#considering he appear's in dipper's dreams in sock opera
cloudysarts · 4 days
Hi there!!
I want to say that your “Mabel’s muse” Au concept has absolutely called my attention, Bill mentions multiple times (Dipper and Mabel’s guide to mystery and fun and TBOB) how he likes Mabel’s personality and wanted her to be his ally…sooo the idea of an alternative time where he decided to approach her and where she trusts him and considers him as her friend is absolutely full of potential
I just think about how many stuff would change and how bill would be a little more genuine with her as he for once isn’t pretending to be an all-wise being and having to constantly rise the ego of Genius minds…instead he just has to party with a teenager whose idea of fun is quite similar to his…he doesn’t have to be the “supreme being” for once just a silly fella in order to earn Mabel’s trust
Also about how some episodes would have to take a completely different route:
maybe “Mindscapers” wouldn’t even take place…because I doubt that Mabel would trust a Bill if he went inside Stan’s head
Bill possessing her during the “sock opera”episode instead of dipper
Also don’t get me started on “the last Mabelcorn” episode. All the angst and horror that Ford would feel when he finds out about the whole friendship with bill situation reflecting himself on Mabel and probably Dipper being the one who search for the unicorn hair while ford tries to convince her that Bill isn’t trustworthy
I apologize for my rant but I seriously love your idea and sorry if it’s a bit confusing English isn’t my first language
I hope you have a nice day and thank you for reading this silly thing!!
first of all, your english is great!! second of all, i am SO sorry it took me so long to respond to this ask, it just made me so happy that i wanted to take my time to craft a response!!!!!! :DDDD (context: for people who don't know what my 'mabels muse' au is, you can check it out over here!)
you are practically SPOT ON with my ideas for this au!!!!!! but i'm gonna briefly run through all the things you brought up!!
first of all, yes, absolutely!!!! for bill, partner-ing up with mabel was a very nice change of pace. he likes stroking the ego's of genius', just for his own amusement, but he doesnt get the THRILL of just getting to PLAY very often!! he's a very childish being, at the end of the day. he enables mabel's selfishness, while getting to indulge his own, silly passions right alongside her!! and obviously, mabel LOVES being enabled <3 i imagine most of the dreams he gives her would make any normal persons eyes bleed
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as for your episode ideas, you're mostly right!!! :) mindscaperers does, in fact, NOT happen in this au. in my head, i imagine gideon trying to summon him, only for an 'I.O.U' to appear where bill should be. he's busy hanging out with his favorite pre-teen!!! so gideon skips straight to his backup plan, aka, gideon rises ^^
for sock opera, i'm still on the fence a little bit. one of the reasons bill is hanging out with her at all in this au is because, unlike in the regular timeline, this bill actively wants stanford to be brought home. the reason mabel is important to him, is because he can see timelines where she presses the button in not what he seems, and keeps him from returning. in his mind, he has the greatest shot of success if mabel doesn't press it. in this au, she doesnt even hesitate to trust stan, because she has another, trustworthy voice in her head, yelling DON'T PRESS THE BUTTON. its 2v1! ANYWAY, the reason any of that matters for sock opera, is because he wouldnt have any need to possess anyone, because he has no interest in smashing the laptop! BUT.....i can see him doing it anyway. i figure, most likely, he gets mabel to (willingly) let him use her body, so that she can work on her sock opera while her body sleeps. i just imagine a bill-possessed mabel up at 3 am, covered in hot glue and googly eyes as he tries to work it out shjdkfhjsdkf. but......honestly, he probably destroys the laptop in the process :) just to fuck with dipper <3 not that dipper ever finds out its her. he has no idea that mabel was ever possessed/has no reason to suspect her, because at this point, he still doesnt think bill is real. that is....until the last mabelcorn.
IN the last mabelcorn, mabel reveals to ford that she does recognize bill, and that he lives in her brain! she says it really excitedly, at the table, while dipper kind of just rolls his eyes about it. to her, its vindicating, because it's the first time anyone has ever acknowledged bills existence. but to ford, its HORRIFYING, because he knows it isn't just a coincidence. he knows he has to do something, but he doesn't know what, right away. this is where our ideas differ a little bit, because i think that mabel still WOULD be the one retrieving the unicorn hair! ford just didnt tell her what the hair was for. ford sends her off, because he wants to brainstorm a way to get him out of her head, preferably without hurting her/her memories. he also plans to bill-proof dippers mind in the process, just in case mabel is too far gone already. the events here happen basically the same (with minor tweaks), but instead of dipper suspecting that ford is evil/bill-possessed, this is where he finally learns that bill is real at all. ford tells him about his backstory, and explains the REAL reason he sent mabel out to get the unicorn hair, etc etc. he loves mabel a lot, but hes not sure how to go about dealing with this situation yet. its not HER fault she trusted bill, but he knew that if he just tries to tell her hes evil, she wont believe him. shes known 'her muse' longer, and as of right now, he's never lead her wrong. just like what happened to him in the past...
