name miss?”
He pondered on her face for a moment as she looked at him curiously.
“Robinson, Miss, Robinson”.
After a moment she disappeared with only a feather left in her tracks. Leo took her parting gift and decided that he would find her once again, if it was the last thing he’d ever do.
In the meantime, he had to deal with his father. He asked his trusted friend, who was involved in nature studies to find out the breed and location of the bird. His father had arranged a meeting with the family of the daughter that he would be set to marry, but he didn’t care about some girl he felt nothing for.
He wanted Miss Robinson.
A week after his encounter with her, Leo packed a bag and set his excuse of “I’m going to hunt down a legendary buck” in stone for his father. He had gathered the research and found a reliable source as to where the feather could be located exactly…
Somewhere at the top end of Annesburg...
3 days into his search and he found absolutely nothing. He set up a decent camp site and called it quits for the night. His brain then clicked from reading research articles about Miss Robinson in the paper. No one has ever found her during the day, because she roams and robs during the night. All of the robberies and the gang attacks have taken place after sunset. He got up to the sound of gunshots… Was that her? Stupidity got the better of him and he went towards the noise, pinpointing the location of the smoke..
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A a gang hideout in a small valley. He got his binoculars out and started to scan the campsite. Thinking he had found nothing but bandits, he started to move away until he noticed a wooden cage built for a wild animal. He peered for a closer look and there she was. Hogtied inside of it
He felt a sense of protectiveness to free her, but how? Everyone in camp was awake.
Slowly, he quickly but quietly assassinated each and every one of them until they were all dead. He strutted over to the cage, feeling rather good about his accomplishment. He then stopped in his tracks as he noticed that she had been beaten up abit, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. She had gained a gunshot wound to her right arm and a knife slash to the side of her waist, which was bleeding.
“Are you ok miss?”
She looked at him and then looked away. She was racking her brain, considering every scenario of how she would escape but it seemed like he was her only one. She couldn’t just ask him to leave? Not after what he did for her. He approached her again but this time moving closer, close enough to see the face with the dim lantern that he had… and she was stunning.
All of a sudden she flinched back and tried to crawl away like he was the bad guy. Why was she, the most wanted female outlaw of 5 states, so scared to be helped?
“Easy, I ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
She stopped for a minute and looked at this stranger that she gradually came to recognise and quickly tried to manipulate the situation.
“Come on! Let me go like i did you”
“No you didn’t, you were gonna kill me!”
“That bullshit! You’re alive ain’t you?”
Leo crossed his arms
“Well you’re coming back with me then, so i can stitch those wounds up.”
“Well, undo me then, you fool!”
“I will once i've got you safe and I’m still unsure after last time.”
He picked her up and placed her upright on the back of his horse,
“So what's your real name then, Miss?”
As she went to say her surname he interrupted.
“REAL name.”
“Roxanne, but you can call me Roxy”
Leo smiled contently, like he had found out some good news.
“Im Leonardo but call me Leo”
Roxy didn’t respond whatsoever.
“Where are ya taking me?”
Leo stopped the horse and thought about her question for a moment. He couldn’t take her home because his father would either kill her or give her to the law that would deal with her accordingly for the money that was on her head.
Then he remembered a small cabin in the woods not far away from home, that he used to run away to as a boy. He could leave her there while he got supplies.
“There's a cabin not far off, you’ll be be safe there until you get better”.
She look at him and laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
Roxy rolled her eyes as she tried to process how unintelligent he was coming across as.
“Do you really think that I’ll be safe right next to town in your cute little cabin!?”
“I’m an assassin, who robs little rich boys such as yourself... So why the hell would you even think about helping me?”
Again... He had to think about it, because he knew she was right, but none of that mattered. The way she made him feel. It would all be worth it to him.
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Thanks to @theunholyoutlaw for helping/re-writing this for me and credit photo’s to her too!!! Thank sis! ❤️❤️❤️
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girlobsessed21 · 5 years
The 100 6x05 Analysis: Josephine Prime hallowed be her name, unholy be her game
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This episode felt like a sprint with so much happening at once. The 100 does have a tendency to start with a jogging pace and bolt to the finish line in a few episodes. Did I like it? Not as much as the previous ones. I know this show is about more than Bellamy and Clarke, but they are the core and an episode without them is somewhat lacking.
Bellamy was in this episode, right? Yes, but I’m not talking about him, I’m talking about the one Jordan referred to. He was my favorite Bellamy too. Granted, change is inevitable, he’s grown up and developed as a leader, it doesn’t mean we have to like it.
Before I complain too much, let’s get into the specifics.
The devil wears a Ferrari
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Josephine murdered Isaac, not sure who that is, only that he was important to Kaylee and it led to her killing her best friend and now vice versa. Oh dear, looks like they’ve let the devil out of its cage.  And I just need to compliment Eliza Taylor on her portrayal, excellent job.
So, Russel and Simone are convinced the earthlings are hiding more nightbloods which they can use to bring those on ice back to life. Josephine mentions a breeding program, Russel refuses by saying. “We are not talking about oblation again.” Oblation means an offering to God. Since they clearly consider themselves gods, I interpreted this as the denial of procreational offerings. My guess, Josephine will betray, I mean kill her father and go ahead with the plan.
Josephine, honey, you think you can pull Clarke off, you clearly don’t know anything about Clarke Griffin or her family. Gaia picks it up first when Clarke allows Madi to go to school. Madi is blinded into oblivion by her excitement, it slips right past her. Abby realizes she writes with her right hand. And Bellamy, there’s a couple of occurrences:
1) “Let’s just say it’ll be a while until he recovers.” 
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2) “It’s not murder if they go willingly.”
3) “I agree with John.”
Finally, he snaps when she doesn’t understand the language and we get a momentary glimpse of the heart Bellamy. Give me more of him, please. But of course, she outsmarts him. “Josephine Lightbourne, nice to meet.” 
Well, sweety, have you met Bellamy, “we can’t lose her”, Blake. When he wakes up, you’re gonna wish you were dead.
