oojei · 4 years
Maybe it's because I have been with Legends so much that any ship in Stargirl actually works for me
Courtney and Yolanda? Best friends to lovers, traumatized girl and new girl? Against the mean girl ruling the school? Plus the boxing/gymnastics dynamics? Hell yeah dude
Courtney and Cindy? The enemies to lovers of course. Dude. That chemistry class, the parallels, Cindy's knowledge that Stargirl is Courtney. Give it to me
Courtney and Rick, broken people who lost their parents, angry boi and sunshine girl, both are legacies, and that look by the locker I like it
Courtney and Cameron, that mean girls reference thing at the start, art freak and athlete yaaaaassss, and they really look cute together, but also the icicle jr thing, the upcoming drama, yesss
Rick and Beth, which I just actually found in tumblr, that is actually canon, but also works better as the angry boi sunshine girl dynamic, protect beth at all costs and rick def would
I think that's all of the ships I see rn, so yeah, these all work for me, I also wanna explore some Stargirl crossover ships maybe next time
Ah, I don't like the Henry/Yolanda thing nu-uh dude. What you did was unforgivable. Friends, redemption (maybe?) But not a relationship anymore, that was traumatizing. I don't care if you are struggling now.
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oojei · 4 years
Quarantine Anime Reviews
I’m procrastinating so let’s rank all the animes I have watched since the start of quarantine (that’s around March). It’s not a lot because I also watch other shows but I feel like some of the ones I have deserve a shout out.
Right how will I rate/review them? Uh, does 1-10 scale work? Yeah, including decimals. I would also explain why so this is gonna be long (and cut into several parts) but let’s get started!
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Episodes I watched: 1-33? Story: it made you hope then fookin ruins it in the end .. ugh. When she died, I was expecting it, but damn it still hurts. Why do sports animes have feels like these smh OP/ED: uhh I forgot already, march is so long ago and A LOT happened since Fave Character: ooo this is hard, I like this nerd on the gif, because he was already wearing a mask before all of us - but also he’s a science dude who’s just real gifted and everytime he faints was just funny. I want him and that quiet guy from KnB to have a hook shot-off and also for both of them to talk LOL ... but I also like the curly haired pervy genius, he’s funny but analytical and also real good
Rate: 7/10 It was good, emotional, different than Kuroko but it’s not as fun or amazing as the others on this list.
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Episodes I watched: 1 - Glory Line Ep.4 (i will get back into this) Story: Look, I clicked on this because I missed going outside and everyone seems to be on bikes and I cannot go ride my bike so let me just watch instead. But I get this story about friendship and rivalry and kinda gay bikers (if you think the gif is gay, there’s so much more on the show) with just lovable and interesting characters ugh. I cannot believe I would enjoy this so much. OP/ED: uhh, those weren’t really catchy, but the most famous song in this anime is ~Hime, hime! Suki, suki daisuki hime!~ IT SHALL BE STUCK IN YOUR HEADS FOREVER I SWEAR! It also gives a boost when you’re biking but haven’t tried that yet. Fave Character: Oh fck, who do I choose? I thought Angel Boy Manami (blue hair above) was gonna die or smth because he’s always animated with angel wings but that’s actually part of him wth. The most interesting for me is Midosuji definitely, but the ones I enjoyed watching are the guys from Hakone esp Gay Terry Izumida and his muscles Andy and Frank, Rabbit Boi Shinkai and his freakin sad backstory, and Not-So-Annoying Arakita, who grew on me jfc.
Rate: 8.9/10 deducted points for the music, and there was also a lot of exposition even when they’re racing. Kinda typical of sports anime, ngl.
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Episodes I watched: 1-12? The whole first season idk Story: Kinda (not kinda) harem, there’s a guy who goes to this school, his sister locked away his powers, teams up with his princess waifu and gets girls while getting stronger and fighting other schools. It’s .. eh, but I liked the design and the hexagons and the idea of schools battling. OP/ED: sorry skipped most of it Fave Character: hmm, maybe Saya (that girl up there) and Toudou. They look kinda gay but also they like the MC which is boo, just get together. Both look like children but are actually really really powerful. Honestly, their fight against the mecha was amazing. I also liked that dumb robot.
