mostpopularmagi · 4 years
When: Present Day (Evening) Where: Star City Theatre (Zach’s dressing room) With: Rose @ravagingyou​
Of course he wasn’t performing as much as he used to in the city, between his death and resurrection, training with Selene, Eddie’s impending deal and Zatanna coming to town he had a lot on his plate. But, the odd show here and there kept him beloved by the citizens and kept his agent happy too. 
He’d just finished a second encore and called it a night, the stage-hands dropping the curtains for good and beginning to clean away the props till the next show. He stretched, nodded to the helpers and made his way back to his dressing room, pulling off his top hat and jacket as he opened the door... Only to see someone who didn’t belong there looking at his stuff. 
“Most of that’s cursed to back off lest your hair fall out.” he deadpanned, shutting the door behind him and putting his hands on his hips, “The hell are you doing here? If you’re looking for Eddie he’s either home or out on a repair job.” Shit, did she know he and Eddie were a thing? Ugh.
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pamivys-blog1 · 8 years
“Why can’t I erase you?”
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konnel-blog2 · 8 years
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
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sylvieromero · 8 years
Sylvie & Rose | Begin again
Sylvie was exhausted. The battle had taken every bit of energy out of her. Together with all the wounded and even dead. She had done everything she could to help. Now it was all over and she had just put Noah to bed. Her dedication for her work showed that instead of going to sleep she faithfully went to check upon the prisoner girl, Rose. Sylvie moved down to the cellars. She hadn’t had the chance to change yet so her uniform was still covered in other people’s blood. She moved to Rose’s cell. “Hey Rose, can I come in?” she asked in a friendly voice. “I brought you water.” she said while holding up the bottle.
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beastxofxaxman · 9 years
nicholas-clement likes your photo
ruby-red-rose-covaire-city likes your photo
+ Anyone Else
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"I'd say you're interrupting, but I'm getting a little sick of that bitch a few cells down shagging so loudly. So any distraction from her squeals is welcome."
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PM: Charose
Rose: Oh gosh Char, please do that to me. I am at school now, after I am on my way to you and I will be all yours.
Charisma: Well, you did say please and I do love it when you're polite. Meet me back in our room then? I might push you up against the door, fair warning. I've missed you terribly.
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themathewstwins · 11 years
"My sister's hearing shit again. She always was the crazy one. And my fucking aunt sent me to deal with it. Jesus christ." 
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oldpatrick-notnothing · 11 years
rsalvannah started following patrick-notnothing
"Why are all you bitches popping up?" Patrick looked at the girl in front of him. "Like seriously. I thought Washington was supposed to be filled with sexy musicians. With dicks."
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themoroiqueen · 12 years
@Rose (This is before Christian's M!A shh.)
Lissa was blushing fairly brightly as she hunted down her Guardian and Best friend, on her day off. She glanced around, before knocking on the little home that Rose, Dimitri, and Lena shared, waiting for her friend to open it up. "I need a favor," she said when it finally opened. "I need you to go...to a sex shop for me," she bit her lower lip.
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