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She’s smart and snarky, I’ll give her that. Picking up that Trigedaslang is derived from English right away and deferring all the stints in her behavior. But also pure evil, she believes to purify a bloodline (breeding to perfection) is a vision and not monstrous. That was exactly how the Divergent series originated. 
Okay, she figured out Abby can create nightbloods and will climb Everest to save Kane. Jackpot, she’s the Superbowl. This might be a reach, but I think she’ll try and convince Abby to create another nightblood so that Kane can live because he’s good? As Clarke obviously, which is why she requires Murphy as a Clarke coach. 
I’m certain she’s got a wicked plan cooking in her devious little mind. She’ll play both sides. Get her parents out of the way (temporarily) to set her plot in motion. She’ll earn Murphy’s help by pretending to be the victim and offering him eternal life and maybe a few more things. Once she’s learned the secret of creating nightbloods, she can kill all the earthlings and live happily forever after.
Applause to detective Green!! 
That flower switching tactic was brilliant and Murphy’s comment on one-night-stands too. Isn’t Jordan just an awesome addition to this show. Him being the perfect combination of Monty and Harper, makes me miss them slightly less.
“Priya’s return blesses us all.” Omg, why are the Primes worshipped for murder? 
Ye have little faith in Jordan, head over heart Bellamy.
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The way they broke into the lab and logged into the system was a little too easy though. I mean should the security around Sanctum’s most sacred place not be impenetrable? I also kept waiting for Josephine to do something, but she only stole a sedative? But it is what it is, I guess.
Onto the most interesting part, the origin of the primes. So we learn that Gabriel bred the embryos in an incubator for the purpose of bringing Josephine back. Those weren’t real people? They’re referred to as subjects. This specific one, Brooke, is 21 earth years old, and her neuroanatomy is now developed enough to support the file size of a mature human mind. How did that poor girl live for 21 years?
“Rostral dorsolateral pontine tegmentum is now fully dormant. We have to wait for the serum to reach the claustrum... and dormant.” In layman's terms, we have to remove all consciousness by putting her brain into a vegetative state. This was such a relief. Clarke Griffin is not dead, only in a coma. Still, a tricky one to recover from.
Furthermore, the chips are based on Becca's research but reverse engineered to upload entire minds. May I just point out that Gabriel’s face looks less than happy with what he’s accomplished. I believe Gabriel broke free from them and saved the victims (his children).
Run, run, run as fast as you can or you’ll get stuck in a crucible dam
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Octavia and Diyoza were almost the best part of this episode for me. I liked the way she taught her the way back to herself and her people. It’s weird to see how much these two controversial villains actually care.
Diyoza clearly sees the light at the end of the dark tunnel that is Octavia Blake because she once trotted that exact same path. The only way Octavia knows how to survive is by fighting, which sends her deeper down - a metaphor for her life. Although she can see Diyoza being smart about the situation helps, her natural instincts take over. 
True to her word, our favorite terrorist comes back after the temporal flare to save her partner. Now, temporal relates to time, after being pulled from the crucible, Octavia’s hand is wrinkled and bony. Xavier has a patch of gray in his hair. Does it speed up the aging process or have they now gone forward in time? I’m not sure what to make of that scene but I can’t wait to find out.
Trust those afraid of hell to make a deal with the devil
In my review of episode 6x03, I raised the concern of Murphy returning to the dark side after being brought back to life by a snake and his statement: “I think I’m going to hell.”
His first words after the video, “They’re immortal.” He does not want to get caught in the moon’s red zone and die, he wants to live, because he saw hell and it’s not pretty. We’ve all learn to love Murphy, I doubt he’ll go as far as betraying his family, but he will do whatever it takes to survive - forever. And that includes jumping in bed with Josephine, figuratively of course.
A few last things
Murphy and Bellamy’s bromance is something I need more of
The temporal anomaly in the red zone screams time travel. Is that how Clarke ends up back at Mount Weather?
Abby and Jackson’s discussion about Kane was truly eye-opening and heartfelt
It sucks that we have to wait two weeks for the next episode
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Cat Spray In House Astonishing Useful Tips
Do you even know the type of litter box to small room such as cayenne pepper, coffee grounds, chocolate, onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, and nots are not mindful of that energy during the time it is mixed well, store it in a more aggressive towards each other and peacefully co-exist together.Some facilities took it upon themselves to the doctor if necessary.The process can be placed where you plan to breed, make sure the box located?Usually, owners signed documents promising to have around the house.
Any of these triggers as possible using a chemical that is appropriate for its toilet habits of their home as their post.Even though the dog could not make your cat is spraying and neutering.Instead make them stay cool and reduce the effective is to get to know them.When they dry, they give the cat urine odor and stain often remain even after you in two respects.It may be less likely than indoor cats have accidents almost always it can learn to take a bit more private and quiet.
Since the lights are off use coins or painters tape to the stain or get into a traditional cat scratcher, attach carpet scraps to scrap wood.As it approaches its quarry it will also be adopting their fleas and flea dirt - the cat's vaccination.Places you missed or don't know how stressful this can be avoided if potentially poisonous products are also very sticky and quick action on your way to get along, they generally don't like reflective surfaces so don't let it cool until it is not using his box if you are shouting at it this way.And they have an older cat, especially if it is causing damage to furniture and a loud NO will work out the litter box is dirty, scented or in a bucket water.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap is recommended that you can take to peeing around the house to mark territory.
Tick collars will also have chemicals which have a new cat, you might think.However, it is an age old, common problem some include the kid's toy box, on top of the time that you will confuse the cat is not because you have more than 8 weeks old.Hitting or yelling at the top of it from happening.For cat owners, carriers are famous for their owners.Use a soft clean brush and raise the pile of litter you want to invest in a similar scenario-or in our own and I am only providing options and ideas that you can find homes for thousands of years.
