#cookie run headcannons
cosmicwhoreo · 1 month
Apparently I gots to rename what I call this lil bleep
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Cuz he's actually a SPONGE (according to a friend 'o mine, dam u squeebus/silly)
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blue tube sponge specifically- gonna just call him Blue Sponge for simplicities sake
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steffany-tan · 2 years
This time with some angst ones and comfort ones along it ☻
GingerBrave really needs to vent to someone, but he uses he keeps saying to himself that other cookies have bigger problems and that his problems are nothing so he shouldn't be making someone else worry about his problems
Both GingerBrave and dozer doesn't like storms, GingerBrave doesn't like storms because the lightning reminds him of the wizard's power and as the wizard only uses this power when they are in danger he associates the noise of lightning with danger (well,that's his excuse 😒),while dozer doesn't like loud and sudden noises at all
So when there's a storm you'll find dozer sobbing while hugging his brother, when there's a storm GingerBrave puts a blanket over them both to hide from the storm, while dozer sleeps easily GingerBrave has to keep dealing with it alone until he actually sleeps (which is rare)
GingerBrave doesn't know what "sleep" means
GingerBrave's body regenerates REALLY quickly
GingerBrave:WIZARD! (he's under wizard window)
GingerBrave:I DON'T KNOW-
When dozer has nightmares GingerBrave sings to him to calm him down
GingerBrave may faint from exhaustion but he won't rest-
Strawberry: how many hours of sleep did you get last night…?
GingerBrave (who just fainted from exhaustion):trying to think of number between 4 and 7-
Dozer just doesn't know how to lie so if you see dozer nervous when answering a question he's lying (and its not that hard to get him to say the truth-)
GingerBrave and dozer have their own nicknames some are for them to say normally and others to say in arguments
Dozer: GingerBrave!
GingerBrave: what bulldozer?
Dozer: a-…if you dare to call me that again I swear i'll punch you so hard that your face will numb for months
GingerBrave has a bunch of problems about self esteem but dozer keeps reassuring GingerBrave that he's enough
Dozer's hair is rebel and the only thing that keeps it calm is his beanie and how GingerBrave knows that he keeps hiding it just so he can see his hair
And unlike dozer GingerBrave's hair is PERFECT you'll only find his hair messy if you if you mess it- (which is ironic becuz he's bald in the game-)
Yup my headcannons flew away :]
See y'all next time
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gu1ll3rm1n4 · 1 year
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These are just my headcannons for my comfort ship
Some extra details/hcs
•avocado quit being a blacksmith and became a body positive influencer so that explains why she has a completely new look
•Melon bun is now plus size with an actual afro
•they’re both Mexican
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imaginariumwanderer · 4 months
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Height differences
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kalopses-sonderes · 1 year
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Ft: Pure Vanilla Cookie, Dark Cacao Cookie, Eclair Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Espresso Cookie, and Lilac Cookie
A/n: first post back! Wanted to start small with headcanons to get back into the groove before doing full fics again
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Pure Vanilla Cookie
He smiles and cups your cheeks. He quickly agrees saying he’d love you no matter what form you have. He’d hold you close and kisses you.
“Of course I’d love you if you were a worm!”
Dark Cacao Cookie
He’d just stare at you, not sure how to answer that question. Are you about to turn into a worm? Is there is something you’re not telling him? Is this a joke? He doesn’t give you clear answer.
Eclair Cookie
He’d stop what he was doing and slowly looked at you. He started to think over history if anyone has turned into a worm. He does look for transformation books, hoping to stop the transformation.
“Are you turning into a worm?!”
Madeleine Cookie
Similar to Pure Vanilla, He’d pick you up and kiss you. He’d hold you close and show off his beautiful smile.
“I’d love you no matter what you look like! But would you love me if I was a worm?”
Espresso Cookie
He makes a disgusted face and shakes his head and continues on with his work. He is very concerned for you and how came up with such an odd question.
“Where did you get that question from? Was it Madeleine Cookie?”
Lilac Cookie
He thinks about how to answer the question. If he says no, you’ll be sad. If he says yes, you’re happy but its weird. He takes a little more time before speaking.
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A/n: I want to start fresh with my Taglist! Dm me or send an ask to be added!
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hugemilkshake · 6 months
Okay I got butter roll, and this man tookEVERYTHING from me- he took my 60 cookie cutters and 6,300 of my gems!!!
