#corioanus snow angst
americaswritings · 10 months
When we stole the night
Warnings: violence, mentions of killing, Coriolanus being himself, his thoughts, mix of book/film elements
Summary: When Coriolanus is send into the arena to get Sejanus he doesn't make it out and has to hide in the tunnels. That is where he finds you, his tribute.
Words: 3.2k
Pairing: Young Coriolanus Snow x reader
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Coriolanus was running.
He was surrounded by darkness, the light in front of him where the peacekeepers secured the gate the only source of light apart from the dim moonshine.
Hundreds of thoughts were running through his head, at the top of them images of killing the boy, but he pushed them away.
Buried the anger and resentment he felt towards Sejanus, who had roped him into this situation just because he felt guilty for Marcus’s death and couldn’t move on from his life at the district.
Fear and the panic of suddenly becoming prey clouded his mind and he could barely think straight as he ran for his life. Something sizzled through the air next to him, so close to his ear that he stumbled in shock and lost his footing for a moment.
But he didn’t dare to look who had thrown the weapon, could only hope that it had been their only one as he tried to find his pace again.
His leg was burning, a pain he tried to ignore but slowed him down drastically as he attempted to catch up with Sejanus, who was at the gate now.
Despite the immediate medical attention Coriolanus had received when he had gotten injured during the bombing attack from the rebels, there had been too little time for the wound to heal and with every step he took he was slowing down.
It was only a matter of time until they got to him.
The adrenaline was pulsing through his veins as he heard Sejanus yell his name. Breaking out of his narrow focus for the gate he looked up just in time to see Coral launch an attack at him. He ducked, stumbling as his bad leg gave in and he almost fell.
Turning, he saw that Sejanus was already halfway through the gate. The boy hesitated and for a moment it looked as if he would come back for him and Coriolanus felt relief flooding his body, but one of the peacekeepers grabbed him by the upper arm and dragged him behind the gate before he could.
Then the gate closed. Locking him in the arena with the tributes.
Coriolanus had no time to wrap his head around what had just happened, because he had to dodge another one of the girl‘s attacks. Soon the other two of her little murder gang would have reached him and he would stand no chance again them.
They would kill him.
He would die. In the arena. By the hands of tributes.
The Capitol would spin a pretty story about his death like they had done when Clemensia had been in the hospital after the snake bite and no one would ever know the truth about what had happened to him.
Except Sejanus.
But his father would use their money to propitiate the Capitol and effectively silence his son and Tigris and the Grandma'am would never find out why he had never made it home.
He couldn‘t imagine a more undignified death.
So he ran. Not towards the gate, but in the opposite direction, away from his chance at freedom and into the shadows.
Coral and the others had not expected his move and it gave him a head start to make it into the tunnels and disappear.
He knew they would follow him, so he kept running, sliding down rubble, rounding a corner and hiding in a niche. Then he held his breath and waited.
If he was lucky and they didn‘t find him here, he could wait until he was certain they were away far enough and try to make it to the gate.
But Coral and her gang weren‘t the only ones he needed to worry about and he pressed himself farther against the wall when he heard a pair of footsteps approach.
It was Reaper.
Coriolanus waited for him to pass. He wouldn’t try to engage another tribute, not if he could prevent it. Better if less of them knew he was here.
Although it wasn’t like their knowledge would pose any danger to him once he was out. Only one of them would get out of here alive, the rest would take his secret to their graves and he would damn well make sure it was you.
Coriolanus blinked and took a breath. You were here, somewhere.
No, he couldn‘t get to you. It was stupid to try and find you. He needed to get out of here as fast as possible, not waste precious chances to do…what?
See you? Make sure you were okay? There was nothing he could do to help you here and now and his presence only drew more attention towards you.
He thought back to the promise he had given you just last night, to do everything to keep you safe and get you out alive.
It was still true, but although he had felt helpless in his seat watching you fight and run for your life on the screen, he now missed that front row seat. He couldn‘t do anything here for you without risking his own life as well and that had never been on the table before.
And what if the day in the arena had changed you?
What if you would turn on him just like the others had? Tribute rather than friend, lover, whatever this connection between you was.
Just minutes - or had it been an hour already? - had turned him into a killer. He had killed a boy. Bobbin, he remembered his name was.
Had the arena done that to him or had that always been inside of him and it was true that the arena only awoke what was trapped inside everyone?
Shaking his head Coriolanus pushed the thoughts away. He couldn‘t allow himself to go mad. With each minute passing his chances to leave the arena alive and unharmed lowered and he could visibly imagine Dr. Gaul writing him off as she fed her snakes.
He would get out of here, alive. Whatever it took.
Getting up from his crouched position Coriolanus stretched his aching limbs before crawling out of his hiding space. He didn‘t know if it was safe yet, but he couldn‘t wait longer.
He would take the leap of faith.
