#cookie run!promare AU
asavt · 3 years
Cookie Run!Promare AU (5) - Missing
By Notebook
“Wait. Are you serious?”
  Almond responded while coffee spilled from the white ceramic mug he held in his hand. Rooibos, Almond’s boss, nodded his head as he took out a manila folder, giving the folder to Almond.  
  “I’m dead serious, Almond. There have been several reports of actors and actresses from the Metropolis theater suddenly going missing within the past few weeks. Just this past few days up to 10 actors and actresses went missing while rehearsing for a play. I want you and your squad to investigate this case and figure out who is responsible for this.”
  Almond nodded his head while his hand clenched inside the pockets of his jacket. Seeing the tired eyes of his employee, Rooibos sighed as he placed his hand on the detective's tensed shoulders. 
  “Listen. I know you are still worried sick about Latte, but we're doing everything we can to find her and the others. Now, I want you to clock out early and get some rest. The investigation starts tomorrow and I want you to be at your best. Understood?”
  Almond looked at Rooibos before nodding in response. 
  “Understood, sir.”
  “Good. I’ll see you tomorrow at my office at 6 am sharp.”
  “I will sir. See you tomorrow.”
  Rooibos chuckled as he took some manila folders from the supply closet and headed towards his office. Meanwhile Almond sat behind his desk, his hand reaching towards his left pocket. He takes out his wallet and opens it up to see a picture. The pictures are of him, Latte, and Cream Puff at the carnival just a few months prior. 
  He remembers Latter winning all sorts of prizes at the games, while Cream Puff was riding all the rollercoasters she could find. The memory brought a smile to Almond's face, before turning stern.
  It was painful enough when Cream Puff turned up missing, but when he heard the news that Latte went missing as well, he almost broke down. He was already stressed enough at work but the disappearance of his two closest friends nearly took him to the edge. To the point that Almond felt that his stomach and eyes were about to burst before he managed to control himself.
  The detective sighed as he wandered his eyes towards the clock on the wall that read 7:45 pm. Not wanting to bring work with him for the night, Almond puts away the photo into his wallet and got to work.
  “I’m gonna head out. See you later you two.”
  “See you tomorrow, Almond. Make sure to get plenty of rest.”
  “I will. Make sure you two get some rest as well. I’m pretty sure the boss would send your squads as well, just in case.”
  “Don’t worry we will. Right, Ube?”
  “What are you looking at me for? You're the one always heading out and causing trouble.”
  “What did you say?”
  “You damn know what I said, Taro. What? Do you want me to repeat it?”
  “Why you little-”
  The two brothers began to fight, while Almond rolled his eyes and headed out the door towards the mean streets of South Metropolis. As the detective kept his eyes and ears open for any sign of trouble, he felt pressure on both his eyes and stomach. Slowly growing to uncomfortable levels.  
Within the walls of a white sterile room, far from any signs of civilization, a little girl with white puffy hair cries as she lays on a hospital bed, covered head-to-toe in bandages while the doctors and nurses around her talk about which operation to perform next. Ignoring the whimpers of pain from the little girl laying on the white sheets of the bed.  
Meanwhile, a young woman on a motorcycle speeds towards the icy mountains and frigid forest that lies just north of Metropolis. The cold air whips through her helmet and brown leather jacket, while repeatedly looking at the mirrors of her motorcycle. Her eyes filled with sorrow and determination as she headed towards a particular cave hidden within the frigid mountains and green pine trees that overlooked a frozen blue lake. 
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(Tumblr decided to long out of nowhere here on the apo I hate this, I had a lot written, but to shorten everthung out: ALMOND, LATTE, CREAMPUFF, MAGES?? ALMOND THE MAGE???? LATTE ON A MOTORCYCLE, LEAVE CREAMPUFF ALONE YOU SICK DOCTORS)
Ans to think I had written in all excited :(
But anyways, Thanks once more for the awesome fic Notebook!! I hope you are doing good outthere. (If you happen to have ideas for how the characters looks send them over, I wanna draw....)
And to you dear readers, here it is the new part! I knew some of you where expecting this!
Have a good day!!
