(From corda-comminuta's Vinda:) “… And for dessert, we shall have a lemon trifle, an assortment of Lebkuchen, and a Bûche de Noël,” Vinda read out the Yule menu for their inofficial private celebration, away from Schloss Nurmengard’s other inhabitants and their incessant vying for Gellert and Albus’ attention. “I do hope Gellert won’t take much longer to join us. If it’s still Abernathy holding him up, I might just petrify him and his self-important, tactless tongue.” In contrast to her words, Vinda’s voice itself was melodious and all but saccharine. “But I digress. Any complaints about the menu, Albus?”
"Only that I fear there might be too much food that I won't be able to eat it all." Albus assured her with a soft chuckle. Vinda knew he had a sweet tooth and she ha certainly gone about spoiling him this holiday season with all kinds of delicious food. They'd already had a gathering of followers within the castle but now had retreated for a more private celebration. "As for Abernathy, I'm certain Gellert might petrify the man himself if he doesn't let him leave. He knows we're waiting on him and he was trying to get away from him when we slipped away."
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tmvoldemort · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @fugamalefica
Three ships: (Classified only by ships I have written. Be it personal fanfic or drew fanart or else this list would be hard.)
HP ships: Bellamort, Harrymort, Snlily, Merula/JS, Albus/Scorpius, Queenie/Vinda, Queenie/Jacob, human!Nagini/ Voldemort, Rookwood/MC, Delphini/ and every female character I can think of pairing her with,
(Other three other fandom ships.)
Reylo: Out of all the promblieic ships I have this one gets me a side eye. I have no idea why. XD
Candy Quackenbush/ Christorper Carrion: I wish the Abarat Fandom was more active. I love this series.
Usagi/ Seiya: Shout out to baby Vee and all the sailor moon fan art I made with crayons when I should be paying attention in school.
First Ship: Ra/ Sha'uri granted I didn't know what ship was I just knew in myyoung mind made up what if stories about two characters.
Last Song: Holding out for a Hero By Frou Frou
Last Movie: Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972) Cause who doesn't like Vincent Price and campy horror movies?
Currently Reading: The Scarlet Gospels By Clive Barker. (Walk him like a dog. If you know that part, you know. XD)
Curently Watching: Rewatching Obi Wan series 2022, cause we love baby Leia and how getting kidnapped by the awe inspiring Reva doesn't phase her.
Currently Drinking: Dr. Pepper, don't worry its clearly Dr. Pepper perscribed. XD
Currently Craving: Duch Bros. Vanellia Ic Chai is my weakness there.
Tagging: @regretismyconstantcompanion @pendragcned-grl @corda-comminuta @somethingxgreater
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theacerbicprince · 1 year
//Okay. So. Update. Boy, there’s been a lot going on and it’s not all been bad surprisingly. I’ve been hanging around and doing a lot of stuff in other fandoms. I can’t promise much here in terms of regular activity so I apologise for that but I think I’m going to do what I can when I can. I am still at university and working so yes, I can’t guarantee much. I am going to get the queue up and running and I will be looking to reply to things that are sitting in my drafts already. I have threads with the following people in my drafts. Please let me know if you’d like me to continue the threads or if you’d prefer to drop them (you know I won’t be offended).
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tnott · 6 months
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Muse vs. Mun
tagging @bokketo, @luminescenc1e, @legeandary, @corda-comminuta
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seekingabettergood · 10 months
(from corda-comminuta, though also the gazillion other blogs from the mun behind it:) Heart Heart Wink
Send 💕😘 to my inbox if there’s something you’d like to ship with me!
Let's goooooooo!
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thestrongestmagic · 1 year
@corda-comminuta​ sent an owl. 
 “you’re  not  alone .   you’re  stuck  with  me  forever .   sorry .   ” 
Lyra had been so desperate for a loving human touch for so long that she had believed that it was going to be a permanent part of her. Vinda had never seen particularly approachable in terms of asking for affection although Lyra had recognised that she had been far kinder to Lyra than she was to most other’s (Grindlewald excluded for reasons that were obvious). So, when Vinda had gathered Lyra up into her arms and told her she was not alone, she had felt like crying. Thankfully, tears were contained and they did not fall, but she did allow herself to melt into the embrace, clutching onto Vinda for dear life. 
“Thank you.” She replied, her voice hushed as she took in a deep, shuddering breath, her eyes closing as she curved her body as best she could, tucking herself up against the other woman. 
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thatsecondsalemboy · 2 years
Credence had no idea how people ever became accustomed to being on a ship. He’d been on this boat all of two days, and he’d spent most of it huddled away in a dark corner, both avoiding any official looking people, as well as feeling horrifically nauseous. Not to mention any time he did attempt to move somewhere, he struggled to stay on his feet or walk in a straight line, like he was one of the drunkards Ma used to scoff at on the street.
