#considering that fascism is here and alive right now (not just a rise) like idk
robotpussy · 9 months
i genuinely believe fascism and anti intellectualism go hand in hand
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darrowsrising · 3 years
Red rising unpopular opinions? 👀
Thank you for the ask! 💖🐺
Uuu...I have answered this before in a series of asks, but I am too lazy to search for them now. I will just stick to the bare essentials:
I know that Pierce Brown is no authority on which character you should stan, but given that even he hates Roque, then I think people should at least stop trying to re-write Roque into this 'poor little baby who had no choice but to betray Darrow after all the pain he endured at his expense'. Basically, if people like Roque, then like him as he is, don't sugar-coat the shit to make it smell better.
This idea that 'you shouldn't try to liberate people who don't want to be free' as though refusing freedom is an actual act of exercising free will...is really stupid. Lysander stans are always on thin ice with me, especially when they try to make fascism and slavery make sense. Or when they try to tell me that Lysander is not so bad. No, he's not bad, he's scum. If you like trash, that's on you, but just because he is noy as bad as Atlas and Atalantia doesn't make him morally better than anyone, especially than Darrow. Darrow> bitchsander, as always
Virginia was the best pov of Dark Age. I simply hate that this fandom went from 'she's manipulatuve and evil and uses Darrow to get the throne' to 'she needs a win, she's does nothing, shes powerless'. Please, shut up! Who the fuck is there to trust your judgement on her when you guys run hot and cold about her every two seconds? It's pathetic.
Rhonna deserves all the kills she wants. I think people want Cassius to kill Lysander to make up for failing to do something good with him and...idk, Lysander is still a human being, not a robot gone loose. He is Cassius' ward and Cassius feels responsible for him, but he's not going to kill him. That being said, if someone has the opportunity to kill him, Cassius included, and Cassius sabotages/stops, I want his head in a box. Or at least a treason sentence.
At this point, I really don't care what Darrow will have to do to win. I think that he will focus on Mars mainly, so that as long as Mars is safe, he can nuke Luna to bits, for all I care.
I know that rotting away in a cell is hell for Golds, but I hope they add...6 Obsidians to Atlas' sentence, if you know what I mean. That is pretty much the worst thing I can think of when it comes to Atlas.
I have faith that Ajax can pull his head out of his arse. He has that rage and that feeling of never being enough and I think Darrow would make a terriffic mentor/father figure to him.
I really don't think that Lyria and Volga were right to lash out at Pax. I mean, at least Lyria fans are aware that it wasn't ok of her to lash out at someone, although it was understandable considering her emotional state - she also felt bad about it later. But Ephraim and Volga fans are...really not right when they blame Pax for Eph dying. Eph was the one who ultimately chose to go on that mission and chose to sacrifice himself for Volga - Pax had no real authority over him. I wish people would understand that Volga lashing out at Pax is understandable, but she's wrong. Should Pax feel guilty? Well, he does. But would Eph still be alive if Pax didn't tell him about the mission? Well, he would have found out sometime and join in anyway. Basically, yes, Pax feels responsible, but did he cause Eph's death as Volga seems to believe? Nope. Eph had the opportunity to refuse, especially because, unlike so many other times, there was no actual incentive. I genuinely find it ironic that she can blame the kid for Eph going in that mission and then in the next breath accept to go with the Ascomani - for hero complex reasons. She cute, but she flawed too. I am not hating on anyone here, I just dislike the perspective that...a kid is to blame for the decisions on a grown man.
I am sick of mercy post-Dark Age. I think that everyone needs to earn their rights, pretty much. No more guilt-tripping Darrow into doing shit, because Julian died. No more trying to appeal to Darrow's guilt complex in any way by using emotional blackmailing tactics. No, if Darrow wants to spare people it's his call, no one else's.