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i wonder how mabel would feel if she only heard the end of that conversation...
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da-millerrrrr · 27 days
Behold some Sock Opera but with the Euclid and Scalene au stuff.
Dipper gripped the edges of the computer screen. This can’t be it. This can’t be it! It can’t! He was so close and now he only has one last chance to get the password right or else everything is erased!
In an instant, the world went black and white, startling Dipper from his seat. In a flash, Bill appeared from the shape of the window.
“Well well well! Someone is looking pretty desperate!” said Bill. “I can help ya kid! Ya just need to make a deal!”
Dipper growled. “You again!? I thought I told you to leave me alone!”
“Yeah. And then my parents showed before we even finished our conversation and welp! That was a long night! Lots of conversations and catching up!”
Right. Euclid and Scalene went into Dipper’s dream to tell him to sleep in his room instead of outside. Scalene was actually using her “mom” voice before all three triangles saw each other.
All of them left his dream in that moment, but not before Euclid stared at him until he promised he’ll go inside.
Dipper honestly thought that was the last he would have seen all of them, but then Euclid was back in the kitchen silently judging Grunkle Stan on his cooking skills and Scalene was helping Mabel with her puppet show.
And now Bill is in front of him, talking to him like he didn’t break into his Grunkle’s mind less than a month ago.
“Listen kid,” the Dream Demon continued. “I have no idea how you managed to summon them. I actually am tempted to stop myself from finding out. But let me be clear when I say that I’m impressed and am actually…” The triangle takes in an irritated breath. “…grateful.”
Dipper stared at him.
“Did your parents forced you to say that or…”
“Enough of that!” Interrupted Bills “You have a computer to figure out the password of. Or are ya just going to let that run out and lose the secrets of the universe?”
The boy jumped and look towards the computer and slowly but surely, the computer was still counting down to it’s demise.
Making a deal with Bill is bad but so would be losing all the information the computer had. There’s no telling when they’ll get a break like this again.
“Okay fine!” Exclaimed Dipper. “What crazy thing do you want anyway!? To eat my soul? To rup out my teeth? Are you going to replace my eyes with baby heads or something!?”
Bill put his hands up. “Yeesh kid relax! All I want is a puppet!”
Dipper blinks. “A puppet? Really?”
“Well no not really. I actually want something a bit more substantial than these sock puppets your sister is making but hey!” He flicks a head of one of the socks. “Everyone likes puppets and it looks to me you got surplus!”
Dipper took a sharp breath in. “I don’t know man, Mabel worked really hard on these.”
The triangle leveled a flat stare. “Didn’t my mom tell you that Shooting Star made like, a hundred extra of them?”
Okay that was true. There was way too many puppets and eventually they compromised to have the extras be kept in the attic. But still!
“Why even use puppets as a payment?” Asked Dipper. “What use do you have for these?”
“Absolutely none at all!” Bill exclaimed. “But hey, consider this less of a fair payment and more of a discount. I mean, you did manage to find my parents so it’s the least I can do.”
…Was that really it? Just gratefulness for them finding his parents? 
Dipper glanced at the clock and then back at Bill.
The triangle extended his hand out, having it be surrounded with ominous blue fire. “Tick tock kid! You’re not getting another discount after this!”
He glances at the computer, the clock ticks slowly to zero. “Ugh just one puppet? Fine!”
And with that, Dipper shook Bill’s hand.
…Huh. He was expecting a lot more searing pain and burns when doing this. This just felt awkward now.
“So what puppet are you going to pick anyway?” Asked Dipper.
“Hmmm let’s see. Eeny, meney, miney…YOU.”
Dipper blinked. “What!?”
He felt Bill pull him forward and pull and pull and p u l l before he fell.
Wait no he didn’t fell he floated. Like what Euclid and Scalene did when they followed him and Mabel around. Like what Bill did.
“Huh?” He tried to feel his body but his hand went through. “This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening! What did you do to my body!?”
