#cook is the worst person in the worl
luo-not-lou · 4 years
Hi! I would like some head canons for Inosuke, maybe with a s/o that grew up in like, a farm??? And knows how to handle him; his territorial persona, anger and stuff... (English is not my first language either, and feel free to ignore if you want)
Did my best as my first time!! I hope i catched his escence so it feels like him, and i hope i met your standars, if theres was anything you want me to change/add tell my and I'll eddit it uwu
Inosuke with a S/O who grew up in a farm
Warnings: light swearing
You two are the CAOS COUPLE in the group
Nobody knows how the two of you ended toghether
It just sorta happend
nobody Is trully sure if Inosuke understands the concept of a relationship, not even yourself
The worst pairing AND the best one that could possibly happend at the same time
Both of you have a lot in common: mostly not any manners at all and ignorant about a lot of stuff around you, pretty aggressive as well
You two also fight a lot, but are mostly joke fights and trhowing stupid insults back and forth, you tease him, he teases you. Relationship Dynamics
Seeing him go bloody angry after telling him jokingly he's not stronger than a pig, and then pressing a small peck on his mask to calm him down, Is funny. But still, growing up between farmers made your tonge sharp, and that can lead to problems with his temper.
When that happens, however, you know what to do
Whenever he really needs to chill, you never doubt on calming him down as one of your animals (not in a bad way)
Because even if it's the simplest form of trying to calm someone, it's the most effective
Small pets and hugs, light touching, slow and soft talking, mummbling "everything is okay, calm down, breathe" over and over never fails, because, everything IS going to be alright, and he trusts you with that, more than anyone in the worls
Whatever happend to cause him to go to that state, just dissapeard, now you are the only thing he has in mind
And he likes it that way
Whenever he's territorial (out of fear, most of times) you know better than to just brush it off and go into his personal space to calm him down
He Is not an animal. However, he grew up with them an important part of his childhood, so you recognize a pattern of behavior pretty similar to the ones wild boars have
You wont cross boundaries or push unless he's ready, and that might take some time because for surviving reasons, you cant trust anyone, both of you know that, he's not ready to let you touch him all the time, you arent either, Is just how the two of you are
Being close toghether and alive Is more than enough for you
There will be some times however, he will let you touch him more than usual, he will talk softly just not screaming and will lean to your touch as you give him small pets, and soft compliments. Even if he doesnt say it, he lives for them
You arent really sure how to express vunerability yourself around him, you didnt grew up in the most comfortable place either, it was always work and wokr and more work, so it's still hard to express emotions other than anger or entusiasm but you make an effort to make him feel calm around you
It always surpries everyone how well you understand his behavior, how much you know about him and care for him, even if you dont show it often
In battle, he will go LITERALLY FERAL if something treathens your life. He knows you're strong, but, he Is not willing to take a risk and see you die in front of him. If theres the smallest hint that you cant beat certain demon, he will be there to take your place, or just take you out of there.
Sometimes, you ask yourself if Inosuke wouldnt like a more femenine partner, rather than you, who doesnt know how to be gracious at all and doesnt take a lot of care on your appearence
The truth Is: He couldnt care less
You're strong, you understand him and animals around you, you know how to cook and take care of yourself and others, you're tough and know how to calm him down, and a plus, you're really fucking pretty, basically, you're perfect to him.
Your relationship Is not perfect in any means, and you know that, however, the two of you try very hard, even if you dont like physic contact that much, even if you arent really romantic with one another, even if most of your time both of you are in missions and rarely being intimate with each other, even with all of that, your love and care, Is pure and unexplored, so give yourself time and take it slow, Inosuke Is never really letting you go anyway ;)
Whenever he's away from you, he's calmer than usual, no going into his way of screaming his lungs out, because, you arent there to hear him assert dominance
When that happens, he looks for things to remember him about you, it can be really fucked up things such as a dead, stinky pig on the forest, or the sweetest ones, like stunningly beautiful flowers around a wonderfull lake
Whatever it Is, he's bringing it as a gift, and you better be gratefull
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slasherstuff · 4 years
The Sawyer family | S/o ranting about how much they love them pt.2
A/n:Im still worling on writing for Chop Top,I also plan to rewatch the movie and read more about him.Im sorry if this isnt as good I will probably fix it in the near future
As always,askbox is open 24/7 and feedback is also welcome❤
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Chop top:
Curently,you and your boyfriend were cleaning youre room(more likely his room that you share) because according to common sense it wasnt cleaned for 2 months.