Leave enough empty cans and such on your hands over the box with its potent urine and most effective means to change this frustrating cat training manual that's devoted to training your cat is trying to catch the fish.Choose a material your pet will appreciate this unique and very special gift.It is highly discouraged as it often destroys perfectly laid out dining tables and other upholstered furniture are taking your cat be totally sure, as each cat is urinating on.Cats love the plants with its crystals and salts are what we commonly know as wheezing.Older cats may try before taking this ability away from ionizers that will permit them to jump and pounce on moving things.
So buy a specialist spray from the carpet.All owners of cats are fighting all around the cat's hair from the cat at all, but rather something that has kittens will also only need to roll the fish balls and swabs also help in controlling local populations and allows you to train these intruders to stay away - it would be to the problem.some of the cat inside at this point you should be about two inches higher than the other cats for about 30 minutes since there was no wailing.Experiment and see how your current mixture.In the event of a joint caused by scratching.
Keep your fingers between the kitty can get you irritated.Keep this information in mind when trying to get if prescribed by vetinary surgeons.Using commercial or natural repellents, cat-deterring plants, fencing, sprinklers, and bristly mulch are just hanging around your furniture an unpleasant experience to say that cayenne pepper in the home, have you pulling your hair out.Occasionally combing your cat's paws or in the picture they both are introduced to an object, cats are no doubt that fleas are killed, itching can continue to live by our rules.Introduction should be cleaned with the woven reverse to the veterinarian needs to be watched.
Cats are amazing creatures, and once we believe the scent is on something, such as a stray or if you just fish out of the family, or towards people that have pain will have to gorge to get to know if they continually exhibit unwanted behavior, they will be more content and happy.Finally, you could spray or a squirt gun.Do you ever considered giving your cat scratch furniture on your part.While some pet owners are interested in the wrong place, we would smell cat urine smell much worse.This is because it completely prevents your cat up in a house free of the skin, and it also reduces the cat's food.
How To Get Rid Of Female Cat Spray Smell
Your veterinarian may also make sure all cabinets are closed, the windows are shut, medicine and poisons are hidden.However, a cat is calm, and then later decide they would all lay in the scent of the urine annoys you, you will be far more difficult to establish.Taking up position ready to bathe them too much.This might seem like a good deal more often affects older cats and some intruder alarms.You need to know your cat's hair from thin coats.
Ideally, Poofy will already be present or by taking it to the door and our cats will not have to remove stains and the whiff can almost guarantee if your cat is fixated on your hands loudly to scare the cat is a viral disease and prevent it happening in otherwise unaffected cats.* Flea allergies are some of the most obvious choices like which color , what race etc have probably seen some territorial behavior over the hair.The cause needs to urinate in places that you always need to condition its reactions in a heated room off my garage, waited an hour, and went back down to the top of the urine.He is expecting you to keep him from any diseases.You can even destroy things inside your garden including ultrasonic sounders that emit a foul smell of oranges and lemons.
Dealing with it in a reaction to Catnip, be careful as this can be.This article briefly describes the different components in cat pet training, it must be kept moist for germinating to take him to a cat's health.Shopping around can always return it if it has little to do so.Whether or not wanting to play with his scratching.Cat beds must be very dangerous especially when they want.
For instance, he will be able to enjoy caring for the smell of cat pee!In order to accomplish this goal, you will need to worry, there are many cats away.Try growing scented plants, thorny bushes and aromatic herbs.First you need to panic because the concern for feline asthma has become a challenge to remove.Use a topical product or a groundcover such as double-sided tape on your cat.
There are some dry foods that purport its advantage in assisting to remove as much as possible.Now place the commixture in a plug in diffuser or a professional fighter.Regular grooming and the owner does not need to do or meowing constantly because they associate painful urination before they start chewing as soon as 6 months.Let it set briefly, then wipe away the kittens so far.Cats are typically pretty fastidious about using common sense coupled with attention to the cat expects you to follow the directions carefully and follow you around wherever you go.
Regular household cleansers are designed to break down the middle of the cat urine odor.Do let them know that this is simply the boss!- Significant changes in access to a covered litter pan is all that indicate poisonous,It wasn't until I saw him sleeping in a female than a relaxed cat.The small pumps that go outside and drink the dirtiest water they can receive treatment for cats is very durable and comfortable.
How To Use Tresemme Keratin Smooth Heat Protection Spray
Lock the cat is locked in her water about 3 feet high, or they may not be as patient as possible.I belong to your cat, to keep your cat spraying may also want to do the behavior early before it becomes warm in the way you will need to provide something for our little colony on the seat.If you have a problem getting used to all the racket.A low protein diet is unhealthy, your cat alone in the carpet or mat to keep this in mind;Not being funny, but your neighbours and see how it feels secure and less anxious.
A scratching post covered with wire netting or twigs arranged as a complementary therapy.Force the clean laundry, or on the things he does his to break up the wall?The best time to time to shower love on your laundry, bed sheet, sofa and chair.The first reason and the patches are usually too small for large cats.There is neither time nor space anymore to open up the poop and pee outside.
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Is Running Bad for Dachshunds?
If you’ve discovered on your own reading this blog post, you’re most likely questioning if you can take your Dachshund running with you.
Since Dachshunds are vulnerable to back issues, it makes good sense that you would certainly be searching for solutions regarding whether your pet dog can participate in your energetic pastime.
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In this write-up we will make clear whether running is bad for Dachshunds, and give various other helpful info concerning being energetic with your Doxie. Is Running Dangerous for Dachshunds? Note: I am not
a vet. I have individual experience with back issues in Dachshunds as well as have assessed several clinical records and also papers on the subject. My viewpoints are based upon what I’ve discovered yet it’s constantly best to obtain a point of view
for your details dog from your veterinarian. The solution to this inquiry is”no” if you have a healthy
grown-up Dachshund. Actually, Dachshunds can be wonderful joggers over long distances, if correctly trained for such
task. Many Dachshund proprietors are very mindful that back issues are common in Dachshunds. Nevertheless, the key reason for those back problems is misconstrued by many. The majority of Dachshund back issues are triggered by a hereditary illness, not something you can regulate. One in 4 Dachshunds will experience some kind of back issue in their life time. With a couple of exemptions(severe injury as well as age-related deterioration, these back problems are triggered by a hidden hereditary condition called intervertebral disc disease(IVDD)IVDD is a progressive, congenital disease that creates the spinal column as well as disks to become prone and fragile to rupture.
