#context clues leading you to approximate translations
universal-kitty · 1 year
    “Wow, my thoughts are all jumbled up! I wish I had a place to put them all down-” Remembers this blog. “Oh right.”
    Anyways!!!! Thinking abt my SI, Rahela, again... Still giddy over the idea that- as half-assed as it is- I’ve been working my ass off on the fake language she and her Mama used! I need to at least start making it more coherent, but... Man, I’d love to turn this into a full thing at some point. Get linguistic help, y’know?
    Anyways, have an example of what working with that has been like:
What is said: Uest asita sadice takett uset un bez. Nages un mutte-fis!
What it translates to (approx.): You will let me thank you for this. Bad to deny it!
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usaadmission · 4 years
How to Improve GRE Verbal Score
The new GRE Verbal is an examination of, initially, your vocabulary, second your ability to complete a sentence and comprehend, and lastly your ability to evaluate the paragraphs as well as sentences provided. Your prep work needs to start a few months in advancement if you desire to score high in this section. The GRE Verbal includes 3 separate locations of testing:
Text Completion
Sentence Equivalence &
Reading Comprehension
While examination methods for each and every one of the 3 sections will certainly be discussed carefully, just by boosting your vocabulary, you will substantially enhance your opportunity of racking up high up on all of the sections.
How to Ace the GRE Verbal – Vocabulary                                                   
A high vocabulary directly correlates to a greater understanding of the English language. Additionally, a high vocabulary will permit you to express your concepts and also views in an extra cogent and verbalize way. Do the complying with to raise your vocabulary (note that it will certainly take a minimum of two months to do this appropriately):.
Barron’s Word List: The whole checklist consists of approximately 4000 words, if you want a rating greater than 160, then it will certainly be required to learn the whole list. But considering that the New GRE puts a lower emphasis on Vocabulary, even if you simply finish the high frequency “Ubiquitous 800” word list, you will certainly have the ability to score a 150+.
Use the Words Regularly: Continuous modification is a need if you hope to find out the entire word list, so utilize the words which you listen to on a daily basis when also the chance presents itself. Additionally when a week, revise all words which you found out the previous week.
Use Flash Cards: An easy and also fun method to change on the go, is to make use of flashcards. While you do obtain them prepared-made, if you make your own they will verify to be more reliable, given that you will certainly be creating them down.
The mean GRE spoken rating is 150.4.
Advised publication: Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions volume 1 – 2nd Edition. The book is from ETS and has outlined descriptions with pointers and also hints.
How to Ace the GRE Verbal Text Completion.
The only things which are checked in the text conclusion area are your ability to recognize the full picture i.e. your capacity to pick words which will load the blanks totally and also make sense to review. Ideas to the answer will certainly be discovered within the words present in the flow itself, so check out very carefully prior to responding.
How to Ace the GRE Verbal Sentence Equivalence.
This is by far the most convenient of the three sections, primarily since with a strong vocabulary you will have the ability to address most of them correctly. An essential pointer for this area is that you should choose 2 words which imply the same point, complete the sentence flawlessly i.e. of the 6 answer choices supplied, 3 will certainly be undoubtedly wrong, the other three will certainly fit, however just two will be synonyms, so constantly choose the synonyms!
How to Ace the GRE Verbal Reading Comprehension.
This is by far the hardest of the three sections in the GRE Verbal since it calls for a high vocabulary, a high understanding of the English language, as well as a high reading/understanding speed. The only means to rack up high in this section is to:
Read classic publications were making use of language is incredibly good.
Read newspaper articles of top quality i.e. The Hindu Editorial Section.
Understand the flow as well as the reasoning behind the text.
Read about the various types of questions that are typically asked; this will certainly conserve you time as well as enable you to find the solution much faster.
Practice, Practice, and also extra Practice (shot as several questions as you can).
While every one of the above will take a great deal of time and effort from your part, it will certainly pay off big. You have ensured a 160+ rating if you handle to do all of the above
1. Know your vocabulary.
There is no chance around it. To do well on the GRE you have to understand your vocabulary. There are lots of word lists that can help you begin.
Make sure to discover how to go regarding finding out GRE vocabulary. Reading through a word list just won’t hack it, you’ve reached have vocabulary research study approaches.
