#coronavirus 2019-n-CoV acupuncture essentialoils supplements antiviral natural
acuguy · 4 years
What is a coronavirus?
By: Emmanuel Arroyo, LAc                                                           28 January 2020
Coronavirus, discovered in 1960,[1] is a positive-sense RNA virus that mainly targets the upper respiratory tract except for SARS which causes upper and lower tract infections and gastroenteritis. A positive-sense RNA is also known as positive-strand RNA virus[2]. The name is given due to its single strand of RNA while positive refers to genetic information carried for replication.
Coronavirus (CoV) belong to the order of Nidovirales, which includes Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, and Roniviridae families. CoV is divided into two subfamilies, CoV and the second subfamily Torovirinae. CoV has a cap (lets call it head) which carries all the information needed for replication, while the tail has all the information related with structure and functions. The tail contains four important structures, S (spike), M (membrane), E (envelope), and N (nucleocapsid) proteins. The S structure is the one that attaches to the host cell receptors. The M structure gives the shape/form. The E structure is important for assembly and release of the virus; some virus need the M structure for pathogenesis. Structure N facilitates binding and affinity to viral or non-viral RNA. Both N and M work synergistically and facilitate replication and diffusion of the virus in the host.[3]
For binding, CoV mainly uses aminopeptidase as receptors except SARS and NL63 that use angiotensin-converting enzyme and MERS uses dipeptidyl-peptidase-4.
In the past CoV was classified according to the immune reaction, hence the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma nomenclature.
The Wuhan-coronavirus is new and is identified as 2019-nCoV.
How many human coronaviruses are known?[4],[5]
There are six coronavirus:
1.       Alpha coronavirus:
a.       229E (1960) – causes common cold
b.       NL63 (2004)
2.       Beta coronavirus:
a.       OC43 (1960) – causes common cold
b.       HKU1(2005)
c.       SARS-CoV (2003)
d.       MERS-CoV (2012)
3.       Unknown
a.       2019-nCoV (2019)
There is no vaccine for any, the only vaccine created was for SARS and it was an attenuated virus.
Which Virus, Disinfecting Wipes Kill?[6]
·       Lysol claims it product kills[7]
o   Virus: Herpes simplex virus type 1, Human coronavirus, influenza A virus
o   Bacteria: Streptococcus pyogenes (Strep), Staplylococcus aureus (Staph), Escherichia coli O157: H7 (E. coli), Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Salmonella enterica (Salmonella)
·       Clorox Healthcare®Bleach Germicidal Disinfectants and Clorox Healthcare® Bleach Germicidal Wipes[8]
o   Virus: Adenovirus Type 2, Avian influenza A, Canine parvovirus, Enterovirus D68, Feline Panleukopenia, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes simplex type 2, Human coronavirus, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, Influenza A, Influenza B, Measles, MERS-CoV, Norovirus, Poliovirus type 1, Respiratory syncytial (RSV), Rhinovirus, Rotavirus, SARS-CoV.
It is important to point that CoV killed by Clorox are SARS, MERS and that H-CoV mentioned must be the ones that cause common cold. [9]
Chinese Medicine, Essential Oils, Supplements and CoV Signs and Symptoms
In China, n-CoV is diagnosed as wet heat. The tongue has a thick yellow fur and a red and wet body. The signs and symptoms are runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever, and difficulty breathing leading to respiratory arrest.[10],[11],[12] The main feature is difficulty breathing and x-ray showing bilateral lung ‘infiltrates’. It takes 2 to 14 days to show any sign and symptoms. It is calculated that 2 people can infect 2.5 people a day, the infection increase rate is 53% per day.[13]
Herbal medicine contains polysaccharides, polyphenols, and antioxidants known to modulate and assist the immune system. Chinese medicine has a vast compendium of herbs that can be used for helping during any disease. Currently, China is using Chinese medicine and western medicine to fight the virus. For an herbal prescription a diagnosis is needed but as precaution you might use Gan mao ling. The ingredients in Gan mao ling are gang mei geng or wan dian jin (Radix Iicis asprellae), wu zhu he (Folium Evodia), shan pu he or wu zhi gan (Folium viticis) ban lan gen (Radix Isatidis), ju hua (Flos Chrysanthemum), jin yin hua (Flos Lonicerae), and bo he (Herba Mentha). This formula clears heat, toxins, and opens the chest. Ban lan gen and jin yin hua have immunomodulatory properties.[14]
Herbs that has shown effective against the CoV are rich triterpene glycosides such as saikosaponins A, B2,C, and D or phenolic compounds. The herbs are the followings:[15],[16]
·       Radix Bupleurum (Chai hu) – early stage infection of 229E
·       Radix Scrophularia (Xuan shen) -early stage infection of 229E
·       Lycoris Radiata (Shi Suan) – SARS
·       Herba Artemisia annua (Huang hua hao or Qing hao) - SARS
·       Folium Pyrrosia lingua (Shi wei) – SARS
·       Radix Lindera aggregata (Wu yao) – SARS
·       Isatidis indigotica (Ban lan gen, Cao da qing, Ma lan) – SARS
·       Torreya nucifera or Semen Torreyae (Fei zi) – SARS
·       Radix Dioscorea spp – SARS
As reported by R. K. Ganjhu et al:
Also, if we glance through the different plant preparations reported in this review, we will notice that most of them represent extracts made of more than one plant species. That draws our attention to the uniqueness of each plant species and their constituents, which together with other plants make a formulation effective in treating a plethora of viral infections. An in-depth analysis of such formulations along with a bio-activity guided isolation of active components shall definitely give a better idea about the active principles responsible for a varied antiviral action. Research in this direction is in progress as collated from different papers. There are ample reports revealing immunomodulatory properties of many plant extracts mediated through induction and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-6 and IL-12. IL-12, produced by activated monocytes/macrophages and dendritic cells, stimulate cell-mediated immunity to release IFN-c, promote Th-1 responses, and enhance CD8 + cytotoxic T cell activity, thereby playing a pivotal role in controlling viral replication. There also exist evidence on IL-6 production by macrophages in response to virus infections, in addition to reports justifying its role in clearing viral infection from the physiological system.[17]
Chinese medicine does have herbs that can stop any early sign and symptom, regulate and modulate the immune system, and even clear the body from a virus. Feel free to consult your acupuncturist on herbal treatment as soon as early sign and symptoms are present. Do not wait.
