#well except for the apparent ending that is actually extremely questionable and raises some serious concerns
cockmcstuffins · 2 years
there’s pure comedy in film red and the retcon of shanks’s daughter who was there the whole time and no it won’t ever not make me laugh that every single scene uta appears in feels like 2003 oc fanfiction come to life we came full fucking circle on this one
#i've already seen some detail points of the movie which make it seem super questionable#but i also enjoy everyone fucking fighting over this retcon hope it tears this house apart#sara's not watching the one about pirates#i'll forget about this in the months before it actually reaches the US but it's funny now and that's what counts#well except for the apparent ending that is actually extremely questionable and raises some serious concerns#that being said there are so many smarter workarounds they could have used to still use this sort of plot they did#instead of just making uta shanks's daughter for clout points#they could have gone saga from zoro's background route and just have luffy take a trip as a child at an unspecified point in time#he meets uta who has a red-headed father who distinctly reminds us of shanks#but uta's father leaves her when she's very young and luffy's trip as a child ends and memories of his time spent with her fade#but uta does remember him because it was a happier time in her life and not knowing the fate of her father has hung over her head for years#so when the straw hats go to the concert uta recognizes luffy and luffy eventually recognizes her so that's still a plot#and yeah sure involve shanks somehow but not so deliberately i guess that just caused pure comedy#could have even had uta mistake him as her father which he corrects but then still tries to help her#just a number of different ways this could have gone that wouldn't make this all feel like a long joke slash tone deaf af fever dream
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tarosin · 3 years
The great adventures of y/n, Tommy, Jack and Tubbo
Pairing: Platonic jack/tommy/tubbo/reader
Summary: another day another adventure
Content warning: cursing / I didn't proof read
An: reader has bright unnatural hair I wrote a lot, I can't figure out how to add read more on mobile I'm sorry
The music you were currently listening to was interrupted by the discord group notifying you that you have a new message.
y/n: I mean I've currently got hair dye on but it’s being washed off and dried in around 20 minutes, why?
y/n: WAIT TUBBO?!?!
tubbo: oh yeah I forgot to tell you
y/n: how did you forget you know what nevermind, I’m glad you’re here :]
jack: we should be here in an hour so you have plenty of time to get ready
tubbo: what colour dye y/n
y/n: you’ll see soon enough as apparently, you’re all showing up at my house
Tommy: I suggest you wear comfortable shoes
y/n: I am terrified
Tommy: you have nothing to fear... for now
luckily it had only taken you just over 40 minutes to get ready giving you roughly 20 minutes to prepare for the adventure ahead. or so you thought, as soon as you sat down ready to check your phone the sound of Tommy and tubbo laughing could be heard from your room, jack sent a message “hey we got here extremely early I’m sorry there’s no rush the others have been distracted by dreams music :)”
grabbing a backpack from next to your bed you had quickly chucked your phone and purse into the bag unsure as to what you’re going to need today.
as soon as you opened the door you were met with an ecstatic tubbo who instantly pulled you into a hug unable to contain their excitement of seeing their friend
“I look exactly the same”
“Now I’m no genius y/n but last time we spoke you didn’t have unnatural hair”
you paused for a moment as tubbo had a point the last time you and tubbo were on face time your hair was classed as a natural colour however today as a fuck you to your school which didn’t allow unnatural hair you decided to dye it your favourite colour.
“you raise a fair point now if you don’t mind releasing me from your grasp I have to lock the door so no one gets in”
“Tommy unlock the door let tubbo and y/n in”
“Hello to you too Tommy”
“well if we weren’t going to get noticed at the shopping centre earlier y/ns bright fucking hair will definitely cause people to notice us”
“oh I’m sorry I didn’t expect to be going shopping with a bunch of Minecraft streamers today”
“don’t you stream Minecraft?”
“This isn’t about me jack”
the trip to the shops was surprisingly relaxing y/n sat at the front listening to jack sing along to songs playing on the radio, however, it was clear the boys had something they weren’t telling y/n which became evident through Tommy and tubbo bickering in the back of the car about who was going to tell them. it was a relatively short journey due to the fact you lived close to the city centre
“let’s go shopping boys” Tommy practically yelled to everyone, tubbo held his phone in your direction then looked towards you, nodding at him you grabbed his phone and began recording
“I'm vlogging”
Tommy walked over “YEAHHHHH”
walking past cex you had to put up with Tommy making sex jokes until you made it to game, you stood holding back your laugh as you filmed Tommy and tubbo fighting about who’s paying whilst jack went off to buy a Minecraft squishy and mug despite everyone’s arguments against it. soon enough fans came over asking for photos with you all once the group of fans left jack took over recording for tubbo whilst you went off to quickly buy some games that you could play on stream.
“want a wig bro? jack!”
the four of you walked into the shop, you couldn’t help but stand in awe looking at all the bright colours already questioning what colour to dye your hair next the sound of Tommy and jack being amazed pulled you out of your thoughts
“Gogy goggles, I’m actually buying them”
“i wan’t a pair”
“no, you’re getting a wig jack”
“I don’t want a wig I want George”
“y/n has bright hair and they’re not complaining”
“what do you have against people with colourful hair jack hmm?”
“I'm not happy”
“you look lovely jack”
“we’re getting so many looks”
tubbo stopped everyone to ‘fix’ jacks wig which resulted in everyone laughing once you had finally stopped laughing you noticed tubbo had walked off and you were convinced jack had randomly decided to record strangers until you saw tubbo going up and down escalators
“oh there he goes again”
“pov you’re thinking about bees”
“where to next boys?”
Tommy pointed towards the lift
“Is this a lift for us”
Tommy noticed the safety sign and automatically made comments about it
“keeping us all safe is what I would say if I wasn’t carrying a knife”
“oh same Tommy”
“look you can see me”
taking that as an invitation to join the vlog you stood behind tubbo and pointed at the sign again and looked at Tommy and jack
“keeping us all safe is what I would say if we weren’t about to do this-“
the three of you went to jump up and down
the four of you quietly left the lift however you were convinced that the public heard Tommy comment on having a knife and you threatening to jump as once the lift opened everyone was staring at you but it could also be due to the fact you had brightly coloured hair and somehow convinced jack to keep the wig on, you all spent a long time trying to convince Tommy to get a new outfit, eventually you went into another shop a certain keyboard caught your eye
“I’ve found my home, ill stay here at the gamer bunker”
you decided now was the perfect time to sneak off to buy the keyboard that had caught your eye, once tubbo noticed it was too late you stood holding the bag with your purchase leaving you stood in the middle of the shop defending your purchase to him claiming that it was a business expense and not just because you thought it looked cool.
“you told me you wanted to save your money”
“it lights up tubbo and it fits the vibe of my room”
Tommy placed his arm on your head treating you as an armrest as you were shorter than him and he knew it annoyed you
“they have a point tubbo it lights up”
once the recording ended you made your way back to the car
“say y/n you wouldn’t mind if me Tommy and jack stayed the night as tomorrow we were thinking-“
“sure thing”
the next day you were woken up at 9 am by Tommy stood at the foot of your bed
“hi y/n”
“WHAT THE FUCK- oh hi Tommy Jesus christ do you know how horrifying that was to wake up to”
“Sorry bout that but if I didn’t wake you up now you’d only wake up in the afternoon and we need to go soon I’ll leave you to get ready”
you noticed a note was next to a jumper on the floor ‘hi, thanks for letting us stay the night I really liked your hoodie so I decided to wear it today here’s mine in exchange- Tubbo :D’
normally you’d be concerned that someone stole your hoodie as you live with your parents however today was an exception once you were all ready you set off jack pulled into a McDonald's drive-through so you could all get breakfast
“nice hoodie y/n”
“Thanks, someone took mine and decided to make a trade”
“you’re welcome”
the journey was quiet again you sat next to tubbo in the back Tommy sat at the front screaming at jack and trying to distract him and people around you decided to took a picture with tubbo who now had his arm wrapped around you as it was rather cold in the car and posted it to Twitter ‘@ ranboosaysstuff wish you were here :D’ less than a minute later you received 2 notifications ‘ranboosaysstuff replied to your tweet: same’ ‘ ranboosaysstuff has tweeted: *the spongebob gif*’
soon enough you all arrived at mint golf to say you we’re excited would be an understatement
“can I get the shortest club you have”
you stood hiding your face in the jumper tubbo left you whilst you laughed a few minutes later you received a call from ranboo the others said they’d sort everything for you whilst you answered
“what’s up tall one”
“stay safe okay”
“ranboo it’s mini-golf I’m not fighting criminals”
“yes but I know how clumsy you are”
“first of all rude second of all fuck you third of all jealousy isn’t a good look on you” you managed to say through laughter
“jokes aside please come to the UK boo”
“oh sure I’ll go book a plane ticket now” *ranboo ended the call*
ranboo made jokes like that before however this time sounded a lot more serious and you had no idea why he called you so you made a mental note to call him again later. once with friends again you were met with Tommy telling the worker all about you all
“yeah we’re big on the influencing”
“What on earth did I walk in on”
“no time to explain let’s go golf”
you were handed a club and a ball and were dragged away by jack
tubbo joked about getting a hole on one as soon as it was his go, you bet £10 with jack he wouldn't
“hand over the money y/n”
you looked at Tommy who was now recording you handing jack the money “so today we have learnt to not underestimate your friends and that gambling is bad. you lose your money to a tall bald guy”
to put it politely you and Tommy found out that mini golf is not your calling in life
“ill stick to streaming“
“you’re both losing by the way”
“yeah well- why and how does tubbo have soup”
tubbo stood cradling the soup as though it was a child
“Some things I can’t explain to you”
you stood tilting your head to the side questioning where the hell he got soup from
“soups like a small child I take care of it as if it was my own”
you couldn’t contain your laughter at this point the confused faces of your friends alongside tubbos happiness of soup sent you over the edge so you decided to just sit down before you fall as your knees were already weak from laughing too much
“where did you get the soup from”
“I manifested it”
after a few solid minutes of arguing over soup you and Tommy dropping the phone you all continued with bowling.
“tubbo get out of the way of my dream ball”
you stood recording jack cheering him on tubbo had different plans and kicked the ball away resulting in jack giving up and copying what you had been doing most of the rounds, after missing the hole 3 times each go, picking up the ball and placing it in the hole however again he missed
“you can’t be serious”
“golf isn’t for everyone big man”
Tommy took the phone from you to record “pov you’re me golfing”
“how do we get across there”
“probably the bridge”
Tommy pulled to rope moving the bridge across the gap
“Why thank you, Tommy, wouldn’t have been able to do it without you”
you laughed
“you're extremely welcome y/n it was extremely easy because I’m a big muscly man”
golf was finally going well till you hit the ball a bit too hard causing it to go over the fence tubbo was able to get the ball back
“I’ve been watching a lot of doctor shows” you stood amazed at how far you made the ball go
“see the issue is its mini golf. if this was regular golf I'd have got a hole in one I'm telling you”
“I'm never being in your vlog again”
jack looked at you and tubbo who was now laughing at you pretending to worship the can of soup in the hole
“Tommy please come back”
the rest of the game was chaos, you kept missing the hole then claiming to rage quit golf tubbo and Tommy kept making jokes jack left his drink somewhere then had to go back and find it, no one had been paying attention to you which allowed you to take the score sheet and make it so you had won the game eventually he game was over you had declared yourself the champion of golf despite the fact everyone was better than you including Tommy
the journey back was chaos you called ranboo who claimed he only called you to plan a video/stream with you however it was clear that wasn’t the reason tubbo whispered to you so no one could hear
“I think he wants to be here with us I think he’s jealous”
you laughed and nodded
“of course”
eventually, you all made it back to yours, ranboo said goodbye to everyone then ended the call now it was time for you to say your goodbyes. since your love language was physical touch you hugged everyone. As you walked into your house Tommy yelled “Y/N HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT PLANES”
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haikyu-hoe · 4 years
Group Project
Oikawa Tooru x reader
one shot, fluff
Hope you guys enjoy this, I appreciate any feedback!! Dm for requests xx
You part ways with your friends in the corridor, since you have Social studies and they have History first. So unlucky that you got separated! Especially for a class where there’s always group projects. You miss working with your best friend Amy so much! You guys always had so much fun and got good grades.
You sit down at the back of the class, so you can look out the window if it gets too boring. Just as you were thinking about how it’s unfair that all your friends are together for your last year except you, the teacher announces a group project... with imposed teammates.
You wait for her to name you and reveal your partner, hoping it’s not that dumb boy Yuki or Mina, that girl is so mean!
“Y/k and Oikawa Tooru, Sakura and...”, says the teacher. You turn your head to see Oikawa smirking at you. This is definitely worse than Yuki or Mina.
Oikawa is mostly known for being an amazing volleyball player (he’s not the captain for nothing), and apparently does amazing services. But he also has a ton of fangirls because of his good looks, making him the biggest fuckboy in the whole school, maybe even the whole prefecture.
He’s definitely not going to work on this project, busy flirting and hooking up with a different shallow girl each night. Guess you’ll have to do it alone. You just hope he won’t bother you too much...
Once the teacher is done calling the teams, everyone sits down besides their partner.
“Oi, y/k!!!”, says an overly excited voice beside you. Oikawa is smiling at you at the desk on your right, even waving.
“hey, Oikawa. Let’s start the project, yeah?”, you reply, unenthusiastic. You’re not about to become one of his fans or anything. How is that guy always so enthusiastic anyways?
To your surprise, he’s actually quite smart and works pretty well throughout the whole period.
“How about we go to my place after school to continue?”, asks Oikawa. This sounds like a bad idea, but refusing you have no excuse to refuse.
“Sure”, you reply, uncertain. Let’s hope you won’t regret this.
He gets out of the classroom, waving frantically and winking at you. Weird guy. You understand why he’s popular though. Hot, smart, talented, extroverted, surprisingly nice. But fangirls? That’s a bit overboard, right?
At lunch, you tell your friends about this weird encounter. They of course get soooo excited, since they think Oikawa is attractive, like most girls at school. If you’re being completely honest, you found him attractive too. But you wouldn’t admit it for a 1000$.
That afternoon, you wait anxiously for the bell to ring, staring at Oikawa across the class. “Dear God, i’m i turning into one of those boot-licking fangirls?”, you think. You sigh and look away. You need to focus on this.
When the bell finally rings, you go to your locker and go wait at the school’s gate. A few minutes you hear “y/k-chann~! you waited! sorry i took so long”, says Oikawa, running up to you. He looks so adorable when he does that closed eyes smile and scratches his neck...
You snap back to reality, since this is stupid anyways. Oikawa is a fuck boy. A serious relationship with him would be impossible, with all those fangirls. Not that you’d be interested.
“it’s fine. But hurry up next time.”, you say, trying to stay annoyed.
“What, you plan on waiting for me often, y/k?”, he says with a smirk. “I wouldnt mind that”, he adds in a flirty tone, leaning close to you.
You blush a bit, but Oikawa doesn’t notice. You just sigh and roll your eyes whispering “idiot”.
Oikawa is quite chatty and keeps the conversation alive for the whole time you’re walking. It’s strangely not so annoying. You normally can’t stand too bubbly people but it’s not the same with him. Realizing what you’re thinking, you shake your head.
Oikawa notices and stops talking, looking at you with concern.
“Everything okay?”, he asks.
“myeah! it’s nothing”, you say with an embarrassed smile.
It’s not like you could’ve told him “I think i’m falling in love with you, but i know you’re just a fuck boy so i’m disappointed with myself”, right?
You arrive a few minutes later, and you sit down on the living room couch besides him but on opposite ends.
“Hey y/k i won’t bite you, you know that?”, he says, brows furrowed. “unless you want me to...”, he adds seductively, raising an eyebrow.
“You really are an idiot”, you say.
You then both worked pretty hard on the project. After two hours, Oikawa brought some snacks and you took a break. You started chitchatting casually.
“You know, you’re smarter than I thought. Here I was thinking that you were one of those boys who’s only strong point is their looks”, you say. You were surprised that Oikawa worked so hard on the project, but for nothing in the world would you compliment him openly.
“Hey! that’s mean, i didn’t assume you were dumb just because you’re pretty!”, he replies, pretending to be offended.
Your cheeks turn pink, and you look away. He thinks you’re... pretty? You change the subject quickly: you start talking about volleyball and such, and the subject of his fangirls eventually comes up.
“How does it feel to be so adored by so many girls? How come you’re still single?”, you ask.
“You just won’t stop roasting me huh!”, he says with a huff. “The truth is I don’t care that much about these girls”, he finishes.
“Then isn’t kinda mean to lead them on? I mean you always hang around them, take their offerings-”
Oikawa cuts you off. “It’s not like that y/k” he says. “They’ll do this no matter how i react, so it’s better if I just accept it”, he explains.
“Wow fame sounds hard”, you reply mockingly. “But seriously... how are you still single? So many girls have a crush on you, and not just at our school.”, you add.
“Well you see, there’s only one girl I want. I won’t settle for anyone else then her.”, he says. His eyes look deeply into yours and you’re forced to look away as you start to feel your cheeks heating up.
“Who? I have to know now!”, you say, as if none of this bothers you.
Oikawa gets closer to you, then leans in to whisper in your ear. His warm breath tickles against your nape.
“It’s you, y/k.”, he says simply.
You blush like mad and you’re about to ask questions but he softly drags a finger along your jawline, to finally lift your chin so you’re looking up into his eyes.
Your mind goes blank as you feel his soft lips crashing onto yours. You kiss back with everything you’ve got and it goes on for what seems like hours yet just a few seconds.
When you pull away from him, you both just stare at each other, at loss for words. Does he really mean this, or are you just another girl he can toy with?
As if he could read your thoughts, Oikawa finally talks. “You know, I’ve only had one serious girlfriend. And serious is a big word... It was in second year and she just wanted to use me to become popular” he sighs. “No girl ever wants to truly want to get to know me. I’m pretty and that’s enough for them.”
“you’re so cocky...”, you huff.
He smirks, while his right hand reaches to stroke the back of your neck. You shiver at the touch, realizing the awful truth. You love him, even if he’s cocky and full of himself. There’s just something irresistible about that smirk and his silk-like voice.
“You know... we didn’t get matched at random. I asked to be with you. Ms. Taikeda couldn’t really refuse, especially when I told her why. She says we’d be cute together you know...”
So this was his plan all along? This boy just keeps getting more interesting. He takes both your hands in his left one, and you get a shiver at how long and precise his fingers are. No wonder he’s the best setter.
“So what do you say? You, me, boyfriend & girlfriend?”, he says, cheeks becoming a pale rosy shade.
“How could I say no...”, you reply.
His face lightens up, like a little kid on his birthday. He’s so cute, you can’t resist but to place another kiss on his lips, who are still hot from the previous kiss.
[time skip]
Oikawa walked you home about 30 minutes later, after an intense making out session. He gave you one last kiss on the forehead and held you in his arms several minutes.
You’re still thinking about all of this, wide awake even if it’s way past midnight. You stare at the ceiling, reliving every second of this wonderful, almost surreal afternoon. Your only fear is that he’ll act as if nothing happened tomorrow. But could someone really be that much of a player? Sounds like a stretch.
The next morning, you take much more time than usual to get ready. Maybe it’s because you have Social Studies today... You apply a one last layer of lip gloss on your lips, grab a jacket, slip your shoes on and leave.
You cross the school’s gate with a big knot in your stomach, walking quickly towards the locker room. But someone wraps their arms around your waist from behind.
You gasp and turn around to see a smiling Oikawa, who quickly pecks your lips.
“Oi- Oikawa wha- what are you doing..?”, you ask, looking around nervously.
He grabs your face so you can only look at him. You stare into his hazel eyes which are sparkling in the morning sun. He smells like Axe deodorant, which is strangely sexy.
“Shhh, others don’t matter honey”, he whispers in your ear, his warm breath tickling your ear.
You try to protest, but he places a finger on your lips. It’s enough to shut you up.
He takes your hand in his and you walk together to the lockers. A small crowd of students points and whispers as you pass by, but Oikawa doesn’t care so you don’t either. You then part ways, but not before a soft, tender kiss.
You go to your morning classes, blushing like mad. Some people whisper around you in the hallways, but it’s not as bad as you expected at all. Maybe people don’t really care, in fact.
At lunch break, you’re about to go sit down with your friends (Oikawa had a volley thing), but a group of fangirl approaches you. You feel extremely nervous, wondering if they’re going to be mad...
“Hi! I’m Emma”, says the first one.
“I’m Yumi, we just came to ask you if you’re dating Oikawa haha”, says another one. They seem pretty... friendly?
“well not exactly...”, you start. You explain what happened yesterday, and the girls look so happy as you go into details.
“Wow that’s amazing!! I totally ship you guys!!”, says another one.
You chat a bit more with them, and they then leave to eat. The fangirls are less dumb and superficial than you thought, which is great.
Your friends go crazy when you tell them everything. Especially Amy, who lightly hits you for not telling her earlier. They all ask so much questions, which you don’t really have answers for. Are you guys really dating?? You, dating Oikawa?
[time skip]
You’re staring out the window. Social Studies was never your cup of tea, to be fair. You kept your grades high, but without so much interest.
You snap out of your daydream when a balled-up paper lands on your desk with a slight thud.
“date with me tonight, coffee shop, 4pm, meet me at school gate”
You turn around to see Oikawa sneakily smirking at you. You smile at him and nod.
The rest of the day seems to go on forever, but it’s all worth it to feel Oikawa embrace you again after the bell. You walk to the coffee shop, teasing each other a bit and holding hands.
You order milkshakes, eat lots of sweets, talk for hours... A perfect evening. You end up holding both his hands, staring endlessly at his sharp jaw, his fluffy hair, his cute nose, his small rosy lips...
“Y/k”, he suddenly says. He looks serious, or at least less in a silly mood than usual.
Your eyes meet, and it feels like gazing into a clearing, with a thousand fireflies. He squeezes your hands, take a breath, and finally says it:
“Will you officially be my girlfriend?”,m
“Ye- yes!!”, you reply, blushing.
He comes sit beside you so he can kiss you with all the passion he’d been saving up until now, a hand on your tigh, the other on your waist. You cup his face, amazed at how soft his pale skin is.
[time skip]
You walk home side by side, both smiling. Is this what love feels like? His hands feels so big around yours, and just hearing his steady footsteps calm you.
He hugs you goodbye, but as he’s about to become out of reach, you grab his wrist. He turns around to face you once more, the moon reflecting in his widened pupils like on a dark lake.
Unsure what you truly wanted to say, you just take a step closer, putting your hands on his chest. You stay like this for what seems like an eternity, yet it’s still too short.
He smirks, and after kissing your forehead, he finally says it:
“I love you, y/k”
~ the end ~
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jeezlouiisee · 4 years
Hi all! This is a story I’ve been thinking about and I’m finally putting it out there. I’m hoping to do more parts but I hope you like! 