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And I think we can all agree this man is a little deranged and that he would dissect you if given the chance.
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thebeingmerf · 2 months
Bed Rest Art Dump [Part 10]
This will probably be the last one of these for a bit. I’m back to posting more often, so I don’t need to store up my other art as much. I’ll still do smaller art dumps over time though ^^
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coc00aa · 5 months
Anyway here's my Licorice Cookie Headcannons.
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(This is my head cannon design for him. I made the edit.)
-Licorice was born into the Licorice tribe; A tribe that prides its magicians and known for its strict manner. Which slowly caused a resentment of the tribe to grow inside of him.
-The Licorice tribe has been the victim of extreme prejudice for the Cacao kingdom due to its relation with the Licorice sea. This caused Licorice to hate all other Cacao tribes, specifically the milk tribe.
-Licorice's mother was neglectful of him, mostly letting him live off of history, magic and fairytale books.
-As he grew Licorice began to strive to become a famous wizard in history. And with that, his expectations for himself grew out of control.
-After finding Dark Enchantress and getting information of a growing party-The COD- Licorice turned to the Dark arts because of his insecurity.
-In his kingdom, it is highly illegal to practice Dark magic. And is punishable by a type of crucifixion. So, when found out, Licorice would be persecuted. The way was by a cursed dagger, that from impact (such as a slash.) Would set you aflame. However, after two stabs Licorice would stay alive.
-Loosing himself, Licorice brought a storm upon the Licorice tribe which would destroy the entire village. Aswell as killing all the residents, some he killed personally.
-His mother had cursed him before he murdered her. A curse that slowly killed and corrupted him, his killer being his own magic. Licorice is very much aware of this curse. Infact, he has the curse tattooed on his wrist as a joke.
Alr that's over, here's some semi important trivia.
-Licorice has tried his hardest to recreate life with pure magic. This, being represented when reviving his dead cat (That would become Bat-cat.) Then, creating his best project; Poison Mushroom Cookie. Licorice *grew* Mushroom, and serves as their father figure. He is very protective over them.
-Licorice has a SMALL obsession with Red Velvet Cookie.
-Licorice currently has a "project" going on involving resurrection. He wants to perfect his craft, and make it simple. So he will either grave rob or simply kidnap cookies (typically Red Velvet's enemies.) To test his theories.
-Licorice plans every kidnap, with from what tools to what the air must smell like.
-Licorice has undiagnosed OCD and Autism.
-The reason why Licorice is obsessed with Red Velvet is-first he wanted to power of dating his bosses son.-yet it slowly turned to a romantic obsession as their relationship progressed. What started this obsession was the first time Licorice met Red Velvet. He would taunt and built him until Red Velvet diddled him...
Alright here's the nonimportant trivia.
-IDGAF About the bts update Licorice loves metal with his dying soul.
-Licorice has a terrible sleep schedule, like seriously, he goes to bed at 3 am. (His" job "requires him to wake up at 5.)
-His role -which is rather low- is a scout. Yet at first he was a bodyguard..But that obviously failed terribly.
-Licorice melts when he sweats or gets extremely stressed. It isn't like his skin falling off, but he'll feel his body dribble and shit or smth.
-Licorice has a insecurity about his masculinity, but also embraces it at times.
-Licorice loves to cross dress- privately of course. Yet he'll possibly take photos of himself crossdressing.
-He creates the majority of his clothes because of his sewing hobby.
-There's this large x shaped scar on his chest, nobody asks about it anymore. But if they do its a apparent "exile scar."
-Licorice swears he's straight despite his love for Red Velvet. Infact he's a lil bit homophobic at times when people push into the idea of him being into men.
-Licorice has a tattoo of the Licorice Sea on his thigh (that moves up to his hips.)
-Licorice is VERY tall. This is because he wears bigass boots.
I might update this or maybe another whole ass post about more, but I'm too tired too and I'm gonna eep. Gn.
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phamtomopal · 2 months
Cookie Run Headcannon #5
Hollyberry cookie and Royal Margarine cookie can spend hours just talking about dragon stories.
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cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
Can I interest you in some guppy Black Pearl art in these trying timez? (with a hint of Grand Reef Cookie, of course!)
