#haha i still need to come up with a name for her mom <//3
dooodle-bug · 1 year
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susie's weird family (hcs under cut)
-Susie lives alone with her mom, who is working full time. Her parents divorced when she was younger and her mom needed to work hard to sustain them both
-they moved to the hometown due to the rent being cheaper. Her mom also needs to bounce around to find work
-her mom's tail got bashed up from a late night car accident. its also just naturally long. does susie have a tail? who knows
-since she is a single parent constantly working, Susie's mom is usually not home, which gives Susie a lot of time on herself. She comes home to an empty house, but usually decides to stay outside.
-Susie's mom is evidently neglectful of her kid. When she gets home from a long day of work she simply ignores Susie and goes to sleep or complain to Susie about something.
-her mom complains about her and everything a lot. She's very bitter about her job and how her child will never put any effort into anything while she's working her ass off everyday for her, that lazy ungrateful child
-Her mom also doesn't seem to have that much free time for anything, even buying groceries. While Susie could buy them for herself, her mom hides her money bc she doesn't trust her enough.
-so Susie is always hungry and scavenging for free/stolen food wherever she can get some.
-her house/apartment is also a godamn mess. While Susie could clean it up, she never does. She's too ashamed about it. She would rather stay outside and avoid her mom
-but are there any good qualities about her mom? Well, maybe the fact that Susie's mom is constantly working to support them? Or the fact that she doesn't care or pay any attention to Susie's performance at school? Or the fact that Susie can honestly do whatever she wants...? 
-perhaps Susie has some fond memories of her. On the rare occasion when her mom isn't busy or tired or yelling at her, they'd watch TV and funny movies together. If you got to know her, Susie's mom is quite funny and tolerable, in a way.
-actually no. The TV is technically on regardless if anyone's watching or not. 
-susie, of course, never let's anyone go to her house. She's kinda ashamed of it and also she'd rather be anywhere else. But perhaps she'll let Kris come over someday…?
-Susie has very very complicated feelings about her mother. She and Lancer bond of this shared feeling. parents are weird man
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cosmicdream222 · 2 months
Some of my manifestations from last week (with photos)
Surprise gifts
My bestie A and I regularly update each other with about our daily plan for affirming etc to keep each other accountable. I said I was manifesting VIP treatment, put on some subs and affirmed while I was making breakfast (yes I’m not a morning person and make breakfast at nearly noon 😭)
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Not even a half hour later, I received a surprise delivery from Amazon:
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My friend L, who lives out of state, sent me food and new bowls for the stray cats I feed, and treats for my cats (Stella & Panini are my cats’ names 😹)
VIP treatment
That evening I worked a brand ambassador gig that I booked only a couple days before. I’ve been avoiding working as much as possible lately lol but this one was nearby and paid well. It happened to be a giveaway event partnering with a local radio station and ended up being fun. One of the radio DJs was there, and me as the sponsor brand representative was given the same level of VIP treatment as the radio DJ! There was an event coordinator who basically did all the work and I just got to stand around looking pretty and getting paid for it. 😭
Gift card
After work I got home and found another package from my friend L with a gift card for me 💕
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More cat food
A few days later, my neighbor left a huge box of cat food at my door. My cats are getting more spoiled than me 😂
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An air fryer
This one is cool because I specifically wanted to manifest this. I had heard about air fryers for a while now and it seemed like something I would use, but I didn’t really feel the need to buy one. A couple weeks ago I was at Trader Joe’s with my mom and the cashier was saying how much he loooved his air fryer and telling me all the things I could make with it. I decided that moment I would just manifest one eventually, and forgot about it.
So the other day my mom comes to pick me up for a family lunch and she has a huge box in her hands - an air fryer?? She says jokingly “happy birthday” - my birthday isn’t for another 4 months! She said she just felt like I needed one 🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s so cute and I’ve already used it a couple times 💕
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Attention from sp
Soo I have this crush-type guy we’ll call D. He’s one of my best friends and we’ve talked nearly every day for 3 years. I can talk to him about anything, including all things supernatural and shifting. We have admitted to having feelings for each other, and even had “online boyfriend” vibes for a while, but we live in different states, and he didn’t want to do long distance. I was sad and anxious about it for a while, but since I found out about loa and shifting, I realized none of it mattered and I could just shift to a reality where we’re together already 😂
Anyway I had become detached and stopped really thinking about him in a romantic way for a while. However, I realized since I basically didn’t care and wasn’t thinking about him, he was becoming distant in response. We hadn’t been really flirty or romantic in a few months, and I hadn’t even talked to him in a week, which was unusual. Although I wasn’t anxious about it or anything, I was still missing talking to one of my best friends. So I just started assuming he would go back to blowing up my phone all day, and I sent him some mental telepathy messages about what I wanted.
Monday morning he messaged me apologizing for being distant. He had been traveling for spring vacation and took a break from his phone. He then basically spent the whole week trying to make up for it, being super attentive, listening to my long ramblings about my void and shifting progress, sending me selfies every day, being more sweet and romantic than he had been in months, and kept telling me how pretty I was 🥰
Losing a follower LOL
This is just a funny one to round out my list. I hadn’t been on tumblr in a bit, and when I went to check my asks, I saw I had 556 followers. I thought “darn I missed the angel number, haha maybe someone will unfollow me so I can get the screenshot.” Not 5 min later when I went to look again, it had happened, and I got the screenshot 😂
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(Up to 558 now thank you all 💕)
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eds6ngel · 9 months
okay I might send a few ideas for I kissed the teacher spin-offs bc I feel like I have a lot haha, but you don’t have to do any of them! so first idea: what if steve gets hurt accidentally and has to go to the hospital, so reader has to pick up alena, and they give her a hard time at pickup and then when they get to the hospital, they won’t let her in bc she’s not related or his wife. then after this happens, steve starts to think a lot more seriously about asking reader to marry him (but he’s definitely been thinking about it before) but just some good old angst and fluff pls! love your writing so much!
of course i'm doing this one!! i've loved your requests so far :)) and thank you so much for the compliment angel ♡
warnings: dad!steve. mom!reader. fem!reader. 90s!au. food mentions. steve breaks his ankle. judgement over having kids outside marriage. judgement over alena calling reader 'mom.' mentions of hospitals. pet names. kissing. mentions of marriage. fluff. comfort. teensy bit of angst. also, alena becomes protective over her mom!! [3.2k].
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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You were currently enjoying your lunch break, catching up with the other staff as you chowed down into your poorly-made sandwich that you threw together at 7am that morning.
“I’m telling you Amelie, that kid makes me ache—” However, your conversation is interrupted by one of the front desk staff lightly tapping at the door, poking her head from around the corner.
“Sorry to disturb you guys, but Y/N, your boyfriend is on the phone asking for you.”
You gently place your sandwich down in its tin-foil wrapper, putting your hand over your mouth as you quickly chew the rest of the remaining food. “Of course lovely, give me two seconds. Amelie, just watch that for me a second?” you ask, pointing to the half-eaten chicken salad sandwich on the table, with a small nod from her.
“Great, thank you,” you say, following the front desk lady to her office, the phone currently on hold as she ventured down the hallways of Ernie Pyle to find you. She presses a button, turning off hold and passing the phone over to you. You press the speaker to your ear, calling out, “Steve?”
“Hey, honey. Yeah, you finish at three, right?”
“Yeah, same time everyday. Why, is everything okay?” you ask.
“Um… not really. Look don’t be mad at me…” Not a great start to a sentence. “But, I kind of broke my ankle, and I’m currently sat in a hospital bed at Hawkins General.”
You gasp, “Oh my God babe, how did you manage that?”
“Well, I was stocking some shelves, and I had to use a ladder. Some woman wasn’t looking where she was going and collided with the ladder. I lost my balance and fell onto the tiles. Fucking hurt like hell.”
“Jesus,” you hiss, imagining the scenario and somehow sensing the pain in your own body, almost as if a form of empathy. “How are you feeling, baby? Is it still painful now?”
“It’s better, but still hurts. It’s sort of more of a throbbing pain now. But, babe… I do have a request.”
“Of course honey, anything you need,” you reply, the worry starting to settle as a pit in your stomach.
“Could you pick up Alena for me? Robin’s at work later today, so she can’t collect her.”
“Yeah, sure! I’ll get Leanna to keep tabs on parental pick-up. I may be a little late, but I should get there before 3:30.”
“Thank you babe. Thanks so much.”
“Of course, baby,” you smile to yourself, “You want Alena and I to come visit you after I collect her? I’m sure she’ll want to see you as much as I do.”
“I would love that. I think opening hours are until six, so you guys should have time.”
“Mhmm,” you hum down the line, “Got it. Right babe, I would love to talk to you for longer, but I have to free up the line for other people.” You giggle, “So, I’ll see you later on? I would say around 3:45-ish?”
“3:45. Great. See you later, honey. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you softly say, “Hope you feel better soon.”
You drop the receiver, the front desk lady (also known as Sarah) looking at you with a raised eyebrow, intrigued into what was so important that your boyfriend had to disturb you during work hours.
You shake your head, rubbing your hands over your face and sighing, “Idiot broke his ankle. Needs me to pick his daughter up from school.”
She chuckles along with you, arms crossed over her chest, “Men, huh?”
“Yeah, men,” you shake your head once more, before heading back down the longing halls to the staff room, thanking Leanna as you collapse on the chair, chomping into your sandwich.
“So… what did Mr. Lovebird so desperately want?” she asks with a wiggle of her eyebrows, a smirk plastered across her face.
You let out a deep breath. You were going to be telling this story all day.
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You arrived at Hawkins Elementary at 3:25, pressing the button on your car keys and entering the gates to the third grade classroom.
Many students were being sent out to their parents, you patiently waiting your turn, Alena smiling and waving to you from her seat inside, to which you reply with a wiggle of your fingers.
However, after a short while, all of the parents had seemed to have collected their children, both you and Alena sharing a confused glance through the clear glass window as she remained in her seat. You were standing right there, why wouldn’t her teacher send her out?
