cormiier asked: Arcadia/Delphine
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you who:
gives nose/forehead kisses: Arcadia. Delphine’s rather introverted when she first meets Arcadia, so the wolf would use these types of kisses as a tactic to show her the affection the blonde deserves—if only to get her to open up.
gets jealous the most: Arcadia. As a wolf, she can’t curb the primal urges that scream for Delphine to be hers.
picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Arcadia. She’d pretty much do anything for Delphine to ensure her safety.
takes care of on sick days: Arcadia, as she rarely ever gets sick. She’d be at Delphine’s side every second of the day to make sure she had what she needed.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Delphine. Arcadia would be stoic and un-moving, but Delphine would soften her up just enough for her to concede. How can you say no, honestly?
gives unprompted massages: Both. After a really tough day, they wouldn’t need to ask one another–it’d be an intuitive act of kindness.
drives/rides shotgun: Arcadia drives and Delphine rides shotgun, stemming back to the whole, Delphine deserves to have someone taking care of her now.
brings the other lunch at work: Technically they’re on the run from DYAD….so if anything, they’d probably prepare lunch together.
has the better parental relationship: Since Arcadia’s parents are dead, Delphine wins by default. Although, she doesn’t seem to have the best relationship either, if we consider the boarding school speech.
tries to start role-playing in bed: Delphine. She’s more out going and would use it to push Arcadia’s barriers. 
embarrassingly drunk dancer: Arcadia. She’s not one to dance sober so you can imagine…And Delphine is french. She’s clearly a sexy dancer at all times.
still cries watching titanic: Delphine, seeing as she’s the more emotional person.
firmly believes in couples costumes: I don’t think either would push the subject. They don’t seem like the type to do frivolous things like this together.
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas: Arcadia. Only the best for her lover.
makes the other eat breakfast: Arcadia, and she’d deliver it in bed just to surprise Delphine, because the blonde deserves some TLC.
remembers anniversaries: Both would. They’ve both been immersed in darkness and have tasted evil, so the bright spots in life, especially if they were spending their time together, would be cherished memories.
brings up having kids: It’d be a mutual conversation, after being together for a loooong time. Although, both would probably be terrified to have children in a world where they feared for their lives. On the other hand, a child might bring happiness to two dreary existences. It’s really a toss up.
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dyadcasualty · 9 years
Send me a ღ and I’ll fill this out about a ship
Who’s the first to wake up in the morning: Delphine would probably wake up ten or fifteen minutes before Rachel, just so she can keep out of her way while she gets ready
Who’s the one to make breakfast: Delphine might cut up fruit for Rachel or they may share something on the way out, but it’d be nothing glamerous
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed: When the planets align, Rachel will have breakfast arranged and brought to Delphine
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: Every once and a while, Rachel will demand it
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day: Neither. Delphine might have once, but she will never make that mistake again
Who chooses the movies: Rachel. It’s not even up for discussion
Who initiates kissing during the movie, thus distracting the other from the movie all together: Rachel has come to expect Delphine make a move and if she doesn’t, Rachel will
Who orders lunch: Rachel
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: Rachel would do it more to see if Delphine will stop her than because she actually wants to try it
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy: I image Delphine would very cautiously 
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home: Rachel (with make out session) if she doesn’t think Delphine’s work is important 
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old: If Rachel wants it, she’ll just tell Delphine to get her some, so Delphine’s the one who actually kinda has to sway her
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream: okay, if delphine ever has, it was in secret, cuz she would be dead
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face: I really cannot see either of them tbh
Who cooks dinner: Rachel would take them out and if not, Delphine would cook
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards: Well, Rachel is not going to clean up
Who stays up until 2 reading: Rachel more often
Who stares at their partner while their sleeping: Delphine, I think, but on very rare occasions, Rachel will  
Who kisses their partner while they sleep: Delphine
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shitestcrm · 9 years
She’s not cornered. Not literally, not even metaphorically; she’s got wiggle room, enough of it to put her at least on equal footing here. But she’s still tense, still coiled up and ready to pounce. Delphine does that to her.
“’m not gonna help you. Whatever you’re here for now-- S’not happening.”
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obvscosima-blog · 9 years
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and she’s caught red handed, with cosima’s ice cream, that delphine has sworn time and time again that she doesn’t like, that she doesn’t want any of. it turns out she actually has a taste for it. she’s standing, still in her pyjamas, with a spoon dug into the carton, frozen in time when cosima walks back. “i thought you were going into work today.”
