messedup-bookworm · 6 years
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look at how adorable!
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Me When Jonah posts:
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samithedaydreamer · 6 years
Day Three : #OurCutieCorbyn
Corbyn Besson 💜
These are some of my favorite pics of Corbyn
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sinessinessines · 6 years
The Economic Lysenkoism of Late Capitalist Realism
This is rather a fascinating documentary from local history - from the year I was born in fact. The eventual result was a loss by Benn by a single percentage point. Dennis Healey, a hard-bitten, cynical realist of the Labour right, received 50.5%, while Tony Benn, an idealist whose radical ideas for reforming the Labour Party to include commitments to extra-parliamentary and even revolutionary action in support of the Labour movement, received 49.5%. This was in spite of a ridiculous bloc voting system designed to prevent radicals like Benn from ever winning internal elections that were put to the vote.
This proved to be a turning point. Labour had come dangerously close to allowing a man with revolutionary proclivities into a front bench position, and it would be 30 years before such an opportunity arose again with the last minute inclusion of Jeremy Corbyn onto the leadership ballot to “widen the debate”. 
In this respect, the 1981 Deputy Leadership election in the Labour party was more significant than any General Election would be, since it scared the crap out of those who believed that capitulating to Bennite principles of direct democracy and the promotion of state-owned cooperatives would eventually lead to the collapse of the Labour party as a parliamentary force altogether. Benn himself was transformed from “the most dangerous man in Britain” into a “national treasure”. In other words, he was, to coin a phrase “Mandela-ised”.
Militants were purged from party ranks, becoming scapegoats for what many saw as a problem with widespread entryism into Labour by Trotskyist groups. Neil Kinnock, who became leader after Michael Foot’s disastrous stint “impersonating the leader of the Labour party”, to use his words, obsessed over the issue of how to deal with Militant Tendency, a very small but highly organised and disciplined group who had gained effective control over Liverpool City Council. The Tories, as well as Labour, began to collude in their ideas about transforming the traditions of collectivism within the working classes into a dangerous “enemy within” - a Red menace that had to be marginalised from society and from the Labour party in order to make that party “democratic” and “electable”.
Of course, what this led to was the complete ideological disintegration of the Labour party, and the bitter reality that the world's first real Thatcherite to come to power would be one in charge of the party opposing hers. Thatcher famously said that her greatest political achievement was Tony Blair. She had, in a war of brutal attrition, managed to transform Britain into an effective one party state with no working class representation in the political system or across the media, which had fallen into the hands of a small number of extremely rich right-wingers.
My theory, probably repeated elsewhere, is that the political doctrines espoused by dominant groups and repeated over a generation tend to ossify into political facts, especially among those who are selected to become members of elite establishments. This is particularly true with doctrines like neoliberalism, since one of the goals of neoliberalism was to eradicate the conceptual framework of class as a way of understanding conflicts across a society. Every politician in power from Thatcher onward has espoused more or less the same idea - that the class war is over, that poverty is a decision rather than the result of a lack of opportunity, and that the working class no longer exist as a group.
This doctrine continues to be undermined by the ongoing collapse of the principles held dear by this ruling theocracy - a theocracy that would prefer right-wing populism and xenophobia to any progressive alternative. Corbyn's landslide victory, along with his electoral gains against the Tories, came as a complete shock to everybody in politics and in journalism, who had internalised the logic that nobody was a socialist any more, barring a tiny minority of “unreconstructed” socialists who refused to keep up with modern times.
Since this definitive 1981 election, the mantra within the Labour party gradually came to be this: "we don’t want to, but we have to capitulate to the interests of right-wingers to be electable." This eventually turned into a competition to become as right-wing as it was possible to be without joining the opposition party. Becoming right-wing became synonymous with wanting power.  And power was predicated on accepting the “reality” of life - that people were selfish and stupid. In other words, cynicism became the realism of fools.
