#corone achlis
cicada-sprites · 4 months
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i went crazy with da sprite sheets today...
(josh lindth, mike kleitz, yara nashim, teri murphy, rotzon capela, corone achlis, javani ordata, and cassio almach from the alpha chad fansession)
((dreamer bases by @/deepseaspriteblog))
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starlsssankt · 1 year
@siderealxmelody /
The sea was wild, chaotic and probably the only soothing he knew. It was the constant he kept coming back to.
He stood by the railing, the spray of salt and mist waking him up. He could feel the tug of his twin and gritted his teeth.
He'd left Prythian on the first ship he'd been able to take. He didn't need a reason to be dragged back there.
But if the whispers from his informats were of any consequence - war was brewing. The Changelings would be the first targets and recruits.
He moved to the desk looking down at his crew. Illyarians who had been shunned by the Illyarian Queen Achlys. They were too weak, too different, too mixed to be of use.
He would not let them die in a war that didn't concern them. But he remembered the stories from his parents. From the time of Cassandra's fall and the fallout that spread for centuries after.
If this war was going to that he wouldn't wait for it to come to him. To them. He gave the directions to his second and Shadowstepped away.
He landed in Winter moving through the wastelands to the cabin. He remembered it had been rundown, the first project he and Aleksander had made together after Nirtea.
Perhaps the first time they'd done anything together on their own. He stood at the threshold and noted the softer touches.
Flowers, and little accents of gold and red. So has he finally taken Anastasiya then? That was new.
He remembered the horrors of Nirtea as much as his twin. He felt that guilt knowing he shared the same powers of those Changelings.
But Nirtea was right. They could choose to be something different. He could choose to make a different legacy and name for himself.
He was the Pirate King. The captain of the Silver Shadow. The general of The Voiceless Death. He would not falter now.
The door opened and he stepped back at the heat. It prickled his skin and made him squint. But that was nothing against the sheer joy slamming into his skin.
He was out of practice to keep his mental shields so strong. Anastasiya's radiant smile felt like a hammer against his head.
"Hello Anastasiya. Is Aleksander -"
She grabbed his wrist dragging him inside.
"He was just finishing getting ready. He warned you'd come quickly. He just called you this morning. Even Jurian doesn't come that fast. How is the oceans? Aleksander was telling me you were helping the witches in Vaalbara yes? How are they? Did Hypaxia -"
But the gods living and dead didn't she ever be quiet? His attention latched onto the name though. He forced himself not to stiffen. What he and Hypaxia were complicated enough he didn't even know how to name it.
"I worked with her brother actually. She seemed particularly busy what with her coronation soon."
Anastasiya gave a nod as if his lie made perfect sense. She gasped spinning to the kitchen.
"Oh I'm being a terrible host! Do you want anything? I could make you tea! Do you like tea? I keep meaning to go into town to get more tea. I've only been officially living here for a month so things are still sparse -"
Azriel tuned her out and focused on the sofa he gratefully sank down into. The gold accents carried through. He didn't remember Aleksander caring for gold as much. It was probably Anastasiya's Autumn touch. He glanced at her making her tea. She was still chattering even if he hadn't replied to whatever she was saying.
He was glad that this place didn't stink of sex if she'd only been here a month. Maybe Aleksander hadn't bed her yet. But he didn't see another bedroom and -
He nearly rolled her eyes as he looked back to her from staring at the hallway. Where was Aleksander? Was this some slow torture? And gods did she ever shut the fuck up?
Azriel's lips twitched and he gratefully took the tea to hide it. He could think of a few instances that would keep that mouth busy. He paused and rose an eyebrow as Anastasiya sat across from him.
Anastasiya flushed and fidgeted.
"Oh it's nothing. You looked amused. What was the joke?"
He bit his lip.
"I don't think you'd appreciate my joke Anastasiya. Or Aleksander definitely wouldn't appreciate -"
𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐊𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐒𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐇𝐄'𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍. They didn't speak very often, their bond strained in its own way. Azriel had chosen a life away, which in a way, Aleksander's glad that the other male found happiness in his own path.
