#coronita heights
anthrofreshtodeath · 4 months
Hey, I really hope this is your Tumblr because otherwise it'd be an awkward coincidence lol.
Just wanted to drop in and let you know that I read both Coronita Heights and You Only Live Twice and I can't put into words how brilliant it was. Lemme preface this by saying I know absolutely nothing about baseball and found myself googling terms, players and even searching for videos to get a visual of the movements described.
And I cried. Your writing was so vivid in my mind and especially in the sequel during the WBC I was up outta my seat and cheering as if I was actually in the stadium. I was tearing up when Jane was talking to those little girls, full on sobbing when the Giants made that montage for her during the final. I felt the passion from each Rizzoli sibling on-pitch moment.
I was looking a fucking Rizzles fanfic like I do every couple years because I miss the ship an unhealthy amount. Instead...I think I'm gonna get into baseball now? I'm mainly into football (soccer?), I rep Chelsea FC and one of our owners also own the Dodgers so I already knew about Ohtani after news of his insane contract dropped but with the interest on that side and now with you roping me into all the baseball nerd analogies, I'll try to learn the game. If your writing can bring out that kind of exhilaration in someone who's never cared for the sport, actually watching a game might give me a heart attack.
TLDR; I loved the series and it's gonna be hard coming to terms with finishing it, but I'm definitely giving it a few months before I reread. I feel like it'd be weird to thank you for your talent but I'm doing it anyway because you're literally insane. Much love, hope life is treating you well.
Hey there! This is my tumblr; you’re in the right place. I haven’t been very active because I am in an extreme book reading hyperfixation that has caused me to forsake the internet and consume The Written Word ™️.
thank you so much for your kindness - it warms my cold heart to hear that my work has brought another spectator to the grand game. That’s all I want, really. More people walking around with a love for baseball. If I never write another fic again, messages like this are enough to convince me the work I’ve done so far meant something.
Go Knights!
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justagirlfangirling · 3 years
Coronita Heights and Ocean Nora update AND a new colormethewolrd story.. i can say that the rizzles gays really won this weekend
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greytxcape · 3 years
Okay, I normally just post fangirly stuff on Tumblr but my Chicago White Sox just pulled off THE most amazing win during the very first MLB game at the Field of Dreams (if you've never seen the movie, watch it. It's a baseball classic) and I wanted to share it.
There my Sox were in the lead up til the top of the 9th inning when two homeruns gave the Yankees their first lead of the night (score became 8-7). Bottom of the 9th inning with a runner on first and TIM ANDERSON does THIS! Walk off home run to end the effin' game 🙌🏾😩
I'd been preparing to dig into the latest installment for Coronita Heights (because I love it so and like to wait until a quiet time of night to savor it). Though I'm completely wired at the moment, reading it now seems fitting, eh @anthrofreshtodeath (thought you could appreciate this post 😊)?
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blindmanspuff · 5 years
Blind Cigar Review: La Barba | Ricochet Cru Mexi-Sol Coronita
Blind #Cigar Review: La Barba | Ricochet Cru Mexi-Sol Coronita @LaBarbaCigars #cigars #blindmanspuff #SmokeBlind
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ inner_width=”auto” inner_max_width=”none”][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ custom_padding__hover=”|||” custom_padding=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.0.6″ text_text_shadow_horizontal_length=”text_text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ text_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet=”0px” text_text_shadow_vertical_length=”text_text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″…
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musicthatwelike · 7 years
Listen: Failr’s smooth new single ‘Starving For You’ feat. Swaré
Following up from his first single release of 2017, Anxious Boy, Australian producer Failr is back with a brand new track featuring the debut of Sydney vocalist Swaré. It’s an exciting return to the classic Failr sound but with fantastic new elements that make it sound like an instant classic.
The track itself came together from a chooped up piano sample Failr was working with and a guitar riff his close friend and fellow musician MOZA put together in just five minutes. After putting the sample and riff together, Failr scouted out debut vocalist, Swaré, another Sydneysider who’s vocals fit swimmingly alongisde the bouncy disco production of the track.
This is definitely one for the summer (for our friends with us here in the northern hemisphere). With the right amount of retro throwbacks, disco breakdowns, and romantic lyrics, we’ll be jamming to this one with our coronitas for the rest of summer.
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oferteproprietari · 7 years
Implant dentar israelian din titan pur, la 380 RON in loc de 1200 RON
Implant dentar israelian din titan pur, la 380 RON in loc de 1200 RON
Numai  380.0 RON !