Rate: 6/10 art was great but story was boring
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oojei · 4 years
Black Lightning is the BEST WRITTEN Arrowverse show
They don't follow the whole monster/villain of the week thing and they come in chapters
Story is fleshed out, everyone has their own journey, their own stuff to deal with
And yeah that's sometimes (very) stressful, but that's what makes it a good story
The politics and social issues are honestly hurtful to watch because you can see it in real life
Esp the quarantine parts and the occupation? I almost quit because of that
Music is also good like srsly awesome song choices esp during fight scenes and stuff
Oh god the fight scenes too
That thundergrace apartment fight was def foreplay i need more
I love their costumes tbh, i keep imagining Cisco's delight when he meets Gambi
Not just the superhero costumes, okay? Even the civilian ones, esp the villains
Those rich fashion, very nice choices
Also obviously Anissa and Jen's wardrobe too
But the title cards are the best part just look at them
Let me talk about the characters now
Jeff Pierce is such a DAD and i remember that dad talk he had with Barry
I wish i seen more of him as a teacher/principal?
Black Lightning's a bit meh, for me. I think it is the generation gap and the fact that I like Lightning better
The visual effects they use on him, esp that one where he had lightning hoops? Very amazing
Next is Thunder, because I could write a whole essay on Dr. Lynn Stewart so I'll talk about her later
Right, anissa. Tbh i don't feel her that much? Maybe because she's been strong almost all season
She was like this pillar that was confident in herself, in her powers, in what she wanna do and who she wanna be with
Which is VERY AWESOME esp for a woman of color
But idk i just want my characters breaking down and stuff
Like Jen, like Lightning
Tbh I hate her superhero name because it's so similar to her dad
But anyway, i like Jen's journey the most
And. She. Is. The. Most. Powerful.
I want her to transform to pure energy again just so she can meet gideon and idk ask for make up tips
Her safe space thing actually reminded me of gideon's matrix so
Anyway, her and Khalil are just ugh
Let them be happy together !!!
Also, she and Brandon are just bros oki?
I do like the combination of their powers tho
Which makes me wanna have Jen meet a water-based meta
Maybe Kuasa?
Anyway, Gambi time
Fave old man, i would believe him to be batman
Kinda waiting for a batwoman crossover tbh
But yeah, Gambi is such a badass old man, and I want his sanctum
Special shoutout to TC, let him meet Cisco and Brainy
Oh god TC and Brainy
Obviously TC and Gideon too
Right, do I get everybody on team Black Lightning?
GRACE! I love you I did not forget about you you are amazing with all your scars and trauma and spots and comic book fascination
Please give her a suit
And wake her up from the coma
Remove the order from Gravedigger too, oki? Even though that ASA fightscene was real nice
That's everybody right?
I shall be talking about Villains now
Khalil is first because he uses the line bet villain and hero as a jumping rope
At first i thought he's like Sara Lance but then I realized a lot of people in this show does not stay dead for long
He is such a thirst trap during s3 and i am not complaining
But also my arms wanna try that whole one arm pull ups to the side thing?
Maybe after i actually manage to do a pull up
Petition for him to Salmon Ladder pls
Also that sequence where he's listing the martial arts he knows? VERY COOL
There's one I did not know, that Silat thing?
Anyway, props to Jordan Calloway, he's good as a villain and a nice guy and even the damaged sad boi
At the end of s3 i imagine the Waverider picking him up when he rounded that corner lol
Let him be happy oki?
