#coonor x reader
lawngnomeofdoom · 3 years
Part Seven: when I'm near you
PT 1 PT2 PT3 PT4 PT5 PT6
Summary: The morning after Connor and Y/N's first night together is interrupted by no other than Hank Anderson.
Warnings: Cursing, Some smut
A/N: Sorry for the wait, I've been super busy! As always thanks for reading and interacting with this series, it's really fun to write! I'm going to try to post again soon, I'm thinking of a pretty fluff chapter with Y/N and Connor's blossoming relationship! Hope you enjoy it and I hope your day is rad!
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The morning after your first night with Connor, you awake in his arms to find him gazing at you, a soft smile on his lips.
“Good morning.” You murmur sweetly and cuddled up against his chest, as he kisses the top of your head. You can hear your dog snoring in the living room, crisp morning air flowing in through your cracked bedroom window; everything feels just right.
“Are you hungry? I can prepare you some breakfast if you like.” Connor offers nuzzling his chin against you.
“Mmm maybe later, I just want to stay like this for a little while, another hour or two or forever.” You tell him and hear him chuckle.
“That sounds good to me.”
A little while later your cuddling is interrupted by a loud thumping knock on your front door.
“Y/N! You in there?” Hank calls out. Both of your eyes shoot open, and you look at each other in a panic.
“Shit!” You both curse and stumble out of the bed, quickly dressing yourselves. It seems you both overslept for work.
“Should I get the door?” Connor asks as he buttons up his white shirt.
“No! You need to hide; I want to tell Hank about us but not like this.” You say quickly.
“Us?” Connor smiles.
“Well were you planning on hitting and quitting it?” You joke but Connor cocks his head in confusion.
“Don’t worry about it, I just want to tell him over dinner or something.” You explain slipping a shirt over your head and moving over to your dresser mirror to look over yourself.
“Connor! You left a mark on my neck!” You tell him exasperated.
“Apologies, I was just so…enthused.” He says and comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him, softly feeling you up as he plants light kisses on the marks on your neck. You feel your previous irritation leave you, and you melt away in his arms, you can feel him hardening behind you, and just as your about to reach down to tease him you hear Hank at the door again.
“Y/N! I’m coming in if you don’t get this door in the next 30 seconds!” He calls.
“Closet now!” You order and shove Connor towards your closet, pulling him down towards you for a kiss before you shut him in.
“Don’t make a sound.” You whisper and head towards your front door, wrapping a scarf around your neck before you do. 20 seconds after Hank’s warning, just as you enter your living room your front door is kicked open by the LT. Your dog looks up for a moment, and when he sees that it's Hank he goes back to sleep.
“Jesus Hank! I gave you a key, you didn’t have to kick the damn door in!” You yell. Hank, who entered with his gun drawn looks around the room before slumping his shoulders apologetically.
“I forgot about the key, sorry. Could’ve been worse, I could’ve busted out your window and slapped ya across the face. Anyway, what happened to you? Where were you all morning, I’ve been worried sick.” Hank asked holstering his pistol.
“I just overslept; I was up all night watching a horror movie marathon.” You lie. He looks you over suspiciously.
“Your heater on the fritz or something? What’s with the scarf?”
“The…movie marathon was mainly vampire stuff, so I… did it so I wouldn’t get bit in my sleep.” You struggle, you’re usually a good liar, but not to Hank.
“Huh, right. Where’s he at?” Hank chuckles.
“Huh?” You feign ignorance.
“Connor wasn’t at the station this morning either. I may be an idiot but I’m not dumb. Connor! Get out here!” Hank yells out. Nothing but silence echoes through the house before you eventually give in.
“Come on out Connor!” You blush. You both hear the sound of your closet door opening and then listen as Connor makes his way to the living room, awkwardly looking to both of you before fixing his eyes to the floor.
“Good morning Lt, I bet your wondering why I am here. There is a perfectly reasonable-
“Shut the fuck up Connor I know what you’re doing here and frankly I’d rather not think about it. Just get dressed and get to the station, I’ll cover for you with Fowler.” Hank sighed waving Connor off.
“Thank you.” You breath with relief.
“Don’t mention it and actually Connor you’re going to ride with me, we’re going to have a little talk about this “thing”. It is a thing, right?” Hank asks. You interlock your fingers with Connor and smile up at him kissing him lightly.
“It is.” You smile and feel Connor squeeze your hand.
“Ugh alright cut that shit out. Come on Connor get yourself together, I’ll be in the car.” Hank instructs and heads out the door. As the Lt. shuts the door behind him Connor pulls you in for a deeper more intense kiss, his hands tracing the whole of your body, tangling in your hair. It’s a whirlwind until he pulls away.
“I like being a thing with you.” He says with a blush.
“I like being a thing with you too.” You grin. Hank honks his horn impatiently outside and Connor reluctantly releases his hold on you.
“I’ll see you at the station, I wonder what Hank wants to talk about.”
“He probably wants to make a bunch of threats about what he’ll do to you if you hurt my feelings.”
“Oh, well…I’m sure he’ll be creative in his threats. Luckily it’s a short drive to the station.”
“I’m sure, well you better not keep him waiting any longer.” You say and lead him to the door. Connor walks down your driveway to Hank’s car, grinning from ear to ear at you as you wave goodbye, your heart can hardly handle how cute he is. Hank rolls his eyes and rolls up Connor’s window, then locks all the doors.
“We’re going to take the long way to the station today.”
“Yeah, gotta cover all the different ways I’m going to kick your ass if you break Y/N’s heart.”
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