#cosmo had more of a leghorn body type while your guy is more of a stout silkie body type
homeofhousechickens · 4 months
hi there!! i received a new and exciting rooster today, but no idea what kind of strange boy mix he is. he was advertised as "white leghorn" and "mean," but he is neither lmao. only VERY afrightened. my best guess is maybe altsteirer × yokohama / cubalaya from the crest, neck feathers, tail, and colouration? his face does look a bit leghorn-y tho... maybe leghorn × silkie, but doesn't seem right with the plumage. he is a mystery! i figured i'd letcha take a crack at him 'cos you seem more knowledgeable about chicken genes by far lol. i'd be very interested to know whatcha think, please and thank you!! 💕
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He is definitely dominant white so I believe the Leghorn ancestry but he is definitely not pure. He likely isn't any of those other breeds because they are quite uncommon unless you know his owner had those breeds in their flock. He is likely just a silkiexleghorn multigenerational mutt like maybe his sire or mother was a direct cross like above then bred with a clean legged bird. Its his comb, crest, body type/size, and leg color that is telling me this. I would just call him a barn yard mix.
Hookless (silkie feathering) is recessive and so is yellow legs and so are single combs which both are easily lost in mixed breeds who aren't being selected. The bearded gene is dominant but it is also quickly lost if your not selecting for it
This was Cosmo. He was still in his lanky teenage phase so he hadn't filled out yet in his body or tail, he also did have a crest like your boy but he suffered a scalping injury by his brother when he was young.
I want you to notice his coloring and leakage on the wings, his sparsely feathered legs, nonsilked feathering and his white legs. Imagine taking him and crossing him with a clean legged hen and how that chick might look like him. Cosmo combs all funky because his Silkie father didn't have the best comb either.
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Wouldn't be difficult for a rooster like this to produce a boy like yours 😁
Of course this is all guesses and he is just a mixed breed either way.
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