#construction building process flow chart
vincivilworld · 1 year
Constructing a building - Process and steps
Constructing a building involves several stages, including preconstruction and post-construction phases. The preconstruction stage encompasses project initiation, design and planning, obtaining permits and approvals, and procurement and contracting. It sets the foundation for successful construction by defining objectives, creating designs, securing necessary permissions, and selecting…
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ceyhanmedya · 1 year
New Post has been published on https://hazirbilgi.com/what-is-algorithm-how-is-it-created/
What is algorithm? How is it created?
Algorithm ; It is the name given to the combination of methods and steps planned to perform a job or solve a problem. It is generally defined as a set of operations with a clear beginning and end, used in the field of programming or in solving mathematical problems. It is the regular determination of the movements, processes or works required in order to carry out the work planned to be done, in steps.
It is one of the two approaches used in problem solving and is more preferred than the heuristic solution approach. It is among the subjects that must be learned before a programming language for a computer programmer and can be defined as the most important topic of programming.
This concept first appeared in the 9th century and was first introduced by Khwarezmi . The scholar, whose full name is Ebu Abdullah Muhammed Ibn Musa al-Khorezmi, made great contributions to the field of mathematics by putting his work in algebra into writing. Harezmi’s most widely known book with Latin translations; Hisab is al-algebra and al-mukabala (حساب الجبر و المقابلة). This book is also described as the first known collection of algorithms .
The word algorithm originally comes from the word ‘ Algorism ‘. The reason for this is that Khwarezmi’s book was difficult to pronounce in Europe after it was translated into Latin, and Europeans who could not say the name of Khwarezmi called it ‘Algorism’. 
As a result, although the concept of Algorism began to be used in the sense of problem solving with Arabic numerals, it turned into its current form over time and started to be used in a general context. Finally, after the 1950s, especially with the developments in computer technologies, a concept came to represent the way almost every work to be done in the field of programming and the steps to be applied for its construction.
Algorithm creation
The algorithm can be in the form of prose and narrative, or in the form of a flowchart . Generally preferred is the one in the form of a flowchart. In order to create a process, some symbols are used to describe the work to be done. These symbols are of great importance, especially in terms of developing a program and understanding the process.
In order to create an algorithm, the work or problem to be done must be clearly defined and solution methods must be determined. In order to do the work or to implement the solution, all the steps that will lead to the result from the initial movement should be specified in the order of application. One of the most important concepts in this subject is the flow chart; The schematic representation of the solution of an algorithm is called a flowchart. 
Some flowchart commands are as follows;
Start-Finish (terminator)  
iterative process  
manually entered value
Example 1 (Explanation with everyday concepts)
Targeted Job:  Going from home to school
Start: Home
End: School
Step 1: Open the door Step 2: Put on the shoes Step 3: Close the door Step 4: Exit the building Step 5: Walk the road Step 6: Walk to the 2nd fork Step 7: Turn left Step 8: Finish the road Step 9: Enter the school.
Example 2 (Explanation with programmatic concepts)
Intended Business:  Finding the factorial value of a number entered by the user
Getting Started:  Starting the program
Finish:  Show the result
Step 1: Run the program Step 2: Define the variables factorial,i and n Step 3: Define the initial values of the variables factor = 1 i = Step 4: Read the n value entered from the screen Step 5: Repeat until (i=n) equality is achieved factorial = factorial*i i = i+1 Step 6: Show the value of the factorial variable
Some Important Algorithm Types
Search algorithms
Memory management algorithms
computer graphics algorithms
Combinatorial algorithms
Graph algorithms
evolutionary algorithms
genetic algorithms
Crypto algorithms or cryptographic algorithms
Rooting algorithms
Optimization algorithms
Sorting algorithms
Data compression algorithms
This concept can be encountered by people in all areas of life in general. Because the concept of algorithm represents the way to the solution rather than the solution. A plan prepared for a journey to be made and the steps determined for the completion of a job basically represent the algorithm. 
An algorithm that has not been implemented and whose results have not been observed is not deemed appropriate for patenting by law. But algorithms in software have been the subject of much discussion at this point. 
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sachiyasteel · 9 days
MS Pipe Weight Chart In KG - Sachiya Steel International
We are leading Manufacturers, Supplier, Dealers, and Exporter of Mild Steel Pipes in India. We stock an extensive range of electric resistance welded (ERW) mild steel pipes/tubes in a size range of 1/2 inch N.B. to 14 inch N.B. in the Light, Medium and Heavy classes, confirming to IS: 1239 (Part-1) 2004, Equivalent to BS: 1387. Our Mild steel pipes are available in different sizes, shapes, and grades. In This Article, Explore MS Pipe weight Chart in KG easily! Learn how size, thickness, and material affect weight for smart decisions in construction, engineering, and manufacturing. 
We supply these Pipes in most of the major Indian cities in more than 20 States. We Sachiya Steel International offer different types of grades like Stainless Steel Pipes, Super Duplex Pipes, Duplex Pipes, Carbon Steel Pipes, Alloys Steel Pipes, Nickel Alloys Pipes, Aluminum Pipes, etc. 
As part of your MS pipe Weight research, using the Mild steel pipe weight chart for accurate information is Important . Consider, for instance, a 4-inch mild steel pipe with an outer diameter of 114.3 mm, typically featuring a thickness between 6.02 mm and 15.72 kg/m as per this weight chart.
How To Calculate Mild Steel Pipe Weight Chart In Kg? 
Sachiya Steel International generates excellent MS pipelines from India. The raw materials of MS Plumbing, ie MS Steel Coils has, were purchased from the renowned steel producer, ie Steel Authority of India (SAIL), which will be a public sector firm and is now the largest integrated steel producer in India. We offer our customers quality flexibility, suppliers and quality merchandise to meet their schedule. Not only are quality goods manufactured by us, but we have a connection with our customers. 
Calculating the weight of an Mild Steel Pipe requires a Simple Process. First, Collect information Of its outer diameter (OD) and wall thickness. Next, follow this formula to calculate steel pipe weight: 
Weight (in kg) = 0.02466x (OD – Wall Thickness) x Wall Thickness
The ‘0.02466’ is a constant representing mild steel density in kg/mm³. Once you have these measurements, Fill them into a formula to Calculate the weight of an Mild Steel pipe in kilograms per meter (kg/m). 