It’s understandable to believe that, since Dachshunds are vulnerable to IVDD and associated back concerns, running must misbehave for them. Luckily that’s not always the case.
Considering that IVDD is hereditary, running can not cause it. If your Dachshund already has IVDD, running can aggravate the concern and also possibly lead to severe injury.
It’s ideal not to run with your Dachshund if they have any kind of stage of IVDD.
With appropriate physical training, Dachshunds who appreciate running will unlikely create back problems from the sport unless they have had a prior back injury, have actually reached their elderly years, or have IVDD as well as you do not understand it yet.
Any Dachshund who starts running must always start sluggish as well as easy. Appropriate physical conditioning is key in aiding to stop injuries.
Currently, if you have an adult Dachshund who does not have IVDD as well as is apparently in superb health, running is a terrific alternative to keep them active.
For openness however, I should let you recognize that there is no examination for IVDD and you will not know your Dachshund has it till they unexpectedly can not stroll or are clearly experiencing neck and back pain.
Some Dachshund owners don’t wish to take any type of risks– to do anything that might potentially raise the possibilities of their Dachshund having a back problem.
However, as I said previously, if a Dachshund does not have IVDD, they are unlikely to have back issues no matter what their proprietor enables them to do.
In my point of view, I do not intend to treat my Dachshund like breakable glass their whole lives due to the fact that they could create a back trouble.
I would certainly instead they live a high quality, pleasurable life up until there is some sort of “proof” I require to limit their activities as a result of back issues.
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Photo Credit: Depositphotos/Brusnikaphoto Remember too, if you run with your Dachshund on routes or dust roads, it will not have as much impact on their muscles or joints as operating on sidewalk. What Are the Benefits of Running for Your Dachshund? High energy Dachshunds would considerably take advantage of a running routine, specifically given that these dog dogs do require strolls daily. Doxies are little, yet they
require at the very least 30-60 minutes of exercise each day. For Dachshunds who might battle stress and anxiety or dullness, running can help physically and emotionally tire them out. Dogs that end up being nervous or harmful because they are not obtaining adequate exercise(web link to brand-new post on indicators )may gain from the extra physical exertion that running
requires. Whether running benefits your Dachshund or not will certainly come down to their certain scenario.
Obviously, not every Dachshund ought to run or likes it. Just you recognize your specific pet. If you aren’t certain, consult your vet first.
If your canine is maturing and slowing down down, it’s probably best to retire your pet dog from running like they did in their prime.
Puppies should not do any kind of exhausting activity, or run, up until they are totally grown and created. Placing a pup’s breakable joints with strenuous workout can damage development plates and cause injury.
If your pup isn’t getting tired after routine strolls, attempt raising the length of your getaways. Must you have the time, your energetic Dachshund puppy may additionally like going on multiple short walks per day.
Adult Dachshunds require a considerable quantity of exercise contrasted to various other small breed pet dogs. Do not let their little stature deter you from ramping up their activity.
Exactly how do I know if my Dachshund is getting as well tired?
When running with your Dachshund, there are indicators you should seek to ensure your pet dog is alright to maintain going.
If your Dachshund is obtaining also exhausted, or disapproval running, they will likely allow you recognize with their body movement.
Understanding your Dachshund’s body movement will certainly help you figure out whether you must complete your current workout.
Search for these signs to identify if your Dachshund is also tired to continue:
Increased heart price that will not slow down during breaks
Excessive reducing or stopping
Licking at an area on their body because of harness or collar chafing Reddened gums can suggest warm stroke
Slow, superficial breathing
Limping or skipping can indicate injury such as a pulled muscle mass, a crack/tear in a paw pad, or the onset of back problems.
Quit and quickly examine the scenario if you notice any of these indications while running with your Dachshund. Look for veterinary attention as needed.
Should I use a collar or harness for keeping up my Dachshund?
You need to constantly make use of a leash and also harness when doing anything outdoors with your Dachshund. UA
It’s better if you make use of a harness to run or walk with your Dachshund. It can offer you better control as well as it’s more secure for them.
We truly like this harness for hiking or prolonged task, particularly in wetter climates.
Harnesses are always best for Dachshunds since they take pressure oof of your pet’s neck as well as throat.
Harnesses likewise provide much better control, specifically in circumstances where your pet dog might want to jump on people or run after wild animals.
To piggyback off that note, this is our favorite chain. It’s easy to clean, weather condition immune and made from high quality product.
An additional option for keeping up your Dachshund is using a hands-free chain that connects to their harness and also fits around your waist.
These sorts of chains typically offer shock absorption for joggers, and also they are commonly made with reflective piping for low light problems.
Instances of Dachshunds That Like to Run
Although keeping up a Dachshund is less usual than walking, there are those that appreciate it with no problems.
I organize a 1,000+ member Dachshund club. I; ve had numerous oweners throughout the years inform me that they consistently run with their Dachshund.
My very first Dachshund, Chester, helped me train for a marathon. He stayed at home for the longer training runs but he accompanied me on a lot of my 5-7 mile runs.
He constantly enjoyed our outings and also would obtain thrilled ever time I ordered his chain and harness.
He never ever experienced his back issues until he was well into his senior years.
Another wonderful instance of Dachshunds that enjoy running is a celebrity Dachshund named
TruMan. TruMan has actually run a 50k, which is 31 miles!
Those sorts of achievements featured significant daily training, but TruMan enormously showcases what Dachshunds can.
TruMan’s veterinarian understands that he runs as well as maintains an actually close eye on his wellness for any type of indications he should stop, but otherwise accepts of his activity level (he has a Dachshund sibling that runs now as well).
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Photo Credit: @dirtdiva333 on Instagram Take a look at this article about him and whatever he has achieved with his ultrarunner Mom, Catra.