This is an example of what Mark Fisher calls "capitalist realism" in his book of the same title. The doctrine is that neoliberalism is factual and real, and that any alternative is for dreamers and ideologues doomed to live on the margins. The fact that this theory, which became reality through Thatcher and Reagan, has now been proven to be completely wrong. The problem is that this will not prevent our political elites from repeating it. They will continue to make ever more absurd claims based on the associated doctrines about human stupidity and selfishness that used to be the best way of achieving positions of power in political systems and in journalism - when you couldn’t be bothered or lacked the time to research anything, assume the worst and people will think that you’re intelligent anyway: now, we see this in the increasingly pathetic-sounding attempts to reassert the old regime: "peak Corbyn" has been reached; if a "moderate" were leading the Labour party, they would have won a historic landslide against the Tories rather than simply erased their majority; Corbyn, a lifelong anti-racism campaigner, is a vicious "unconscious antisemite" and an "existential threat to Judaism", according to the right-wing Jewish press. Such claims were not even levelled at Adolf Hitler. 
What we are really witnessing is a group tantrum by esteemed "realists" whose shtick no longer works. Their “realism” is no longer real, and they have decided that the only course of action in the face of this dissonance is to deny the existence of reality itself. This is Trumpism at its finest. Everything disagreeable is “fake”. Everything can be spun into an delusional affirmation of how great an individual you are.
It feels, to me, like the concluding chapter of a seemingly unending nightmare that began in the year that I was born into. Like all final chapters, it is also the most dangerous one, because loose ends need to be clumsily tied up, and many are looking for simple answers to a very complex and interconnected problem. Slavoj Zizek notes somewhere that fascism is “a desire for capitalism without capitalism” - in other words, fascism is an irrational desire for all of the positive features of capitalism, without any of the antagonisms contained within it, which are all conveniently outsourced onto a token scapegoat. As said repeatedly on Scooby Doo, “We would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you pesky kids.” 
The most dangerous thing to happen among the elites has been to conclude that their failure - catastrophic and repeated failure - to predict future events with any degree of accuracy, using economic theories that they themselves had elevated to the status of an objective science, doesn’t prove their theories are wrong. Indeed, for them, it proves that something is wrong with reality. In short, mainstream economists have ceased to become objective reporters of truth, and are now, even more so than usual, hired propagandists and theologians who are chiefly there to spout doctrinal gibberish, the main point of which is to intimidate the layman from engaging with the issue by offering them a courtier’s reply.
Yanis Zaroufakis, the Greek economics minister during the election of SYRIZA and the negotiations with the European Union, suggests that the complete detachment of EU technocrats from the real world was first expressed in their response to the Greek debt crisis, in which Zaroufakis was centrally situated. For them, reality itself does not matter - only their “realism” does. Their “capitalist realism”. It is a form of economic Lysenkoism, and the next global financial crash, whenever it happens, will further cement this bankruptcy. Since the radical left, in a surprising turn of events, are the only group of people with any realistic idea about how human societies can adequately respond to the demands placed upon us, it is vital that we respond to the next inevitable crisis with a serious, concrete set of proposals, and a narrative that people can relate to.
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hobidara · 7 years
3 am; Zach Herron
a/n: another Zach imagine Bc I’m slowly swerving to Daniel and jack’s lane and I’m trying to stay loyal to Zachary ok!! I really hate the titles of my imagines btw
genre: fluff
words: 1,421
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“Zach?” You ask quietly, your left hand rubbing your eye.
“Were you asleep?” He asks back in a hush tone as well.
Your heart swells up at the sight of him at your door late at night but you quickly cover it up by rolling your eyes at his question, stepping back to give him space to walk in to your dorm room.
“Obviously, i was. It’s 3 am.”
“Yeah.” He sighs, plopping down on your bed. You glance at him before locking the door again.
“So, what’s up?” You ask, sitting down beside him on your single bed.
