#beauty chickee
magicaguajiro · 5 months
Swamp Witch Travels: The Everglades
The Seminole War that never ended, a charm to Split a Storm and an Ancient Island. For centuries, the Everglades has been the object of wonder of many influential Floridian figures who each recognized its immense beauty and power. This River of Grass is a major center of life and biodiversity, as well as mysteries and Spirits uncharted, but will it still be around for the Swamp Witches of tomorrow?
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The Everglades is going to shatter all of your preconceived notions about Swamps. It is a place of great power and duality. On one hand, this aqueous Land is covered in sparkling, clear, MOVING water. This water is the Life and Blood of the state, flowing from the Heart of the Everglades, Okechobee (Big Lake) The health of this ecosystem in turn affects the entire country. On the other hand, a place of Danger, Death and Rot, but for the purpose of Cleansing and Purification (not just rot for rot’s sake). As the water flows through this vast ecosystem, it is cleared of pollutants by plants and limestone while washing away scars left by man on this Land, until all is returned anew. It is a multifaceted, firm but gentle Spirit.
The Everglades is a union, a pact almost, between the Land and the Water to form the Swamp we know and love.
I am no stranger to the Glades. I was born and raised in the western Everglades, in the Big Cypress water basin. Fakahatchee and Picayune Strand were favorites of my parents as I was growing up, and we lived way out in the woods anyways so I always feel at home in the Glades. Many of my Spirits who are intrinsically tied to me, one might call a Spirit Guide or Angel, feel connected to Swamps and places where Water and Land converge. The Everglades is my home, but it is also a Spirit Ally, and a sacred place to the modern Indigenous Peoples of Florida, including the recognized and unrecognized Seminole and Miccosukee.
(PSA: this post will likely be part of a series only scratch the surface of the intricacies related to the Glades.)
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Pa-Hay-Okee, “Grassy Waters”
Pa-Hay-Okee is the Seminole-Mikasuki name for the Everglades. I was blessed to be able to take a trip to see the Real Florida when I took an airboat ride with Buffalo Tiger Airboats, owned and operated by Betty Osceola. Betty is a conservationist and member of the Miccosukee tribe, located in the Eastern Everglades. The Seminole and Miccosukee are the descendants of various groups of Florida’s Original People from all over the state. The relationships and history of Florida’s Indigenous groups is complex. Before colonization and to this day we have had multiple groups who all have different beliefs, cultures, origins, and relationships. Today, we have various groups who are federally recognized as well as both Traditional and Reconstructionist groups who don’t seek recognition from the government, the most well-known being the Traditional Seminoles in Big Cypress.
Certain aspects of Seminole culture predate colonization, like the Chickee and some hunting techniques, while others, mainly linguistic and spiritual, are the result of groups joining together or adapting to new circumstances, such as patchwork. Many of the Seminole can trace their ancestry to groups in North Florida and surrounding states. These groups would live in various parts of the State, including the Everglades, at different times of the year following routes taken by seasonal migrations of game and water.
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These people were forcibly removed, pushed South or murdered so their land could be taken in a conflict known to the United States as the First, Second and Third Seminole Wars. As they were pushed South, they encountered and assimilated various remaining populations of Pre-Columbian groups like the Calusa and Tequesta.
If you ask the modern members of these tribes, they will tell you it was a single war that is still being fought to this day, although with lawyers instead of weapons. You see, the Seminole and Miccosukee still have never signed a treaty with the US, and continue to have to fight for their Sovereignty and Land to this day. This has earned the Indigenous People of Florida the title of the Unconquered Peoples. Today, the tribes maintain traditional ways while also dealing with ever-encroaching settler beliefs and people. They still live off the land, but through the lens of eco-tourism most often rather than through subsistence living like many elders lived in their youth.
On my airboat trip, I got to stop and walk around Tear Island, a place where two Indigenous families began living in the 1800s and then abandoned in the 1920s. Being on these far off Islands, surrounded by the swamp and only accessible by boat, is where I feel most connected to my own Indigenous Taino ancestors, who would have traversed this same place but in a dugout canoe rather than an Airboat. The spirits of generations of people who lived and passed on are still here, within the water and trees, but also gathering around the cooking chickee when a fire is lit by their descendants.