No, not Ma. Mary Lou. She had never been his ma, she had admitted that often enough herself.
Now that things were quiet though, he decided to take the opportunity to explore a little more, doing his best to take careful steps, squinting in the shadows that loomed.
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theslytherin-elite · 3 years
It's beginning to smell of gasoline
The cold was trying it's best to invade the thick dark manor walls during it's evening hours, mid-winter certainly being a fucking pain in the ass. Mr Lestrange was stuffing his mouth with food, bragging loudly about his oldest's son acomplishments, fingers greasy and just a tad too chubby as he reached for yet another chicken wing. Perhaps the man had been a good looking man some years ago; but bad maintaining had surely ruined that. No wonder his wife killed herself, people would whisper as he walked past them.
He had invited Cygnus Black for yet another dinner to discuss the wedding plans for their children. Honestly, it was just yet another bad excuse to show off his wealth and brag about himself. He was just precisely the kind of father who would use his children's achievements as a way of bragging about himself. Only tiny detail he wasn't too fond about was why Cygnus had to bring that wife of his. Druella Black was a beautiful woman, and for a chauvinist like Mr Lestrange, that simply angered him. She should stay at home, and carry further some more children, more pricisely a son. Poor Cygnus Black, no son to lead forward the heritage (Heritage for royally crazy, anyways). Mr Lestrange held quite the pride in having not only one son, but two. He preferred not to think too much about the fact that just maybe Rabastan wasn't his.
"You should of seen him, he was M A R V E - " a loud crack from the fireplace interupted him. To Mr Lestrange's absolute horror, it was his younger brother stepping out of the fireplace, a big wide, almost manical, grin on his face. "Oh, I didn't know you had visitors!" Kolgrim beamed all too innocently, as he made his way to the table. "Greetings, Cygnus." though he barely acknowledged him, his attention to Druella. He took her elegant hand in his, bringing it to his cold lips. "Kjære, Druella, what a pleasure to meet you again." he smirked, his eyes quickly glancing towards Cygnus. He wanted to know if he could get a rise from him. Pulling away from Druella, he snatched the chicken wing from his brother's hand. "Tsk, you're too fat already, brother." "half-brother." "Oh, don't mind the trivialities." Kolgrim snickered as he took a seat in the small dinner party.
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for corda-comminuta : @corda-comminuta You are such a sweet and amazing person. And I always am wish you nothing but the best. You write such lovely stories, and have so many beautiful and deep thoughts about your muses that it's just absolutely wonderful. Keep on being you.
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mesmusae · 3 years
Starter for @corda-comminuta​ (your Tom Riddle)
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Briar was fairly convinced she was trapped. But she hadn’t been able to figure where, or who’d done it, or even why. She had no idea how long she’d been in the little cottage in the glenn. It wasn’t hers. And she was alone. Everyday she was alone. She had also figured out that she was in a dream. She’d pinched herself a thousand times and even reached into a rose bush with her bare hand. Not one flicker of pain. She hadn’t felt a need to eat or drink or sleep. Though it didn’t stop her from picking berries and eating them.
That was why she stopped suddenly in the woods, staring at the figure standing a few yards away. There had never been another person in her dream world. Just her. Well, and the little fairies and animals. But they always seemed different. And conversation with them had grown dull. This was a new person.
She stepped forward on bare feet, biting her lip as she considered briefly. “Hello?” she called softly. “Who are you?”
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pureblooded-archive · 3 years
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owl to Draco from Pansy || @corda-comminuta​
"I got you something."
“You got me something?” Draco was surprised, pleasantly so. A small smile on his lips. Presents were always nice, a sign that you were thinking of someone or considering them, and he knew that Pansy’s gift would be something well-thought out, a reflection of their relationship.
Draco’s parents had determined he was much to old for presents a while ago, though given recent times, presents just didn’t cut it. Having his family there with him had been more important. He could still remember how awful it had been to be without his father that one year.
“You didn’t have to get me anything, Pansy,” he said, “Just being here with you is enough.” And he meant that sincerely. After all that had happened, at least he still had her.
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tmvoldemort · 6 months
(From corda-comminuta's Nagini:) 036, a masquerade ball
The vast marble hall was lit by white taper candles. Their light bounced off mirrors and crystals, setting the world into a golden shine. A temple to wealth and influences set in a Rococo finished. There, looking cozy with a socialite was the Minister from France. Trying to keep up with her more dance savvy partner was the fame MACUSA Auror. 
Each guest donned a mask. Some had a theme going among them. A Merlin here. Morgana with her date in a Raven mask. A pair with matching silver and gold gilded masks. More than most went with Venina styles. All unaware of the interloper.  