Next villain, Tobias Whale
That man had such a good evil laugh okay? Very very good. I hate him
And he's such a fancy rich cockroach
Still haven't forgiven him for killing Todd
TC and Todd would've been friends
Or even more (let us not discount that possibility)
Anyway, Lala and Lady Eve, idk they just complicate stuff
God he's sooooo ugh
I have so much hate for him and he's still alive so he could very much well be back and ugh
Moving on, Gravedigger is such a well-written villain
He believes he's right, has that special tick that he buries all of victims and his power was awesome too
I want that tbh
Can I talk about Lynn now? Great
I love her, I want her to be my mom but also she is very hot
Christine Adams is a very very VERY GOOD actress, tbh
Her shotgun scenes, caring doctor and then the addiction storyline just *chef's kiss*
Honestly she is awesome and I love her
Imagine the power if she, Lena Luthor and Caitlin Snow worked on some bioengineer medicine
Just ugh, the pretty on the screen
Oh wait, Dr. Jace (RIP) I hated her at first and then when she got to markovia and did that whole how to make friends thing? She's hilarious
Still evil, but I like her
Super smart but dumb about people, that part when she's actually listing down the recipe for Lynn's peant butter cookie
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I think I got everybody right? Right.
Let's move on to things I didn't like
Obviously the fact that Anissa and Grace didn't get a wedding like dude that is so unfair
And now Grace is in a coma
In season 3, where is perenna?
Also why did Henderson have to die
Somebody revive him pls
I think I got everything already and I am SLEEPY AF sooo
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oojei · 4 years
Yowamushi Pedal Impressions
Since the quarantine ruined my bike plans, I ended up binging Yowamushi Pedal on netflix (up until Grande Road only, I just realized i'm only halfway) but yeah, i did, in like 3 days.
Overall Thoughts:
Storyline is stretched to the max. Like srsly, they did one ep and the character just biked a hundred meters for a flashback
Dialogue is uh bit cheesy but also long and wordy and ugh let us race not talk
But story was good bro, touching, gets you hyped, makes you laugh, very good
Tbh i skipped some flashbacks
Anyway let us get on with my first (and last) impressions of the characters I have watched. Obviously, until grande road only and SPOILER WARNING
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FROM oh another happy smol child, but with glasses
TO best boi, just keep singing just keep singing JUST KEEP SINGING
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FROM angry rich boi with trauma
TO eh he is kinda meh
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FROM isn't he supposed to be the MC, oh he's the best friend
TO literally naruto from s1 naruto
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DAD and PAPA BEAR, nothing has changed
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Gay Envy vs Green Hisoka
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Terry Jeffords but make it gayer
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Not very much of a dad, but his eyebrow game is very strong
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My spirit animal, the number one complainer, AND rabbit boy, you're not you when you're hungry ALSO sad backstory bros
I shall put the other characters in the next post
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oojei · 4 years
Does Luke Fox ever get therapy? Boy had two people killed right in front of him in a span of like five episodes
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oojei · 4 years
When you're late to the ZEP livestream and missed all the Zoey/Max scenes: 😢😢😢
The scenes after that: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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oojei · 4 years
Dr. Jace created a checklist on HOW TO MAKE A FRIEND i cannot deal with this hahahahahahahaha
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oojei · 4 years
HSMTMTS better give me my Nini/Gina Gotta Go My Own Way version
One part is Nini wanting to go to that other school and the other is Gina wanting to stay at East High. Their voices just sound good together ughhhhh
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oojei · 4 years
Batwoman: Arrow but GAY
You cannot fight me on that
Bec it is true
Though i like it more than arrow
Just because it's gay
Nah, i think it has a better story than arrow whooops
But yeah it was awesome
Even much better than Felicity i said what i said
But also Alice, she was such an awesome villain i cannot
Actually, she would be a character you could write essays about, with her trauma and how she dealt with it and her motivations and
Basically she's a villain that would be fun with the legends except she would stay a villain
Yeah i don't think the legends could convert her with the power of friendship
Speaking of friendship, i like Luke, he's the Dig
But please get the guy therapy, he had two people die in front of him and a friend electrocuted while he's trapped on a chair
I don't like the Mary/Luke love angle, if they're hinting it. They're like bros
Now Sophie and Kate and Julia on the other hand
It does not need to be a triangle
Reagan's kinda hot too tbh
Everybody's hot ngl
Wanna know what's not hot? Ruby Rose leaving
I was in episode 6 when the news dropped and i wanted to stop watching too
But I stayed for Mary
Have I told you how much I love Mary?
