#corona infection threat
marinamitu-blog · 2 months
Covid-19: Cause of Critical Concern to Workers
In this corona crisis, the whole country is under lockdown and a general holiday has been declared. Most people are staying at home to prevent the infection from spreading. While a lot are fine staying at home and some are enjoying their time spent with their family, for some this is not the case of just staying home to relax with their family. For some it is a life and death struggle to stay at home without proper work and an empty stomach.
Kuddus is working as a security guard in Dhaka and has to stay at the workplace for the convenience of the people living in the building he is guarding. Thus he is staying alone here without his family. As he is living here alone, he has to go out for buying groceries for himself. He is worried about his health, but more than that he is worried about his family in the village as they are solely dependent on him. “It is harder to send money at home as there are less Bikas agents around. It takes few days to find an agent, I am very worried about my family”, says Kuddus.
Kuddus isn’t the only one. Many workers are facing such problems during this covid-19 pandemic. Due to the Corona crisis, many factories and businesses are closed. Some of them are unsure if they will be able to continue further even if the lockdown has withdrawn. Some workers are having financial crisis because of not getting payment properly as their employers are unable to pay properly. Abdul Baten who is working in a garments factory as a cutting master, is having trouble with his finances as he didn’t get his full wage. He received only half of his payment. This is causing trouble for him to provide for his family properly. He is worried about daily needs, especially when Eid is nearing. He is not even sure when he will get the rest of the salary let alone the Eid bonus. He is still required to pay the house rent. As the factories are open and operating, he and the other RMG workers are needed to go to work. He claims, “In the factory there isn’t any special precautions for corona and it is not possible to maintain social distance at the time of work”. In a research on Bangladesh apparel workers it is claimed that, “The factories can’t pay the workers’ salaries in this critical situation. Therefore, millions of workers have been sent home without their wages.”
This is not the case of only garments workers. Another joint survey of the Power and Participation Research Centre and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development reveals that, per capita daily income of urban slum and rural poor drops by 80% due to present countrywide shutdown enforced by the government to halt the spread of Covid-19. It also shows that 40%-50% of these people took loans to meet the daily expenses.
Sumon is working in a gold workshop as a gold smith. In normal times he makes a decent income and during the Eid season they have a lot of work. But due to the Covid-19 crisis and the lockdown all the gold shops are closed and there is no sell. Sumon says that in the time when they were supposed to get more money and bonus incomes, they are facing the threats of keeping their jobs. After all if there is no work there is no income for them as they earn on the base of their work. Al-Amin who is working as a driver and like Kuddus he is staying at home alone as his family is at the village. But unlike Kuddus he is not staying in Dhaka for the sake of work rather he couldn’t go home to his family because of the lockdown as moving from one place to another is not possible. Even though he is still in the city, his employers are not giving him any duty and are telling him to stay at home. When asked about what he was doing to stay safe from corona virus, he said that he is staying home unless it is necessary like shopping from groceries. He added that he is even praying at home instead of going to the mosque except for ‘Jumma’. He also said that he is maintaining cleanliness as well. When asked if his employers helped him to stay safe in this crisis time, he said that they gave him mask, gloves and sanitizers. They are also calling him regularly to check on him.
Like the employees the employers are also very concerned regarding the covid-19 virus and the lockdown. A lot of them are unable to run their businesses and only a few are able to run it in a limited range. A lot of them are unable to pay their employees salary; in fact some of them are unable to keep the workers and have to cut off some employees. Sahidullah, owner of Kazi Builders, a construction business, has sent his entire workers home as all the construction sites are closed due to the pandemic. He said, “All the construction sites are closed and the workers are off duty. I have paid their wage but I am unable to pay any bonus for the Eid. I can barely manage myself, but the payments will not come unless the constructions are finished. The more delayed the constructions are the costlier it will get. So in the future I might not be able to higher same amount of workers as before”. Babul, a construction worker under Sahidullah said that they are very worried, as this lockdown has taken away their income source as all the construction projects have closed down for the time being. “If we cannot work, we will not have the money to support our families. Our employer is helping us now but if the construction is closed for longer than he won’t be able to help either. This is scarier than the virus. The virus can kill us but starving to death is worse than corona for us”, said Babul.
Not just factories and businesses but those who entirely depend on house rent for their income are also facing problems. Nasrin Ara has few houses of her own and is solely dependent on the rent for her income. But due to this Corona crisis, many of her tenants are unable to pay the rent properly. Among the 48 of her tenants, only eight of them paid the rent fully. Some of them paid the half. Even some of the tenants have left because of losing her job. She said, “This is a criticaltime where we cannot pressure the people to give the rents. But we have to go on too. This is our only income source. I have already reduced the rent of this month. I am even not sure how I will pay the security guard, cleaner and the other employees next month. I have already cut off their bonus for Eid but if this continues I might not be able to keep them in their post.” A lot of her tenants are RMG workers and most of them have their factories open. They have to go for work every day. As a result, she is also concerned about the spreading of the infection.
Not only just Kuddus or Baten, there are people many workers like them who are suffering mentally and financially in this pandemic of Covid-19. There are also many people like Nasrin and Sahidullah who are also helpless and are unable to keep the workers working under them to their jobs. If a solution to this situation is not found soon many more are going to end up worse than them.
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arifreko · 7 months
Understanding the Pandemic Era with Denny Ja: Things to Out to Near
Introduction In this difficult time, where the world is being faced with a global pandemic caused by the corona virus, it is important for all of us to understand and identify things that should be observed. In this article, we will explore this Pandemic era with the view of Denny JA, a prominent figure in Indonesia. In Denny JA's view, there are some things we need to pay attention to in order to go through this difficult time wisely and successfully. 1. Recognize the threat of the Corona virus First of all, we need to understand well about the Corona virus. This virus has a high level of spread and can cause serious diseases in infected individuals. Therefore, it is important for us to understand how this virus spreads and protects ourselves and those closest to us. 2. The importance of personal hygiene One of the best ways to protect yourself from the Corona virus is to maintain personal hygiene. In situations like this, washing hands with soap and running water regularly is an important step. In addition, avoiding touching the face with unwashed hands is also very important. 3. Social restrictions The concept of social restrictions is very important in reducing the spread of the corona virus. In this context, Denny JA stressed the importance of maintaining physical distance from others, avoiding the crowd, and avoiding direct contact with people who might be infected. This social restriction can help slow down the spread of viruses and protect ourselves and others. 4. Education and public awareness In fighting this pandemic, education and public awareness play a very important role. Denny Ja stressed the importance of spreading accurate and reliable information to the public. This will help people understand the risks associated with the Corona virus and take appropriate precautions. 5. Economic Impact In addition to health problems, this pandemic also has an impact on the global economy. Many businesses are affected seriously, and many people lose their jobs. In this context, Denny Ja highlighted the importance of developing an effective economic recovery strategy and protecting the most affected society. 6. Role of Government In dealing with this pandemic, the role of government is very important. Denny Ja stressed the need for the government to take strict and effective steps to protect the community. This is included in terms of health management, social restriction policies, and economic support for affected communities. Conclusion In this article, we have discussed a number of things that should be observed in the face of this Pandemic era. Understanding the threat of corona virus, maintaining personal hygiene, implementing social restrictions, improving education and public awareness, overcoming economic impacts, and strengthening the role of government are important steps in this difficult time. Denny Ja gives a valuable and important view to consider in the face of this pandemic. By understanding and implementing these steps, we can protect ourselves, those closest to us, and the community as a whole.