Slithering between the throne. His gaze was limited by his plain mask. 
How safe they believe themselves to be, Voldemort thought. Foolish to allow masks. Not when a group dons them to wage war against them.
Still a few sense something off about it. They shiver as Voldemort slithers by. A chill of moral danger. But Voldemort wasn’t here for them.
Spying his intended overlooking the dance floor on a balcony. He came up from behind her. Smelling the fragrant she wore on her neck. Merging into her slight shadow. 
Leaning over to whisper in her ear; “Mademoiselle you are not dancing. Surely your date has not abandoned you? Least for someone else to take your fancy.”
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mia-castellan · 4 years
A Kiss from Cho Chang
Continuation of this with @corda-comminuta
It didn’t take long for Cho’s friends to abandon her after Cedric’s death, for rather than sympathizing with her and attempting to understand her immense grief, they were annoyed by her glum demeanor and by how little it took for her to start crying. Her best friend Marietta alone had remained at her side and did her best to comfort her despite her inability to fully empathize.
For that reason, Cho was rather perplexed when Mia Castellan, another DA member, appeared to be genuinely interested in her well-being, and after a couple of conversations during with both of them revealed more about themselves than they had initially intended to, it turned out that Mia Castellan, too, was deeply familiar with the pain of being judged for something beyond her control.
The two of them became close friends shortly after.
However, after less than a year, their friendship was tested in the cruelest fashion possible: Marietta had made a mistake and as a result severely compromised the DA, causing all members to turn against Cho as well when she refused to abandon her best friend because of a single mistake.
Fully expecting Mia to do the same, Cho was surprised to see her approach their preferred place for relaxing and having nice talks with a friendly expression on her face the very next day, and before she was aware of her own actions, she had already kissed her cheek before pulling her into a tight embrace.
“Thank you, Mia,” she said, and it was impossible for her to conceal the true extent of her relief. “Thank you for still being my friend.”
Mia had been fighting with herself quite a lot when she was faced with the decision whether or not to join the DA. On the one hand, everything that went against the rules of people like Dolores Umbridge couldn’t be wrong. On the other hand, she had to be even more careful than any of the other students. In the end, her Gryffindor-recklessness had won.
The white-haired girl had planned to not form any relationships with the other members of the DA besides what was absolutely necessary - after all, a forbidden group like theirs was heavily reliant on the trust between its members - but she failed at that as well.
It started with her and Cho Chang getting teamed up. The Ravenclaw was still obviously suffering from the loss of Cedric Diggory. At first it had been an instinct of the Werewolf to comfort the other.But as time had passed and their friendship started to manifest, Mia herself too wanted Cho to feel better.
The unexpected friendship with Cho had been one of the few things to make the year bearable, even more so than the DA did. And while she didn’t exactly like Marietta, the young Werewolf didn’t say anything about it because she wouldn’t make Cho choose between the two people who were probably her only two remaining friends.
Marietta’s betrayal was sad and infuriating, but the Werewolf honestly wasn’t really surprised that it had been her. Though she kept that thought very close to herself. Mia had done her best to remain unsuspicious while keeping contact with other DA members. It was easy with the Gryffindors, of course. They were tense and angry, but knew that for the moment needed to lay low.
While the white-haired girl blamed Marietta for selling them out, she didn’t agree with the others who turned against Cho as well when she decided to stick to her friend. A couple arguments happened between Mia and other members of the DA, but getting on common ground seemed impossible. So for the moment, the Werewolf decided to give up the arguing.
Partly out of habit and partly to do something besides arguing, the Gryffindor approached one of their preferred places for relaxing and nice talks. She was somewhat nervous - what if Cho would assume she too was one of the thickheaded idiots and didn’t want to be friends anymore? - but the white-haired girl still did her best to put a friendly expression on her face. Even if it felt forced.
The moment Cho first kissed her cheek and then pulled her into a tight embrace immediately made the worries disappear, though it caught her completely off-guard. She needed a couple seconds to return the hug. Mia’s smile turned into a genuine one. “Why wouldn’t I? Because you don’t want to give up your friendship with Marietta? Please!”, she replied slightly exaggerated.
“I mean yeah I’m angry at her because of what she did. But it’s not your fault. And I don’t blame you for being loyal towards your friend.”, she added way more serious.
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tnott · 1 year
What chess piece represents you?