“I had a nightmare.” He replies, running his fingers in his hair which is not styled with gel like usual. And when its not styled and is just falling down on his forehead, he looks absolutely adorable like a puppy.
“What was it?”
“A ghost was chasing me.”
You stare at him for a good 10 seconds before shaking your head, “Typical Zachary Dean Herron.”
“Yeah, Yeah. Whatever.” He groans.
You smile at him before lying down on your previous position on the bed before he interrupted your sleep.
“Well, you can stay here tonight. I have class in the morning so I’m going back to sleep.” You say, pulling the blanket over your body and trying to act nonchalant at the fact that he might sleep on the same bed with you.
“No, you don’t.”
“I don’t what?”
“Your class starts at 2:30 on Fridays.” He says, looking down at you.
“2:30 is morning for me.” You reply, already closing your eyes.
You hear him click his tongue, muttering something about having 8 hours of sleep for a human is enough.
Noticing he is not lying down beside you, you open an eye to look at him.
“Are you going to sit there like that the whole night?”
He averts his eyes from the plain wall to your eyes.
You blink, nodding at the space beside you.
“W-What?” He questions.
“Zach, I knew you were stupid but I didn’t know you would be this stupid.” You groan. “You can sleep beside me.”
He opens his mouth and closes it again before opening it again. “Are you sure?”
“I don’t want to sound cringe but what are bestfriends for?”
He nods his head slowly before lying down beside you which you also notice the fact that he was hesitant.
Well, the first time you met this guy was on the first day of class which was 3 months ago. When you saw him, you didn’t think you guys would click and become best friends as he somehow looked like a fuckboy who by the way, looks amazingly good and also smells great.
“Goodnight.” You mumble, finally closing your eyes with a sigh of relief.
You literally swear at him when he calls your name again.
“What is your problem!?”
He flinches slightly at your annoyed tone.
“Sorry. Nothing.”
You pinch his arm lightly, turning your body on the side to face him.
“What?” You ask deadly.
“I said it’s nothing.”
“Oh yeah?”
He glances at you and looks away quickly, something he does a lot when he’s lying.
“Bro, you are lying.” You say.
“Fine!” He grumbles. “I was just um, wondering if you have ever seen me as a guy.”
“Zach, I am aware you are a guy and that is why I always kick you in the balls when you get on my nerves.”
“No! I mean, like..” He trails off, “You seem chill with the fact that a guy is sleeping beside you on the same bed.”
“I am not a whore.”
“Y/N, I didn’t mea—“
“I know!” You cut him off, “I was being sarcastic and of course I am chill. It’s you who is on the same bed with me and who are you? Zach Herron, my bestfriend.”
He rolls his eyes, “Can you stop repeating the fact that I’m your bestfriend? It’s like rubbing in my face 24/7 that I am friendzoned.”
“Um, it’s not called friendzoned unless you like me or something.”
He whips his head towards you suddenly, “What did you say?”
“What— isn’t that the definition for friendzone?”
“Y/N, don’t tell me you don’t remember —“ he cuts himself off, groaning for the umpteenth time tonight.
“What?” You ask, confusion taking over you. “Am I supposed to remember something?”
“Jonah’s party...you remember?” He asks, hesitating.
“Yeah. The first and last time I ever drank alcohol.”
“You remember what happened, right?”
“I got drunk.”
He bites his lips, making you go insane, “Anything else?”
“What? I went there and tried alcohol and got extremely drunk and that’s it?” You reply, coming out more like a question than an answer.
“How did you get home?”
“I guess you carried me here?”
He repeats, “You guess?”
“Yeah. You were the only one I went to that party with so.”
He huffs, “Wait a minute. You are telling me you don’t really remember what happened.”
“I don’t know what you mean but —“
“Y/N, we kissed.”
Your jaw drops and you look at him, shocked.
“W-We, as in you and m-me?” You ask.