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‘I knew it!’ She points straight at Delphine, then down to the ice cream container, and back up. ‘I. So. Knew it!’ Only, well-- That’s not necessarily a good thing, because it is her ice cream, after all, that’s currently being eaten. (Did Delphine think she wouldn’t notice? If so.... She probably wouldn’t be wrong.) But, while there are worse things than having your ice cream stolen, there likely isn’t anything funnier than the look on Delphine’s face. And so: ‘I can’t believe you’re eating my ice cream. Dude, you could’ve at least gotten out two spoons.’
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obvscosima-blog · 9 years
cormiier replied to your post:
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obvscosima-blog · 9 years
cormiier i’m
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obvscosima-blog · 9 years
cophine or shaysima for the ship thing u are trash for both and u know it
send me a ship: fluff edition
Who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?
They literally don’t even have separate clothes at this point it is one large closet because they are the same size with the same sense of style.
Who initiates hand holding?
They both do and it’s a m a z i n g: Cosima has finally met someone as stupidly touchy-feely as she is WHOA.
Who likes having their hair washed by who?
Shay totally washes Cosima’s hair. It’s, like, some zen meditation thing. Relax, let me wash your hair. Cosima loves it.
Who likes to slow dance?
They’re not hugely into slow dancing, but every once and a while a slow song will come on the radio and Cosima will grab Shay and twirl her around, and Shay laughs and Cosima tries really hard not to step on Shay’s feet too frequently and they both just laugh and laugh while I cry and cry.
Muse that’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?
Shay will come over and just lay on top of Cosima when she’s working on whatever. It starts with “mm, what are you working on?” and then yep, she’s asleep again.
Muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?
Who hogs most of the covers at night?
who needs covers when you’ve got someone to snuggle up to ;)
Muse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?
Nobody should be surprised when I say Cosima. It is always Cosima.
How do they share a dessert? Two forks or one?
Shay always brings out two forks and hands one to Cosima and offers her the cherry on top god Shay why are you so perfect I hate this
Who gets jealous more easily?
Shay’s a little freaked out by the whole “I can’t tell you what I do or why I’m so paranoid” thing, but that’s not jealously really? It’s just uncertainty & fear.
Who gets angered more easily?
Cosima’s more volatile, but Shay can definitely match any anger Cosima gives her.
How do they go to sleep at night?
Curled up in some ridiculous position usually with no clothes
Who gets the most shoulder rubs?
Shay is like an Actual Massage Therapist, and Cosima takes full advantage of that fact.
What are there arguments/fights like? How often do they fight?
Their arguments are odd because they’re about things that one person can’t reveal (usually Cosima), so it’s a lot of frustration in the place of blow-ups. They don’t fight a lot, though, especially once Shay learns the truth.
Who is more likely to throw things in fights?
Cosima is more physical, but she doesn’t throw things.
How do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument?
Shay would be the one to explicitly say “I’m sorry,” whereas Cosima, as she likes to do, shows rather than tells. 
Do they have nicknames for each other?
Babe, mostly. They call each other babe.
Caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?
Shay’s a pro, dude. She’s got all the natural remedies and smoothies and teas and here, let me give you a bath, here’s a blanket, do you want some toast with honey? Honey is very good for colds, you know. And Cosima’s not as good but she tries so hard. She lays down and cuddles and doesn’t care that she’ll be sick too in a couple of days, because Shay wants her to cuddle and that’s that.
Who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?
Shay knows how, and Cosima is, like, a total klutz. So. 
Muse that says ‘I told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?
Your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?
Shay usually, but Cosima notices how tired Shay is looking, and she forces herself to get up so Shay can get some rest.
Your muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? And how do they make them feel better?
Lots of hugging, probably some stupid jokes in an attempt to get the other to laugh. 
What would they be like as parents?
They’re like the ultimate hippie parents. So many “do whatever you want, be whoever you want, you can DO IT” speeches. All natural lunches. Honestly total dweebs.
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?
SO WEAK FOR CHILDHOOD SWEETHEARTS umm I think they would’ve been friends first, because they’re actually very similar in a lot of ways and really have potential to get alone as friends. Cosima would’ve been the dorky, goofy one whereas Shay takes stuff a bit more seriously, but they do bring out the best in each other. And then they just?? Somewhere along the way started casually dating and then seriously dating, and it stuck.
Who initiates taking a bath together?
Shay loves her bath tub so much. She tells Cosima it’s good for her sickness half because it is and half because she wants to join her.