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asavt · 3 years
Cookie Run!Promare AU(4) - Report
By Notebook
In the dimly lit office of the Fly-by-Night Foundation, near the top floor where only the moon lit up the dark workspace, a silhouette can be seen sitting at their desk with only a lamp that lit the reports in front of them. The figure gritted their teeth and clenched their fist as they read the last report. The report contained information about the destruction of one of their research facilities Unit 1, as well as the loss of all their valuable test subjects. According to the report, the main culprits were the “Magicians” and their leader, who sneaked into the facility and helped free all the Mages within the compound. In addition, the “Magicians” also destroyed most of Units 1,2, and 3 before successfully leaving with all the Mages. No “Magicians” were captured during the incident.  
The head of the Fly-by-Night Foundation slammed their fist onto their desk several times before their secretary came into the room. Their secretary walked up to their boss and bowed before giving the news. 
“Madam. We managed to find several new Mages near the center of the city, as well as a few more at the edge of the city. Not only did they display massive amounts of mana, but they also display unusual abilities. They will all be transported to the farthest facility from the city, as you requested.”
‘“Excellent,” the boss replayed, as she got up from her seat and walked towards one of the large windows within her office. She stared at the skyline before her, before she continued her conversion.
“Make sure all the Mages are sedated before they are all transported to the facility.”
“Yes, Madam. I will report to the medical team to sedate all the Mages for at least 12 hours.”
“Good. In addition, I want all the reports on the progress of the ship on my desk before 9 am tomorrow so I can read through them thoroughly.”
“Yes, Madam. I will make sure to bring all the reports before 9 am.”
“Good. You are dismissed.”
As the secretary left the dimly lit office to continue their duties, the woman gave out a long sigh before picking up her white coat from her office chair. She swung the coat over her shoulders before leaving her office. 
As she walked toward the exit of the building, a new employee ran towards her with a pile of manila folders in his arms. His face was red as an apple, as the employee was wheezing from running all over the building. He hands the manila folders over to his boss before saying;
“I’m so sorry, Madam. I forgot to give these papers to Miss Cranberry, but I couldn’t find her anywhere, and I’m new here and I got lost and-”
“Don’t worry about”
“These are the tax papers for the corporation, correct.”
“Ahh. Yes!” the employee responded while still catching his breath.
“Then it was not a big deal that these papers come in a little late. Thank you for giving them to me.”
“Ah, you thank Madam…Uh?”
“Captain Ice.”
“Ah…I see. Thank You Madam Captain Ice.”
“Your welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Captain Ice waved the new employee goodbye before heading out the building and towards the dark street of Metropolis city.
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Oh god oh fuc. I’m looking  👀
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asavt · 3 years
Cookie Run!Promare AU(3) - Operation Rescue
 By Notebook
The smell of disinfectants permeates throughout the entire surgical room, as the cleaners wash away the remains of former Mages. The ashes of these test subjects cling unto the sponges and mops as the cleaners dipped them into their water buckets, turning the once clear water into a murky grey-red. 
Once the room was fully cleaned, the cleaners drained the discolored water into the sink before filling the buckets with fresh water. They gathered their cleaning supplies and headed towards the next surgical room for disinfection. Preparing the room for the next batch of Mages for dissection. 
Near the bottom of the facility, where the most valuable Mages are kept, a figure shivers near the corner of their cell. His entire body was covered in bandages due to the plethora of medical tests from the day before. 
The Mage looked around the cold white sterile room he was imprisoned in. Bereft of anything else, save for the bed he slept on. The harsh lights beamed down from the ceiling as the figure stared at the white wall before them. 
He hoped each day that someone might come and saved him from this never-ending nightmare, but alas that day still has not arrived yet. 
It has not arrived in over 3 years. 
The figure continued to stare towards the white wall when the door to their cell slid wide open. A flurry of doctors poured into the room, along with a few guards that followed them into the room. The doctors ordered the guards to take Y-9 to the “sleeping” room. 
The guards picked up the tired Mage and carried them towards the room. The Mage did not fight back against the guards, knowing full well of the consequences for those who do.
“Excuse me. Are you new here?” asked a nurse, who was drinking her 7th cup of coffee. The man nodded his head as he adjusted his glasses. 
From what the nurse observed, the man had brown hair with a light brown highlight, light pink eyes, and a soft smile. He also wore white scrubs along with white with light blue shoes and the tag of which unit he worked at. 
The typical uniform for nurses who worked at the facility.