You could see her having a conversation with her teacher, the woman rolling her eyes as she opens the door, sharply asking you, “What do you want?”
You kept your cool, no matter how hard you felt like snapping back at her, “Hi, I’m here to pick up Alena.”
“You’re not on the list,” she simply states.
“Um… actually, I recently got added as an emergency contact for Alena, so I assumed it was okay for me to collect her.”
“I don’t care. I was not informed.”
You scorn, knowing that you were legally allowed to collect Alena. This specific teacher worked here when you did, the obvious tone being a pre-judged stereotype of your reputation.
“Why can’t I go with mom?” Alena asks sweetly, an undertone of sadness laced in her voice as her teacher blocks her from you.
You can see her roll her eyes as she turns back to Alena sneering, “She’s not your mom. She’s not even your step-mom. She’s merely a woman in your life.”
That made you snap. There was no way you would let her talk to your daughter like that. “How dare you! She can decide whether she calls me mom or not. You have no idea of our personal life and have no right to dictate that for her. Now, if you won’t let me collect my daughter, her dad is at Hawkins General because he’s broken his ankle. So, how about you call there and ask for permission from him.”
She shakes her head, scoffing, “Fine. Mr. Landbury, keep an eye on Alena for a minute, I’m going to call her father.”
The teaching assistant present was not a face you seemed to recognise, no sense of familiarity flooding your body. And by the lack of shrewdness, he too was confused by the situation at hand.
As the teacher powers out of the room, presumingly heading to the front desk, he tilts his head to the side, pointing to you, “Why can’t you collect her?”
You sigh, “You weren’t here when I worked here, were you?”
“No, I started this year.”
You lean your arm against the doorframe, “Basically, I had a thing for Alena’s dad whilst he was here, and I got fired because of it. So, now nobody here likes me.”
“Oh,” he breathes out, “But, she called you mom. Seems like it’s going perfectly well.”
You smile, “Yeah, two years this July.”
“Well, congratulations,” he replies, you quickly thanking him as her teacher returns, a sense of displeasure displayed on her features. “He said it’s fine. She can go with you.”
“Yes!” Alena cheers, jumping up from her seat and running over to you, hugging tightly onto your shirt. You could practically feel the teacher‘s resentment towards you in your own veins. Yet, you plastered a sarcastic smile on your face, burying your feelings of irritation, “Thank you.”
She simply grunts in return, waving her hand down as she turns away from the two of you. You wrap Alena’s smaller hand in yours, her skipping back to your car. As she climbs into the car seat you had placed in the front before you began your journey, you close your driver’s side door.
“What did you say happened to daddy?” she asks you.
You turn on the ignition, pulling out of the school parking lot and onto the main road, “He broke his ankle sweetpea. He was climbing a ladder at work and fell down.”
“Ow,” she hisses, almost sensing his pain, just like you had a few hours prior, “Can we go and see him at the hospital?”
“We are on the same train of thought baby, as that’s where I was about to head.”
“Yay!” she cheers, arms held up high above her head in celebration, “Will he have a cast?”
“I think he will bubs.”
She gasps, “Does that mean I get to draw on it? Because Tommy had a cast the other week as he broke his arm, and I got to draw pretty flowers on it. He wasn’t very happy about it though.”
“Well, that’s not very good, is it?” you reply, “I’m sure daddy will let you draw as many pretty flowers on it as you want.”
“I hope so too! As Tommy was really annoyed by it…”
And for the rest of your car trip to Hawkins General, Alena re-counted her entire story of drawing on her friend Tommy’s cast. She was at the perfect age where her mouth would start running and never stop. Not that you minded of course, it was very endearing. But, she sure could make a boring topic into a four-hour-long detailed presentation.
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Hand in hand, you and Alena stroll to the front desk of the hospital, politely asking, “Hi. I’m looking for Steve Harrington. He came in here today with a broken ankle.”
“Y/N L/N, little nugget here is Alena Harrington.”
“So, you aren’t his wife?” she asks in a monotone voice, chewing loudly on her gum.
“Um… No, I’m not. But, I’m his girlfriend.”
The woman sighs, taking her glasses off the bridge of her nose and leaning back in her chair, “You can’t go in unless you are a relation. The kid can go in, someone can take her, but you can’t.”
You blink rapidly, “But, I just told you, I’m his girlfriend. Sure, we’re not married yet, but that’s my love you’re talking about.”
“I can’t let you in,” she states again, staring you in the eyes, “The kid goes and you stay, or you both stay. End of discussion.”
“No,” you put your foot down, “Not end of discussion. I shouldn’t have to be bound in by the law to see the love of my life. He’s hurt, he’s injured. I want to see how he is doing and whether he is okay.”
“Miss, if you continue raising your voice at me, I will get my colleagues to escort you out, do you understand?”
You sigh, realising there’s no way to get through to this woman. You would normally say she’s just following the required rules for her job, but from her attitude, it seems as if she was agreeing with the nonsensical attitude that love is only proved by two rings and a piece of paper.
However, the sound of a small foot hitting the floor and a huff shocks you to your core, “Let mommy see daddy!”
“Kid,” the woman leans over the desk, “Your mom, or mother-like figure I would call her, can’t go with you as her and your dad aren’t married. I can happily ask someone to take you up to see him, but she can’t go with you.”
You let your eyes naturally roll to the back of your head. People in Indiana were so judgemental. If Alena wants to call you mom, they should accept that. It’s your life, and you should be able to live by your rules, not bound by the critics of the outside world of strangers.
“Let her go!” Alena screams, the woman standing up and replying, “Right, I’m escorting you two out. You are causing too much noise for our patients around here.”
Growling out in frustration, refraining yourself from pulling your own hair out, you lift Alena up into your arms, “Come on baby, let’s go and sit in the car.”
You may have not been allowed in the building, but the parking lot was still an option. And you would stay there until six o’clock if it meant you got the chance to see Steve.
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Steve’s sitting uncomfortably in his hospital bed, the bedsheets scratching at his back, his neck a little too low down for his liking, and the cast wrapped around his foot and lower leg itching away at his skin. He keeps checking the watch on his right wrist, practically counting down the minutes until you arrived. However, once the clock strikes 4:30, he starts to become worried, wondering where the two of you had gone. There was only an hour and a half left of visiting time, he was positive you wouldn’t deliberately miss it.
A nurse wanders past his bed, him squeaking out an “Excuse me,” alerting her from where she was scribbling away at her clipboard. “My girlfriend and daughter were meant to come to visit me around half an hour ago. Is there any chance I could use the phone to see where they are?”
“Oh, Mr. Harrington,” she rolls her eyes, knowing exactly which members of the public he was referring to, “Your girlfriend and daughter had to be escorted out of our building forty-five minutes ago for verbally harassing our front desk staff.”
“I’m sorry, what? Why?” He knew that wasn’t like you. Sure, you had more progressive opinions than most in the conservative town of Hawkins, but you’d never dare verbally harass someone.
“She was arguing in quite a rude manner about how she deserves to come up here purely for the fact she loves you, despite our rules clearly stating we only allow visitors on a relation-only policy. Also, on top of that, your daughter further escalated the situation by yelling at our front desk staff. We will not tolerate that kind of abuse in our building, Mr. Harrington.”
“Well, it is a bullshit policy,” he mumbles to himself, taking a sip of his well-brewed coffee a kind lady brought to him around ten minutes ago, a lot nicer than the current nurse he was dealing with. However, the nurse heard his remark, not that he was entirely bothered by it.
“Excuse me! What did you just say, Mr. Harrington?”
“I said: it’s a bullshit policy,” he firmly states, “She’s my girlfriend, I love her. I shouldn’t have to marry her for you to let her see me. Some people’s spouses in here probably don’t even love their husband or wife, at least my girlfriend actually cares enough to come and see me. I know for a fact Mrs. Black over there has a husband and he hasn’t been here all day.” He takes a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose as he relishes in everything he just blurted out. Maybe he was a little too harsh, and it seemed like the nurse completely agreed, a lot more so than him.
She sharply replies, “Mr. Harrington, you should be grateful we are even letting you recover here. I will not have you verbally attacking other patients for your own personal superiority. It’s not my fault you had a child out of wedlock.”
That was the final straw for him. He would not stand a stranger insulting his daughter. Not in a million years. He immediately lifts himself up off of the bed, grabbing the crutches that had been balanced by the side, and beginning to trudge out of his secluded space. “Mr. Harrington, you sit back down!”
He turns back, looking the nurse dead in the eyes, “If you’re going to insult my family like that, I don’t want your help at this hospital.”
And with that, he was hobbling his way to the elevator, pushing the button to take him to the first floor.
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As Steve exited the building, followed by the constant yells of hospital staff, he turned to the left, about to head over to the nearest phone booth when the sound of the word, “Daddy!” caught his attention. He looks over into the distance, Alena hanging out of the passenger side window and waving to him. He can see you pull her back down into her seat, the car suddenly moving towards him. His girls were still waiting for him.
You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt, jumping out of the car and aiding to your boyfriend, “Oh my God, what are you doing out here? I thought you were supposed to stay overnight?”
Steve hisses as he lifts himself into the backseat, you grabbing his crutches so you can place them by Alena’s feet in the front. “Well, a lovely nurse decided to input her take on Alena apparently being born out of wedlock and also accused you two of verbally harassing people. I know what you are like, and you would never do that in a million years. So, I left.”
You laugh to yourself, shocked to the way that the staff exaggerated your actions, “They refused to let me up there because I wasn’t your wife. What bullsh— trash! What trash! I shouldn’t need that to care for you, our love should be enough.”
“Thank you!” he exclaims, “That’s what I said to the nurse!”
You pass the crutches forward to Alena, the metal rods looking massive compared to her small body, “Baby, can you just put them on the floor underneath you, please?”
“Yes, mommy,” she replies sweetly, dropping them down below her. “Mom, they don’t fit properly.”