Summary: You were always quiet and shy, until you lost your mother who always encouraged you to put yourself out there. So you do and you’ve caught the eyes of two Pogues. 
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings:Just some cursing
The Outer banks had been your home for your entire life and you had no friends, well except Pope. Pope Heyward was your only friend in the obx. You were both on the math team together, you both gushed over the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. He had wanted to introduce you to his other friends but you just didn’t want too, not yet at least. Then your mom died, car crash and your entire world fell apart. Your mom was your anchor, your confidant, the person who hugged you and calmed you when your anxiety got bad. She was the one always trying to get you out of your shell. It was hard to not have her for the end of your junior year but you survived. Pope and his friends were having an end of summer party at the bone yard, he of course invited you like he always did. However this time you said yes, you made a promise to yourself and your mom that you were going to branch out this year. This was going to be your summer. It was the Saturday after the last day of school which meant party day. You were standing in your room, sighing as you smoothed out the wrinkles in your dress for the 80th time. You looked good, you looked great, right? Of course you did don’t be stupid. You put on a little bit of lip gloss and mascara before grabbing your bag. 
“You’re wearing sneakers to a bone yard party?” Your older sister asked as she cut up vegetables for dinner.
 “Hey, just because I’m going to a party doesn’t mean I have to wear sandals or heels or something.” You said as you stuck your tongue out.
 “Fine, but meet a cute boy and make out with him.” She replied. Your older sister Shelby was all you had. She was about 5 years older than you and she had two jobs, waiting tables at the wreck and helping Popes dad with his deliveries. Your dad had passed away in a boating accident when you were 2, so you was just you three. Until your mom went too. 
“I’ll see you later.” Was all you said back before walking out the door. You lived pretty deep in the cut, you lived about a 10 minute walk from the bone yard. By the time you got there the party was in full swing, of course Pope and his friends were near the middle of all the commotion. They were laughing and talking with tourons, as they handed out beers. Pope noticed you almost immediately. 
“Y/N! You actually came!” He laughed as he grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to his group.
 “Guys this is Y/N, the one I was telling you about.” You gave a little wave, extremely shy at the moment. 
“Oh yeah,you were both on the math team.”  One of his friends, Kiara said. They all snickered under their breath which left you confused. 
“Is it bad to be on the math team?” You raised your eyebrow, getting a little defensive. Your mom loved that you were on the math team, so you were protective. 
“No no it’s okay, it’s just a little inside joke.” John B said as he pulled his girlfriend Sarah into his side. 
“Oh okay, cool. Uhm so, could I get a beer?” You asked, tilting your head as you looked at JJ who was manning the keg stand. 
“You? A beer?” He simply chuckled before filling up a cup and handing it to you. 
“Yes I want a beer. So what?” You half snapped as you grabbed the beer and taking a sip. You immediately gagged a bit at the taste but continued to drink. JJ smirked at you.
 “That’s why, I’ve literally never seen you around here. Why now? Aren’t you like always with your mom?” Ow. Kiara suddenly jabbed him into the side with her elbow. 
“JJ.” She hissed, watching as you chewed your lip a bit and suddenly downed the entire drink. 
“Right well my mom died three months ago, so I can’t always be with a dead corpse.” You said before handing your cup back to JJ for a refill. JJ looked a bit impressed but also guilty before filling your cup up again. 
“Y/N I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” You simply shrugged, sipping your second cup. “I’ve just decided to branch out, be more social like my mom wanted.” You chewed your lips to stop yourself from crying. 
“Hey, it’s okay. JJ just has one brain cell that he shares with Pope so it’s okay.” Sarah said with a smile as she walked over and randomly hugged you. 
“You’re sticking with us now, got it?” Pope asked as he joined in on Sarah’s little hug with you. 
“Okay deal.” You laughed, still a little weary. You glanced up from your hug and noticed that JJs eyes never left yours. You simply looked away as you ended the hug. 
“So what do you guys normally do at these parties?” 
“Well glad you asked.” JJ grinned as he pulled a blunt out of his pocket. 
“Do you want to try this or stick with your beer?” 
“I’ll think I’ll try-“ 
“You should keep the signal clear Y/N.” Pope said as he gave JJ a disapproving look. You laughed a bit at what Pope said before looking to JJ. 
“Let’s mess this signal up!” You cheered as you drank your beer. Sarah, John B and Kiara just laughed as Pope shook his head. JJ eagerly lit it and took a hit before handing it to you. 
“Do you know how to smoke a blunt?” He asked you seriously as he took a step towards you. Apparently according to Pope the only thing that JJ was ever serious about was weed. You shook your head slowly. 
“Nope, never smoked a day in my life.” JJ groaned and pulled you over to sit next to him on the rock he was on. 
“Okay, so first obviously you suck in a breath, but then inhale so it gets into your lungs. If it doesn’t then you won’t get high and my weed will go to waste, got it?” You blushed a little as you nodded then hesitantly took the blunt from JJ, putting it to your lips as you breathed in. You made sure to inhale so you could feel it in your lungs, they suddenly felt like exploding as you started coughing, grabbing your cup of beer to help subside it. 
“Oh my god, was that supposed to happen?” You chugged the rest of your beer. 
“That was terrible.” 
“You just gotta get used to it.” Kiara said with a shrug. After what felt like years of couching you asked for another refill of the beer. 
“Not tonight, tonight I stick with beer.” You stood up as you got a little confident. 
“You guys dance right? I mean, I can go find someone to dance with?” You were nervous even if you were confident but you wanted to do what your sister suggested. You want to make out with a boy. The boys looked a little confused about your question while the girls suddenly grabbed your arm as they both dragged you over to where people were dancing. 
“So do you like Pope? Or are you just friends?” Sarah asked as you all danced in a circle. 
“What? Pope? And me? No. No! We are just friends.” You started stuttering a bit as you got nervous. 
“Why did he say something to you?” You suddenly asked you didn’t know why, but you never thought of Pope like that. But he was kind and funny, plus he always saw you. 
“Well no.. but I think you two would be cute together.” Sarah grinned at you right before you bumped into someone. 
“Oh my gosh I am so sorry.” You said quickly, turning around. 
“Oh it’s no problem really. I can forgive a pretty girl.” The boy you had bumped into was cute, he definitely seemed like a kook but you just wanted to make out with someone. So what if they were a kook? 
“Go away Kelce.” Kiara interjected before you could say something. 
“She’s not interested.”
“Actually, I am.” You grinned at Kelce. 
“Would you want to dance with me maybe?” The boy whose name you know knew was Kelce lit up like a Christmas tree. 
“I would love too. And your name?” 
“Let’s dance Y/N.” He held out his hand for you to take. Once you did he pulled you close and just swayed with you, nothing too inappropriate. It was nice, he didn’t really try to talk to you which kind of bugged you but you just let it go. You glanced over at the Pogues and you suddenly saw both Pope and JJ stand up, which was odd. Then you knew why, you suddenly felt another pair of arms there were not Kelces. 
“Well aren’t you pretty?” You suddenly whipped your head around and saw Rafe, you knew him instantly. He tried to get with your sister a few times. 
“Back off her.” You heard JJ say, you looked around and saw Pope and JJ directly behind Kelce. 
“But she wanted to dance.” That was Rafe.
“Maybe I don’t want to dance anymore..” You tried to pull away from Kelce but then that just caused you to run into the front of Rafe. You looked over Kelces shoulder and found JJs eyes, you looked at him with a look that just begged for him to help you. Suddenly he and Pope yanked Kelce away from you before JJ pushed Rafe to the ground. That was when Sarah got involved. 
“What the hell is going on?” 
“Uhm so I was dancing with Kelce and everything was great until Rafe came up behind me..” 
You had fear in your eyes, shaking a bit as you suddenly hugged Sarah tightly. She hugged back just as tight and pulled you away to go back to the rocks where you had taken your hit. In the background you could hear fighting and arguing. About ten minutes later Pope and JJ came back looking a bit happy. Pope sat down on your right and JJ stole Sarah’s spot on your left. Apparently John B decides to help fight off Kelce and Rafe so Sarah was checking to see how he was doing. 
“I’m sorry guys...” You mumbled as you looked down at her hands. 
“Y/N what are you talking about?” Pope asked as he hesitantly put a hand on your shoulder. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong alright? Those guys are assholes and they deserve whatever they got coming to them.” This time it was JJs time to talk as he playfully nudged your shoulder, you looked over to JJ and smiled a bit. 
“Thank you guys but I think I’m gonna go home.” You stood and turned to face them. 
“I can too-“ 
“I’ll walk you home-“ Pope and JJ spoke at the same time. 
“Oh uhm, I don’t need anyone to walk me I’m good.” 
“Hey Pope! Come help me with this!” Ki yelled while fiddling with the keg. 
“I guess I get to walk you home.” JJ grinned and stood up. 
“Lead the way.” You started walking, trying to walk a bit fast to make the trip go by quickly. 
“So why did you want to dance with someone?” JJ asked as he walked slower, you sighed because you knew he was walking slow on purpose. 
“I wanted to get out of my shell more, since my mom died my sister has been trying to motivate me to go out and do things. So tonight she told me to find a boy and make out with him.” You blushed when you said the end of your sentence. 
“You could make out with me?” That stopped you in your tracks. 
“I’m sorry what?” You turned to look at him, eyes wide.  
“Make out with me.” JJ repeated, taking a step towards you which caused you to take a step backward but you didn’t realize that there was a tree directly behind you. You left out a squeal at the feeling. 
“You barely know me.... why do you want to make out with me?”
 “Because you’re cute and besides, I want you to be able to tell your sister you kissed a cute boy.” He winked, shrugging.
“Uhm fine okay. I’ll make out with you but just this once okay? And don’t tell a soul!” You jabbed your finger into his chest. JJ simply chuckled and took another step towards her, brushing their lips together. You gasped, wrapping your arms around his neck as you eagerly pressed your lips firmly against his. He gripped your waist as he began to press you into the trees, his tongue softly brushing against your bottom lip. That caused you to gasp which was what JJ wanted so he slowly slid his tongue into your mouth. 
“Y/N!” You suddenly pushed JJ away from you as you breathed heavily, you looked over JJs shoulder to see Pope running towards you guys. 
“Hey I thought I’d help JJ walk you home.” 
“Pope I can handle walking a girl home on my own.” 
“Hey guys really it’s okay, come on it’s like five more minutes.” You ran your fingers through your hair as you started to walk to your house. You felt awkward but this time you definitely could tell that Pope might like you. After the very silent walk you finally arrived to your house, turning to look at them. 
“Thanks for the walk home boys.” You smiled a little, waving to them. 
“You want to hang out with us tomorrow? We’re meeting at the Shipwreck tomorrow at 10. Did you come too? I mean Kie did say you’re one of us now.” Pope said eagerly.You glanced over to JJ who was just grinning at you. 
“Yeah okay sure. Shipwreck at 10 am.” You quickly turned to unlock your front door.
 “Hey Y/N?” You turned to look at JJ. 
“Yeah? Have a good night.” He suddenly kissed you on your cheek and turning to start walking. 
“Pope you coming?” 
“Yeah In a sec.” Pope suddenly kissed your opposite cheek. 
“Goodnight Y/N.” With that he turned and the two boys walked away from sight. You quickly walked into your house and locked the door, leaning against it. Did they both like you? You didn’t understand, you were so confused. You were invisible, you weren’t seen and now all of the sudden you had two attractive boys kissing your cheeks? This was going to be a confusing summer. 
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Ringing in the Year of the Beleaguered Badger
In which Nobby and Colon celebrate the new year with an odd wooden companion
"It's looking at me all menacingly, sarge."
"Its not looking at anything, its eyes are painted on."
"Yeah, painted on menacingly."
Nobby and Colon considered the figure in front of them. It was certainly odd - a life sized wooden person, a wide grin and two bright blue eyes painted on its face, wearing an equally bright red uniform, with the occasional brown splotch that Colon was doing his best to not think about.
But it wasn't menacing, Colon was sure about that. It was just a toy owned by some rich nob, or else some sort of art display that pole rats (he was unsure of the exact term) like him weren't supposed to understand. Nothing menacing in the slightest.
Even so, Colon was glad of the window separating him from it.
"It just blinked!" Nobby yelped, hitting Colon in his alarm.
Colon scowled at him. Well - half scowled. Well - shared what may well have been a scared glance with his friend. But there was nothing to be scared of, not at all. It was just a bit creepy.
"You and your imagination, Nobby."
"It did!"
Nobby sounded genuinely shaken, which was worrying. Usually, when someone suddenly moved when they should have been still, it meant an opportunity for Nobby to sell back what he'd just nicked from their pockets. Not… whatever this reaction was.
Turning very deliberately away, Fred leaned against the building's wall. He imagined that he was sat back at his nice warm desk, making plans to go out and celebrate the new year properly, not out on patrol all because Vimes had insisted they go back to their roots as regular old officers. It was-
"It just waved at me Fred."
Colon's thoughts came to a screeching halt.
"How about," he said slowly, "we go back to our roots somewhere else?"
Nobby sagged in relief. And as the two of them made their way down the street, they ignored extremely hard the sound of shattering glass.
It was a nice, well lit, and most importantly, empty street, not a weird toy soldier in sight. Colon took his bell - a proper old Watch one, gods this probably hadn't been used in years - and rang it out once, twice, three times.
"Twelve o'clock and all is well!" he called over the loud clangs.
Nobby frowned.
"No it's not."
"Are you disrespecting a superior officer, Nobby?"
"Wouldn't dream of it, sarge. It's just that," he paused to allow Colon to raise an eyebrow, "it's not midnight yet, is it?. It's only half eleven."
Colon paused, took a moment to count on his fingers, then nodded in grudging acknowledgement. He swung the bell again.
"Half past eleven - yes alright no need to look so smug Nobby - and all is still well!"
"No it Isn't!" a third voice piped up, the capitalisation clearly audible.
The two men screamed, grabbing each other instinctively. They then spent an awkwardly silent few minutes trying to pretend like they hadn't just screamed and grabbed each other, and had, in fact, carried off the whole situation with a cool, calm, and collected air. It very nearly worked too.
Nobby was the fastest to regain a sense of composure.
"What d'you mean No it Isn't?" He looked around suspiciously. "Is that a threat?" There didn't look to be hosts of heavily armed thugs waiting in the shadows, but you never knew with these things.
"Oh no, mot At All! What I mean Is, All's not well Because we're Here!" 
The painted smile seemed to broaden.
A pause.
"We?" Colon asked, pointing between him and Nobby.
The Toy Soldier hummed for a good minute. Colon couldn't tell if the consideration on its face was faked, or if it was just Like That.
"Hmm, No, but I Do like your spirit! I'm Talking about Me and my Crew!"
Colon leaned in close to Nobby.
"Let me handle this, eh? Matters of diplomacy like this happen to be my four-tay, you know."
Nobby gave him a Look which was, in his (Colon's) view, was neither nice, nor sufficiently respecting of his (Nobby's) commanding officer. 
"And would you, fine citiz- nutcra- erm-" Colon paused as he scrabbled for a suitably diplomatic term, ignoring Nobby's snickers, "fine being, care to explain who the crew in question is?"
"And are you plannin' any funny business?" Nobby added, not willing to let go of his suspicion yet.
"Well, there's Me! There's Jonny, who is currently Beheaded, Nastya, who has Refused to Set foot on the Disc for Moral Reasons, Raph And Ivy, who are Helping Marius ask that man Vimes out to Dinne-"
"Well your Marius won't have much luck with that," Colon interrupted, undiplomatically. "Sam doesn't swing that way."
There was a moment of silence.
"Fred," Nobby began, putting on his best 'telling a figure of relative authority that they are, actually, spouting ideas that are even more incorrect than that time Aunt June got drunk at the Hogswatch party and began claiming that the world wasn't flat' voice.
"Mr Vimes'as been out for longer than I've known him. And you’ve know him longer than I have."
"But when I've gone about him being all strait-laced - you know how he gets - none of you bastards corrected me did you!"
Nobby was not a book-smart man. If asked what a thesaurus was, he'd probably say some sort of dead lizard. Whilst he didn't know his words though, he did know his friend.
"Fred," he said again, "d'you think strait-laced means a straight person who wears lace up boots?"
Colon opened and shut his mouth a few times, trying and failing to say something.
"Course I don't," he said at last, recovering admirably. "Just, keeping you on your toes."
Spinning to face the Toy Soldier and, he hoped, firmer conversational ground, he added: "Is Sybil aware of your Marius' advances on her husband?"
"Oh most Certainly! She has Even helped Plan Out his Speech!"
"Ah." Nobby nodded thoughtfully. "wuh-luh-wuh muh-luh-muh solidarity."
"Sybil likes women?"
"Course she does sarge. She was engaged to that lady nob, before Sam nat’rally, but they broke it off on account of her, the nob, not liking all them dragons."
"You know a lot of people, Nobby"
"Word gets around."
"Do you, er, have some sort of mailing list then?" Fred was capital-S Straight, but tried not to let that get in the way.
Nobby failed at holding in a snort of laughter.
“A mailing list? Blimey Fred, imagine me getting a Hogswatch card from Vetinari himself. An’ imagine all them just waiting eagerly to get my letter.”
Seeing Colon’s expression, he tried to school his face into a more serious expression, but it didn’t last long.
“Imagine- just imagine a letter showin’ up at the Watch House, well, multiple letters really, cause of the fact you’re the only straight an cis person I can name off the top of me head, after Archchancellor whass’name has an attack of the Genders last month, all them letters with their little rainbow wax sealing stamps-”
Colon cleared his throat loudly. He jerked his head over to where the Toy Soldier was standing, unmoving, unblinking. Creepy bugger, he thought, undimplomatically, but this time he didn’t say it out loud. Character development.
“I’m sure our... friend... here doesn’t need to know, eh, Nobby?”
“On the contrary, I Think it’s Marvellous! A Mailing list, what Fun! Oh, I Do so enjoy visiting you Silly little People, with your silly Little Ideas!”
The words themselves seemed insulting, but the Toy Soldier’s tone was still bright and cheerful. Although...  three consecutive sentences ending with exclamation marks is never a good sign.
“Oh! It’s nearly Midnight now, If you Wanted to ring your Bell Again- oh!” It clapped its hands together excitedly. “Can I Ring it? And say the Thing?”
Without a complaint, Colon handed the bell over. There was probably a Rule about not doing that somewhere, but his mind was still stuck back on Vetinari. Everyone knew the Patrician wore that black ring on his middle finger, of course, but he hadn’t actually thought properly about th-
Nobby’s voice cut through his thoughts.
“You’re slightly staring at it, sarge.”
“Wha-? Yes, of course, go ahead and er, say the Thing, if you want.”
“Twelve O’clock And all is Wel-”
Its final word was drowned out as the city bells began chiming.
Midnight in Ankh-Morpork, and thus, the New Year, was determined largely by consensus, each of the bells chiming slightly out of time with each other. The first to ring belonged to the Fools’ Guild, because there is apparently nothing funnier than getting woken up in the dead of night. The fireworks began as the big brass gong at the Temple of Small Gods rang out, bangs and explosions adding to the chorus of dings, clangs, bongs and jingles. By the time the big rocket exploded purple and red over the sky it was impossible to tell the bells from each other, except for the tongueless and magical bell of Old Tom in the Unseen University clock tower, whose twelve even silences could be heard even over the din.
The high point of the display was, as usual, the Alchemists’ Guild blowing up, this time with an aesthetically pleasing blue fireball.
Nobby whistled in appreciation.
"Happy new year Fred."
"Happy new Nobby. Happy new year Toy Soldier who's still following us around."
"Happy New Year old Chums!"
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wedreamedlove · 5 years
Speech Quirks in MLQC
Archived Reddit post but this is the improved and updated version. I've linked the Reddit one though because @sharinluna made fantastic comments which I hadn't considered.
Spoilers include content up to Chapter 18 and some unreleased calls and cards. None of these are plot lines though, just snippets to support their speech quirks. Also, my eternal disclaimer is that I'm pulling from CN lines so don't be alarmed if the quotes differ.
The cutest habit this man has is defaulting into a sincere and solemn tone whenever he doesn't know how to respond to MC. He's so genuine it hurts. It's especially apparent when he goes along with weird topics.
Here are some examples of Bai Qi being an adorably confused puppy but trying to do his best. He always takes MC's concerns seriously:
[CN Soaked Heart SSR Misunderstanding Date] Context is they keep misunderstanding each other today. "Though I don't understand women's hearts, yours is the only one I don't want to get wrong. Can you give me some more time?"
[Lightbath SSR Tenderness] Context is after he excessively praises MC to her embarrassment. "I'm sorry, maybe it's because I didn't convey it well enough. But I just wanted to express all my thoughts out. Next time, I hope I can use a better way to express them to you."
[Summer Loving SSR Undo Fail Call] Context is MC having a terrible day and mis-sent her messages to Bai Qi. "If you don't want to go to work then you can take a day off. As for your hairline... how about..."
[Blaze Up SSR Age Rage Call] Bai Qi takes MC's opening extremely seriously, thinking something happened, before having a small laugh at her being called "auntie" by the boy. But he immediately regains his seriousness to talk it over with her.
It's not that Bai Qi doesn't get jokes, but his response to them tends to be serious too (which leads to unintentional killer lines). I think his humor tends towards more of the deadpan kind, like Li Zeyan (except Li Zeyan has some witty sharpness).
I've also seen people mention this phrase and I love it because it encapsulates him so well: Bai Qi is either shy and blushes or he goes straight for the kill LOL.
Here are some examples of lines that may sound sleazy or too flirty if they weren't delivered in such a straight and sincere manner LOL:
[Cold Shower R Refreshing Moments] When you pick the choice saying you thought he was going to upload a picture he goes: "Um... I can DM you." I've seen that he uses a smiley in English but it's not there in Chinese.
[Against the Light SR Sweet Bomb Moments] When you pick the choice saying that he's become cola-flavored he asks: "What do I normally taste like?"
[2018 Valentine's Text] I chose a conversation path which had me telling Bai Qi that he needs to get used to pet hair if he's going to raise a pet and that one day I'd like to raise one. He seriously promises to do his best to get used to pet hair and asks to raise one together.
[Grocery Moments] When you pick the choice that he can use his other hand to carry bags he answers simply: "My other hand is for holding yours, so I can't use it."
Honestly, the takeaway in Bai Qi's speech is the unconditional support and love he gives to MC. He never questions her feelings about things, and oftentimes vehemently objects to her thinking she's bothering him or that her problems are trivial or silly.
He wants to hear about her happy news, her sad news, and everything about her. (I joke that Bai Qi is the perfect fit for the meme where it's like "Why are you crying?" "Oh, it's just these onions" "What the hell did you say to my girlfriend!?").
He always gives a heads up before he acts, even though he generally tends to be moving already. Like going to pick up MC in the rain or at any other location.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of this came from his family life. Through his Rumors and Secrets and [Seize SSR Sad Thoughts Call] you can get an idea that his mother didn't have any standing with his father, often got cut off, and nothing she wanted or felt mattered.