The man, carrying a thick manila folder, smiled at the veteran nurse before him. “Yes, I am. I was wondering where unit 1 is located? They didn’t give us a map of this place. So… I was just wondering where it is. I have to deliver some important paperwork to the unit’s doctors,” explained the male nurse.
The female nurse gave him a weird look before responding to the new nurse’s question. 
“Sorry, but no one is allowed in that unit except for the nurses and doctors that were assigned to that unit,” explained the irritated nurse. “You just have to deliver the paperwork to the proper secretary and ask them to deliver it for you. That’s just protocol, kid.”
“Ah, I see. And where do I find the proper secretary?”
“Just keep heading straight until you find the fake fountain, then turn right. Then you keep going until you find the sign that says, ‘Unit 1, Main Secretary’. Just go in and give them the paperwork. They will do the rest.”
“Huh, I see. Thank you, Ma'am.”
The young nurse waved the old nurse goodbye before walking past her, heading towards the direction of the fountain. 
The nurse finished her 7th cup of coffee before throwing the soft paper cup into the trash can next to her. While she walked towards the operating room for the next experiment, a sudden chill ran down her spine.
As Tea finally finished the last of the facility’s finances a male nurse, whom Tea never seen before, entered his office while carrying a large manila folder. The nurse looked at the secretary and smiled, which in all honesty creeped Tea out. 
“May I help you?”
“Umm, yes… I need to enter Unit 1 to deliver some important paperwork, but I don’t know how to get there. Can you help me?”
Tea rolled his eyes. Figuring they are new to the facility Tea explained, “Unless you’re assigned to Unit 1, you are not allowed to enter that specific Unit. If you need to deliver some paperwork to the docs over there, just hand me the papers and I’ll fax it over to them.”
“Wait. So, you have access to Unit 1?”
“Yes!” Yelled the very tired secretary. “Now, just give me the folder and be on your way.”
“Alright. Alright.” The male nurse answered as he laid the folder on the table and left the office. 
When Tea picked up the manila folder and opened it to see its contents, a large puff of gas and smoke envelope the entire room. Knocking out the secretary. 
As soon as the male nurse heard a loud thump, he knew the sleeping gas had worked. He waited for a few minutes before entering the office, so as to not get knocked out from the gas. 
The male “nurse” rifled through the secretary’s desk before finding the plethora of keycards for Unit 1 in a secret compartment underneath the desk. 
The “nurse” took the keycards, hid Tea underneath his desk, and left the office.
The “nurse” walked towards the door to Unit 1 and used all the keycards to unlock the doors, thus gaining access to Unit 1.
The male “nurse” quickly entered the Unit and headed towards the elevator that will take him to the lower levels of the facility. The levels where the Mages are kept. 
When the elevator doors finally opened, the “nurse” headed towards the back of the unit. 
The “nurse” smirked a little as small flames appeared from his fists. Disappearing just as quickly.
“Alrighty then. Just be a good test subject and it will all be over lickety-split.”
One of the doctors chirps as they put in an IV on Y-9’s arms along with an anesthesia face mask. 
Y-9 knew this day would come, yet he didn’t feel scared nor sad, but rather relieved. It was finally going to be over. 
Just before the anesthesia kicked it, a large explosion shook the entire unit causing the power to shut down. Soon, the backup generator kicked in and the alarm ranged throughout the entire unit.
Before the doctors could realize what was happening, the doors to the operating room flew hide open and flames shot from every direction. The doctors ran for their lives, while Y-9 looked towards the one that stopped the dissection. 
Y-9’s field of vision grew smaller and smaller, as their rescuers picked them up and placed them on a gurney to wheel them to safety.
The last thing they remember was seeing the exit sign before everything went black. 
“Hey. Hey! Can you hear us?”
“I don’t think he can hear us.”
“Is he in a coma?”
“No, he’s just asleep from the anesthesia they gave them.”
“Oh, then-Huh? Boss look! He’s waking up!”
Y-9 slowly opened his eyes to find not the harsh white light of the facility but the warm yellow lights of a warehouse. Y-9 lifted his head and looked around his surroundings.  
He finds himself surrounded by a bunch of people, who were either treating the wounds from those who were rescued from the facility or standing guard around the windows and doors of the warehouse.
Y-9 then looked towards the two people next to his bed. 
“Did…. Did you guys save me?”
“Sort of,” the younger of the two answered. 
“I merely short-circuited their systems, while the boss here did the bulk of the work.”