You look over, the crutches too long to fit in the small gap between the door and the center console, “Just leave them balanced like that honey, it’ll be okay.”
After Steve reaches over to protect himself with the seatbelt, you cup his face, changing your tone to a more serious nature, “How are you doing, my love?”
He sighs, “My back hurts, but they said there’s no injuries there, just strain. The cast is extremely itchy, I’m not gonna lie, but it’s okay.” He puts his left hand over your right, stroking the back of it, “I’m okay. I promise.”
You smile, whispering out, “Okay,” before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. You part from him, placing one more tender kiss to his forehead before shutting the back door, climbing into the driver’s seat.
Before turning on the ignition, you reach back, grabbing his hand and softly saying, “I love you.”
Alena then copies you, whipping her head back and cheesing, “Love you, daddy!”
He smiles, trying not to let tears slip from his eyes, grabbing hold of Alena’s hand and bringing yours and hers together, placing a soft kiss directly in the middle of both, “I love you too, my beautiful girls.”
And it was in that moment, he was sure. The thought had been lingering at the back of his mind for a while. You had moved in with them a couple months ago, fitting into their daily routine. Being there to have breakfast with them in the mornings, being there to cook dinner together, being there to wish Alena goodnight and fall asleep in his arms. It all felt so… natural. As if you belonged as a permanent addition to their household, to their lives.
It wasn’t a question of thought anymore. It was a need. He needed to buy a ring. He needed to plan a proposal. Because he no longer wanted you as his girlfriend anymore, he wanted you as his wife.
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i hope you enjoyed!! thank you so much for the requests! you've been an absolute darling. i'm not sure what to write about for your older!alena request, so i may not be able to write something for that. but, if you have other ideas, keeping sending them in! (and that goes for all you beautiful humans! send in your lovely requests!!) ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic
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fallenclan · 7 months
OHH MYRTLEPAW BELOVED... DELIGHT in how you draw them / their general vibe they're soso cute :3. I think he and Mistlekit should get to bond over similar names. Him and Bristleheart too maybe, in that they're in the nursery at the same time and Mistle is probably pretty lonely... Similar names former loner solidarity ! Admittedly all the basis I have for this is that, but I do think it'd be cute... Especially with Mistle having been left behind, the idea of him having some older cats with similar experiences (confident and charismatic, too! More likely to reach out...) as a support system charms me a lot.
. OH MY GOD I FORGOT THISTLE . SHE FITS NEAR PURRFECTLY AS WELL... Former kittypet, but I think there's still a similarity :} and through him, Boulderstep; Bristle's kits through him and the nursery in general, likely Bub through Myrtlepaw as another former loner if they get on well, so on...
(Bashful gesture) heheh, apawlogy, the thought of a kid all on his own in an intimidating new world finding bonds and solidarity with the cats around him enough to feel safe and secure there in them got me. He's imaginative, he probably spends a fair deal of time in his own head, I picture him as kind of quiet myself, but the thought of him going from spending nights staring up at the sky and wondering after his mom, hoping she'll come back for him, to hearing stories from Bristleheart (the truth stretched just a Little for the sake of a good story, commentated on by Night and Quail for as long as they can stay awake to listen), or about apprentice training from Myrtle (with his current injury, I can imagine a kinda cute little "haha, maybe our tails'll match soon" exchange), or from Thistle about her time adjusting to clan life, maybe even from Boulder about different clans, and so on...
(draping myself kittyishly across a nearby structure, staring up at the sky) I wonder if he still thinks about his mom, even after time has passed, the wound's less fresh... He's imaginative. I wonder if he tries to think up stories about what she might be doing, adventures she could be going on, so dangerous she couldn't risk bringing him. Maybe someone nudged him towards it, some quiet conversation in which he bared his heart, looking for guidance - "What do you think she's doing now?" A way to keep her in his heart, without it hurting as much. He probably understands what actually happened, to some degree. Someday, if not now. (Personally, I concur with the thought that she gave him up because she knew she was going to die soon.) Still, the story persists... She might end up more a character than a memory, at some point, but sometimes that's how things happen. He keeps her with him. I think he might write stories if he were a person. Maybe he'll tell them to some kit himself, someday...
ANYWAY!!! MISC THOUGHTS. I think Bristleheart is probably pretty respectable as a medic, just divorced from the holy aspect that clan cats associate with the role. Maybe as a loner, he had to focus more on prevention than treatment - likely limited stores of herbs if any, less cats to have to care for, therefore more of a "take advantage of what you have/can find when you need, before things get worse" approach. It's impractical for a clan of so many cats to have each cat have some travelling herbs occasionally (or so, vague example) in the months they know sickness is more likely (to bolster their immune systems, or so), but not so bad an idea when you're just taking care of your kittens, or giving some cat who came to see you and herb and advice, you know? He'd probably have to relearn some things in a clan setting, but I think he'd contribute good, new ideas just as surely. Sunwish had to learn everything from scratch, after all - she knew a lot, by the end, and definitely enough to keep the clan afloat for a long while, but she didn't know every plant around the area! Certainly not those beyond the clan's borders. I think Bristle's knowledge certainly won't rival it - there's bound to be overlap, after all, and Fallenclan's medicine cats have figured out a lot - but it'll be a definitely handy addition! A new perspective... As far as character goes, I think he's pretty respectable. Some combination of "fake it til you make it" and genuinely just being sure in what he does. He does what he does well. (SIDENOTE: HIS FANGS AND HIS KITTENS HAVING ONE EACH ARE REALLY, REALLY CUTE...) And I think his kits have inherited that, a little! They don't really have a reason to believe things won't work out, because he's been doing all he can to make sure they do. He seems reliable to me.
Myrtlepaw... I think they're cute <3 a little unsure of things, but he's finding his feet okay, being charismatic probably doesn't hurt. I'll have to wait a see a little more of what they're like! :3
(BONUS: If Bub DID get sort of close with Mistle through Myrtle it is very very cute to me to consider him reflecting on it as practice if him and Willow ever have kits.) (. If they have had kits and I have somehow fully forgotten I am So Sorry,)
(- 🐈‍⬛) (. This is so long. I Am So Sorry,)
"the thought of a kid all on his own in an intimidating new world finding bonds and solidarity with the cats around him enough to feel safe and secure there in them got me" AUGHHHHHHHHHHH BLACK CAT YOU ARE DRIVING ME TO INSANITYYYY THIS IS SO CUTE
you are so so right btw. and the idea of Bub taking Mistle under his wing is so adorable aughh
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arisatominakos · 8 months
BALDUR'S GATE 3 OC LINEUP; this is a glorified tag dump post for my idiots thus far. may get updated in the future with other ocs & if so it will be reblogged to showcase those changes. under the cut will be basic character introductions & they will be in order.
Rylla: wizard spell sword, high elf, genderless( all pronouns ) bisexual, neutralish, 27yo everyone laugh at the youngest member of the party haha
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Rylls is my main "Tav" which is the player character. full name: Idrylla Rhea Dhwani Crisanta. they are unmotivated, burntout, tired, & p much going thru the motions. she's the eldest out of like 7 and the first in like a generation or two of elves in her family to be magically inclined so his parents rlly pushed for parentification as a help w/ the kids since her family are fishing merchants, but got sent to study at a wizarding guild schoolesc thing in Baldur's Gate where the fam is from all around. pushed to be the top of their class and the like first apprentice to the head wizard he got framed for attempted murder by a jealous rival and got tossed in jail with a two day pardon to run home and grab a journal that would prove her innocence only to find out her fiance, now ex fiance, had been cheating on them and threw out all their stuff hearing rylla was in jail and was like OH LOL WHOOPS on the way to the dump is when this jackass got abducted by mind flayers like u cant have a more worse day than rylla bc the next day was allso when he had to pay his mortgage taxes so like all that and u still gotta pay bills anyways everyone in camp wants them carnally but rylla does not romance anyone, however he does have a connection with gale that is strictly platonic. rylla is a prodigy & a spell sword
Frye: warrior, mesophlieseses tiefling, he/him cismale home of sexual, somewhat lawful good. or at least he tries, 87yo
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Frye Ravensworn is from Baldur's Gate, a oathbroken paladin former flaming fist. after an accident that cost the lives of several innocents he lost faith in the order & left, turning to a life of mercenary work. after feeling as if he wasn't making any difference he "retired" to establish a popular tavern known as The Devil's Fyre( pronounced fire unlike his name Fry-ee bc hehe get it he thinks hes hilarious ) anyways he's Rylla's best friend they have been pals for ages and she usually comes to him when they need to bitch about their life. he does enjoy being a bartender and listening to others rather than being constantly asked about stories of his own adventures. it's rylla that makes him feel as he did when he was younger, having a purpose reigniting that love for life & hope in people once more so when Rylla was taken by mind flayers he picked his sword back up and closed the tavern to set out to find rylla's stupid ass knowing the next time he sees them they could be a mind flayer but at least rylla would die by a friends hand. it's in act 2 we find Frye, at the last light inn helping the harpers & flaming fist protect the tieflings from the shadows. upon seeing rylla he scoops her up & squeezes him so tight one could swear their bones popped. Frye serves as a paladin option to recruit like how mi/thara is, but for like the ~good~ route basically. Frye romances W/yll !