2. Talk GRE-else.
The verbal section is not filled with amusing writing. Far from it. What you’ll get is completely dry, academic kind of flows. The Text Completions (the fill-in-the-blank sentences) will likewise include dry writing, a lot of which is intricate and sophisticated.
To wrap your head around such writing, you need to immerse yourself on your own in GRE-level writing. This can be as straightforward as doing plenty of technique concerns or reviewing from websites such as aldaily.com.
Of course, the talk element doesn’t suggest talking like a GRE flow– at the very least not initially. It does associate with making use of GRE-level vocabulary as high as possible. Do not just learn the words in word checklists but utilize them (maybe not in public– yet at the very least pepper your inner monologue with a GRE word or two).
3. Learn to pace.
Everybody has existed– not being able to release that difficult concern, melting mins agonizing between (B) as well as (C). To do well on the examination you need to obtain a feeling of pacing, so you don’t spend a lot of your time simply a few questions.
To establish a feeling of pacing do lots of method sets. There are a couple of GRE method checks out there that will aid you to handle any type of timing issues. Both Magoosh, as well as Manhattan GRE, also have mock tests.
4. Become a word investigator.
Anywhere you look, GRE words are plentiful. Listen to several of the words characters utilize on television (I listened to ‘subterfuge’ and ‘insincere’ just recently); open up your local paper. A lot of us are loath to seek out words we see in composing (are you going to search for ‘reluctant’?). Now that you are prepping for the GRE, you need to think of yourself as a word investigator. Every time you see a word you do not know look it up.
5. Believe as the examination authors do.
To do well in the verbal area needs more than just knowing a lot of fancy words. You have to ensure not to get entrapped by the response choices. Referred to as ‘distractors’, wrong response choices are sneaky. Discover what makes incorrect response selections ideal and wrong response choices right. You’ve got to believe like the examination manufacturers!
The normal response to missing out on a question is outright disbelief– just how, we exclaim, can (B) be the correct answer. It is plainly (C). Such an action can lead us to harbor animosity to the examination. We think the inquiries are arbitrary as well as unjust
– https://www.mbacrystalball.com/blog/2016/08/15/improve-gre-verbal-scores/.
Does your GRE Verbal rating need renovation? The solution is of course if you have not been getting to the average GRE ratings for your designated significant or target institutions. Exactly how to enhance your GRE scores? There are a number of points you can do.
Develop a GRE vocabulary wisely.
Several GRE preppers spend a great deal of time experiencing vocabulary word lists memorizing any kind of words that are brand-new to them. This alone isn’t sufficient. To boost in GRE Verbal, you can not simply memorize long strings of GRE vocabulary that could show up on the test. This is a time-intensive approach, and it definitely is effort. But as Verbal preparation activities go, it’s a type of thoughtless. You need to function smarter, not harder.
Certainly, functioning smarter doesn’t necessarily mean removing those vocabulary lists altogether. Yet you need to use your vocabulary checklists purposefully. Notice patterns in word kinds, prefixes, and suffixes on the word list your research. This can aid you to rate a word’s meaning or part of speech simply by checking out it.
Make certain you do plenty of vocabulary exercises that do not rely on word lists. Review advanced, GRE-like posts from resources like the New York Times, The Atlantic, Arts & Letters Daily, and also the MIT Technology Review.
For some really enjoyable technique analysis, fiction can also appropriate for the GRE vocabulary technique. “Thriller” stories by authors such as Dan Brown, Agatha Christie, and Robert Ludlum are full of GRE-like vocabulary.
Seeing new vocabulary words in context is a lot more powerful than simply assessing a vocabulary checklist. Great analysis practice aids you discover new words in an extra all-natural way, as well as makes it much easier to remember new vocabulary words and deeply understand them.
How to enhance your GRE Verbal ratings: Build analysis comprehension abilities.
GRE Verbal analysis practice isn’t simply helpful for finding out brand-new vocabulary. Reading practice is also crucial for improving your reading understanding skills. As you check out GRE Verbal flows as well as GRE-like material, practice energetic analysis. By this, I mean that you should emotionally summarize the essences of the flows you check out and also make an initiative to identify a flow’s shifts, connections between concepts, and also vital keywords.