Check in full: Understand the Pandemic era with Denny JA: Things to note
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abiyatno · 8 months
Diving in the hidden meaning in Denny Ja’s selected work 26: “Death in the Corona Virus Era”
When we read literary works, we are often carried away by the story presented. However, there are times when we also need to explore the meaning hidden behind the story. One of the interesting works to explore is Denny JA 26: “Death in the Corona Virus Era”. In this article, we will discuss deeply about the work and reveal the messages contained therein.    “Death in the Corona Virus era” is one of the chosen works from Denny JA 26, a famous writer from Indonesia. This work not only describes the situation faced by many people in the Corona virus pandemic, but also invites the reader to reflect on the meaning of life and death.    In this story, we follow the journey of a main character named Andi, who is infected with the Corona virus and must face the uncertainty of life. Through Andi’s experience, Denny JA illustrates how fragile human life and how easy we are exposed to invisible threats.    However, behind this story, there is a deeper message that Denny Ja wants to convey. He wants to invite us to reflect on life and values that are actually important. Pandemic Virus Corona is a catalyst for all of us to appreciate simple things in life, such as social relations, family, and health.    One theme that we can find in this work is a sense of connection between humans. Although Andi is isolated and has only a little interaction with the outside world, he feels the need for a deep relationship with others. This illustrates the basic needs of humans to share, care for, and support each other.    In addition, Denny Ja also invites us to reflect on death. Pandemic Virus Corona has shown us how close death with daily life. In this story, Andi faces directly with death and is faced with fundamental questions about the meaning of life. This reminds us that life is a valuable gift, and we must appreciate every moment we have.    In this work, Denny Ja also uses beautiful and poetic language. Through a detailed description and the selection of the right words, he succeeded in creating a deep atmosphere and able to describe complicated feelings in difficult situations. Denny Ja invites us to read this work with an open heart, feel every word he wrote, and live the emotions he wants to convey.    As readers, we can also provide personal interpretations of this work. Everyone may have a different understanding of the meaning contained in it. Literary works often provide freedom for readers to interpret the story in accordance with their own experiences and views. This is the beauty of literary work, that they can talk to every individual in a unique way.    is a charming and meaningful journey. Through this story, we are invited to reflect on the relationship between humans, the meaning of life, and interests of respecting every moment we have. This work also reminds us of the power of words and literary abilities to inspire and open our minds.
Check the full: Dive into the hidden meaning in Denny Ja’s selected work 26: “Death in the Corona Virus Era”
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kairalika · 8 months
Divine the chosen work of Denny Ja 58: Ratu Adil named Virus Corona with seriousness
In this modern era, we are often faced with various challenges and problems that affect our daily lives. One of the problems that is becoming a concern for the world today is the epidemic of the Corona or Covid-19 virus. The spread of this virus has infected many countries and resulted in thousands of people died. In dealing with this problem, artists and cultural figures Denny JA 58 tried to raise this issue through his work entitled “Ratu Adil named Virus Corona with seriousness”.    Denny JA 58, known as a visionary and critical artist, uses artwork to convey in-depth social messages. In his chosen work, he described the Corona virus as a fair queen who seriously attacks humans. In his writings, Denny JA 58 illustrates how serious the threat faced by humans today is and the importance of seriousness in dealing with it.    In this article, we will explore more deeply the chosen work of Denny Ja 58 and see how he depicts the Corona virus with a deep seriousness. This work is not just a visual artwork, but also contains messages that can make us better understand the problems faced by the world today.    I. Introduction  In this introductory section, we will discuss the background of Denny Ja 58’s selected work and why he chose the Corona virus as the main subject of his work. We will see how the Corona virus has changed the world and why the seriousness in dealing with it is very important.    II. Ratu Adil named Virus Corona  In this section, we will explore the picture of Ratu Adil depicted by Denny Ja 58 in his work. We will see how the Corona virus is a serious threat to humans and how its presence affects our daily lives.    III. Seriousness in dealing with the corona virus  In this section, we will discuss why the seriousness in dealing with the Corona virus is so important. We will see how the lack of seriousness in the face of this pandemic can have a negative impact on our health and safety. Denny Ja 58 invites us not to underestimate the threat of the Corona virus and take the right steps to protect ourselves and the people around us.    IV. Social Message in Denny Ja 58’s work  In this section, we will discuss the social messages that Denny Ja 58 wants to convey through his work. We will see how this work invites us to unite and care for each other in dealing with the problems being faced by the world today.    V. Conclusion  In the conclusion section, we will reflect back the selected work of Denny Ja 58 and the messages he wants to convey. We will see how this work can provide deeper inspiration and understanding of the problems being faced by the world today.
Check more: Dive into the chosen work of Denny JA 58: Ratu Adil named Virus Corona with seriousness
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titu677 · 8 months
What is disease X? How are scientists preparing for the next pandemic?
"Disease X." The term was coined years ago as a way for scientists to work on medical treatments for unknown infectious threats—such as the new corona viruses that cause COVID-19—rather than just known ones like the Ebola virus. The idea was to encourage the development of platform technologies, including vaccines, drug therapies, and diagnostic tests, that could be rapidly adapted and deployed in response to pandemics or future outbreaks with pandemic potential.
What is 'X disease'?
It is an uncommon but somewhat mysterious moniker for a serious sickness associated with microbiological threats. The World Health Organization included deadly diseases like Ebola and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) on its list of pathogens that should receive the highest priority for research in 2017. When COVID-19 entered the pandemic in late 2019, it was a kind of disease X, according to its unique corona virus source. There could be more of these illnesses in the future due to the widespread viral reservoir seen in wildlife. This is because it has the ability to spread and infect people as well as other species, creating an infection to which humans would be immune.
According to the WHO website, it "represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic may be caused by a pathogen currently unknown as a cause of human disease".
It could be a new agent—a virus, a bacterium, or a fungus—with no known treatment.
The Lancet says the WHO officially began using the term in 2018, which represents an unknown disease with pandemic potential.
Experts have called for research to identify the next pathogen that could cause another pandemic.
Health experts worldwide have issued a warning, suggesting that COVID-19 could signify a more catastrophic Disease X pandemic, the Daily Mail reported. The head of the UK's vaccine taskforce, Dame Kate Bingham, expressed gratitude that the virus was not more deadly than COVID-19 and warned that the next pandemic could kill at least 50 million people.