Carnation: druid with a class i made up called underdark druid its got bits of spore shadow sprinkled in but she can grow n manipulate crystals ! bc they are the fauna of the underdark :), auvryrahel drow, she/her cisfemale, violencesexual, evil. fucking evil. dark urge !, 134yo
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a hot pink bitch named breakfast. our favorite cult leader. last name Vasiira. raised in the underdark with a small clan of underdark-druids deep under the earth while i forgot to add her mom to this screencap dump, Momma'Nation, Trielthrae was one of the many exiled loth-drow that formed this little village of which the clan of druids lived, wanting to change the stars of her peers & sick of loth's rule--- she beseeches the gods to grant her a child that would be blessed in their light, to become a holy savior & change the world for her, her village, for the drow, & for everyone. bhaal read that text & answered, requiring a unholy communion of which Trielthrae gladly gave leaving her with a miraculous pregnancy. enter our little anti-christ, our cute little princess. our beautiful Carnation who was beloved & welcomed by the village with open arms. she wants power, she wants fame, she wants clothes, she wants devotion. the village quickly & completely submitted to her whims wants & needs. bhaal lends her some of his grand power, as technically she is a bhaal spawn. its just complicated. mind flayers took her from the shores of the dark lake, this is the first time she has been outside of the underdark & once she saw the night sky at camp she wept in it's beauty. she romances as/tarion, ascendant. he sees her as a equal as she denies bhaal, stealing his power for herself & manipulates the nether brain for her own gain becoming akin to a god. she will not end her conquest until she becomes a god wholly. auvryrahel is the name of the specific village / noble house that makes up carnation's cult.
Luella: cleric, but its complicated :), auvryrahel half-drow, she/her bisexual cisfemale, her morality is whatever carnation wants, ageless
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undead half-drow handmaiden to Carnation Vasiira. she acts as a nanny, a nurse, a sister, a caregiver, a friend, a confidant, & a puppet. raised from death by Carnation's mother when her daughter was only but six years old via a powerful spell that grants this undead what's left of her fractured soul & a lifespan that allows her to live as long as Carnation wills her to, Luella is devoted completely to her charge. she lives, literally, only to serve her mistress--- having left the underdark in search of her beloved flower when Carnation goes missing after a rare nautiloid sighting near the dark lakes.
G'waine: kith'rak ranger, githyanki, she/they nonbinary lesbian, chaotic good but the good is like for the good of the githyanki not you. fuck you as far as she's concerned, 38yo
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UTENA COMPLEX, PRINCE OF THE CRECHE. kith'rak g'waine, a captain of her creche boldly named draa'zvir--- dragon's breath. a warrior of fine make & groom, the pride n joy of her creche the youngest to make captain in it's long history. a skilled warrior, a even better strategist she is calm collected but never cold. a proper leader in the making to eventually take over creche draa'zvir or would have if not captured by mind flayers during the chase of the nautaloid alongside lae'zel, attempting to strike down mind flayers at they attacked other gith. because of this word returned of her capture to her creche & they moved to mourn her as if she were already dead. the fallen dragon prince & the tale of noble, but foolish, sacrifice to save her gith comrades and kill the ghaik invaders. has a bit of a resemblance to a frog & was teased as a child as 'the frog prince' until her merits outshined all her sought to demean her. also she killed them as is her right. romances lae'zel & has a hellva complicated time about the whole orpheus thing. voss knows g'waine, actually a lot of the creche u visit knows them too.
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pastriibunz · 6 months
me and @local-soda-can are gonna start outlining Nerdy Prudes Must Die Kai soon and here are a few ideas I had for that
can you guys tell i love inserting Kai’s name into the titles???
Kai comes in before/after/during literal monster holding a map of the school (the police or something forcibly enrolled her and now she has to go to school) and she’s just completely confused and lost
Max does the whole “this is my hallway!!” thing and Kai’s like “fun fact I literally do not care” and he pisses her off so much she kicks him in the balls- she meets the rest of the prudes while on the run from various teachers who’re trying to expel her or something
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Kai was in the Waylon Place night of the prank to try and relax and get away from the chaos of Hatchetfield. There isn’t a sign of anyone breaking in bc Kai knows how to pick locks. Kai hangs out there a lot.
She walks in on them looking at Max’s (almost) dead body and is like “woah you guys killed that guy!!! ö haha I’m gonna go call the cops on yall I’m OUT!!!”
…Grace then blackmails her into helping bury/hide the body because she threatens to pin everything on Kai (bc Kai breaks in and shit)
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Theres this scene with max and kai im making into a comic that has something to do with snickers and it needs to be real because it’s silly and also it makes way for this idea:
Kai hangs out with Max’s ghost a lot and she vents to him about how much she hates the prudes, how she wants to get back to Unington, and other shit
They like sending videos to the prudes group chat (that Kai was forcibly added into) that make it seem like Max is about to kill Kai and she always texts the dumbest shit after like “phew!!! made it out okay!!! gee, let’s hope that doesn’t happen again!”
They laugh their asses off about it
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Kai has no friends during the run of NPMD
she hates the prudes for getting her involved in a manslaughter/murder,
she has no clue if max is her friend or if he’s only keeping her around for the snickers bars,
And everyone else is too in love with afraid of her to even get near her
It kinda hurts but she’s learning to deal with it
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that shit is STRONG guys
she got that Wattpad MC rizz
she does not want it-
she is either oblivious to it or painfully aware
no in between
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She’s been bunking with Paul
They met on the street and they talked for a bit and Kai was like “yeah my hotels about to kick me out lol” and he was like “oh you can stay with me”
He doesn’t know why he said that, maybe it was just meant to be.
Anyways Kai agreed and Paul is the biggest dad ever
He asks her how school was and he cooks dinner for them and they snuggle on the couch and have movie nights
They have to share a bedroom but he got her dividers and turned the bottom of the closet into a hangout nook for Kai so it’s like she has her own little room
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everyone keeps dragging Kai everywhere by the wrist- she does NOT wanna be there-
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Kai keeps talking to the audience in front of everyone and she interacts with the audience a lot
For example, she crumples up and tosses her map to someone in the audience and finger guns and winks at them afterwards
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She gets like a gazillion love notes a day-
she gets so angry she just eats them-
nobody knows why and they’re just like:
“Aw she’s silly :]”
“I’m soooo in love with her :3”
in the words of my pal:
“she’s so perfect :3333
(she is going to go feral-)”
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All of Kai’s classes have at least one prude in them
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Kai kinda wishes she had friends and tries to talk to people, but she’s so autistic, socially awkward, and anxious she either ends up shutting down, staying quiet, or insulting them
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Kai goes to the sports games purely for the food and hides in the bathroom the entire time (the crowds and lights overstimulate her)
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Kai hangs out at beanie’s a lot
She’s still Emma’s favorite customer.
She accidentally calls her Mom a lot.
Emma loves it every time.
It often goes uncorrected.
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If Kai is alive for homecoming, she’s going there WAY overdressed-
she’s been homeschooled the majority of her life and has never been to a school dance-
she’s only been to like high class galas/parties so she thinks it’s like that
spoiler alert it is NOT
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Kai is aware she’s in a musical
she really doesn’t wanna be in one but she knows
sometimes you can see her groovin uncomfortably to the music in the background
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That’s all! Idk if I’m gonna script this one out as, like I’ve said before: TKWDLM has a special place in my heart and I’m not ready to move on
plus I’m still super hyperfixated on TKWDLM-
oki that’s all for now bye bye :3
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di0nysos-page · 2 years
Part 1 || The Meeting
Dreamwastaken x Male reader
Summary: drista and her best friend from Germany (or any other country outside of usa) meet up for the first time and dream aka clay meets someone really interesting
Warning: swearing(?), fluff ,using of dreams real name
Note: Dream has siblings where we don't know the names so I will be leaving them out meaning dream and drista are the only children ♡
(H/c) -> hair color
(e/c) -> eye color
Y/n -> Your name
Y/ln -> Your last name
C/n -> Ceator name (twitch /gaming name/...)
<< Dream's POV >>
It was a Monday morning got woken up by a phone call.
'who would call me this early in the morning?'I thought as I looked at the screen it read "Mom♡". I picked up and my mom started to speak: "Good Morning Clay, I have a question for you"
"Sure, mom what's up?" I answered tierdly not really understanding a thing she said
"You're sister is getting a visted from her best friend the one from Germany (or a Country outside of Usa). And my question is if you want to join us for somedays since her friend has an older brother her age maybe you could show him around?" my mom asked as if she would want to set me up with him. " ehh sure I guess when will they come?"
" Next weekend since then the holidays start and they would stay for 2 weeks" "okay" and with that that I hung up.
I got out of bed and got dressed as I walked down stairs I saw my two roommates in the kitchen fighting over something again.
"What are you two idiot's fighting over again?"
" over who gets to kiss you first what else?", George said with an laughter. I chuckled and made us all breakfast. While we ate I told them that I would we at my family's House for sometime because my mom asked me. "That's okay as long as you will be back in time for Mcc."
" Of course it probably will only be 4 days that I am away so" I said as I looked back up.
<<Time skip to Friday>>
I arrived at my mom's house I arrived a day early so I could settle in and help my Parents by getting the house ready for dristas guests. "Hello Clay it's great that you are here already. Drista come downstairs your brother is here!" , Mom called out to me and then to drista.
Drista ran down the stairs almost falling down. It made me chuckle bit as she came to hug me " Hello clay I missed you!"
"Haha I missed you too, drista" I said.
I got my stuff in my old bedroom as my mom came to me :" oh yeah honey I forgot to tell you over the phone the older brother of dristas friend will sleep here with you if that's okay for you"
"Sure it's fine I mean I wouldn't be staying for to long since I got an minecraft event to be at and Nick would kill me since I promised him to be back home by then" u said while opening my suitcase with my clothes and other things I needed. " oh that's sad I thought you would stay longer but you do you. Speaking of woild you and drista pick them up. I still have to get groceries for dinner they will be at the airport in 3 hours." With that I just nooded and finished putting my stuff away.
After 3hours finally past me and drista got to the airport.
" you know what they look like right?" " of course dummy one of them is my best friend!" Drista said as she looked around.