“Now, don’t sell yourself too short. We couldn’t have saved as Mages as we did without you frying the circuits,” the older one replied to the younger one. 
“No, really it was no big, man.”
“Well, it’s a big deal to me. This is the most Mages we have ever saved, and I think-Oh?”
The older one looked towards Y-9, who had confusion plastered on his face. The older gentlemen smiled at Y-9. 
“I’m so sorry for not introducing ourselves. We are the “Magicians”, a group of Mages dedicated to saving our kind and rising against those oppressing our kind. My name is Espresso, the leader of the “Magicians” and this here is Lemon.“
"What’s up.”
“He is one of the top generals of the "Magicians”, so he helps with these sort of missions.“ 
"Yup. I can use my mana to create electricity. As a result, I can hack almost any computer or fry any system.”
“But he’s better at frying than hacking.”
“Sad, but true,” Lemon said as he puts on his jacket with lightning bolts on them. 
“So, what’s your name?”
“Huh? My… name.”
“Yes,” Lemon responded. “What’s your name?”
Both Espresso and Lemon waited patiently for Y-9 to answer their questions. A few moments digging through buried memories later, Y-9 looks at the boss and the general of the Magicians. He answers:
“Cinnamon. My name is Cinnamon.”
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HHHHHH Lovely, absolutly lovely and cool dude!!  come on guys!! you better read this is soo cool!!!
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asavt · 3 years
Cookie Run!Promare AU (2) - Bubbling Up
By Notebook
In the heart of Metropolis, where glitz and glamour reign supreme, one can find an especially exquisite restaurant. Known for its soothing music, dreamy aromas, delicious cuisine, and exceptional drinks. 
Thanks to a plethora of celebrities coming to the restaurant for its foods and drinks, it quickly became the most popular restaurant in the city, often filling to the brim before lunch.
Due to the extreme popularity of the restaurant, many employees are forced to work overtime to accommodate the large number of customers. Oftentimes, working up to 10 hours or more every day to keep the restaurant functioning smoothly. 
Despite the restaurant’s high status and sophisticated vibes, rude customers still come aplenty. Usually piling on the mountains of stress the employees already have from working 8+ hours with no rest. 
And sadly, tonight is no different.
“Excuse, me! Where is my Tiki Spritz? I ordered it an hour ago!”
“I’m so sorry, ma'am. I’ll get right over to you soon.”
“You added too much ice to my drink! Do it over!”
“I’m so sorry, sir. I’ll make you a new drink.”
“I asked for a hibiscus tea, not a Shirley Temple.“ 
"I’m so sorry. I’ll bring your tea right away.”
Sparkling dashed towards the women in shining jewelry, carrying a finished tea in hand. He laid the drink in front of the woman and dashed towards another customer.
In the 8 hours Sparkling has worked at the “Fountain”, he has been scolded, yelled, and even spitted at by rude customers, not realizing that they were not the only customers at the restaurant or that their server had only had two arms. 
In addition to having to cater to a bunch of rude customers-
“Sparking! We need help.”
Sparkling is also on serving duty, due to many waiters and waitresses quitting a few days prior. 
Asking Bergamot to cover for him, Sparkling rushed into the busy kitchen. Not a moment later, the tired server comes out of the kitchen carrying several large dishes. 
Going back and forth from the kitchen to the drink station stressed the server like no tomorrow, as Sparkling served the 12th Catawba Flip to a screaming customer wearing a fancy suit. 
Just as Sparkling finished the 20th hibiscus tea, he felt a large pressure on his stomach and eyes. Like if something was about to come out. 
Figuring he was merely getting sick from working at the “Fountain” for so long, Sparkling drank some water and went back to work. 
Two hours later and the pressure hasn’t waned one bit. It was in fact growing and it was starting to get painful. 
Not wanting to puke in front of the customers, Sparkling went towards the bathroom to catch his breath for a bit.
Before the tired server could go into the bathroom, his boss grabbed his forearm and pulled him away from the bathroom. 
“Hey, Sparkling.” His boss said with a slight grin on his face. “Do you mind working at least 3 more hours at the drink station? The people love your drinks and there is a large queue just for you." 
“Great! Bergamot shift is almost done, so get ready.” Chirped the boss as he turned away from Sparkling and walked away.
Just before Sparkling could walk towards the boss and quit at the spot, the pressure building inside Sparkling finally burst. 
