bunny-lovers · 7 months
1 and 9!
Hope you & your f/os have a great day & thank you for the ask! 😊 @tulaytullahs @cornettowife @xxmellochii @changeling-vixen
1.Who is the most likely too initiate snuggles?
That would be me.
2. who is more flirty?
I'm more flirty.
3.if you had to describe your relationship in one word what word would it be? why?
Comfortable, since Rumi & I have been together for almost 3 years. We know a lot about each other, are comfortable in our routines & enjoy each other so much.
4.who kisses the others forehead before they fall asleep?
Rumi kisses my forehead before I fall asleep.
5.who would push the other into the pool?
Neither of us do
6.who steals the blankets?
That would be me!
7.who moves into who’s apartments
I asked Rumi to move into my apartment.
8.who wakes up first
That would be me!
9.who is the ticklish one?
I'm the ticklish one.
10.who proposes?
Neither of us has propose yet.
11.which one gives the other a piggyback ride when their tired?
Rumi gives me a piggyback ride when I'm tired.
12.which one likes their music on full volume?
That would be Rumi.
13.who is afraid of the dark? (if either of you are)
Neither of us are afraid of the dark.
14.who holds the umbrella when it rains
Rumi holds the umbrella when it rains.
15. who falls asleep on the others shoulder?
I fall asleep on Rumi's shoulder.
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gideongrovel · 7 months
Send this to your favorite blogs! Remember your f/os love you! 💜 We all need some love and positivity 🫶✨ (i know its copy paste but really /gen :3)
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