#cottagecore but also unwell
arfff-draws · 2 years
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Ask your doctor if getting tf outside and remembering we are part of a greater whole that is inconceivable and beautiful is right for you~
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her-satanic-wiles · 3 months
dude (gender neutral) i'm UNWELL what demonic entity possessed you to write this fic
like as an ex catholic school student that really hit home ngl, also i didn't realize it until i talked about it with my best friend of 10 years but we were at that same school together and turns out there was a period where we both watched lesbian porn after religion class and convinced ourselves we were straight lmfao
also i had lots of gardening, farming and ecology classes in my previous studies so yeah obviously i feel represented, we don't talk enough about how cool it would be to work on the ministry crops. like i helped out at a nearby farm a few times and you don't know true bliss until you get to hop on the trailer truck after working all day and feel the wind on your greasy ass hair
anyways that was a fucking masterpiece as always, i may need to reread this with my phone in my hand and the ghildo in the other lmao
-french anon
The demon that possessed me was very much @zombiesnips-blog. It was all her brain child and I'm very grateful!
But also - damn! Our teenage years spent in captivity, and the shit we got up to. 💀 The way I sometimes feel I missed out by not going to a Catholic school. 💀💀
We don't talk about how fun it would be to work on the Ministry crops you're right! And writing that was really fun, too! Just a team of you in a greenhouse feeding the whole Ministry. So cute. My demonic cottagecore fantasies have been fulfilled lmao.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it/will enjoy it more. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read it 😭🖤
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boxboxlewis · 2 years
George texts Alex for advice, despite many years of friendship suggesting that this is a terrible idea.
What should I bring to Toto and Susie’s house tonight
That says basically
“Thanks for having me round for dinner, fancy a fuck?”
You are an unwell man
Ok thanks but what should I bring to Toto and Susie’s
He’s your BOSS
Yeah I am aware of that
 I don’t tell you whether to fuck jorts
Lmao jorts
Anyway to the point, I’m not going to fuck jorts or Jost!! Because im not CLINICALLY INSANE
Fine can you pass my question on to Lily please
NO text her yourself
You’re a nightmare.
Lily says ‘roses and tell him good luck!’ which im not doing i do NOT wish you good luck i hope you go down in flames
Thanks x
Text me tomorrow to say how it goes
He listens to Lily, as her instincts are usually sound for this sort of thing: picks up a giant profusion of scarlet roses from the M&S by his house, and also a box of Belgian chocolates, even though none of them really eat chocolate. They just seem appropriately amorous. He looks nice, he knows that, and he’s wearing what Alex unlovingly refers to as his “on the pull” aftershave. Time to see what happens.
Things don’t get off to the best start. He gets lost in rural Oxfordshire and has to call Toto for directions, but Susie is warm and welcoming when he eventually finds the house, in a little hamlet deep in the woods. “It’s a nightmare around here, no mobile reception at all. You did well to find us,” she says. She’s smiling at him, taking the flowers, telling him they’re lovely, so kind of him, ushering him through to the kitchen; he sits at the breakfast bar while she fusses with the roses, and looks around the room. He’s pretty sure Carmen would call it “cottagecore”: big wooden beams in the ceiling, diamond-paned windows looking out onto the garden. An Aga. It’s really not what he would’ve pictured for Toto, and he says as much to Susie.
She winks at him and says, “I picked this one,” and gives the roses a final poke. “Well, that’s as good as they’re going to get, I’m afraid. My flower-arranging skills extend exactly as far as ‘plonking them into a vase.’”
George wants to say They look nice but he isn’t sure if that would be, like, complimenting his own gift, so he just smiles. Susie smiles back and the silence isn’t uncomfortable, exactly, but it’s—weighted. After a moment Susie says, “Let me get you something to drink. Cab sav ok?” George nods: he’d never say it aloud, but wine pretty much tastes like wine to him. Just kind of… winey; it’s generally fine. 
Susie pours him a generous glass, the red splash of the wine rich and jewel-like in the warm light of the kitchen. She says, “You will stay over tonight, won’t you? It’s miserable, I always think, trying to relax and have a nice time when you can only have one glass because you’re driving.”
“Oh, uh,” George says.
“We’ve got the guest room all made up for you,” Susie says. “And kiddo’s with his grandparents tonight, so we won’t be disturbed.” She leans over the breakfast bar and smiles at him. George has to fight to keep his eyes out of her cleavage. He mostly wins.
He says, “Yes, all right. Thank you.”
“Oh, it’s our pleasure.” She looks behind him and says, “And here’s Toto! At last.” She says something in German, quickly, and Toto says something back. It must be nice, George thinks, to have a secret language with your partner. Not that German is secret exactly, but it’s certainly code to him.
He says, “Hi, Toto.”
Toto smiles at him. George thinks absurdly, My, what big teeth you have. Toto puts a hand on his shoulder, and the weight of it is warm and heavy; George swallows without meaning to. “George! We have so been looking forward to having you.”
George smiles nervously. For the first time it occurs to him that perhaps, in this particular fairy tale, he’s not the wolf.
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dmdumouchel · 3 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @tangys-crispy-pajimmyjams!
Nickname: DM or DMD online but most pple call me DM
Zodiac: Apparently a gemini, but I don’t relate to most of the traits. I relate more to pisces generally
Height: 5’4” I think?
Last film I watched: Crimson Peak. Tom Hiddleston in a period drama /and/ it’s goth?? Sigh me tf up
Last thing I googled: a Lolita store called Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. Or that’s the last interesting thing I googled, other than that’s it’s boring stuff like Gmail.
