skoulsons · 8 months
See that’s the thing about daisy and coulson. My girl lived in a VAN. She pretty much believed she had zero purpose. She was a lost kid desperately looking for her parents. A self taught expert hacker who moved from house to house and family to family, never staying for more than two years anywhere
And she hacks into the government because she wants to find her parents. Find out why she was just… left. Why she never had a steady household. Why she had no mother or father involved in her life. She just wanted to find her family
They catch her and she’s taken in for questioning and Coulson calls her an asset
And then he’s A.C. to her
And then he agrees to help her try and find her parents
And she feels, knows, she’s valued by him
And they don’t really find the answers, but she hugs him anyway and tells him thank you
And then SHIELD starts to change and things start happening and there’s trust issues and an uncertain future. But he’s right there.
He’s there when they’re laying low
He’s there when they’re out in public, saving civilians
He’s there in their vulnerable moments. When she’s grieving. When she’s angry. When she hates and when she’s frustrated and when she’s happy. When she’s confident and when she’s broken
And she’s there. When he doubts his capabilities. When he’s angry. When he’s happy and frustrated and uncertain.
They’re there. Even in an alternate universe. Across time. When Coulson really isn’t the same man that he used to be.
It’s in the ‘shes more than just some asset to him’
‘She’s like a daughter to you’
‘We’re her family’
‘She’s not my daughter but she’s as close to family as I’ve got’
‘She’s the closest thing I have to a daughter’
‘that’s my girl’
It’s the ‘you’re the closest thing I have to family and I just hope that deep down you feel it too’
‘You are what I believe in’
‘There are a… few things I’ve missed’
‘I love you’
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Consider: Vaggie idly tracing her fingers along Charlie's horns, while Charlie's tail almost unconsciously coils to pull Vaggie closer.
Consider: post-almost breakup Charlie Morningstar's separation anxiety and new habit of curling up in demon mode on Vaggie's side of the bed whenever she's feeling miserable, and maybe Vaggie needed to see that
hmm this is more like a fic outline sampler than a headcanon. ah well
they're more partners than ever before, but being partners plus the hotel thing too also means they've each got so much stuff to DO
and they can't always do it together now
the newly re-built hotel (and relationship) comes with new rituals for them, like the squeeze of hands at the hotel gate when it's a busy day and one of them has to be on one side of town dealing with Cannibal Town politeness conventions and the other has to be on the other side of Pentagram City, saying thanks to Carmine while handing over all the new weapons picked up after the battle. Thank fuck there's two of them to cover it all and a promise to meet up back there later, like how they did after the-
Charlie doesn't like thinking about that part though. They separate and she blazes through Cannibal town with a smile big enough to devour heaven, instead thinking about meeting up with Vaggie at the hotel gates again just like they did last time, and won't THAT be fun?
she laughs and sings and pulls the cannibals into gleeful choruses of bloody defiance against heaven as they have proper gorgeous cannibal dinner funerals for the slain while Rosie watches with teeth-glinting interest
and maybe Charlie rushed things a bit too somehow, because she trots up the the hotel later all exhausted and eager and
finds the gates empty
had she really thought it would go just like last time? Had she really been counting on it...?
Charlie's wooden smile as she settles in to wait. Pacing up and down, doing a few nervous tap dances, casting hopeful looks down the street towards the Carmine territory
she could just call. Text to say she's home and Cannibal town went good and check in on how Vaggie's doing. Maybe ask if Vaggie wants Charlie to run over? Maybe they could meet up and walked home together, if Vaggie needs a hand with Carmilla-
no, Charlie shoves her phone away stops herself. She's not going to repeat the day with the trust building exercises, she's not going to ask Vaggie to do something and then not trust her with it or even risk making it LOOK like that's what's happening
one time being asked to leave Vaggie alone on a roof like that was enough
Charlie can just wait this time too
time ticks by. She fixes her hair, hugs herself, and tries not to look over at the giant gleaming memorial statue to Dazzle. she tries to wait
but handling things alone has never been Charlie's thing and waiting for Vaggie doesn't count as not feeling alone, so she doesn't stay out there long in the end
half an hour finds her heading into the endless noise of the hotel where someone is bickering with someone else about something. Charlie heads past it up to their room, too tired to do anything other than curl up and wait even if it mans being back in Vaggie's empty side of the bed
she also, though, keeps their bedroom suit door open a crack so she can hear the distant sounds of swearing from downstairs