To his horror, Dipper’s body stands up on his own and opens its eyes, revealing yellow, cat-like pupils. His body grinned. “Sorry kid but you’re my puppet now!” It said- No wait. Bill said. That was Bill’svoice.
He watched as Bill used his body to throw the computer down, smashing and stonping it into millions of pieces, all while laughing mad.
“This can’t be happening,” he says almost hysterically. “Oh man can’t be happening!”
“Oh believe it Pine Tree it’s happening!” His body was swaying back and forth, as if Bill was trying to get used to being in a body in the first place. “Got to say, thought i was going to have to push a bit more there! I mean, didn’t my dear old dad ever told you about not taking deals until it’s all on paper?”
Oh man, Euclid did say that. That was literally one of the first things he told them when they asked about why he was annoyed at Grunkle Stan’s crime methods. Ugh how can he be such an idiot!
“Hey stop!” He exclaimed. “You can’t just go and use my body for whatever you want!”
“Hm actually i can! I asked for a puppet after all! And i chose you! Isn’t that hilarious?” Bill started laughing maniacally, unnerving and wrong, all while he was in Dipper’s body. “You’re lucky though Pine Tree! I am actually going to make good on that discount!”
Dipper blinked. “What- What do you mean?”
“Hey, if it was any other person I would have vaulted down the stairs head first. Humans are so fragile and yet for some reason kids can recover from literally anything! Might as well push the limits amiright?”
A high-pitched noise came out of Dipper’s mouth(?).
“You managed to find two dead people and summon them with no repercussions whatsoever! And not only that but somehow you managed to have them be my fucking parents!” Another laugh pops out. “Just for that I’m going to be extra careful with this body. No vaulting down the stairs. Just me pouring soda into my eyes, stabbing forks into my arm, a bit of white lies, and burning that journal of yours!”
Burning the journals!? Oh man oh man. He has to find someone! He has to find Mabel! He has to find Grunkle Stan! He has to-
“Hey Dipper,” Euclid said, passing through the window. “Sorry about me and Scalene leaving you with no explanation last night. You know how it is. One moment you are telling someone to sleep in their room and the next your son is in front of you and you want nothing more than to catch up and are trying not have a breakdown in front of him.” He leans against the window and takes off his hat, looking wistful. “Hah. It’s been so long that I forgot what he was like. Heh I love that kid. Anyways what are you-“
Euclid stops as he sees Dipper and…Dipper in the room. One was floating while the other was standing, staring at him.
“…I take it that I missed something?
Dipper takes a breath in. “Yeah uh…well.”
“YOU DON’T KNOW ME AND I HATE YOU!” Shouted Bill. He then made his body fall down all the steps of the stairs, screaming the whole way down.
“…Was- Was that Bill?”
“Yeah. I messed up…”
Euclid stared at Dipper, took a deep breath, and then screamed into his hat.
kiwi i am rattling you like a soup can
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minijenn · 7 years
 I’ve been thinking a lot about a certain much spoken of arc ender lately, and so I decided to tell ya’ll a little more about this trio of chapters I like to call.... Rifts/Memories/Dimensions.... Under the cut however, if you wanna go into them totally blind (which I recommend but whatever, you guys won’t fucking listen to me so let me just say you have been fucking warned):
So I dunno this is gonna be a random dump of info that I just felt like sharing right now. Some of this is stuff you guys already knew but some of it is totally new so here we go: 
Rifts/Memories/Dimensions will be completely and totally original, borrowing from basically no preexisting GF or SU episode. It will borrow information for lore and such from journal 3, but that’s honestly about it. 
All three of these chapters are hugely important for both Dipper and Steven’s character development in UF, which is important because I personally consider those two to be the two main characters of the fictional tbh
Yes, these three chapters will be the catalyst event that will give way to the UF AUs appearing after them. As for what that catalyst is and who’s involved in causing it... I’ll just say that Stepper (more specifically though, Dipper) is gonna shoulder the guilt for that.
