#contributing to the deluge of Spamton content
thesmallmeggles · 1 year
And Now For Something Completely Different:
"Megan, why are you talking about Spamton? *gasp* You abandoned Zanzo!"
1. This is my blog
2. No I haven't. He is still very present in my conscious.
Addison Spam
Made out of hard light. (One could walk through an Addison. Feels tingly and warm.)
Grey dot eyes, wears glasses
Smaller than all the other Addisons, 4'0"
Puppet Spam
Hair is synthetic (probably nylon), thick fibers both crunchy and sticky from whatever (improvised?) hair product he uses.
Plastic head and hands, plush body
When I've drawn Spamton, I tend to make his head more proportionate to his body. (But still kind of big.)
Has the sleep doll eyes. Irises are heterochromatic - pink and yellow. At the time Kris encounters him, the irises have silver streaks. Eyes tend to stick in odd positions.
Construction of his head limits his neck rotation. He can only turn roughly 90 degrees. If he needs to see directly to his side, he has to turn his body.
Body is stained and stitched up in places
Stomach is spongy foam, the rest is firm like a densely stuffed toy (specifically those vintage plushies. That stuffing retains scents like you wouldn't believe.)
There's a slit in his upper back revealing what appears to be a ventriloquist dummy control stick. Spamton tapes over the hole, but it never holds for long.
Articulated four fingered hands
His limb joints are similar to Woody and Jessie from Toy Story. Or a Raggedy Ann. Just the stitched bit.
Little nub feet, like a Raggedy Ann
I like the juxtaposition of Spam having a physical presence while becoming socially invisible.
Spamton Neo
Noodly bootleg action figure looking dude
Rough seams, haphazard paint, floppy limbs
Glasses are his eyes. Flashing light bulbs/leds behind them.
Head is more proportionate to body
About 10' tall
Wings are aesthetic only - he cannot fly.
Spamton Ex "Argus" (the nickname could change but idk)
Half animatronic, half mannequin, one hundred percent unsettling (My personal view is: "Is it really Spamton if he doesn't look at least a little uncanny?" EDIT: That being said, I hold no grudge against folks who draw/imagine the Spam Man as hot or cute or beastly or what have you)
His eyes are acrylic/glass with plastic lids. His nose is separate from his face mask. Seams at the eye line and across the cheeks under the mask.
Spam can emote, though it's limited. At least he isn't stuck with the "award losing smile".
Head is proportionate to body like Neo
Plastic and metal robotic skeleton with ball joints and wires. There's a heart cavity in his chest which opens to unleash his [Heart On A Chain].
Built-in Disk Drive so he can swap between bodies as needed.
The face and arms from hands to elbows are covered by silicone. Everything else is foam padded fabric, with special attention given to his pecs and posterior. ("FOR MY [Fellow Freaks].")
Hands still have four fingers. He has retractable wheels in his feet for when he needs to ZOOM.
About 7' tall, midway between Puppet and Neo.
Bonus: Two Different Human Spams
"Gary Sampson" and Sharron Ware
Mr. Sampson is a short (~4' 7"), stocky human with pale white, pink tinged skin (rosacea), hazel eyes, and thinning salt-and-pepper hair. He has high cheekbones, a long Nixonesque (former US President Richard Nixon, for clarity) nose, and wears prescription eyeglasses. His shoulders are broad and he has a notable paunch. Good old Gary from Advertising.
Sharron has heterochromatic green and violet eyes. He has navy blue/teal ombre hair and pale blue skin. (Dirty blond/auburn hair and pale white skin in the Light World.) He has softer cheekbones, ears, and a cleft chin. His nose is longer than a human's would naturally be. Stands 4' 9", a bit taller than Gary. Chubby with an average build. Assumed to be 35+ years old, exact age uncertain.
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