Even though Bai Qi was young at that time it probably left a mark on him because he never does that with MC; he lets her express herself before he brings up any of his feelings. Her feelings are always valid, but he does tend to be a proactive fixer and provides solutions if he can (much like Li Zeyan). Bai Qi will try to solve MC's problems, but I'm sure if she just wanted to rant then he'll gladly listen (ex. [Blaze Up SSR Age Rage Call]).
One other notable thing is that, in Asian cultures, social harmony is very important and that's why there's a culture around speaking indirectly and preserving the other person's dignity.
So Bai Qi's indifference and ability to cut straight to the point probably doesn't stand out that much in the West but it's actually a bit shocking and impactful in Chinese. Especially because he doesn't shy away from expressing his feelings. He might stutter, cough, clear his throat, and be all embarrassed but then he just delivers monologues of blunt emotion (ex. [Love Of My Life SSR Goodnight Wish & Wish Calls]).
I find that Bai Qi and Li Zeyan are the most stereotypical types of masculinity among the four men.
As always, I need to thank my Luoluo-loving friend for the discussion here because I always have the least thoughts on him. Oops.
I don't think I'd be wrong in saying he has the most range among all the men. He gets to play with a pouting baby voice, his acting hero voice, his KEY voice, his Helios voice, and then his normal voice.
He has a harder speech habit to pin down because of this massive range, but I think you can catch how he leans into a sly or teasing tone. He's very quick with comebacks and jokes and I'd say he's the first to establish an inside joke with MC (both being each other's superheroes).
He and MC have a relationship where they're both building each other up. If Bai Qi provides unconditional support and acceptance then Zhou Qiluo is all about cheering her on whenever possible.
It's also interesting to point out that even though he's so emotive on the outside, when things are serious he goes deadly quiet and calm. You can see that in Chapter 8, 14, and his Helios persona in Chapter 17. They say watch out for the quiet ones, but more like watch out for the people who use their jokes and loudness to hide their quiet intensity.
I'm not sure how clear this came across in English but Luoluo notably repeats himself on several occasions in Chinese. It's sad because it's like he's reassuring the person he's talking to and himself at the same time.
[Main Story 14-20] "It'll be okay, it'll definitely be okay [...] You'll be okay."
[Main Story 14-20] "Miss Chips, wait for me... will you wait for me?"
I've also noticed that, even though he tries to be as genuine as possible, he's actually not as emotionally open as someone like Bai Qi. Luoluo tends to bring up his own emotions in a third-person or hypothetical perspective. For example:
[Call after Main Story 11-8: Important Decision] Luoluo calls and talks around the subject of an important decision he needs to make (aka. turning into Helios) and whether or not MC would be able to accept him if he changed completely into another person.
[CN ASMR Bear Cub's Troubles] He tells a story about a number of bears doing things and they're clearly supposed to represent him but he never admits that either.
We're about to hear much more from Helios but, as a start, he's extremely curt. Luoluo is definitely pulling an opposite here with his speech style, but it's neat how you can hear tones of Zhou Qiluo throughout too.
See, there's these things called modal particles in Chinese that you stick on the end of your sentences to give them meaning, emphasize meaning, strengthen meaning, or soften the meaning and tone.
Luoluo has the habit of using one 啊 (ah) which can have all these sort of meanings and other ones you just sort of pick up on:
[attached to the end of a sentence to indicate admiration]
[attached to the end of a sentence to show approval or self-protectiveness or to urge or enjoin]
[attached to the end of a sentence to indicate doubt]
[sign of pause in the middle of a sentence to draw attention to what one is going to say next]
[attached to the end of each item enumerated]
In Luoluo's case it makes his sentences sound more excited and younger and goes really well with his bright atmosphere. However, when he's Helios, this modal particle is dropped completely. Helios is flat, blunt, and basically pulling a Li Zeyan LOL.
I think I've talked way too much about how Xu Mo is a wordsmith LOL but I'm always impressed by how he can corner MC into accepting his invitations without it being creepy. But I suppose this is a point of contention due to localization decisions and voice direction.
Putting that aside, it has to be noted that Xu Mo asks for a lot of permission. His speech style is designed to get you to lower your guard as much as possible, which I've touched on in my wordsmith post.
Again, returning to modal particles, Xu Mo has ones that basically gives all his sentences a "May I?" "Could I?" "Would you...?" style.
[Sound of Silence SSR The Little Prince Call] "Would you like to hear what I have to say?"
[Call after Main Story 3-1: Movie Invitation] "Then, would this lady be willing to watch Manhattan with me this Sunday?"
[CN Archery Date] "May I ask this lady here for some assistance?"
To be more specific, he uses a lot of 吧 (ba) which has these sort of meanings (the first one especially):
[a particle used at the end of the sentence to indicate discussion, suggestion, request, or instruction]
[an indication of agreement or approval at the end of the sentence]
[an indication of doubt or guess at the end of the sentence]
[an indication of uncertainty in the sentence]
[it can express a pause, tone of assumption, difficulty in making a choice, or dilemma in the sentence]
You can imagine how much this softens his sentences right? It's why he's so good at sounding disarming LOL and then you walk away and take 5 seconds to realize he said something alarming and/or got you to accept a date.
On another note, much like Bai Qi, Xu Mo quietly accepts all of MC's feelings and doubts. But he's much more of a natural at gently refuting her points and wording things in a way that helps her mature slowly (a big theme with him).
Compared to the others, he checks more often on whether MC wants to listen to his opinion before he gives it. Or, he supports his view from an empirical standpoint (like how he's been the adviser to Miracle Finder pretty much at the beginning and seen her growth from there).
Because of how his speech habit is designed to be soft when he's Xu Mo, it makes his Ares persona really interesting. He drops his softeners and speaks in a more clipped tone but he still maintains his politeness.
At the news conference in Chapter 16 you can hear how he uses starts using rhetoric to push the MC around (as a mix between Ares and cold Xu Mo). He actively challenges her opinions, compared to before when he was just providing alternative (and supportive) views. The news conference is actually amazing because in Chinese they both become EXCESSIVELY polite to demonstrate this new distance between them after Chapter 13.
CRIES WHENEVER I THINK ABOUT XU MO AND ARES. So, Xu Mo also has a quirk that's very apparent in his ASMRs where he repeats himself because he flusters the MC so bad she's always like "Huh!?".
But as Ares he literally has a line where he coolly says that he doesn't like to repeat himself and that he won't repeat himself...
Switching gears, Xu Mo also shares a habit with Li Zeyan where they give nonverbal responses. In Xu Mo's case, he goes "Mm?" "Hm?" or "Oh?" and tends to raise the end of his sentences to soften them. Li Zeyan just grunts acknowledgements LOL but it's the hottest noise in Chinese.
Lastly, Xu Mo really, really loves nicknaming the MC and has called her kitten, sea otter, this lady, night owl, etc. It's adorable! (I'm not mentioning his use of little fool or silly girl because I'm going to go more into that in Li Zeyan's section.)
Okay, let's get the elephant out of the room. One of his speech quirks is calling MC a dummy, idiot, or moron LOL.
But there's an extremely interesting cultural difference here that people might not be aware of. In Chinese, the word he uses for "idiot" and "dummy" (笨蛋; bendan) is actually light and almost negligent. If I were to give an analogy, it's more like he's calling you "silly" all the time.
Obviously, the fact that you're being called something still hasn't disappeared. But the word Li Zeyan uses lands as a 0.1/10 on the insult scale in Chinese.
I don't have enough background in sociology to explain why this is but there's an interesting talk about the vagueness of Japanese insults vs. English ones that basically applies here to Chinese too:
One likely reason for the relatively few Japanese words for 'fool' is vagueness. In both English and Japanese, the words for 'fool' have meanings that vary along scales of friendly–hostile, or joking–serious. In English, at one end of a scale are words like silly goose and at the other end are words like stupid asshole. And in Japanese, at one end are words like kamaboko baka 蒲鉾馬鹿 'silly chump' and at the other end are words like baka-yarō 馬鹿野郎 'damn fool'. The difference is in the degree of lexical diversification along the scales of meaning. English seems to have more 'fool' words with more specificity – Japanese seems to have fewer 'fool' words with more vagueness. There are decided pragmatic and communicative advantages to such lexical vagueness. If you call me a stupid son-of-a-bitch, I know exactly what you mean. But if you call me a baka-yarō, I cannot be so sure of what you mean. The expression baka-yarō 馬鹿野郎 is one of the most insulting terms in the Japanese lexicon, but it is vague and can range in meaning from an affectionate 'silly-willy' to an abusive 'jerk-off fool'. Baka-yarō is so widely used that it has become semantically weak and vague. Such vagueness can serve to conceal hostility and thus to maintain social harmony.
Carr, Michael (1982). "Baka and Fool". The Review of Liberal Arts. 63: 1–18. Retrieved 2013-04-19.
On this note about insults, all the other guys have their own terms for the MC as well. For example, Xu Mo and Bai Qi use 傻瓜 (shagua; fool, silly melon) with Xu Mo often adding more affection with the diminuitive 小 (xiao; small, little).
I've seen Luoluo take some heat for also calling the MC "stupid" like Li Zeyan but did you know in Chinese he only uses 笨 (ben; dumb) which is even more lighter than Li Zeyan's word? It's like a 0.01/10 on the scale.
Putting this cultural difference of insults aside, I've mentioned above that Li Zeyan is also a fixer of problems like Bai Qi. Except he goes straight for it without checking with the MC (overbearing CEO style). He decides on an action, carries it out, and then tells MC after the fact.
[Marauder SSR Change Hotel Call] He switches her hotel immediately and gets her to move only after he's done it during their call.
[Chapter 11] Pretty much the entirety of this chapter and how he had her treated at the hospital, escorts her to and from work, assigns bodyguards for MC, etc.
Basically, whenever Li Zeyan receives MC's problems, he'll make a dry comment about it first, but then end up solving it.
I also think that, out of the rest of the guys, he questions MC the most on everything (remember, Xu Mo isn't naturally confrontational until he goes cold or Ares-mode). Li Zeyan can't seem to stop himself from challenging MC's views and opinions every step of the way (in his mind, he's doing it for her own good).
On a side note, I think he also has the habit of being unable to say what he truly wants to say sometimes and you can hear him swallow back a lot of words or just sigh heavily. For example:
[Call after Main Story 11-19: Routine Greeting] Granted he was really emotional due to story reasons here. But there were so many pregnant pauses and heavy silence.
[Gentle Confrontation SSR Tacit Game Call] In Chinese, when MC opens with her question you can actually hear him go "Uh..." LOL. IT'S HILARIOUSLY CUTE. But the rest just has him sighing deeply.
I mentioned above that he and Bai Qi share a similar sense of humor in being deadpan, but Li Zeyan definitely takes it to another level. He also delivers a serving of dry wit or sarcasm. I think it's cute that he mimics the MC a lot though and their inside joke is him recalling everything she's called him.
[Main Story 11-16] Same speech pattern. "Are you Li Zeyan...?" "... Are you a moron?"
[Winter Infatuation SSR Before Sleep Call] "Even though on the way back you were clearly crying, 'Ah, so tired... ah, so sleepy...', the moment you get home you have the energy to turn on the computer?"
There's too many occasions where he quotes her words about him being an unsmiling K(ing), but whenever it happens some cute back and forth ribbing gets brought up. Like how it slipped out of her mouth, but he just so happened to recall it too and it's not like he remembers this stuff on purpose or keeps it in his mind. Uh huh.
Despite how exasperated he gets though, Li Zeyan never stops participating in all the silly games MC drags him into. Is this true love--- LOL.
Lastly, I want to bring up how Li Zeyan gives nonverbal responses much like Xu Mo except his are like grunts of acknowledgment. His favorite words is probably 嗯 (ng). The sound is more like "en" with a bit of a nasal noise and just means "mm". It can be used as a question too.
But hands down I think it's the hottest noise in Chinese LOL especially when Wu Lei (Li Zeyan's Chinese voice actor) does it in his deep voice. Erm, oops, getting distracted.
My main point here is to say that Li Zeyan leans towards being brief and monosyllabic, moreso than the other men. For example, in [Main Story 18-8] Li Zeyan uses the shortest words possible to reply to Xu Mo. At one point he literally just goes "Reason?".
I actually think he uses the most Chinese idioms to get across his meaning as short as possible (but this would be impossible to carry over in English...). Xu Mo tends to use 4 character combinations too but those are for scientific theories and don't count.
A Chinese player actually compiled the majority of idioms you hear from Li Zeyan LOL and here they are. By the way, these are supposed to be said as one whole phrase but I've added spaces to make the pronunciation clearer:
少见多怪 (shao jian duo guai); lit. seldom seen very strange. It means making a fuss or being excited over something normal.
上蹿下跳 (shang cuan xia tiao); lit. leap up jump down. It means jumping around excitedly and being hyperactive.
当众出丑 (dang zhong chu chou); lit. public fool. It means making a fool of yourself in public or making yourself a spectacle.
差强人意 (cha qiang ren yi); lit. lacking improvement to one's expectation. It means being barely passable or barely satisfactory.
不近人情 (bu jin ren qing); lit. not close to human emotions. It means being unreasonable or inhuman, and this one was actually Li Zeyan asking if MC sees him as this.
乱七八糟 (luan qi ba zao); I don't think you can make this literal but it basically means a complete mess.
自作多情 (zi zuo duo qing); lit. self-made many feelings. It means being full of yourself, like a narcissist, or flattering yourself by thinking people love you when they don't LOL.
漏洞百出 (lou dong bai chu); lit. full of leaks. It means you're full of loopholes, inconsistencies, and all your arguments are faulty.
莫名其妙 (mo ming qi miao); I'm not sure if this can become literal either but it means baffling, ridiculous, or incomprehensible.
想都别想 (xiang duo bie xiang); It literally means don't you even think about it LOL.
笨手笨脚 (ben shou ben jiao); lit. dumb hands dumb legs. It means being clumsy.
罪加一等 (zui jia yi deng); lit. adding a cardinal sin. It basically means becoming doubly guilty or you just keep piling up wrongs.
叽叽喳喳 (ji ji zha zha); lit. chirp chirp. But it basically means you're being a chatterbox, babbling, and jibberjabbering.
Of course we can't forget 笨蛋 (bendan; dummy, idiot) and 白痴 (baichi; moron) which are the insults Li Zeyan uses the majority of the time, the former more than the latter. These aren't idioms though.
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
Worth It
Pairings: Dousy, background Pepperony, FitzSimmons, Philinda, Mackelana, and Huntingbird  
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of gun use, mentions of ptsd, light swearing
a/n: Here’s my soulmate au for day 6 of @aosficnet2 ‘s AoS AU August! It’s got Modern Man!Daniel Sousa based on Enver’s appearance as a police officer in The Avengers. 
Daisy “Quake” Johnson - Inhuman, hacker, Agent of SHIELD, and now she could add “Avenger” to her list of descriptors. The agent hadn’t been entirely surprised when she’d received an impromptu meeting with Director Nick Fury about her powers. At the time he had told her he was putting together a team, a group of people with super-human abilities that would work together to defend the world if the threat arose. She had signed on, she was already a SHIELD agent and she’d had plenty of training with her ability from her mom growing up at Afterlife, but she never met the team. Well, until about 24 hours ago. They were a bit of a nightmare (a complete shitshow if she was being blunt), none of them had worked together before so it was no surprise that they were butting heads. Daisy got along just fine with Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow as the two of them had crossed paths from time to time within SHIELD, but she couldn’t say the same for scientist Bruce Banner (the Hulk), billionaire Tony Stark (Iron Man), or the first-ever superhero Steve Rogers (Captain America). Of course, now they were also dealing with a Norse god of thunder who was supposedly good and his brother who was apparently bad. Thor, Stark, and Rogers: three massive egos in one aircraft. 
Judging by the footage they were streaming from the museum Loki was more than just bad. Daisy had always been wary of powers, her mom had taught her that. Power was extremely dangerous when put in the wrong hands, that’s why Afterlife was so selective in choosing who got to go through terrigenesis. Loki was clearly the wrong hands and even though she really hated the men she was surrounded with, if they were the world’s only hope then she’d put up with them. 
“So you expect me to believe there is life on other planets?” 
Daisy sighed, trying not to get too frustrated. The man had been in the ice for seventy years, he missed a lot and probably had no reason to expect that “aliens” existed. Of course, she had known the truth since she was a child: not only was it highly probable that life existed elsewhere in the galaxy, but she was part-alien herself. Of course, no one else knew that. Inhumans were a secret from the rest of the world and it would need to stay that way. 
“Oh, I’m sorry Seismic Activity, did you know that already?” Stark asked sarcastically, raising a brow at her and she rolled her eyes. 
“It’s Quake, actually, and yeah, I knew that, statistically, it was highly probable that alien life exists,” she bit back, glaring at the man, “Just about everyone in this century knows that.” 
“Agent Johnson if you have some sort of issue with when I was born then you should just come out and say it,” Cap said, a frown on his face as he sat up in his chair. 
“Look, I couldn’t give two shits whether you were born yesterday or a thousand years ago, I just don’t think we really have time to be debating extraterrestrial life right now,” Daisy said, fighting the urge to roll her eyes again as she gestured to the holoscreen displaying Loki’s cell.  
“She’s right, gear up.” Director Fury said. Daisy wasn’t sure when he had entered but she was glad he was taking her side. “We’re under attack.” 
Daisy nodded, rushing out of the room to find her gauntlets and her weapons. It wasn’t a great idea to quake on a giant helicarrier so she’d probably be fighting old school. 
“Woah, what the hell is that Johnson?” Natasha Romanoff was sneakier than Fury and Daisy hadn’t even known she was in the room until her wrist was tightly in the woman’s grasp. 
She sighed, tugging her arm out of the redhead’s grip and slipping on her gauntlet to cover the writing. The marks weren’t uncommon, most of the world had them. They developed at age 16 and were usually the first words your soulmate said to you. However, not everyone got one or soulmates died and SHIELD specialized in utilizing the soulmark-less. That’s not to say there weren’t agents with soul marks in the organization, for ordinary agents SHIELD held a mostly don’t ask, don’t tell policy. Typically the only way to get into high-risk assignments like the Avengers was to prove the lack of a soulmate, but of course, the Avengers were less than typical. 
“They make exceptions for people with powers.” She brushed it off, slipping on her other gauntlet. 
“That doesn’t change the fact that you’re connected to someone,” Natasha argued and Daisy huffed, turning away. 
“Stark’s got a mark, and he’s actually met his soulmate. If something happens to me mine’ll never know what they missed.” 
Daisy quickly slid her various knives and guns into place in their holsters before leaving, effectively putting an end to one of the worst conversations she’d had in a while. She didn’t need the Black Widow to guilt-trip her, she had herself for that. She’d heard the stories about the pain people felt when their soulmate died and it often kept her up at night, but right now she had a job to do and she’d be damned if she sacrificed the world for one person she hadn’t even met. 
Of course, her dedication to the cause hadn’t mattered much, she still wound up on the floor of the helicarrier with Phil Coulson bleeding out. She didn’t know the man super well, but he was usually the agent present whenever an 0-8-4 was discovered and since Daisy was something of an 0-8-4 herself, they crossed paths pretty frequently. She knew he was an upstanding and kind man, she knew he was a good agent, and she knew he didn’t deserve to die like this. 
It wasn’t long until Fury came and swept him away and Hill ushered her back into the briefing room where some of the others were gathered. They all looked worse for wear and apparently they were about ready to give up. The Hulk was gone, Loki had jettisoned Thor from the airship, and he has the tesseract and would likely be taking over earth shortly. Daisy couldn’t believe it. 
“I just watched several good agents die, and you want to throw in the towel? Do you have any respect for yourselves?” She questioned, glaring at Rogers and Stark. 
She stormed out when she was met with silence, passing Fury in the hallway. She wanted desperately to change out of her skintight Quake suit and get cleaned up, but she wasn’t ready to give up the fight yet, opting instead to unzip the top half, tying the sleeves around her waist. She wandered around the ship like that, her sports bra the only thing covering her torso, before finding herself on the top deck, leaning over a railing. 
“Have you met them yet?” 
Daisy turned to see Rogers gesturing to her wrist where the words “Who the hell are you?” were written in a neat script. 
“Nah,” she shook her head, barely concealing her disappointment with a smile. 
“You’ll find them eventually, or they’ll find you.” He gave her a tight-lipped smile.
“Thanks for not berating me for risking my life while my soulmate is out there somewhere.” 
“Hey, I hid my makr to join a highly experimental drug trial and enlist in World War Two so I don’t have much room for judgment.” He joked and Daisy laughed, feeling a little better.
Daniel Sousa had been sure this would be another day at the station as he slipped his uniform over his shoulders, covering the soulmark on the back of his shoulder. Soulmarks appeared when a person turned 16, appearing at the place where their soulmate would first come in contact with them. The combination of the location of his mark and the words (“Probably your only chance at survival now let me go”) had always been a mystery to him though he hoped he would solve it soon. 
He took the subway to the station, just like he did every morning. Daniel was a police officer for the 99th precinct in NYC which was about a fifteen-minute subway ride away from his apartment. Despite its obvious flaws (thanks MTA), he liked taking the subway - it was more environmentally friendly than driving himself, it was much faster than trying to make it through New York traffic or walk (though sometimes he did walk when it was nice and his leg wasn’t bugging him as much), and the crowds increased the probability that he’d come across his soulmate. 
She wasn’t on the subway today again and so Daniel resigned himself to daydreams of how they might meet. He hoped it would be romantic, that she’d bump into him accidentally (it was the best way he could explain the back of his shoulder), maybe he’d catch her as she tripped over him and they’d lock eyes and she’d take his breath away. He pushed away the fears that she would be freaked out by his prosthetic or the fact that her words on his shoulder didn’t fit that scenario at all. He wanted their meeting to be perfect for her. 
He was ripped away from his thoughts by his partner, Jack Thompson, telling him they had to go check out a call downtown. There weren’t any detectives involved so it likely wasn’t anything serious- probably a noise complaint or something equally mundane.
Daniel had been right, the call was a typical noise complaint, easily solved and probably ignored as soon as they left the building (Jack bet they’d be back in 24 hours, Daniel gave it 32). However, he never could’ve guessed that when they went to climb back into the squad car a portal would open up in the sky and a bunch of space creatures would attack earth. Thompson grabbed the radio to inform the station of the situation. It took a few minutes of convincing (he didn’t blame them, he only believed it because he was seeing it) and a few more to figure out what to do (there really isn’t an official protocol for Hostile Alien Invasion) before they were told to stay put and that backup was on the way. 
Daniel reached for his gun, steeling himself for the fight he was sure he was about to be involved in. An alien invasion would be a really bad time for his crippling ptsd. Still, he was sure his hand would shake if he had to actually lift his gun, his finger would hesitate on the trigger, he’d have to fight to keep his eyes open because if he closed them all he’d see was Afghanistan. 