Disease X Epidemic
As COVID-19 becomes a more familiar and recurring health problem, UK medical experts are now preparing for a possible new pandemic called "Disease X". They warned that this new virus's effects could be comparable to the devastating Spanish flu of 1918–1920. The World Health Organization has named this "Disease X Pandemic", and to combat it, vaccines must again be developed and delivered promptly. However, there currently needs to be a guarantee that this will happen.
Medical professionals are voicing concerns about "disease x pandemic," a term that the World Health Organization coined. They warn us that this next pandemic could kill 20 times more people than the corona virus. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, more than 2.5 million people have tragically died worldwide.
How can we make medical interventions without knowing which disease ("DISEASE X") will strike next?
• By focusing efforts to develop drug remedies against viral families, it is more likely to start a pandemic than a specific virus that may or may not pose a future threat.
• The United States should fund a new, targeted Disease X medical countermeasures program that uses vaccination platforms and technologies best suited to virus families that could unleash future devastating disease outbreaks.
• As the next member of the viral family evolves, medical immunity against one member can easily change to target another.
• Private-public collaboration can develop vaccines, antiviral, and diagnostics for various unknown, potentially pandemic viruses in months rather than years using this adaptive strategy.
According to the authors, Covid-19, which has killed 20 million people worldwide, was not the worst-case scenario. They note that the virus has killed fewer people than Ebola, avian flu and MERS. They argue that chance cannot prevent subsequent epidemics, which may be more deadly and contagious. "Most victims of the virus have recovered. However, 67% of Ebola patients die. At 60%, bird flu is close. Even MERS reached 34%.
Subsequent outbreaks cannot be controlled, the authors say. They recommend improving global cooperation and coordination in vaccine research and development, strengthening health systems and surveillance, and preparing for pandemics. They claim that the next pandemic is coming, and the world needs to be ready.
Control and mitigation strategies include developing and implementing uniform international guidelines for controlling bioterrorism. To prevent the spread of Pathogen X across borders, it is necessary to implement immediate and appropriate travel restrictions, including strict airport screening. It is the world. It also requires a collaborative approach by world leaders, scientists, epidemiologists, and infectious disease specialists to investigate, control, and eradicate disease X. Widespread and mass testing, surveillance, and aggressive contact tracing are potentially effective tools to contain outbreak-like situations in time" said Dr Rastogi.
"Concentrated efforts to accelerate access and rapid availability of immediate treatment measures—testing kits, vaccines, and first aid—are needed before and during epidemics. Ongoing continuation of research on preventive aspects—development of vaccines and reduction of processes—should be increased and prioritized. And X diseases. Fight against serious adverse consequences," she says
"A one-health approach aimed at bridging institutional gaps, creating and stratifying priority risk and warning pathogens, and emphasizing mitigation strategies for emerging and re-emerging pathogens—potentially disease X—is the need of the hour to prevent these global catastrophes. should
How is research on the next pandemic going?
It took just 326 days for the first COVID vaccine to be approved since the genetic sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was published, thanks to work done since 2017 to prepare for Disease X. Now groups like the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, are supporting rapid response vaccine platforms under a $3.5 billion plan that could develop new vaccines within 100 days of pandemic-potential emerging viruses. Other efforts underway include:
• Updating international health regulations and creating a new global agreement to protect the world from future emergencies
• A new fund, approved by the World Bank, for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.
• A WHO Hub for Epidemics and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin aimed to provide rapid access to critical data and develop analytical tools and predictive models to assess potential threats.
• The Global Virome Project aims to discover zoonotic viral threats and prevent future epidemics.
• A $5 billion US government initiative to develop next-generation vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 is called Project NextGen.
$262.5 million in funding for the US National Network to Identify and More Efficiently Respond to Public Health Emergencies.
Disease X is found in which countries?
The following hypothetical epidemic threat, disease X," not tied to a specific country, is not a new term, but its prominence has increased recently. Introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February 2018, Disease X represents an uncharacterized, potential pathogen that could be at the center of future pandemics. Rather than identifying a specific disease in a particular country, the concept is a profound reminder of our continued vulnerability to unpredictable infectious diseases. A recent warning from a UK health expert has reignited the conversation about Disease X, suggesting the next pandemic could be even more devastating than COVID-19.
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fierautami · 9 months
The presence of Ratu Adil in Denny Ja 58's elected work: Discussing the Corona Virus that shook the world

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Introduction In recent months, the world has been haunted by the presence of a virus called the Corona or Covid-19 virus. This virus first appeared in Wuhan, China, and quickly spread to various countries around the world. The speed of spreading this virus not only threatens human health, but also shakes the global economy. In his elected work, Denny Ja 58 discussed the Corona virus and alluded to the presence of Ratu Adil in overcoming this disaster. Coronavirus pandemic The Corona virus was first detected in December 2019 in the city of Wuhan, China. This virus is known to originate from animals and can spread through human contact to humans. The initial symptoms of corona virus infection are similar to ordinary flu, but this virus can cause severe complications such as pneumonia and organ failure. The speed of the spread of this virus is very high, and in a short time has infected millions of people around the world. Impact on health The Corona virus has a serious impact on human health. Patients infected with this virus can experience mild to severe symptoms. Some common symptoms include fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, this virus can cause death. In addition, the corona virus can also be transmitted very easily through splashing saliva when coughing or sneezing. Therefore, it is important for every individual to maintain personal hygiene and follow the preventive measures recommended by health authorities. Impact on the economy In addition to the impact on human health, the Corona virus also has a significant impact on the global economy. Many countries apply travel restrictions and lockdown to control the spread of this virus. This causes many companies to experience decreased income and face the threat of bankruptcy. The tourism, hospitality and flight sectors are the sectors most negatively affected. In addition, many workers lost their jobs due to the closure of the company or budget cuts. The presence of Ratu Adil in dealing with the Corona virus In his elected work, Denny JA 58 talked about the presence of Ratu Adil in overcoming the Corona virus disaster. The Ratu Adil concept is part of the beliefs and hopes of the Indonesian people for the arrival of a just and wise leader. Denny JA 58 links the presence of Ratu Adil with the need for strong and wise leadership in the face of the Corona virus pandemic. In Denny Ja 58's view, Ratu Adil is a symbol of expectations and strengths to overcome this crisis wisely. Approach in dealing with the Corona virus In dealing with the Corona virus, it is important to adopt a coordinated and comprehensive approach. The preventive measures recommended by the health authority must be strictly followed by the individual. In addition, it is important for the government to provide financial and medical support to people affected by economic and health impacts. Increasing the capacity of health services is also important in order to handle the number of patients that are increasing. In addition, collaboration efforts between countries in vaccine research and development are also very important in overcoming this pandemic. Conclusion The Corona virus has shaken the world in recent months. The impact is not only limited to human health, but also to the global economy. In his elected work, Denny Ja 58 discussed the Corona virus and alluded to the presence of Ratu Adil in overcoming this disaster. This pandemic requires a coordinated and comprehensive approach in dealing with the Corona virus. It is important for every individual to follow the recommended prevention steps and for the government to provide financial and medical support to the community. Through wise collaboration and leadership efforts, we can overcome this pandemic and restore the world to normal conditions. 