What Is an Mild Steel Pipe Weight Chart? 
An mild steel pipe weight chart is an invaluable resource that provides standard weights of different sizes and thicknesses of MS pipes, aiding engineers, builders, and manufacturers in selecting appropriate pipes for their projects while assuring structural integrity and safety. 
Factors Affecting Mild Steel Pipe Weight: 
Diameter (OD) of MS pipes plays an enormous role in their weight. Larger diameter pipes tend to weigh more due to increased material use, so be mindful when selecting larger OD pipes as this could skew results. 
Thickness: The thickness of an MS pipe’s walls plays an essential part in its weight. Thicker pipes tend to contain more material and therefore weigh more. 
Density of Material: MS pipes are predominantly composed of mild steel, which has its own specific density. Understanding this metric helps accurately calculate their weight. 
How to Read an Mild Steel Pipe Weight Chart: 
Mild steel pipe weight charts usually feature a table format with columns detailing pipe size, thickness, and its associated kilograms per meter (KG/M). Users can consult these charts to select an ideal pipe dimensions based on project requirements. 
Applications of Mild Steel Pipe Weight Charts: 
Construction: MS pipes are widely utilized in construction projects for plumbing, structural support and transport of fluids. Assuring building integrity requires accurate weight calculations in order to keep infrastructure standing strong. 
Engineering: Engineers use Mild steel pipe weight charts to design efficient systems for fluid flow, HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning), and industrial processes. Precise weight estimations facilitate optimized pipe sizing and layout planning. 
Manufacturing: MS pipes are widely utilized by manufacturers for producing equipment, machinery, and components of all sorts. Reliable weight data helps manufacturers streamline production processes while limiting material wastage.
Read More: https://steeltube.co.in/ms-pipe-weight-chart-in-kg/
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attitudetallyacademy · 3 months
5 Effective Tips to Learn Python Fast
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Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the realm of programming, fuelled by your passion for computer science? If so, diving headfirst into the world of Python programming language can serve as your launchpad to a plethora of opportunities. In this blog post, we'll unveil five valuable tips to expedite your Python learning process, guiding you towards proficiency and success in your programming pursuits.
Let's dive right in:
Define Your Path: Before delving into the intricacies of Python, take a moment to chart your course and set clear goals for your learning journey. Determine your aspirations – whether it's crafting web applications, delving into data analysis, or venturing into machine learning. By defining your objectives upfront, you'll gain clarity and motivation to navigate the vast landscape of Python programming.
Build a Strong Foundation:
Just as a sturdy foundation is essential for constructing a building, mastering Python requires a solid understanding of its core concepts. Begin your journey by immersing yourself in the fundamentals – acquaint yourself with variables, data types, operators, and control flow structures such as if-else statements and loops. Establishing a robust groundwork will lay the groundwork for your Python proficiency.
Embrace the Power of Practice: They say practice makes perfect, and the adage holds true for mastering Python programming. Dedicate time each day to engage in coding exercises, challenges, and projects that put your Python skills to the test. Websites offering interactive coding exercises serve as invaluable resources for honing your abilities and reinforcing your understanding of Python concepts.
Forge Connections with the Community: Surround yourself with a vibrant community of Python enthusiasts who share your zeal for programming. Join online forums, social media groups, and communities dedicated to Python programming to seek guidance, exchange insights, and collaborate on projects. By immersing yourself in the Python community, you'll not only receive invaluable support but also gain exposure to diverse perspectives and learning resources.
Leverage Learning Resources: In your quest for Python proficiency, tap into a wealth of learning resources to augment your learning experience. Consider enrolling in Python courses or training centers that offer structured guidance and hands-on instruction from seasoned professionals. Explore online tutorials, textbooks, and documentation to deepen your understanding of Python programming techniques and broaden your skill set.
By incorporating these five actionable tips into your Python learning techniques, you'll accelerate your path to mastery and unlock a world of opportunities in the field of computer science. Whether your aspirations lie in web development, data analysis, or artificial intelligence, proficiency in Python programming will serve as your gateway to success. Remember to remain persistent, stay curious, and revel in the joy of learning as you embark on your Python programming odyssey.
Suggested Blogs:
Computer science fundamentals
Python basics to advanced
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onindusblog · 4 months
A Comprehensive Guide on How to Choose the Right Construction Scheduling Software
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In the fast-paced world of construction, efficiency is key, and choosing the right construction scheduling software can significantly impact the success of a project. The market offers a plethora of options, each with its own set of features and benefits. In this guide, we'll delve into the essential factors to consider when selecting construction scheduling software to ensure it aligns seamlessly with your project management needs.
Define Your Project Requirements:
Before diving into the software selection process, identify the specific requirements of your construction project. Consider factors such as project size, complexity, and the number of collaborators involved. Clearly outline the features you need, such as Gantt charts, resource management, and real-time collaboration capabilities.
User-Friendly Interface:
Construction projects involve various stakeholders with varying levels of technical expertise. Opt for software with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies navigation and reduces the learning curve for team members. This ensures seamless adoption across all project participants.
Compatibility and Integration:
Ensure the chosen scheduling software is compatible with other tools commonly used in the construction industry, such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, accounting systems, and project management tools. Integration capabilities enhance data flow and streamline overall project management processes.
Select software that can scale with the size and complexity of your projects. A solution that accommodates growth ensures longevity and reduces the need for frequent software changes. Consider the software's ability to handle an increasing number of tasks, users, and project intricacies.
Real-Time Collaboration and Communication:
Effective communication and collaboration are crucial for project success. Look for scheduling software that facilitates real-time collaboration, allowing team members to update progress, share documents, and communicate seamlessly. Features like comment threads, notifications, and file-sharing capabilities contribute to enhanced teamwork.
Mobile Accessibility:
Construction projects often require on-the-go access to schedules and project updates. Choose software that offers mobile accessibility, enabling team members to view, update, and communicate about the project from anywhere. Mobile compatibility enhances flexibility and responsiveness.