High Tide at Chokoloskee
Known as the Western Gateway to the Everglades, we have Everglades City. It borders the Big Cypress Preserve and is a great place to stop to visit the Museum of the Everglades. The first settlers came here in the 1800s, it was incorporated in 1923. Past Everglades though, lies Chokoloskee. An Island with a Seminole name meaning ‘Old House’. This Island was only reachable by boat until 1956 when the bridge was built. John Weeks, the first permanent settler of Naples was one of the first settlers here as well. Before that, it was inhabited by the Calusa for more than 1,500 years.
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Stop by HavAnnA Cafe on your way to the southern tip of the Island where you’ll find a large red building on stilts. This is the Smallwood Store. Founded in 1906 by Ted Smallwood, this store was one of the only places Indigenous and White Floridians could go to trade for necessities. Ted Smallwood was a well-known ally of the Seminole and Miccosukee peoples, even learning to speak the language. Today, his granddaughter runs the store which is a museum and gift shop. There is even a replica of Ted himself, pictured above.
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This history of this store and island is long, and tragic. A nearby massacre during the ‘Third Seminole War’ caused the remaining Indigenous people here to flee the Island. Later on, a famous murder of a well known criminal happened right outside the Smallwood Store. You can read more about both, and the 100 year anniversary of the building being raised here.
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This is also a great spot to see where the fresh water of the Everglades meets the saltwater of the Florida Bay. Definitely give this place a visit.
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Splitting Storms: An Indigenous Folk Protection Charm
For some time now, I have noted the striking similarities between Seminole and Taíno beliefs around Twins and Weather. We even share a simple protection charm to ward off a bad storm I will share to you all.
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In Seminole belief, Twins are intrinsically tied to the weather. Many elders believed that keeping twins together can be dangerous, and they should be raised separately. To them, one is Thunder and the other is Lightning, even going as far to saying that having two twins in the same chickee can cause it to be struck.
In Taíno myth, we have two sets of twins associated with weather. Boinayel and Marohu are the Cemi related to the Wet and Dry seasons, Boinayel being the Raingiver and Marohu literally meaning “Without Clouds”. Then we have the ones who I would say share similarities to the Seminole Twins, Coatrisque and Gautaubá. These are Twin sons of the violent aspect of Atabey, known as Guabancex, Cacique of winds. Coatrisque is torrential rains, while Guatauba is Thunder and Lightning himself.
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The charm is very well documented in both groups, as well as many others, and very straightforward. It’s the underlying belief that makes these two charms so similar. The linked article from earlier even includes a brief explanation of it.
Basically, when you know a big storm is coming, you want to place an axe in a spot on the front of your house, usually on a piling or piece of the roof that extends below the ground. Tie it down if you wish, for the winds. If you can, do it so the blade looks like it is coming down on the storm. The goal is to split the storm so it goes around the house. If we look at the myths, it’s clear the axe is there to split the Twins from each other, forcing them to go around the house, leaving it protected.
In the Caribbean, in practices like Lúcúmí and Palo Monte, we see the use of Matari, ‘Thunder Stones’. Genuine thunder stones from the Caribbean are actually said to be relics of Taíno axes, shaped like a tear drop almost, either passed down or found and used for various purposes, one being to ward off Lightning and Thunder!
Will Your Kids Know the Glades?
The Everglades are vital to my spiritual practice and lifestyle, as well as that of thousands of other Floridians. Even if you don’t live in the Swamp, its health affects the entire country.
Today, the dangers facing the Everglades are almost as abundant as the dangers inside it. Overdevelopment threatens the entire state. Just like we saw with Split Oak Forest recently. Environmental Protections seem to mean less and less because they don’t have the teeth to defend themselves. Included in these threatened protections is the sovereignty of the Seminole and Miccosukee Tribes, who just had to fight to keep Big Cypress as a preserve so they can continue their traditional use. They are fighting to hold onto their Land to this day.
All while threatening the Traditional Use by Indigenous Peoples, they continue to allow oil drilling even approving new projects within Big Cypress. The Army Corps of Engineers also heavily harms the environment every year through mismanagement of Okechobee and of the water levels within the Glades. It is up to everyday Floridians to fight to protect and better manage this precious natural resource before its gone forever. It is up to Witches all over to be stewards of our Lands, wherever that is. For us Florida Witches, we need to organize, donate and hex our politicians.