“Sousa you with me?” Thompson asked, snapping him from his thoughts. 
He nodded, letting out a shaky breath, when had he stopped breathing? 
Thompson nodded, more to himself than to Daniel, “Good, cause we’re going to get through this.” 
If she had been really thinking at all, she might’ve wondered if she was having an out-of-body experience as she moved through the streets of Manhattan with the purpose of a woman on a mission. The Avengers were scattered across the borough trying to fight the Chitauri with mixed success. It seemed like no matter how many they blasted, quaked, shot, or struck with lightning more kept coming through the portal. Daisy was taking out as many of the aliens as she could while trying to command the local police forces- badges or not, they were purely human and severely underprepared to fight this threat. Their services were more equipped to evacuate and protect the civilians. 
She hadn’t been paying attention when she knocked into someone’s shoulder. It was a police officer, she noticed, though where most of the officers she’d seen seemed ready to take on the Chitauri head-on, he looked terrified. 
“Who the hell are you?” The man questioned, quickly grabbing her wrist before she could run off. 
“Probably your only chance at survival now let me go.” Daisy bit back angrily and the man gasped, dropping her arm and backing away like she had burned him. 
“You’re- we’re-” The man stuttered and even though he could’ve been about to say anything (maybe “you’re Quake!” or “We’re gonna die!”) Daisy knew exactly what he meant. She knew from the burning sensation on the wrist he had been holding. He was her soulmate. 
“Oh my god, I don’t have time for this!” Daisy yelled angrily, quaking the alien that had appeared behind the man. 
She silently cursed fate or destiny or whatever was behind this for planning her soulmate meeting during a literal alien invasion. 
“Listen, I need you to leave the frontlines- spread the word: all officers are to evacuate as many civilians as possible. Focus on protecting them.” She ordered making an effort to put the world-altering event before the life-altering event she had accidentally just stumbled upon. 
“Who’s going to be there to fight?” 
Daisy quaked another approaching Chitauri soldier. “Leave that to the people with powers.” 
The officer nodded mutely, seemingly stunned into silence. 
“Sousa!” Another officer called out, “Quit chatting we have a job to do!” 
The dark-haired officer, her soulmate, nodded to the man and started to move away. 
“Officer Sousa!” Daisy called, taking steps backward herself, “Maybe we can get some coffee when this is all done?” 
“Sure but how’ll I find you?” He asked, turning back to stare at her hopefully. 
Daisy’s steps were picking up speed, the urgency of the day not lost on her. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll find you!” 
And with that she was off, turning on her heels and sprinting towards Stark Tower. 
Daisy stared at the computer monitor in front of her. It had been a few days since the Chitauri attack and while New York and her mental state was still a disaster, she needed to do this. The file she had found in SHIELD’s database was a welcome distraction, as was the handsome face staring back at her from the screen. 
Daniel Jordan Sousa. Born 1984 in Twin Falls, Idaho. Served one tour in Afghanistan before being discharged due to an injury resulting in the amputation of his left leg. 
She scrolled down to the contact information. 
Cellphone: (xxx)xxx-xxxx 
Daisy: Hi, it’s Daisy Johnson, your soulmate? I was wondering if we could get that coffee?
She was surprised by how quickly he responded. 
Daniel: I’d love to! 
Daniel: btw how did you get my number? 
Daisy: It’s a bit of a story, mind if I tell you over that coffee?
Daniel: does 1:00 work? Maybe we could grab a bite to eat while we’re at it?
Daisy smiled before checking the time, 11 o’clock. She had two hours to get ready. 
Daisy: 1:00 sounds great. I know a cute place off 12th ave 
Daniel had no intention of pulling his soulmate from the field, he knew it was where she wanted to be and he’d never dream of taking it from her. However, he’d be damned if he wasn’t out there to watch her back. So, he joined SHIELD not long after they met. Despite his prosthetic, he climbed the ranks relatively quickly though Daisy wasn’t surprised. She had seen his record both in the military and the police force, Daniel Sousa was a damn fine agent. 
The two weren’t in any hurry relationship-wise. They had moved in together fairly quickly but even two years later they had yet to get engaged. It was a bit of an anomaly - soulmates were usually hitched within a year of meeting each other but Daisy didn’t really hold much stock in a piece of paper declaring their relationship valid and Daniel decided he really didn’t need that paper either as long as he still had Daisy. Besides, with their separate jobs at SHIELD, they didn’t really have much time to plan engagements or weddings. 
In 2014 the pair were recruited to an elite team by Phil Coulson, the man Daisy could’ve sworn had died in her arms, the man the Avengers were told had died. She had shaken her head at Fury when she found out. “You manipulative son of a bitch,” she had said though she had meant it fondly. Who knows what would’ve happened when the Chitauri invaded if he hadn’t done what he had. 
Daisy and Daniel joined scientist duo and soulmates Jemma Simmons and Leopold Fitz as well as Coulson’s soulmate Melinda May on the Bus, a giant plane Fury had given Coulson as reparations for his death. The team had its bumps in its initial missions but they quickly became a tightly knit family that only grew when Coulson took over as Director of SHIELD after the Hydra takeover. 
When Daniel finally proposed Jemma had been her maid of honor and Bobbi and Elena had been her bridesmaids. Likewise, Fitz had been Daniel’s best man and Mack and Hunter had filled out the rest of the groomsmen roles. It had been a small but beautiful wedding, Daisy’s mom had allowed them to have the ceremony at Afterlife and Coulson and May had been their officiants. 
Daisy had cursed fate when they met, but looking back she realized it was all worth it for this. 
a/n: I had no idea how to end this. Also, I have no clue where the 99th precinct operates in NYC (if it even exists) I just wanted to make a Brooklyn 99 reference. Though I’m realizing belatedly that B99 takes place in Brooklyn and probably doesn’t operate in manhattan but oh well.  
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theamberwriter · 5 years
Drawn to Love [Katsuki Bakugo]
Tumblr media
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Word Count: 2982
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: Lmfao, so - Lumix and Aurelius may or may not be from a comic of my own that I came up with ages ago! I’ve been having a lot of fun writing this! I hope you guys like this just as much as Drawn to You!
"Why don't we hang out in your dorm tonight?" Katsuki asked as the two of you walked back to the Heights Alliance. You panicked, there was a reason you hadn't let him in your room.
You smiled warily. "Why would you wanna do that -"
"I've never been in your dorm, first off. Second, my floor is getting too freaking noisy to study." He glared straight ahead, his grip on your hand tightening a little. He was right though. The people on his floor had been running amuck lately. 
You groaned. "Fine."
"What? Got something you don't want me to see?" Katsuki teased. "Did you save one of those Papergos to sleep with at night?"
Your face grew hot as you remembered the incident a few months before that lead to your dating. "No! My room is, uh, just a little cramped. That's all."
Katsuki rolled his eyes. He wasn't buying it. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever."
Your stomach twisted as you got closer to your room. He was going to think that you were weird. You just knew it. Your quirk was fun, what could you say? It brought you endless hours of entertainment.
"Uh," you stuttered, standing in front of your door. "Are you sure you don't want to -"
"You're not getting out of this, nerd." You could see the amusement in his eyes. No matter how he tried to hide it.
Your shoulders slumped. "Rude."
To say Katsuki was a little confused when you opened the door was an understatement. There was a lot going on at once. Lots of movements, noises, and colors. Shapes he recognized but were a little off. Mostly due to the materials they were made of.
Over the years, you'd drawn and brought to life many things. One of your passions was making pets and plants that didn't need upkeep. As Katsuki stepped in, a little paper dog and cat circled around his feet. Tiny creatures scurried and flew about the room. A colorful paper toucan was propped on a paper tree growing out of your wall. On the other side of the room, an owl hooted from a tree trunk jutting out.
Paper vines hung from your ceiling, clinging to the walls. All pulsing with life. Paper plants, which actually had color and scent, were growing in real pots. Some were even sentient, nudging your leg as you walked by. You patted them on the head. Your room was alive, basically.
"Uh, welcome to my dorm," you said, stretching out your arms. The owl flew out, landing lightly on your shoulder. "You see why I didn't want to hang out in here? I - uh - I got a little carried away -"
"This is amazing," you barely heard Katsuki muttered. You could see the slight freak out in his eyes as the toucan flew to him and landed in his hair. It nuzzled down, apparently not planning on moving anytime soon.
That's when your bathroom door slid open and out walked two people. An extremely tan boy with cinnamon red hair and facial stubble was talking to a pale girl whose purple hair dragged the floor behind her.  "- No, you're an idiot, you can't just - [Name]! You're back!"
The girl flew over and wrapped you up in a hug. The owl hooted at her aggressively and went back to the hollow in the tree trunk. "[Name], you're back! You've been gone forever."
"What the f -" Katsuki started.
You grinned at him anxiously. "Aurelius, Lumix - I brought someone."
The girl, Lumix, dropped you and got in Katsuki's face. The toucan in his hair didn't even flinch. The guy, Aurelius, pulled her back by the shoulder. "Lumix, don't be rude."
You rushed over, grabbing Katsuki's arm. He looked ready to blow them up. "GUYS, this is my boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo. Katsuki, meet Lumix and Aurelius. They're, uh, characters from my comic."
"AAAHHHH, FINALLY!!!" Lumix yelled. "You're a lot cuter in person."
"They're what?" Katsuki sounded angry and baffled at the same time. "You can bring people to life?"
"You know it!" Lumix cheered, spinning around in a circle. Katsuki realized then that she was in futuristic garb. Nothing like he'd ever seen.
"Uh, yeah," you laughed nervously, pushing him towards the far end of your room. "It's a war story about different countries. Each have a theme. These two are are sci-fi and steampunk. It's a whole - nerdy - thing. Uh, let's get to studying."
"Why are some things colored but some not?" Katsuki asked suddenly. And something dawned on him. Something that made his insides burn with guilt. He really could be dense. He had so many questions. About your quirk, about you, about everything. 
"Wha -" you started, turning to find Katsuki's face scrunched in obvious annoyance. "Hey, 'Suki, you okay?"
Katsuki could act cool and hard all he wanted. But, and he found it weird and irritating, he'd already imagined his whole life with you. Even after only knowing you since the school year started. You'd really gotten under his skin and into his heart. Katsuki sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just realized, after all this time, I don't actually know a damn thing about your quirk. Or about you, really."
You smiled and waved him off. "I'm nothing interesting. My quirk is stupid and full of rules and technicalities. It's all super boring -"
"I don't care how damn complicated it is," he started. Katsuki sat on your bed. Your heart ached. He really looked like he belonged there. Amongst all of your drawings, and the craziness that you could bring to life. You sat next to him. He turned your face to look at him. His eyes were very serious.
"I don't care how dumb you think it is. If we're doing this, being together, then I have to know. - I want to know. About this." He pointed to the toucan. Then to Lumix and Aurelius who were listening intently. "About these nerds. About you."
Your heart felt like it swelled. An overwhelming feeling of happiness overtaking you. But it was cut short as you watched in horror as he reached for the toucan. Your eyes grew wide as he tried to pull it out of his hair. "Wait - no! The toucan -"
But it was too late. Katsuki's gentleness disappeared as the bird chomped down on his finger. He immediately lit it on fire. Only realizing as ashes fluttered in front of his face what he'd done.
"Bites," you finished weakly. You barely held in your laugh.
"Oh, shit," Katsuki muttered, then louder, "Damn it! I didn't -"
You got off the bed. "It's fine. I can remake him."
You rummaged through your desk until you found your drawings box. You took out a binder and held it up to show him. "This is a comprehensive collection of everything I've brought to life. This is a technicality of my quirk. You can destroy what I've made, it will simply go back to being a drawing. However, if you destroy what it's drawn on -"
"Then it's gone forever," Aurelius stated dramatically.
You nodded, then flipped through the pages. "You can see these are all blank. - Except for this one, with the toucan."
"Are you sure that's a toucan?" Katsuki asked, squinting at the page. It was just a vague shape. You thumped him on the head with the binder. That earned you a small glare.
You rolled your eyes. "I was small when I drew him. We'd gone to the zoo and wanted to make one for me. It may not look like much, but I bring to life what's in my mind's eye. Watch."
You focused for a second. Thinking about how you wanted the toucan to appear this time. Then put your hand to the page. In a glow, the marker toucan peeled away from the paper as you lifted your hand. Bringing life was a bit more elaborate than just producing a building. The marker outline rose, rotating until the toucan was up and down.
The marker lines bent into a recognizable outline of the toucan. Then the outline started to expand like a bubble. Soon a white, 3D, paper bird floated there. Then the colors flooded in, like someone pouring paint. They were totally different than they'd been before. With a final flash of light, you could see the spark of life flood in.
You cupped your hands under the toucan to catch it. It plopped right into your waiting palms. Katsuki stared in amazement, not even trying to hide it this time. That's when the toucan turned to stare him in the eye.
"I must thank you," the toucan said. The color drained from your boyfriend's face. "If you had not blown me up, I may never have gotten the gift of speech. Also, thank you, [Name], for the new coloration. It's quite beautiful."
"Why thank you," you said, smiling. "Back on the tree, then?"
The bird nodded. "Yes, please, if you would."
You climbed on your bed to put the toucan back in his perch in the corner. You sat back beside Katsuki, who was weirdly silent. He looked disturbed.
"You okay?" you giggled. "Not used to the 'miracle of life'?"
He was silent for a long moment before asking, "That bird isn't going to hold a grudge, is it?" 
"Sir Beaksaplenty?" You raised an eyebrow, smirking. "No. He's a very forgiving bird. I've destroyed himself by accident before. I just have to promise to bring him back better than the last. I'm thinking about giving him a top hat and monocle."
Katsuki eyed the bird's perch warily. "And he remembers everything?"
You nodded. "Only if I want him to."
Katsuki nodded, but you didn't think he was convinced. You were quiet as you watched him take in your abilities. You could see something flicker in his eyes. He kept looking around. His eyes going to where Aurelius and Lumix were arguing over a board game on the floor.
You took Katsuki's hand gently, giving him a smile. "I'm an open book. Ask me anything you want to."
He seemed to flip through a few ideas in his head. "You never answered my question before."
"About the colors? Well some I accidentally brought to life, like the Papergos. And some I was too tired that day to give color. If I don't have enough juice left or enough focus, they come out the same color as what they're drawn on." You shrugged. "Some I colored before bringing them to life. Like the flowers, I used scented marker so they'd have smell nice. Others, like Beaksaplenty, I had to concentrate. See the colors in my mind as I brought him to life."
"So far nothing you've told me has been complicated," Katsuki teased. "Can you bring something to life out of anything?" 
You nodded. "Yep, I drew Lumix and Aurelius on chunks of wood meant for carving. Their bases are in this box." You pulled out two one-inch wooden cubes, showing your boyfriend their blank sides. "I keep everything in here for safekeeping. I don't think I could reproduce these two."
Lumix grinned. "We're one of a kind!"
"Do they just follow you everywhere?" Katsuki grunted, thinking about how this would affect your future living arrangements.
"I did try to leave them with my parents," you groaned, glaring them down. "But two someones decided to sneak into my suitcase."
Lumix pouted. "We didn't want to get left behind! School is much more fun than home!" 
"How the hell you even fit in a suitcase?" Katsuki asked.
"Easy!" Lumix shrugged, shrinking down to the of a doll and then growing again. "We can shrink to the size of the object we're drawn on. And as big as we are in context. We can't grow any bigger than this. But we'll also never be the size of ants."
Katsuki looked at you. You shrugged, laughing, "I told you. Rules, technicalities."
"I guess I still have a lot to learn, huh?" he noted, mostly to himself.
You took his hand, interlacing your fingers. "It's nothing time won't fix. And we have all the time in the world."
Katsuki's heart fluttered at those words. Not that he'd ever admit to being soft. You two spent the night talking. He would ask you questions; when did you draw this? or how did you do that? or what was the biggest thing you made? His subtly slipping the more you talked. The closer the two of you got.
Before you knew it, it was late and dark out. The two of you wrapped up on your bed. He was thinking deeply about something, you could see it in his eyes. But he didn’t say anything. Aurelius and Lumix were passed out on the floor. Lumix had asked Katsuki a million questions of her own. She’d finally worn herself down.
“I’m sorry about them,” you said softly. “I should’ve told you. - But I was afraid.”
Katsuki grunted, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. “Afraid of what?”
You hesitated, playing with his shirt. Katsuki grabbed your hand and turned his head to look at you levelly. You sighed. “Of you. What you would think. How you would react. I was afraid that you would think I was weird. That you’d leave me because of ...all this.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “You’re really an idiot sometimes. - Do you really think any of this would change my mind about you? You’re mine, damn it.”
“Katsuki…” you breathed. You lifted your head to look at him, his cheeks were pale pink.
“You have a damn cool quirk. You’re strong and use it well. All this is just like training,” he said, a bit softer. “There’s no point in being able to bring shit to life, if you don’t use it to make yourself happy every once in a while. - How many people can say they do what you do? I’m guessing not fucking any. Leaving someone for their quirk is damn stupid. Especially someone as amazing as you. So don’t be an idiot.”
Katsuki kissed your forehead, which sent a herd of butterflies teaming through your stomach. He yanked your head back down to his chest. Then he pulled you tightly against him. Your heart felt warm as you wrapped your arms around him. You wanted to be like this forever.
After a long while in silence, Katsuki spoke softly. “Why would I think your quirk was weird? I knew damn well what I was getting into. I wanted to be with you, even after you unleashed a bunch of mes into the dorms. - That paper runt was right. I was flattered that you’d drawn me.”
You played with his shirt again. You muttered sleepily. “Well - there have been a few times in the past that people haven’t reacted well to my quirk. They want me to draw them. Then bring them to life. But people never see themselves from the outside. They accused me of messing with them when I brought them to life. But I hadn’t. They just didn’t like themselves, and who they truly were from the outside. Mina loved the doppelganger I drew for her. That’s how we became friends in the last year of elementary school. In middle school, I hid my quirk. But, when someone asked me out, I always made something. The few that asked me out thought I was some sort of mad scientist. Saying they’d heard about me and the things I’d made before.
“So I was terrified for you to meet Lumix and Aurelius. I thought you were going to think I was some sort of freak. Assume I was doing something pervy. Or that I was so pathetic, that I had to create my friends. Or some sort of mad scientist, just like the others had called me. Or just - completely freak out about something else. I know those two can be a bit much to handle. And, sometimes, they’re very 2D. So you can tell they aren’t real. But I gave them the ability to learn and become more of themselves. Not just how I imagined them to be. I just laid the groundwork. They did everything else. They’re much more real now than they’d been when I made them. I love them like family, regardless. Even if it makes me Dr. Frankenstein.”
“You worry too much,” Katsuki stated. “And those people were idiots. What you do is fucking awesome. Raccoon eyes gets on my damn nerves. But I’m glad she stuck around.”
Your face filled with heat. Mina was the only one to ever call you awesome, or call your quirk cool. No one you were interested ever though what you could do was neat. Or they only thought it was a pathetic parlor trick. They never took your powers seriously. You grinned to yourself, thankful to the darkness. You were embarrassed, honestly. You silently chuckled in excitement. 
“Also,” he added, sounding more asleep than awake. “Frankenstein would be a fucking cool hero name.”
Soft snores followed. Katsuki’s breathing evening out, his heartbeat slowing under your ear. You honestly felt so relieved. He was going to stick with you. Even after you’d accidentally brought a bunch of Papergos to life. Finally, someone who didn’t think you were a joke. Finally, someone you could actually invite into your paper world. Someone you could actually love. Someone who would love who and what you made, just like you did.
You gave Katsuki a light squeeze. Letting your mind wander. Playing around with ideas about raising children in your world of drawings. How Lumix and Aurelis would be as babysitters. How you all would be as a family. How Katsuki would handle an apartment with you. You could see it all. You fell asleep to a sweet, warm image in your mind that you hoped you could bring to life.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
3x10: Dream a Little Dream of Me
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The show keeps reminding us that Dean’s going to Hell, so enjoy his pretty face while you can
Bobby stalks his house at night. He’s suddenly attacked ---and we flash to him in a motel room, unconscious. A maid wanders in and finds him. He’s inside his mind fighting whatever haunts him. 
Dean finds Sam getting day-drunk at a bar. Sam laments the fact that he tried saving Dean. Dean settles in beside his brother and orders a “whisky, double, neat.” 
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Sam is beside himself thinking about where Dean’s going, and what he’s going to become. “How can you care so little about yourself?” Sam wonders. (WE ALL WONDER.) Dean’s saved by a phone call and the brothers rush to the hospital to find Bobby comatose. The doctors don’t know what’s wrong with him. 
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(Ooh, I forgot that Cathryn Humphris wrote this episode. So good.) 
The brothers look around Bobby’s motel room. Sam finds his murder board in the back of the closet. They find an obit of a doctor that went to sleep and never woke up. Bobby must have been looking into the doctor’s death. 
Dean heads to the doctor’s office and interviews his lab assistant. Apparently the doctor was an expert in dream and sleep disorders. The lab assistant doesn’t really want to talk. She already talked to the other detective, the “very nice, older man with a beard.” 
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Dean threatens the woman with a trip down to the station. The assistant swears she didn’t know anything about his side experiments. Dean bluffs his way into getting the doctor’s research. Good job, Dean!
He next heads to one of Doctor Greg’s test subjects. Dude offers Dean a beer, and Dean accepts. Hmm, I’m questioning your professionalism as much as the dude is Dean. Anyway, turns out the guy can’t dream. The study was the first time he had a dream since he was a kid. The guy didn’t continue with the study. 
At the hospital, Dean and Sam meet up. Sam brings research on the African Dream Root that was part of the dream study. This stuff has been used for dreamwalking (but not like Jack and Kaia dreamwalking…). It lets someone wander in someone else’s dreams. With enough of the root and practice, you can start to control things, changing dreams. “Killing people in their sleep,“ Dean suggests. YEP. 
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The boys wonder why Bobby is still alive. 
We get a glimpse into Bobby’s dream. He’s barely holding on. BOBBY. 
The brothers theorize who the killer is --probably one of the test subjects. Sam laments the fact that they can’t talk to Bobby about the case. Dean suggests taking the dream root. They realize that in order to do that they need Bela.
Later, Bela arrives at the motel. Sam’s there alone. Bela almost instantly turns on the sexy time, and Sam is VERY responsive. 
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Alas, it was just a dream and Dean wakes Sam and tells him he was making some “serious happy noises.” OH SAM. 
Dean wants to know who Sam was dreaming about but Sam wont tell. Let’s take a moment and add that Dean’s guesses are: One (1) Angelina Jolie. Two (2) Brad Pitt. DUDE, quit projecting so hard. 
Anyway, Bela arrives, much to the discomfort of Sam (and his pants). 
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She’s brought the African dream root for Bobby. Dean puts the root with the Colt in Bobby’s safe and kicks Bela out of the room. Sam awkwardly bids her adieu. 