Furthermore, you need to build analysis comprehension skills that will aid you to recognize challenging texts on the GRE. On the examination itself, you are guaranteed to come throughout words, sentences, as well as phrases that will certainly be challenging for you to comprehend. When this happens in your practice reading, learn not to count on thesaurus (or translators, if you are a non-native English speaker).
Rather, train yourself to detect context clues that can assist you to guess at the significances of challenging expressions as well as strange words. And also learn to make good enlightened rate the definition of a whole flow, even when you can’t recognize every part of the passage. You can constantly inspect your guesses with a dictionary, a translator, or even a tutor … after you finish analysis. During your analysis, depend on comprehension technique alone, just as you will on examination day.
Exactly how to boost your GRE Verbal ratings: Build your reasoning abilities.
The biggest way you can boost your GRE Verbal ratings is to come to be extremely practiced at important reasoning. The technique below is to assume analytically about what you read. Take this example GRE Verbal Critical Reasoning Question (drawn from Magoosh’s Complete Guide to the Revised GRE book):.
– The lower the trend, the less likely guppy fish are to come to the surface to feed. The tern, which feeds specifically on the guppy, does the majority of its searching in the evening when the trend is reduced. It follows that the tern is going to have more difficulty searching the guppy in the evening than during the daytime because it expends a lot more energy doing so. Dotting factors slightly out to sea are outcrops of rock that the tern usually arrives at while hunting. As a result, an onlooker is more probable to see tern hinge on the rocks at night than throughout the day.
A passage like this could be adhered to by any of the many sorts of critical thinking questions on the GRE. To deal with passages similar to this on examination day, you need to exercise your analytical analysis skills by questioning every essential point in the argument.
The initial concern you require to ask yourself is “What is the primary insurance claim in the flow?” With simply a little bit of mindful analysis, you should have the ability to discover the major insurance claim. The passage primarily mentions that you have the best chance of seeing tern hinge on rocks in the evening, contrasted to early mornings, evenings, or in the mid-day.
Next, ask yourself “What are the presumptions behind the argument?” In this case, one assumption is that terns land on rocks to rest, as well as except for other reasons. Naturally, there could be any variety of various other assumptions below also– make sure you do a mindful mental check for all possibilities!
One more good inquiry to ask is “What, if real, would make the debate weak?” One apparent missing out on the item of details associates with when terns relax the most. It’s feasible that terns actually relax more when they aren’t searching since the debate provides no details one means or the other. There can be various other feasible “weakeners” in the unstated information also– believe carefully!
The flip side of the question over is “What, if real, would certainly make the debate stronger?” Given that the question is turned, you can also turn the “argument weakening” fact I just explained to you. The major case is strengthened if terns are much less likely to try to obtain rest outside of the night hours. Once more, there could be other realities that could compromise the passage’s debate. Attempt to consider every possibility.
As I stated, these types of analytical thinking skills are most important for Critical Reasoning concerns. Being a crucial reader can assist you to enhance your ratings throughout the GRE Verbal area. Establish analytical thinking as a mental routine, and also you will faster comprehend anything you review at a deeper level.
Do not simply discover the words in word lists however utilize them (perhaps not in public– yet at the very least pepper your inner talk with a GRE word or two).
Currently that you are prepping for the GRE, you require to believe of yourself as a word detective. Numerous GRE preppers spend a lot of time going via vocabulary word listings memorizing any type of words that are brand-new to them. To boost in GRE Verbal, you cannot just memorize lengthy strings of GRE vocabulary that might appear on the examination. Take this sample GRE Verbal Critical Reasoning Question (taken from Magoosh’s Complete Guide to the Revised GRE book):.
from USA Admission – Study in USA , F1 Visa, Opt https://usaadmission.com/how-to-improve-gre-verbal-score/
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newcatwords · 7 years
book review: “Kanaka ʻōiwi methodologies : moʻolelo and metaphor” (part three)
“To further complicate the issue, if the generally accepted term for ‘map’ is palapala aina and the whole crux of my thesis statement is that ancestral Kanaka did not have maps before contact? how do I as a scholar writing journal articles solely ma ka ‘olelo Hawai’i begin to explain Kanaka ‘mapping’ practices once I have openly acknowledged that ‘palapala ‘aina’ insufficiently describes Kanaka ways of locating ourselves? Another dilemma is selecting an ‘olelo Hawai’i term that approximates the notion of ‘performance cartography’ while taking into consideration that ‘ho’ike honua’ (to show the earth, performances related to the earth), a logical option, is already more commonly translated and understood to mean ‘geography.’ Thus, before I can even begin my discussion about performance cartographies and Kanaka ‘mapping’ practices, it is necessary for me to define the ‘olelo Hawai’i terminologies that I will be employing. This additional layer of research would not be as complicated if I were to write in English. Of the terms ‘geography,’ ‘map,’ and ‘performance cartographies’ perhaps only ‘performance cartographies’ would need to be defined for my English readership.”