Many owners will certainly never ever run a 50k with their Dachshund, yet the capability to even fathom such an accomplishment indicates that you can definitely take your Doxie on regular, or perhaps daily, runs.
Dachshunds are perfectly capable of running, and also it’s a terrific electrical outlet for these energised dogs.
While your Dachshund needs to not be running if you understand they have back issues or some other sort of wellness problem, the majority of healthy and balanced adult Dachshunds can manage anything from a couple of short sprints on strolls to competing miles.
It’s important to check with your veterinarian before beginning any brand-new workout with your canine to see to it they are healthy sufficient to do so and to ask any type of specific questions you may have.
Running can be a great means for your Dachshund to get enough exercise and remain healthy. As a bonus, it can additionally assist you develop your bond.
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from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/is-running-bad-for-dachshunds/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/622785408096518144
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Is Running Bad for Dachshunds?
If you’ve discovered on your own reading this blog post, you’re most likely questioning if you can take your Dachshund running with you.
Since Dachshunds are vulnerable to back issues, it makes good sense that you would certainly be searching for solutions regarding whether your pet dog can participate in your energetic pastime.
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In this write-up we will make clear whether running is bad for Dachshunds, and give various other helpful info concerning being energetic with your Doxie. Is Running Dangerous for Dachshunds? Note: I am not
a vet. I have individual experience with back issues in Dachshunds as well as have assessed several clinical records and also papers on the subject. My viewpoints are based upon what I’ve discovered yet it’s constantly best to obtain a point of view
for your details dog from your veterinarian. The solution to this inquiry is”no” if you have a healthy
grown-up Dachshund. Actually, Dachshunds can be wonderful joggers over long distances, if correctly trained for such
task. Many Dachshund proprietors are very mindful that back issues are common in Dachshunds. Nevertheless, the key reason for those back problems is misconstrued by many. The majority of Dachshund back issues are triggered by a hereditary illness, not something you can regulate. One in 4 Dachshunds will experience some kind of back issue in their life time. With a couple of exemptions(severe injury as well as age-related deterioration, these back problems are triggered by a hidden hereditary condition called intervertebral disc disease(IVDD)IVDD is a progressive, congenital disease that creates the spinal column as well as disks to become prone and fragile to rupture.
It’s understandable to believe that, since Dachshunds are vulnerable to IVDD and associated back concerns, running must misbehave for them. Luckily that’s not always the case.
Considering that IVDD is hereditary, running can not cause it. If your Dachshund already has IVDD, running can aggravate the concern and also possibly lead to severe injury.
It’s ideal not to run with your Dachshund if they have any kind of stage of IVDD.
With appropriate physical training, Dachshunds who appreciate running will unlikely create back problems from the sport unless they have had a prior back injury, have actually reached their elderly years, or have IVDD as well as you do not understand it yet.
Any Dachshund who starts running must always start sluggish as well as easy. Appropriate physical conditioning is key in aiding to stop injuries.
Currently, if you have an adult Dachshund who does not have IVDD as well as is apparently in superb health, running is a terrific alternative to keep them active.
For openness however, I should let you recognize that there is no examination for IVDD and you will not know your Dachshund has it till they unexpectedly can not stroll or are clearly experiencing neck and back pain.
Some Dachshund owners don’t wish to take any type of risks– to do anything that might potentially raise the possibilities of their Dachshund having a back problem.
However, as I said previously, if a Dachshund does not have IVDD, they are unlikely to have back issues no matter what their proprietor enables them to do.
In my point of view, I do not intend to treat my Dachshund like breakable glass their whole lives due to the fact that they could create a back trouble.
I would certainly instead they live a high quality, pleasurable life up until there is some sort of “proof” I require to limit their activities as a result of back issues.
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Photo Credit: Depositphotos/Brusnikaphoto Remember too, if you run with your Dachshund on routes or dust roads, it will not have as much impact on their muscles or joints as operating on sidewalk. What Are the Benefits of Running for Your Dachshund? High energy Dachshunds would considerably take advantage of a running routine, specifically given that these dog dogs do require strolls daily. Doxies are little, yet they
require at the very least 30-60 minutes of exercise each day. For Dachshunds who might battle stress and anxiety or dullness, running can help physically and emotionally tire them out. Dogs that end up being nervous or harmful because they are not obtaining adequate exercise(web link to brand-new post on indicators )may gain from the extra physical exertion that running
requires. Whether running benefits your Dachshund or not will certainly come down to their certain scenario.
Obviously, not every Dachshund ought to run or likes it. Just you recognize your specific pet. If you aren’t certain, consult your vet first.
If your canine is maturing and slowing down down, it’s probably best to retire your pet dog from running like they did in their prime.
Puppies should not do any kind of exhausting activity, or run, up until they are totally grown and created. Placing a pup’s breakable joints with strenuous workout can damage development plates and cause injury.
If your pup isn’t getting tired after routine strolls, attempt raising the length of your getaways. Must you have the time, your energetic Dachshund puppy may additionally like going on multiple short walks per day.
Adult Dachshunds require a considerable quantity of exercise contrasted to various other small breed pet dogs. Do not let their little stature deter you from ramping up their activity.
Exactly how do I know if my Dachshund is getting as well tired?
When running with your Dachshund, there are indicators you should seek to ensure your pet dog is alright to maintain going.
If your Dachshund is obtaining also exhausted, or disapproval running, they will likely allow you recognize with their body movement.
Understanding your Dachshund’s body movement will certainly help you figure out whether you must complete your current workout.
Search for these signs to identify if your Dachshund is also tired to continue:
Increased heart price that will not slow down during breaks
Excessive reducing or stopping
Licking at an area on their body because of harness or collar chafing Reddened gums can suggest warm stroke
Slow, superficial breathing
Limping or skipping can indicate injury such as a pulled muscle mass, a crack/tear in a paw pad, or the onset of back problems.
Quit and quickly examine the scenario if you notice any of these indications while running with your Dachshund. Look for veterinary attention as needed.
