#convo: keelin
thelxdywolf · 5 years
w, @powerfulwitch-freya
No tenía un horario específico para mirar a Freya, pero tenía que decir que se había acostumbrado a su presencia. No quiso molestarla, tampoco importunar con su presencia. Sabía que su hermana no estaba bien, seguramente necesitaba tiempo para ella. Sin embargo, el único mensaje respondido por la rubia le indicó que estaba en su torre, aquel habitual sitio ocupado por la rubia. Después de terminar su turno, se pasó por un par de hamburguesas, papas y soda. Era casi medianoche, pero eso no importó demasiado a la morena. Se introdujo en el sitio con calma, mirándola tan enfocada en sus hierbas. —Ya sé que eres súper poderosa, pero aún así creo que hasta tú necesitas comer —observó—. Ven, por favor —pidió, tomándose la libertad de tomar la mano de Freya para conducirla al sofá.
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uncagedwolf · 5 years
I just wanna be with you / Claude&Keelin
Her heart is racing a mile a minute, eyes wide and searching, bleeding with worry. God where the hell is he? Keelin feels like screaming, though she also does not want to get caught in the middle of the street. Which is the only reason why she’s refraining. No fear like this has ever coursed trough her veins, of that she is very certain. Not even when caught and tried.. not even her first night in the cells.. Perhaps its the rigorous training she’s endured since childhood. Being taught how to only fear for others, not for herself. Her people’s safety always came before her own. And those teachings are ingrained so deep, being scared for yourself seems.. rather idiotic. Wasteful. All she knows is that before anything else happens, she needs to see that he is alright. 
Turning up the street to Claude’s house, Keelin is half running while scouting, dreading finding an empty house. What if he’s not home? What if he went to help out the other masters and mistresses in the fight? The thought makes her insides churn. He better not have.. She’s nearly there, eyes searching for his door, but instead finding him on his way down the very same street she is on. And while she knows she has no right to act like a relieved girlfriend, not even a relieved friend after finding your loved one unharmed, she stil runs flat out to meet him, throwing her arms around his neck in a fierce hug. The words won’t come, there’s too many of them and too much that she has no right to say, or are too afraid to say. So she says nothing, just holding him close, not sure if she’s fighting the urge to yell, cry or laugh. 
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indistinct-echo · 4 years
re: your discussion on dnp being scary. I think they would be warm and inviting in different ways. (But I think dan is less scary) I get the vibe that phil would make you feel included in a group, he’d see you hanging on the outskirts of the conversation and invite you in, make you feel welcome with everyone. whereas I feel Dan would join you on the edge, he’d sit with you while you’re alone and have a nice solo chat with you. But I’d be scared to have a conversation with just phil, I feel like he’d have to carry the entirety of it while I stood there like ._. (writing this realising i identify with keelins experience more yet i am a dannie 🤔 brb going to go question my allegiance to Mr Notonfire)
(X) You know what you are very right. I was too blinded by how cool and intimidating I think dan is to think about how nice he can also be
It’s actually making me kind of emotional thinking about just what good people they are, and I really love the distinction you made about the different ways theyd help people
Even if Phil did have to carry the convo, I don’t think he’d mind and he certainly wouldn’t make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about it , I think he’d just want you to feel comfy and try to match whatever your energy is
and in the end we all know they’re both worthy of our allegiance 😋
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thegiftedoneishere · 5 years
Hafael/Hopel and Rope Rant
As previously stated I’m a huge fan of the entire TVD world. This weekend was rare, I had nothing to do, so I rewatched the first season of Legacies. While watching, I quickly realized the glaring differences between season 1 and what season 2 is currently.
I really believe Julie P. caught lightening in a bottle for the third time with the first season. Some really awesome things transpired that are missing in the second season imo. But I’ll get into that later…
What really struck me as I watched, and I noticed it the first time around as well, but it’s the fact that Hope and Rafael have chemistry…like really good chemistry.
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And it was there from the first. Their first real interactions with one another it was felt and seen.
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Some actors just have really good chemistry with one another and it’s effortless whatever they are trying to portray. I believe this is the case with Danielle and Peyton.