She provides an excellent short literature review of Hawaiian scholars and some of the ways that they take a Hawaiian approach to their work:
“Kanaka academics - including but not limited to Isabella Abott, Naleen Andrade, Nanette Judd, Lilikala Kame’eleihiwa, George Kanahele, Jonathan Osorio, Abraham Pi’ianaia, Noenoe Silva, Haunani-Kay Trask, Sam No’eau Warner, Kerry Laiana Wong, and Kanalu Young - are notable Kanaka pioneers in their respective academic fields. Each of these scholars have been able to fuse the ancestral wisdom and knowledge systems of their kupuna with their fields of expertise in the academy, thus demonstrating the relevance of ancestral practices and understandings in a modern context.
In  recent years, Kanaka scholars, writing ma ka ‘olelo Hawai’i and in English alike, have incorporated various techniques to indigenize methodological approaches within the academy. Scholars such as Leilani Basham, Kahikina de Silva, and Keawe Lopes have used mele as the foundation for their thesis statements and methodological approaches. In some cases these scholars have used the first line of a mele as the title of each of their chapters. Sometimes authors purposefully begin each of their book chapters with a poignant mele as a foundation for the rest of the chapter. In other cases, key lessons learned from a mele serve as the research methodology for their scholarship. Other Kanaka scholars such as ku’ualoha ho’omanawanui and Alohalani Brown are known for their scholarship based on mo’olelo, whereas Kekeha Solis is well known for his use of ‘olelo no’eau (proverbs) as a methodological approach. Another common methodological device is to weave metaphors throughout scholarly publications (see the chapters by Goodyear-Ka’opua, Saffery, and Vaughan in this book series). Still others allow the ‘aina to speak for itself through ‘olelo Hawai’i place names and ‘olelo no’eau related to place.”
“...these and other Kanaka scholars are demonstrating the germaneness of ancestral knowledge systems in a contemporary context.”
“The complexity of Kanaka thought embedded in ‘olelo Hawai’i adds another layer of kuleana for the Kanaka scholar. Inasmuch as Kanaka research is often conducted in communities and for communities by those with kuleana to those very communities, sometimes it takes a community to complete a research project. Our work is often strengthened by the collective knowledge, skill sets, and experiences of others.”
“Because overlapping and intersecting meanings are celebrated in Kanaka knowledge systems, the Kanaka scholar often has multiple layers of information to consider when reading ‘olelo Hawai’i literature or listening to oral histories.”
she then lists and defines the main elements of her methodology:
Community of Scholars Methodology: this seems to me to be similar to the “community of practice” concept, informal and formal, ongoing collaboration with one’s fellow researches because you’re all invested in the work all of you are doing and you help each other.
“Hale Naua (House of Wisdom, Temple of Science)”: a historical institution from Kingdom times.
Papaku Makawalu Methodology:  “In this ‘methodical presentation of a holistic preview of the Hawaiian universe,’ scholars deconstruct layers of embedded meaning. [9] This is accomplished by examining oral and written ‘olelo Hawai’i histories collaboratively and through close observation, especially by capturing images in the form of digital photographs.”
[9]: http://www.edithkanakaolefoundation.org/current-projects/papaku-makawalu/
Sense Ability Methodology (made up of nine methodologies - the senses):
“As a Kanaka scholar, I have a deep appreciation for close observation when conducting research. Like contemporary scientists, ancestral Kanaka formed hypotheses and conducted extensive investigations to acquire new knowledge or refine previous knowledge. Through close observation, ancestral Kanaka were able to make many breakthroughs (e.g., non-instrument navigation, pharmaceutical remedies, astronomic observations) that are only now being acknowledged and validated by the scientific community.