Razzle would've been there to snuggle up with her, but right after shrugging off her jacket and kicking off her shoes and calling for him Charlie remembers she sent him off with Vaggie today. She'd insisted on it- just a little just-in-case help, just until the fresh heavenly steel marks in Vaggie's flesh stopped being quite so fresh both literally on Vaggie and non-literally on Charlie's stretched thin nerves
remembering Vaggie's blood smeared on her skin makes her feel sharp both inside and out, all horns and claws as she drops into bed, spade tipped tail already lashing the bedsheets into a lather
angry hurts less than loneliness so Charlie hunches inward and let's herself be angry all over again, burning over the years of guilt she spent thinking her home and her people had hurt Vaggie, done that to Vaggie, only to find out it was heaven all along
she sinks her claws into the bed and imagines Lute's flesh and bone being punctured instead. Imagines ripping-
Vaggie's small proud smile as she talked about having shone mercy flashes through Charlie's head and she snarls, kicking it away- of all the fucking times to show mercy, the one time Charlie's life actually could have been made so much simpler from Vaggie impaling someone-
cloven hoof slams into hardwood bedframe and cracks it. Charlie curls up tighter, not noticing how the voices downstairs have gone quiet
Charlie doesn't like being angry. Worse than that she hates being alone
right now she's both
Vaggie wasn't waiting for her at the gates and it's not fair how much that scared her, when there's nothing wrong and nothing to be scared of
she tells herself that and tells herself that, trying to relax
she's a lot less scared when she blinks awake later and hears Vaggie yelling at someone downstairs
and she COULD get out of bed now, she could jump up and smooth down her shirt, fix her hair, go bounding down the stairs three at a time and scoop Vaggie up in a twirl before Vaggie can even look around from threatening whoever was messing with the hotel today. Charlie could laugh and hug her and soak in Vaggie's smile and tell Vaggie how she missed her
Charlie stays in bed
She stays on Vaggie's side of their bed with her heart pounding, listening to Vaggie and Razzle bickering up the stairs
"...not a big deal and she won't notice anyway, right? My skin's already grey. You can't really tell if it's bruised..."
"Alright fine, she'd notice if you told her, which you could but won't."
"No you don't have to. How many doughnuts to make you not want to this time?"
"Me crashing into a window while flying us home is NOT worth two dozen doughnuts. I don't care how dumb I looked hitting the newly angel-proofed glass."
"What do you mean you stole my phone and recorded it-"
she hears the exact moment Vaggie pushes open the door and stops dead
Vaggie, seeing now exactly what Charlie had worked so hard not to let her see back then when being angry and hurt had hurt Charlie less than the gaping hole of terrifying loneliness she'd gotten from looking at Vaggie and wondering if Vaggie wanting to be with her- if the woman Charlie loves wanting to be with her- had just been another lie too
small wings flutter and Razzle's little paws pat her hair, little goat demon nose snuffling at her cheek
"Sweetie." Vaggie's voice is closer this time. Less confused. More worried. "Are you..."
Charlie doesn't want her finishing that question
talking would be the more normal option. Just tell Vaggie how she'd felt, but Rosie had said actions matter more and Charlie doesn't know what she felt or how to say it all anyway
so she makes the colossal effort to wiggle her tail tip out from under the blankets and lift it into a tiny wave
"Hi, Vaggie." she whispers, "You're back."
maybe she says 'i missed you' with those two last words anyway
because Vaggie is suddenly there by the bed, Vaggie who can step so quiet sometimes like she's not even touching the ground- the dancer in her Charlie used to think but maybe it's the angel thing- and Charlie can tell she's there with her eyes closed just from how her own muscles start to relax, even before Vaggie reaches down
"Hey." It's a soft stroke to Charlie's hoof, the one poking out from under the blanket cocoon, the one who'd kicked out earlier and probably dented their poor bed. "Tough time in Cannibal town?"
they're both really bad at actually talking about things. But that's fine
Charlie only notices her shivers when Vaggie presses down on her ankle and stops them, like magic. "Cannibal town was fine."
Vaggie hums. It's warm and low and soft and Charlie can hear how she knows what wasn't fine today, feels it in the squeeze of Vaggie's hand before Vaggie tucks the blankets in all neat an tidy around their balled-up blob of Charlie
"Do you want our door open," Vaggie asks, "or door closed?"
"Rrrrr." Razzle is up and fluttering before Vaggie can move. Razzle knows what Charlie needs just as much as she does
there's a click of the lock and a ping of guilt for only using the sounds of the hotel to make herself feel better when Vaggie wasn't here to do a better job of it, then a pang of something more sweet than bitter, thinking about how doors being open or closed were never even a question back when it was just them at home
the edge of the bed next to Charlie sinks and pulls her like gravity towards where Vaggie settles, sitting and fitting perfectly in the curve of the pitiful puddle of Charlie
"Kinda nice having guests in the hotel, huh?"