“Yes.” He replies, his voice a lot deeper and quieter than before for some reason.
“Do you not remember?” He asks.
“No.” You answer, shaking your head furiously. “You never told me.”
“That’s because I thought you regretted it and just wanted to remain as friends with me.” 
“Zach, I —“ You pause, taking a deep breath, you utter, “I like you.”
He lets out a shaky breath before he abruptly, cups your cheek and pulls your face downwards towards his. A small surprised squeal leaves your lips when he presses his lips against yours. 
Seeing his closed eyes, you also close your eyes, following his lead in the kiss.
His lips are so soft just like how you’ve always imagined. You rest your hand on his chest, needing something for support though you are seated on your bed and there’s no way you would fall down from it.
And also at the same time, you feel his fast heartbeat under your palm which makes you wonder if he could hear yours as well. 
He pulls away from the kiss. Still cupping your cheek, he looks at your eyes and that’s when you notices his dilated pupils. 
“I like you too.” He whispers. “It was like since a week after I met you. I really thought the kiss was just a mistake to you.”
You gulp, feeling your cheeks turning red at his gaze on you. “I’m sorry. I don’t remember it.” 
He nods, sighing but with a smile on his lips, he pulls you down on the bed beside him again as earlier, half of your body was seated from you trying to make him answer why he called your name. 
“But I do.” He says, intertwining your fingers with his bigger and longer ones. 
“We arrived back here, in your dorm and I was in the middle of taking your shoes off and you just abruptly pulled me and kissed me.”
“And then?”
“You giggled and fell asleep.” He chuckles, brushing your bangs away from your face. 
You sigh again, “I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying that.” He replies, his brows furrowed. “At least, I now know that you like me too.”
You respond with a nod, feeling extremely shy at this whole situation.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks suddenly, catching you off guard. You tip your head upwards to look at him. 
“I know we kissed but I haven’t asked you the official question.” He says, quoting official with his other hand which isn’t holding yours.
“Yes.” You reply. “My answer is yes.” 
He chuckles dreamily before fishing his phone out of his pocket, muttering about what date is today.
“March 25th.” He grins, also showing you the date on his phone. “Our monthsary would be on Christmas!” He giggles, putting his phone beneath the pillow. 
The fact that he’s thinking about monthsary — the future with you makes you smile and you reach up to squish his red cheeks. 
“I like you.” You repeat. “A lot.”
“You are scaring me.” He replies jokingly, causing you to scoff and pull away from him but of course, he doesn’t let you by snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him. 
“I like you, Y/N.” He says as you also wrap your arms around his torso.
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malfoy-mxlti · 6 years
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🅸 🆆🅸🅻🅻 🅰🅻🆆🅰🆈🆂 🅻🅾🆅🅴 🆈🅾🆄• |corbyn x orange| so i may or may not have gotten grounded oops but i’m back now so that’s that
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mindyabusines · 6 years
Corbyn Besson Appreciation Week- day 2
Favourite Corbyn Moment
My favourite Corbyn moment is probably the video that was posted on the Why Don’t We instagram story, where he was talking after breathing in helium and his voice was all high. That video never fails to make me laugh
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Day two:
I love corbean ❤ He is such an angel..... He deserves the world! Actually much more than the world. One of my favorite corbyn moments is this:
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And this:
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And this
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I love you corbean ❤❤❤❤❤❤
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Q: do any of you have a girlfriend?
Jonah: Nope single as a Pringle.
Daniel: Single.
Corbyn: Taken!!
Jack: Taken.
Zach: BY WHO?!?
Jack: By you, you dumb dumb.
Zach: Oh right.
(All other boys watching this exchange)
Zach and Jack: What!
Everyone else: Nothing!
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ak5avery-blog · 7 years
Bean Deserves Better!
Am I the only one who got annoyed when limelights were voting on their favorite member and only 5% voted for Corbyn? He deserves better!