 The brothers concoct their dream potion to save Bobby. It includes some of Bobby’s hair.
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They drink the concoction and feel no change. Sam then notices that it’s raining. It’s actually raining upside down --and they’re at Bobby’s house. It’s cleaned up. They start walking around calling for Bobby. 
Sam tells Dean he’s heading outside to look. He walks outside and it’s sunny and the birds are chirping. And when he tries to go back inside, the door won’t open. Dean can’t hear him from the inside either. 
Dean continues to wander the house. He wanders to the back closet and finds Bobby.
Dean tells him they’re using dream root to share his dream, but Bobby’s locked firmly in Dream Mode. He’s more focused on the flickering lights in his house. “She’s coming,” he pants. And his wife walks in, bloody and terrible. Oh Bobby :( She asks him why he stabbed her to death. He pleads for her to understand that he didn’t know about monsters back then. OOF. Hard stuff. 
Meanwhile, Sam’s walking through a laundry detergent commercial.
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The doctor’s former test subject suddenly shows up, whacks Sam with a baseball bat, and then declares himself “a god” in the shared dream. Well, that ALWAYS ends well on this show!
Dean pleads with Bobby to let go of the nightmare Karen who’s pounding and wailing on the other side of the door. “I’m not gonna let you die,” Dean promises, because Bobby’s “like a father” to him. BRB WEEPING. Bobby uses the power of FILIAL LOVE to control the dream, and the pounding stops.
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Sam, Dean, and Bobby snap awake at the same time (preventing Sam “Head Trauma” Winchester from getting another blow with a bat). 
Later, Dean asks Bobby about Karen. THIN ICE TERRITORY! “Everybody got into hunting somehow,” Bobby explains. Sam breaks into the soulful moment with an update on the dream dude. Jeremy Frost is a genius whose dad whacked him in the head with a bat as a child. Jeremy never dreamed after that - not until he started using dream root. Now he can trample into people’s dreams with a bit of their body - like hair, or in Bobby’s case, saliva. Bobby sipped some beer when he talked to Jeremy. Dean looks abashed. He….MIGHT have drunk a beer at Jeremy’s as well. Now that both Dean and Bobby are targets, the stakes are raised. It’s time for operation STAY AWAKE.
Two Days Later
Dean is EXTREMELY GRUMPY. It’s been two days, they haven’t found Jeremy, and he is missing his sleep desperately. #RELATABLE Bela and Bobby continue to work the case from the hotel with no luck. At the end of his tether, Dean pulls the car over and settles in for a snooze in the danger zone. He’s going to confront Jeremy on his own turf. Sam swipes one of Dean’s hairs and prepares to join Dean’s dream root nap.
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They wake up in the car, still in the woods at the side of the road. Suddenly, Dean’s movie reel mind spins up a gentle song and soft autumn colors and THERE sits Lisa in a clearing. She’s wind-rumpled and gorgeous, dressed in soft yellow and waiting for Dean at a romantic picnic in the park. 
For My Heart Aches for Dean Science:
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Excuse me while I cry in Dean’s face for thirty minutes. Sam did not expect his brother to be so damn soft. “I’ve never had this dream before,” Dean protests.
Lisa blinks out and Jeremy peeks around a tree. It’s chase time! The dream transitions to the hotel hallway, now papered in a forest print. At the end of the hallway is a door that leads to a dimly lit room. Inside the gloomy room, Dean sits at a desk. 
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Other!Dean greets himself (very polite) and tells himself that it’s time to talk. “I’m my own worst nightmare,” Dean smirks. He GETS the symbolism, and it’s BORING. Except that Other!Dean immediately peels away Dean’s bravado. He tells him that Dean is dead inside and worthless (and we bundle this man up into blankets and plop him into therapy!)
Dean can’t make the apparition disappear, and Other!Dean quickly takes control. The door slams, trapping them inside the hotel room. 
Sam wakes up back in the Impala and tries to wake up Dean, but Dean’s turned into Jeremy. Jeremy explains that he killed the doctor so he can keep using dream root and DREAM. He binds Sam to the ground.
Other!Dean continues to say every terrible thing Dean thinks about himself and it is HARD. TO. LISTEN. TO. THIS. SHIT. Everything about Dean is patterned after his father, and geared towards protecting Sam. There’s nothing TO Dean, Other!Dean argues, other than being “Daddy’s blunt little instrument.” 
Dean snaps at last. “My father was an obsessed bastard!” he shouts. And the fight begins. “I didn’t deserve what he put on me, and I don’t deserve to go to Hell!” DEAN!!!! BRB weeping some more! Dean shoots his other self, but what should be a moment of psychological triumph quickly goes south. Other!Dean wakes with black eyes and Demon!Dean gleefully tells him that there’s no escaping his fate. He’ll die, go to Hell, and become a demon. 
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Sam’s in dire straits. He’s still bound to the ground, with Jeremy hovering above him with a baseball bat. In a moment reminiscent of Princess Bride, Sam metaphorically switches the sword to his right hand and reminds Jeremy that he ALSO took dream root and has control of the dream. Jeremy’s dad barges out of the forest, a screaming terror of a parent, and Jeremy’s eyes go wide. Sam whacks Jeremy with the bat while he’s distracted, and both Sam and Dean’s dreams dissolve. They’re back in the waking world, in the Impala. Jeremy’s threat has been neutralized. 
Later, Sam and Bobby debrief in the hotel hallway. Bobby’s glad Sam saved them, but wonders if Sam’s psychic abilities came into play. Ummmm definitely not? Probably definitely not? Almost certainly definitely possibly. 
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Dean’s having trouble tracking down Bela. Bobby wonders why she was helping them in the first place. “Flagstaff,” Dean explains. This doesn’t make sense to Bobby - he just cut her a good deal on a sale there, that’s all. It dawns on the Winchesters that they may have been played. They head to the hotel safe to discover the Colt missing. 
At the Impala, Dean asks Sam what he saw in the shared dream. UM NOTHING. Dean also says he didn’t see a damn thing! He was just focused on trying to find Sam. Bbys plz. Dean clears his throat awkwardly and confesses (in a tone one might use to confess to wearing ladies’ undergarments) that he doesn’t want to die. Sam promises to find a way to save him. Dean flashes back to his dream one more time, just so it’s seeped into our hearts. We see Demon!Dean taunting Dean about his fate. Demon!Dean snaps his fingers, a cruel grin on his face, and the episode cuts to black.
Mister Quoteman, Send Us a Quote:
No one can save you, because you don't wanna be saved. How can you care so little about yourself?
Thanks for the news flash, Edison!
Dean. I love you
What are the things that you dream? I mean, your car? That's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket? Dad's. Your music? Dad's. Do you even have an original thought?
You can’t escape me, Dean. You’re gonna die. And this? This is what you’re gonna become!
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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azritesx3 · 4 years
Porcelain Doll - Lucifer & F!Reader
Anon: Hi, could you write a Lucifer x fem|reader fic please, were the girl is younger but they fell in love and then he later finds out that she struggles with a slight form of anorexia, not really a serious one but she sometimes not comfortable with eating however she's actually pretty thin and he tries to help her and he's worried.
Description: How is it that friends you've had for years not realize that something is wrong, but your boyfriend of three months does?
Rating: Teen Warnings: Anorexia, Eating Anxiety
AN: This fic is loosely based on my own personal events. For many, many years I've had difficulty with swallowing food wherever I was, except at home. I used it to my advantage to "lose weight", aka basically starving myself. All that led to was me having an awful stomach ulcer and little to no energy. Thanks to my mom, just last year I finally talked to my doctor about it and she gave me some pills to try. Apparently what I was suffering with was very common. Thanks to these pills I can finally eat out with my friends and family. Though I feel it may have made my depression worse, I'd rather have a few more bad days to being unable to eat. If this sounds like your situation, please talk to your doctor. They're meant to help you, and they won't judge you. AN: Updated August 23, 2020 - Grammar. Reupload!
AO3 / Fanfic Net / Wattpad / DeviantArt
"So, what's the plan for your 21st birthday girl?!" Your best friend Becky says across the table.
You, along with your group of friends, are eating at a diner not too far from your college. You've all just had a very successful rehearsal for the yearly college play extravaganza, and decided to celebrate with ice cream.
You pick at the straw in your milkshake, "I haven't really thought of anything."
"Oh please!" Jack exaggerates. He points his spoon at you, "There's no way you can't have nothing planned when you're dating that hunk!"
You shrug, "Really, I haven't thought of anything. I haven't had the time to think of a silly birthday with this play."
"A 21st birthday is not silly, it's important!" Jack complains.
"Seriously, Y/N. Tomorrow you'll finally be legal to raid that expensive bar whenever you want!" Becky sighs into her own milkshake, "An alcoholic's dream."
"Really, it's just a waste on her." Viv finishes her banana split, "You don't even drink heavily. I'll never understand why someone like him picked you."
You chuckle slightly. Neither will I.
You and Lucifer Morningstar first met back when you were a senior in high school. The circumstance wasn't ideal. One of the theater teachers was a creep that no one was willing to out. Then, that teacher set his eyes on you and you tore him up. The school's security sent you both to the LAPD station for questioning.
When you arrived you passed by Lucifer, eyes meeting. You remember him looking quizzically between you and the highly beaten up chubby guy next to you. You didn't see him again until after the police let you out of interrogation saying you were free to go [all thanks to your fellow classmates for finally speaking the truth].
Lucifer sat down next to you as you waited for your parents. He was highly impressed that someone of your lithe frame could take down a guy twice, maybe more, your size.
And since then you two have been in contact. The next time you were both face to face with each other was when he asked you to the local park three months ago and asked you out.
But since then, you two haven't spent too much time together. What with you being incredibly busy with this play and him with his club and LAPD job.
"Hellooo! Earth to Y/N!" Becky waved her hand in front of your face.
You blink, "What?"
"You're phone's buzzin'." You quickly dig through your purse and retrieve your phone.
"Speak of the Devil!" Becky laughs when she sees his name as the caller id.
You snort and hush your friends down before answering, "Hello?"
"Hello, darling! I hope I'm not interrupting your rehearsal." Lucifer's beautiful voice, that you love so much, reaches your ear.
"Oh no, you're not! We actually just finished about 15 minutes ago. I'm at a diner now with some friends."
"Lovely! I'll make this quick then so you can get back to socializing."
"I'd much rather listen to you." You whisper but Becky heard you anyways and punched your arm playfully.
Lucifer's laugh makes you smile warmly, "Well, if I remember correctly, tomorrow is your birthday yes?"
"Yup, it is." Your friends are all focused on you now.
"And it's the big 2-1 for you humans correct?"
"Ah, yes. The big adult number. Yup." You laugh.
"Then, if you have nothing planned, I'd like to take you out. Some dinner, then some wonderful dessert back at my place. How does that sound, love?"
Your face immediately heats up as various thoughts run through your mind. All your friends start wooing and giggling, "Y-yeah, no. I mean! No, I haven't planned anything. And that sounds lovely!" You stutter out.
"Wonderful! I'll pick you up around 6pm. Can't wait to see you again, my dear."
You smile, "Same to you, Lucifer. I'll see you then!" You hang up and are immediately bombarded with questions.
"Guys! Chill out!" You hush them down again, "Yes that was him and yes he's taking me out tomorrow for my birthday."
"Thank You oh mighty Lucifer!" Jack says as he and Viv bow their heads.
"Oh stop that!" You say.
"Where's he taking you?!" Becky asks excitedly.
"He just said dinner and...um…" your fierce blush returns.
"Oooh! My girl's finally gonna get laid!" Jack jumps up and down in his seat.
"Probably just a kiss. You know how she is." Viv replies.
"Well come on! Let's hurry back to the dorm! We gotta help you pick out an outfit!" Becky says and pushes everyone out of their seats.
You laugh, nervously.
"Seriously?" The old waitress cleans up the table you and your friends were at five minutes prior.
"What is it now, Grace? No tip?" Another waiter comes around.
"No, they gave me a tip. I just don't understand why these youngins' nowadays waste money." She motions to your untouched small size milkshake.
"Maybe they weren’t hungry?" The waiter shrugs and walks away.
"That damn girl never eats." Grace murmurs under her breath as she cleans the table.
You're sitting on one of the comfy leather chairs in your dorm lobby. You sit properly in your sparkling dress, hands clenched together on top of your knee, and head held high. An acting technique you learned yourself to quiet the nerves.
You wish you could say you were nervous about the date. You suppose you are, in a way. But not the whole date. Not even about the possible "dessert".
No. You were nervous, maybe more terrified, of the upcoming dinner.
He's going to find out.
No he won't. If your friends of many years couldn't there's no way he will.
He's going to find out. He's going to find out and that'll be the end of it.
Please, you've seen the women on him in his club. He'll love it.
"There's my darling!"
You snap out of it and turn your head to see Lucifer, in a well pressed suit, walking through the entryway to you.
"Lucifer!" You have a genuine surprised smile on your face, momentarily forgetting the nerves, and rush over to him.
He chuckles as you two embrace and he kisses your cheek, "I thought you'd text me when you were outside!"
"And miss you looking positively powerful in that chair? Heaven forbid." He gives you his classic flirtatious smile, making you blush and laugh.
"Come along, darling!" He holds his arm out to you and you take it, "Let the celebration begin!"
Lucifer takes you to what has to be the most expensive restaurant in LA.
You're both led to a corner of the vast room. It's pretty dark, lit only by a single candle on the clothed table and a dim lamp on the wall. As you skim through the menu looking for the cheapest, and smallest, meal possible, Lucifer interrupts your searching when he orders an appetizer.
He chuckles slightly at your raised brows, "Yes, I suppose I should have asked you first, but this dish is delectable darling. You'll love it! Plus, it's cut in shared pieces."
You smile back and hope the dim lighting hid your gulp.
The waiter comes back with the large shared appetizer and asks what you two would like for the main course.
Lucifer stops you again before you can answer, "If you don't mind, my dear, I'd love to get this meal here." He points to an item on your menu, and it happened to be the one thing you avoided eye contact with. It's a fairly large dish with various slices of steak and vegetables. In the small print of the description it says that this dish is suggested for parties.
"It happens to be one of their best, and since this is your 21st birthday I believe you deserve the largest and tastiest item here!" Lucifer smiles brightly at you, teeth and all.
You clutch the menu to not show your shaking body. You give him a small smile back, "Oh Lucifer, you know I don't consider myself as one of those people who think they deserve the best of everything."
"Of course and that's one of the many reasons I adore you, but darling," he leans in slightly. His hypnotic eyes and smile are lite beautifully by the candle, "You're the Devil's partner now. You deserve, and will always get the best."
You swallow again, but not from nerves. This time it was completely heat based.
The dinner went surprisingly...well!
Lucifer never questioned about your slow eating. Never pushed more food on you. Instead, he made you feel extremely comfortable. He told the waiter to not come back unless he holds his hand up, and you noticed the other tables around you haven't been filled with people.
It was just you and Lucifer, pretty much. Enjoying some amazing food and having wonderful conversations. You felt so at home you ate more than you probably did since...well, freshman year of high school.
Him seeming to work so hard to make you comfortable did make you wonder though…
Currently, you are sitting on Lucifer's stupidly comfortable Italian sofa, watching some mind numbing television. You still wore your dress, but now you had Lucifer's suit jacket over top and shoes off.
"Happy Birthday to you…" You could hear Lucifer's voice faintly coming from his back kitchen. You stretch your neck to look in that direction.
"Happy Birthday to you!" Lucifer comes around the corner. He's carrying a serving tray that holds two wine glasses, a bottle of wine, and a cute little cake.
"Happy Birthday, my darling Y/N!" He sets the tray down in front of you on the coffee table and sits next to you.
"Happy Birthday to you!" He smiles lovingly at you, and your heart is about ready to explode. You give him a hug along with a kiss on his forehead, nose, and cheeks before blowing out your candles.
"What did you wish for, darling?" He asks. You curl into his open arms.
"Can't say, Lucifer. Otherwise it won't come true."
He huffs, but kisses your head, "Silly humans and their superstitions." You both enjoy the comfortable silence before he speaks again.
"Care for a bite, darling? Made it myself this morning."
"Umm…" you froze. Your mind became increasingly aware with just how much food you ate today, "Maybe in the morning. I'm pretty full right now."
Lucifer just hums in response, and that just makes your suspicion about tonight grow.
You lift yourself up, still in his arms but far enough away to look him in the eyes correctly, "Lucifer...I have a question."
He just hums again.
"Do you...um," you swallow and feel the color of embarrassment rise on your cheeks, "Do you...know?"
He hums again before answering, "In part." You instantly deflate and go to move away from him, but he pulls you back just as quick. His hand runs through your hair in a calming motion, "It's nothing to be ashamed about, Y/N."
"How did you figure it out? My friends haven't even realized it."
"Well, when I saw you look just the same after so many years it worried me. Typically I hear from young women the dreaded 'after school 20'. It seems that phase has passed you, dear."
You sigh, "Yeah well, I can't remember exactly when or how it happened, but sometime in sophomore year I started having trouble with eating in a public setting. I couldn't even eat over at friends' homes. Only in my own." You curl your legs up to hold them. Lucifer continues to stroke your hair, "And then I met you and...well…I figured I wouldn't tell anyone and just deal with it. I was a chubby kid, and I was amazed with how much weight I lost so fast."
"Well, I am quite upset to hear that you thought I'd be ok with you starving yourself." Lucifer frowns and you look surprised at him.
"But...a lot of women who are all over you look like me, even less! And you're all over them! I thought-"
"I'm into human women, darling. Not porcelain dolls."
You look away from him. Tears brim your vision, "So, what? Are you disgusted with me now? Or did you just ask me out out of pity?"
"If I was disgusted by you I wouldn't have asked you to be mine, and I don't do pity, darling." Lucifer hears you sniffle.
"My darling Y/N," Lucifer Morningstar becomes incredibly soft. He gently brings his hands to your face and nudges you to look at him, "I've come to care deeply about you, love. And I don't enjoy seeing someone I care that much about in turmoil." He wipes your tears away.
"Allow me to help, darling. You keep going like this...I'm afraid I'll have you for even less time."
You stare into his eyes and can see nothing but truth. Your hands move to hold his face gently. Rubbing his stubble, you slowly bring your face closer. Closing your eyes you and him kiss. Soft, sweet, filled with an unspoken love and promise.
"Ok, Lucifer. Please, help me."
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graffitibible · 4 years
Building ocs to complement the characters like that is an absolute galaxy brain move, are there any specific ones from starry eyed??
thank you!! and yes, all the most prominent ocs in starry-eyed (i.e. the other two crews he had prior to the fab four) were built to complement or highlight some aspect of jet. i’m not sure how well some of them came across but they were all meant to correspond to or develop a trait of jet’s.
doublestar signifies jet’s relationship with assertiveness. he’s not a super assertive personality by nature (he tends to be drawn to people with a lot of conviction and external confidence, like dust devil and party poison) but some of that has to do with his upbringing. he wasn’t really encouraged to figure out his own relationship with leadership because doublestar was a very “i take charge and you do what i say” personality even if it was with benign intentions. it’s in part because of doublestar that jet has a lot of doubt about making his own decisions for himself and feels more comfortable following someone else’s lead, and also one of the key reasons he puts so much weight on himself to always perform well. she complimented him a TON for the things he was really good at and she did this with good intentions - he’s a great sharpshooter, he’s a fast runner, he’s got excellent instincts for survival. but because jet’s a heavy internalizer, he took all that to mean “oh, i have to perform those things ALWAYS and it’s my direct fault for things that go wrong in those areas because I’m The Best At Them Like Doublestar Said.” so for all that doublestar did her best to prepare him and her group for desert life, she didn’t excel at that in every respect lol
coma doze represents a humor, impulse, and lust for life that jet didn’t really allow himself to have, even as a kid. coma chases emotional highs; jet never allows that for himself. jet’s own enjoyment of something is literally always the last thing on jet’s list of priorities. coma’s a much more lighthearted, spur of the moment kind of guy than jet ever allowed himself to be, and also incredibly pathos-driven. coma’s willingness to throw himself at the fight taking place in the analog wars has more to do with a need to do something with himself than any genuine investment in the struggle taking place. those moments where jet says “fuck it” and does something stupid (like charging a scarecrow while he’s completely alone and without backup for example lol) come from a similar place. most of the time coma’s willing to let his emotional high dictate where he ends up without considering the why or how or the aftermath of it. this is meant to be a clear contrast to jet, who even at his angriest and stupidest, has a reason for doing what he does. he sees a scarecrow, he’s overcome with anger and frustration and a willingness to avenge his friends - but even in that state of heightened emotion he still has a moment where he weighs the risks of the action before he decides to take it.
nova cane indicates jet’s skewed priorities and his sense of strategy, which ties into the above point, as well as his familial mindset and loyalty. that moment before he does something stupid or does something big where he checks himself and weighs the risks of it, that’s something that i wanted nova to represent. nova’s the voice of dissent when coma wants to charge in guns blazing and try and turn the tide of the analog wars, because she’s got the presence of mind to note that two people aren’t going to change the landscape of an entire war. and yet she’s also the person who doesn’t register that she’s been shot because she’s too busy fucking up the dracs that fucked with her crew. the risks to herself don’t sit on the same level as the risks to the crew as a whole, which probably seems pretty familiar since jet’s very much the same way. the risks he takes when it’s his own life on the line are significantly greater than the risks he’s willing to take when it’s the well-being of the group that’s put in the crossfire. nova was there to vocalize and highlight that a little since it’s not something that jet ever sat down and verbalized to himself, and not necessarily something he’s even aware of. it’s a little more evident when it’s someone else falling into those same patterns because that’s less subject to the inherent biases of jet’s pov.
nine-volt rocket was there to highlight jet’s tendencies for codependency. there are a lot of instances in part i where rocket was having a hard time (both physically and emotionally) and jet helps them out with basically no prompting from anyone. a lot of the “nurturing” (read: self-sacrificial) instincts jet picked up early in life have to do with rocket and this notion of “other people have it worse than me so i have to push myself to help them out since i don’t have it as bad” which is categorically not true but jet has a piss-poor conceptualization of his own limitations because of it. he always prioritizes other people above himself, and part of that is because for as long as he can remember, he’s kind of had to do that. of course the idea that he “has” to do it is more or less manufactured. no one asked him to take care of rocket or anything. he internalized the idea that he’s the “most capable” person in the group and so assumed that the responsibility fell down to him and because it tied into the “survival of the group” mentality, no one questioned it.
dust devil is one of those assertive personalities that jet’s drawn to. they’re representative of some of the early germs for the sense of justice that would later drive jet and by extension the fabulous four. dust devil’s aware that some things in the world are very broken and really wants to fix them but ultimately his plan to do that comes down to “break shit very loudly and raise hell doing it” which made for great catharsis but not much in the way of tactical warfare. because jet didn’t have any great stake in the analog wars other than the loss of nova and coma (which more came down to both of them being in the wrong place at the wrong time), dust devil was pretty necessary to introduce that element of “this affects everybody in the desert and you should care about it.” also on a less serious note dust devil existed to make it evident that jet’s Very Gay. i write the fab four as a family unit more than anything else so writing romantic interactions within the group doesn’t super jive with me. but i wanted it to be apparent that jet’s a dude who likes other masc-aligned folks so that’s what that whole mild panic over dust devil planting one on him came from.
fever queen is another character that highlighted jet’s self-sacrificial and codependent tendencies, and this was meant to call to light just how unhealthy they were. queen likes to vent to him and doesn’t really take into account how jet feels about these things - it’s a surprise to zir when jet chimes in because what queen really wants is a blank wall to throw things at so ze can get it out of zir system. queen also has this innate cynicism that’s supposed to counter jet’s own mindset - ze doesn’t think that any efforts to fight back against BLi are worthwhile and are ultimately doomed to fail, but sticks with the group out of necessity. while jet’s not so optimistic to feel like he can singlehandedly tip the balance of a desert-wide struggle, there’s a reason that he’s drawn to the idea of hitting back against better living, and that’s because of the sense of justice i touched on in the point above. queen was also meant to indicate that jet’s ultimately a pretty extroverted person, despite how nonverbal he is. he gets his energy from other people. queen similarly wants to be surrounded by other people, even if ze doesn’t believe in what they’re fighting for, and that’s something jet can relate to.
haywire is a natural exaggeration of jet’s self-destructive tendencies, and is also meant to indicate that a lot of those tendencies stem from a fundamental sense of self-loathing. haywire is dying and knows it. she doesn’t give a fuck about long-term survivability. she hurls herself headfirst into every firefight and when it isn’t charging straight into every clap she runs across, it’s out and out baiting people into fucking with her. jet might not be dying but he’s got a similar mindset. he’s super willing to put himself in the line of fire because he thinks nothing of himself, thinks nothing of the worth of his own life. his self-destruction isn’t big and flashy the way it is for haywire or someone like party poison or fun ghoul, but it’s very much present nonetheless. there’s that moment where haywire basically begs jet to kill her because she’s got a lungful of poisonous gas and she’s dying in a very slow and painful matter, and jet refuses. this is supposed to be a demonstrable contrast to how jet indulges his own self-destruction at the end of part ii. he’s not the kind of guy to put a gun to his own head, but he’ll wander the desert until he dies. he’ll entertain the idea of waltzing into battery city or out into the remains of zone seven just to see what happens. it’s a passive self-destruction as opposed to haywire’s active self-destruction, but that doesn’t make it any less retroactively horrifying that he and haywire are so goddamned casual about how willing they are to Fucking Die.