Customization Options:
Construction projects vary significantly, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not be suitable. Opt for scheduling software that provides customization options, allowing you to tailor the system to meet the unique needs of your project. This could include custom fields, templates, and reporting features.
Cost Considerations:
While cost is a crucial factor, it should not be the sole determinant. Consider the overall value provided by the software, including features, support, and potential cost savings in terms of time and resources. Evaluate pricing structures, including subscription models, and compare them against the features offered.
Support and Training:
Assess the level of support and training provided by the software vendor. A robust support system and comprehensive training materials can significantly contribute to the successful implementation and utilization of the scheduling software. Ensure that the vendor offers ongoing support and updates.
Trial Period:
Whenever possible, take advantage of trial periods or demos offered by software vendors. This hands-on experience allows you to assess the software's functionality, ease of use, and compatibility with your project requirements. It also provides an opportunity to gather feedback from potential users.
Choosing the right construction scheduling software is a critical step in optimizing project management processes. By carefully considering factors such as project requirements, user-friendliness, compatibility, scalability, collaboration features, mobile accessibility, customization options, cost, support, and a trial period, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project's unique needs. Invest the time upfront to select the most suitable software, and you'll pave the way for enhanced efficiency, collaboration, and success in your construction projects.
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shereen1 · 4 months
Demystifying Data: Your Guide to Top-Tier Infographic Design Experts
In today's information-overload era, attention spans are fleeting and complex data needs crystal-clear communication. Enter the infographic: a potent visual cocktail of facts, figures, and captivating design that transforms dry statistics into digestible delights. But crafting a truly impactful infographic requires more than just bar charts and clipart. It demands the expertise of infographic design masters, skilled in translating data into visual narratives that resonate with your audience.
So, where do you find these data-whisperers, these infographic alchemists? This guide dives deep into the world of infographic design expertise, helping you identify the perfect collaborators for your next visual storytelling project.
Know Your Needs:
Before embarking on your expert hunt, define your project's needs. Are you tackling a complex scientific concept or a lighthearted social media campaign? Each niche demands specific skillsets. Look for designers with experience in your industry or topic, ensuring they understand the nuances and visual language that resonates with your target audience.
The Skillset Symphony:
The ideal infographic design expert isn't just a Photoshop wizard. They're a conductor of a visual symphony, weaving together several crucial skills:
Data Visualization: Transforming numbers into eye-catching and understandable graphs, charts, and icons.
Visual Storytelling: Crafting a narrative flow that guides viewers through your data, highlighting key points and conclusions.
Graphic Design: Mastering typography, color palettes, and layout to create aesthetically pleasing and engaging visuals.
Communication: Collaborating effectively with you to understand your vision and translate it into a stunning infographic.
Where to Find Your Visual Virtuoso:
Now, the exciting part: the talent hunt! Here are some prime hunting grounds:
Freelance platforms: Upwork, Fiverr, and Behance offer a vast pool of freelance infographic design with diverse styles and specializations.
Design agencies: Agencies often house teams of experts specializing in different areas, including infographics.
Design communities: Online forums and social media groups dedicated to design can be gold mines for recommendations and hidden talents.
Industry awards and publications: Check out award winners and featured designers in publications relevant to your field.
Beyond the Portfolio:
A captivating portfolio is a must, but don't stop there. Dig deeper:
Ask for case studies: Delve into past projects to understand the designer's process, communication style, and ability to cater to specific needs.
Schedule a consultation: Discuss your project goals and vision. A skilled designer will ask insightful questions, demonstrating their understanding and ability to collaborate.
Check references: Contact past clients for firsthand accounts of the designer's professionalism, responsiveness, and overall experience.
Building a Successful Partnership:
Once you've found your infographic soulmate, nurture the relationship:
Provide clear briefs and feedback: The more detailed your brief, the better the designer can tailor the infographic to your vision. Be open to constructive feedback throughout the process.
Respect the creative process: Trust your designer's expertise and give them space to work their magic.
Celebrate success: Share the finished infographic with the world and acknowledge the designer's contribution.
By following these tips, you'll transform your data into captivating infographics, leaving your audience informed, engaged, and eager for more. Remember, finding the right infographic design expert is an investment in your communication, your brand, and ultimately, your success. So, go forth, unleash your data's narrative potential, and let the visuals sing!
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seo-premier · 5 months
Packhouse: Keeping Fruits & Vegetables Fresh
What is a Packhouse?
Packhouse is a building designed to facilitate receiving, precooling, grading and packing fresh fruits and vegetables before dispatching them to the market. It can be constructed either at the farm or wholesale level. 
The objective of packhouse is to encourage exporters of horticultural produce to meet international standards in terms of produce quality and quarantine safety. 
What operations are performed in the Packhouse?
Common operations conducted in a packhouse include sorting, grading, cleaning and packaging. The packhouse consists of various sections such as reception hall for receiving harvested produce, precooling rooms, packing rooms, cold rooms, storage rooms for packed material and quality analysis. 
After receiving bulk fruits and vegetables, they are unloaded and sorted based on quantity or size. The sorted fruits undergo a washing process to remove dirt, before being transported via a conveyor belt for grading. Graded fruits are then placed in labelled boxes. 
Packhouse is therefore useful for material handling, holding, pre-inspection of produce, sorting and grading in different grades. Cold storing of fruits is also done in a packhouse. 
Product Flow chart of a Packhouse 
Raw Material from Farm 
Arrival of Raw Material at Packhouse
Primary Inspection and Weighing in Pre-Inspection Area 
Raw Material held in Holding Area 
Sorting, Grading in Processing Area
Packing the Produce
Final Produce stacked in Stacking area
Inspection by Plant Quarantine Authority 
Rejected Material Disposed Off
Pre Cooling/ Cold Storage as per requirement 
Dispatch through Loading Dock 
What is Minimal Processing of Fruits and Vegetables?
Minimal Processing of fruits and vegetables involves cleaning, washing, peeling, trimming and deseeding, along with cutting the produce into specific sizes. This process helps retain the nutritional value without altering the appearance of the fruits and vegetables. 
With the increasing consumer awareness of health and a preference for convenience due to urbanisation, minimally processed foods are in high demand. 