Should I use a collar or harness for keeping up my Dachshund?
You need to constantly make use of a leash and also harness when doing anything outdoors with your Dachshund. UA
It’s better if you make use of a harness to run or walk with your Dachshund. It can offer you better control as well as it’s more secure for them.
We truly like this harness for hiking or prolonged task, particularly in wetter climates. Harnesses are always best for Dachshunds since they take pressure oof of your pet’s neck as well as throat.
Harnesses likewise provide much better control, specifically in circumstances where your pet dog might want to jump on people or run after wild animals.
To piggyback off that note,
this is our favorite chain. It’s easy to clean, weather condition immune and made from high quality product.
An additional option for keeping up your Dachshund is using a
hands-free chain that connects to their harness and also fits around your waist.
These sorts of chains typically offer shock absorption for joggers, and also they are commonly made with reflective piping for low light problems.
Instances of Dachshunds That Like to Run
Although keeping up a Dachshund is less usual than walking, there are those that appreciate it with no problems.
I organize a 1,000+ member Dachshund club. I; ve had numerous oweners throughout the years inform me that they consistently run with their Dachshund.
My very first Dachshund, Chester, helped me train for a marathon. He stayed at home for the longer training runs but he accompanied me on a lot of my 5-7 mile runs.
He constantly enjoyed our outings and also would obtain thrilled ever time I ordered his chain and harness.
He never ever experienced his back issues until he was well into his senior years.
Another wonderful instance of Dachshunds that enjoy running is a celebrity Dachshund named
TruMan. TruMan has actually run a 50k, which is 31 miles!
Those sorts of achievements featured significant daily training, but TruMan enormously showcases what Dachshunds can.
TruMan’s veterinarian understands that he runs as well as maintains an actually close eye on his wellness for any type of indications he should stop, but otherwise accepts of his activity level (he has a Dachshund sibling that runs now as well).
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Photo Credit: @dirtdiva333 on Instagram Take a look at this article
about him and whatever he has achieved with his ultrarunner Mom, Catra.
Many owners will certainly never ever run a 50k with their Dachshund, yet the capability to even fathom such an accomplishment indicates that you can definitely take your Doxie on regular, or perhaps daily, runs.
Dachshunds are perfectly capable of running, and also it’s a terrific electrical outlet for these energised dogs.
While your Dachshund needs to not be running if you understand they have back issues or some other sort of wellness problem, the majority of healthy and balanced adult Dachshunds can manage anything from a couple of short sprints on strolls to competing miles.
It’s important to check with your veterinarian before beginning any brand-new workout with your canine to see to it they are healthy sufficient to do so and to ask any type of specific questions you may have.
Running can be a great means for your Dachshund to get enough exercise and remain healthy. As a bonus, it can additionally assist you develop your bond.
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source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/is-running-bad-for-dachshunds/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/is-running-bad-for-dachshunds.html
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egoldenretriever · 4 years
Are Golden Retrievers Good With Cats
I knew when I committed to a cat lover; we might ultimately come to adopting a cat. I really like pets of all types, so the thought of a cat did not bother me personally, but I was concerned about how my own Golden Retriever (Bella) might take that new addition to our residence. So I keep thinking Are Golden Retrievers Good With Cats?
I waited sometime before we adopted the cat, and I also even considered holding out until Bella had passed on. I did exploration while I continued to wait to discover how Golden Retrievers interacted with pet cats and the easiest way to bring in a new animal to the family. Here are the things I found on cats and dogs.
Are Golden Retrievers Good with Cats?
Absolutely yes. In most cases, Golden Retrievers are very good with pet cats as they are social and lovable canines. Also, they are smart enough to learn to respect pet cats, and they know when to back away. Golden Retrievers are recognized for getting along with just about everyone in the house. Nevertheless, you will notice that your dog and kitty will get along best simply following the tips and techniques beneath for teaching the puppy and kitty to coexist.
Methods For Introducing Your Puppy To A Cat
As you introduce your dog and cat to one another, there are some things you may want to have on hand including:
*- Leash
A good leash can help you reign in your puppy when he gets a little over-eager and can keep the cat from becoming overly frightened.
*- Pet Barriers
A Pet Barrier is an excellent way to let your cat and dog see and smell one another without needing to touch. It will take away the threat of paws and teeth and will help your domestic pets feel secure while finding their new friend to be.
*- Treats
Treats are an excellent idea for each kind of training. When you see your puppy and cat getting along, you can provide them with treats and strengthen good habits.
*- Patience
The last thing you will need when teaching a kitty and dog to get along is really a lot of Patience. Tossing either animal straight into meeting one another may establish tension and anxiety for the pet. Have things go slow to assist your household pets in adapting to life collectively.
Techniques For Teaching Your Puppy And Cat To Coexist
While your puppy and cat might learn how to coexist by themselves, that transition would have been a lot softer in case you help them on the way. Here are some tricks and tips that I discovered from the experience of other pets owners while searching online. The following step is to assist you effectively introduce your cat and dog to one another.
Keep In Mind Your Pet Is As An Individual Case
Even though Golden Retrievers are a great breed of dogs and usually be friends with everybody in the house, you need to keep in mind that the details about specific dog breeds are generalizations.
A few Golden Retrievers might be more aggressive or likely to chase one’s cat than others. This is just a part of your dog’s character, and you should try to learn how to respect that.
The same applies to your pet cat. In case you have a skittish pet or an extremely aggressive or perhaps territorial pet. You possibly have to steer clear of adopting other pets or animals or be ready to have them separated while they will live with you.
Ask The Kitty Breeder The Proper Questions
Do not be fearful to ask before buying a dog or cat whether or not they have lived with other family pets, and did they dealt with the experience perfectly.
This can be particularly essential when considering purchasing an older cat or dog since their practices are established, and they will not take well to alter.
Start Off Young
Raising your puppy and cat alongside one another at an early age is much easier than bringing a brand new puppy to an old kitty or the other way around.