Vaggie's hand is brushing loose strands of hair away from Charlie's face, smoothing them off Charlie's horns and then staying there.
"Even if they're still part-time assholes about it."
Charlie feels it when Vaggie breaths in at the end of the sentence, tail having found its way over and around Vaggie without Charlie thinking about it
She thinks about how Vaggie had been yelling downstairs and trying to bribe Razzle on the way up. A corner of her mouth crooks, almost smiling
"Did they laugh when you hit the window?"
Tense up and slump and Vaggie huffing, giving up hiding it, also almost laughing too
"Only once."
There's a bruise on her somewhere a new fresh one to match the faded ones from the battle and Charlie's searching eyes snap open, that constant tight fist in her chest grabbing her heart and squeezing
"Are you okay?"
Vaggie is already looking back at her, like she's been waiting this whole time
"I'm fine, Charlie," she smiles. "Just a bruise to my stupid pride. Just what I get, for being in such a hurry."
her wings are still out. One relaxed and drooping all the way to the floor like a tossed aside blanket and the other held up over Charlie, feathers almost brushing her, mirroring Vaggie's arm still reaching out and her hand drifting mindlessly between smooth blood-red horn and tangled somewhat messy hair
she doesn't say she was in a hurry 'to see you' in the same way Charlie hadn't said 'i missed you' and that why today wasn't fine
that's okay
everything is okay, as long as Charlie can tug Vaggie closer and curl in closer around her still, her head snuggling on Vaggie's lap. As long as Vaggie can cradle her there with hands and wings and be there for Charlie to feel it when she breathes
post-angel revelation Vaggie sees a lot her demon gf's horns and tail and markings, more than she had in all the years they've been together
it's never about her wings. not about her lost halo, her spear, all the people she's killed with it. That's, somehow, not the problem
The problem is Charlie knows she knows about heaven now and she has questions, so many questions, but all Vaggie has are an exorcist's very narrow answers and a lightness where her mask used to be, and scars
Charlie always tries asking about the scars, then inevitably about how the fight with Lute went. Charlie can't ask those things or listen to the answers without heating up, angry in slow and silent and steady way Vaggie's never seen from her before
and sometimes Vaggie notices how she's casually playing with Charlie's horns during those talks, or tracing the black marks scoring down Charlie's cheeks or feeling how Charlie's tail adjusts it's already tight grip around her waist. Sometimes she wonders about how she savors it, when she's got her new ashen wings out and Charlie's running her pitch black talonned hands through them, like she wants to memorize every feather and check on each one, like how she seeks out Vaggie's new scars now too and adds it all to the tally of every last thing Lute took
it feels wrong to smile at the sight of the woman she loves wanting to kill someone because of her
definitely its wrong seeing Charlie wanting to kill not in a flash of passionate protective rage, but muted and hard and thoughtful. Vaggie has to have something wrong with herself when she sees how wrong that anger looks on Charlie, and still finds herself smiling over it
wrong feels pretty nice. That should worry her
Vaggie absentmindedly testing her thumb on one of Charlie's horn tips or breathing in to deepen the constrictor snake hug of Charlie's tail digging into her ribs. It's nice and it does make Vaggie smile
she'd felt Charlie's claws trembling at the end of the battle, them standing together as they looked down at un-armed and disarmed and half blinded from tears Lute
if ever there was a time to feel sympathy that would have been it. Well. Maybe it would've a bit more sympathetic if Lute hadn't still been spattered with Vaggie's blood. The woman had been on her knees and crying though, and Charlie had been ready to let Adam run home alive....
and if Vaggie hadn't been there anchoring Charlie, Lute would've been dead
but she had and Charlie hadn't and Lute wasn't
it's making Charlie angry, Vaggie knows, thinking about how the person who wanted to take out Vaggie's other eye before killing her is still out there, will probably be pathetic enough to try that shit again. Charlie doesn't like to be angry and now just looking at the new scar on Vaggie's post-impaled hand brings out the horns and hint of hellfire. Vaggie should feel bad about that
she runs her hand over Charlie's horns, hums into the tail wrapped round her chest, drapes herself and her wings over her girlfriend and smiles into Charlie's hair
these days Charlie wants so badly to hurt people for her, but also won't, because of her
Lute's life was Vaggie's choice and Vaggie chose mercy- edged with spite and the sharp cruel edge of revenge, sure, but still it was mercy and a second chance- and Charlie listened to that. Listened to her. Had needed her there for once as a reminder to be good
that almost makes it feel like.... maybe Vaggie does belong down in hell after all, in the good ways as well as the bad. Like maybe she really does belong right here, with Charlie
maybe Charlie holding on like this means she won't ever let Vaggie go
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blue-jos10 · 3 months
sometimes you sit back and realise just how deserving kevin day was of the best ext player title like
this man had the entire sport his life was built around shattered because he was the best at it. the only thing he lived for, they only thing he had left untainted by complications, snatched from him in a fit of jealousy by the man who grew up by his side, his own brother.