But that didn't mean they hadn't had their arguments about it. About Azriel's abandonment of everything and everyone--
But that is neither here nor there, as Aleksander could feel it the moment Azriel arrived. He doesn't need the sound of Anastasiya talking to tell him that his twin is in the cabin. Perhaps a part of him wants to make Azriel wait.
It's a petty part of him, yes, but he can't help it--
Until he finally relents, and steps from the hall.
❝ Considering I know that mind perhaps better than any other, brother, you are correct. ❞ His eyes narrowed. ❝ Now isn't the time to start off this visit in any... unpleasantness, wouldn't you say? ❞
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7-wonders · 3 years
Love That Moves the Sun and Other Stars
Summary: If you thought defying death, becoming the most powerful witch currently living, defeating Satan, defying death again, and becoming immortal was difficult, you were obviously mistaken. Coronation, royalty lessons, and pesky in-laws make the idea of facing Satan again more appealing with each day that passes. Luckily, your husband is by your side for it all. But will the love you share be enough to get you through these challenges?
Word Count: 1292 (just a short little introductory bb to set this up)
A/N: Ahhhhh I'm so excited for this! This is officially the first chapter of As Above, So Below's sequel. I've had so much fun revisiting these characters again, and I hope you have fun reading. If you enjoyed, please like, reblog, and comment. If you haven't read AASB before, strap in and click this link, because it's 70k+ words of pure goodness. Lastly, if you want to be on a taglist, let me know!
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(moodboard made by the amazing @brattylovee)
She feels them before any of her other senses pick up on them. Being a goddess means her senses are especially attuned to any sort of disturbance, and that’s no different here. It’s an evolutionary trait, one meant to make sure that those gifted with immortality have an upper hand in case of danger, but there’s no danger here. Achlys, or Zoe (she doesn’t really have a preference which name you call her), smiles when she realizes that those she cares about are finally home. Indeed, those around her begin to pick up on this return too. Even Cerberus lifts his heads up, studying the noises he hears before jumping up in excitement and bounding towards the throne room. Zoe chuckles, standing from her spot in one of the many sitting rooms and transmuting herself to the throne room.
The hellhound does not even blink when he sees that one of his mistresses reached his destination before he did, screeching to a stop and barking happily. The king of the Underworld stands in the center of the throne room, his new wife holding onto his arm. Neither you (the aforementioned new wife) nor Michael can wipe the smiles off of your faces, both so wrapped up in newly wedded bliss that it’s impossible to not let the rest of the world see how happy you are. Only Zoe clearing her throat breaks your eyes away from those of your husband’s, and you grin even wider when you see her.
“Zoe!” you greet, untangling your hand from Michael’s to wrap your arms around your friend. “I’ve missed you!”
“Oh yes, because I’m sure you had plenty of time to think about those of us here while Michael was whisking you around the world.” Her eyes twinkle with mirth as she teases you, briefly letting go of you to customarily curtsey in the direction of Michael. “My lord.”
“I believe we’ve been past these formalities for about 200 years now, Zoe,” Michael says as he comes up behind you and puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Force of habit.” Zoe turns back to you. “So? How was everything?”
“Oh, the honeymoon was wonderful. Michael took me to Greece, and he did some magic to make Athens look like how it did when everybody thought you lived on a mountain.”
“Stunning, isn’t it?”
“I don’t know what was better, Rome, France, or Greece.”
“They all have their charms.”
“Bet the sex was good, too.” Hecate appears with her arms crossed, smirking at you and Michael.
“That’s really inappropriate--” Michael starts, but you cut him off.
“You wish we would tell you.” You wink, Madison laughing and pulling you into a hug. Knowing that she’s finally getting used to hugging, you smile victoriously. “Anyways, the honeymoon was great...for me, at least.”
Madison laughs. “It wasn’t great for Michael?”
“No, he felt like it was ruined because I made him meet my parents.”
Michael scowls as if to emphasize your point. “I’m a god, why is it that meeting my wife’s mortal parents intimidates me?”