Outside of nowhere someone jumped on drista yelling her Name "Amyyy!!!" Drista said as she turned around and hug a girl with (hc) and blue eyes next to her was a taller guy with (hc) and (e/c) if i would guess he is about my height. "Hello." The guy infront of me said looking much more nervous than his looks would give off. "Hi. Eh we should get going. Mom is probaly already waiting on us." I said turning to drista. She just nodded and then got back to her convasation.
||Part 2->
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who-is-shades · 2 months
raz dnd 33
theres a knock at the door. being summoned by the archfey. parsley dont make it difficult shes gonna kill us. this can only go well. shes still only speaking sylvain fucker. she'll repair his wings in exchange to keeping him here, fucker. she'll also void teya's contract wtf.
raz you know the dm isnt supposed to win yeah? i hate lawyers.
parsley plays dumb about teya xD hes contractionally to leave. he will die. 'you can be easily resurrected.' he says shes not dear to him. hate her ass! stop looking at teya! you can keep the mom pretend teya isnt here. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE JAR IS BREAKING?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU NEED 3 MORE KIDS?! SUNNIE?!?!?! WEVE BEEN HERE A WEEK?!
parsley says its debatable if shes teya. technically teya is now a clone so. like. she accepts this but uhhh. is the plan to. kill sunnie? senna can only rez him within a minute with physical touch. shes taunting teya fucker. parsley fills the rest of us in on this shit. NO YOU CANT KEEP SUNNIE YOU FUCKER.
teya, dont hidden step. their gonna hurt sunnie if she keeps being a little shit. ngl this isnt fun. um yeah. headspace having bad time.
teya puts on an act to beg queen bitch to let her hug sunnie goodbye. epic fail. parsley jumps in and says "shes a mundane what could it hurt." teya puts on the sniffles and the queen allows it while insulting parsley.
teya uses feign death on him and he collapses on her. the guards yank her away and he just drops to the ground. queen has an eye twitch haha. since hes of no use she just. blows teyas mom away and says the contract was a waste xD.
shit she wants the body why. she gives up the body nice. zen really believes sunnie is dead :( teya didnt tell us anything xD wheatley tells parsley we should just go were not getting help here. parsley asks what she even wants from having him back here. making up for the failed marriage for one. and keep him here, like whatever lady.
parsley thinks theres a way they can both get what they want. 'im listening~' fix his wings and let him kill zorbolt, he will come back and make up for what he did. NOT staying, but they can arrange that details. she says 'until I consider you made up for what you did.' 'depends on what you would have me do.' theyll work the details later. also if he doesnt come back his wings will fail.
end of journey is killing zorbolt and getting what is owed to parsley. shes adding us into this deal wtf? she wants us to deal with the robots in the woods? he explains that dealing with zorbolt will stop the bots so it should be good. she wants it done now tho like lady we cant get in the woods. metal animals? something covered in eyes?
also after parsleys deal is done he can come and go as he pleases as long as he doesnt get in the way. deal taken! magical contract! rosemary fixes his wings. but we also still think sunnie is dead and have to go into the woods. parsley quickly puts in a good word for fiddlefink xD basil screams for parsley to visit xD his dad calls him impressive!
senna calls sadly to teya. a guard walks up and says he will lead us to the problem. senna says prayers for sunnie as they follow the guard. parsley tells us about what we gotta fight. senna guesses it might be a beholder. follow the path and itll get close to the creatures.
teya wakes up sunnie! rejoice! senna calls teya a genius xD time to yell at sunnie for coming to the feywilds! senna casts presti on him hes so dirty. he got robbed by goblins wtf xD parsley turns into teya for a joke and teya gets her name back nice!
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princesseevee06 · 8 months
Hi i have 3 questions plaguing me that you dont have to feel the need to answer at all!
What is momdori like as a floormaster?
Whats sous trauma surrounding her?
And most importantly...
thank you 💕
how naive of you to ask me questions about Sou Hiyori and expect me not to answer. /j
no but seriously i am happy to answer these questions ty!
1. Momdori takes a very similar role to Midori in that she’s the target for the….idk what do you call it. Murderer game? Basically they have to kill her. so in that sense the main “plot” of chapter 3 goes very similar in ytr. the differences come mostly in momdori’s personality. it always struck me that in the actual game when meeting midori sara says that he’s a little bit like sou (aka shin. the names get so confusing to me) but that there’s something distinctly different. in that same way i think there would be a lot of similar mannerisms between sou (the actual sou. real sou hiyori) and his mom, but she’s very much different in how she portrays herself and in how she views asunaro. momdori doesn’t have that same sort of childish “heeehee i want to see what makes people tick” characterization that midori has. Her work is very much more of a duty to her rather than something for entertainment. she views asunaro as something almost divine, and trusts that the organization knows what the correct path for her and all the candidates is. to her, asunaro comes before anything else (yes, even her family). it is an absolute.
2. …which brings us to the elephant in the room. god, where do i even start with these two? sou’s trauma surrounding his mom is less of a “specific incident” and more of like. a pervasive, continuous thing. i definitely don’t agree with the take that sou & momdori have a great relationship when she says things like this
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i don’t think momdori was a loving mother. i think she would’ve treated sou in a sort of apathetic or “logical” manner, focusing on making him remain loyal to asunaro. because of that, i see her as controlling a lot of sou’s decisions in his childhood, deciding what he can and can’t do, teaching him to revere/fear asunaro and to treat others “below him” as means to an end. so, sou grows to see his mother’s treatment of him as normal (and even thinks that that’s what “love” is supposed to be!), and it definitely plays a huge part in his frankly shitty behavior towards others.
part of the reason why sou is so attached to shin in this au is because shin is basically his first real friend outside of asunaro. and it’s so bewildering to him that anyone would treat him with genuine friendship/affection that he is just utterly fascinated by this boy. unfortunately, despite his genuine care for him, sou ends up treating shin with a lot of the same behaviors that his mother did to him </3
3. ok sorry that was getting kind of sad i just. i love sou. but anyways NOOOOOOO THERES NO WHOLESOME SOU AI BUT THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE </3 a lot of the stuff on the fourth and fifth floors is still catered towards sou because he was originally intended to be the floormaster before he ditched asunaro and his mom had to take over. (basically imagine like being a kid and you piss off your mom real bad and she takes all your legos and says these are mine now) so there’s still a shin ai BUT i didn’t want to just leave it the exact same so i was like. yknow what. screw it. kanna ai. GREENBLINGS AI. BOTH OF THEM!!!! (no haha this isn’t because i regret killing off kanna immediately what do you mean haha-[shot])
they are very cute :) until they get Killed again. sorry
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Episode 18 liveblog YIPEE!
Fewer opening notes on this one. I'm gonna attempt liveblogging AND drawing at the same time, let's see how that goes. I'm currently feeling very smug with my advertisement efforts and while I hope to get to spar and vellum today I realized I made Anya kinda thin and that feels...not right for her vibes. So I'm doing Anya again...that's my excuse JGLDKDHDIS she's so...she's like a purse sized friend
Anyways, beginning of this i was not in front of my art tablet so:
"we come as a pair" haha. Cute.
Cloven heart said OUR little brother figure [bugs bunny com meme]
Scientist with a radio tower.....max.....hm. interestinger an interestinger
Yeah josepha you might be the only person in town who wants cloven heart to be the "center" of anything. Why not sindershore? She already works....idk, there? Or in v.n
Vellum just pulls out the papers lmao. Like why not!
Max came up with the schematics... Did max disappear? Yeah. Hm. HM!
Josepha used to be a woodworker? Was I remembering that right or did my brain just make this up.
"We would talk to Thorne" 😬
Did grey have like....a really shitty alias? How old was max??? Fifteen days ago.... Hmmm.
Vellum would know if his uncle was out of town for like 2 and a half months if there was overlap and it took like a day or half a day of a train ride to get back and forth. It's unlikely vellum wouldn't connect those dots
"I was on drugs when I named it I will be honest".josepha is SO good. She's lovely. She's so funny. Oh my god.
"This may not be to your taste of perhaps it is I do not know how you party vellum" NFOSBDKSHDO
Trying not to burst out laughing in public this is a struggggllleeee
"The belt has 3 slots for arcane cores" I would rather we not go looking for bombs.... But yk. Queer people have plenty of odd hobbies who am I to judge
Okay but like short distance teleportation for someone with a bad leg is a pretty banger deal
"Sometimes you wake up one day and you're retired" In THIS economy?
Also I'm mentioning this out of order bc this episode is being funny faster than I can type, but (I say this with all of the respect) was vellums "I'm sure I'll find other use for you" sultry or was that just Ila's voice? HFOSHSKSBSOS
Spar sounds so depressed. Give this sheep dog some enrichment!
Vellum being like 'Hey you're good we still need to find some more bombs!' he is in fact giving spar some enrichment
"Waiting for this boat and seemingly intent on returninf to clovenheart"
I just squinted with SO much suspicion that that would be diamond
"Is Brunhilde!!!" Dksgsud ok
"Do you say hi to your mom as you're pretending to arrest the chick you dated who you invited into her home on grounds of a repeat assault?" My god
Spar is ~5'8 tati is 5'3 very good to know
~ many hours later, now doing art stuff~
Vellum could fall on this face and STILL look cool
Anya spar and vellum having a snack has gotta go on my to-draw list (my mind is so fast and my hands are so not fast! Ahh!)
OH NEW MIDTRO isk if this was here last episode. OH SHITFUN FACTS? i love blorbo facts
he has written a SYMPHONY? The essentricism is genetic i think.... a smphony baout YEARNING FOR BELONGING? you are handing me a fic idea. NOTE: symphony driven by loss and isolation over being trans, having lost his parents, wanting to find a place where he's accepted
Smooth velvet is his stripper name this episode is just raining fic ideas, huh? (i am joking but also I am not joking. BUt im joking but im not joking....I am deciding if im joking)
DONT BE MEAN TO ISHBALA (spell chat tdb) SPAR!!!!!!
greggins binder generator.
[not episode related but im battling between having sincere thoughts about Anya's fashion sense and going "ooooh belly"]
anya said hey your uhhhh. Your uhh special friend is little stressed. go makeout of whatever. THEY'RE WALKING ARM IN ARM LMAOOOO
ishbala just chose violence SO unprompted
[anya is drawn now for spar and vellum iterations i am...........Well to be fair i am Never very confident going in and it walways turns out okay!!!]