he got his dominant hand destroyed so brutally it was predicted he’d never be able to play again at all. they didn’t even expect him to be able to hold up a racquet with his right hand, much less play the sport as good as he used to.
this shit all before transferring to an uncoordinated team that does not live and breathe the sport and is not willing to push him to his best. they don’t listen to his advice and on court they’re as egoistic individually as they are together. they care as much about red cards as the ravens except that the ravens don’t care because they can actually afford red cards. an entirely different environment where everything is not catering to exy.
on top of that this man had to learn how to play full games. he had to unlearn the illegal violence he’s been playing with since he was a child and had to increase his stamina to play just as good legally for double the time.
this feat made even harder because of the fact that he barely had enough time to recover and get used to 24-hour days. his entire schedule upended and he got half the time to practice. he was entirely dependent on someone else to take him to court because he didn’t live underneath it. this someone was the last person to care about exy and would often deny kevin’s need to be at court practicing.
he had to get used to not having a partner he knew he could trust on court blindly because they were just so tuned to each other.
he had to forcibly let go of years of instilled trauma that led him to suppress his skill and pretend he’s second best. he had to face both on and off court the man who put him in that position.
all this while having enough issues that if he took a shot of the most dilute alcohol for each he’d be in a grave before even getting halfway.
yet he faced it. he faced it all and he fucking won.
he pushed and pushed and pushed and he fucking made it. he didn’t just persevere through his issues, he climbed them like a fucking mountain and didn’t even need to reach its peak to be the strongest. that too in less than two years like?????
he is the best player in the field and he deserves it so fucking much. i just need him to be happy plsplsplspls
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bisexualfagdyke · 1 year
I strongly believe in Andreil cuddling and snuggling :3
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thesilverlock · 11 months
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Frorg Hoodie!
The sequel ~ Cutie Edition✨
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dk-thrive · 2 years
Mary Oliver poems are so amazing because you’ll be like “I feel bereft and hopeless and so alone” and she’ll be like “ok, but have you ever really thought about moss?” And it turns out you haven’t.
Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama, Nov 27 2022))
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manifcst · 14 days
" we came, we saw them, now let's go before they light the torches. "
from shrek 2 starters
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"WHAT, TURN TAIL'N GET like a yellow-bellied tenderfoot? No can do, wildfire." His tone is grim, head shaking solemnly, even as he eagerly adjusts his gloves and then removes a ( plastic, completely bulletless ) pistol from his belt. Make no mistake: he is itching to cause problems. Escalating situations for no reason rated best pastime fifty years in a row. "I say we go right on over there guns a-blazin' and give'em a real what-for. Where's your guts! C'mon, now!"
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draoidhean · 14 days
Kayneth had a vague memory of this one- of what must've been another life in a time that was not his own, but it was all the same. He remembered ... was it really Waver? His former student had grown taller, he looked tired. He said something about looking up to Kayneth, and he'd buried the guilt deep down. After all, mages weren't allowed that sort of sentiment, were they? Not in a war like that. ❝ Ritsuka, was it? ❞
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❝ In another life, perhaps ... did we fight as allies a war? Or was that simply a dream? ❞ It's simply curiosity, although he's still distant. Kayneth had never really known how to reach out to others- he'd lived isolated and lonely, hadn't he? Because that was the saying- it's lonely at the top. Not that he'd ever admit it, and not that he really knew how lonely he was, because maybe that was normal. Maybe that was how it was supposed to be for mages.
He shouldn't have been a mage. He should've stayed an artist. Maybe he should've run away from home as a child. But for all the strife it had caused him, hadn't he met some amazing people by living life as a mage? By casting aside his heart, hadn't he been someone great, too?
⎛ He wouldn't let it show, but it was rather unsettling knowing that all he could do now was some rather simple illusion craft- simple to him, complex to others, but not nearly all that he'd been able to do. ⎠
❝ If so ... then ... thank you. ❞ He's never been one to ask for help, and while he'd played along, the entire thing had been so wildly unsettling- Not to mention, he had no memory of what had happened next. Waver somehow knew about letters left in his office, which could only mean that he had died- but it was better not to think of that sort of thing, right?