“He’s just being dramatic; my parents love him!”
“Do they know that you’re married?” Zoe asks.
“No, we said we’re ‘dating’ and taking things slow, which, in Underworld time, we technically did.”
“Gods, I wish I would have been there for that conversation,” Madison chimes in.
The doors open, interrupting your conversation, and Michael’s right hand demon appears with a bow. “My lord, welcome back.”
“Thank you, Cassius.” Like a switch being flipped, Michael assumes the position of God of the Dead.
“I hope you enjoyed your vacation, for we have quite the workload for you to tackle.”
“Yes, of course.” You look at Michael with a pout, which really isn’t fair on your part considering you just spent the past month uninterrupted with him, but still...you thought you would at least be able to relax with him a little bit before jumping back to work.
“King stuff?” you ask.
Michael nods. “King stuff.” He kisses your head just barely, already on the move to go handle whatever’s first on the long list that Cassius is holding. “But don’t worry, you’ll have plenty to keep you busy, what with the coronation and all.”
“The coronation?”
“Yes, your advisors will explain it further.” Michael glances behind his shoulder. “I love you!”
“I love you too.” But he’s already gone. “Did you two know anything about a coronation?”
“No, but it’s kind of assumed that there would be one, since you married a king and all,” Madison says.
“You’re my advisors, so tell me about the coronation.”
Madison laughs. “We’re far too important to be anyone’s advisors. No, as the soon-to-be Queen of the Underworld, you have an actual staff.”
“But...do I actually need a whole staff?”
“Considering you’ve never done any sort of crash course on how to be nobility, I would say that you do.”
You nod sagely. “Like in Princess Diaries.”
Madison and Zoe share a confused look. “I have no idea what that means.”
“Oh, it’s a movie. Basically this girl finds out from her grandma that--”
“I wish I could say that I’d watch it, but I won’t.” At this point, Madison interrupting you is so normal that it doesn’t even phase you anymore. “But let’s face it, you’re going in completely blind. You need some sort of help.”
“Why from other people though? I’d rather that you and Zoe just helped.”
“Neither of us are skilled at planning coronations, and we can’t guarantee that we’ll always be around whenever you need to learn something related to your new role. We’ll certainly try, though,” Zoe says.
“Who’s this ‘we’ you’re talking about?” Madison jokes. “Don’t stress about it, okay?”
“I’m not!” you insist.
“I can see it in your face, you totally are. Nothing’s going to change, and you have nothing to worry about.”
“Besides having to learn how to be a queen?”
“Besides that. But I thought you knew that you would have to do this?”
“I did, but I just didn’t think it would be so sudden. I thought I would have some time after getting back before having to deal with this.”
“Okay, you need to get out of your head,” Zoe says, “and we’re going to show you that things will still be as they were before you married Michael.”
“How are you going to do that?”
“Well, how much of the Underworld have you explored before?”
“Not much. Michael took me to Elysium for a date once, and we went to see the Fates, but the only other time I had been out of the castle was when I ran and that monster almost ate me.”
“Perfect. We’re having a girls’ night out, then, and showing you the fun parts of the Underworld.” Madison squeals upon hearing Zoe say this, and you can already see the wheels turning in her head. You’re not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing yet.
“There are fun parts of the Underworld?”
“Why would we continue to live here if there weren’t?” Madison asks, and you admit that she has a point.
“Consider it, like, a bachelorette party! Mortals do that, right?” Zoe looks at you in anticipation.
“Yeah, but I’m not really a bachelorette anymore.”
“So? It’s a belated party, and any event like this is an excuse to go have fun.”
“Oh, alright.”
Zoe claps her hands together. “Perfect! Let’s go find some suitable outfits.”
Zoe and Madison each take one of your hands, walking and chatting about the places that they want to take you and where they think you would like best. Though you huff and roll your eyes, you have to admit: it’s good to be home.
Tag List: @ladyrindt @hecohansen31 @xavierplympton @michaellangdon @trelaney @dark-mei-rose @blakescoven @ajokeformur-ray @michaelsapostle @nsainmoonchild
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