flamebdy-blog · 5 years
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“ I don’t know, Cora . . . ”  As much as she would’ve sided with her fellow Elite Four member on any other matter, this in particular didn’t seem like something she should be wasting her time on.  “ I mean -- yeah, he probably shouldn’t be doing it in front of the kids. But they’re all going to try it at some point anyway. ”  Thoughts drifted to her own youth, spending late nights chain smoking behind the Pokemon Center; she wouldn’t bring it up though. Would’ve been just as bad of an influence herself it she’d still carried on half of the habits she had when she was ten. The point she was trying to make, though, she wasn’t doing much of a good job getting it across, was that they’ll learn to give it up eventually -- or, just end up like Iggy, who was, admittedly, a hot mess.  “ It just sounds like you’re trying to get him to promote some anti-smoking campaign that’s never going to happen. ” 
🔥 @coranathema​
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voltrider · 5 years
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   “ if it ain’t ms.kalos - “ thyra spots and smells the grace from a mile away, or so she says, both of her toxtricity’s stand either side of her and they’re enjoying a pot of instant ramen each, thyra is still waiting for her pot to cool down.
    “ what brings you to the neck of the woods anyway, you looking for something - or someone? i know the desert can be a good trainin’ ground but i’d hate for your pretty face and pretty team to get dusty ‘round these parts. “
   quick to laugh at her own statement, she offers a free hand out to shake anyway - elite four weren’t called elite for no reason and thyra held a degree of respect for them all, especially someone who could tame the aloof fairy types.
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sleuthered · 5 years
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    “ ... another one. “
the bars in norite city were in abundance, especially after a long shift - you were spoilt for choice in your late night endeavours - to her right she notices a pesky group of men, figures, surrounding someone particularly high profile.
   so, like a good enforcer of justice, she barges her way through the group and puts herself between the woman and this group, scowling as she looks up.
    “ got a fuckin’ problem? because i sure do. you’ve got a couple of seconds before i start smashing bottles over heads. “ the coldness in her eyes and the bluntness to her tone shows she means it.
once they’ve left, astrid turns around to face the woman and sighs “ you league members really have to be careful, i’m not even on duty. “
she looks the taller woman up and down, and then finishes her drink - placing on the bar as well as what she owed on her tab.
    “ c’mon. you’re Cora Veritas, right? i’ll show you a nicer bar than this one. drinks are like watered down piss anyway. “ astrid says a little too loudly, within earshot of the bartender who looks very disgruntled. but before he gets a chance to say anything they’re out of the doors.
       “ i’m astrid, by the way. “
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casa-de-chaos · 5 years
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maldxctumbellus · 5 years
Whenever Souya made new outfits for his pokemon, it was customary for him to take glamour shots of them; both with a DSLR camera and with his phone. At the moment, it was Lyric’s turn, the Galarian Ponyta adorned in a small top hat with a a lavender rose and taffeta decoration, a suit top with ruffled sleeves and a lavender kravat and golden rose pin, posing for his phone shots. After a couple, a Mimikyu showed up next to Lyric in the shot, Souya pressing down so hard on the photo button in awe it took a burst.
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Though his Lyric seemed a bit upset being interrupted, letting out a displeased snort, he sniffs at the Mimikyu curiously as Souya approaches, putting a hand on mane to soothe his pokemon while kneeling in front of the one that approached. ❛ Are you lost, little one? Have you accidentally wandered from your trainer? ❜ He asks, offering a couple pokeblocks as a comforting treat; turning to give a few to his as well. He knew it was in bad taste to assume a pokemon was wild so he wasn’t intending to catch it, but he couldn’t hide his excitement at seeing a Mimikyu for the first time!
☾ @coranathema​
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defaultant · 5 years
     iggy’s teeth grind together as the woman before him continues on with her lecture, the cigarette firmly clamped between his lips before he allows another exhale of the drag he’d taken. the scent of cig smoke fills the air, the action meant to be antagonizing in a way.
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     ❝ for arceus’ sake, quit yer bitchin’ and let it go already. so what if some brats saw me smoking ?      ain’t that what school is for ? to teach ‘em not to do shit like this ? ❞      oof. add in the swearing, too ? iggy, you’re really... asking for it, my guy.      his sableye clutches at his leg before it digs its claws into its trainer’s pants, hauling its small form up and up and up until finally, the creature reaches his shoulder and sits there with a chirp. those gem-like eyes stare cora down curiously, head following in a tilting motion.      ❝ makin’ a damn mountain outta a drilbur hole. can’t believe you roused me outta my afternoon nap for THIS. a damn lecture. you ain’t my ma or nothin’. ❞      no, cora certainly was not. misses montague was definitely a lot more threatening ( and infinitely more frightening ) than the fairy-specialist was.