Luz 🕯️
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new-berry · 5 months
Some people just can’t see beauty without wanting to hurt it
So let’s cut this NSFW Wags/AG for the chickee who wanted submissive dudes
Do we remember Bruno G is punching way above his weight with the lovely Ana?
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And Charlotte? Sorry imaage is wonky had to cut another person out of it
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And this point if you don’t know what Anthony looks like I don’t know whose page you have been visiting like I’ve been posting them, I should have told you there would be a test. ANYWAY
Some people just can’t see beauty without wanting to hurt it. Charlotte is one of them, one of those kind of people.
“Watch him,” Ana’s voice is higher pitched than normal, almost giggling. She runs her fingernails down Anthony’s thigh, red tipped, and Charlotte approves of the contrast. Approves of the deep pink lines Ana leaves behind.
Anthony writhes under her touch, stomach concave with how hard he’s sucking a breath in, cock hard and almost painful looking.
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suzannetownsend · 10 months
Apes in the Glades: a divisive Florida mystery
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OCHOPEE – The drone of cicadas, the flat river of grass and gators lurking by the roadside, only their eyes visible above the black water: this is the Florida Everglades. It is a region that has long been imbued with fascinating history both haunting and beautiful, from being the location of marijuana smuggling routes (or as the locals call it, square grouper) and a hiding spot for killers on the run. But deep in the swamp lurks another source of intrigue: the skunk ape. 
Also known as Florida’s Bigfoot, the hairy biped has been a lifelong pursuit of Ochopee, Florida local David Shealy. He describes the skunk ape as being between six and seven feet tall, covered in hair and incredibly smelly. Since spotting the creature near his home at the northern end of Everglades National Park at age 10, Shealy has made it his life’s work to find this elusive character. He has reported other sightings since then, once in 1998 and most famously in 2001 when he recorded video footage of the creature trudging through the swamp, which is available on YouTube. 
Shealy is the founder of the Skunk Ape Research Headquarters in Ochopee. It’s one of several of Tamiami Trail’s roadside attractions (including the world’s smallest post office) and includes a campground, collection of live pythons and alligators, a gift shop and plans to expand. The building also houses Shealy’s two casts of skunk ape tracks. In 2000 he even applied for a grant from the Collier County Tourism Development Council, which was denied. 
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Sightings of skunk apes have been reported since the 1950s and ‘60s. One discrepancy, however, is that the native Seminole and Miccosukee tribes have a legend of the skunk ape in their culture, too. For clarity, the tribes are separate politically but not culturally, according to the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Tara Backhouse, the collections manager at the Seminole Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum said in an email that, “there’s definitely not anything written down, and I don’t believe it’s a real Seminole legend in any way.” Shealy says something different: “That’s not the case at all and I grew up here with the Indians.” Indeed, Shealy's property is not far from the Miccosukee reservation. He recounted a story that Miccosukee tribal member Michael Frank told him about a time during the Seminole Wars. “At that time an Indian scout left the village and went into the Everglades, and he returned with a story that he had seen a group of men that were very large and covered with hair.” Shealy says there are as many as nine skunk apes in the Everglades. According to him they smell because they spend time in alligator holes, and they make a low bassy cooing growl. When he performs the skunk ape call, it sounds a lot like an alligator bellow. Shealy has a response for that, too. “I have big alligators that roar every time the garbage truck comes in so I know gators really good and it's not a gator.” 
So did Shealy make it all up? Some locals think so. The picture that many residents of the nearby Everglades City paint is that Shealy simply wanted to make more money. Some call him a fraud, some call him a scientific researcher. When I met him, though, the first thing I understood about David Shealy is that he is a storyteller. He has many tales of encounters with Florida's bigfoot, some his and some from other people, but all of them captivating. He spoke of a time when he collected a hair sample from one encounter but the next day two unidentified federal agents, “The men in black” as Shealy calls them, who came to his home and confiscated the sample, never to be heard from again. In another story a woman named Mary Billie was chopping down palm fronds for a chickee hut. As she was hacking at the fronds one fell away and she was face to face with the skunk ape. 