Quick enough you managed to knock off a shelf,and fell right on your butt.Chop noticed,not right away but he did.
Long story short(Im lazy,its comformed) Chop turned down the music and started laughing at you(Did yall expect something else?)
Soon his laughter made you laugh and now both of you were laughing like high chimpunks.Once both of you have stopped laughing you just realised how you have forgotten about thw pain
You realised being around your boyfriend has made you a much happier persone.So you told him how you feel,not only wbout how happy he makes you feel,but also how much you love him and how you couldnt wish to be with somebody else.
The man literally THREW you on the bed and started taking off your shirt.Sound like someones getting nasty🤭
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It is pretty normal for Drayton to take you to his contests since you dont get to hang out much around each other anyway.
You and Drayton were leaning against the wall at the door and just talking while he had his hand around your shoulders when he said that he haw something to pick up in the truck
You didnt think anything about it until a women/man(I dont judge based on ur sexuality smh) saying that it would be better to date someone else instead someone who was just a cook.
Excuse me?Just a cook.Oh boi boi boi,were you about to prove this little shit that your bf wasnt just a cook(Go get 'em hun😤)
You started ranting about how youre boyfriend does anything he can to make you happy,about gow much he works and about how he is a better persone that they could ever be
Drayton just so happend to hear that,he waited for you to finish with a smile on his face.Once you were done he pulled you aside and putted his hand around your waist (Waist>Shoulders its a level up).
"Ya know,I like what you did there S/o.Maybe you shall do it more often."
Not the best,but I think its not the worst 😅
Ask by: @twistedtoenailz
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banchoaniki · 5 years
Multiples of 4 then ☠
4: Talk show host: Imma be real w you I havent watched a talk show since attack of the show on g4 and that got cancelled years ago 8: Yankee candle scent: Fresh Balsam Fir. Smells like christmas and being cozy. Pine scents in general are god tier 12: Thing to cook: Anything that puts a smile on the face of those who eat it. Or Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Asparagus. Its easy, nutritious, and delicious. (That’d make a good dating profile header) 16: Book: Hard question. I’d have to go with Colorless Tsukuru and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami. 20: Holiday: Thanksgiving! I was born on it, so I have to like it. Other than that, toss up between Halloween and Christmas. 24: Movie: Uhhhhhhh, for live action, its a toss up between A Clockwork Orange and Apocalypse Now. For animated, Mind Game 28: Band: I dont follow a ton of bands, so Death Grips I guess. Its not like I dont listen to other music, but its mostly individual songs as opposed to deep diving into their discography 32: Athlete: I dont follow sports dude. Maybe like Usain Bolt cause he also has a pet tortoise like me.  36: Vehicle: Triump Bonneville T-100 40: Last person I got mad at: Uhh my former friend who’s girlfriend left him for being a piece of shit basically 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: I’m not missing anyone a whole ton rn. Wish we could meet tho jaz! 48: Ever been in love: Of course, its great and terrible 52: My room is: Fairly messy rn but I’ll clean up soon.  56: Favorite web site: Certainly not tumblr dot com. Idk dude probably like youtube cause I spend a lot of time watching videos or listening to podcasts.  60: I lose all respect for people who: Treat their partners like crap 64: My friends are: Great people! Things have been getting better for a lot of people in my circle of friends recently, and they really deserve it! 68: The worst sound in the world: Nails on chalkboard.  72: Today: Pretty ok day. Need to get a few things under control and still need to work out a bit, but studied hard and met up w a classmate to work on a project together! 