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One thing that has always bugged me about Hafael (Hopel and Rope) ship is that it’s played up to be one sided. It’s definitely not and I’m hoping Julie P. is playing it this way on purpose but from what I’ve seen of season 2, she’s about to drop the entire ball on this ship and it’s complete and utter bullshit.
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Not sure if it’s direction or the acting choices of Danielle specifically but it’s a reason they say that the eyes are the mirror to the soul. Since the start Hope has looked very deeply at Rafael and at its basic level, it’s clear attraction. 
As Raf and Hope have gotten closer, it’s clear that Hope cares very deeply for Rafael and considers him to be a friend, but her eyes and actions say it’s a lot deeper than that. I believe Hope loves Raf but hasn’t admitted that to herself and thus she continues to dismiss his truth about falling for her, but the eyes tell something completely different.
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This was definitely seen in one of their many private conversations in episode 1x15.  When the convo, got super serious, it’s all about the eye contact from both of these actors/characters. It was well done, even down to the timbre of their voices. Truly believable. 
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Again, I dunno if this acting choices by Danielle and by extension Peyton or it’s been up to direction but the chemistry between those two characters have been the most authentic throughout the entire series. A close second would be between Josie and Penelope.
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Second season, ships have been thrust down the viewers throat and somehow a fan base is supposed to come from that. Julie literally has taken Hope has chemistry with everyone over board. While that is true, some chemistry just sticks out more than others.
My fear is that Julie P. is going to do what she’s always done and not write what is obviously there, for whatever fear of a fan revolt or whatever is the case. Which again...
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 She did this with Caroline and Klaus…the fact that this wasn’t fully fleshed out and explored was true bullshit.
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 And yes, she did this with Bonnie and Damon after Nina left. Yes, I said it and it’s true. (Evidence that the chemistry was seen as more than friendship is the mountain of fans shaking their heads ‘nah’ anytime this is mentioned. This happened to me personally during my unexpected trip to Mystic Falls. The chemistry between those two was definitely there and should’ve been explored.)
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 The only reason I believe she (Julie) won’t go there is because she’s hell bent on Hope and Landon being the “it”couple. She’s going to try and rectify with Legacies, what she couldn’t do with The Vampire Diaries. It’s agreed that Landon is supposed to be the new Stefan…okay. Whatever floats your boat.
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 Speaking of Landon, I saw this and I couldn’t agree more.
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I mean is the show about Hope or nah...
 Things that’s missing from season 2 that was a part of season 1.
- Hope sparring.
-  A deeper dive into already established characters. How did MG and Kaleb become vamps? Why does it seem like Alaric spends more time preoccupied with Hope than his own children? The other supernatural schools out there? Landon’s a phoenix…cool, but what the fuck does he actually do?
- How does a phoenix fit into the already established world of witches, vamps, and werewolves?
- Hope is werewolf royalty…can we get some background into that as well?    
- I guess they are dealing with Rafael’s history but Peyton has been missing from the show for weeks…so again
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 - Is a pretend phone call from Marcel, Kol, Davina, Keelin, Freya or Aunty Bex too much to ask for?
 Sorry for this long ass post but this season just ain’t hittin like Season 1. And I feel like one of the best ships on here is gonna get the shaft because of bull. I love a good teen drama and this has the ability to be one of the best but we shall see. I mean I’ve made it through several seasons of PLL and that ended in an unmitigated disaster. 
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yikesola · 4 years
5, 6, 7, 8, bb 💜💜
5. How would you describe your style?
overwrought and rhythmic, and i mean that in the best possible way— i mean it in the way that phrase fills your mouth when you say it and the way your eyes pause at particular vowels when you read it and the way the hard consonants at the end of both words is finite.