Despite the chorus of skunk ape deniers, there are others who support Shealy’s work. Brad Bertelli is the author of The Florida Keys Skunk Ape Files, which is a work of fiction based on real reports of encounters with the cryptid. Included in the book is a real clipping from an 1874 newspaper that reads, “Key West has a ghost covered with hair and about the size of a horse.” Bertelli says, “It reads to me like a typical skunk ape or bigfoot sighting.” And one of the earliest reports of such. Another story that inspired his book is a family on Key Largo who witnessed a smelly hairy creature on their property, which frightened them so much they moved out of the Keys entirely. 
Both skunk ape aficionados have responses for the nonbelievers. Shealy says, “It’s not a good attitude to have because what they are doing is possibly putting a threatened or endangered species at risk and that they really need to do their research, possibly go out on their own. Just discounting it is doing an injustice to our native wildlife.” For Bertelli, “A lot of it has to do with not being willing to engage with something that is unknown. There are things out there bigger than ourselves. You have to keep an open mind.”
Fact or fiction, stories like these captivate people’s imaginations, and have for a long time. Like Bertelli says, “When you look back these bigfoot creatures have been sighted on six of the seven continents. When we go back hundreds and hundreds of years, every culture has their story about them.” So keep an open mind, and keep an eye out next time you’re in the Everglades. 
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pbandjesse · 1 month
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I felt a lot better today. Which was really positive because I threw up twice last night and was really upset and in pain. But I started my new medication today and I am really hoping it helps.
I slept alright though. After I threw up I cried a little but James comforted me and I was able to sleep for most of the night. And when I woke up I felt very tired but nothing like I had been. I felt like today was going to be a good day.
I would get washed up and dressed. Felt cute. I like this dress but the skinny straps sometimes dig into my neck which is really annoying. But it's fine. It's a nice dress.
Lane and James were downstairs and they were both really excited when I came down. They had fixed most of the Lego flowers that had fallen down a few weeks ago. And that was exciting. And James had made breakfast to send us off with.
We said goodbye to Lane. I got an extra hug from James. And we all left around the same time.
It was a fine drive. I listened to music and enjoyed my sandwich. And got to camp at 8.
It was a beautiful day. It never got hot and that helped me not feel nauseous I'm sure. I was very careful with myself. But I did make myself go for a walk once I was done setting up. Thankfully the building wasn't to messy so it didn't take long. I would sit in a hammock until 830. And then went for a walk.
I would say good morning to a bunch of people as I walked around. And would walk down to homestead and woodlands and back to my building. I was hoping to see more mushrooms but I only found two, and only the one I photographed was whole. It's been dry the last couple of days so I'm not shocked. But still. Always like finding mushrooms.
I would spend the rest of my little prep hour chilling. And then waiting for my group. Who were running late but would come and would be absolutely lovely. Just such good kids. And they did a great job making their felt collages.
Kieran would come up to deal with the drum that PJ had started soaking last week. It stunk so bad and I just couldn't deal. So I appreciated him handling that. And Geoff and Grady would come up to to bring me some of the materials Geoff has packed from the chickee. I had asked him and Aaron to start bringing materials up to the art building so it's not a crazy clean up on Friday and Saturday. Aaron would never bring anything which makes me worried but I'll ask him again tomorrow.
I had a two hour break. So I went to talk to Elizabeth about this weekend (we have UB law on Saturday) and next week. She isn't sure what's going to happen this weekend because it's going to storm. But for next week I asked if I could lead nature hikes. I think if my nausea settles that it would be both good for me and be fun to walk around.
I rested in my hammock and had my cereal lunch. I got ready for the afternoon. And soon my groups were coming through.
And they were all great. There were a few small issues with counselors being a little. Off? Sending their group to me without any adult and no warning about it. But it's fine. I had fun with the kids and we made good things.
My last group was stockade. They did clay and beads. A few slept in the hammocks. I knit and did some cleaning up. I am not to rushed about cleaning because I'm here next week. But still, I don't want it to be all on one day.
I was glad to be done for the day. I was hungry. I had forgotten my wallet at home so I borrowed from my market cash box. And went to Wawa for a little sandwich.
Traffic wasn't amazing. But I got there in one piece, despite others best efforts. And my sandwich was very quick. I ate in the parking lot.
I wanted to go home. But I also wanted to go to goodwill. So I went to goodwill for a little bit.