In recognition of the fact that my kupuna were stellar observers and scientists in their own right, I too rely heavily on the use of my ‘sense abilities’ or the use of my senses as a methodology for comprehending the world around me and examining my research topic rom multiple perspectives. I recognize at least nine sense abilities that I believe all Kanaka are born with: sight, listening, taste, touch, smell, na’au, kulaiwi, au ‘apa’apa’a, and mo’o.”
Sight: “’Ike means ‘to see’ and ‘to know’; the sense ability of sight assists us in comprehending visual clues. Kanaka navigators, for example, describe how the sight of certain birds provides clues about the location and proximity of a landmass.”
Listening: “Because we as researchers may learn a great deal by listening to others, especially elders and master practitioners, the sense ability of listening is commonly used in indigenous communities as a methodology. Researchers often conduct interviews, both formal and informal, and transcribe what they hear. Linda Smith refers to a form of informal interviews as ‘kitchen table discourse.’[10] In this interview style, although the researcher has a research goal in mind, he or she does not prepare a preset list of formal interview questions, but rather the inquiry is organic in nature, driven by the course of the conversation.
In more traditional contexts, sense abilities involve a lifetime of learning gleaned through conversations between apprentice and master. These conversations are particularly important for apprentices learning and ancestral practice such as lomilomi (massage), navigation, or hula. Their conversations with their mentors are built on mutual respect, trust, and admiration and may continue for the duration of their lives.”
Taste: “Yet, at times, something as simple as tasting a new variety of limu (seaweed) may lead to an epiphany. A researcher might taste the limu to better understand a mele written by his great-grandmother about the delicacies of her ancestral homeland.”
Touch: “Touching the actual documents written by one’s ancestors or by highly respected Kanaka scholars who have long since passed can serve as an inspiration for contemporary scholars who are eager to piece together knowledge of the past.”
“Similarly, mele and other forms of Hawaiian poetry such as ‘olelo no’eau may speak to the characteristics of winds and rains. However, only when someone actually travels to that place and experiences the winds and rains of that location will she or he truly understand the mele. The first time I traveled to Kohala, Hawai’i, I vividly remember my astonishment at the strength of the wind. However, after recalling the song ‘Maika’i ka Makani o Kohala’ (The Wind of Kohala Is Good), I was reminded that Kohala is a place noted for its strong winds.
Field researchers might have similar experiences. A few years ago, a kupuna explained how he had found a small stone along a path in Kahakuloa. He then looked around and placed it on a groove on a much larger stone along the path; the smaller stone fit perfectly. The kupuna explained that the small stone once held the light that lit that path at night. For me, being able to see and touch both stones was an awesome feeling because it reminded me that, as I walk on the landscape, I am walking in the footsteps of my kupuna.”
Smell: “Just as the feel of the wind on the skin jars the memory and recalls times past at certain locales, so too can certain places be noted for their scents. Maui residents sometimes use scents, both pleasant and unpleasant, as landmarks. I can think of two places on Maui that are known for their stench. One is in Pu’unene where there is an open ditch for irrigating the sugar plantation. Another is past Waihe’e Valley near Camp Maluhia where there is a pig farm.”
Na’au: “The sense ability of na’au honors our intestines as the center from which our instincts and feelings emanate. Sometimes researchers instinctually sense danger or know the answer to a question they are seeking simply because of a feeling in their na’au.”
Kulaiwi: “The sense ability of kulaiwi values our longstanding relationships with our ancestral homelands. It appreciates the unique local knowledge systems that we refine over generations by residing on the same lands. It honors the fact that within the Kanaka community there are subcommunities of people who have developed local practices and knowledges that differ from those of Kanaka residing elsewhere in the pae moku. A quick survey of lo’i kalo (wetland taro gardens) throughout the pae moku indicates that kalo farming practices vary from place to place depending on resources, topography, and climate.”
Au ‘Apa’apa’a: “The sense ability of au ‘apa’apa’a honors Kanaka methods of timekeeping such as our moon calendars. This method is an ancestral science and intelligence gathered by observing the life cycles of living organisms and other timeless constants in our natural environment.”
Mo’o: “The sense ability of mo’o is based on knowledge systems created and refined over thousands of years. It acknowledges the Kanaka community as a whole for technological advances such as the creation of fishponds, lo’i systems, and non-instrument navigation. It is an understanding that the knowledge we create today serves as a legacy for succeeding generations of Kanaka.”