I finished it all and I am onboard for s2 whoever the new Kate is
Because that was one hell of a ride
Esp for Alice
Rachel is AMAZING, best actor hands down
She was just ugh so good
But I will not watch that Queen of Hearts episode again
Which got real dark, real quick
Please let us have a Supergirl/Batwoman crossover for the kryptonite thing
Also, anyone get the avalance vibe off julia and sophie? Super spy and second in command in a military agency?
I also want a crossover with them
Like Julia and Sara would've known each other because they met on some assassin thing and
They definitely flirted fcked
Maybe on the sauna where Sara took out those russians(?)
Which is also the arkham asylum
And the hallways are like iron heights
Overall it was amazing.
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oojei · 4 years
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Currently watching Black Lightning and damn i want those heels
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oojei · 4 years
Just finished Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood today, yes I know I am late but here are some thoughts
A+ story, the twists and the narrative and how it all cam together, WOW
Characters are so well rounded. We see their pain and their happiness and most importantly we see what they are willing to sacrifice for their ideals
Coz that was the whole theme of this show right? Sacrifice
And that made me cry a lot, not just the deaths of my faves (i mean, yknow who they are) but even some of the villains deaths are making me sad
But a lot of the jokes make me smile too, and somehow they don't feel forced
Ultimate fave character is hmm May Chang and Hawkeye because damn gurls are super amazing
Also Al bec he's such a sweetheart
But it was weird at the end when SPOILER he got his body back END SPOILER and the voice was his but i don't see the hunk of metal?
I am happy for him but it is just so weird
Yeah also a lot of the guys here are idiots when it comes to love, except for Al because he's amazing
But yknow, we shall lump Mustang, Ed and Ling in that idiots in love category because they dumb bros
Uh also the soul things was unsettling esp with Envy *cringe*
I also wished Mustang did not cure his eyes in the end, because he could've been a Toph/Zuko child
This is why toph and zuko did not have a life changing fieldtrip
Yeah guess that is it
Will probably not rewatch it because of the goreness and politics but still 9/10
Minus 1 because of the creepy stuff but it is aight
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oojei · 4 years
Watched Work It for Jordan Fisher, got Kid Flash in a bird costume and another shirtless Dion scene
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oojei · 4 years
Stargirl finale spoilers
So do all american football fields open just like that?
That poor child's voice pls
There is something there that when the child calls her Daddy, it's icicle on the frame
Oh snap here we goooo
Stargirl vs STRIPE
Oh the teacher is nice, that is a first?
Yaaaasss your daughter yaaaaaaasssss
Oh snap is he gonna die
Do not die Pat do not freaking die
Silent Knight 😂😂😂
Noooo Pat don't die
Oh snap Beth is reminding me of Felicity
I just realized Beth and Felicity won't ever meet
But there are fics for that sooooo
Awwww Pat please don't die still
Best Pals Forever
Also, Rick praising Beth is hournite appetizer
Revengey Rick is back
But also Yolanda and her faith is very Ella Lopez, so i wanna throw her to the Lucifer Earth
Aaaahhhh that fight sceneee
Grundy is comingggg
Ooohhh Cindy is free
Daddy reference number two?
Ofc court saves her gf first
Icicle and his non gelled hair is weird
We shall not see this grundy with this cgi budget next season
Was expecting Yolanda to fight Cindy but i like the sharshiv rematch
Also wildcat vs brainwave what
Wait what henry jr what
Is this tru
Is this a trap
I do not believe you
Yas Yolanda queen
From the girl who said killing is wrong, wow
Oh the budget from this stripe vs grundy wow
Just how much will be lost next season
How did brainwave did that thing tho?
Atleast yolanda acknowleges that, when's the therapy bb
Blow it off, very jock move
Ok so no budget for courtney closeups in the air?
Is that really it? Did they win?