What are the key benefits of a Packhouse?
A Packhouse provides the following benefits:
Optimises maximum storage life 
Protects from damage 
Promotes natural dormancy 
Mechair Industries offers the best fruits and vegetable packhouse to meet various needs. To get more information about our products and services, visit our website https://mechair.in/.
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pipingmaterial · 5 months
Everything you need to know about stainless steel pipes
Stainless steel pipes are employed in the piping systems to transport gas and fluid. Steel pipes are manufactured from a steel alloy that includes nickel and chromium, giving corrosion-resistance capacity to stainless steel. This pipe variant can excellently resist oxidation, which makes it a low-maintenance solution suitable for high chemical applications as well as temperature.  
 But, the money you invest will be worth you in the long run. Stainless steel pipes go through an extrusion or welding process. They offer high corrosion resistance and long-lasting durability. 
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Common industries where stainless steel pipes are employed 
Check the Price list SS 304 fittings to know the rate tags of the latest SS pipes and fittings. Come, let’s see the major areas where SS pipes are used:
Textile operations
Food processing
Oil and gas transportation
Water treatment projects
Chemical applications
Fertilizers and pesticides
Automotive components
Check Price List Duplex Plates to see the range of sizes that stainless steel pipes are available to meet your needs. Check also the pipe schedule chart to decide on the pipe schedule value using the wall thickness and OD of the pipe. 
How 304 stainless steel version differ from the 316 version?
300 series grade SS variants are made with a combination of chromium and nickel alloy. These are manufactured to make a wide range of stainless steel products. These two variants are highly durable to maintain strength at high temperatures, capable of resisting corrosion, and easy to maintain. Choosing a material for pipes is fully dependent on how you will use the end product and the ambiance where the pipe is going to be installed. Check Price list SS 304 pipe to know the price variations in stainless steel products available in the market. 
304 stainless steel variant seems to be the most common material employed widely as it is easy to sanitize and corrosion resistant as well. This model is generally used for food and beverage industries or in building applications. Though the 316 variant is corrosion-resistant and easy to clean, it is more resistant to corrosion from solvents and chemicals. Thus, the 316 model is more preferred for surgical and industrial applications or marine and outdoor applications because of its high capacity to resist chloride corrosion. 
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What are the benefits stainless steel pipes offer to your applications?
Check Price List Carbon Steel Fittings to see the difference from stainless steel pipes. Stainless steel pipes come with a lot of advantages, such as:
Highly durable 
Easy to install
High flow rates
Scratch resistant
Easy to sanitize
Super corrosion-resistance capacity
Environment friendly 
Fully recyclable
Hence check Price of Carbon Steel Flanges as well as stainless steel flanges and you will understand why the stainless steel variant is preferred. 
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kudostasolutionsllp · 11 months
How to Perform UI/UX for a Software Application in 5 Simple Steps
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An initial step to implement the design and development concept is to thoroughly understand what it is and what it can do for your business? Talking about UI/UX, it is all about users; their reviews, feedback, requirements, and what they want from a software product (mobile app or a website). Here, we will be discussing the UI/UX design process and how you can achieve your end-user goals.
Points that will be covered-
Understanding UI/UX
Purpose of UI/UX
Why businesses need it
Step to perform UI/UX designing
Understanding UI/UX
UX is a practice that tells how a user interacts with a web or mobile application. What a user feels and experiences when they access a software product is termed as UX. On the other hand, UI (user interface) is the graphical layout that is visible to the users on the front end. Users can navigate web pages, experience animations, interact with design elements, and more.
Purpose of UI/UX
The aim of developing adequate UI/UX design is to improve user engagement with the software product. It increases the loyalty of a brand towards its customers. Responsive design, voice assistants (live chat or a chatbot), and adequate navigation for menus, buttons, and landing pages provide ease of access to the users.
Why Businesses Need IT
In this competitive world where every business is providing services online, your software product should have something unique. UI/UX design removes its complexity and makes it accessible for the users. It helps businesses to generate leads and boost customer satisfaction. UX/UI connects businesses with users efficiently to produce more ROI.
Step to Perform UI/UX Designing
1. Build a Strategy
As a UX designer, you have to work with brilliance because, in this digital age, users need innovative and creative web applications. Think of creating a problem-solving ability and human interaction while constructing a superb UX. Ensure that you have the answer to these questions-
Who is your target audience?
What is the purpose of designing this software product?
What are the findings from individual interviews?
What are the results of brainstorming sessions?
What is the business problem and how this product will resolve it?
What are the goals of the client?
What is the specified time & budget?
These questions will give you a way to build a foundation for the product. You have to remember a simple thing, "keep users' needs as a priority".
You have to conduct research on the basis of real customer feedback, it is advisable that you do not depend on search engines. Because every company has different procedures to accomplish the needs of their customers and that is updated on the internet. Yes, you can take a general idea but you have to design UX according to your customer requirements.
2. Sketch Your Idea
Now that you have gathered the necessary information from the client, it is time to create-
Flow chart
Use Cases
Product specifications
While working on this stuff, you can use the competitor and market analysis data to develop what is in trend and liked by the potential customers. You can take help from the project managers for the decision-making process about a product design.
3. Blueprints and Prototypes
Though wireframes work as a blueprint of your design idea, you must build a prototype that is in working condition. Company's internal stakeholders: technical experts, project manager, business managers should be a part of this prototype. It will allow them to view the missing components or the mandatory changes required in the UX/UI. Once this is done, your prototype should be ready to represent to the real users.
These can either be a client or someone else from the team to give proper feedback. The concern is only about the fact that your design accomplishes the client's goals. It should answer "why" of their business issues.
4. Development
Now, it is the time to make things into action. Considering feedbacks, start building an interactive UI. Usability should be good, proper design elements, visual characters, and everything need to be in place. At Kudosta, our professional UI/UX developers and designers work on providing an extremely amazing experience to the users.
Our team addresses the potential needs and builds websites according to the emerging market trends. They collaborate with the other departments like the sales & marketing team, digital marketing team to work properly on a project.
5. Testing
These three should be the priority when it comes to testing the application-
Quality: Check whether the product is functioning promptly. The layout should be perfect with essential graphics. The menu button, social media buttons, contact options are clear, and internal links are usable.
