#corporal desmond bancroft
corvidcrybaby · 4 months
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"I'm just some guy."
Hellsing Lance Corporal Desmond Bancroft
Age: 29
Species: Human
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Asexual
Religion: Pagan
Rank: Lance Corporal
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 6'1
Affiliations: Hellsing Organization
Aliases (past/present): Space Cadet, Dez, Shy Guy
Hometown: Lansing, Michigan
Loadout: Desert Eagle .50 Action Express
Lance Corporal Desmond Bancroft is a peculiar fellow. Only Sir Integra can claim to have ever seen the man's face, and the alleged anxiety attack that followed was so intense that the rest of the Hellsing Organization has chosen to leave it well enough alone. Among the first newcomers to Hellsing after the liquidation event that was the Battle of London, Bancroft is noteworthy in being one of the only Americans in the Organization's ranks, as well as one of its only pagan operatives. Bancroft's specialty is Irish folklore and he is a speaker of the Irish language, despite not hailing from that country. The man is an odd blend of stiff and awkward versus approachable and simple. He tells very little of his personal life, and treats what is, to most, an extravagant and fantastical career path as essentially just another job. He is the dedicated spotter to Specialist Corporal Zemira Makhabi's sniper operations, and the two are frequently seen together. Desmond carries a Desert Eagle almost exclusively, and is a horrifyingly good shot with the weapon - and comparatively, can barely hit the broad side of the barn with most anything else.
ZEMIRA: Work wife. Platonic soulmates. The sniper and spotter duo are attached at the hip. Zemira and Bancroft were assigned together shortly after the Hellsing Organization began to resume its usual operations with its new influx of recruits, and became fast friends. Bancroft being queer like her, and being asexual especially, lowered Zemira's hackles significantly. The latter experienced far too many instances of checking gross advances from meathead men in her past units to be trusting of most, but knowing she could count on not receiving that kind of unwanted attention from her new partner was a major boon for her. Zemira was pivotal to Bancroft's ability to adapt to his new line of work, just as he was to her in becoming comfortable in her role again after watching her old compatriots die, twice over.
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corvidcrybaby · 5 months
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zemi's trusty spotter. lance corporal desmond bancroft. don't ask him to remove the helmet. he gets anxious when you do that.
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corvidcrybaby · 1 year
Zemira Shani Makhabi
Lance Corporal Desmond Bancroft
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