100% titanium is maybe the most obvious. they gave jet a “voice” in a sense because while jet’s a primarily nonverbal dude, titan was entirely nonverbal due to injury. but even before jet started picking up sign language from them, he got them in a way that not a lot of the other members of the group did, with the exception of raya. titan was there to make it a little more obvious that jet’s actually extremely good at reading other people’s body language and communicating nonverbally. he doesn’t need words to make his point and other people don’t need to spell out their points to him when he can pick most of the big points from the little things - how they stand, how fast they’re talking, how much they’re moving, their expression, etc. titan’s easily one of the characters in part ii that jet has the closest and best relationship with, and i also wanted a character to emphasize that jet has a massive capacity for a genuine love and warmth. some of his most genuine moments in part ii come from his interactions with titan.
mantarraya is meant to represent jet’s faith. she was initially there out of necessity - there was this nonverbal character that no one else would logically be able to understand, so mantarraya was there to streamline that. but more than that, i needed someone to remind jet of the faith he kept back in part i since queen was an outright nonbeliever and neither haywire nor devil were all that devoted to the idea of the witch. so raya believes in the witch, she believes in destroya, and she’s hopeful that she’ll see the latter raze battery city in her lifetime. for her, her faith takes the sting out of the inevitability of death - the witch will take care of her once she eats it, so it’ll be okay. jet doesn’t have that same confidence, in part because he pours so much of himself into others rather than into himself. so much of him wants to shut down and stop but he refuses to indulge that because other people need him. maybe the witch will take care of him, but he won’t be there to help of everyone else who needs him, and what’s worse is he’ll be helpless to stop whatever happens next. it was that existential fear that raised its head toward the end of part iii, because he hadn’t really taken the time to confront it until then. 
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toxicxxmyth · 5 years
The Truth Untold; Sebastian Stan
Sebastian Stan
Summary: Y/n Y/l/n, born and raised in south side Chicago. Now raising her five younger siblings, she’s not even sure if some of them are actually related to her. But she takes care of them nonetheless, as best as she can. While her drunk father continues to make their life harder. And her drug addicted mother comes bursting through the door once every to years. Its a chaotic life for a 23 year old, but she made it work. Until one day, the most notorious mob leaders of the country  shows up to do some business in the south side.
Au: Shameless!Au, Mafia!Sebastian
Warning(s): Cussing, slight smut, poverty, drugs etc
Word Count: 3,047
A/N: This is literally a Shameless fanfic, if you’ve seen the show, AMAZING, if not than you should because its amazing. 
A/N 2: Plus this lowkey kinda sucks lol, so watching the show will make up for it.
A/N 3: I didn’t write the whole smut cause i suck at it, but i’ll try my best if you guys ask for it.
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The whole club glowed with blue and green laser beams shooting out from the rotating lights on the ceiling. Smoke coming out of both ends of the dance floor, the bar area seemed to be the only calm part of the club. It was Friday night and the club was beyond packed with people dancing dirty in the middle of the club. The air was thick, a mixture of the fog machine and marihuana clouds. Making it slightly hard to breathe. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.
 Except you, apparently. Stress radiated off you as you sat, tensed at the bar. Watching as the bartender scrambled back and forth to take orders from everyone who crowded the bar. You couldn’t possibly have fun when your father arrived after months of his little rendezvous of drugs and alcohol. Causing even more chaos in your home.
“Y/n, I’m going to need you to get off your ass and start having some fun” Camille stutters over to you, making you lose your train of thoughts.
 “Nah, I think I’ll head home for the night” You shrugged, grabbing your purse and downing your drink.
 “What!? The whole point of taking you to the club was for you to loosen up, Y/n/n” She whines, bringing her hands up to rub your bare and tensed shoulders, a pout adorning her red lips. Making you shake your head with a slight smile at the drunken state of your best friend.
 “I have to get back to the kids. It’s kind of hard to have fun when all I can think about is Ethan blowing up the kitchen” You sigh, wincing at the thought of your little brother destroying your kitchen for one of his stupid experiments.
 “Fine, I’ll take you. It’s no fun without you” She huffs while turning around dramatically. Causing a giggle to rip from your throat. “Don’t move, I’m getting my stuff”
 “You don’t have to though, I can just take the bus. You should stay and have fun with your coworkers” You reassured her as she raised an eyebrow at you.
 “At 1:34am, Y/n, I think the fuck not” She gave you a look as if warning you to stay put.
 Your lip caught between your teeth as you watch your best friends stumble across the club, a smile on your lip as you thought how lucky you were to have such an amazing friend like her. Grabbing your purse to take a few dollars out to pay for your drink, your felt lips against the shell of your ear, and with a husky voice, he spoke.
 “I can feel your stress all the way across the room”
  You turned around quickly, eyebrows raised ready to tell the guy off, only to stop and gasp loudly. Your eyes wide and mouth agape, lucky for you, the music was booming loud so the chance of him hearing your deep gasp was slim to none.
 He’s beautiful, to say the least. The lights didn’t seem to bother you anymore as you analyzed every feature on the man. He had deep blue eyes, ones you could easily lose yourself into. Prominent cheekbones, his facial hair was growing out, causing your thoughts to wonder off to inappropriate scenarios. His lips where a light shade of pink, looking delicious as ever. He was older, maybe in his thirties, but you couldn’t tell. His whole body covered in black designer, he was expensive.
 “Um, I-” You stuttered, brows furrowed in confusion, you’ve never seen this man in your life.
 “What is it? Cat caught your tongue” He smirked, bringing his glass full of scotch to his lips. Cocky motherfucker.
 You scoffed at his attitude, biting your bottom lip to surpass a smile. You didn’t know if you wanted to punch him or ride his dick into the sunset.
 “And who the hell are you? My stalker?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as you gained your composer as you got a clue on what type of guy you may be dealing with.
 “No, no stalker here. I couldn’t help but notice your lack of interest of for being here tonight” He smiles kindly, catching you off guard.
 “Yeah, well clubs aren’t really my thing, feel like I have better things to do” You nod your head, turning away from him, looking at one of the bottles that was placed on the wall along the others as if it was the most interesting thing there. Anything to look away from the beautiful stranger.
“Yeah? Like what?” He asked, downing his drink while calling over the bartender to order a new one, you assumed.
“Finding a job without having to blow the manager” You simply stated. Causing him to chuckle. His smile was absolutely breathtaking.
“What’s you name” He asked, which felt more of a statement, actually.
 “Uh Y/n. Yours?” You looked up at him, only to be met face to face with his beautiful eyes.
 Sebastian, even his name is attractive.
 “So what brings you to south side Chicago?” You asked. Interested in why such a wealthy looking man would end up in this dump.
 “Business.” He shrugged, voice lowering as he said it. Eyebrows raised at you as if warning you not to ask anymore, which exactly what you did. You wouldn’t show it, but his demanding tone scared the shit out of you, but weirdly enough, it turned you the fuck on.
  “Let me buy you a drink” He offers.
 “I can’t, I uh have to get back to my kids” You shake your head and getting up from the stool. Ready for his surprised face a stuttering words at the mention of five kids. But to your surprise, he was unfazed.
  “Kids?” He asked, pulling out his wallet, taking out big cash as he dumped it on the counter for the barista to take. Making your eyes wind just a bit.
  “They’re actually my siblings, but they’re still kind of my kids” You confirmed while nodding your head. His eyes ranking your body, you felt small under his gaze, making you feel insecure.
  “Let me guess” He began, clearing his throat as he ripped his gaze away from yours.
 “First born, OD’d mom, alcoholic father. Leaving you to raise your siblings, you had to grow up at a young age, at maybe” He stops and raises his hands in defense “and this is just a guess, 13, maybe? Didn’t finish high school cause of your deadbeat parents and you’re currently jobless, stealing and scamming for food and clothes in the meantime” He finishes while looking at you with a small smile.
  You couldn’t help but scoff in disbelief. Wondering if you should be offended by the assumption or impress by how spot on he was.
  “Mom didn’t OD though, haven’t seen her in years. But I do know that she’s out living her best life. And I was actually 6 when I realized my parents didn’t give a shit. Ended up raising my two brothers. Then came the rest” You sigh, somewhat sadly at the situation you were in at such a young age, but you loved your siblings nonetheless.
“Must’ve been tough” He gave you a sad smile, taking a sip out of his drink.
“Yeah, but I got used to it pretty quick”
 “Well it seems like you know everything about me, so why don’t you tell me about yourself. I bet it’s much more interesting than my shitty life” You chuckled, hoping to get some kind of information about what kind of business he was running here.
 “It’s really crawdad in here, let’s go outside” He moved his head to point at the door.
 “No” You simply stated. Earning a look of shocked and surprised from the dominant male. Which boosted your ego just a little.
 “This is how things work. I walk out with you, you tell me your oh so tragic childhood which causes me to pity you. Soon, once I’m under your spell, you chloroform me and a white van appears out of nowhere and I’ll be part of a illegal sex and drug trafficking ring” You smiled innocently at him.
 “I’d actually be much more creative in kidnapping people”
 You didn’t know if he was being funny or serious, but it made you feel a mixture of fear and desire.
 “I’m from Romania, actually. Born and raised, came to America when I was 16, pretty hard to adapt to a new life. But I managed it” He offers a smile before continuing. “Dad took off with some young blondie, claiming he was in love with her” He used his fingers to quote on “in love”, “And mom got sick, and with dad gone, I couldn’t take care of her properly. So I dropped out of high school and got a job, one that paid extremely well. And I became good at it, really good, actually. So that’s me. A Businessman taking care of his family” He smiled at you, playing with the drink he had, one that you didn’t notice before.
 “Is your mother okay now” You asked, your ears on full display for him.
 “Yeah, she’s fine now”
 You nodded your head in understatement, but a question kept bugging you, so you asked hesitantly .
“And your dad?” And just like that, his whole body tensed up, eyes darkening at the mention of him. Mentally cursing yourself for being so damn nosy.
 “I’m so-”
 “No, its fine. He’s out of the picture, for good. Has been for years” He had a sinister look in his eyes, which caused an uneasy feeling to burst in your stomach.
    “I can take you home” He smiles, kindly, this time.
 This caused you to furrow your eyes in confusion, until you realized that you claimed to leave and go home when he first arrived.
  “I’m not going to hop in a strangers car and ditch my drunk best friend” You smirked, yet your hand didn’t dare move out of his grasp. And he noticed two due to the smirked that was placed on his lips. Before you knew it, you were pulled into his arms, making you gasp and pull away quickly. It felt incredibly nice feeling his lean fit body against yours, but pulling always was basic reflex.
  “Feisty” He chuckle, tongue swiping across his lips as his ring covered fingers traced your features. The whole mood went from a pity party to testing both your sexual desires. The softness of it all made you lean in while closing my eyes. It’s been a hell of a while since you’ve been touched, even slightly, especially by such an attractive man.
 “And you’re incredibly cocky”
 “I am, aren’t I?” He laughed, and actual laugh. Which left you slightly confused.
 Before you fucking knew it, your back was being pressed against the dirty walls of the most disgusting public bathroom you’ve probably ever been in while your neck was being devoured by a stranger you met 20 minutes ago. Your hands were firmly pressed against his chest, head tilted to the side giving him as much access to your neck as he needed.
 “Fuck, Sebastian” You couldn’t help but moan as you felt his growing dick press against your underwear. Your dress pulled up to your waist, making you feel like a cheap whore. But the feeling of Sebastian’s lips sucking roughly on your collarbone, his beard scratching against you and his growing dick rubbing against your slick underwear made you forget about your pride.
 His hands found their way to your exposed ass, squeezing them as hard as he could. His nails and cold rings digging into your skin made push your body harder against his. Your breathing was erratic, your hands couldn’t seem to find a place to rest upon. So you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging at it so you could look him in the eye, which were now a dark blue. Pupils slightly dilated, lips bruised and painted by your pink lipstick. The sight alone could’ve made you come undone.
Sebastian had other plans, while you were admiring his features, his hand pass your underwear, pressing harshly against your clit. You gasp loudly as you hold onto the back of his neck for some sort of support.
 Dragging his fingers down your slit, he collected some of your wetness and brought it back up to your clit, so it be easier to play with you. All while biting the shell of your ear.
“So wet, so delicious” He praised while slamming his lips on yours. The kiss was sloppy, but none of you minded it much.
His touch were soft, yet he had you rolling your eyes back as he rubbed you clit in circles.
You were so caught up in your own bubble of pleasure, you didn’t notice him using your thigh to rub his closed dick on. And smirked formed on your lips as your hand reached down to roughly palm him. But before you could do anything else. He grabbed your hand and turned you over the sink. Taking your hair into a makeshift pony tail, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror, all while grinding his dick on your bare ass.
 “I promise, next time, I’ll fuck you somewhere less disgusting, and more expensive, but for now, you’ll have to deal with this” He growls against your cheek.
Next time...
 Staring at the blank walls of your room at 6:50 became some sort of tradition. Sleep was nowhere to be found as your thoughts kept you up every night. But lately, the only thought on your mind was Sebastian, and his beautiful blue eyes, his ring covered finger and his delicious lips. Fucking asshole.
  It’s been exactly a week since you your encounter, and to be honest, you were devastated, especially after he gave you the best fucking orgasm you’ve ever experience in a smelly bathroom than any guy in your bed.
  Sighing for the 20th time, you decide to get up from your pity party and head downstairs for a glass of water. A sleeping pill would be great if you didn’t have five kids to look after and figuring way to get. You only had 10 minutes before waking everyone up and cooking breakfast. And preparing their lunches for school. A headache already forming at just the thought of it, but you knew it was just lack of sleep.
 Half way down the stairs, you heard a loud knock on your door, causing you to stop and furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
  “Who the hell could that be?” You thought out loud as you reached the end of the stairs, grabbing the robe that was left on the couch and wrapping it over your semi naked body.
  “Delivery for Y/n Y/l/n” Was the first thing that came out of the man’s mouth as you opened the door half way.
 “Delivery? What do you mean delivery, from who?” you asked, opening the door wider and wrapping your arms around your freezing body. Today was Sunday, there are no deliveries on Sundays. Though, the fact that today wasn’t supposed to be mail day, it was the least your worries. What worried you most was the man delivering it. He was dressed in all black, hair slicked back and tattoos adorning his face. A cigarette handing from behind his ear, though it wasn’t enough to surprise or worry you.
  “Delivery from Mr. Stan” He coughs nervously, as if saying the name will cause a curse for all eternity.
 Confused, you take the heavy box into your arms. 
  “Have a good day, ma’am” He smiles and walks away, leaving you confused, and slightly scared of what might be in the mysterious box that looked to be more expensive than your whole house.
 “Ma’am? Who the hell are you trying to fool here” You questioned, mostly to yourself as you shut the door close.
 “What’s that?” Came the voice of the second oldest, Jeremy, as he slouched on the couch, lighting up a cigarette as he did so. Causing you to groan in annoyance while ripping it out of his mouth.
 “I have no fucking clue. Go make yourself useful make breakfast.”
“Like what?” He groans, not really paining attention to you.
Like cereal” You ordered as soon as you heard the alarm from one of the room upstairs, knowing everyone will be down soon.
 “There’s no milk”
 “Then use water”
 Once upstairs, you closed the door, locking it before throwing yourself on the bed with the box in your lap. Pretty stupid of you to accept a box from a drug dealing looking kid, but here you were. Half way opened, you noticed a card sticking out from the side. And saw a neat handwriting, one that you could’ve sworn you’ve seen before.
 “No legacy is as rich as honesty”
 I know you’ll probably think I’m an asshole for this. But here’s a little something for you to get by. I’ve been in the same situation, though, I took a dangerous root. So in the meantime, here’s a gift to help you and and your family. Don’t make a fuss, and burn, just enjoy it. And I’ll see you soon”
 Beyond confused, you opened the box only to find a shit load of money stacked on top of another. Maybe, 9, 10 grand? You didn’t know, but you panicked. Your eyes wide in shock, your hand covering you mouth as, your hand covering you mouth as our mind tried to process what was happening.
 “What the fuck, did you rob a bank or something?” Jeremy gasped as he busted into the room, staring at the money. You crumbled the note and placed it in between your legs so Jeremy didn’t notice. Once you were calm enough, you took a deep breath and closed the box calmly
“Count the money. We’re giving it back”
“Who the hell did you get involved with, Y/n?” Jeremy asked, sternly, this time. He closed the door and grabbed the box, making sure the other didn’t hear or see.
“I have no fucking clue, but that money is not staying”
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mspbandj · 4 years
More on The Mandalorian Season 2 and Why its so Frustrating and Also Why Lucas Film Should Just Hire Me as a Writer Goddman it coz this is My Blog and I have Feelings™
Okay so again, this pertains to the finale of The Mandalorian Season 2 so............ spoiler warning.
Lets talk about Dins face
I feel like that final scene, when [redacted] came in and took Grogu away to train as a Real Jedi rang really hollow. It didnt feel rushed so much, but it just felt really anticlimactic. We all knew it was coming (sure we didn’t know for sure it would be [redacted] but we knew someone was going to come get Grogu) but even with that knowledge, they had real potential to make the scene super emotional and touching, which the final cut just didn’t really have and heres why.
Most of the emotion was supposed to come from Din taking off his helmet to let Grogu see his face. Baby Yoda had never seen his Adopted Dads face before, and this moment was set up to be a really touching moment of connection and vulnerability. But it was dampened by the fact that we had already seen his face, multiple times, and in detail. We the audience. And because of that, we couldn’t relate to what Grogu must have been feeling in that moment. 
Like, for Grogu, that must have been such a Big Deal yk? He’s spent so much time with this man, they’d been through so much together at this point, but he hadn’t even seen his face because of the very strict Mando Creed that Din had been raised under (the cult or not cult thing is a discussion for another time btw.) So this must have been huge for him. For Din to finally make the decision that Grogu was more important than his Creed... thats a huge thing!
But! For us, the audience, Din removing is helmet was old news by now. He’d taken it off twice before (in Season 1 with the droid, and then in Season 2 at the Imperial Stronghold (dont even get me STARTED on that craptastic episode)) so we didn’t have that sense of anticipation or importance. We were very much treated like we werent in that moment with them, and I find that hugely underwhelming.
So here’s how I think it should have gone, because that moment could have been set up perfectly all throughout the series.
Din very much could have taken his helmet off the first time, with the Droid. The whole arc there was about What Makes a Life, and Are Droids Counted as Living Things right? The Mando cult Creed dictates that no other living being can see the face of a Mandalorian (with very very few exceptions, and with death being preferable to being exposed.) And the argument in that moment is that the Droid is a machine and not technically a living thing, even tho it acts and behaves like a living thing, and is capable of the same “emotion” as a human. In the end, the Helmet comes off, and we are left to make up our own minds about whether this is a violation of the Creed or not - that was my take away.
But by allowing us, the audience, to see Dins face also calls into question our own place in the Mandalorian Universe. Are we Living Beings here? Apparently not, according to this we’re not a part of the scene at all, which is a decision I disagree with because, as I said above, it dampens the emotional potential of the entire show. Allowing us to be an exception to the Strict Mandalorian cult Creed limits the use and/or very purpose of the Creed at all.
How I believe that scene should have gone is more like this:
The Is a Droid Alive philosophy is discussed, and as they talk it becomes urgently apparent that the only way to save Din is to take the helmet off and allow the Droid to attend to Dins wounds. We see a close up shot, as we did, of the Helmet being raised, with a cut away at the crucial reveal moment - denying the audience a view of Dins face. The next shot is of the Helmet being laid down beside them, which informs us that Dins face is now definitely fully exposed, but we are not allowed to see it, which confirms our place in the Mandalorian Universe, and gives the sense that we are very much there with them in that moment.
Cut in some extreme close ups of a hair line, a patch of cheek, some disinfectant being administered, with further voice overs of the discussion, and we’re golden. The scene takes on a much more intimate feel, with a heightened sense of anticipation. We get a tease of Will We Ever See Dins Face, and are left with the question of What Will it Take to Make Him Cast Aside His Creed, which is raised in light of the knowledge that a Droid does not count, but we the audience do. We ponder this for a moment and then the next time we see The Mandalorian, hes restored to full armour, and we’re reminded that this is The Goddamn Mandalorian motherfuckers, and hes here to Fuck Shit Up with his Little Green Gremlin Child.