Compatibility: software application should be responsive for mobile devices and is compatible with web browsers with appropriate load time.
User acceptance: it is solving the issues addressed by the users in the initial phase of designing.
The testing concludes that you have successfully achieved customer satisfaction and increased user engagement of the developed software product.
Last Words
UI/UX design is a never-ending process. As soon as companies get relevant feedback from the users, they update it. A software product of a business should have the ability to zoom in/zoom out its images with proper captions and videos should be solution-giving. This is all possible with a good UI/UX design. Contact us Now!
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realestateinindia · 11 months
Meaning, Significance, and Process to obtain Khata Certificate online
Looking for assistance with Khata Certificate? Do not worry! From meaning to its significance and the process of obtaining the BBMP Khata certificate online, our blog explains every aspect of the Khata Certificate. Begin untangling your tangled thoughts by understanding what Khata Certificate is and the importance it holds.
What do you mean by Khata Certificate?
Khata certificate is an official document issued by Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) to assess the property in debt and taxes. It consists of all the details about the property, such as the name, owner’s contact information, size, location, built-up area, carpet area, tax assessment, and property identification number. This document is used during the registration or selling of new property. It also serves as a payment log which is updated by the municipal corporations.
Why do you need Khata Certificate?
According to Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, it is mandatory to have a Khata Certificate to secure building permits, layout plan approvals, and bank loans. This further also helps in facilitating the electricity and water supply in the project. Without a Khata certificate, no amenities can be facilitated on the premises.
Know the types of Khata Certificates
There are two types of Khata Certificates –
A Khata
A Khata Certificate is a legal document that validates the legality of the property. It ensures that all construction standards are met and necessary licenses from the relevant authorities were taken, including property taxation, and building byelaws. With A Khata, obtaining building permits, housing loans, and occupation certificate is easy. A Khata also helps you in obtaining trade licenses, renovating the property, and even in the process of transferring ownership or selling the property.
The Khata Certificate application can be made by a legitimate title owner of a property by submitting the required documents to the Revenue Officer or Assistant Revenue Officer upon verification. Ensure you have collected the acknowledgment receipt post submitting the duly filled application form in an approved format. You can apply for a Khata at any of the Karnataka government-approved Citizens Service Centres.
Below is the list of the mandatory documents to be submitted to obtain Khata Certificate:
Attested title deed copy
Documents for allocations granted by the State Housing Board
Location of the property
Previously paid tax receipts
Building layout plan
Profession documents
The above documents may vary according to the different locals in the city.
B Khata
B Khata certificate is a temporary document that is issued in the event of unpaid taxes or broken building bylaws. This document is issued by BBMP, under section 108A of the Karnataka Municipal Act, 1976 which was amended in 2009. Previously, B Khata properties had enjoyed some of the rights similar to A Khata rights. However, post Karnataka High Court issued an order in December 2014, B Khata Certificate was declared illegal. Therefore, such properties are now recognized as illegal properties.
Further, in case you wish to construct, sell, or transfer the property rights to someone, it is mandatory to convert B Khata properties into A Khata to ensure that the property and transaction are legal and that you do not face any legal hassles. In order to get your B Khata converted, you can send an application to the assistant revenue officer or similar officer in charge of Khatas with the required supporting documents. The application is then processed, and you can expect the delivery of the Khata certificate up to 5 weeks. The following documents could be provided to complete the B Khata registration process:
Title deed/Possession Certificate
Receipts of tax payments
Sketch of a property depicting its boundaries and location
Improvement charges
National savings certificate
Encumbrance Certificate if a given site is vacant
Flow chart of title
Khata Certificate online
As everything is digitalized now, the BBMP Khata certificate is digitalized too. You can now apply and get your Khata certificate online. This khata certificate can be downloaded from the official website of BBMP. In order to download the certificate, you need to first log in to BBMP official website. Under department specific section on website homepage, you need to click on “Khatha Service” where you can Register/Bifurcate/Amalgamate/Transfer your property online. Post clicking on the “Khatha Service,” you will be redirected to the “Sakala Online Services” website or you may yourself directly log on to the website. Here's the direct link to the Sakala Online Services - https://sakala.kar.nic.in/online/bbmp/registration.aspx.
BBMP Khata Transfer online
As the name suggests, a khata transfer is used when the ownership of a property is transferred to another person due to events like a property sale, gift, will, or in the event of the property owner's demise. This document can be obtained by filing a requisition letter to the assistant officer along with the khata transfer charges. Following are the documents that must accompany the application:
Title deed
Details of Khata
Tax payment receipt
National savings certificate
Owner's death certificate if the transfer is being sought after the owner's death.
An affidavit stating that the petitioners are the legitimate heirs of the property.
Khata Bifurcation and Amalgamation
Khata bifurcation is the process of separating a khata into two or more khatas while Khata amalgamation is the process of combining many khatas into one. Application for such khatas must be submitted with the specific documentation listed below:
Old Khata Certificate
Registered Sale deed/title deed
Receipt of taxes remitted
Receipt of improvement charges
Encumbrance Certificate
No Objection Certificate from BDA
Receipt of improvement charges
Flow chart of title
In case of bifurcation or amalgamation of a bestowed property, property acquired through a will, or property inherited by death, the following documents must be submitted along with the above documents-
Original death certificate
Encumbrance Certificate
Registered will
Affidavit pertaining to the inheritance/court/decree/gift
Now that we have explained the ins and outs of the Khata certificate, you can go ahead and apply for yours! In case you need detailed guidance on the homebuying process, connect with our experts to ensure you understand the dynamics of the real estate market and make an informed investment.
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awareblockchain · 11 months
Establish Adept Exchange Platform With A Crypto Exchange Development Company
Within the digital asset ecosystem, cryptocurrency exchanges hold significant importance by facilitating the seamless trading of cryptocurrencies for individuals and businesses. Cryptocurrency exchange development companies excel in building solid and secure systems that allow users to purchase, sell, and trade multiple cryptocurrencies. These firms use their experience to provide full solutions for the setup and running of cryptocurrency exchanges.