And it was a good time. I found a big beanie of the birthday bears I collect! That was pretty cool. I also got some lands end hiking shoes (I have the in 3 other colors) that have sock high tops? I think they will be great in the cold. I also got a door chime and a white shelf with heart cut outs. Just some fun finds.
I paid. The cashier seemed really sad. I wished her a better day. And went home.
Traffic was bad. I would get home by 5. James biked past me and that was exciting. Love seeing my husband in the wild. And they were sitting on our stairs waiting for me once I was parked.
They would jump right into tasks. Making crepes (for me) and pizza (for them) for dinner. We let Crabcake explore his new outside space. The blue tarp is for sure going to have to be cut down because he tried to climb it. But we all enjoyed some outside time.
I started feeling sick again though. I took my new medicine and laid on the couch willing it to work faster.
Eventually food was ready. I was able to eat half before I had to tap out because my stomach hurt. I laid down for a bit. Eventually I went and took a shower and washed my hair and scrubbed everywhere. And started to feel a little better.
James would bring me the other half of my crepes. And I have been hanging out in bed with sweetp since. I am real tired. And I don't feel amazing but it's not as bad. I'm going to go brush my teeth and hopefully that doesn't trigger anything.
I hope tomorrow is a good day. I hope you all have a great day and feel good. I love you all. Sleep good.
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Like a beautiful sunset over #SWFL , HOPE IS ON THE HORIZON! 🌅💪 The following spots from Marco Island to Cape Coral are posting some messages of hope and levity as they #buildbackbetter post #HurricaneIan: MARCO ISLAND: The Snook Inn 🐬 The Snook Inn on Marco Island promises to come back better than ever! You can Follow their journey through Instagram @snookinnmarco or Facebook by following them Snook Inn Restaurant & Chickee Bar @snookinnmarco NAPLES: The Boathouse On Naples Bay ⛵️ The Boat House On Naples Bay Is determined to come back better and stronger and shows its progress on their Instagram account! Their Instagram handle is @boathouseonnaplesbay or their Facebook page, The Boathouse on Naples Bay NORTH NAPLES: The Turtle Club 🐢 The beloved Turtle Club at Vanderbilt Beach said it best; "Hope Is On The Horizon!" They are cleaning up and can't wait to have us all back! You can follow their Instagram @turtleclubnaples or their Facebook page, The Turtle Club Restaurant on Vanderbilt Beach BONITA SPRINGS: Docs Beach House 🏝 A little levity in this tragedy is brought to us by Docs Beach House in Bonita Springs! They don't know when, but their rebuilding has already started! You can follow them on Instagram @docsbeach or their Facebook page, Doc's Beach House for more updates! FT MYERS BEACH: Doc Fords 🌴 Doc Fords at Ft Myers Beach posts messages of hope as their jouney of rebuilding has also begun! You can follow them on Instagram @docfords or their Facebook page, Doc Ford's Rum Bar & Grille CAPE CORAL: Fathoms 🥂 Fathoms in Cape Coral will be back! They aren't sure when they'll be open but also promise to have things back up and running when they can! You can follow them on Instagram @fathomsfl #hurricaneianrecovery #SWFLSTRONG #southwestflorida #nicoparedesrealtor #RebuildSWFL #hopeisonthehorizon #theplacetobe #paradise You can follow them on Instagram @fathomsfl (at Naples, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjoAT77gqyd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reviewshoney · 2 years
Fun Activities and the Rentals in Key West, Florida: The Good and the Best
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Key West is an island paradise in Florida. It has more than enough fun activities for you and your family to enjoy. The only problem is that Key West can be a little pricey, which is why we are going to give you our top five budget-friendly recommendations.
1) Use the free trolley service in town 2) Rent bikes 3) Take advantage of low cost or free events 4) Visit the Hemingway Home & Museum 5) Try local restaurants
The trolley is a great way to get around Key West without any hassle. You can hop on and off at will, which makes it perfect for getting from place to place while seeing all of the sights in town. It’s also budget-friendly as there are no additional costs after you purchase your ticket! The best part about renting bikes is that there are no worries about parking. It’s easy and cheap to rent a bike, then just leave it at your destination when you’re done!
There are so many free events in Key West, including the Sunset Celebration every Tuesday night on Mallory Square. You can also enjoy low-cost or free museum admissions for retirement communities like the Harry S. Truman Little White House, or the Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum.