Every step he took echoed twice as loud through the tunnels and he had to force himself to take even breaths. He hadn‘t realised how far he had run into the tunnels and he felt his hopelessness grow when there was no sight of an exit.
When he rounded another corner he suddenly heard a noise. It was right behind him and as he spun around he could only think of what a waste his death was. What a tragedy.
Your voice echoed loudly, even though you had barely more than whispered. He was frozen, his eyes locked on yours as shock faded into relief.
He wouldn‘t die. At least not now.
“What are you doing here?“ your voice rose and you took a step closer, your eyes squinted in the darkness as they searched his face.
His raked over yours and then your body as well. Your clothes were dirt stained and your face was a little bruised but apart from it you seemed unscathed.
He had believed so, but seeing it with his own eyes brought him a different kind of reassurance.
“I uhm“, he stumbled over his words, struggling to retain composure. You looked at him expectantly, your eyes wide and curious.
But Coriolanus hesitated. Could he tell you the truth? Could he still trust you?
When he swallowed and furrowed his brows you grabbed his arm. “Tell me later. We need to find a better hiding spot. I heard you a mile away and if I did, I am sure others did too.“
He nodded, glad that he didn‘t have to explain himself just yet and earn a few more minutes to think of what he could tell you.
Your hand was still wrapped around his arm as you turned and guided him through the dark and it slid downwards, reaching his hand and locking your fingers. Coriolanus wouldn‘t admit it, but the touch relieved his unease a little. It felt good to know you were here and guiding him, that he wasn’t alone anymore.
He didn‘t know if he could still trust you, but he wanted to and despite a warning voice in the back of his head a part of him did.
Only yesterday he had cupped your face and whispered promises in your ear and he refused to believe you weren‘t that girl anymore until you showed him otherwise.
You led him around a few corners until you stopped, climbing through a little opening between the rubble. He watched you disappear in the hole, crouching down to inspect it.
It was small and he was much taller than you, but then your face appeared at the other side and you waved at him with a confident smile. What good of a mentor was he if he hesitated now?
It was a struggle to get inside and he painfully hit his knees, shoulders and head a few times, but at least it would keep larger opponents outside.
And if anyone wanted to get in you would hear them and kill them before they even got the chance to raise their own weapon. It was the perfect hiding spot.
Maybe he could just wait this out, he thought. The other tributes could kill each other while he sat here with you until the rescue team would show up and get you out.
But that was too good a fantasy.
He knew that the Capitol didn‘t have any cameras in the tunnels, so no one would know he was here with you, but his absence wouldn‘t go unnoticed and he doubted they would crown you the victor, if he stayed with you.
None of the other mentors were in the position he was currently in and although Coriolanus couldn‘t find any benefit of his miserable situation he could easily imagine the capitol and his classmates arguing that it was an unfair advantage.
As if he had volunteered to be sent into an arena full of tributes that were out to kill each other, but probably unite over the idea of killing him, someone from the capitol.
And what about you then? Would you stick to his side or abandon him for your own sake?
Or worse, what if you betrayed him?
It would earn you the sympathy of the other tributes for certain, something that could be the defining factor of your survival. But would you be so calculating, so cruel and betray your own mentor?
He watched you slide down next to a wall and you hugged your knees in, probably to keep yourself warm. He wasn’t feeling cold, but he hadn‘t been in here for as long.
Looking up at him standing there you patted the space next to you, letting out a mixture between an amused and bitter laugh as you saw his hesitation. “Come one, I won‘t bite and I swear I don‘t have rabies.“
He grimaced slightly as he thought of Jessup‘s death and how he had hunted you through the arena. It hadn‘t been so long ago and yet it felt like ages considering how much had happened since then.
Deciding it wasn‘t likely that you had waited this long and brought him here only for you to try and kill him now Coriolanus closed the distance and took a seat next to you.
He stretched out his long legs, glad to finally keep the weight off of his bad leg.
“So“, you began and he noticed your gaze on him from the periphery of his vision, “you never told me why you‘re here. I‘m mean, not that I am complaining. It‘s nice to have some company, especially such lovely one, but it‘s a little…unexpected.“
He noted your hint of flirtation with a smile. It made him feel more in control and fuelled his hope that the girl he had said goodbye too wasn’t gone. “For me too“, he stated, turning his head so he could look at you.
He didn‘t know if he could trust you, but here in the arena you were his best chance of survival. And as your mentor he could help you more from the outside, so you had an interest on keeping him alive and get him out of here too.
Besides, he wanted to trust you. And he hoped you had more than your own motifs in mind when it came to his survival.
“Dr. Gaul sent me here.“ He decided to tell you the truth. “Sejanus bribed the peacekeepers to let him in here. He wanted to scatter breadcrumbs or something for Marcus. It‘s a ritual they have in his district.“
He tried to keep his voice neutral, but you knew him well enough by now to hear the hint of dismay in it.