What is the definition of a cryptocurrency exchange? 
Cryptocurrency exchanges are digital platforms where users may trade cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. These exchanges serve as a marketplace for buyers and sellers, with features including order matching, price charts, integrated wallets, and safe transaction processing. Cryptocurrency exchanges play an essential role in supporting the seamless flow of digital assets throughout the crypto market by encouraging certainty and liquidity. Also, experience in developing cryptocurrency exchange platforms is crucial to ensure a deep understanding of the industry's intricacies. Emphasizing security is paramount, as robust measures safeguard user data and platform integrity.
How effective is a Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company?
The cryptocurrency exchange development market is constantly changing, with new technology and ideas appearing regularly. As a result, companies and entrepreneurs thinking about starting their cryptocurrency exchange should collaborate with a development business that is up to date on industry standards. That is, while choosing a high-quality organization, you must examine a few crucial factors. 
Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are gaining popularity because they provide a more safe and transparent trading environment than centralized exchanges.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are gaining popularity, and several cryptocurrency exchanges already enable NFT trading.
As cryptocurrency exchanges become more popular, regulatory compliance is becoming increasingly critical.
As a result, when selecting a Crypto exchange development business, look for one that has expertise in designing cutting-edge systems that satisfy the most recent industry requirements.
Closing Thoughts!
 Cryptocurrency exchange development company serves as a catalyst, empowering businesses and entrepreneurs to thrive in the digital asset market by constructing secure, scalable, and feature-rich exchange platforms that streamline cryptocurrency trading operations. So, partnering with a reputable company offers several benefits, including their expertise in building secure and scalable platforms, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, and utilizing advanced security measures. Exchange better with compliant services from an agency that deploys perfection! 
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attitudetallyacademy · 8 months
How Do I Use Excel for Financial Modeling and Forecasting?
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In the dynamic landscape of finance, making well-informed decisions is paramount. Whether you're a seasoned financial analyst or embarking on your journey into the world of financial planning, Microsoft Excel stands as an indispensable companion. Excel is not confined to mere spreadsheet creation; it serves as a robust platform for harnessing the power of MS Excel for financial modeling and forecasting. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of unleashing the full potential of MS Excel for these critical functions, enhancing the accuracy and depth of your financial analysis.
Financial Modeling: Laying the Groundwork
Before we plunge into the specifics of employing MS Excel for financial modeling and forecasting, it's vital to grasp the essence of financial modeling and its significance. Financial modeling is the art of crafting a mathematical representation of a company's financial performance. It empowers you to dissect past performance, evaluate the current financial health, and project future scenarios. This is invaluable for various facets of financial management, including budgeting, valuation, investment decisions, and strategic planning.
Excel's spreadsheet format proves ideal for financial modeling, offering an organized canvas for data manipulation. Here's how you can effectively harness Excel for financial modeling:
1. Structured Data Organization: Commence by amassing historical financial data for your company, encompassing income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Input this treasure trove of data into Excel to construct a structured historical archive.
2. Assumption Building: In financial modeling, assumptions serve as the linchpin. Excel facilitates the input of these assumptions and their linkage to your financial statements. For instance, you can extrapolate revenue growth rates, estimate expense ratios, and more.
3. Formula Crafting and Equation Deployment: The real potency of Excel lies in its prowess to perform intricate calculations. Employ formulas and functions to calculate projected values, engage in trend analysis, and make educated estimates about future financial metrics.
4. Sensitivity Analysis: Excel opens the door to sensitivity analysis, allowing you to gauge the impact of various assumptions on your financial model. This is paramount for comprehending the potential consequences of diverse scenarios.
Financial Forecasting: Gazing into the Future
Financial forecasting takes the baton from financial modeling. While modeling aids in comprehending your current financial stance and crafting assumptions, forecasting takes a leap forward by predicting future financial performance. Excel is the bedrock for this mission:
1. Time Series Analysis: Excel's charting and graphing capabilities shine in illuminating historical data trends. You can fashion line charts, bar graphs, and more to scrutinize past performance and discern patterns.
2. Regression Analysis: Excel features built-in regression analysis tools that facilitate the establishment of relationships between variables. This is particularly beneficial when forecasting variables like sales, where multiple factors come into play.
3. What-If Scenarios: Excel's data tables and scenario manager empower you to conjure multiple what-if scenarios. By tweaking assumptions and variables, you can explore how diverse decisions and external factors might sway your financial outcomes.
4. Forecast Accuracy Validation: Excel equips you with data analysis tools to cross-reference your forecasts with actual results. This iterative process refines your models and enhances forecasting precision over time.
In conclusion
MS Excel stands as a formidable ally on your voyage through financial modeling and forecasting. Its adaptability, computational prowess, and user-friendly interface render it the preferred choice for financial practitioners. By adhering to best practices and continuously honing your models, you can leverage Excel to facilitate more informed, data-driven decision-making in the realm of finance.
So, embrace Excel and unlock its full potential to elevate your financial modeling and forecasting proficiency. It's not merely a spreadsheet; it serves as your gateway to financial triumph.
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Deliberate Practice: The Key to Mastery and Continuous Improvement
Achieving mastery in any skill or discipline requires more than just talent or effort; it demands a focused and structured approach to practice. Deliberate practice, a concept popularized by psychologist Anders Ericsson, holds the key to unlocking exceptional performance and continuous improvement. By engaging in deliberate practice, individuals can push beyond their comfort zones, refine their skills, and make significant strides towards their goals. In this article, we introduce the concept of deliberate practice and highlight its importance in personal and professional growth.
Understanding Deliberate Practice:
Deliberate practice refers to a purposeful and systematic approach to skill development that involves pushing oneself beyond current limits, receiving immediate and constructive feedback, and engaging in targeted efforts to improve specific aspects of performance. Unlike mindless repetition, deliberate practice requires concentration, focus, and a commitment to stretching one's abilities.
Why Deliberate Practice is Important:
Maximizing Skill Development: Deliberate practice is designed to target specific areas for improvement, enabling individuals to identify weaknesses and work systematically towards enhancing their skills. By breaking down complex tasks into smaller components and focusing on each element individually, individuals can accelerate their learning curve and achieve higher levels of proficiency.