Who likes who playing with their hair?
Shay does it absentmindedly because she loves the texture of Cosima’s dreads. 
The place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?
Probably bed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?
Cosima because let’s be real Delphine wouldn’t fit into Cosima’s clothes. But Cosima gets to rock the baggy sweater look, so ha.
Who initiates hand holding?
Cosima is always touching people. So it’s Cosima. She probably swings their hands around too, and Delphine’s like ahhhhhh.
Who likes having their hair washed by who?
Cosima. Cosima is needy. General theme of this meme here.
Who likes to slow dance?
Delphine is way better at it, but both like it. Honestly, though, Delphine’s slow dance skills are on point. Cosima... Not so much.
Muse that’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?
Cosima because she’s more of a cat nap person. Delphine does it once and wakes up and her hair is c r a z y, and Cosima laughs for like 3 million years.
Muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?
Delphine is somewhat perplexed by the idea of a blanket fort. Cosima has to show her how it’s done.
Who hogs most of the covers at night?
Delphine and it’s hilarious because she’s so poised and elegant and then she falls asleep and she snores and steals the covers.
Muse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?
Cosima Cosima Cosima Cosima Cosima
How do they share a dessert? Two forks or one?
Delphine gets one fork. Cosima eats the entire thing. Next time, Delphine gets two forks.
Who gets jealous more easily?
I don’t think either of them get jealous, but I do think Cosima gets more insecure. Lying about your entire backstory can do that to a partner.
Who gets angered more easily?
Cosima gets outwardly angry and mean, whereas Delphine tends to pull her anger in and take it out on various inanimate objects.
How do they go to sleep at night?
Delphine goes to sleep first and wakes up first. Cosima, though, is like an octopus while sleeping, and she finds a way to use Delphine as a body pillow no matter the circumstances.
Who gets the most shoulder rubs?
If Delphine has had a particularly stressful day at work, Cosima will give her a shoulder rub.
What are there arguments/fights like? How often do they fight?
"Yeah, it showed.” That is all.
Who is more likely to throw things in fights?
Same as punky monkey: Cosima lashes out and knocks things over. Delphine gets very still.
How do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument?
Funny you should ask that, because they all evidence points to “they don’t.” Healthy, right? (I was going to answer without the salt but I can’t I am too salty.)
Do they have nicknames for each other?
Not really? Delphine’s got the whole Co-see-ma thing that Cosima kind of loves. And Cosima just calls her Delphine? It’s a pretty name, no need for an abbreviation. 
Caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?
By betraying her trust and giving DYAD several vials of her blood. UMM honestly it’s just small, kind gestures: some flowers, some tea, a blanket. 
Who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?
Cosima is very injury-prone, if only because she, like, walks into doors and trips while focusing on other things. Delphine gets very good at cleaning scraped knees.
Muse that says ‘I told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?
This is always Cosima in every ship this is Cosima.
Your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?
Delphine is the one who’s like “oh my god we need to check right now what if something’s wrong.” And Cosima's more willing to let them cry it out a bit. (She can sleep through it. Delphine can’t.)
Your muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? And how do they make them feel better?
Hug them. Neither would press the other to talk about it, so it would be more comforting through taking their mind off of it.
What would they be like as parents?
Cosima is the chill one. Delphine is the not-chill one. They balance each other out well. (Also their kid would be super cute let’s be real here.)
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?
Oh my god what if they were like the childhood sweathearts where Delphine’s family moved and like ten years later she came back with taller & with an accent and Cosima’s like “shit dude I never fell out of love but I think I just fell even more in love.”
Who initiates taking a bath together?
Delphine casually mentions she’s going to take a bath, Cosima joins her.
Who likes who playing with their hair?
Cosima is fascinated by Delphine’s hair. Can you blame her?
The place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?
Curled up on the chill zone couch in the lab.
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obvscosima-blog · 9 years
cormiier replied to your post:
this thought is far too amusing to me
don’t worry i checked & i am not drooling
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obvscosima-blog · 9 years
19:What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
the excessively detailed headcanon meme
19: What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Oh god probably something super dorky. I mean, given that during my favorite scene of all time the punky monkey scene in 2x10 Cosima is legitimately thinking about golden ratios while laying in bed?? She definitely is one of those people that ~gets deep~ but because she’s a total dweeb, it’s nerd deep. It’s science and what does it all mean and is there life out there? What if there is? What if there isn’t? Because even when she’s falling asleep, Cosima Niehaus cannot turn her brain off.
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