Favorite musician: At this moment? I don’t really know. But a new band I’ve been getting into lately is Maneskin.
Song stuck in your head: Gimme More TikTok slowed version/remixes….lol
Other blogs: I used to have another blog for ace stuff but of course I almost immediately got harassed, this was at the peak of the popularization of aphobia and discourse online, especially tumblr 😂😬 I lost/forgot my login info for that one. I also have side accounts for my Controversial(TM) ships lmao, but they’re not that active.
Blogs following: 473
Amount of sleep: It really varies. Usually during the work week I’m sleeping at least 7-8 hours
Lucky number: I don’t know if I have one, but I have favorite numbers: 4, 6, 11, 24, 34, 96
What I’m wearing: I’m feeling unwell and resting at home. I’m wearing a mint-green butterfly shirt and lime-green sweatpants
Dream job: Full-time writer.
Dream trip: Italy!! There’s a lot of places I haven’t been that I want to go, like Scotland, England, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Japan, South Korea….but lately I’ve especially been thinking of Italy. I blame Luca.
Favorite food: I’ll say raspberries.
Play any instruments: I used to play the piano very briefly, and then violin for a few years. I’m extremely beginner-level on the guitar (I keep saying that year after year…but time seems to get away from me). I want to get a keyboard and pick back up piano. And eventually I want to play electric guitar…hey I can dream right?
Languages: I’ve dabbled in a couple different languages but the language I spent the longest learning was German for 5 years as a kid. I’ve forgotten most of it. 😐 (but I remember enough to be familiar with words and phrases and some of the grammar rules, pronunciation, stuff like that). I took French in high school, sucked at it. I took Japanese in community college and really liked it. I’ve been considering picking it back up someday.
Favorite songs: uhhhhhhhh hmmm. Usually I say my most favorite song ever if I had to pick one, which is a childhood favorite hippy folk song lol. But I’m gonna shake things up and just say one of my new favorite songs that I’ve been listening to lately, which is this one specific mix of Adore You/Moon Song: https://youtu.be/6JLAIi88GRc (and the funniest thing is, I’m not even familiar with the original songs)
Random fact: I always say this because it’s the one cool random fact I can ever think of: I’m related to Anne Boleyn through the maternal line of my family.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: I like a lot of different aesthetics, mainly goth and dark aesthetics (especially romantic goth, batcave, punk, pastel goth, Lolita), forest/nature/cottagecore/fairycore stuff lol, cold colors, iridescent stuff, bi lighting (when you use pink/purple/blue lighting in film), I also like skater boy/skater girl aesthetics. So. A lot of range lol
I’m tagging @incredibly-unprofessional @mystitrinqua @chadthechowchow @akira-of-the-twilight @ourimpavidheroine @franticscrawls and anyone who sees this and wants to do it!
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sportsnightoncsc · 4 years
17 people, 17 questions
i was tagged by @etoiles-studies! thank you, i love a good tag game
Nickname: ang is my nickname, which is kinda boring. people also call me bette, which was started by my former jrotc instructor, & my uncle calls me george
Zodiac sign: leo
Height: 5’7” (170 cm)
Hogwarts House: slytherin
Last thing I googled: [my high school] reset & restart plan
Song stuck in my head: you’re somebody else - flora cash (thanks to tiktok)
No. of followers: 36!!
Amount of sleep: 6hrs on normals days, but quarantine’s been giving me time to get 8
Lucky number: 42/24
Dream job: right now i think i want to teach history. my goal is to become like george feeny (from boy meets world) for somebody 
Wearing: t-shirt & pajama pants (its 2219 right now, i swear i got dressed today)
Favourite song: its a tie between slide by the goo goo dolls & unwell by matchbox twenty
Favourite instrument: acoustic guitar for sure. i think anything sounds beautiful on an acoustic
Aesthetic: nineties, cottagecore, dadcore, midwestern gothic....idk
Favourite authors: harper lee, robert f kennedy, richard siken, rob thomas (songwriting)
Favourite animal noise: oh i don't know... i do like cats purring
Random: i'm a big fan of aaron sorkin’s tv & film writing. my favorite west wing episode is actually 17 people, so this tag really caught my attention lol
tagging: @22moonss @charlcttestudies @kleinbluu @lyn-learns @katistudies @alevelblr @bisousjournal & anyone else who wants to go for it!
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Hi there!!!! My wholesome activities include: walking my dogs for long walks, writing, and hanging out with my husband and friends (aka dinner/board games parties)! I also just got diagnosed with hashimoto’s disease so working out has been a new hobby too lol. I just finished reading the Fallen series by Lauren Kate. It started off really amazing and then slowly fell. But that’s okay! I hope you grow your adult life how you like it!! Go you!
Hi lovely,
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been unwell but I am glad you have got the help and diagnosis you need to make a plan to live your life going forward. I do love boardgame nights although since I’m at home I’ll be hanging out by myself mostly but when I return to uni this will be a staple! I also love long walks and need to pay attention to actually getting myself outside more!
Thank you, it takes time to build the life you reall want!
(Send me more ideas for wholesome / cottagecore / simple living activities or just shout about your hobbies!)
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arfff-draws · 2 years
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Just pretty stuff scavenged from my yard and the street to my house. Flowers for pressin, young acorns knocked down by storms for my wreath, rocks bc I can't pass up an interesting rock. I'm gonna paint that broken half wheel into something pretty. 👍
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