“I think that‘s brave of him“, you said after a moment of silence and when he furrowed his brows he realised you had been testing how you would react to his words.
“But also stupid“, you continued, “I doubt the capitol is going to let anyone see it.“
He sighed. “They don’t. They froze the frame and his father will make sure he won‘t say a word about it.“
“So he got out?“ Coriolanus nodded, the image of the gate closing behind Sejanus back in his head. “He did.“
“But you didn’t.“ He closed his eyes for a moment, leaning his head against the wall. “How come they sent you? Why not just their thugs?“
“They figured he would just make a run for it, if he saw them. And then they would have a much harder job at containing him and keeping the public from knowing.“
He pressed his lips into a thin line. “And because apparently everyone thinks Sejanus and I are best friends I was the lucky one to get the job.“
When he opened his eyes yours were focused on his face and he realised how close you were sitting. “You‘re not? Friends, I mean.“
He pushed out a breath and pinched the space between his brows. “He lived here for years now, but he still acts and thinks like district.“
He practically spit out the word and you shuffled away from him a little. “I am district, Coriolanus“, you reminded him, trying to hide your hurt but failing. “You think you‘re too good to be friends with us?“
He bit his lip, frustrated at himself for his mistake. This slip-up. He hadn‘t meant it that way. You were different…
You had just been born at the wrong place.
Yeah, the more he thought about it, the more he could see it, you as a part of the capitol. With less mud and stains of course. And a class on etiquette to get the district out of your system. Tigris would make the most enchanting dresses for you and every man and woman would bow their heads when the two of you emerged. A Snow and a victor.
“I didn’t mean it-”, he began, but you shook your head, cutting him off.
“I think I know exactly what you meant.“
Silence settled between you and it felt uncomfortable and heavy.
“You think you‘re better than us. Just because you were born here and not there and you’re wearing that uniform doesn‘t mean your life‘s worth more than ours“, you stated after a while and he swallowed.
“I know.“
Did he?
“Do you?“
“I killed someone today.“
You inhaled and he saw you were staring at his face with undivided attention, but he couldn’t bring himself to look at you. Staring at the wall in front of him he continued. “He was just a boy. Bobbin, I think his name was?“
He dared a glance towards you for confirmation and you nodded. Your face was a carefully composed mask of guardedness and he quickly looked away again.
“I didn‘t want to hurt him, but he attacked me. I didn’t have a choice. I had to kill him.“
Coriolanus wondered how he looked to you now; his red university uniform creased and filthy, hiding in a cave and fighting the tears as he confessed his sins.
“Hey“, you reached out and gently touched his chin to turn his head to you. “You did what you had to do.“
His eyes found yours and he seeked your reassurance, clinging to it like a lifeline.
“It was horrible. But-”, he cleared his throat, preparing himself for his next revelation, “it also made me feel powerful.“
You took a sharp breath, fear and uncertainty dancing across your eyes until you won back your composure.
“We all do things in here that we‘re not proud of.“
He had feared your judgement. Had feared that you would turn your back on him now that he had exposed this dark part of him, but instead there was understanding in your eyes.
And he knew you would never betray him. You could have left but you were still here. Still with him.
“So what‘s your plan now?“
You studied his face, but you looked tired and even though his own exhaustion was wearing him down he thought about offering to stay awake and keep an eye out so you could rest.
“I need to get out of here“, he said simply, because it was the only thing he was sure of. You nodded, but he caught the hint of disappointment on your face.
He should leave now, use the last hours of the night and get out of this hellhole and back to his own, safe walls.
But he couldn‘t bring himself to get up and risk his life again. Not when he finally had a moment to relax after the last hours had been nothing but stressful and not when this could be the last time he saw you.
The last time and the first time you two had for yourselves, without cameras watching you or anyone questioning your connection.
“Yeah, that makes sense“, you agreed, but he heard the strain in your voice. You were exhausted and worn down from the constant fear, the terror and the need to keep one eye open at all times.
“But…that can wait a little.“
You furrowed your brows. “Are you sure? Aren‘t they going to be suspicious, if you don‘t get back soon?“
He shrugged. “I am just going to tell them the truth. That I got attacked and had to hide.“
“And you won‘t get in trouble?“
He was almost touched by your concern, but decided to conceal it with amusement. When you noticed his look you rolled your eyes. “I was just checking, because I need my mentor to get me out of here alive. I can‘t have him rot in chains somewhere.“
“Right”, he nodded with a smile, but quickly grew serious again. “They are the ones who got me here in the first place so I doubt they get to have a say in how or when I make it out.“
“Thank you.“ Your voice was barely above a whisper and he drew you close, his hand gently moving up and down your arm.
Coriolanus couldn‘t do much for you. But he could stay now, pull your body close to his to provide you with warmth and stop your shivers and let you rest.
Even if it was just for a night, he would be there for you.
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