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Black Pawn
You are a black pawn. Don't let pawn be misleading, this means you're full of potential. Being the pawn, you're one of two pieces that can move first. But since you're black, you're always one step behind white. Who is it that you're trying to catch up to so badly? Black doesn't always mean you have to be in someone else's shadow. If anything, it means that you can be one step ahead of them, hiding intelligence that no one would consider you even have. Be careful how you use this information because alone a pawn is easy to fall but too smothered and you won't be able to move. Regardless, you'll become a force of nature by the end of your journey. What would you sacrifice along the way, is perhaps a better question than what will you become at the end.
stolen from: myself tagging: @denydefeat (HP muse of your choice), @bccksmarts, @pureheir, @aliumvoces (Harry), @trashcollected (Peter), @svbside, @familyname, @corda-comminuta (muse of your choice), @bokketo (Hermione and/or Snape)
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(From corda-comminuta's Cho, for Ginny:) “ i imagine death so much it’s like a memory. ”
@corda-comminuta || hamilton starters. pt 1. || Accepting
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“ Cho...” she began, voice -- fresh snow in the desert. A heaviness sat in the hollow of her chest and crawled through her limbs until they felt like well fed dragons. “ I -- I...”
A breath.                 A decision.
“ Do you want to go for a fly? ”
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blueeyedslytherin · 4 years
A Mother’s Love
      This was all getting out of hand, it had become too much. It seemed like all in the blink of an eye, The Dark Lord had risen once more from what seemed to be nothing but shadows of the past and suddenly had taken over every aspect of her life. Her sister had been broken out of prison and returned to her, later causing the death of their cousin Sirius. Within the same night, events had played out that led to the arrest of her beloved Lucius, a day that haunted her mind almost every moment of his imprisonment. When he had come back to her it was as if he were nothing more than a shell of his former self, a husk of a man she had once loved. It broke her heart to know that her family was being torn down one member at a time because of Voldemort, that they had once been such a proud clan but now stood like rocks reduced to rubble at the bottom of the heap. They had become a disgrace. 
     But what had thrown things over the edge, had truly begun to cause her world to crumble, was when that darkness came for her son. Her baby, her sweet Draco, had been marked as a Death Eater. She had never felt such sorrow, such guilt. She thought perhaps she was a good mother, that she had been a better parent than her own. Her father was a monster, something she feared more than even The Dark Lord himself. While other little girls feared monsters under their beds and in their closets, she feared the one that slept down the hall with the bitter scent of fire whiskey on his breath. She had faced her monster, in the end, to defend her little dragon-but no one knew it, not even Bella. She would face him a thousand times over to save Draco again, knowing what he would have done if she hadn’t stopped him. But even now, she couldn’t truly save her son.
     She didn’t know how to save him this time, there wasn’t a way she saw how. She would have given anything to save him from this fate, would have given up everything she owned and even her own life, to save him from this. But she had failed, she had failed as a mother. And as she sat in bed and stared at a moving picture of herself and her son, one of him so small and fragile in her arms the day she and Lucius had brought him home, she began to think of her own mother. 
     Druella Black was nothing, if not what a model pure blooded witch of society should have been, that much she remembered. She was beautiful, absolutely stunning, where she got her looks from the most as far as she could tell. She had been polite and poised, graceful and classy, she did her duty and was praised for it. Narcissa had spent so long trying to emulate her mother, to be as much a goddess as she was, but she never seemed to do her justice. She could never be beautiful enough, could never be smart enough, could never have as many children. She didn’t know why she had done so much to try and be like her mother, since the two of them had never exactly had a loving relationship. If you asked her if her mother loved her, she would have told you no. And if you asked her if she had loved her mother, she wouldn’t have said anything at all.
     Thinking so heavily of her mother made her put the framed photo of herself and Draco on the bedside table, glancing over her shoulder at Lucius who was sleeping deeply beside her. She moved onto her side and tucked her hair back a bit so it wouldn’t tickle his face and wake him, leaning down to softly kiss his cheek before moving out of the bed, picking up her wand from her beside table and making her way out into the hall, closing the door quietly. Her bare feet padded softly down the hall so as not to wake up her son or her sister, assuming both were sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, unlike herself. 
     Within the blink of an eye she found herself in front of the room at the very end of the hall in the East wing, a room she refused to enter for years now, on account of the painting that hung on the wall inside. She wondered if Bella even knew this painting was in here, and if she might lose her mind if she knew. She looked down at her wand in her hand, stomach turning as she tested the theory of just going back into her room and sleeping her worries away. “Lumos,” she said, firmly but quietly, watching the tip of her wand glow. She tightly gripped the studded handle, feeling the tiny slightly-sharpened pieces on the handle dig into her flesh. She could do this.
     She pushed open the door to the unused bedroom that could be considered either a guest room or a room for storage, looking up to see the painting across the room, one that the house elves had obviously kept clean just like the rest of the room. “Mother,” she said, meaning it to sound like a stern greeting but finding that seeing her mother’s portrait knocked almost all breath from her lungs. 
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