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euphorickie · 7 years
hello yes this is important
idk if some of yall are on twitter, (i’m not) but jonah, corbyn and the band account are no longer being tagged in photos.
this is because of all of this negitivity. trl had a poll on who was the best band member on the show. corbyn got 5%.
idk if this makes sense but there are hastags that are going on, #jonahdeserves better , #corbyndeservesbetter. but yeah if you have twitter n stuff go hashtag em and give the underrated boys sum love
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jameskchou · 5 years
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UK wants Brexit and a privatised NHS #brexit #thankcorbyn #corbyndeservesbetter #uk #gb #unitedkingdom #unitedireland #freescotland #scottishindependence https://www.instagram.com/p/B6DGrIEh7JR/?igshid=1eghali4d2fqp
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votevintage · 5 years
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ELECTION SPECIAL €$¥ BIGGER THAN BREXIT €$¥ SOZ BOZ €$¥ Very limited run. Sizes - M, L, XL. When they’re gone they’re gone. DM for details. GET 10% OFF WHEN YOU SEND US A SCREENSHOT OF YOUR VOTING REG 🌹🌹🌹 #fuckboris#toryscum#bozboz#sozboz#borisjohnson#toriesout#tory#toryboy#electionspecial#generalelection#votelabour corbynista #corbyndeservesbetter #labour#rosesareredtoriesaredead#votevintage #birmingham#digbeth #streetwear#sportswear#bts#0121#0121highgrade #0121highgrade#registertovote#brexit#biggerthanbrexit (at Jubilee Trade Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B55YznJDWuu/?igshid=alt01c5y3g4q
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samithedaydreamer · 6 years
Day Four : #LetsTalkAboutCorbyn
Corbyn Besson 💙
Corbyn is just so under appreciated and it bothers me so much! He's so perfect! He's so talented! His voice just kills me! His style! He's so funny and he never fails to make me laugh! His relationship with Christina is adorable! I just want to hug him! I need a Corbyn Besson in my life! His smile is so cute! The way he gets so passionate about certain things! He is so kind! He's so smart! He's beautiful! Corbyn deserves the same amount of love the others get! It hurts seeing Corbyn not getting that! I just want to hold him and tell him how much I love him and how much he means to me! I love you so much Corbyn! 💛
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hobidara · 6 years
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Jonah and Tate hugging backstage. hmmM THIS BETTER BE HAPPENING
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euphorickie · 7 years
Answer 20 questions and tag 10 people!!!
Answer 20 questions and tag 10 people!!!
tagged by @love-giselle​
Gender: female
Time: 10:20 pm
Favorite Bands/Artists: why don’t we, grace vanderwaal, Imagine Dragons, nf, lecrae, post malone, khalid, charlie puth, logic and probably a lot more.
Song Stuck In My Head: that hey you there song
When Did I Create This Blog: maybe in august? idk
Last Show I Watched: ok ko
What Do I Post: wdw, shitty textposts, steven universe, ok ko, anyhing by rick riordan
Last Thing I Googled: #corbyndeservesbetter
Other Blogs: @sweetieseavey​ it has slow updates tho. sorry! im working on that
Do I Get Asks: yeah, but i would always like to have more
Why Did I Choose This URL: cuz i didn’t know what to pick and this came to mind
Following: 1, 615
Followers: 262
Average Hours of Sleep: anywhere between 3 hours and 7 hours
Lucky Number: don’t have one
Instrument: i used to play the violin
What Am I Wearing: my pajamas
Favorite Food: chili
Favorite Song: atm broke by lecrae
Favorite Fandoms: why don’t we, steven universe ad percy jackson
I tag: @how-bout-i-pick-you-up-at-9 @daddyavery @little7292 @veryweirdintrovert @marias-mainiac @sweetseaveydreams @confusedzach @avanunez13 @the-boxed-dragon @boomboomboomwayhoo
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