Check more: The presence of Ratu Adil in Denny JA 58 selected work: Discussing the Corona Virus that shakes the world
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blogynews · 9 months
"Startling Discovery: Nipah Virus Outranks Corona with Alarming Death Toll in India, Reveals ICMR Study"
A new case of the Nipah virus has been reported in Kozhikode, Kerala, bringing the total number of infected individuals in the state to six. Unfortunately, the first two cases resulted in fatalities. The alarming threat of the Nipah virus is growing each day. Over the past few days, there has been an increase in the number of people affected by this virus. According to experts, the death rate…
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blogynewz · 9 months
"Startling Discovery: Nipah Virus Outranks Corona with Alarming Death Toll in India, Reveals ICMR Study"
A new case of the Nipah virus has been reported in Kozhikode, Kerala, bringing the total number of infected individuals in the state to six. Unfortunately, the first two cases resulted in fatalities. The alarming threat of the Nipah virus is growing each day. Over the past few days, there has been an increase in the number of people affected by this virus. According to experts, the death rate…
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
6SNOT - DAHMER (Official Music Video)
  the head of the FBI came out and “confirmed” that the origin of “novel” corona was a Wuhan lab leak. just a reminder this is total bullshit, its a complete fabrication, its just untrue. its false. its a red herring. every year we get some strain of viral upper respiratory illness, we monitor chinas flu season to try to make a prediction on which of the hundreds of viruses we classify as a cold or flu will go viral in the west for our flu season, this is the reason why flu shots are not one hundred percent effective, its a bit of a guessing game as to which strain of virus to mass vaccinate against. its sort of like being a record company and guessing which song of an almbum to make into a single. these viruses mutate constantly, otherwise they’d simply infect us all once wed gain immunity and that would be that, they constantly mutate. covid is one of these viruses, its common, it mutates all the time just like other common cold and flu viruses, and thats what happened in 2020 no bat soup or wuhan lab leak, corona just mutated as it does every single year, the only difference that year was an unprecedented media fear mongering campaign.
 china and russia comprise the two biggest threats to western jewish hegemony and they are neighbors and they are friends lol. the united states was running ops in china just prior to the covid outbreak, the cia was confirmed stirring anti ccp sentiment and trying to spark a civil war for hong kong independence i literally saw videos of what were clearly CIA operators giving lengthy and frankly bizarre speaches about hong kong independence on subway trains before being arrested and carted off. i believe that the early videos of people convulsing in the streets (sleepy chinese doctors, remember?) and the like were created by chinese actors (not in the professional sense, i mean like agent) loyal to the CIA contingent that was confirmed to be operating in china at the time, the CCP capitalized on this and used it as an opportunity to try and get rid of the revolutionary element and its foreign (See jewish) supporters, arresting them under the guise of lockdown compliance. i believe the covid scam was meant as a failsafe break glass in case of emergency sort of deal for powerful jews around the world, i believe the main goals of the scam were domestic in nature, and have to do with the need to change how jews exert dominance over nonjews after the proliferation of the internet basically destroyed their tried and true method of control, namely propaganda. the FBI and all the same people who told you that the same damn flu that comes around every couple of years is a plague are now telling you that this totally benign and weak flu season was actually a bioweapon designed in a lab by enemies of the jewish banking cartels, its all very convenient, especially when you consider that even by the governments own fucked up and inflated metrics covid is less dangerous than even a typical flu for young people. so their plan was to design a weapon that targets the elderly and improves are economy? lmao.
  the lableak theory that is being pushed is just a push for war with china. as it stands the only people fighting those who would trick you into chopping your dick and balls off are young russian men and young men from the muslim world. does that sit well with you? i dont even like the idea of another man pumping my gasoline.
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trylkstopocket · 1 year
Covid BF.7 Variant Explained!! New Variant Symptoms & Precautions
Covid BF.7 Variant Symptoms and Precautions: There is a havoc in China due to the Corona virus as hundreds of people are dying everyday. Hospitals are over crowded every day. Covid is wreaking havoc in China since the restrictions were relaxed in December. Omicron’s sub-variant bf.7 is now the reason for increasing cases in this country. The infectivity rate in this variant is quite high as the R value of the BF.7 variant is 18.
That is, a person infected with this variant can spread the virus to 18 people. This is the reason why Covid is spreading so fast in China. Here in this article we will update you about Covid BF.7 Variant, New Variant Symptoms & Precautions so read this carefully.
Since the beginning of November, cases of corona virus are increasing worldwide. The matter is under control in India now, but China is struggling very badly with it. According to some estimates, due to the recent increase, China is at risk of death of about two million people. An epidemiologist has even tweeted that 60% of China’s population could be infected in the next few months.
Corona outbreak in China is causing concern for many countries, but there is no serious threat in India. There were restrictions related to Covid in China till a few months ago. Due to poor medical policy, the situation in China is getting worse. Omicron’s bf.7 variant is also making a serious impact there. While this variant had arrived in India several months back but it had no effect here.
Covid XBB 1.5 Variant
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How does the new variant get the name BF.7?
BF.7 is actually short form. Full name is: BA. This is a sub-variant of Omicron’s BA.5 variant. Omicron’s BA.5 variant has the highest number of reported cases worldwide. About 76.2% of the total cases. However, the BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants did not spread much in India. We have the highest number of BA.2.75 cases.
The corona virus is mutating and mutations can create many variants and sub-variants. This process is called convergent evolution. These sub-variants have been given names like BA.2.75.2, BF.7 and BQ.1.1. These names are determined by the fact that which sub-variant is derived from which variant.
How dangerous is the sub-variant Omicron?
The reports that are coming in China indicate that BF.7 is more dangerous than the rest of the Omicron sub-variants. It has the highest transmissibility as it spreads rapidly. A person infected with BF.7 can infect many people.
The remaining variants of Omicron can infect an average of 4 people and the incubation period of the variant is also less. The incubation period is the time between exposure to the virus and the appearance of the first symptoms. Meaning, as soon as you come in contact with BF.7, you can catch it immediately.
Has BF.7 arrived in India as well?
The BA.1 and BA.2 sub-variants of Omicron were found in the wave earlier this year. Later on BA.4 and BA.5 also came. However, both of them caused more devastation in European countries. Similarly, very few cases of BF.7 were observed in India. One case of this variant was reported in India in July, two in September and one in November and this variant has been found in Gujarat and Odisha in India.