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believe it or not, I had these doodled before the update! Granted, bp was colored slightly different than now, but it's easy to fix that with pixels~! Frankly my ideas on how my shining grandpapa Grand Reef haven't changed much! In fact, I think the conformation that bp has (or had) sisters helps me! All that really changed is that merbabies leave the reef at a certain age to go with their pod of siblings to their kingdom and be a good citizen or whatnot-
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Yes, I know logistically there is no way in HELL these two would have ever met as kids; But that's what AUs are fooooooooor~~~~ SO SHUSHH
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steffany-tan · 2 years
Hellooo :D i'm back with more dozer and GingerBrave headcannons >:] (and Gingerbright at some parts---)
i definitely didn't forget to do this earlier-
But let's start already >:D
Dozer is kind of a coward but if you dare to be mean to GingerBrave he will swear at you so much-
GingerBrave is dumb as fuck-
Dozer likes to go at short walks at night to admire the stars, he sometimes sits down somewhere to stargaze,he'll mostly fall asleep and GingerBrave will have to find him and carry him back home
When dozer falls asleep my dude- NOTHING WAKES HIM UP the world might be falling apart but dozer is there sleeping peacefully, and if you luckily or unluckily wakes him up you won't get the usual sleepy dozer, you'll get a grumpy old man-
If GingerBrave and dozer fight you'll see them both trying their best to ignore each other but they fail miserably and start apologizing instantly
BUT! If dozer is angry at GingerBrave, you'll find dozer making poor impressions of GingerBrave
If dozer was in kingdom he would probably be a support cookie
GingerBrave dozer and Gingerbright have powers since they are all made of the same dough but they didn't find that out yet (cough that headcannon is going to appear in my cookie run fanfic cough cough-)
GingerBrave and dozer basically adopted Gingerbright as their little sister
GingerBrave has a really nice singing voice since he used to sing to dozer to calm him down while they where trying to escape the witch's kitchen (GingerBrave made his own lullaby to dozer)
Dozer is like a cat- you'll find him sleeping in the most unusual places-
GingerBrave:dozer what are you doing-
GingerBrave: yeah i see that but why on top on the fridge-
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wohacookiesideblog · 11 months
Random Cookie Run Headcannon
Cookies with a Liquid flavour like Sparkling or Milk get soggier quicker in water, so they need to be a little extra careful around water then the average Cookie
In contrast, cookies with a flavour that drives from the ocean like Oyster or Caviar are less likely to get soggy. They can still get soggy of course, it just takes longer then the average cookie
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amekonocternia · 11 months
Quick anchient family tree hcs (if anything's confusing lmk since I've never made one before)
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Baker & Roses
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Pairing: Clover, Herb, Pure Vanilla, Lilac, Sparkling, Hollyberry, and baker! Reader
Summary: What if baker! reader give some of the cookies a bouquet of roses?
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• Clover and Herb would accept them with a smile and giving you a hug! Probably invite you out to a day in the forest. Clover would play music while you and herb dance around to the tunes.
Clover: “Heres a tune, I hope you love Baker!”
Herb: “come dance in the flowers with my baker!”
• Pure Vanilla Is gonna blush and store the roses somewhere safe. He’ll get you gifts the next day, something big and bold to show how much he loves you.
“Baker! Theres a room full of gifts, I picked them all out myself. I hope all of them are to your liking.”
• Lilac took the roses and found a way for them to never wilt away. He wears one in his hair and stores the others away. He places a bouquet of lilacs in your room with a note the following night. Many ask why he suddenly wears a rose.
“Why do I wear a rose now? Baker has given it to me, so I will cherish it and keep it safe.”
• Sparkling would place the roses in the bar! You have a designated spot where you sit every time, and no one is aloud to sit in it besides you. He places the vase next to it. As a gift back he makes a drink dedicated to you and named after you.
“Ah, Baker! Here, try this drink. I based it off of you, its named (name)!”
• Hollyberry would place the flowers in your and her hair. She’d invite you to come drink with her as a token of her appreciation.
“Lets have a drink! To our dear Bakers gift!”
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@cosmolumine @sorbella @n0n-gh0stn4ry
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cradle-of-darkness · 1 year
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the people have spoken. here they are
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thebeingmerf · 2 months
Bedrest art dump [part 9]
Ft. Some analysis book pages
Let’s see if it wants to actually upload this time
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