"*he puts a gun in vellums hands* its goot to know you're with someone who can protect you." s;aldfalsfdjaw awhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! SPAR DOESN'T GET PROTECTED SPAR IS ALWAYS THE ONE JUMPING IN FRONT OF THE BULLET DO YOU KJNOW HOW MUCH THIS MEEEEEEEANS TO ME?????
"when you got a good one you keep em" thats it thats spar
spar is correcting vellums stance and vellum must be SCREAMING inside lmao. Vellum focuses SO HARD on everything BUT spar directly behind him and accidentally becomes an expert
vellum, full on titanicking it with spar is trying VERY hard to respect boundaries and that is my FAVORITE kind of tension. "I am not making moves because i respect you as a person" is never not entertaining
ughhhhh drawing kisses is such a pain but FUCK do i wanna.
oooh this new outro is so fancy!!!! i love the format changes that are happening here!
im torn between doing another episode tonight and saving it for tomorrow so I can focus fully on drawing.......ill feel out the vibes after i get spar's jaw right. LOVELY episode. spar is making moooooooves!!!!
@threeheartscast i almost forgot!
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Hi!! I heard you let people tell you abt things they can’t tell anyone else so I thought I might give it a go? I hope it doesn’t annoy you(!!).
However uhhh how do I start we’ll I’m a lesbian and pretty proud in my identity. I know it’s normal by now (after a long time of denial) and now I’m a queer activist, go to demonstrations etc.
However I have been raised with Christianity, not the awful kind but rather the „god loves everyone no matter who you are and what you believe“ kind. Basically my family is very open abt anything queer and support my identity wholeheartedly. Nowadays I don’t think I believe in God anymore, at least not the one from the Bible. The beliefs are very deep in my core though and recently I’ve been helping my mom a bit at church ( she didn’t ask me I offered, because I didn’t have school that day ).
Anyways I was sorting food from donations that go to homeless people and I was doing that quietly while listening to music. Suddenly a guy came up to me and looked at me like I was sick or something. I take out my headphones to see what he wants and he puts his hand on my shoulder and says: „May the horrible and disgusting demon leave your body in the name of Jesus Christ“
Which - weird but maybe he meant well. Still I asked him why he did it and he pointed to my pride bracelet and said that he pushed away the demon of homosexuality and that god doesn’t have to give me to Satan anymore. I told him that being queer is completely normal and he looked at me with pity and said: „The demon takes time to disappear, but do not worry god will take it away“ and it’s just really hurtful because the God I was raised with (if he is real) wouldn’t ever do that and I feel like his words just hurt something at my core? So much that I cried. My mother found me and comforted me but I haven’t told her what happened.
Just is that Catholic Guilt? Because I have never experienced anything negative with the religion (just personal experiences not what the Catholic Church is up to in general cause many many things it does are just fucking awful).
Dunno just needed to tell someone otherwise it might have eaten me up from the inside. Sorry for the dump you probably have your own issues and don’t need to hear my whining haha.
Okay bye!!
Hi!! <3
Don't feel bad about messaging at all!
Unfortunately, there are a lot of religious people who feel the way that man does. I would guess that maybe you were upset BECAUSE this is the first time you've experienced such negativity. And ESPECIALLY because you are religious, yourself. It's saddening and scary to see someone who claims to believe the same things as you do to act so full of hatred.
However, I would encourage you to not allow one man's opinions to affect your experience with religion. (I say this as someone who isn't religious at ALL). It's YOUR job to decide how you feel about religion. Unfortunately, there are horrible, hurtful, cruel people everywhere. If you have found safety and comfort with your religion, don't let him make you feel differently.
I will, though, warn you that this man's opinion is relatively common, especially amongst different subsets of Christianity. Trust me, I've seen it myself, way too many times. It's jarring and upsetting, and sometimes downright scary to come across, especially when you aren't ready for it, so be aware. Stay safe. There are people who feel like this. But not everyone does. And you have safety and comfort with people who don't.
Hope this helps!
<3 <3
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Swiftli? Grant/Marco? Mercedes/Carol? Autumn Oak/Linda Stampler? (spreading my own propaganda <3)
For the ship ask thing :)
Also sorry that it’s kinda a lot lmao
Hiya!!! Hehe very interesting choices, love this, let's get to it!
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So, okay, the thing about this ship is that it's not my default ship for Linc or even necessarily Taylor? But that's not to say I'm conflicted, no, I really like these two together!
*Romantically* I think it kinda took me a while to feel the appeal of this ship? But then like... One night on a whim I found myself making a really silly playlist for them and... That made me understand it? At least what it is for me. This and, @raemeh (iirc) made a post about their first kiss being a surprisingly good one and- gee idk that made me go 😳 as well hahaha.
And yeah! Like I said this is absolutely a comfort ship for me, they're very silly and cute together, love to rotate them around in my head, might even write them at some point who knows!
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At the start of S2 I think it's fair to say that of all the kiddads I was probably most curious to see what kind of person Grant ultimately got with, I suppose probably because relationship troubles are such a big thing for him in S1! And I just want the best for him honestly ahaaa
😫 And I wasn't disappointed! Marco is so sweet and they're so cute together and eghhsibgosesg-
Er, despite this I'd actually like to see some angst/conflict between them? Grant has a lot of explaining to do tbh, and I sorta don't want everything he's hid and lied about to go without consequences from Marco... But of course I'd want them to work everything out in the end! I think that would make me love them even more tbh.
In general I really just want more of these two in canon! They need to kiss... Otherwise, y'know in general I have a good chunk of ships for Grant but... Ultimately so long as Marco exists in the same universe, I tend to imagine them getting together in the long run.
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Mercedes/Carol: Oooh interesting! Not a ship I've thought too much about tbh, but I could get behind it! I think my main hang-up if anything is that usually when I imagine ships with either Henry or Mercedes, either one of them doesn't exist in that universe or they never met, or it's a poly thing! In this case, I'd probably like this best if Hen and Mercedes have an open-relationship sorta deal (I mean they sorta canonically do?) and these two get involved with each other within that context. 🤔 Could also get behind a 4-way poly scenario with Darryl as well, but that's not a necessity by any means!
:0 I like the idea of Carol getting to experiment and maybe learning more about her sexuality and the like the way Darryl sort of got to in S1, and Mercedes would be a lovely person to see that happen with! Yeah, they'd be cute together I think!
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Autumn/Linda (Ron's mom!): I'm so fascinated by this ship??? Also love that we've just established Linda's name haha good for her good for her.
You'll have to tell me more about how you see this ship before I come to any concrete feelings about it tbh! Still, I like the premise I mean, I guess they'd actually have a bunch going for them? On its own I love the idea of the omega daddies being divorced af and their exes getting together haha it's what they deserve. But yeah they could genuinely be quite good for each other! I imagine Linda must be pretty good at dealing with people with anger issues, she'd probably have the patience to be there for Autumn in a way that matters and help her work through some things. And Autumn is an underrated catch tbh haha- :o also a very powerful druid who could possibly help Linda with her chronic illness??? The fact that she had a bit of a thing for Ron also makes her getting with his mom pretty funny to me.
Yeah idk, like I said I'm fascinated, feel free to ramble about them!!!
OKAY hehe, thanks for the ask!!!! 💜
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cakeinthevoid · 5 months
if you're willing to share, id love to hear about your OC flange gusset cowboy extraordinaire (i actually just acquired a few cowboy OCs myself recently)
Oh you have opened the floodgates, but I don't even know where to start... I hope my rambling below will make sense haha...
Flange Gusset, Cowboy Extraordinaire!
...and the closest thing West Hinge has to an engineer.
Flange became an 'official' cowboy as a teenager, about 15 years old, but growing up on the ranch in the budding city of West Hinge, he's been training all his life for it. Genuinely, he's one of the most cowyboy cowboys who ever cowboyed. West Hinge knows his name—often as Gus, or, nowadays, Mr. Gusset, which he always tries to wave off. Everyone knows that he's a dependable lad. He works hard and is always there to help—and he's your guy if you every need a cheap repair or a little thingamajig to make life a little easier.
His mom is Mexican, so he had plenty of Vaquero stories from her side of the family. While she's proud of the man her Flan Cake (her sweet nickname for Flange <3) became, she will always worry about his safety as a cowboy. She knows the life is hard. Flange sees his mother as the kindest and most generous person in the world, and aspires to be like her.
His dad was an american farmer who didn't raise no quitter!!! He taught him the importance of true courage and loyalty. Flange worked the fields and did repairs around town with his dad growing up, which is where a lot of his most practical skills came from. Flange feels like he could never replace his dad as head of the house. He misses his dad.
He's the oldest sibling, so he knew he needed to get a job asap to help provide for his family. "Inventor" wasn't exactly a career path he could dedicate himself to, so he took up ranching and cattle herding—he took to it like a duck to water! (There's a reason he's one of if not THE top cowboy in the town at his early 20s).
Cowboy Life:
Flange started working for ranch owner Mr. Lewis at 15, doing your typical beginner cowpoke chores. His skills and talents weren't going unnoticed though, and he was quickly rising the ranks, joining the older cowboys on round ups and cattle drives. The other cowboys on the payroll are some of his closest friends.
Cowboying around gives him enough quiet nights during travel and time off to pursue his not-so-secret passion: inventing. He’s come up with plenty of doodads to improve the lives in West Hinge—in addition to doing repairs n stuff. He treasures his simple yet purposeful life, but privately wishes to do good on a greater scale, to invent something truly marvelous… but right now, he has a job to do. 
So he does what he can. He’s no doctor, but he tries to help in other ways. He respects the trades and rolls his eyes at big business. Down right pisses him off when those mega-ranches try to scam or buy out the hardworking little guys.