Implantul se va incarca imediat cu o coronita provizorie, nu vei pleca fara dinte! Pentru implanturile pe care nu se pun coroane provizorii, se pune coroana definitiva dupa doar 45 de zile! Procedura este simpla si nedureroasa. Dupa insertia implantului si aplicarea coronitei provizorii se asteapta ca implantul sa se osteointegreze timp de 45 zile dupa care vom fixa coronita…
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anthrofreshtodeath · 1 year
tattoo parlor or celebrity! also bones crossover 👀 I just started season 6 on my rewatch- oh my slow burn
I want to do the Bones crossover so badly but have self-doubt about doing it justice. It'll come eventually.
Also this is a You Only Live Twice snippet disguised as a celebrity AU so whoops. At least Jane and Frankie are celebrities in that universe😂
Frankie Rizzoli, Jr. stood next to the green lined cages with a bat in his hands, even though he hadn’t taken any swings since high school. He had been a notoriously bad hitter - do you have to stink it up so bad?, his sister would complain - so bad that even as he watched now, he got that familiar slither of nerve sweats down his back. 
That could have been the Arizona heat, however. It was persnickety in the spring, wavering between chilly in the midmorning and oppressive in the afternoon. Afternoon approached now, the sound of maple against leather- pop pop pop - its clarion call. 
Bats on balls always ushered in the start of spring. 
Frankie routinely spent his times in between warmups and bullpen sessions watching Mariners hitters so that he could reacquaint himself with the sight of a batter. None stood in the box across from him until the second week of Spring Training, but he needed longer than that to pump competition into his veins. Their objective? See ball, hit ball. His? Throw ball, miss bat. Thus, the reconnaissance behind enemy lines.
The cages had hit that cacophonous sort of rhythm, if it could be explained that way - the interplay between the whir of pitching machines, batted balls, and hits striking the aluminum fencing - sputtered to background noise when about ten Mariners dropped their work for a commotion at the front entrance. 
Frankie couldn’t make out what they gathered around, and he squinted when he walked over there because the opening to the cage area faced the sun. At first, he saw white. Then, the mesas of the Arizona desert came into view until they bled into close-by hills and the light towers of Peoria Sports Complex. His eyes adjusted to the sun and when they did, his sister appeared, surrounded by a gaggle of grown men.
Jane Rizzoli wore the Angels’ Spring Training uniform, the red button up jersey with the A emblazoned over her left breast, tucked into white pants with a red pinstripe. She had Frankie’s most recent New Balance turf shoe on, too, but none of that enticed the Mariners saying hello.
No, Aria, the two-and-a-half year-old with the brown-blonde hair up in a bun atop her head enticed them. She wore a small jersey with her own surname on it, Rizzoli with the number 10, and except for the color, it matched Frankie’s teal one. She looked like she had just woken up from a nap by the way Jane carried her on a hip and the way her glossy stare went through them rather than to them. 
Frankie pushed his way past his teammates. At 33 and a decade on the team, he’d earned a right to do so. Especially as the ace, a fact about her uncle he’d never let Aria forget. “Hey, hey! Look who’s here!” He greeted her, all smiles and waving arms with his big chest puffed out. She turned to him right away, but her face remained unchanged. Frankie chuckled to himself. “Asleep on the car ride over here, huh?” he asked Jane when he reached for Aria.
Jane adjusted the hat over her low ponytail as soon as Frankie took over. “The whole forty minutes from Tempe,” she replied, and Frankie thought she might have rolled her eyes behind her Oakley glasses. She shrugged her duffel bag closer to her shoulder. “She’s gonna want down in a minute. She’s just gotta wake up.”
“She’s too young to remember when you guys visited us last spring, but she’ll get the hang of it,” Frankie said.
Julio Rodriguez himself caught up to Frankie, and clapped him on the back just so he could get some facetime with Aria. “She gonna be a power hitter with how much she come here,” said Julio, ruffling her hair with his sprawling hand. 
The group of them walked the few feet back into the tunnel toward the batting cages and Jane bumped shoulders with Julio when she put her sunglasses on the brim of her hat. “That’s the plan. Watchin’ you’ll only help,” she said. “Thanks for havin’ her.”
“You kidding me? Anytime,” Julio responded. Like clockwork, Aria grumbled as she listened to the adults around her talk until her uncle put her down. “Now,” Julio began again, “get her in there.”
“You hear that, kid? Get in the cage, let’s go. You’re late for barrel work,” Jane deadpanned, summoning Aria to the fence like she would any of her Angels hitters.
Julio pulled a tiny tee out from behind the pitching machine, one that stayed around for all the Mariners kids should they drop by. Aria helped Jane unzip the bag she put down on the carpeted floor, and pulled out a foam bat just her size.
Jane stuck the ball on the tee and then stepped back, winking at Julio. “A’right, show ‘em what you do,” she encouraged. Aria, with a gaze of concentration stood on the left side of the tee and whacked the cloth ball a few feet away.