More than half of Rifts is going to be a fairly climactic battle between Stepper and Bill (and yeah, as you would expect, Stepper is gonna get fucking banged up to no one’s business) 
Said battle will likely take place in... the Nightmare Realm (ain’t gonna give away how or why yet tho) 
The framing device for Rifts (hell, most of the arc ender in general) will be a rather severe falling out between Dipper and Steven (that will have been sort of built up for a while in previous chapters, but will reach its height in Rifts)
Rifts could very much be described as a “kick the dog” chapter, with the metaphorical dog being Stepper in this instance and the metaphorical kicker being Bill
 Stepper will have pretty much a total breakdown in Rifts (can’t blame the poor things tbh) 
Rifts is gonna be filled with some high quality nightmare fuel (probably some of the darkest in UF up until that point)
Rifts as a chapter may or may not conclude with Stepper being forced into making a deal with Bill (despite really not wanting to)
Rifts will end with on a cliffhanger
Memories is gonna have a bunch of characters in it and will likely serve as the lull point in the arc ender (fueled more by emotions than plot)
Rose’s fountain will make a reappearance in Memories
Memories primarily deals with the revelation that by making whatever deal with Bill, Stepper lost something (and based on the chapter title you can probably guess what that something is, but I will say there’s a lot more to it than that)
For that reason, Stepper will be hindered incapable of infusing until a solution can be found
Despite the Gems and Ford fearing the worst, Mabel is going to try her best to remain optimistic in this terrible situation, and will do everything in her power to help Stepper
Cue a bunch of bittersweet moments between Mabel and Stepper, as well as Stepper interacting with characters that he hasn’t yet, including Lapis and Pacifica and so on
Lapis is going to be a rather prevalent supporting character in Memories/Dimensions, though Peridot will only make a somewhat short appearance in Memories, due to some... other spoilers things... 
Connie will be absent for the duration of Rifts/Memories/Dimensions, due to her family being away on vacation (don’t worry though, she’ll have her time to shine in the chapter after all this (which I’ll also talk a little about near the end of this post)
Memories will draw some parallels between Stepper and Maven (specifically how Maven was in their debut chapter)
Stan and Ford will likely have a pretty big argument over what’s going down because they are both seriously at the risk of losing their nephew forever so, yeah
Basically Memories will be one big ball of tension, drama, and angst
There’s gonna be a really sad but also really sweet scene between Mabel and Stepper towards the end of the chapter
Memories will also end on a cliffhanger
Dimensions will be excessively climatic and very significant
Basically its just a huge confrontational chapter against Bill
The characters involved in said confrontation will include Stepper, Mabel, Ford, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis, and Stan (and yes, we will get to have some interactions in here between Bill and Lapis and Stan)
Alexandrite will likely appear in Dimensions, so will Dipevebel and Maven 
Steven’s “dream invasion” powers will play a very significant role in this chapter
Dimensions may or may not feature what’s known as a “Disney death” scene
There will be a pretty horrific callback to Sock Opera in Dimensions (like there will be in Rifts too, but especially in Dimensions)
Stepper will be forcibly unfused at one point in the chapter, but will reform before the climactic battle stuff is all said and done (mostly so he can have a role in setting off whatever goes down to get the AU stuff rolling)
Even after the danger has passed (not saying if it will be in the form of a victory or a loss because its honestly kind of both), Stepper will remain fused, mostly out of Steven wanting to ensure that Dipper will be... ok after everything that’s happened
The “resolution” section of Dimensions will indeed Stepper having a full on fusion hallucination
The feelings Stepper (both of his halves really) are going to be dealing with in the aftermath of all this are huge and painful
Dimensions will make you fucking cry (I know because I’ll be crying writing it)
Garnet is gonna provide her wisdom/comfort to Stepper in his initial “recovery” period
Yes, the boys will unfuse by the end of the chapter (but they’ll both still be emotional messes)
The chapter immediately following all this (the first one of arc 9) is entitled Theory of Weirdness, and will feature two plots
The A plot will focus more on Dipper trying to cope with everything that just happened with Ford’s help (and this will come in the form of that scene in journal 3 where Dipper tells Ford his real name because its beautiful and pure and deserves a place in UF and there’s no place more fitting for it than here)
The B plot will follow the plot of Gem Hunt more or less, but will also focus not only on how Steven’s recovering from what happened, but also Mabel’s guilt over not being able to do much about it and Connie’s guilt over not even being around to help at all 
We will probably get to see Mabonnven in that chapter (they won’t fight Jasper or anything but still)
Basically its all gonna be fucking angst for the duration
All of it all four of these chapters are gonna break me
The after effects of these chapters are going to be felt pretty much throughout the rest of UF, for everyone involved, and will be brought up time and time again
Hell even by the time the sequel rolls around it’ll all still be significant
Rest in pieces kids because ya’ll gonna die from feels when you read them
Hahahahahah afuck I’m so far away from these chapters but whatever there’s some speculation for ya. Bye!
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