The food in Key West is a must-try! There are so many amazing local restaurants to choose from that offer fresh seafood and local flavors for reasonable prices, like Sloppy Joe’s Bar where you can enjoy live music while dining on delicious dishes all day long.
Key West is full of incredible Airbnb’s and rentals, but there are a few that stand out.
Keywest has some unbeatable Airbnb’s to choose from! There are cute cottages in the north end where you can hang with iguanas on your front porch or stay at one of those awesome chickee hut resorts by the water. Always opt for staying right downtown so that you never have trouble getting around because traffic here isn’t too bad compared to other places like Miami Beach which takes about an hour just going across town!
There are so many fantastic rentals available, but below are six of the favorites:
Atlantica Beach House �� it’s on a private beach with access to kayaks! This one is perfect for families.
The Bungalows — it’s a great option for those who want to be close to the action on Duval Street. Plus, Key West has amazing nightlife and this is right in the middle of all that fun.
Serenity House– as one reviewer wrote “This place was serene!” It’s also very close to the airport.
The Penthouse at Mallory Square — it’s two-bedroom and is on the top of a historic building, which means you’ll have a great view from up high! Plus, there are 360-degree views all around Key West from this penthouse. And if that wasn’t enough, they offer a guided tour of the historic building.
The Beach House — it’s on a private beach with kayaks, bikes, and a pool! It’s an excellent option for those who want to be close to everything but not right in the thick of Duval Street.
LaVida Whitehouse– this is perfect for families or those who want to stay in a large, two-bedroom house with a pool.
Final thoughts on planning a trip to Key West
Key West is a place that you will want to visit again and again. It has not only an interesting history but also many awesome things for travelers of all kinds!
When visiting Key West make sure to stay at least three days and take advantage of the natural beauty Florida’s Key West has in store. We hope you love it as much as it is loved by people who already went!
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c4limelight-psd · 3 years
who i make icon/header packs of:
•the camboys
•why don't we & their siblings
•kay cook
•lainey cook
•gabbie gonzalez
•rachel gonzalez
•sam gonzalez
•christina marie
•tatum dahl
•franny arrieta
•chelsey amaro
•ann marie
•the merrell twins
•jazmine garcia
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jackaveryc · 5 years
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christina serving looks ↳ 1/?
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lipstickbisous · 5 years
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heaven sighs.
i decided to make a moodboard!! i hope this is good, it's my first one. 😊
pictures found via pinterest
tags; @splendidseavey @ijustreallylovethem @poutybrock @myheartswdw @annabseavey @boredombesson @fallingforbesson
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alluringolivia · 5 years
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Why don’t we~~ Corbyn Besson. I’m so in love with this precious bean 💛 (credit to corbyns Instagram- corbynbesson)
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marlyxmcfly · 5 years
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Like or Reblog if you use <3
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yoitsseavey · 5 years
I've never actually read Corbyn imagines because I am like the biggest Corbina shipper but I'm suddenly into that, I'm like CORBABY
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rowansimp · 6 years
A Corbina edit! I love them so much ❤️
@superseavey thank you for all the love💞❤️
@smolboiseavey @samithepixie @tempus-ut-luceant @why-dont-we-everything
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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Today was a really productive day and I actually slept pretty well last night. So I am still very tired but it's not as overwhelming.
I woke up this morning as James was leaving for work. I would stay in bed a bit longer.
I got up and got dress pretty quick. I was excited to wear this silly t-shirt. And my hair has dried really nice and I just feel cute and good.
I left here at 8. I had to run back in to get my sunglasses. But then I was off. And it was a really easy drive. I had My Chemical Romance going. It was a beautiful day.
I got to hunt valley at 830. One of the boys came over right away and asked if it was okay to eat in the car and I'm like. Do you see how dirty this car is?? I would eat some of my breakfast sandwich but I was mostly just happy to wait.
Once we had everyone in the car we were off. A quick ride over to camp. And when we got there Heather was just getting there too.
I would finish my breakfast and check in with Heather about who was doing what. There was a lot of painting to do. Callie would take charge of the latrine painting. I was wrong and it was actually the girls latrine and not the boys. I think the boys latrine is creepier but she disagreed. She would still take charge though and after we stopped at the art building for supplies they were off.