“Ma, run!” she ordered when she threw the bat. She pointed forward where a base might of been had they been on a field.
“You run!” Jane ordered back with a deep belly laugh. “You’re the one who hit it!”
“You see her flippin’ that bat?!” Frankie bellowed, arms crossed against the backstop. “She’s a celebrity already.”
“Don’t let her hear that,” Jane said when Aria wobbled on less-than-certain feet toward the pitching machine and toward the great Julio Rodriguez himself. “Don’t let Maura hear that, either. I’m gonna have to send her to LineDrive when she turns five.”
Frankie held his bat out and tapped his sister’s chest with it. “Ah, stop and smell the roses, would ya? You’re the parent of a prodigy. Spring’s here. Baseball’s back.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” said Jane. She took hold of Frankie’s barrel until she held the handle in her own grip. “Baseball’s back.”
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anthrofreshtodeath · 1 year
I miss Jane in a Team Italy jersey even though I will never revisit You Only Live Twice 😔
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anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
Chapters: 13/?
I’ll ask you guys here what I asked over on AO3: do you non-Californians have low rider car clubs? I’m curious. It’s kind of baked into the culture here, but I wonder if it also is in other parts of the country.
Enjoy the beginning of round 2 of the World Baseball Classic!
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anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
Chapters: 14/?
First of two chapters this week!
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anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
Please enjoy You Only Live Twice Chapter 15.
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anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
So... I'm headed to Massachusetts soon for a few days. I think we should do two chapters of You Only Live Twice this week. 👀
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anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
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We gotta find a way to get Jane in this city connect jersey 😮‍💨
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anthrofreshtodeath · 10 months
Top 5 Jane Rizzoli moments! And top 5 of your own fics
Oooh ok. Top 5 Jane moments:
1) when she goes into the church to confess that she is going to kill Alice for kidnapping Maura (hottest thing she’s ever done to this day - iconoclastic Jane? 🫦)
2) when she goes to rescue that mom and child at that warehouse during the Ian episode and holds the suspect’s arm to a saw. The suspect says “you won’t do it” and Frost tells him “oh you don’t know her at all.” THEN SHE REALLY ALMOST CUTS HIS ARM OFF
3) shooting through herself to kill Bobby and save Frankie and Maura. Peak hero behavior.
4) “there are ways to tell me without telling me” the whole blow up scene in He Ain’t Heavy He’s My Brother.
5) getting Maura the cameras for the house AND identifying Maura by her perfume alone when she gets kidnapped (this is a twofer but related I feel)
Those are off the top of my head without a rewatch. What are your guys’ favorite Jane moments? Which ones did I miss?
Top 5 fics (these aren’t in any particular order):
1) cafuddàri
2) no new friends
3) call me when he sleeps
4) Boston kama sutra
5) Coronita Heights (just the first)
Do you all have a top five of my fics? 👀 Discuss
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anthrofreshtodeath · 3 months
I have now read your Coronita Heights series for what I believe is the 5th time 👀🫣😁. But I am dying to know… does Jane become a manager? Do they have a full team or a half team of babies (or I guess round down to 4🤣)? Does she send up coaching for Italy as well? I Does she help Frankie give some clinics to the kids at the high school? I could go on and on… and maybe the simplest way to ask: Is a Part 3 in the plan? Truly truly love your work and even if that answer is no, thank you so much for providing entertainment and joy. #GoBraves
wow, five times! A compliment of the highest order. I have a vision that Jane stays a hitting coach for awhile, then gets the call to be a manager for a down-on-their-luck MLB team (maybe her beloved Rockies?). Maybe by the time she steers that team to a winning record, she then turns that into being the skipper for a big market team or a real contender.
I also have a vision that during the very next WBC, Frankie decides he wants to close for Team USA, and USA selects Jane as one of their bench coaches. Of course they win the trophy again, lol.
with all that said, part 3 is not in the plan. Actually, no fic is in the plan right now. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m thinking of doing a snippet challenge soon. May or may not come to fruition. But no multi chapter ideas are in the works.
I appreciate you!
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anthrofreshtodeath · 10 months
ok your top 5 fics for me:
1. coronita heights/yolt (i can’t not count them as one in my head)
2. pyrite
3. no new friends
4. primogeniture
5. cafuddári
honorable mentions to best laid schemes, cmwhs and trigonometry tbh !!
and out of curiosity, your top 5 maura looks/outfits?
I love this question:
1) the red and black dress from when Maura invites Constance to dinner when she first appears
2) the fucking navy dress, painted on, from when Frank comes back because he finds out he’s sick 🫦
3) the sheer sides all black dress she wears to Korsak’s wedding
4) the black and white dress when she gets her identity stolen
5) the red and cream dress/sandals she wears in 1x10
There are so many good ones! I’m sure I missed some.
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