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agronregion · 5 years
psssst... the elite four's fairy specialist is ready to go! find her here ;)
Oh, we’ve been waiting for her! Someone needs to keep the champion in check ──
Welcome, Elite Four Member Cora! Everyone, please follow our latest member!
─ sylveon mod
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drackona · 5 years
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“ What are you doing here? ”  That could have been worded better, she thinks -- but it’s what’s on her mind. So close to home, Klara rarely comes across anybody who isn’t a young kid on their way to the League, let alone a League Member herself. Oh yes, she’d read all about Cora in the local paper she gets. It’s only fair for her to assume at this point that she’s looking for something that’s amiss; and well, Klara likes to think that she lives a quiet enough life to where trouble should be the very last thing finding its way in.
Can’t shake the way her hands start to shake; they usually do so under pressure, old scars aching beneath her gloves. She folds her arms to hide it.  “ What’s wrong? ”
🐲 @coranathema​
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will-owisp-blog · 7 years
     Liv never liked to see her Pokemon training in the same places - while it was a fact that she spent a lot of time in Agron’s deserts when she was younger, these days she saw benefit in switching up conditions, making her team more inclined to think on their toes, especially when all sorts of challengers come through the League on a daily basis.
     She’d heard a lot about the Heather Ruins, but had never actually ventured there herself. The opportunity had simply never presented itself, and while rumors of treasure and fortune swirled around thought of the ruins, it couldn’t have mattered less to the trainer. She was far more interested in the strong Pokemon that were said to dwell there. Surely they would present her with a pretty fair challenge.
     It’s not that she couldn’t have handled herself there on her own. She was sure she could, but Liv also knew that she couldn’t know what to expect going in there. Though among the best of the best, she certainly knew better than to test the elements like that, especially when they were so foreign to her. It would do her no good to get lost, to be careless and injure herself … it was this mindset that initially inclined her to inquire about having Cora accompany her.
     They didn’t quite have the closest of relationships; Liv typically kept to herself when it came down to it, only ever exchanging small talk when they both found themselves in common areas. She didn’t know why she felt so inclined to ask; it honestly all came down to the way she’d seen Cora holding herself and her team in battle. Liv had always known fairy types to be more on the dainty side - and she’d certainly stomped out her fair share of fairy-type opponents - but she’d have to admit, Cora’s performances were incredibly admirable.
     She was surprised, and pretty pleased when the woman agreed to accompany her.
     Liv’s Larvesta stood at her feet, blowing smoke rings from her spikes in anticipation. They had made their way to the base of the mountain by way of Sage Town, and Liv had only paused to be sure that she had everything she needed, and ready herself. She looked to their path ahead, and actually found herself to be a bit eager to make this journey, and test her youngest Pokemon.
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     “Shall we proceed?”
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remedii-blog · 7 years
.soothe bell
@coranathema requested for a starter!!
♔ | Lady of the ROSE ; League tests were but a brief mention here and there in the life of an Elite Four, herself being one that passed curious to see who would be joining next. Those that exited the doors would be potential colleagues of hers, and she found herself casting glances over at its general direction every once in a while as she sipped at her tea. Months had passed since Jacqueline had been accepted as a member of the Elite Four, her efforts to settle in including the very action that she was doing now-- minus the quick glances, that was. 
Creeeak. A reminder that the hinges on those doors required attention resounded throughout the room, her glances now turning into full attention towards the person that emerged from the doors. Forgetting for a moment that those very doors tended to open on their own ahead of time, an automatic function of sorts that she never quite understood, her gaze lingered at the opening as she patiently wondered why this person was taking quite a while to-- 
Oh. The emergence of the other evoked a sense of surprise within her, blinks soon ensuing as she observed the other in silence. Strong. A strong aura could almost be sensed from the lady before her, simply from the way she held herself gave Jacqueline an inkling that this person would be a formidable opponent. Or rather, a formidable ally, seeing that they would be an Elite too..?
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She blinked once again. “ ... Hello. ” A greeting appeared to be the most appropriate in the current situation and it tentatively left her lips, her mind searching for the words that she ought to say. Then it settled to a specific thought. A very, specific thought. “ Ah..! Your Pokemon... Oh, sorry. I assume you must have just finished the League test. Might your Pokemon require any sort of treatment? ” She was tempted to offer her own help, but deemed it slightly unreasonable for her to do as such as a complete stranger to this person.
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marigoldmay-blog · 5 years
@coranathema​ liked for a starter!
Marigold noisily slurped at her strawberry thickshake as she watched this woman being crowded by the common populace.
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“Who the heck is she meant to be...?”
She lingered by, trying to catch a few words from the crowd. The words ‘elite four’ and ‘fairy type’ seemed to come up more than a few times, although the punk girl had no idea what they meant.