Before Mr. Cashews and the others could even react, a large amount of mana slammed against them. They toppled over from the mana and a loud boom echoed across the city. The “Fountain” having been nearly blown up by the newly manifested Mage.
A few minutes later everyone, save for Sparkling, was evacuated from the now ruined restaurant as the Royal Regiment closed in on Sparkling. Who’s eyes and mouth still spew mana.
“No….no…nono. I’m not a Mage! I can’t be! Help me, Please! I don’t want to be a Mage!" 
Ignoring the pleas of the newly formed Mage, the members of the Regiment shot at the former employee. Soon, from where the Regiment shot Sparkling, ice-like structures, clear as glass, formed around the ankles and wrist of the new Mage.
Sparkling toppled over as the mana finally calmed down. The poor man tried to fight off the members of the Regiment, with all his might, as they lifted him from the ground. 
Sparkling somberly accepted defeat as they hoisted him into the black van and shut the doors.
The blacks can and a plethora of cars drove away, as the news crew interviewed the workers and customers on the event that transpired.
"I had no idea he had the mutation. If I hadn’t known. I would have never hired him.”
“Ewww. I can’t believe I drank a drink made from a Mage. It’s so disgusting.”
“……….I didn’t know, he was a Mage…..I didn’t know.”
Near the edge of the city, where almost no one dares travel to, two silhouettes stand against the darkness of the empty building they resided in. 
One had several cards floating around them, while the other produced small sparks of electricity between their fingers. 
The two stood silently as their boss beamed information about their next target from an earpiece. 
A research facility that said to house several samples of Mages they had taken in to “treat” for their mutation. 
The boss explained that they will be joining them on this mission and advised them to get ready when he arrives in a few days. The call ended as one of the top generals smiled ear to ear.
“Hey. Didn’t the boss save you from that particular research facility?" 
"Yes, he did.”
Their comrade answered with their fist balled in anger.
“And I can’t wait to rip it to pieces.”
The other general merely looked at them for a bit before the two headed towards the exit of the building.
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I… I was left wordless again, I really like your writting dude, don’t stop begin awesome. I already finished one of the designs of this thing, and I’m working on Madeleine now (I will post these two designs together, but untils then I’m doing another doodles.
You just got us in kind of a cliffhanger, again, how dare you?? XD Oh boy this calmed down my trembling from trying to get trough Golden Wasteland in sky (and failing miserably)
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asavt · 3 years
Mages: Espresso, Cinnamon, Wizard, Prophet, Carol, Cream Puff, Lemon, Soda, Snow Sugar, Rebel, Yogurt Cream, Blueberry Pie, Pomegranate, Sparkling, Strawberry and spoiler. 
Normal citizens: The rest
Rescue Force: Peach, Madeleine, Ninja, Alchemist, Plum, Salt and Hero.
Royal Regiment: Special Force, Ion, Milk, Leek, White Coco, Beet, Pistachio, and Jujube. 
Top generals: Cinnamon and Lemon. 
Boss: Espresso 
The big bad: spoiler
Right-Hand: Dr. Wasabi
Deus Prometh: Dr. Aloe
City: Metropolis.
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MAAAAAAN I’M LOOKING *insert eyes emoji*
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asavt · 3 years
Cookie Run!Promare AU (1) - Tsukor
By Notebook
Thirty-years ago mana-wielding mutants, known as Mages, began to appear all over the world. Those with the mutation appear as ordinary citizens until they begin to emit large amounts of volatile mana from their eyes and mouth. As a result, those with the mutation gain the ability to use magic at will. 
As a result of their unintentional destructions during their manifestation, Mages were quickly ostracized and targeted for their unusual abilities.
Over time the government and kingdoms began to hunt down the Mages and sent them to an unknown location, far from civilization.
The Mages retaliated against their aggressors and ended up destroying half of the entire world with their magic. 
This event became known as, The Great Rift. 
As a result of the government’s and kingdom’s continued oppression of the Mages, a terrorist group known as the “Magicians” cropped up and began fighting back against those who wished nothing more than their destruction.
This is the story of the leader of the “Magicians” and a member of the local rescue force, who will uncover the truth behind the Mages and of the leader he greatly admires. 
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Oh my god
I wasn’t expecting this oh shit XD. Never stop surprising me ok? I can’t wait to see more of your writting 
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