Nooooo Chuck
What happened to Beth
Jordan pls it is too late
Wow dude you really need a therapist
Yas Pat vs Jordan here we goooooo
Courtney best entrance
Oh to be a sad boi with a huge rock screaming fight me at a green tennis ball
He won't come back because we don't have the budget for it
This is such a narrow space for a fight scene honestly
Courtney and Yolanda are definitely gfs
Petsitter Mike to the rescue
But don't be Cindy boi
Mandatory rooftop kiss
But also can courtney and yolanda be canon next season or is the cw still afraid
Actually i am kinda afraid that if they did, they'd just ruin it so
Bring it to Ciscooooo
Oh Justin nooooo
Yeah but can justin use a phone? Or would he send updates via snail mail
Or his horse hahaha
Just a normal tuesday, Barb
This guy is Shade? And he's working with Gambler?
Ooohhh Cindy is alive yay
Who the heck is Eclipso
I am not complaining with the christmas thing because it is august
Ok but that rick/yolanda thing, kinda want them bros
The gift the gift aaaaa she has waited ten years
Barb what is that necklace Barb
They literally adopted the other three
Beth still has parents tho
So what happened to the pink pen?
Girl how are you not even cold
Is this the same clouds as from justin's imagination?
Kinda reminds me of the baymax and hiro thing, it's cute
And we're done!
Did not actually think I would enjoy Stargirl, think I planned on skipping it before
But I lost all my other shows so
Anyway, I am glad I gave it a chance it was amazing
I hope they won't ruin season two pls pls pls
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oojei · 4 years
Stargirl Shining Knight
Weird field shot
But oh its the janitor
Dude that is a very specific horse
This is a flashback, right? Wait no it is not
Why do you not remember?
Ngl i laughed real bad at stripesy with the cloud background
Its like the funeral tarpaulins
Oh iz the dad
Call the legends Barb HAHAHAHA
Woops courtney ahahaaha
Ofc you never heard back they were busy facing a murdered who just killed his own son
We were kinda busy here dude
But oh the locket
That's a pretty compelling evidence
Atleast the Pat/Courtney dynamic has really grown from episode one huh
No dude, the staff does not work that way
Oh snap she got the Barry/Oliver emo phase
And don't push mike away oh no bb
God I love that dog
Yas Barb go grill that bastard
Do NOT avoid the questions bro
Oh snap that is what's wrong with him
Fork you Dr. Ito
So is Cindy bunking with a white horse down at the basement?
Yeah but where were you for the last decade
Oh that's our janitor
Why is he carrying a sword
Legit hournite questions HAHAHA
Tho his trauma is real bad
God damn this actor is good
Oh snap Brainwave shut up
Lol Jordan is this supposed to make me root for you
Okay we're getting bigger, half the country now
Is brainwave the legit villain now
Look i know he's trying but i really don't like sam
Ooohhh Shining Knight's story
He looks so proud it's cute
Dude Pat can pass as a therapist
And i got sidetracked by my dog
JFC you just want money dude
I hate you
Courtney why did you just give it like that what the heck
Supportive Pat i love him pls
Why can't all dads be like Pat
Take it back Pat wooo GO PAT
Yas stripesy lets gooooo
Okay bad idea time, what if the villains managad to brainwash the staff
But also some real nice mom support right here
Oh snap it is not opening why
Is it the locket
Staff what is wrong with you
Don't leave courtney aaaaaahhhhhh
Lol jordan
Cafeteria support group yay
Yikes brainwave talking about love
Oh dude wow
Pat with the speeches this episode really
Dude you have not talked to mike yet
Oh dude this is so cooooool
That is actually so sweet and also very very awesome
"Our queen has risen" yas preach justin
Is brainwave gonna die
Don't kill the dog
Oh timer time, very ominous
That was it? Damnit
Very emotional episode, we hate sam and brainwave
Courtney's scene with the staff is really really well done
Soooo excited for the next episodesss
It's the finale, right?
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oojei · 4 years
Did they just kill Todd? WHY DID THEY KILL TODD? I wanted him to hack-battle Zari 1.0 damnit
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oojei · 4 years
OF COURSE we have an airport scene jfc
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