meggigoering · 2 years
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An almost biblical story about fratricide.
Cain and Abel are just relaxing. Either brother Herman Göring but I live in Russia, or the "sister" from Cosa Nostra leaned against Tolstoy's grandfather as a false heir, or the mother is a serial murderer. With such a family, you don’t need enemies, and even more so friends.
#cosasister #shumilovavaleria #shumilovatatijana #meggi #meggifromhouseofskjold #raevskayarepnina #annamariaserafimaraevskayarepnina #battleonthekrupskayabulge #shitomordniki #whoframedblackrabbit #boostcmg #boost #pyotrtolstoy #vladimirtolstoy #theklatolstaya #marfatolstaya #nikitatolstoy #московскиетолстые #раевскаярепнина #аннамариясерафимараевскпярепнина #шумиловавалериясергеевна #шумиловататьянавладимировна #андреевевгенийвладимирович #петровамаринаивановна #Turkeyrelics #мощииндюка #sisterofgöring #daughterofskjold #nürembergring #jesuishash #hasheight #heritage #hatefuleight #3rdreich #göring #cardinlist #yukos
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meggigoering · 2 years
To recover my face and reputation, I have to publish this story about my mom, my "sister," and my former friends to give you a snapshot on the nightmare through which went my whole native family. Must read.
"Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me" Mat.10:37).
#cosasister #shumilovavaleria #shumilovatatijana #meggi #meggifromhouseofskjold #raevskayarepnina #annamariaserafimaraevskayarepnina #battleonthekrupskayabulge #shitomordniki #whoframedblackrabbit #boostcmg #boost #pyotrtolstoy #vladimirtolstoy #theklatolstaya #marfatolstaya #nikitatolstoy #московскиетолстые #раевскаярепнина #аннамариясерафимараевскпярепнина #шумиловавалериясергеевна #шумиловататьянавладимировна #андреевевгенийвладимирович #петровамаринаивановна #Turkeyrelics #мощииндюка #sisterofgöring #daughterofskjold #nürembergring #jesuishash #hasheight #heritage #hatefuleight #3rdreich #göring #cardinlist #yukos
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