Building Expertise and Mastery: Deliberate practice is the pathway to expertise. By consistently engaging in deliberate practice, individuals can refine their techniques, deepen their knowledge, and acquire the level of mastery necessary to stand out in their field. It allows individuals to develop the depth and breadth of skills needed to excel and innovate.
Embracing Continuous Improvement: Deliberate practice instills a mindset of continuous improvement. Rather than resting on past accomplishments, individuals who engage in deliberate practice constantly seek ways to refine their performance. By embracing a growth-oriented mindset and seeking challenges, individuals can consistently raise the bar for their own achievements.
Developing Resilience and Grit: Deliberate practice often involves pushing beyond one's comfort zone, encountering obstacles, and persevering through difficulties. This process builds resilience, grit, and the ability to navigate setbacks with determination. Individuals who engage in deliberate practice develop the mental fortitude to overcome challenges and bounce back stronger than before.
Enhancing Focus and Concentration: Deliberate practice demands intense focus and concentration. By immersing oneself fully in the task at hand, individuals can cultivate the ability to block out distractions and maintain a state of flow. This heightened focus not only enhances performance during practice but also translates into improved productivity and efficiency in other areas of life.
Facilitating Goal Achievement: Deliberate practice aligns with goal setting and achievement. By breaking down long-term goals into smaller, measurable milestones, individuals can chart their progress and stay motivated. Deliberate practice allows individuals to move steadily towards their objectives, boosting confidence and fostering a sense of fulfillment.
Deliberate practice is a transformative approach to skill development and personal growth. By engaging in purposeful and structured practice, individuals can unlock their full potential, acquire expertise, and continuously improve their performance. Deliberate practice fosters resilience, focus, and a growth mindset, enabling individuals to surpass their own expectations and reach new heights of achievement. Embrace deliberate practice as a powerful tool for honing your skills, driving mastery, and pursuing excellence in your chosen endeavors.
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neetpreparation · 1 year
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How to Strengthen Basics For NEET Exam?
Any building that is going to be constructed, needs a solid foundation in order to stand sturdy. Without it, it won't be strong and won't endure very long. Akin to that,  without having a foundational understanding of the subjects—Physics, Chemistry, and Biology—you cannot qualify for the NEET exam, if you are preparing for it. You must be proficient in these subjects to qualify for NEET. The Best NEET Institute in Bangalore might be a great help to you in preparing for the NEET by strengthening your basic fundamentals.
NCERT is a must.
NCERT is essential for NEET preparation. The NCERT solely accounts for 95% of the questions on exam papers. Read NCERT if you're a student preparing for the NEET. In order to have time for areas that you find challenging, it is advisable that NEET aspirants complete easy topics from NCERT first because it will save your time. The majority of the syllabus will be covered, and you will have time to focus on difficult topics. You may find NCERT language difficult at times, but it will be simple for you to choose topics from NCERT and then read them in coaching modules provided by NEET coaching centers in Bangalore & Hyderabad . Because of the coaching modules' simple language, you can study the subject and take notes in your own language to better understand it. It is advised to use this technique for difficult topics because it will be a time-consuming process.
Prepare your own notes.
Making your own notes will help you retain and grasp what you are being taught in class. It will benefit you in revision because, while taking notes, you can write things in a manner that makes sense to you, and when you're revising, you'll understand them more clearly since you wrote them in your own way. Make small notes with flow charts & diagrams for quick revision. NEET coaching centers in Bangalore provide NEET preparation notes that will also be helpful to you.
Clubbing Interlinked Chapters
Every subject will have many topics that are interlinked. Try going through them one at a time so that you can easily learn the subject because they will act as a hierarchy to help you to understand and remember the entire notion. In order to understand a topic you may find yourself struggling with it during your studies. In this case, try to relate the concept to real-world examples and put it into practice. Eventually, you will be able to understand the concept. 
Every pupil must revise in order to strengthen their foundations. They should review what they have learned for the week once a week to help them memorize and grasp the topics. It will strengthen your foundation and enable you to understand more difficult subjects that are connected to one another with ease. 
Large issues can be broken down into smaller subtopics to help you understand them better; once you do, move on to the next topic. After you fully grasp the basic concept, you will see the difference. The big subjects will be a lot simpler to learn. You cannot pass this exam without fundamental knowledge, therefore, brush up on your fundamentals and make your goal a reality.
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Magnetic Flow Meters
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Magnetic flow meters are an inexpensive and also flexible methods of getting accurate info on liquid flow. These circulation meters utilize the principle of Faraday's Law to transform the circulation speed of conductive fluids into a measurable voltage signal. The induced voltage in the conductor is directly proportional to the liquid's circulation rate. Here's a good read about ultrasonic flow meter, check it out! The meter has two non-moving parts that contact the fluid to be gauged: a lining that safeguards the circulation tube from the procedure fluid as well as a set of electrodes that spot the quantifiable electrical signal. This straightforward building and construction offers longer life, reduced maintenance, reduced stress decreases, as well as overall lower cost of ownership. Mag Circulation tubes and also linings are available in a variety of products to meet one of the most common process applications. To gather more awesome ideas on mag flow meter, click here to get started. Some are abrasion-resistant as well as can handle high-speed, destructive, or abrasive processes. They are typically flanged or short-form insertion mounted, with in person measurements that meet International Company for Standardization (ISO) guidelines. These linings are designed to stand up to rust as well as abrasion and can be altered as required. Nonetheless, they are vulnerable to damage from crowbar or over-torquing flange bolts and should be shielded. They are sized making use of capacity tables or graphes published by the producer. These tables or charts give a series of small flow capacities for numerous pipeline dimensions. Usually, the normal speed range is 3-6 ft/sec for the majority of applications, yet harsh fluids ought to have an optimum speed of 15 ft/sec to guarantee exact metering. Continuous operation below this array will certainly degrade metering accuracy. The electrodes are positioned inline to the streaming fluid as well as gauge the caused voltage generated by the fluid's movement. This induced voltage is then refined by a transmitter that transforms the details into an actual measurement of the flow. This metering technology is very efficient for many different fluids, consisting of water, sewage, food and also pulp, slurries, chemicals, and also cryogenic fluids. It can likewise be utilized to gauge low-pressure, rough, or extremely destructive liquids. Common applications include: wastewater, pulp, chemical and sewage therapy, water-based procedure applications, slurries, and metals processing. Compared to various other types of circulation meters, magnetic meters are easy to install, call for little power, and also are able to measure really reduced circulations and really high volume circulation prices. Induction styles make use of a dc excitation pulse to create the electromagnetic field and measure the circulation. This layout removes zero drift and noise issues that are triggered by air conditioner excitation designs. One more advantage of the dc excitation layout is that it permits the circulation meter to be powered by just the power called for to run the sensor, and not the entire power supply. This decreases power intake, making it extra cost-efficient than a/c meters. A magnetic flow meter is most reliable when the fluid to be metered is a conductive fluid with an affordable conductivity of 100 micro-Siemens-per-centimeter or better. This is since the magnetic field created by the magnets will certainly have a solid influence on the streaming liquid and will certainly create a caused voltage signal. Kindly visit this website https://www.britannica.com/technology/flow-meter for more useful reference.