Serendipitous Methodology*
* this is not one of the sense abilities. this is the last methodology Oliveira discusses in this chapter.
“Another methodology that I have sometimes encountered while conducting research is what Kanaka scholar Kerry Laiana Wong refers to as the ‘serendipitous’ method. [11] In this approach, information that the researcher is seeking exposes itself suddenly and unexpectedly. I have engaged in numerous conversations with fellow colleagues who believe that their kupuna guide them as they conduct research and then reveal the answers that they have been seeking. Although I do indeed believe that my kupuna have guided me in directions that I did not have the cognitive capacity to dream up for myself, I also believe in Oprah Winfrey’s assertion that ‘there’s no such thing as luck. It’s preparation meeting opportunity.’ For example, the sun, moon, and stars rise and set every day, yet many of us do not know how to harness this knowledge to navigate across the Pacific Ocean because we have not been trained to do so. Similarly, I can think of several examples during my genealogical and archival research when the answers for which I was so desperately searching had bee right before my eyes. It was not until I was prepared and able to recognize the answers that I finally understood that those very answers had been there all along.”
that’s it for the list of methodologies. there are a few quotes i’d like to highlight from the conclusion:
“What might my kupuna have done to solve this same problem given the resources available to them in their time and environment?”
“Like the unseen nutrients that enter the stream through ‘auwai, some impacts made by contemporary scholars enrich the ecosystem of Kanaka knowledge yet remain undetected by many.
Other impacts such as the publication of peer-reviewed journal articles and books may be more visible indicators of the advancement of Kanaka scholarship within the academy. When I first attended the University of Hawai’i at Manoa in the early 1990s, only two Native Hawaiian professors, Haunani-Kay Trask and Lilikala Kame’eleihiwa, were published book authors. The Hawaiian language program was a section within the epartment of Hawaiian and Indo-Pacific Languages and Literature. The Center for Hawaiian Studies comprised four offices withi nthe chool of Pacific Islands tudies. Much has changed over the past two decades. Today Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language and Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies are companion programs within the Hawai’inuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge. The Hawaiian studies building, built in the late 1990s is bursting at the seams. And more than a dozen other Native Hawaiian academics have published books on various topics related to Kanaka knowledge. [12] Each scholar’s contribution to the field is like a source of water originating from his or her place of strength on the landscape and flowing into the larger body of Kanaka knowledge. This stream of knowledge is enhanced and enriched by each contribution.”
[10]: Smith, Linda Tuhiwai. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. London: Zed Books, 1999.
[11]: Wong, K. Laiana. “He Hawa’e Kai Nui a Kau Ma Kula.” Educational Perspectives 37, no. 1 (2004): 31-39.
Aikau, A Chosen People, A Promised Land: Mormonism and Race in Hawai’i.
Andrade, Ha’ena: Through the Eyes of the Ancestors.
Beamer, “Na Wai Ka Mana?: ‘Oiwi agency and European Imperialism in the Hawaiian Kingdom”.
Goodyear-Ka’opua, The Seeds We Planted: Portraits of a Native Hawaiian Charter School.
ho’omanawanui, Voices of Fire: Reweaving the Lei of Pele and Hi’iaka Literature.
Iaukea, The Queen and I: A Story of Dispossessions and Reconnections in Hawai’i.
Kanahele, Ka Honua Ola: ‘Eli’eli Kau Mai.
McGregor, Na Kua’aina: Living Hawaiian Culture.
Meyer, Ho’oulu: Our Time of Becoming: Collected Early Writings of Manulani Meyer.
Oliveira, Ancestral Places: Understanding Kanaka Geographies.
Osorio, Dismembering Lahui: A History of the Hawaiian Nation to 1887.
Silva, Aloha Betrayed: Native Hawaiian Resistance to American Colonialism.
Tengan, Native Men Remade: Gender and Nation in Contemporary Hawai’i.
“Ka ‘Ikena a ka Hawai’i: Toward a Kanaka ‘Oiwi Critical Race Theory” by Erin Kahunawaika’ala Wright and Brandi Jean Nalani Balutski
As the title states, this is a Kanaka ‘Oiwi Critical Race Theory. Just read the chapter!
part four to come!
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