6. Where do you usually find inspiration?
dnp of course provide a ridiculous amount of inspiration for fic, but so does convos w people like keelin and cal that get me excited about what i can Do with an idea. i also just get a lot of inspiration from the other media i consume and from the things that feed my soul, like a rainstorm when it’s been too warm here or my cats rolling to beg for tummy rubs or how i cannot stress enough how hot i am in my new overalls 👌inspiration is anything that makes me Feel and i’ve been doing a lot of that lately, arguably too much though idk who’s arguing
7. Do you listen to music to help you write?
almost exclusively. rn i’m listening to “folklore” and “tourist season” on repeat so you can imagine the emotional toll akdjfks
8. What’s the biggest “challenge” for you as a writer?
focus. it’s also my biggest “challenge” in life. what to focus on, where to put the energy. i have about four different things i could be working on writing right now, but i also bought those little beads that you put together on the plastic grid and then iron them, y’know? so i spent two days sorting them by color into little containers. i also have an art project that is partly mosaic and partly collage that i wanna try and all i’ve really done for it is occasionally go into my garage and break blue wine glasses on the concrete floor and sweep up and break laser discs with the claw of my hammer and sweep it up. i also want to put some of my knitted cat squares on etsy to help cushion my yarn addiction but in order to do that i’d need to iron them and photograph them and measure them, and instead i just keep knitting more. i also have a book my aunt wants me to read, it’s about religion and losing a parent and the author is from our small town and once worked with a different aunt and the book sits on my bedside table angry at me for neglecting it. speaking of reading there is so much good fic i’m behind on, and i’d love to dive into, but it’s all a matter of focus focus focus focus focus — do you see what i mean? that’s just counting “leisure time” activities. there are so many millions of moments that go into making up a human life, isn’t there
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powerfulwitch-freya · 6 years
Entonces ahora venimos a preguntar algo de ella. ¿Qué es lo que más te gustado de rolearla? ¿Y tus tramas favoritas? ¿Cuáles han sido tus interacciones preferidas?
Bueno aquí le seguimos con esta xD  Siento que Freya es un tanto reservada comomecanismo de defensa, ya saben, eso de no confiar en todos, entonces lo que meagrada es poder crear nuevas interacciones con ella porque al final del díacuando Freya descubre que alguien vale la pena puede abrirse y mostrarse como es, creo que es lo que le pasa conKeelin.  Mis tramas favoritas sin dudason los  efes :3, la ruptura de conGareth jajajaja xD y los convos bombas con él, cuando hayley y ella hicieronteam,  ahorita el de Klaus y ella (la vana matar xs), los paras con sus hermanos :3 los amo …mmmm….y creo que ya….¡NOTENGO CONVOS CON LUCIEN! Y esa es una de las interacciones que me gusto en laserie y no sé porque aquí no tengo xd jajajaa (y si, sí, pos no me acuerdo xDjajaja)
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klarolinedrabbles · 7 years
Carina has said that they won't kill Keelin off because fans deserved better than that, but honestly I don't see Keelin walking away if they can't keep the actress because they have written her as someone that is willingly uprooting their life for someone at the time they weren't sure had feelings for and is all too understanding about the Mikaelsons.
Oh right, she booked something else, yeah? Well do we know if she would have to drop TO? I remember we had this convo, and I deadass can’t remember, lmao.
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uncagedwolf · 5 years
Any chance to be outside, Keelin reveled in. Which she took to be natural not because anyone in captivity craved to see the outside world, but because she was of the fair folk. Because they drew their powers from the earth, and they were connected to it in ways that no mortal or supernatural who did not share their gifts or way of life could understand. Then again what they might be able to have a sliver of understanding of was the loss of that connection. The loss of her powers were one that still shook her and pained her on a much deeper level than anything else. It was as if she was no longer one with the earth, the flowers, the wind or the sun. Instead she was shut out, barred from ever feeling that way again. 
The second she had to refocus on where she was going, her mind ceased to pick up on any more details than it were required to. Walk, step, turn. It was all a blur. Until she came to a stop in front of the correct door, with the right number and all. Lifting one small hand to knock, she quietly braced herself, unable to know what to expect when she had been requested like this.. summoned was more like it. Flipping the ends of her ponytail off her shoulder, the seelie finally knocked on the door, her eyes big and filled with a mix of curiosity and alertness at the sound of footsteps and sight of the door swinging open. “Hi there. I believe you asked for me?” she said, once the masters face appeared, giving him a soft smile. 
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