New Variant BF.7- Symptoms
The symptoms of this variant are similar to those of the other subvariants of Omicron. An infected person may show symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhoea. This sub-variant can cause severe disease in people with weakened immune systems. If someone is having body pain for a long time, then he should get the Covid test done. Apart from this, sore throat, fatigue, phlegm and runny nose can also be symptoms.
Omicron BF.7: Precautions
Physical distance: Corona is caused by coming in contact with an infected person, so it is very important to maintain physical distance from people to avoid it. According to the CDC of America, to avoid infection, keep a distance of at least 6 feet from people in public places. By keeping distance, you can avoid getting droplets from someone who is coughing or sneezing.
Wear a Mask: Do wear a mask when you go out of the house. With this you will avoid drops of infection. Apart from corona virus, the mask also protects against other infections like flu, cold and cough. Throw away the mask after wearing it once. Also use a good quality mask.
Get a booster dose: If you haven’t got the booster dose of Covid yet, get it done immediately. There is no cure for Corona infection, so at this time only the vaccine can save us from its severe symptoms to a great extent.
Avoid going crowded places: To avoid corona infection, you also have to avoid going out and spend maximum time indoors.
Take care of cleanliness: You can also get infected by corona by touching an infected surface or person, so wash your hands to avoid infection. First apply soap on your hands and rub them for few seconds and then wash them with water.
Use a sanitizer: When you go outside use a sanitizer, if soap and water are not available then use a sanitizer.
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numberonelab · 1 year
Flu Test vs Covid Test. Why You Should Choose a Dual Test
Accurately testing for both covid and the flu can be difficult, however with a dual test you can get an accurate diagnosis of both illnesses at the same time. Choosing a covid and flu test together helps to rule out or diagnose disease quickly and accurately, saving time, resources and money in comparison to diagnostic testing for covid and the flu separately. The earlier diseases are ruled out or diagnosed, the better as early treatment is essential to improving health outcomes. Therefore by opting for a covid and flu test at the same time, you have improved access to making an informed decision with regards to what course of action may need to be taken.
What is the combined nasal test for flu and COVID-19?
The combined nasal test for flu and COVID-19 is an innovative method designed to diagnose both flu and COVID-19 simultaneously. This two-in-one testing system utilizes a single sample taken from the nose or throat, allowing healthcare practitioners to identify if patients are suffering from flu, COVID-19, or both flu and covid at the same time. The results of this type of testing are highly precise and also provide valuable insights that allow physicians to find out whether flu viruses are mutated or could be drug resistant. With the help of this combined nasal testing system, medical professionals can quickly diagnose potential health risks and provide accurate information about a patient's condition.
Dual flu and COVID-19 tests have been approved
An exciting breakthrough in covid testing was recently announced - the approval of dual covid and flu at same time. This test allows for the results of both covid-19 and the seasonal flu to be identified at the same time, saving important medical resources which may have otherwise been used on multiple tests. Moreover, medical professionals will now be better positioned to provide more accurate diagnosis and remedy recommendations in shorter amount of time, allowing individuals to receive timely care while minimizing risk of covid-19 transmission. Dual covid and flu testing is a welcome step forward during this challenging period.
Flu test versus COVID 19 test
With the increasing detection of corona and flu at same time cases around the world, it is becoming increasingly important to differentiate between corona and flu. A simple flu test is not enough - one must now consider getting tested for corona as well in order to understand if both viruses are present in the body at the same time. Moreover, an erroneous diagnosis can have serious implications on our efforts to contain the spread of corona. Therefore, a robust corona test combined with a viable flu test is absolutely necessary for accurate diagnosis, effective treatments, and mitigation of these two potent viruses.
What are the benefits of the dual COVID and flu test?
The dual flu-COVID test provides a convenient and valuable approach to identify influenza and COVID-19 infection at the same time. This increases the accuracy of diagnostics and reduces the cost for patients by testing for flu and COVID together, as opposed to receiving two separate tests. Furthermore, this technology accelerates healthcare delivery by providing results faster due to COVID’s higher priority. The testing experience is also made simpler from only needing one sample; this saves significanct time and effort for both healthcare professionals and those being tested. Therefore, the flu-COVID test has the potential to benefit a wide range of individuals, from quickened healthcare delivery to easier testing processes.
What healthcare providers need to know for 2022-2023 season
As the 2022-2023 influenza season rapidly approaches, healthcare providers need to prepare for a unique challenge. This influenza season'll be different from any other because of the continuing threat of COVID-19. Healthcare providers must plan for influenza and covid at the same time occurring concurrent with each other as well as understand strategies for concomitant testing and management. It's critical to take the necessary steps now to prepare in order to provide evidence-based, quality care during what promises to be an unprecedented influenza season.
Number One Laboratory https://numberonelab.com/ 
Read more useful information in our blog  https://numberonelab.com/blog/ 
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klycaps30 · 1 year
Green Cross Ethyl Alcohol
When Corona Virus first hit the health status of the country in the year 2019, each member of every family became vulnerable to getting infected. Along with this global health threat, many people have relied upon the use of disinfectants to protect themselves from this virus. One of the leading materials used for protection in this time of pandemic along with soap is the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol that is being used as a sanitizer can dissolve or denature protein structures inside active bacteria and viruses. One of the advantages of using rubbing alcohol is that it can be used as it is, and doesn’t need any other products to activate the germ-killing power. 
GreenCross Ethyl-based Alcohol in 70% solution is 99.99% effective to kill germs on contact and in forming barriers to prevent the passing of viruses, more specifically inhands-to-hands connection. Ethanol, a topical and organic substance to prevent skin infections, which roles as the product’smain component, guarantees provides optimum level of care forskin resiliency while being sanitized.
Aside from its uses in one’s hand or body, the GreenCrossethyl alcohol can also be used for cleaning and disinfectant purposes for various household materials. Personally, at home, this was used in tables, chairs and sofas, clothes, and body accessories, each of which is subjected to be a factor to transfer the virus. However, it should be noted that the product must avoid contact with the eyes and inhalation of vapor, also this product must be put away from sources of ignition as it may trigger a fire.
With all the different sanitizing alcohol products available on the market, consumers must be aware that the GreenCrossEthyl Alcohol does not only protect them from the virus but also has the care to moisturize their skin. 
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usatricks · 2 years
Corona: Random sampling of international passengers started at airports, government alert amid threat of corona - Corona Alert: Random Sampling Of International Passengers Started At Airports In India
Corona: Random sampling of international passengers started at airports, government alert amid threat of corona – Corona Alert: Random Sampling Of International Passengers Started At Airports In India
Corona: Random sampling of international passengers started at airports, government alert amid threat of corona – Corona Alert: Random Sampling Of International Passengers Started At Airports In India Health worker testing for coronavirus Photo: amar ujala listen to the news The world is once again shaken by the new wave of Corona. Infection is increasing rapidly in many countries including…
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fortheloveofscience · 2 years
A Tripledemic!