Diomedes au Raa was disappointing in DA, but not much, as I didn't expect much of him. Also, this idea that he is the True Storm Knight? I mean, have we read the same scene? There is no such thing as a True Storm Knight. The 'man facing the storm and thr storm itself' are both childish notions compared to the actual war. Hell, Darrow prepared an actual storm and they had to deal with it going out of control - he sent these kids back to pre-school without even knowing. Like...sure, Diomedes is noble compared to Ajax, until he makes stupid decisions based on who killed his bitch sister, I guess. No one wins in that playground squabble, folks.
The idea that Roque was a 'true friend' while everyone else was just infatuated and biased towards Darrow should DIE ALREADY!
The idea that Darrow will have to die/sactifice himself...he's done enough of that, time to be selfish for once. He worries about doing to Pax what Dale did to him, so I think that given the choice, he'll chose to stay, not go willingly to death.
Idk if it's unpopular anymore, but...Sevro and the Howlers were NOT right to go back to Luna.
If nothing else, please keep this one in mind: DARROW IS NOT A BAD DAD. Thank you!
Howl on!
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wienersmosh · 4 years
not to be overdramatic but i think this is the lowest point i’ve been in since i was 13 years old when my parents both left for australia and i was stuck with my abusive aunt and grandmother.
i will say the first week of 2020 already sucked. australia was on fire. but on a more personal level, my twitter got suspended and i was devastated. after that everything was peachy. in the second half of january i was on a 2-week vacation in the philippines. in march i went to supanova con and met the members of smosh. i had just graduated from college last year and i promised myself i would start looking for a job once i got back from my vacation. only after a month and a half of searching did i get an interview where i was hired, mid-march. but since the pandemic happened, the start date got pushed back to the end of april. and even then i was only going to work every OTHER week, which also meant i only got paid for the weeks i came to work.
but i got fired from my job, after only working for a total of 3 weeks and been employed for 5. and on fucking pride month too. someone from work found my twitter where i made jokes about white people and tweeted about how all cops are bastards. since my workplace relied heavily on the police, they found my tweets inappropriate. but i was only a labour-for-hire, meaning i wasn’t technically fired, my assignment only got terminated.
since we are literally still in the middle of a PANDEMIC (australia doesn’t have it as bad as the US but my state government fucked up and there’s been a huge covid spike in my city, which went back into lockdown), virtually NO ONE is hiring. i’m on unemployment welfare and i get $1,100 ($780 USD) every 2 weeks, which isn’t bad considering i don’t have kids to feed or anything like that. i give 25% of it to my dad which counts as my “household contribution” since i still live under their roof and they have to pay rent and bills.
and i know things could be way, WAY worse for me rn. i could live in a country w/ no government assistance. i could have kids or dependents that i needed to feed. someone i love could’ve contracted covid.
but this whole situation just isn’t great for me mentally. my body clock has completely shifted, i’m asleep during the day and awake at night. i can’t go outside, everywhere is closed, there’s nothing to do. i’m unemployed so i just don’t have a sense of self-worth right now. i am chronically and perpetually bored out of my mind. when i’m not bored, i feel despair for everything that’s happening in the world. the rise of fascism. the fact that they basically don’t have freedom of speech in my home country anymore. everything just fucking sucks.
i just can’t comprehend how, on top of being unemployed, there’s also a pandemic. when i was job-hunting in february i did not expect this to be the state of the world in 5 months’ time but here we are. here i am.
i know a fuckton of people became unemployed bec of the pandemic and that it’s not just me. but the fact that i MANAGED to get a job but got fired bec they somehow fucking found my twitter (it was public, but my name wasn’t on my profile, the tweets they discovered were OLD which meant whoever found it and snitched had time and determination) just made me even more depressed. imagine going job-hunting again but this time with no jobs to hunt.
at this point i’m still waiting for a call back or email from this one place i got an interview for. they’re still checking my references and my references were two people from my internship that i worked at last year. idk how smooth that’s going to be. i hate all this uncertainty. i just want a fucking job.
this year’s going to pass us by while we’re all bored and sick and depressed and exhausted. i know it’s out of my control and there’s nothing i can do. but goddammit, i am just not totally in love with the idea of being alive right now.
cannot believe 2020 is a fucking shitshow. 2019 was one of the best years of my life. i cannot believe what followed had to be the worst.
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