He adheres to his own cowboy code, which is everything in the unwritten Code of the West and more. He scowls at those who taint the cowboy name, but he won't go picking fights unless the situation is truly dire. He also truly don’t mind most outlaws, unless they’re one of the ransacking and killing types. He would much rather everyone get along and sing by the fire, but he isn't naive.
He's run into enough outlaws and wicked cowboys to know better.
Fun facts!
Flange's #1 horse is a beige and white spotted cutting horse named Chico! He's the cowboy who can ride him best, and thus does the cattle cutting. He's prevented his fair share of stampedes, to say the least.
Flange is scary good at poker. The man never gambles, and seems to hardly know what is going on, but he's never had a bad loss.
Flange can play the harmonica, banjo, and guitar. He's real shit at piano though.
Flange is scared of being well and truly alone. He's also irked by wasps.
~ ~ ~
Oh man this was fun. Yes I got a little carried away and there is still so much I could go on about (realizing I barely spoke on his engineering endeavors) but AAA thank you for this ask <33 I hope you enjoyed
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viciousgold · 1 year
So my friend @aercnaut recently made a post about the general basics of how to start off with a HDM verse if you're new to the fandom. I've also noticed that several of my mutuals now have HDM verses as people new to the fandom, mainly @daemondaes, @unbeleveable, @nightmdic and @hlfaghst. If there are more of my mutuals who either have or desire an HDM verse, hi, welcome <3. so glad to have you here <3 hello <3.
aercnaut's post is a very helpful post and I want to thank them for inspiring this post of mine. I highly recommend you read aercnaut's post first if you haven't already, shown here: X
This post is basically my autism being like "here's an expanded version/ted talk/extended guide of the basics of this world". bc my autism demanded it. again though, please read aercnaut's post, it inspired mine, full credit where credit's due. <3
So with all that being said, this is what I am going to call:
The Long List of Need to Know Basics in This World Guide
the title isn't great lol. but anyway, here's the guide:
So from the moment someone is born, they have a daemon. When we see baby Lyra in the show, we see a baby Pan (her daemon) swaddled in the baby blanket with her. Daemons are most commonly the opposite sex of their human, but there are canon mentions of others who have same sex daemons. It's just not as common. What does it mean when a person has a same sex daemon? Who knows. There's no canon answer. People have asked Philip Pullman, the author of HDM and he's basically been like "there are so many interpretations of same sex daemons, I don't want to deny any of them". Super nice guy, hates confirming anything lol. Fanon interpretations of same sex daemons range from anything like someone being gay, someone being trans, someone being hyper masculine or hyper feminine, someone being non-binary, etc. Feel free to go with whatever interpretation feels right for your character if you choose to have their daemon be the same sex. You can even have your own interpretation, it's completely up to you.
Something that Pullman has deigned to tell us though, daemons are usually named by the daemons of the child's parents. Of course, there are some exceptions to this, such as me being like "haha Marisa's daemon doesn't have a name bc her bitch ass mom's daemon didn't name his son", orphans, etc. There are almost always some exceptions.
For example, for most people, it hurts both physically and emotionally to go too far from your daemon. Usually your daemon can only go a few feet or a few yards away before you and your daemon start feeling that intense pain. It's said to be the worst pain imaginable. Makes sense, it's like your soul getting ripped out of your body. However, like I said, there are almost always exceptions. The biggest exception to this are the witches and their daemons. What are witches in this world? We'll get more into that in the species category. For now; witches can go far from their daemon due to a ritual performed when a witch comes of age. They don't feel pain from being far from their daemons, and they remain connected.
Speaking of coming of age, when you're still a child, your daemon can shift into any animal possible, depending on mood, feelings, wants, etc. When they come of age via puberty, usually around either 13 or 14 (but there are sometimes late bloomers), the daemon settles into one form representing who you are deep down at your core. It's said that usually if your daemon settles into a form you don't personally like or agree with for yourself, it could signify discontentment with who you are, lack of a sense of self, self hatred, etc. Your relationship with your daemon reflects your relationship with yourself, essentially. If you're someone who knows yourself pretty well, has a lot of self love, your daemon will likely be your best friend, like Lyra and Pan, and Lee and Hester. If you have a lack of that sense of self, your relationship will likely be that of Marisa and her daemon, at odds with each other, annoyed with each other, possibly even hating each other. Of course, it's all a spectrum. There can be varying degrees of all this, it doesn't have to be cut and dry. Lyra, Lee and Marisa are just very good examples of the more extreme ends of that spectrum.
Marisa is another exception to the "going far from your daemon" thing, but not exactly. She can go far from her daemon, but unlike the witches, this isn't natural, and she and her daemon do feel immense pain when it happens. It's heavily implied that Marisa can go far from her daemon because of whatever abuse her mother did to her. She feels the pain of going far from her daemon but because she's done it so much, essentially it's pain that she's used to.
Speaking of pain, humans and daemons share that completely, and any other senses too. Any sensation that one feels, the other feels too, as well as sharing a telepathic link. Of course, humans and daemons can audibly talk to each other, and to other humans and daemons, but they can also telepathically communicate. Because of the shared sensation thing, it's basically human nature in this world to instinctively know that a human shouldn't touch another person's daemon.
With that shared sensation, when someone else touches your daemon, it feels like a phantom hand is touching your very core, and it can feel like one of the most violating things. However, there's almost always an exception. When you have an incredibly deep and intimate relationship with someone, touching their daemon, with permission, can be one of the most wonderful, sensual and beautiful things.
I think that might be like, the core basics of daemons. Feel free to ask questions though. <3
Remember how I said we'd get to the witches in this category? We're to this category now and we'll start with witches (with a brief mention of humans)
Humans: they're like humans of our world, except for the daemons. that's the only difference. they're there.
Witches: Witches are usually in large groups known as witch clans, each witch clan being lead by a witch queen, usually a very powerful witch who has already lived for a super long time, they can typically live anywhere up to thousands of years. They almost always have bird daemons, so they can fly as their witch can fly. Daemons can go far from their witches due to a magic ritual, we touched on this above. They fly using cloud pine. In the books, it's actual sticks of cloud pine that they grab and use as flying instruments, in the show, cloud pine is something embedded in a witch's skin, either interpretation works. Witches also are exclusively women. Witches can have children with humans who are boys, but they won't have magic. Only the girlies will become magical girls. There are, however--
Shamans: Shamans are human men who, through a lot of time and effort and rituals and shit idk how it exactly works, they eventually gain magic. Other than some nature magic and shit though, they're basically humans.
Armored Bears: Armored Bears, mainly known as Panserbjørn, but I don't want to keep copy and pasting that little o symbol so I'm going to keep calling them by their lesser known name, Armored Bears. They're talking bears that wear armor. Their armor is very meaningful to them, as they craft it for themselves using a precious metal made out of meteorites, sky iron. Armored Bears live in Svalbard, ruled by a King, and they have their own bear society, basically.
Cliff-ghasts: Cliff-ghasts are these weird bat creatures that live in the north and they are dangerous, they fly, they will attack you on sight, stay away from these fuckers. They're usually up in cliffs, usually seen at night or in dark places.
Spyflies: Spyflies are like, half machine, half spirit, they're these tiny mechanical insects that can be used to track people, spy on them, and then relay information back to the person first using them. The spirits trapped inside spyflies though are said to be specifically evil spirits, so like, if you provoke one, it aims to either knock out and/or kill the first target it sees after being provoked. (ie locking them in a container and not letting them out for a while. when you let them out, they will shoot out flying, craving violence.) They're also very illegal to have.
Arctic Foxes: So, animals do exist outside of daemons. Dogs exist, dolphins exist, foxes exist, etc. And they're all just random animals. (fun fact, dogs and cats in this world, though domesticated, are all working animals. with the strong companionship of daemons, humans in this world never saw a widespread longing for things like pets. there are probably exceptions, who knows, there are almost always exceptions. but the majority of society do not see animals as pets.) Arctic Foxes, however, are a different thing. They are animals, but they're also talking animals. Not daemons, they're kinda like the Armored Bears, except they don't really have their own society or anything? They're just... talking Arctic Foxes. A random fact about Arctic Foxes: They only understand the present tense in speech and they usually tell lies.
Mermaids: Mermaids are real. We don't know much about them. We just kinda know they exist. Most people don't know they exist, but there are people who have claimed to have seen mermaids. Mermaids are real though. Also, somehow, some guy's daemon settled as a mermaid? idk man.
Ghosts: Ghosts are what people become when they die. They go to the land of the dead. They're not the same as Night-ghasts though, which are beings that don't go to the land of the dead.
Night-ghasts: Are night-ghasts dead people? Dead other beings? Who knows, we don't. We just know they exist. They're spirits who sometimes make contact with the living. For example, Lyra took some coins off some dead bodies. Some Night-ghasts visited her in the middle of the night and scared the fuck out of her. She immediately put the coins back and learned to not fuck around and find out with the dead.
Zombi: These people are what you get when you have adults who are separated from their daemons. They still are aware and functioning, they still hold conversations, but they mostly like, lack creativity, lack imagination, thinking for themselves, etc. They're essentially people who now literally lack a soul.
With all of this being said about daemons and different species, let's move on to general societal norms and rules of this world:
This is a very sexist society, unfortunately. Not everywhere, thankfully. In mainly the North, particularly in Svalbard and any witch territories, Africa, and in Gyptian societies, women are valued equally to men. Everywhere else though is gonna be ruled by the Magisterium, and the Magisterium says women are lesser. Because of the sexism, there are things like Marisa being denied her doctorate, colleges still being separated based on gender, like in Oxford, men go to and/or work at Jordan College, women go to and/or work at St. Sophia's College. The only exception is servants, as women and men can work at either college as something like a butler, maid, chef, etc. There are also a lot of male dominated fields that either have very few or no women working in them. The major male dominated field that has a lot more women working in it than other male dominated fields though, is being a Scholar, aka a college professor, for reasons I'll explain soon, in the Scholastic Sanctuary portion.