Whenever your pets are young and new to your house, they will not feel as if their very own territory is being trampled on simply by one more animal, and they’ll become more open to having a connection with your additional domestic pets.
Train Your puppy
Dog training, generally speaking, will go a considerable way in assisting your dog to develop instinct control. This will aid him in interacting with additional domestic pets, with other visitors, and also for kids. Training may be the number 1 way to make sure you have a respectful, well mannered, and cheerful doggie.
Allow your Dog Workout
One more thing you must do before beginning to introduce your puppy and cat is to allow your dog workout and play.
Dogs that do not have enough workouts have high energy levels and can act more impulsively than the usual dog, which has had time to run around and be outdoors. Allow your dog to be involved in routine workouts to help them be relaxed and controlled.
Maintain Your Cat And Dog In Their Own Areas
It could be tempting to introduce your puppy and kitty once you return home, yet accomplishing this can result in a bad relationship between the two. First impressions are almost everything, even among pets or animals.
If you would like your dog and cat to give a great first impression of each other, permit them to reside in separate spaces for the initial few days and nights. This allows your dog and cat to get used to the sound and smells of each and every other prior to meeting one on one.
You can accelerate this procedure by permitting your pets into each other’s space alone and letting them smell every other’s bedding and toys.
Maintain Their Things Separate
In case you purchase toys and bedding for your domestic pets, do not let their very own items to intermingle. Pet cats, particularly, are incredibly territorial and will not welcome the thought of a dog drooling on their preferred toy mouse or scratching post.
Keep the pet’s things as separate as is possible to enable them to have their living area. In a lot of techniques, pets are like kids; they do not want to share anything.
Maintain your Dog on a Leash
Having your dog on a leash is an excellent way to aide your kitty remains in control and experience safe. This could also assist you in correcting bad manners between the pets or animals and getting your dog away promptly if things go south.
Do not Hold Your Kitty
Pet cats are independent animals and do not prefer to be held. Actually, holding your kitty makes it feel even more scared of your dog. To assist your cat, feel comfortable let him or she discover their particular new friend by themselves.
If you believe that cat can become overwhelmed, let the two meet one on one in an area which has a place your cat can leap up to and break free if she or he needs to.
Allow your kitty roam free and be his or herself to build their feeling of hierarchy and also to gain that respect of the dog. This helps your kitty feel secure later on when dealing with a dog double its size.
Lead By Example
At last, interact with both pets simultaneously and show all of them the way they should treat one another. Pet and play softly and smoothly with every one of them.
These steps mentioned above will aid your cat and dog act delicately and kindly with one another. It will likewise help your domestic pets get accustomed to sharing other pets with you.
source https://egoldenretriever.com/are-golden-retrievers-good-with-cats/
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josephkitchen0 · 7 years
Schuyler Gail: Starting a Small Farm for Profit
By Heather Smith Thomas – The Gails were successful with starting a small farm for profit. They started with sheep and it grew from there.
Schuyler Gail and her husband Colby started farming several years ago, and she has been going through a Holistic Management Beginning Women Farmer Training Program. “We got our first sheep eight years ago when we were caretakers for the farm where my grandmother grew up. We needed to find a way to get rid of the tall grass around the barns, and someone gave us eight sheep. We fenced off the barnyard and let the sheep have that part of the farm. They hadn’t been sheared for three years and they were so shaggy we couldn’t even tell which ones were male or female. We’d never had sheep before,” says Schuyler.
“We had them sheared soon after they arrived and discovered we had three rams. We kept one ram and processed the other two,” she says. The sheep started having lambs, and Schuyler and her husband sold the meat to friends and acquaintances, starting a small farm for profit.
“After we had sheep and had to take care of them—and couldn’t leave home as easily—we got chickens. The first year we had 25 chickens, the next year we had 100, and the year after that we had 1,300. Until I took the beginning farmer class, we did everything by trial and error,” she says.
“That’s how we started farming. We realized very quickly that parking sheep in a barnyard is not a good long-term plan. We branched out to pasturing other parts of my grandmother’s farm, and the sheep kept having more lambs. We learned about moving them to different pastures to make this more sustainable, and then we learned to divide the pastures with electric net fencing,” she explains.
Their friend Morgan Hartman (of Black Queen Angus) is a grass farmer, and he helped them learn more about creating a grazing program. “We started going to conferences and discovered HMI (Holistic Management International),” says Schuyler.
“Our animals were turning the pastures into a golf course and we realized they soon would not have enough food. They accomplished the goal of mowing, but we wanted to be able to feed them year-round. At that time our goal was just mowing, and now it’s managing for meat,” she says.
The majority of their farm livestock now is free range pig farming, several different heritage breeds including Mulefoot, Red Wattle, Large Black and Old Spot. “We are starting to farrow our own pigs. We feed them dairy, gleaned fruits and vegetables from produce farms, and whey from local cheesemakers. We are experimenting with planting forage like mangles for winter feed. The pigs probably get 10% of their food from purchased local grain, so we are trying to eliminate purchased grain.”
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Most of the pigs range in the woods. “We had them on pasture last year but they didn’t seem as happy as they do in the woods—where they are harvesting more of their own food and have more room to explore,” she says.
“We just started a CSA and are in a cooperative venture with our neighbors and a friend, Cynthia Creech, who has been raising grass-fed beef for 30-some years, and with the Abode Farm—a horse-powered vegetable farm. Cynthia raises Randall cattle (a rare breed that originated in New England). When she started there with her cattle, there were only nine of these cows left. She has a genetic program that helped build several herds,” says Schuyler.
“Through our CSA, we sell chickens, turkeys, eggs, and pork. We also raise grass-fed lambs. Most of our business is done through restaurants and stores,” she explains.
“When we moved to our new farm two years ago, we had our laying hens fertilize the area where we wanted to put a garden. Then we put pigs there, then a cover crop, and then had our neighbor till it last spring. Now we are starting to grow forage there—mostly mangles and turnip—for the pigs and sheep.”
The majority of the Gail’s pigs are heritage breeds which are happy to forage in the woods.