Another preventing method is taking a multivitamin and mineral, adding an extra dose of 25 mg of zinc, selenium, and manganese while adding 1,500 mg of L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine is converted to L-Acetylcarnitine[18],[19],[20] which has immunomodulator, sedative, and analgesic effects. It regulates dopamine, serotonin, and GABA and has an affinity for the hippocampus and hypothalamus. Zinc, selenium, and manganese are the minerals needed to produce super oxidase dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, two antioxidants produced by the human; L-Glutamine[21], an amino acid, is involved in the production of glutathione peroxidase as well.
A third way of prevention is diffusing essential oil of Eucalyptus radiata, E. globulus, E. citriodora, Laurel, Tea tree, Hyssop, and Palmarosa.[22] According to Schnaubelt, PhD hyssop has the strongest antiviral properties, palmarosa targets the upper and lower respiratory tract and tea tree has a broad application enhancing other oils qualities.
Last, Drink plenty of fluids, wash your hands, cover your face when sneezing, wash your hands after touching your mouth or any other surface and always gargle.
  Emmanuel Arroyo is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the State of NY, Certified in Iridology and Aromatherapy. Has a Master degree in Oriental Medicine and is Member of NCCAOM and ASNY.
[1] Division of Disease Surveillance. Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention. Accessed 28 January 2020. https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus.shtml
[2] Shiel, William C, MD, FACP, FACR. Medical Definition of Positive-strand RNA virus. Accessed 28 January 2020. https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=22952
[3] Fehr, Anthony R, Perlman, Stanley. Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and Pathogenesis. Methods Mol Biol 2015; 1282:1-23. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4369385/
[4] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed 28 January 2010. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/types.html
[5] Coronavirus. Wikipedia. Accessed 28 January 2020. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus
[6] https://prudentreviews.com/clorox-vs-lysol/
[7] Lysol https://www.lysol.com/products/disinfecting-wipes/lysol-disinfecting-wipes-crisp-linen/
[8] Clorox Healthcare®Bleach Germicidal https://www.cloroxpro.com/products/clorox-healthcare/bleach-germicidal-disinfectants/?msclkid=a9f5e73eb84d1e1935abb90e42b76ef2&gclid=CNCi0pTup-cCFUPrswod6fIAlw&gclsrc=ds
[9] Virus and Bacteria that Clorox kills http://www.apex-reps.com/assets/site/uploads/cIoZUYBLIG.pdf
[10] https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov accessed 29 January 2020
[11] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed 28 January 2020. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/symptoms.html
  [12] World health Organization. Accessed 28 January 2020. https://www.who.int/ith/2020-24-01-outbreak-of-Pneumonia-caused-by-new-coronavirus/en/
[13] Coronavirus Geometric Progression Suggests 100,000 in a Week. Accessed 29 January 2020. https://moneymaven.io/mishtalk/economics/coronavirus-geometric-progression-suggests-100-000-infections-in-a-week-jzcZTq6Je0GpmioumMXSyg
[14] Chen K John. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry: Art of Medicine Press, Inc. 2004.
[15] Liang-Tzung Lin, Wen-Cha Hsu, Chun-Ching Lin. Antiviral Natural Products and Herbal Medicines. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 4(1):24-35.
[16] Chen K John. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry: Art of Medicine Press, Inc. 2004.
[17] Rajesh Kumar, Ganjhu et al. Herbal plants and plant preparations as remedial approach for viral diseases. Virus Dis. (October-December 2015) 26(4):225-236.
[18] Santina Chiechio, Pier Luigi Canonico, and Mariagrazia Grilli.L-Acetylcarnitine: A Mechanistically Distinctive and Potentially Rapid-Acting Antidepressant Drug. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018, 19:11.
[19] Acetl-L-carnitine deficiency in patients with major depressive disorder. Carla Nasca, et al. PNAS. August 2018. Vol. 115, No. 34 pp 8627-8632.
[20] Null, Gary PhD. The Clinician’s Handbook of Natural Healing. New York: Kensington Publishing Corp. 1997.
[21] YU Jian-Chun, JIANG Zhu-Ming and LI De-Min. Glutamine: a precursor of glutathione and its effect on liver. WJG, World Journal of Gastroenterology. 1999. April; 5(2):143-146.
[22] Schnaubelt, PhD. Advanced Aromatherapy. Rochester: Healing Arts Press. 1995.
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