Being a runaway who never really learned about Pokemon Trainers,, Marigold had never really learnt about the elite four -- she only just got her head around the basics of a gym.
May stood with her feet apart and hands in her front jacket pockets. She had followed this woman after the attention had died down, and now had some burning questions.
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“Who the heck are you supposed to be? Some big shot?”
She continues to slurp loudly on her thickshake before her mouth curves into a cocky grin to the side.
“D’you reckon if I beat you in a battle, I’d get all that fame, too?”
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Encounter | Cora & Bobert
@coranathema​ liked for a starter!
Oh higher being, pokemon, or whatever in charge of luck and destiny. I hope you can hear my words at this very moment...for I’d like to say to you from the bottom of heart.
Screw you asshole. What did I ever do to you?
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Bobert’s outward appearance was that of his usual calm and carefree nature, but on the inside he was screaming. He fidgeted in his seat and squirmed as he glanced at that woman from the corner of his eye.
Of all the people who had to be here it was someone from the league. And from all those people from the league it had to be someone from the Elite 4. And from the ones from the Elite 4 it had to be her?!
Her?! The lady with the biggest justice boner of all time? The one who apparently suplexed that one grunt into oblivion?! ⁽ᵀʰᵃᵗ ˡᵃˢᵗ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ʷᵃˢ ᵖʳᵒᵇᵃᵇˡʸ ᶠᵃᵏᵉ ᵇᵘᵗ ʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ˢᵉᵉ ᶦᵗ ʰᵃᵖᵖᵉⁿᶦⁿᵍ⁾ 
Thank Arceus he was undercover, but knowing that lady’s reputation she could probably smell the bad vibes coming off of him. Bobert risked another glance. Oh Arceus she saw what he just did.  Oh Arceus she was looking at him.
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“H-Hey there! Aren’t you that Elite 4 member? I gotta say... I’m a big fan.”
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voltrider · 5 years
moongeistbeams replied to your post:
“let’s go lesbians” the thrilling sequel to let’s go eevee and pikachu 
rated W for Women  😳 
coranathema replied to your post: 
let’s go lesbians
let’s go lesbians let’s go !!!!
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Early mornings were the best times to get the best deals at the booths and street stalls that lined Foxglove City’s streets. It also wasn’t quite as loud or crowded, which is how Talis preferred it. He was eyeing a selection of handmade chimes with passing interest while carrying a basket of fresh groceries on his arm. He considered them, thoughtful.
An adolescent boy (probably no more than 15) ran into him, and Talis grabbed onto a nearby sign in the ground to steady himself and keep the groceries in his basket from falling out. “Excuse me,” Talis said, nodding to the boy.
The boy barely acknowledged Talis, running right past him after bumping into him, and leaving only a parting wave for Talis to see. Talis hadn’t caught sight of the boy’s face, wouldn’t have recognized the kid as a local, and most importantly...
He hadn’t noticed the boy’s hand slip into his pocket and pull out his wallet. Talis returned to observing the chimes, completely unaware of what had just transpired.
But perhaps someone among the people milling about had noticed...
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voltrider · 5 years
[ braid ]++
word prompts compilation - ( no longer accepting! )
[ braid ] ++ for my muse to braid your muse’s hair
  they’re sitting on thyra’s beaten up couch, yes she may have found it in a junkyard, had a blastoise powerwash it and call it a day … but darn wasn’t it comfy. cora’s back is to thyra and thyra brushes her fingers through the crimson locks in a tender fashion, she doesn’t want to hurt the other.
    “ glad you could find some time to hang out with us common folk “ even though cora isn’t looking her way, she can feel the death glare. “ i’m kidding! i’m kidding! i’m flattered you’re letting me touch your hair, a lady’s hair is everything to them - or so i hear. “
her pokemon are fast asleep across her apartment / warehouse attic of her gym / she doesn’t pay rent so she doesn’t know what to call this. but regardless, her tone is soft and barely above a whisper as she gets to work, thyra doesn’t look it but she’s very good with her heads when it comes to intricate details. 
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   “ y’know, i keep seeing you around kenyte - how about i come and visit your stompin’ grounds for a change one day, we can make a day out of it - you can even treat me to some high-class food - “ the gym-leader continues the idle conversation with the other, it’s easy and they naturally bounce off each other whilst thyra loops one piece of hair after another to finally finish in the form of a milkmaid braid.
   “ here, take a look “ she holds out a small pocket mirror for cora, looking slightly anxious but excited to hear the other woman’s reaction.  “ thought i’d go for somethin’ regal, you deserve it. “ her hands finally leave the space of cora and find themselves reaching for a phone “ mind if i take a pic? i’ll add it to my ‘secret pics of cora’ folder. “
      thyra is quickly met with a pillow to her face, she promises she was joking about the secret folder … probably. 
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