As for the Imperial Terminal WELL
This was a very good opportunity for a second removal, and I definitely think that part was a good choice however the execution of the scene was poor as shit.
Having Din change out of his armour was a good start, it showed us that he was Serious about finding Grogu, and that he was willing to bend the rules and push the boundaries of his Creed without technically breaking it. This was discussed pretty well in the script, so it was a strong start.
Now, again, I dont disagree with the decision to have Din remove the helmet at the terminal in order to complete the face scan and access the information he needed - in fact I agree with that part entirely. Again, is shows us how far Din is willing to go to get Grogu back, and it’s a solid recall to the What Would it Take to Have Din Cast Aside His Creed question from Season 1. Furthermore, it really drives home the fact that Din will get Grogu back at any cost. Its exciting, and emotional, and drives his character development.
So heres how I think it should have gone:
Mayfield makes his attempt, sees his former superior, and turns back. Tells Din that no, it wont work, he cant do it, just as the scene originally goes. Din says no, fuck that, I havent come this far to turn back now, Ill go do it. Mayfield says lol good luck, the terminal needs a face scan for access so have fun with that, Din hesitates, and then very deliberately makes the choice to go - this is all pretty much in the scene.
Where it differs is after the failed face scan when Din still has the helmet on. The Countdown starts, Din hesitates, clearly torn between his Creed and Grogu, and we leave him there. Next shot is of Mayfield in the doorway when he looks over and sees the back of Dins head. We see this too, and we know that holy shit the madman actually did it. Hes *exposed* and his body language tells us he knows this. Maybe throw in an extreme close up of a drop of sweat on his chin, give us a lil glimpse of his bottom lip even, more than we got the first time he took his helmet off, but still not the full thing. Really get that anticipation going, you know?
As soon as Din gets the info, and the officer dude comes over to investigate, we get a half shot of Din turning while simultaneously stuffing his helmet back on his head, and the scene continues as it did. Maybe we see the same section of chin and neck in the process, maybe we dont, but the helmet is firmly back in its place, and so are we. I strongly feel like these events would have ramped up the emotion of the scene and, like i said above, the anticipation. We got closer this time! When will be the next time? Third times the charm right, so we can conclude that the next time he takes his helmet off will be The Big Moment™ so whats it gonna take???
Lets skip to that moment now.
The Final Scene. The Big Reveal. The Reunion, and the Parting of Ways.
Imagine the series went the way I just described. Imagine that in this Final Scene of Season 2, you, personally, had not seen Dins face. You’ve watched this Mandalorian trek and fight and blast his way through the Universe, been there in the room when hes been at this most badass and his most vulnerable. You’ve come so so so close to seeing his face, of seeing him break the Creed he’s clung to for two whole seasons, but you never have. Not yet. And now you’re watching him reunite with Grogu, Baby Yoda, The Kid. The one thing in the entire Universe that Din cares most for. Its a touching and emotional scene, after the fight, after the reveal of [redacted] after it becomes clear that This Is The End.
And then... he reaches up.... is he going to??? is he going to????? HE IS!
He lifts his helmet. Theres no danger, theres no threat, theres no pressure or incentive. This is completely his choice. This is Din, The Mandalorian, raised under the Mandalorian cult Creed, choosing to reveal his face, not only to Grogu, but to everyone in the room, including you.
How much more personal is that? More intimate, more emotional. We get to experience the moment that Grogu, who we all love and care for, is experiencing. We get to feel like we’re in the room. Everyone in that room knows how Strict the Creed is. Sure, the other Mandos dont live by it, but they know what it means to Din, so even they know the sheer significance of this act.
As it is, we the audience dont get to experience this on the same level. We have to think about it after the fact, after we’ve calmed down from the hype. We’ve already seen Dins face, many times, so we dont get that same intimacy. And its a real, real shame.
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waymorecake4me · 5 years
Won’t you take it back? Part 2 (Roger Taylor x Reader)
(a/n: Okay guys it’s finally here. I didn’t realize how hard writing a part 2 to something would be lmao. I wanna thank @fluffyunicornofdanger, as always for helping me edit and being an amazing person, and I wanna thank all of you guys for all the positive feedback, it really is what keeps me going. I hope you enjoy it!)
(If you haven’t already, you can read part 1 here)
Warnings: Fluff, angst, drinking.
Word count: 4.1k
It had been a week. A whole week since Y/n disappeared. Well to be exact, a week, two days and 3 hours, but who was counting?
Roger Taylor was counting. He had called her flat about five million times, and it had rang through every single time, no response. She hadn’t shown up for recording sessions, hell, he hadn’t even seen her around town.
The man sat by his phone, heavy bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep and his face was starting to thin out from the lack of proper sustenance. He had not shaved, so stubble began to appear along his chin, and although it was blond like the hair on his head, it was still very noticeable.
Three quick knocks on his flat door pulled him out of his thoughts and the anxiety fueled fetal position of rocking back and forth and he nearly tripped on his coffee table as he rushed to the door, swinging it open, in hopes that his best friend would be on the other end.
“Jesus, you look like absolute shit, Roger.”
The drummer’s face fell when he noticed it was his bandmate, Brian, on the other side, “What do you want?”
“You haven’t left your house, what is going on with you?” Brian let himself into the absolute trainwreck of a living room.
Roger groaned at what seemed like mockery from the guitarist, “Look, if you came here to make fun of me, you might as well just leave.”
“No, Rog, we’re worried about you. All of us. And it’s a good thing, too, you need a shower and some food. Go. Now,” Brian pointed towards the bathroom.
“If the phone rings-”
“If the phone rings while you’re gone, I will answer it, yes. Go take care of yourself. I’ll make you some tea and a sandwich, just go. You smell like you haven’t showered in days.” Brian gave Roger a stern look, absolutely not having any of his shit, but what else was new? Roger was stubborn and the whole band knew that. Well… everyone on this planet knew that.
The plan had been for all the band to show up at Roger’s flat but Brian was strictly against the idea. Someone who has just had their heart broken doesn’t need to be bombarded by 3 men who would honestly just stir up more emotions, so Brian decided to take things into his own hands.
Honestly, none of the boys had heard from or seen Y/n either, which wasn’t like her at all. They thought she would at least talk to them, but much like Roger, Y/n had disappeared too.  Brian wanted to fix things, seeing as Roger was the drummer and you can’t record rock songs without your drummer, and Y/n was a vital part to the team as well, even if she didn’t believe so, herself. Mainly she helped keep Roger in line but she helped out with lyrics and was extremely good at calming everyone down when things started to get riled up.
Roger had sulked off to the bathroom, actually listening to Brian for once, so he knew that this was serious. Brian sighed in relief and started up the kettle and made a simple sandwich, setting it on the counter for when Roger had returned from washing away all the grime that had built up on his body.
The guitarist pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, trying to figure out something, anything that could get the two to talk to each other, but nothing came to mind. He wanted everyone else to stay out of it but apparently Freddie didn’t get the memo.
“Y/n, darling?” Freddie rang the doorbell to the girl’s house, trying to look through any of her windows, “I know you’re home, talk to me.”
“Fred, I’m not in the mood,” A quiet voice sounded from the other side of the door.
“I simply just want to talk. Hang out, even. Maybe have a drink?” Freddie held up a bottle to the peephole on the door.
Her weakness.
Multiple locks could be heard being undone and Freddie smiled to himself, finally gaining entrance to what seemed like Y/n had turned into a fortress of solitude.
“What did you bring?” She whispered through the cracked door.
Freddie gave her a heart warming smile, “Only the best and most bubbly champagne, love. It would be barbaric to offer you anything else.” He pushed his way through the door, holding the bottle out to her, along with two champagne flutes, “And real crystal glasses, I wasn’t sure if you owned any, and I couldn’t let you drink this out of a solo cup, I simply won’t allow it.”
This made her chuckle as she set the glasses and the bottle of champagne down on her kitchen counter, “Please lock up the door, would you, Freddie?”
He obliged, and proceeded to follow behind her footsteps into the kitchen. Freddie being Freddie, he couldn’t help but snoop around a little bit with his eyes. He noticed all the phones were off the hooks, some of them looking like they had been smashed in with a hammer or blown up by a damn grenade, but he chose not to question that.
“So… bringing me fancy champagne,” Y/n popped the cork off, sending it flying, making the both of them laugh a bit, “Is this a bribe of some sort?”
“A bribe?” Freddie put his hand over his heart, “Can’t I just treat my friend to a nice drink without being questioned? It’s a lovely day! And you’re cooped up in here all alone.” He gave her a look. A look that couldn’t be described as anything other than a ‘I know what’s going on’ look. “Although I do have to ask-”
“I don’t want to talk about Roger.”
“Who said anything about Roger, dear?” He pointed to the three phones in the house, “I was going to simply ask about those. Did someone break in? Do you need money?”
Y/n laughed, as if she would ever accept money from her friends, “Nobody broke in, Freddie,” She poured herself and her friend full glasses of the expensive champagne, taking a sip, “They just kept ringing and it annoyed me. That’s all. Probably telemarketers.”
Her and Freddie both knew it wasn’t telemarketers but the singer decided to go along with the facade.
“Oh, those rotting pests,” Freddie took a sip of his drink as well, “Although you could have just unplugged them, not set them on fire.” He chuckled and sent her a smile.
“Yeah well, they were starting to make me feel…” She downed the whole glass of champagne, pouring herself another, “Uncomfortable.”
The cat was out of the bag. She was sending Freddie signals and he was sure of it. If she wanted to play games, Freddie was down to play too.
“Well, maybe they were trying to sell you something really nice,” He shrugged, “Something that could possibly be of interest to you.”
She was catching on. “Fred.”
“All I’m gonna say is that we all miss you dearly at the studio. It’s not the same without you around.” He wasn’t lying, not one bit. Things had been hectic. Chaotic, even. Freddie placed his hand on top of her hand that was resting on the marble counter to show his sincerity.
Y/n said nothing, but quiet contemplation was obvious from her furrowed brows.
“You know, in fact we are having a session in about an hour, and it would mean the world to me if you came,” He lifted her chin up so her eyes met his, “Plus, we’re down a drummer. We could really use some help.”
Her mind was spinning. Had Roger quit the band? All because of her? Nothing about that situation was fair. It was the least she could do. She could never say no to Freddie’s pleading eyes. He nearly looked like a child in a candy store.
“Oh alright, fine. But I’m only doing this for you.” She downed the rest of her second glass of champagne. Or was it her third? She wasn’t too sure, “But I’m gonna need all the liquid courage I can get,” She said, reaching for the bottle to pour another glass, but decided against it and lifted the whole bottle itself to her lips and began to chug the fizzy alcohol.
“That’s my girl!” Freddie patted both her shoulders and hugged her tightly after she let the bottle down, “I’ve got to get ready, so I will see you in an hour.” He made his way to the door and undid the many locks, “You should really rethink your security situation here, it’s quite tedious,” He took one step out the door before returning, “Oh! And remind me to purchase a new phone for your home. I would hate to not be able to ring you up. Ta-ta for now, my love. See you soon!” And he waltzed right out of the door.
Y/n laughed at his demeanor. If she didn’t know better, she would think he was from the bloody 1800s. She couldn’t complain, and nobody else seemed to either. When Freddie talked or entered a room it was like a breath of fresh air, away from all the smog and horrible weather in London.  
“Any calls? Any at all?” Roger emerged from the steaming bathroom with just a pair of sweatpants on.
“No, Rog. No calls,” Brian sighed, flipping through a newspaper he had found on Roger’s coffee table while he was waiting. The dark haired man could feel the skeptical look Roger was giving him as he looked up, “Why would I have reason to lie about something like that? Eat up, now. You look like an elderly dog.”
It took all the fight in Roger to not pick something up and chuck it at his friend. “Since when do you care about my appearance?”
“Since you’re coming to the recording studio with me in a half an hour.”
An annoyed sigh escaped the man’s lips, “Brian, I’m not-” Roger started, but was stopped by Brian raising one singular thin finger in the air.
“We have everything recorded for a song, except for the percussion. You’re going. So put a shirt on, eat your sandwich, and get your shit together,” Brian rolled his eyes, “I think some fresh air could do you some good, anyways.”
At this point, Roger had been so broken down, he had no energy left in him to argue with his friend. “Whatever. But don’t ask me to hang around afterwards.”
Nothing had been planned out. Freddie and Brian hadn’t conspired against the two, in fact they tried to do the exact opposite but it was starting to seem as if fate was trying it’s damndest to bring the drummer and his best friend back together. Y/n wasn’t mad at Roger, she wasn’t trying to upset him, she just hated change. But change seemed like the only option that fate was giving her.
Y/n stood outside the recording studio door, about to walk in, but she stopped in her tracks. Had she just heard an epic drum solo? A bit tipsy from the champagne, she cracked the door open the slightest bit, speaking in the smallest whisper she could manage, “Psssst! Freddie! What the fuck?”
“Y/n! There you are!” His voice boomed, and it’s a damn good thing that Roger was in the sound booth.
“Shhh! Hush, Fred. Is… is he in there?”
“Is who in here? We’re all here! Come on, I need your help with a lyric,” Freddie grabbed her arm and yanked her inside the studio room.
“Guys what’s going on? Need me to do it again?” Roger’s voice could be heard through the speaker and Y/n ducked down onto the ground so he couldn’t see her through the glass window.
Brian, realizing what was happening, tried to keep his cool, “Yeah, Rog if you could do it just once more, that would be lovely,” He turned the mic off and turned in his swivel chair, “What the bloody hell is happening right now?” Looking back and forth, between Freddie and Y/n.
“Mr. Mercury over here boozed me up and told me to come to the session, knowing full well I didn’t want to see Roger,” She lightly punched at Freddie’s arm.
“No need for hitting, love, I didn’t know Roger would be here either until it was too late!” He rubbed his arm where he had been punched, “But maybe the world is trying to tell you something, darling. You can’t avoid him forever.”
“No, no, nope, not happening.” Y/n crawled over to the wall and used it to help herself get up off the floor, tripping in the process, falling onto the couch that she had spent many hours on in the past, “Fuck. Me.” Maybe she had a bit too much liquid courage.
“Guys, if you want me to do it again, you’ve gotta at least tell me what you want me to change-” Roger halted like a frightened horse after walking through the sound booth door.
Everyone tried to “act natural,” which always makes everyone look way more suspicious. Eyes darting all around the room, everyone looking at each other, not sure what to say.
“Y/n?” Roger’s voice hitched in his throat. After not seeing her for over a week, the first glimpse he got was of her, clearly intoxicated, rubbing her leg while laying on the couch.
“No. Not me.”
“Okay, I don’t know who did what, but- ugh. What is she on?” Roger rushed to her side, while still looking at the boy’s as if they had killed a puppy or something.
“Relax, Rog, just champagne. She just needs some water and time, she’ll be fine,” Freddie chimed in, not seeing the harm in the situation.
“Come with me. C’mon, Y/n,” Roger tried to get her up off the couch but she resisted, “I’m trying to help you, just come with me.”
The alcohol had hit her. Hard. She probably should have checked the alcohol content before downing the rest of the bottle. She squirmed as much as she could but Roger was quite a bit stronger than her, especially when she was plastered.
When Roger finally managed to get her onto her feet, and had her arm wrapped around his shoulders for support, he started to make his way out the door with her leaned against him, he used his other arm to gesture crudely at his friends, ”You’re all in for it, we’ll talk about this later.”
Y/n couldn’t remember much of the journey to Roger’s car, but once she was seated in the passenger side and Roger was reaching over her to help her fasten her seat belt, she took a shaky, drunken hand and grabbed one of his, “Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?” Roger clicked the seat belt into place and stood up a bit, looking down at her.
“I’ve thought about you a lot.” Not an answer to his question, but she was knackered, so nothing would make sense.
Roger looked deeply into her half hooded y/e/c eyes, “Me too… but we can talk about this later. Let’s just get you home.” He ran to the other side of the car and started it up, heading back to his flat.
Things had happened so fast that he hadn’t been able to fully process anything. All he knew was that best friends take care of each other, especially when they’re drunk, so that’s what he was going to do. The tension that was between them didn’t matter when it came to safety. Her safety. Roger had his eyes trained heavily on the road, his mind wandering to many places. Why had she shown up drunk and alone? And on the one day that he decided to go in? Things didn’t add up.
Roger pulled up to his flat and helped her inside. Y/n nearly tripping with every step, but once she was inside his flat, she took off on her own and plopped herself down onto his couch, stretching her limbs out to take up the whole three-seater.
This hadn’t been the first time he had taken care of a drunken Y/n, but it felt a little overwhelming because of last week’s situation. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard above his sink and filled it with water, bringing it back to her, “Gotcha somethin’ to drink, if you feel like it. It’s right here.” Roger set the glass down on the side table.
Y/n hummed lowly and mumbled a response, “Thanks, Rog. Love you.”
It slipped out of her mouth as if she had been saying it for years. Of course, drunk, she hadn’t realized the impact those two words had but Roger’s eyes went wide, “You do, do ya?” He laughed at his friend. Water wasn’t exactly something to love someone over.
“Mhm,” Y/n’s eyes were closed but she nodded her head, “I don’t want to,” She stirred a bit and opened her eyes, looking at all the blurry details on Roger’s face, “But I do.”
“You’re just drunk.”
Y/n grabbed at Roger’s hand and yanked it towards her body, cuddling with his arm the way a kid would hold a teddy bear. “But honest.”
She promptly fell asleep, and Roger didn’t dare move his arm. He stayed put on the floor, eyes following each tiny movement of her body, every breath she took, every time her eyes moved around under her eyelids. He wondered what she was dreaming about. He also wondered if she meant what she said. She was right, she had always been more honest when drunk. Time went by slowly, but it felt very fast to Roger. He could look at her all day.
The sun had gone down by the time Y/n’s eyes flickered open, the first thing she saw, was of course Roger. He was leaned against the side of the couch, his eyes now closed in a light slumber, yet Y/n still had a tight grip on his arm. However, when she gently let go of his arm, his eyes opened with no hesitation.  
There was a moment of sweet, yet awkward silence before Roger broke it with a low voice, “Hi.”
“Hi,” Y/n sheepishly smiled. “I-I’m sorry.”
“For getting drunk? If I had to apologize for every time I got drunk, I wouldn’t have a voice left.” The two friends laughed together. It felt like their normal vibe was shifting back into place. They way they could joke together and laugh together.
“Yes and no,” Y/n had no problem with looking at him in the eyes, this situation had gone on long enough, “For lying. For leaving. For cutting off my phone, I just…”
Roger rolled his eyes, “You act like I don’t know you by now.”
Both of their voices were quiet. This was a side to Roger that only Y/n had experienced, and these moments were very few and far in between. He was a softy when it came to her, and there was no doubt about it.
The drummer fiddled with his fingers, “Before you fell asleep, you said-”
“I know what I said, Roger,” Y/n sat up, grasping hold of both his hands, “And I meant it. I just don’t want things to change. I wish we could just… lie. Ignore it.” She sighed heavily, “But it’s out there now.”
“What do you say we do about it, then? Little miss ‘drunk off of champagne?’ Huh?” Roger prodded at her chest with a finger, playfully.
She both loved and hated that he was able to take the most serious conversations and turn them into jokes.
“Listen here, Freddie didn’t tell me how strong it was, you arse,” Laughter breaking up her words as she pushed him to the ground.
But oh no. Roger wasn’t going down without taking her with him.
They both tumbled onto the floor, laughing uncontrollably at the situation. Once they were settled on the floor, she had landed on top of him, neither even noticing the suggestive position they were in. Her straddling him with his hands resting on her waist, tickling her nearly to death. The laughter fit kept going until they were both out of breath.
“Shit. Fuck. Shit.” Y/n stood up on legs that made her feel like a newborn deer, sitting back down on the couch. “Roger I don’t know what to do. I really don’t.”
The blond on the floor, brushed his hair back, not like it would make any difference, it was messy either way.
“What does your heart tell you?”
That was an obvious answer. Obviously her heart was set on him, but her heart and mind didn’t sync up and she couldn’t understand why. In that whole week that she spent by herself, she kept going from ‘I’m gonna tell him. We can make it work,’ to ‘Holy fuck this could be a shitshow.’ What if they did get together and he hurt her? Or what if their friendship faded away?
“My heart doesn’t know how we would make it work, Rog.” She gave him a sad look and he returned the look with a frown.
Roger picked himself up off the floor and sat next to her on the couch, placing a hand on her thigh which gave her a little shiver up her spine, “We could… try it?” He suggested, looking at her with eyes that she wished she could resist.
“Once we’ve gone there, there’s no going back, that’s what I’ve been saying all along,” Y/n argued, tears building up in her eyes, and seeing her cry, always hurt Roger down to the core, sparking some waterworks from him as well.
He pulled her in close. The two crying in frustration at the world and at their feelings towards each other. Locked in a hug, the two contemplated everything.
An idea hit Roger like a ton of bricks. An idea that could be the start of something or the end of it all. “Do you trust me, Y/n?” He pulled back from the hug, but still held her close.
“You know I do, Roger.” She tilted her head, “What is that pretty head of yours thinking?”
“Just… trust me, okay?”
The dim lighting from the moon outside the front window of Roger’s flat gave Y/n’s skin a beautiful glow. Angelic, even. Roger physically couldn’t hold back any longer. He placed his hand on Y/n’s cheek and she smiled at him. That smile got him every time.
Roger leaned in close, making the girl’s heart beat increase to a point it had never been before. Nobody had ever made her feel this way. The man moved slow, as to not overstep any boundaries, making it okay for her to pull away at any moment. But she didn’t. Suddenly her heart was telling her that it was okay. Things felt right. And before she knew it, Roger’s lips met with her’s in the slowest, sweetest kiss. He could taste the fruity champagne, still on her lips, and it felt as if he was getting drunk off of it, but it wasn’t the alcohol, it was just her.
Y/n tilted her head into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Roger’s neck. Something that before, seemed so wrong, now felt so right. She couldn’t escape the feelings any longer.
Roger was the first to pull away, leaning his forehead against hers, “So?”
Y/n chuckled, “Well, seeing as the world hasn’t exploded, I’m starting to think I should trust you more often.”
“I’m intrigued at how you thought I could blow up the bloody planet by kissing you, but that’s not what I meant.” The two had another sweet moment of looking at each other for god knows how long, ended by Roger, once again, always ruining good things, “Can you say it for me?”
Y/n smirked at him and played dumb, looking around the room innocently.
Roger’s eyes got serious, and he made sure she was looking at him before he whispered, “I love you, Y/n.”
There was no use in fighting it anymore. Enough tears had been shed over this silly game of denying feelings. The lying had to be over. The sparks from that kiss was proof enough for her. They would find a way to make it work.
“I love you too, Rog.”
Tag list: @chocolatealmondmilkshake @toomuchtellyneck @rtyler19 @jennyggggrrr
(I’m still new to the whole tag list thing so I’m so sorry if I forgot anyone, please forgive me.)
