#considering they literally just like didnt notice the true pacifist ending happening in undertale. but whatever
loveletterworm · 2 years
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yesterday i saw someone somewhere or another make a post predicting that toriel calling the police at the end of chapter 2 was going to be another fakeout and that actually napstablook would show up instead of undyne (their logic being undyne was already a major character in undertale and it would give spotlight to a more minor character rather than retreading already covered ground)
i’m not sure how much i believe that (napstablook doesn’t exactly seem like the type to want to...do anything, and undyne still seems to have more going on that might indicate some importance than them in the game so far) but i thought it was kind of a fun idea at least. So here is my attempt at Dark World Napstablook.  noir detective that isn’t even successfully investigating anything and doesn’t understand what’s going on and would really just like to go home actually
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