What’s in the news today?
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News Headline
Has anyone seen the news lately? And even if you haven’t, chances are, you’ve heard about the triple threat that’s looming over the US this season. A quick google search on this topic lists similar reports from all the major news networks, CNN.com, New York Times, PBS News Hour, Today.com, just to mention a few.
CNN reports that doctors are seeing the warning of three public health threats converging this fall.
The Flu, RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) and Covid are threatening to overwhelm the health care systems, states PBS news hour. Which reports that more than three-quarters of pediatric hospital beds nationwide are full due to the combine spread of these three viruses.
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Young child hospitalized
It’s now being called the “Tripledemic”! Yeah, you heard that right! A Tripledemic!
The New York Times also stated that the Flu cases were higher than usual for this time of the year and were expected to soar in the coming weeks, but as the flu cases were increasing in number, Covid cases collided with the resurgent season, causing a “twindemic”! And as if that was not enough, RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) have also been straining pediatric hospitals in some states, combining for the “tripledemic”.
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From left: 1) Colored scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a human cell infected with H3N2 flu virus (gold filamentous particles). 2) Scanning electron micrograph of human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) virions (colorized blue) that are shedding from the surface of human lung epithelial cells. 3) Transmission electron micrograph of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron virus particles (gold).
As if Covid wasn’t bad enough all on its own. I mean, with putting the world on lock down for two whole years. Now to be hit with not just one threat, or a double threat, but a triple!
I know that this time of the year (with Thanksgiving Day and the Christmas season) is a time for “coming together” but this is not what I had in mind. I don’t think this is what anyone has in mind when they think of coming together- not three public health threats combined!
Is it just the US that’s affected?
No, the numbers are climbing across the border as well.  In Canada, according to a recent CBC News report, RSV infections jumped 800% in New Brunswick compared to last year.
Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam stated that the triple threat of these three viruses is posing a challenge for the health system in several parts of the country.
What’s causing these Infections? Viruses!
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Viruses causing the Triple Threat
The Flu - Influenza
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The flu, I believe we are most familiar with, is caused by an influenza virus. There are four types of influenza viruses: A, B, C, D. The two main types of human flu viruses are Influenza A and Influenza B, and influenza A also has different subtypes. These are routinely spread over the course of the flu season each year and cause illness. Moreover, the influenza A virus not only infects humans but are also found in many different animals as well, and there has been transmission of influenza viruses between humans and animals. Influenza A viruses are the only influenza viruses that have caused flu pandemics. Influenza A viruses are spread mainly by tiny droplets of infected body fluid from coughing, sneezing or even talking. They can also be spread by toughing your mouth or nose after coming into contact with an object or surface  that has the virus on it. That is why we are encouraged to cover our sneeze or cough, to wash our hands often, clean commonly touched surfaces and to avoid touching our faces (mouth and nose) to prevent the spread of these viruses.
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COVID-19, I think, we are all too familiar with. COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) is a respiratory disease caused by a corona virus. Corona viruses are a large family of viruses that can cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses in humans but may also cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The 2019 outbreak was caused by a new corona virus, by SARS-CoV-2 that was discovered just then. Similar to influenza virus A, corona virus spreads mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, but some people may be infected with the corona virus and not have any symptoms. Similar precautions, as before stated for the flu virus, can help to reduce the spread of COVID as well.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
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Structure of RSV
Of the three viruses mentioned, RSV may be the least familiar to us even though it is a commonly spread virus. Respiratory Syncytial Virus, RSV as its name suggest, is a contagious virus that causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. It usually affects young children and elderly adults. Symptoms can be mild and typically mimics the common cold, but as with the flu and covid, RSV symptoms may be severe as well. Previously stated precautionary measures can also reduce spread of RSV.
So, what’s the reasons for this merger?
Based on the different news report, reasons for this triple threat includes a stronger season of respiratory viruses that started earlier than usual, along with the strain on the health system as a result of the shortage of health care staff, and other ongoing challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, it just seems to be the perfect storm.
Why are so many children affected by these viruses?
Think about how these viruses are spread. Now think about how young children play. Got your answer? A common belief is that children are mostly affected because at Daycare and school, young children may spread “germs” (viruses, etc.) more easily because they are less likely to cough or sneeze while covering their mouths, and they touch and share not just their toys in the process. Additionally, the upper airways of young children aren’t fully developed until school age, and that puts them at increased risk for more frequent viral infections. And not only that, Dr. Marcos Espinal, an epidemiologist and assistant director of PAHO, added that recent COVID-19 restrictions meant that pregnant women were not exposed to some of these viruses, and that prevented antibodies from being passed on to their babies in utero and that may also be a contributing factor to this “tripledemic”.
What symptoms to watch out for in young children?
According to the news reports symptoms to watch out for (other than sneezing, coughing, congestion, etc.) in young children includes, your child/ren: not making urine, not breathing properly, not eating or drinking; pretty much not acting like themselves. Seek medical attention!
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What are governing public health organizations saying about this?
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC
The CDC has issued its highest-level  warning to public health officials regarding this surge of respiratory viruses, particularly among children, that are overwhelming health systems across the nation.
U.S. Health and Human Services, HHS
“With increased RSV infections, a rising number of flu cases and the ongoing burden of covid-19 in our communities, there’s no doubt we will face some challenges this winter,” stated Dawn O’Connell, assistant Health and Human Services secretary for preparedness and response.
Pan American Health Organization, PAHO
The international public health organization, PAHO director, Carissa F. Etienne, stated that “Countries must be vigilant of ‘triple threat of COVID-19, influenza and RSV as holidays approach. With an increase in COVID-19, influenza on the rise, and a spike in cases of RSV PAHO director is calling on countries to implement tools proven to keep communities safe, particularly in the run-up to the festive season. As she rightly stated, “the rise of a single respiratory infection is a cause for concern. When two or three start impacting a population concurrently, this should put us all on alert.
What can we do to help?
I will leave you with the words of Dr. Jose Romero, director of the CDC’s Immunization and Respiratory Diseases “People should practice everyday preventive measures such as cough hygiene etiquette (that is, covering your coughs and sneezes), staying away from individuals who are ill, and frequent hand washing or using alcohol gels. People may also choose to wear a well-fitting mask as an added precaution.”
So do exercise caution traveling this season to prevent the spread of viral infections as you have fun with family and loved ones.
Happy Holiday!
