#could talk about susie for a while btw. shes my friend <333
dooodle-bug · 1 year
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susie's weird family (hcs under cut)
-Susie lives alone with her mom, who is working full time. Her parents divorced when she was younger and her mom needed to work hard to sustain them both
-they moved to the hometown due to the rent being cheaper. Her mom also needs to bounce around to find work
-her mom's tail got bashed up from a late night car accident. its also just naturally long. does susie have a tail? who knows
-since she is a single parent constantly working, Susie's mom is usually not home, which gives Susie a lot of time on herself. She comes home to an empty house, but usually decides to stay outside.
-Susie's mom is evidently neglectful of her kid. When she gets home from a long day of work she simply ignores Susie and goes to sleep or complain to Susie about something.
-her mom complains about her and everything a lot. She's very bitter about her job and how her child will never put any effort into anything while she's working her ass off everyday for her, that lazy ungrateful child
-Her mom also doesn't seem to have that much free time for anything, even buying groceries. While Susie could buy them for herself, her mom hides her money bc she doesn't trust her enough.
-so Susie is always hungry and scavenging for free/stolen food wherever she can get some.
-her house/apartment is also a godamn mess. While Susie could clean it up, she never does. She's too ashamed about it. She would rather stay outside and avoid her mom
-but are there any good qualities about her mom? Well, maybe the fact that Susie's mom is constantly working to support them? Or the fact that she doesn't care or pay any attention to Susie's performance at school? Or the fact that Susie can honestly do whatever she wants...? 
-perhaps Susie has some fond memories of her. On the rare occasion when her mom isn't busy or tired or yelling at her, they'd watch TV and funny movies together. If you got to know her, Susie's mom is quite funny and tolerable, in a way.
-actually no. The TV is technically on regardless if anyone's watching or not. 
-susie, of course, never let's anyone go to her house. She's kinda ashamed of it and also she'd rather be anywhere else. But perhaps she'll let Kris come over someday…?
-Susie has very very complicated feelings about her mother. She and Lancer bond of this shared feeling. parents are weird man
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