I took the rest of the crew down to nature. They were painting the new outdoor chalkboards and creating hopscotch. It would take a bit of cleaning before they could paint but they would all do a great job.
While they were doing that I would work on the nature building. Checking on the animals and setting up a new tank. Possibly to bring Crabcake to camp. Possibly just for some toads. Unsure. But it was a nice focused project.
I would go to the eyrie and collect supplies. Walk down to homestead to check in with Aaron. I truly hope he can handle being specialty staff because while I think he's going to do great with the animal care aspect. I am worried about the classes and teaching and that part. Because he just keeps bringing up lessons?? I wrote them? Just use mine. Especially if you think that there's so much to do and you don't have time to write lessons. I already wrote them! Just expand on what I've given you. That was the whole plan. And now I'm frustrated because I'm worried that the office might completely change their minds because of choices and behaviors that we are seeing (suggesting we shoot the fox with a bow and arrow?) but I am also just hoping he proves everyone wrong and does an amazing job. All I want is for every one to do an amazing job. And thus everyone have an amazing summer.
I would get so many steps in today just walking back and forth from the office to art to woodlands to homestead and around. At one point while I was at the chickee I saw the new kitchen staff walking down and I ran over to chat with them. I told them about the menu I created and they were really excited to hear about it and when I brought it to them later on they were so nice about it and said it would be really helpful. Plus they have one chef who is gluten free and another who is vegan so I truly hope that this summer is a lot better food wise.
I would have my little lunch at the office. The soup James packed was really good. And I got to start reading the graphic novel I just got in the mail.
This is a retelling of interview with a vampire from Claudia's perspective. And I don't know if you know this about me but I love the whole interview with a vampire universe. But I absolutely hate Anne Rice. I had had an ongoing feud with her and stopped consuming her work. But she's dead now so I can go back to enjoying the stories again. Another win for the lentzwiler household.
I would also chat with Callie and she told me she's picking up Daisy from the airport tonight. So I was wrong yesterday, I actually met Josephine! I would meet her again today. She seems really nice. I hope Daisy is also very nice!
The afternoon was a little tougher on me. I was both overwhelmed by stuff to do and lacking motivation to do any stuff. I would do some organizing at the chickee. I started building supply boxes and lists for the hands on programs. I would take a few breaks. Hanging in my hammock. Talking to the people who were still organizing string outside the art building. It was fun and nice. It was a very good day.
I would make one more stop at the office to talk to Heather. Tony was half sleeping with his head on my desk. We were all very tired. It wasn't to hot out but it's going to be. 90s here in out. Horrible. Today was so beautiful. But the sun was getting to me and I was ready to go home. I had a little upset stomach but mostly I was fine and working hard to stay hydrated.
I had an okay drive home. There was a bit of traffic. Which was annoying but it was fine. I got home at 5 and got a good parking space and was just happy to be home.
I was super excited to see James. They were listening to music and didn't know I was home and we were dancing at each other and just so happy to see each other. It was great.
I would bring Crabcake outside to get some sun. The Internet says he's not eating enough because he's cold. I am hoping that the heat from the summer will help. And I want to get a better basking stone for his tank.
James would make us dinner. It is so nice to be outside and I love this swing. It was such a good purchase. And I think the pompoms are such a good touch. They are just held on with pins right now but maybe I'll actually sew them down. Unsure. I might keep them pinned but get other colors and change them out sometimes.
James had a package for me and it had some things I purchased. Art tools. Things for camp. And a very silly teddy bear and a new bumper sticker. I was very excited to get a package.
Now we are just laying out here. Having fun. James is watching sports. Sweetp is watching the world. We just moved Crabcake inside for the evening. I feel very happy.
I'm going to take a shower soon. And perm my eyelashes. New new kit came in the mail today too. And then it is time to sleep.
Tomorrow I am hoping to get a lot of stuff done. I hope it is a good day. I hope you all have a good day. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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averyonelovesjack · 6 years
can someone please explain to me why so many people in this fandom feel the need to push themselves into the boys’ lives? like if they are in a relationship? cool. if they aren’t in a relationship? cool. no one needs to be dming the boys or suspected girlfriends. no one needs to say hateful things to the people who talk to the boys. sure, it can be cute or interesting, but there is a line and there are way too many limelights who cross that line every day.
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wdw-mx · 5 years
She is soooo cute😍😍😍❤️
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