#could have even had uta mistake him as her father which he corrects but then still tries to help her
cockmcstuffins · 2 years
there’s pure comedy in film red and the retcon of shanks’s daughter who was there the whole time and no it won’t ever not make me laugh that every single scene uta appears in feels like 2003 oc fanfiction come to life we came full fucking circle on this one
#i've already seen some detail points of the movie which make it seem super questionable#but i also enjoy everyone fucking fighting over this retcon hope it tears this house apart#sara's not watching the one about pirates#i'll forget about this in the months before it actually reaches the US but it's funny now and that's what counts#well except for the apparent ending that is actually extremely questionable and raises some serious concerns#that being said there are so many smarter workarounds they could have used to still use this sort of plot they did#instead of just making uta shanks's daughter for clout points#they could have gone saga from zoro's background route and just have luffy take a trip as a child at an unspecified point in time#he meets uta who has a red-headed father who distinctly reminds us of shanks#but uta's father leaves her when she's very young and luffy's trip as a child ends and memories of his time spent with her fade#but uta does remember him because it was a happier time in her life and not knowing the fate of her father has hung over her head for years#so when the straw hats go to the concert uta recognizes luffy and luffy eventually recognizes her so that's still a plot#and yeah sure involve shanks somehow but not so deliberately i guess that just caused pure comedy#could have even had uta mistake him as her father which he corrects but then still tries to help her#just a number of different ways this could have gone that wouldn't make this all feel like a long joke slash tone deaf af fever dream
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