76: Right now I am talking to: No one in particular, but ive been talking to friends throughout the day 80: The first person i talked to today was: Probably my dad when he woke me up 84: People call me: a lot of things im sure. Depends on who you ask.  88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Connection to where I live. My family’s owned my house for almost 100 years now, living elsewhere lacks that certain je ne sais quoi 92: Got a peircing: Never! maybe in the future tho... 96: Changed a diaper: also never! didn’t have any siblings or a close connected family growing up so I never had to. When I’m a dad, I’m sure I will though 100: Cried in front of someone: Oh jeez, not really sure. Maybe a few months ago, but I can’t recall what for 104: The future: Its filled with infinite possibilities, I just have to work for a future I want. I’m not too worried about stability, but you never know. Always try to have contingency plans for your contingency plans.  108: Designer Clothes: Generally overpriced trash. I’d rather buy from a local artisan that makes clothes specifically for me. Not like I don’t shop for clothes or like looking good, but theres a lot of issues in the fashion industry that I take umbrage with and like to look for alternatives.  112: Facebook: Boomerbook is convenient website that I use on occasion but I find to be fairly toxic, like most social media, so i rarely post on it. I just use the messenger app to talk with friends. 116: Reality TV: Utter trash! There are a billion other ways to spend your time that are more productive and beneficial to yourself and others that getting caught up in some fake drama with celebrities.  120: Gay Marriage: I don’t believe any kind of marriage should be regulated by the government, as its a religious sacrament. If churches want to allow it, that’s their prerogative that I won’t infringe on, but that’s in an ideal world. As it stands, I don’t have any strong feels for or against it, insofar that I think most marriages are fairly toxic.  124: Disney or Six Flags: Didney Worl 128: Manicure or Pedicure: I’ll take both, thanks 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Whomst’d’ve?  136: Hillary or Obama: Both are genuinely terrible people like most, if not all, government officials in Washington.  140: Mac or PC: I built my own PC but iPads do be kinda fresh tho I can see why people who don’t have the same hobbies or interests prefer macs, their visual design blows most PCs out of the water, and they’re functional for work and video editing. They’re obviously overpriced for the performance, but you’re buying it for the label and the well designed UI (generally, theres obviously some UI designs that are/were less than great by apple) 144: Oranges or Apples: While I like oranges, I FUCKING LOVE apples. So yeah, apples, particularly Fuji apples.  148: Summer or winter: Winter. I live in Los Angeles. Our winters are mild and maybe drizzley. Our summers are hellish. Easy choice. 152: Phone or Online: Uh I mean I like talking on the phone but texting or instant messaging is super convenient and, really, a very different form of communication that I engage in more.  156: Orbs: Do i believe in orbs? What kind of orbs? idk dude this is very nondescript and im too lazy to research this. Orbs as a geometric object do exist yes. Jury is still out on whatever the fuck this is asking tho 160: Soul mates: A distinct possibility that I’d love to be true 164: Heaven: I’m catholic, pretty sure I have to believe in it.  168: Luck: Yeah, I believe in it, but I also believe we make our own luck most times. 172: Are you taller than your mom? yeah shes like 5′2  176: Last YouTube video watched: Sure hope you like smooth japanese jazz fusion  https://youtu.be/6GEI3PpXEAo 180: Marriage is: A great responsibility I hope to be ready for one day. It can be incredible and life-affirming or it can be soul crushing if you rush into things or just have a bad partner. I don’t mean to be cynical, I genuinely believe its a beautiful thing, but so many marriages today end up horribly, so I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid of it at the same time.  184: Xbox or ps3: Whichever game console can give me a better user experience with better games and services. Right now that’s playstation, but I sincerely hope microsoft steps up to the plate next gen.  188: My bed is: A queen. Kinda messy rn.  192: I am allergic to: Nothing in particular 196: My eye color is: Green! I’m actually pretty proud of them, its the rarest eye color in the world, so its part of what makes me who I am.  200: My crush’s name is:  Jaz (no homo)  But also I’m not single so I don’t necessarily have any rn
PS: I sincerely apologize for this wall of text y’all 
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