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marketinsightshare · 2 years
Coronavirus Infection Market - Forecast, 2022-2027
The Coronavirus Infection Market Size is estimated to reach $191.8 billion by 2027 and it is poised to grow at a CAGR of 7.6% over the forecast period of 2022-2027. Corona Virus infection is caused by SARS -CoV-2 Virus from the largest category of coronavirus. It was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China hence it is popularly known as COVID-19. The Covid 19 pandemic challenged the healthcare industry in terms of policy, risk management, supply chain management and healthcare infrastructure. Coronavirus infection shows symptoms like fever, cough, tiredness and difficulty in breathing which happens in chronic bronchiolitis, owing to common symptoms and changing nature of the coronavirus make it difficult to detect at the first stage of the pandemic. To diagnose coronavirus infection nucleic acid amplification tests like polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and antigen test are developed. Severe infection of coronavirus shows severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), with respiratory tract infections that cause pneumonia. At the end of May 20, 2022, coronavirus infection cases and deaths are rising in the United States and marked 1 million deaths. Such increasing prevalence of coronavirus infection helps to drive the Coronavirus Infection Market size over the forecast period 2022-2027.
Coronavirus Infection Market Report Coverage
The report: “Coronavirus Infection Market Forecast (2022-2027)", by Industry ARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Coronavirus Infection Market. By Diagnosis: Serological test, Chest computed tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Antigen Test, Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (PCR) and Others. By Drugs: Remdesivir (Veklury), Ritonavir, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir and Baricitinib.By Therapy: Immune-based Therapy, Anti-inflammatory Therapy and Others. By Healthcare Equipment: PPE kit (Personal Protective Equipment), Diagnostic Tests, Surgical-Mask, Sterilizers, Ventilators and Others.By Specimens: Nasal, Nasopharyngeal, Blood and Others.By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, United Kingdom (U.K.), France, Italy, Spain, Russia and the Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand and Rest of Asia Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Rest of South America) and Rest of the World (the Middle East and Africa).
Key Takeaways
Geographically, North America held a dominant market share in the year 2021, owing to the increasing prevalence of coronavirus infection and increase in mortality owing to covid cases. 
The Coronavirus Infection Market size is predicted to increase owing to the increasing prevalence of covid disease and increasing research and developments to provide new drugs and technologies by key market players to consumers and healthcare. However, the high cost of research and development may limit market growth over the forecast period 2022-2027.
A detailed analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats will be provided in the Coronavirus Infection Market Report.
Coronavirus Infection Market: Market Share (%) by Region, 2021
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Coronavirus Infection Market Segmentation Analysis- By Diagnosis
Coronavirus Infection Market based on diagnosis can be further segmented into Serological tests, Chest computed tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Antigen tests, Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (PCR) and Others. The Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (PCR) segment held a dominant Coronavirus Infection market share in the year 2021, owing to the high efficiency and accurate result provided by the Rapid PCR test. According to the Indian Council of Medical Association (ICMR), the accuracy rate of PCR testing for Covid-19 is about 98.1%, of the positive nasal sample. Such high accuracy result of Covid-19 detection by PCR analysis develop rapid advancement in healthcare products manufactures company. However, the antigen test is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR rate of 8.3% over the forecast period. Owing to the easy handling and quick results rapid antigen testing is popular among health care professionals. Rapid antigen testing is cost-cutting technology and helpful to perform in the mass population to quickly detect corona infection and enables to take further measures to limit and treat infections. Recently in May 2022, Nanomix obtained a CE mark for its covid-19 rapid point of care (POC) antigen panel. Also, key market players like Abbott, Access Bio, ACON laboratories and others are working on innovative product launches to diagnose corona infection; and several products have been approved by FDA. Such factors help to grow Coronavirus Infection Market size over the forecast period 2022-2027.
Coronavirus Infection Market Segmentation Analysis- By Drugs
The Coronavirus Infection Market based on drugs can be further segmented into Remdesivir (Veklury), Ritonavir, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir and Baricitinib. The Remdesivir (Veklury) segment held a dominant Coronavirus Infection market share in the year 2021. This is owing to the increasing use of Remdesivir to treat coronavirus infection in adults above age 12. Remdesivir act as a nucleoside analog that inhibits RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) of coronavirus including SARS-CoV-2. It is approved by FDA and EUA to treat coronavirus infection, also Remdesivir with a combination of Baricitinib has been granted by FDA and EUA for clinical use. As a result of increasing hospitalization owing to a hike in coronavirus cases demand for Remdesivir is hike respectively. Such increasing use of Remdesivir helps to drive Coronavirus Infections Market. However, Baricitinib is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR rate of 8.1% over the forecast period 2022-2027. The medicine Baricitinib is used to treat coronavirus infection in hospitalized patients aged 2 to less than 18 years of age with the FDA's approval and an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). This drug is more helpful in changing the nature of coronavirus infection cases in children and teenagers by limiting pneumonia, bronchiolitis, respiratory tract infection, and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It is found that the use of Baricitinib and Remdesivir is cost-effective compared to using Remdesivir alone, as per a research article published in Springer. Such factors demand the use of Baricitinib for the treatment of coronavirus infection which helps to grow the coronavirus infection industry over the forecast period 2022-2027.
Coronavirus Infection Market Segmentation Analysis- By Geography
The Coronavirus Infection Market based on Geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. North America held a dominant Coronavirus Infection market share of 34% in the year 2021. This is owing to increasing cases of coronavirus infection and an increase in mortality by this disease. There are 82,459,419 cases reported of coronavirus infection in the U.S.A with 130,452 cases reported on a single day of May 25 2022, and a total number of deaths are 994,931 occurred to coronavirus infection as data published by World Health Organisation (WHO). Also, the cases of coronavirus infection are hiked by 13% in May 2022, according to Reutres Graphics report. Such increasing cases of coronavirus infections and high rate of mortality help to drive North America Coronavirus Infection Industry.  Furthermore, the Asia-Pacific is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR over the forecast period 2022-2027. This is the result of the recent outbreak of coronavirus in countries like China, on 7th March 2022, China reported 268 new cases of coronavirus infection within 24 hours. In India on 23 May 2022, 94 deaths by coronavirus infections were reported. According to Johns Hopkins University case fatality ratio in India is observed at 1.2%. According to the Health Minister of Maharashtra and Karnataka 4th wave of Covid-19 will hit between June 2022 to July 2022 and last till September 2022 as the increasing rate of coronavirus infection noted in these two states. Up to 26th May 2022, 192,820,355 doses of covid-19 vaccines were completed in India. Owing to such an increase in the number of coronavirus infections, mortality rate and vaccination help to grow the Asia-Pacific Corona Virus Infection Market over the forecast period 2022-2027.
Coronavirus Infection Market Drivers
Changing Nature of Corona Virus and Increasing Number of Deaths is Driving the Market Growth.