❲ @hopeled ❳
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togabcy · 19 days
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@hopeled liked for a starter.
Disoriented , Octavius steels himself , trying to find something easy enough to climb to find a higher vantage point. There's only so much he can see from the ground and he doesn't exactly feel like being trampled by any of the passersby. He decides to scale a bench a good whiles away from a majority of the foot traffic - but he misjudged just how much effort climbing it would be. When he finally reaches reaches it's surface , he has to steady himself with his sword as he catches his breath.
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The other thing he forgot to take into account is that benches were meant for sitting. As she sits down on the opposite side of the bench , the whole thing shakes beneath him. Which distracts him from the whole "looking around" thing. ❛ Excuse me. ❜ He calls up to her , waving a hand. ❛ If you could keep the moving to a minimum , I am trying to focus , over here. Thank you ! ❜
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castilium · 5 months
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"Senpai," she sounded softly, pushing the door open just enough to squeeze in, a plate encased in clingfilm pressing against her stomach. "I've brought some onigiri and fresh water for when you feel like eating".
A fortnight had passed since Ritsuka appeared at the house, numbly voicing her desire to stay for a bit. Strangely, Edmond Dantes had not followed her — he was still about. The Shielder had debated contacting him, but so far had refrained lest it be too invasive. Though she understood it well, it pained her to see the Master who shrugged off anything and everything with a smile and willpower completely defeated. There was nothing the girl could do — now or ever, despite being her Servant.
After setting down the plate on a seat relocated by the bed, she began to withdraw to the door. "Keep looking after her, Fou".
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sunliteve · 6 months
"There's a café like that in this ward? You'll have a customer on your hands next time I'm in the area without her."
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While out walking Bloody Mary among a stretch of Cotes ward positively drenched in newly-blooming flowers, he'd struck up a conversation with a stranger during a time meant to give Mary a break. It was a beautiful area, but exhausting her would benefit no one. For the moment she was sitting down on the grass, connected to him by a green leash, her ears cutely perked.
"I have a question for you, if you don't mind," Hiyori continued, addressing the stranger curiously. "Do the names "Eden" or "Nagisa Ran" ring any bells for you?"
He wasn't so much trying to find his foster brother as he was trying to figure out how disconnected this place really was from home. Of the names of his unitmates, Nagisa's had to be the most well-known.
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skoulsons · 8 months
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sommiar · 6 months
@hopeled said: and he went by the name oberto WHY IS HE LAYING EGGS AS OBERTO???
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“I see. That explains nothing at all!” her smile is a cry for help.
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faechivalrous · 6 months
Having learned that the Master of Chaldea had also made this city her home, Barghest intended to, at the very least, pay a visit. It seemed only right, after all; this was the woman who had summoned her in the first place after the end of Fae Britain, who had given her the release of death when few others could. Unless Fujimaru had other tasks for her, that was most of what she'd intended--perhaps a serious word of thanks about what the mage had done for her, even a few cups of 'coffee', or whatever was most recommended at this cafe.
That was what she had intended, anyways. However, no one had told her what else called this cafe home.
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"You--" Barghest sobs as she sits on her knees, puppies and kittens and other small creatures crawling all over her. A beagle puppy nudges and licks at her hand, a rabbit sits only a few feet away, there's a golden retriever pup jumping up and trying to lick her face. It's as though these innocent things have no idea what she is. "Please--you needn't show such care for a creature like me--"
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eruditehacker · 6 months
@hopeled said: ok riddle me this science robot: is the shrimp named bob
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"Affirmation: the shrimp could, theoretically, be named Bob."
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volontedacier · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀// @hopeled | Dragon Witch Ball
⠀⠀The Avenger had been enjoying the gathering well enough for most of the night. He honestly wasn't sure how to manage his expectations with the Dragon Witch in charge, given the... interesting ways she has developed since materialization, plus the long time spent on this island. But, it seems the other Avenger kept herself to a high standard in the end— whether it be to impress people and flaunt her status, or out of some genuine desire to entertain and nothing more... He'll have to discern that for himself once they cross paths. But, for now... A teasing proposition has caught Ritsuka off guard, her expression making the disbelief clear.
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⠀⠀⠀"I think you heard me correctly the first time, Master. But, I will go ahead and repeat myself... just once." A gloved hand stretches out to a doorway nearby, one that would lead them away from the ball itself. "The fallen maiden has certainly offered fine food and drink... but she's still kept away the highest quality wine, down in her cellar. If you wish to try some, we could slip away... for just a moment, of course."
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