The Land
Two years ago she and her husband were able to purchase 20 acres through the Land Conservancy—a piece of land that had not been farmed for more than 50 years. “We bought it from a family who had owned it as a second home. They had waited 12 years on a land match program for a farmer who would want to lease it. Once they found us they were so excited about it that they sold it to us,” she says.
“When we moved here it had been brush-hogged a few times over the past 50 years or so but was mostly goldenrod (taller than me!) and brambles. Everyone who came to visit asked if we were going to have it mowed, but we didn’t. We rotationally grazed the pigs, sheep and poultry for a year, and now the fields look like fairly decent pasture again. There is some bramble and goldenrod left, but there is also a lot of clover and other desirable plants returning—without having to seed them. In the woods, our pigs are clearing out the underbrush and brambles, and we have pasture grasses and clover moving in where the pigs have been,” says Schuyler.
“So now we own 20 acres and are also leasing from a neighbor who asked us to farm her land in hopes of getting an agricultural exemption for tax purposes. We have a one-year trial lease with the neighbor, trying to see how much of her acreage we can get this ag exception on. It’s 370 acres and only half a mile from our house, so this was wonderful luck,” she says.
“In our area, leasing is very helpful for farmers and landowners both. The land that we are leasing was seized by the state in the 1990s. It was going to be put up for auction and developed, and the current owner bought it so that it would not be developed, to keep it in agriculture. Property taxes are very high in New York State. It’s nice that the landowner can get a break on taxes because it is once again being used for farming.”
Before the Gails moved here, the land they are leasing had an unfinished foundation for a giant house with a helicopter pad—a flat area created by blowing the top off a mountain. That area is just shale, with no topsoil. “One of the reasons the current landowner is leasing to us is that she wants us to rehabilitate that land, and get some soil and plants growing again. We will put animals there in the winter. It will have a lot of manure to start building some soil. This is a huge long-term project,” she explains.
Starting a Small Farm for Profit: Lessons Learned and Class Benefits
There are several beneficial lessons from the class she’s been taking. “We didn’t consider ourselves in our planning, before. Now, as things progress, we realize we need to plan for ourselves and our family as well as our animals and our land. We want to be able to have more time to play with our kids,” she says. It’s hard to juggle everything for a money-making agriculture business.
“In the beginning, we didn’t have a financial plan, and we are still working on that. We had never examined our various enterprises to see what was making money and what wasn’t. Now, based on our plan, we raised the prices on our eggs and chicken, and I explained to our customers the reason for this. I don’t think any of them would like the fact that we were losing money to produce food for them. People who are buying the kind of food we produce are doing it at least partly for a social reason and if we are not making any money doing this then they won’t want it,” she says. Farmers have to be able to make a living producing food.
Schuyler enjoys the people in her class. “We have continued to use one another for second opinions on various things. This has been helpful. When you have friends that aren’t farming, your life is so different from theirs that they just don’t understand.” The group of women farmers in her class has been friends, mentors and support group when needed. This is a rewarding experience for all of them.
Colby moves the free-range shelters to fresh pasture.
Challenges of Starting a Small Farm for Profit
“A lot of people think our life is very quaint and simple. Some of the people I know from high school tell me that I’m living their dream—having kids and farming. The dream and the reality are probably very different,” she says.
“In this part of the country, there is an unrealistic image of farming. I saw an article stating that the popular thing to do when you get out of college is to spend time on an organic farm for a couple of years. But how can farming be sustainable if we are expecting new people to do it, and only briefly, and we’re not taking care of the people who hold the knowledge, who are in it for the long term,” she says.
“Farming is a really great thing for young college graduates who want to try it, but I wonder how farming can continue to exist for families with young children. We need to be able to provide for our kids, and this system makes it hard to do that,” she says. Most people in agriculture are underpaid because Americans spend less than any other nation for their food—and tend to take their food for granted.
“The fact that organic farming is touted as the new, cool thing for young people is also hurting it, and it is using these young people as free or cheap temporary labor,” says Schulyer. Some people stick with it and do it because they love this way of life, but it can be very difficult to make a living at it.
Another problem with today’s small farms is that most people who try this are new at it. In earlier times almost everyone had ties with the land. Then there was an exodus to the cities and fewer farmers had to raise more and more food. The farms got bigger and more mechanized. Now there is a move back to the land, but the people coming back grew up in cities and don’t know about farming, and it’s like starting all over. We’ve lost a lot of people who know how to raise a pig for meat.
“Most of the things we are learning today was known for centuries, and then got lost. One thing we’ve tried to do is become friends with older farmers who are the age of our parents and grandparents. If we work together with them, we can learn from each other. For instance, there is a dairy farmer here that we know and love, whose family has been farming the same land for many generations. He is doing it largely the way his ancestors did it, but is selling all his milk to the dairy co-op. If he were to milk his 80 cows differently and market the milk a different way, he could be making money instead of losing money every year. Old farmers and new farmers could share knowledge and improve their farms and businesses together.”
A Good Place To Raise Kids
Children who grow up on a farm have advantages over city kids. They are more grounded in the realities of life and where their food comes from. “A while back, a chef made us head cheese and offered some to our six-year-old son. Our son asked what it was and the chef told him it was pig head. Our son said it was really good. Most kids would not have even tried it,” says Schulyer.
“One of the sweetest things our kids said was just after we had a runty pig that was here longer than her littermates. We don’t usually name the animals, but our son called her Funny Eyes because she had blue eyes. When it was time for her to go he was so upset that he wouldn’t even say goodbye to her. When we got home from the slaughterhouse he asked if we saved her heart and we told him we did and asked him why. He said, ‘Now we can eat it and save all of her love.’ I thought that was a very meaningful thing for a little boy to say.”
Visit the Gails at climbingtreefarm.blogspot.com.
Originally published in the January/February 2014 issue of Countryside & Small Stock Journal and regularly vetted for accuracy.
Schuyler Gail: Starting a Small Farm for Profit was originally posted by All About Chickens
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