Since the emergence of Covid-19 the nature of the virus has been changing its nature as its genome is encoded in RNA like HIV and Influenza, a mutation that occurred in SARS-CoV-2 is the result of errors that occurred during the copy of RNA which leads to the production of different kind of enzymes. For instance, as per Lucy Van Dorp, a computational geneticist at University College London, a Sample of two SARS CoV-2 viruses collected from anywhere in the world shows a difference of 10 RNA letters out of 29903. As of May 2022, CDC listed only one variant of coronavirus as a variant of concern, that is the ‘Omicron’ variant. As per a research article published in WebMD, there are 99.9% cases of coronavirus reported in the United States and daily deaths crossed 2200 deaths in January 2022. Such an increasing number of deaths with new variants of coronavirus helps to drive the Coronavirus Infection industry over the forecast period. 
Innovative Products Launched by Key Market Players and funding Provided by Governments and Organizations are Aiding the Market Growth.
Coronavirus infection spread over community-level with record break cases and deaths within a short period of time. There were 37 million Covid-19 cases and 1 million deaths were reported globally between October to December 2020. Nearly half of these cases (48%) and deaths (55%) continue to be reported in the Region of the Americas with the United States of America, Brazil and Argentina accounting for the greatest numbers of new cases and deaths in the region. Numerous academic institutions, governmental research facilities, and pharmaceutical firms have made significant financial investments in R&D to lessen the mortality rate and the effects of diseases including pneumonia, bronchiolitis, respiratory tract infections, and severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The International Monetary Fund $1 trillion for an unprecedented number of emergency financing requests for the Covid 19 relief fund. On 18 May 2022, WHO contribute a total fund of 3.35 billion for the vaccine, therapeutics, diagnostics, health systems and response. In February 2022, Cipla Health launched Naselin Anti-Viral Nasal Spray with Povidone-Iodine to protect against coronavirus and respiratory tract infection. Also in the same month, Glenmark Pharma and SaNotize Research launch Nasal Spray for Covid-19 treatment in India. Such a new launch of products and an increase in healthcare funding for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of covid-19 help to drive the market.
Coronavirus Infection Market Challenges 
High Treatment Costs and Shortages of Essential Medical Supplies Limit Market Growth.
When a patient needs life support like a ventilator, the expense of hospitalization and medication is generally high. As coronavirus is a highly contagious illness that spreads through contact with infected people and the air, it has expanded quickly throughout the world and put a strain on the healthcare sector. The situation is made worse in nations like India where there are just 0.5 beds per 1,000 inhabitants, which is extremely low compared to other developing nations. The price inflation is also brought on by the increased demand for oxygen tanks and medications like Remdesivir as well as those products' limited supply. According to a January 2022 article in Down to Earth Organization, the average cost of Covid-19 treatment was INR112,179 in government hospitals and INR 297,577 in private hospitals. Prior to the pandemic, the cost for all symptoms combined, such as fever, respiratory infection, chest pain, and breathlessness, was only INR 4,622 in government hospitals and INR 28,932 in private hospitals. Therefore, the market is facing difficulties as a result of the inflation in drug prices. Over the projection period of 2022–2027, the Coronavirus Infection & treatment industry may be hampered by such high mortality and treatment costs.
Coronavirus Infection Industry Outlook
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the Coronavirus Infection Market. The top 10- Coronavirus Infection Market companies are- 1. Altimune Inc.2. Moderna Inc.3. Gilead Sciences4. Novavax Inc.5. Inovio Pharmaceuticlas6. AbbVie7. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals8. GlaxoSmihKline Plc.9. Co-Diagnostics10. Steris Healthcare
Recent Developments
In March 2022, Moderna entered into a strategic partnership with the Australian Government to establish a state-of-art, domestic mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility in Australia. The new center provides access to a domestically manufactured portfolio of mRNA vaccines against respiratory viruses, including Covid-19, seasonal influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other potential respiratory viruses. 
In March 2021, Altimmune Inc. collaborated with Lonza to expand the production of AdCOVID -a single-dose intranasal vaccine for COVID-19. AdCOVID activates systemic immunity (neutralizing antibodies and T cell responses) and mucosal immunity in the respiratory tract which has been proved in preclinical studies.
In March 2021, Gilead Sciences and Merck entered into an agreement to co-develop and co-commercialize long-acting treatment in HIC than combine Gilead’s investigational capsid inhibitor, lenacapavir and Merck’s investigational nucleoside reverse transcriptase translocation inhibitor, islatravir, into a two-drug regimen with the potential to provide new, meaningful treatment options for people living with HIV. 
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sciencedomain2022 · 2 years
Cytological Evaluation of Urinary Samples among Vesicovaginal Fistula Patients in National Obstetrics Fistula Centre, Southeastern Nigeria
Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is a non-physiological epithelial fistulous parcel between the bladder and the vagina, bringing about constant urinary incontinence. VVF happens most ordinarily after obstetrical and gynecological injury. This study is a distinct cross-sectional review intended to do cytological assessment of pee tests of vesicovaginal fistula patients in National Obstetrics Fistula Center, Southeastern Nigeria. The voided and siphoned pee tests gathered were stained utilizing Papanicolaou and Diff-Quick staining methods. A complete number of 123 patients were engaged with this review. The mean age of the patients was 36.66 (± 6.21) years. The patients were gathered by age into 4 gatherings: 1 (0.8%) was ≤ 24 years, 59 (48.0%) were 25 to 34 years, 43 (35.0%) were 35 to 44 years and 20 (16.2%) were ≥ 45 years old. The equality status of these cases was terrific multipara 29 (23.6%), multipara 32 (37.4%), primipara 46 (37.4%) and nullipara 16 (13.0%). Greater part of the patients 111 (90.2%) were from country regions, 8 (6.5%) from metropolitan regions and 4 (3.3%) were from semi-metropolitan regions. As indicated by conjugal status, 91 (74.0%) were hitched, 16 (13.0%) were bereft, 5 (4.1%) were single and 11 (8.9%) were separated. As indicated by the period the patients had lived with fistula, larger part of the patients 94 (76.4%) had lived short of what one year with this issue, while 29 (23.6%) had experienced VVF for 1-5 years. Cytological assessment of the pee spreads showed that a sum of 92 (74.8%) pee tests had typical discoveries. The remainder of the 31 (25.2%) pee tests showed various discoveries. Out of these 31 examples, 16 (51.6%) showed provocative totals reminiscent of urinary lot irritation, 3 (9.7%) showed imitation cells reminiscent of Polyoma infection disease, 7 (22.6%) cases showed perinuclei corona reminiscent of Trichomonas vaginalis contamination, 3 (9.7%) showed oval fat bodies reminiscent of conceivable nephrotic disorder, 8(25.8%) cases showed koilocytes, demonstrative of Human papilloma infection diseases. Cases that showed presence of haematuria were 7 (22.6%). There was no instance of cancer cells recognized in all the pee tests analyzed. From the result of this review, taking exceptional note of the presence of the viral cancer-causing agents: Polyoma infection and Human papilloma infection, since in principle and as announced in barely any case reports, threat of the urinary parcel can prompt arrangement of vesicovaginal fistula is significant.
See the Link here: journalajmah.com
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