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rosesformark · 5 years
allure - mark lee : [01]
genre: angst, fluff, college au, fratboy!mark
pairing: mark lee x reader
word count: 2.3k
synopsis: attention and affection, the things he thrived off and wanted most in the world. but would it be at the expense of the one he loves most?
A/N: wooo i’m really excited to start this mark lee fic :)) this is just the beginning, the juicy parts has yet to come hehe. but how is this for an intro? I’m not sure how long this will be but i do want to make it pretty lengthy. any feedback is welcomed!! uwu i always say this but your requests haven’t been forgotten, i’m just taking my time with them to avoid rewriting the same plots since a lot of you asked for angst!! LOL btw i love mark and i hope you enjoy reading :> stay tuned for mORRrreEEE
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MAR. 27, 2019
[2:37 AM]
“Let’s run away together.”
His sheets, a solid black, matched the night sky outside the window, moonlight filtering the bedroom with a mute but silvery atmosphere. The blankets were snuggly wrapped around both your frames as his words drifted softly through the air. His arms wound around your shoulders, squeezing slightly as you snuggled deeper into his neck.
His blunt words made your heart stutter, the endless possibilities popping into your head. You quickly shot them down though, not daring to raise your hopes up.
“That’s quite a bold statement,” you say. Nevertheless, a giggle went past your lips as you looked up and met his eyes. He held them steadily as his eyes, that you swore held the stars, began to crinkle and his cheekbones slowly became more prominent. He let out a chuckle and pressed his lips firmly against the crown of your head, holding you tighter if that was even possible.
“I’m serious, even if it’s for one week. Let’s just leave this place together where no one can find us and we can do whatever the hell we want.” Normally, when one uses his choice of uncertain words, it would scare you. But, you knew him, you knew that with the air of determination he had at that moment, held some sort of truth that eased your restless thoughts at open-ended promises. Mark was always a dreamer, he liked being on his feet and would constantly tell you of his ambitions and goals. Whether it be outings with the boys or over the top dates with you, he never failed to achieve them to the best of his ability.
Realistically speaking though, you both were young college students so what could you actually do? So, you decided to play along, “When would you have the time? The frat needs you, they would hate for me to take away their big,” you were left with a bitter taste as you said the last few words. Except for a few, most of Mark’s frat buddies absolutely detested when he suddenly stopped sleeping around and getting pissed off drunk nearly every night. Which was after he had started seeing you.
The idea though, of you and him together. It sounded so delightfully sweet and selfish that you couldn’t help the blush passing through your cheeks, heart fluttering. You pulled the covers up underneath your chin.
Mark rustled a bit, ruffling the sheets and turning to face you better. “Don’t think about them for now, it’s just you and me.” His signature smirk could be seen through the dark as he slowly intertwined his fingers in yours.
“Mark, you didn’t even tell them about us yet…”
“Shh, that’s not as important.” Your heart sunk at his statement and it showed in the way you slightly pulled away from him. He immediately caught your actions and moved to stop you, placing the palm of his hand against the dip of your back. Hurriedly, he continued, “What’s important is how we feel. Whats between us. You know how I feel about you so don’t worry about it,” he softly caressed your cheek, eyes dipping down to meet yours as he whispered softly, “Okay?”
You were hesitant for a moment. He always did this, always avoided talking about your relationship yet making endless promises like the hopeless romantic he is.You couldn’t help it though. His black hair fluttered against his eyes and compared to daytime Mark, with his wavy hair parted, he looked so loving and adorable. Looking into his deep eyes, the moonlight hit them in a way where it seemed like they were endless, with you falling deeper and deeper into their abyss. This was your favorite Mark, the Mark that let down his walls and wasn’t afraid to show his emotions towards you.
You exterior started melting as he softly rubbed your back, he knew your weaknesses and used them well to his advantage when he wanted you to cave. You mumbled a soft okay and he broke out into a grin. He then proceeded to press you into his chest as his nose nuzzled itself into your hair.
“That’s my girl.”
MAR. 27, 2019
[8:42 AM]
You cursed as you continued walking towards the campus library. Struggling to carry the intimidating amount of books piled into your arms, you really wished Kyungsoo didn’t called for the incredibly last minute meeting.
You had to unwillingly untangle yourself in the morning from Mark’s arms, if Kyungsoo had not said that it was an extreme, super duper emergency, you would not have left the boy you were so infatuated with for the world.
Imagine your distaste when Kyungsoo followed up with a text stating “coffee shop”, indicating a simple study session and not an extreme, super duper emergency. But alas, he was your best friend and if he knew that the reason you couldn’t come was because you were with campus heartthrob, frat boy and apparently fuck boy ahoy Mark Lee, you would never hear the end of it.
So, in the end, you snuck out of Mark’s room and into yours to grab at least what looked to be five thick textbooks. As you glared at the stack in your arms, you regretted being in such a rush that you didn’t even notice two of the books weren’t even yours.
You let out a loud groan as in the midst of your struggle, said textbooks decided to fall off your stack and topple on the cement ground. You stopped for a moment and unsteadily shoved the other three books in the crook of your arm; without thinking, you leaned down to grab the two textbooks while forgetting about the laws of physics and managing to lose grip on the other three.
As if in slow motion, and also at the moment you seemed to be questioning whether higher education was worth it, two pairs of arms shot out to help you. One pair went for the books already on the ground while the other pair caught your three books in mid fall and immediately helped straighten them in your arms.
You let out a sigh of relief as your eyes trailed the arms that were gripping yours. Your eyes widened as they met a pair of familiar, dark brown eyes that just last night, you shamelessly were staring in. Mark’s lips turned up into a grin as his fingers lingered near your waist, you felt the blood rush to your face as you realized just how close you two were standing.
Mark opened his mouth and was ready to speak when a loud cough from your side made you jump back. Mark hardly flinched as his arms remained in their position, gripping nothing but air. Which would’ve been funny to look at if it weren’t for Kyungsoo’s questioning eyes boring into yours, clearly directed at how close you were towards the campus heartthrob and had made no indication of pushing him away.
You avoided his gaze as he thrust out the textbooks that had fallen on the floor to you. You hands almost gripped the smooth covers when all of the sudden Mark snatched the textbooks out of Kyungsoo’s hand, quite roughly if you may add.
Kyungsoo immediately shot his signature glare as Mark merely smirked at him, “Ah thanks man, these were mine actually.” It was only then that you put two together and realized those textbooks were probably ones that Mark had left over the last time you had a study date. You internally pinched yourself for your stupidity.
“Are you sure? Y/n clearly was the one who dropped it in the first place.”
“Yeah, I’m sure, don’t worry about it.”
You could tell that Mark’s unbothered tone irked Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo never liked Mark, something about what happened when they were in highschool and adding Mark’s reputation on top of that, it was needless to say that Mark absolutely grinded Kyungsoo’s gears. His protective side was practically bursting at this point, which normally would warm your heart but considering its towards Mark, not so much. Before Kyungsoo started something, you jumped in to retort, “Yeah, he dropped them. You must’ve seen wrong, Soo.”
You mustered up the most innocent face you could as Kyungsoo’s eyes darted back and forth between you and Mark. You were about to crack when finally, Kyungsoo turned around and muttered, “Okay, let’s go then,” proceeding to walk in the direction of the coffee shop.
You didn’t make two steps before Mark pulled you back by the elbow, making you slightly lose your balance and crash into his chest from behind. You sprang away just in case Kyungsoo turned back to catch your flustered being as you sent daggers towards Mark’s teasing face. Even with the previous tension from before, he still maintained a relaxed state that was also shown through his clothing for the day, grey sweatpants paired with a simple white tee that made you glance again at his broad shoulders.
“You forgot something, love” If it wasn’t for the blatant pet name that caught you off guard, it was definitely the quick peck to your forehead that although made your heart flutter, also made you worriedly glance around for anyone that caught the intimate action.
Mark let out a small chuckle and used his hand that wasn’t holding the textbooks to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Why you so worried, love?”
“Because you keep calling me love when anybody could hear, Mark”
He ignored your statement, pouted and spoke softly, “You left so early this morning you didn’t even notice you took my books with you.”
“You wouldn’t even have been able to take them since they were at my dorm.”
“True, but since you lose track of how many books you have, it made you accidentally take them from your stack and carry them all across campus before you realized they weren’t yours.”
“Aren’t you a smart one today?”
He let out a loud laugh and drew back his hand that made you instantly crave for it again. “I wish I could kiss you right now, you’re being so cute and sassy.”
“Then why don’t you?”
He didn’t answer and simply smiled at you. The smile that showed all of his teeth but with the knowing fact that it always made you melt so you would forgive him for his actions.
He once again, ignored your prying questions, “Are you still coming to the party tonight?” he leaned in to your ear and whispered, “We’ll have more time to do what we want.”
You shuddered at his deep voice and the suggestiveness that came with it, cheeks burning as Mark smirked at his clear effect on you.You were about to answer before a pair of girls interrupted you to catch Mark’s attention.
“Mark! C’mon, we’ll be late to class.” Their high pitched voices called out to him as they gazed longingly at Mark’s presence. The green monster immediately jumped out the longer they stared at him, even more so when he turned around and gave them a charming grin, obnoxiously living up to the campus heartthrob name.
“I’ll see you later, baby.” He flashed you a smile that you knew were only reserved for you. It still didn’t hurt any less though when he started walking with the girls and made no move to push them away when one of them linked arms with him. You stared at his back as you were left with a highly disappointed feeling.
You and Mark weren’t official, yes. But he sure as hell did act the part when and only behind closed doors. You’ve had numerous talks about this but they always ended with Mark somehow diverting the conversation elsewhere and you were left with the feeling of unsettledness.
He never reciprocated other girls actions but he sure didn’t stop them. Mark has always told you that only you could affect him in a that way but judging by his reputation and past experiences you’ve seen, he has always thrived off of other’s attention and affection.
You snapped out of your daze just as your phone buzzed in your pocket. Pulling it out, you saw that you had several messages from “m :)”.
9:23 AM >> baby, don’t be jealous
9:23 AM >> you know i only have eyes for you
9:23 AM >> pls come to the party tho, i miss you already and i want to spend time with you :(
what if i don’t want to spend time w you? << 9:24 AM
9:24 AM >> you can’t lie to me and you know it
9:24 AM >> cmon, it’ll be fun!
9:24 AM >> cause you’ll be there with me ;)
You chuckled at his reply and stared at his contact picture. It was a picture of you two cuddling while playing around with Snapchat filters. Pink hearts danced around your heads as his face was pressed on top of yours, his hair messily sprayed on top his head, you were smiling widely and he was adorably pouting. It was such a lovey-dovey, borderline cringe worthy couple photo but it never failed to warm your entire being. You only wished you could display it on your lock screen for the world to see.
Your smile broke when Kyungsoo’s face flashed across the screen indicating a phone call coming through, making you gasp. You had completely forgot about the study session with him and had let him walk on his own when you were preoccupied with Mark. Purposely declining the call, you pivoted your feet and immediately started jogging towards the coffee shop, Potted. In the midst of your jog, you sent a few quick texts to Mark and started sprinting as Satansoo started flashing in the very deep pits of your mind.
I’ll be there << 9:27 AM
but not for you >:( << 9:27 AM
9:27 AM >> whatever you say, love. can’t wait to see you tonight :)
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azookiex3 · 5 years
Porcelain Doll - Lucifer M. & F!Reader
Anon: Hi, could you write a Lucifer x fem|reader fic please, were the girl is younger but they fell in love and then he later finds out that she struggles with a slight form of anorexia, not really a serious one but she sometimes not comfortable with eating however she's actually pretty thin and he tries to help her and he's worried.
Description: How is it that friends you've had for years not realize that something is wrong, but your boyfriend of three months does? 
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Anorexia, Eating Anxiety 
AN: This fic is loosely based on my own personal events. For many, many years I've had difficulty with swallowing food wherever I was, except at home. I used it to my advantage to "lose weight", aka basically starving myself. All that lead to was me having an awful stomach ulcer and little to no energy. Thanks to my mom, just last year I finally talked to my doctor about it and she gave me some pills to try. Apparently what I was suffering with was very common. Thanks to these pills I can finally eat out with my friends and family. Though I feel it may have made my depression worse, I'd rather have a few more bad days to being unable to eat. If this sounds like your situation, please talk to your doctor. They're meant to help you, and they won't judge you.
AO3 Fanfiction Net Wattpad
Tag List: @lucifersnipnips
"So, what's the plan for your 21st birthday girl?!" Your best friend Becky says across the table.
You, along with your group of friends, are eating at a diner not too far from your college. You've all just had a very successful rehearsal for the yearly college play extravaganza, and decided to celebrate with ice cream.
You pick at the straw in your milkshake, "I haven't really thought of anything."
"Oh please!" Jack exaggerates. He points his spoon at you, "There's no way you can't have nothing planned when you're dating that hunk!"
You shrug, "Really, I haven't thought of anything. I haven't the time to think of a silly birthday with this play."
"A 21st birthday is not silly, it's important!" Jack complains.
"Seriously, Y/N. Tomorrow you'll finally be legal to raid that expensive bar whenever you want!" Becky sighs into her own milkshake, "An alcoholic's dream."
"Really, it's just a waste on her." Viv finishes her banana split, "You don't even drink heavily. I'll never understand why someone like him picked you."
You chuckle slightly. Neither will I.
You and Lucifer Morningstar first met back when you were a senior in high school. The circumstance wasn't ideal. One of the theater teachers was a creep that no one was willing to out. Then, that teacher set his eyes on you and you tore him up. The school's security sent you both to the LAPD station for questioning.
When you arrived you passed by Lucifer, eyes meeting. You remember him looking quizzically between you and the highly beaten up chubby guy next to you. You didn't see him again until after the police let you out of interrogation saying you were free to go [all thanks to your fellow classmates for finally speaking the truth].
Lucifer sat down next to you as you waited for your parents. He was highly impressed that someone of your lithe frame could take down a guy twice, maybe more, your size.
And since then you two have been in contact. The next time you were both face to face with each other was when he asked you to the local park three months ago and asked you out.
But since then, you two haven't spent too much time together. What with you being incredibly busy with this play and him with his club and LAPD job.
"Hellooo! Earth to Y/N!" Becky waved her hand in front of your face.
You blink, "What?"
"You're phone's buzzin'." You quickly dig through your purse and retrieve your phone.
"Speak of the Devil!" Becky laughs when she sees his name as the caller id.
You snort and hush your friends down before answering, "Hello?"
"Hello, darling! I hope I'm not interrupting your rehearsal." Lucifer's beautiful voice, that you love so much, reaches your ear.
"Oh no, you're not! We actually just finished about 15 minutes ago. I'm at a diner now with some friends."
"Lovely! I'll make this quick then so you can get back to socializing."
"I'd much rather listen to you." You whisper but Becky heard you anyways and punched your arm playfully.
Lucifer's laugh makes you smile warmly, "Well, if I remember correctly, tomorrow is your birthday yes?"
"Yup, it is." Your friends are all focused on you now.
"And it's the big 2-1 for you humans correct?"
"Ah, yes. The big adult number. Yup." You laugh.
"Then, if you have nothing planned, I'd like to take you out. Some dinner, then some wonderful dessert back at my place. How does that sound, love?"
Your face immediately heats up as various thoughts run through your mind. All your friends start wooing and giggling, "Y-yeah, no. I mean! No I haven't planned anything. And that sounds lovely!" You stutter out.
"Wonderful! I'll pick you up around 6pm. Can't wait to see you again, my dear."
You smile, "Same to you, Lucifer. I'll see you then!" You hang up and are immediately bombarded with questions.
"Guys! Chill out!" You hush them down again, "Yes that was him and yes he's taking me out tomorrow for my birthday."
"Thank You oh mighty Lucifer!" Jack says as he and Viv bow their heads.
"Oh stop that!" You say.
"Where's he taking you?!" Becky asks excitedly.
"He just said to get some dinner and...um…" your fierce blush returns.
"Oooh! My girl's finally gonna get laid!" Jack jumps up and down in his seat.
"Probably just a kiss. You know how she is." Viv replies.
"Well come on! Let's hurry back to the dorm! We gotta help you pick an outfit!" Becky says and pushes everyone out of their seats.
You laugh, nervously.
"Seriously?" The old waitress cleans up the table you and your friends were at five minutes prior.
"What is it now, Grace? No tip?" Another waiter comes around.
"No, they gave me a tip. I just don't understand these youngins' nowadays wastin' money." She motions to your untouched small size milkshake.
"Maybe they weren’t hungry?" The waiter shrugs and walks away.
"That damn girl never eats." Grace murmurs under her breath as she cleans the table.
You're sitting on one of the comfy leather chairs in your dorm lobby. You sit properly in your sparkling dress, hands clenched together on top of your knee, and head held high. An acting technique you learned yourself to quiet the nerves.
You wish you could say you were nervous about the date. You suppose you are, in a way. But not the whole date. Not even about the possible "dessert".
No. You were nervous, maybe more terrified, of the upcoming dinner.
He's going to find out.
No he won't. If your friends of many years couldn't there's no way he will.
He's going to find out. He's going to find out and that'll be the end of it.
Please, you've seen the women on him in his club. He'll love it.
"There's my darling!"
You snap out of it and turn your head to see Lucifer, in a well pressed suit, walking through the entryway to you.
"Lucifer!" You have a genuine surprised smile on your face, momentarily forgetting the nerves, and rush over to him.
He chuckles as you two embrace and he kisses your cheek, "I thought you'd text me when you were outside!"
"And miss you looking positively powerful in that chair? Heaven forbid." He gives you his classic flirtatious smile, making you blush and laugh.
"Come along, darling!" He holds his arm out to you and you take it, "Let the celebration begin!"
Lucifer takes you to what has to be the most expensive restaurant in LA.
You're both led to a corner of the vast room. It's pretty dark, lit only by a single candle on the clothed table and a dim lamp on the wall. As you skim through the menu looking for the cheapest, and smallest, meal possible, Lucifer interrupts your searching when he orders an appetizer.
He chuckles slightly at your raised brows, "Yes, I suppose I should have asked you first, but this dish is delectable darling. You'll love it! Plus, it's cut in shared pieces."
You smile back and hope the dim lighting hid your gulp.
The waiter comes back with the large shared appetizer and asks what you two would like for the main course.
Lucifer stops you again before you can answer, "If you don't mind, my dear, I'd love to get this meal here." He points to an item on your menu, and it happened to be the one thing you avoided eye contact with. It's a fairly large dish with various slices of steak and vegetables. In the small print of the description it says that this dish is suggested for parties.
"It happens to be one of their best, and since this is your 21st birthday I believe you deserve the largest and tastiest item here!" Lucifer smiles brightly at you, teeth and all.
You clutch the menu to not show your shaking body. You give him a small smile back, "Oh Lucifer, you know I don't consider myself as one of those people who think they deserve the best of everything."
"Of course and that's one of the many reasons I adore you, but darling," he leans in slightly. His hypnotic eyes and smile are light beautifully by the candle, "You're the Devil's partner now. You deserve, and will always get the best."
You swallow again, but not from nerves. This time it was completely heat based.
The dinner went surprisingly...well!
Lucifer never questioned about your slow eating. Never pushed more food on you. Instead, he made you feel extremely comfortable. He told the waiter to not come back unless he holds his hand up, and you noticed the other couple tables around you haven't been filled with people.
It was just you and Lucifer, pretty much. Enjoying some amazing food and having wonderful conversations. You felt so at home you ate more than you probably did since...well, freshman year of high school.
Him seeming to work so hard to make you comfortable did make you wonder though…
Currently, you are sitting on Lucifer's stupidly comfortable Italian sofa, watching some mind numbing television. You still wore your dress, but now you had Lucifer's suit jacket over top and shoes off.
"Happy Birthday to you…" You could hear Lucifer's voice faintly coming from his back kitchen. You stretch your neck to look in that direction.
"Happy Birthday to you!" Lucifer comes around the corner. He's carrying a serving tray that holds two wine glasses, a bottle of wine, and a cute little cake.
"Happy Birthday, my darling Y/N!" He sets the tray down in front of you on the coffee table and sits next to you.
"Happy Birthday to you!" He smiles lovingly at you, and your heart is about ready to explode. You give him a hug along with a kiss on his forehead, nose, and cheeks before blowing out your candles.
"What did you wish for, darling?" He asks. You curl into his open arms.
"Can't say, Lucifer. Otherwise it won't come true."
He huffs, but kisses your head, "Silly humans and their superstitions." You both enjoy the comfortable silence before he speaks again.
"Care for a bite, darling? Made it myself this morning."
"Umm…" you froze. Your mind became increasingly aware with just how much food you ate today, "Maybe in the morning. I'm pretty full right now."
Lucifer just hums in response, and that just makes your suspicion about tonight grow.
You lift yourself up, still in his arms but far enough away to look him in the eyes correctly, "Lucifer...I have a question."
He just hums again.
"Do you...um," you swallow and feel the color of embarrassment rise on your cheeks, "Do you...know?"
He hums again before answering, "In part." You instantly deflate and go to move away from him, but he pulls you back just as quick. His hand runs through your hair in a calming motion, "It's nothing to be ashamed about, Y/N."
"How did you figure it out? My friends haven't even realized it."
"Well, when I saw you look just the same after so many years it worried me. Typically I hear from young women the dreaded 'after school 20'. It seems that phrase has passed you, dear."
You sigh, "Yeah well, I can't remember exactly when or how it happened, but sometime in sophomore year I started having trouble with eating in a public setting. I couldn't even eat over at friends' homes. Only in my own." You curl your legs up to hold them. Lucifer continues to stroke your hair, "And then I met you and...well…I figured I wouldn't tell anyone and just deal with it. I was a chubby kid, and I was amazed with how much weight I lost so fast."
"Well, I am quite upset to hear that you thought I'd be ok with you starving yourself." Lucifer frowns and you look surprised at him.
"But...a lot of women who are all over you look like me, even less! And you're all over them! I thought-"
"I'm into human women, darling. Not porcelain dolls."
You look away from him. Tears brim your vision, "So, what? Are you disgusted with me now? Or did you just ask me out out of pity?"
"If I was disgusted by you I wouldn't have asked you to be mine, and I don't do pity, darling." Lucifer hears you sniffle.
"My darling Y/N," Lucifer Morningstar becomes incredibly soft. He gently brings his hands to your face and nudges you to look at him, "I've come to care deeply about you, love. And I don't enjoy seeing someone I care that much about in a turmoil." He wipes your tears away.
"Allow me to help, darling. You keep going like this...I'm afraid I'll have you for even less time."
You stare into his eyes and can see nothing but truth. Your hands move to hold his face gently. Rubbing his stubble, you slowly bring your face closer. Closing your eyes you and him kiss. Soft, sweet, filled with an unspoken love and promise.
"Ok, Lucifer. Please, help me."
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