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itesservices · 1 year
7 Ways Data Mining Helps Gain a Competitive Edge
Data is the gold mine of insights in this digital age. These insights enable businesses to enhance their product, process, or personnel. It is the data mining process that empowers stakeholders to chart a course by comparing analytics and stats from the past and predict the near future.
As a fast-growing field, web data mining offers business intelligence to understand customers, help drive sales, meet mission goals, and tap new opportunities. Plus, organizations can also unlock greater profitability, reduce client churn rate, and increase customer loyalty.
Listed here are some common ways data mining helps businesses with practical advice on how to use each to maintain a competitive advantage:
1. Sales Forecasting
Sales forecasting looks at when the customers bought a product/service and try to predict when they will purchase again. This type of analysis can be used to figure out complimentary products to sell or determine a strategy for planned obsolescence.
This allows you to look at the number of customers in the market and predicts how many will actually make the purchase. Take the case in point- you have a coffee shop somewhere in Seattle, let’s say. Here are the questions you might want to ask:
How many competitors are present in that mile?
How many coffee store competitors are in the immediate 5 miles?
How many households and/or businesses within a mile of your coffee store will buy your beverage?
What is the strength of the market in 5 miles? Or, what is the number of people/households/businesses in that area?
Creating three cash flow projections that are realistic, optimistic, and pessimistic is a nice idea when it comes to forecasting sales. This way businesses can future-proof themselves by getting the right amount of capital on hand to endure the worst situation that may occur if sales don’t go as planned.
2. Card Marketing
Businesses involved in issuing credit cards can collect information from users and identify different customer segments then build programs that boost acquisition, improve retention, and target products to develop and design prices.
Of course, there are costs involved in issuing credit cards that many companies can’t absorb, but if you can, you must do it. Analyzing customer buying patterns according to their credit card habits provides insight into their behavior. Hence, you can create promotions and programs based on those to generate higher revenues and increase customer loyalty.
3. Call Record Analysis
Telecommunication companies can mine the incoming data to understand use patterns, build customer profiles from them, and construct a tiered pricing structure to enhance profit. Or promotions that reflect the data can also be built.
Whether it’s based upon customer service calls or mobile user data, professional data mining companies dive deep into the data available in call detail records to find ways that can improve current service, promotion opportunities, and ways to shorten time on call.
4. Market Segmentation
One of the tangible uses of data mining is to segment the customers based on their age, gender, income, occupation, etc. This works best whether you are running SEO strategies or email marketing campaigns.
Segmentation also helps understand the competition better and improve the conversion rates as businesses focus their promotions on a tight, highly-interested market. This also helps in understanding who the competitors are in each of those segments, enabling you to customize promotions and products, which satisfy the needs of that audience.
5. Product Production
Data mining insights help in creating custom products designed for specific market segments. You can predict which features users want; though truly innovative products aren’t created by offering customers what they want.
Instead, they are created when you spot holes that customers are demanding be filled. Elements that must be baked into the truly innovative product are the ones that fulfill an obvious need, offer something utterly unique, attractive design, serve a broad market, create an impulse-purchase price, can be sold in generations, and cost to make is low enough to make a profit.
The lesson learned is that the most innovative companies never start with a product, rather they start with a pain point uncovered from mining data. A minimum viable product is then built to solve that problem in a way customers never imagined.
6. Guarantee and Warranty
Data mining in financial services allows businesses to predict how many people would actually cash in on the warranty they’ve set up; the same goes for guarantees. By looking at the data of past guarantees, profits, and sales, you can easily create a successful guarantee, which is why this is one of the best ways. Doing so can lead you to guarantee a 110% money-back offer to gain an edge over the competition.
7. Merchandise Planning
It is helpful for online and offline companies. An offline company looking to expand by adding stores can evaluate the amount of merchandise it will need by looking at the exact layout of a current store. Merchandise planning can help an online business determine stocking options and inventory warehousing.
Leveraging the right approach will lead to answers for:
Selecting Product: Mining a business database helps in determining which products customers want that should include intelligence on their competitor’s merchandise.
Inventory getting old: Merchandising planning is as easy as stocking up-to-date accessories for products or updating a PDF blank page to be current.
Balancing the stock: Database mining insights help you determine the right amount of stock-neither too much nor too little throughout the year as well as buying seasons.
Strategic pricing: Data mining also helps stakeholders determine the best price for their products/services as they uncover customer sensitivity.
Ignoring this strategy can result in poor performance of production and customer experience/service. If in-store expectations aren’t met, you can’t handle typical runs on a product, or your price doesn’t match the market, users will jump ship.
Bottom Line
All in all, the more data businesses collect from the customers, the more value they can deliver to them; the more the value is delivered to them, the more revenue generated-data mining is what helps businesses get assured ROI.
So, if you are one of those organizations sitting on heaps of customer data and not doing anything with it, now is the time to make a plan. You can either do it yourself or collaborate with experienced web data mining companies, whatever it takes. Your business bottom line will thank you.
Read here inspired the blog: https://datafloq.com/read/7-ways-data-mining-helps-gain-a-competitive-edge/
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