This is also a very classist society. General classism things. People like those who live in the North, people like the witches, people like the Gyptians, basically anyone who chooses to live outside of Magisterium-run society aka most of the world, are considered to be major outcasts, rebels, and/or heretics. Along with that, there is a huge class system of like, members of the Magisterium being the highest valued people in society, then members of the aristocracy, then the wealthy fuckers, then the upper middle class, middle class, lower class, servants, and lower-lower class aka people who don't work, don't have money, are homeless, etc. There are of course people who don't agree with this class system, and are normally people who are also very anti-Magisterium, the government of the majority of this world.
The Magisterium is not only the government, it's also the Catholic church. Or in this world, "The Holy Church". The Magisterium/The Holy Church is kinda used interchangeably throughout the series. But yeah, that's what's brought us to this hellscape folks, Pullman was basically like "lol what if the Catholic church was a near one world government/authoritarian regime" and that's how we got here.
The Magisterium views any non-approved Magisterium opinions/thoughts/etc. as "heresy". There are scientists who are Magisterium members, but they do Magisterium approved science. Any other non-Magisterium scientists are known as heretics, which is a very bad thing to be labeled as in this society. If you're accused of heresy by the Magisterium, you could be possibly imprisoned, tortured, and/or killed. However, some people, like Lord Asriel, are very vocally and proudly "a heretic", and are very vocally and proudly anti-Magisterium. Partly because of this and partly because of his scientific "heresy", he is one of the most wanted criminals in the eyes of the Magisterium. The only thing that is protecting him is that pesky little law "Scholastic Sanctuary".
Probably the biggest loophole to the Magisterium's bullshit: Scholastic Sanctuary. No one is safer in this world than members, students, staff and servants of colleges. Scholastic Sanctuary gives protection to anyone who rightfully claims it at any academic institution. This protection fully and completely protects you from any Magisterium persecution, even if it's heresy, as it falls under the umbrella of "protected academics". When Lord Asriel needed protection for baby Lyra, he literally brought the infant to Jordan College, claimed Scholastic Sanctuary for her to make sure she'd be kept safe from the Magisterium, and then peaced out. However, he remains a member of Jordan College, so as long as he continues to claim Scholastic Sanctuary while at the college, and as he continues to evade the Magisterium while not there, he's virtually untouchable. He only ever goes from Jordan, to his explorations in the North, where the Magisterium have almost no authority, and that's mainly it. He stays far out of society otherwise. Now, before the Magisterium had full power, society was mostly ruled by varying kings/queens, who are now basically just powerless figureheads. My personal theory is that the law of Scholastic Sanctuary was put into place way before the Magisterium came into full power, and thus it's long historical precedent made it unable to be dissolved.
Before Marisa, there were no women in the Magisterium as official members. There were nurses and nuns who worked for the Magisterium, but that was it. Marisa's unique research on Dust and its relation to daemons intrigued the Magisterium, so much so that they were willing to extend membership to her, allowing a woman into their ranks for the first time. We've since seen another female scientist working in specifically Marisa's branch of the Magisterium.
Speaking of which, the Magisterium is split into different branches. Marisa's is the General Oblation Board, a smaller branch of the Magisterium that is basically listed as a very unofficial, on paper not approved operation. There are also branches like The Consistorial Court of Discipline (which is the main one that deals with all the decided criminals of the Magisterium), The Office of Inquisition, The Red Chamber, The Secretariat of the Holy Presence, etc. etc. and like, they all do different shit. The CCD though is the main one that has to do with people's lives. People want to avoid pissing off anyone from the CCD, people want to stay out of their way, etc.
The Magisterium is really worried about Dust. Most people don't know what Dust is, and it's kinda taboo to talk about it. Most people also suspect, especially the Magisterium, that it's the physical embodiment of sin. The evidence used to create this theory is that the elementary particle known as Dust doesn't settle on children, that is until they reach puberty and their daemon settles. There was a connection made to Adam and Eve, since the story in this world goes that Adam and Eve had daemons that could change shape, until they ate the apple, and their daemons settled into permanent forms.
There are more, but these are the basics lol again, feel free to ask questions, I'm probably gonna make a second part to this at some point, maybe I will, maybe I won't, who knows. Anyway, onto the next section:
Magisterium societies: Explained a lot in detail above. These are gonna be your Brytains (Britain but spelled quirky), your major countries and nations etc.
Africa: In this world, Africa isn't a continent, it's considered to be a country, and it's ruled by a King, outside of Magisterium's rule.
New Denmark: The closest equivalent to America. It's not really America. It's independent from the Magisterium, but not really by much, and I honestly don't canonically know too much about New Denmark. We know that the country of Texas is a part of New Denmark. Other than that, idk man. The wiki doesn't tell me much either. By the way, yeah, Texas is also a country. This world really likes to be like lol it's actually a country here.
Gyptians: Gyptians are a nomadic people who live mostly on boats/ships out at sea, and thus mainly stay out of Magisterium societies, and are a self governed people by Gyptian kings. We know in the west, the Gyptians are made up of six different Gyptian families. There's a Western Gyptian Council and one of it's members is a Gyptian King.
Skraelings: Some Skraelings live in Magisterium societies, though a majority of them live in Groenland (this world's version of Greenland) and New Denmark, as they are indigenous people of Groenland and New Denmark. We don't know much canonically about Skraelings as a whole aside from a few individuals, like the famous Dr. Leonard Broken Arrow, and bits and pieces of information in passing, such as trepanning being mentioned as a previous common practice that was later outlawed by New Denmark.
Armored Bears: Explained a lot above in the Armored Bears section.
Witches: Explained a lot above in the Witches section.
The North: The North is a region mostly outside of Magisterium reign and consists of this general area
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the Magisterium has slowly been trying to gain more power in the North though and has slowly been succeeding in this.
So these are like, the basics of this world. Is this everything? No. Are there things I'm forgetting as basics? Probably. Are there probably inaccuracies? Probably, yeah, I'm gonna be real with you, HDM has a very extensive lore and it's difficult to keep track of everything, especially since there have been a few inconsistencies within canon from either Pullman changing his mind about something, or I swear, just straight up forgetting something. Again, I want to reiterate; a very sweet man. I wish him the best. To anyone reading this that knows HDM, if I have made any mistakes in this basics guide, please feel free to tell me.
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Would you be willing to share some of your A and B headcannons? (Only if ur willing haha)
Absolutely! Was very excited to see this ask!!
(wasn’t sure if you meant individual or shipping,so I did both)
A-Specific HC’s
*I usually refer to her in a gender neutral way to respect other people’s headcanons, but I think she’s transfem
*Also has autism because I have autism (that rule basically applies to any headcanon anyone’s ever had about A ever but-)
*Tbh my headcanon for what name she would go by in different circumstances changes constantly, so let’s just say she can’t pick a name to save her life
*Can be very calm or very chaotic depending on the circumstances
*”The circumstances” being whether she needs to be the voice of reason to keep people safe/help people or not
*A acts crazily but at the same time cares very deeply about other people
*Her little quirk is drawing on absolutely everything
*Her art style is a little cartoony but the kind that uses cross-hatching
*Think the art style in the original Alice in Wonderland
*Which also happened to be her first special interest
*Would have some kind of pet reptile
*Is entertained by watching her reptile hunt the bugs she puts in it’s cage
*A’s reptile goes everywhere with her (even if it’s sometimes in places where it shouldn’t)
*For every time she changes her own name she changes her reptile’s name
*If her reptile doesn’t like you, she doesn’t like you
* Therapist Friend™️ (no explanation needed)
*Favorite texture is tightly-woven yarn (the soft kind not the hard kind)
*Least favorite texture is drying honey
*Already made a post about this but- Because she’s so caring, she took care of Matt as a baby (I headcanon he was only a couple months old when he arrived) and is now his mom
*She made those goggles he wears one day to try her hand at crafts
*Absolutely hated them, but still gave them to Matt because he thoughts they were cool
*That’s why Matt always wears them
*Her and Near both have a stim of playing with their hair, but neither one knows who picked it up from who
*Has a very beautiful singing voice
BB-Specific HC’s
*We all know this already, but he’s trans as well
*Despite that he still like some more traditionally “feminine” thing like nail polish and makeup (not saying that’s weird/bad)
*Before he was trying to copy L, his little quirk was making dolls
*He taught Near how to make those little rubbery dolls he has
*Also really likes puppets
*Had really long black hair
*Was like an older brother to Mello
*Sometimes slept under little kid Mello’s bed to scare off the monsters (then sometimes made it seem like he was fighting them to keep Mello on his toes)
*Worms his way into the weirdest crawl-spaces that nobody even knew existed
*One time one of the workers found one filled with tons of unfinished dolls
*Turns out it was his pit where he put all of his failed creations
*Eavesdrops on people all of the time
*Comes up with concerning names for his menstrual cycle such as “The Great Cleansing”
*Gives some of his creepiest dolls to people he doesn’t know that are too intimidated to turn them down
*Loves horror movies
*Once tried to make an indie film, but the tape was destroyed by Whammy’s staff, so there wouldn’t be a recording of him
*Is talented at a few instruments but doesn’t care enough to pursue any of them
*Would be the type of kid to have a jar of dirt that they store live bugs in
*Would tell other kids to stick their hands in as a prank
*Put bug eggs in the rooms of people he didn’t like
*Once tried to eat a live bug but didn’t do it again because it tasted bad
*Honestly there’s a very long list of disgusting things he’s tried to eat in the past
*Has a notebook full of weird ass short stories he wrote that don’t make any sense
*Rarely bathes
Ship HC’s
*They both do reckless shit but then get upset when the other does reckless shit
*”What the hell don’t pierce yourself you could get really hurt!” *pierced themself 3 days ago*
*A is one of the few people Beyond really cares about
*A’s crush on Beyond started when he had found her reptile after it had gotten lost and it was [expressing affection in whatever way that animal does] at him
*Tbh his first reaction was to run some kind of “experiment” on it, but he thought it was pretty so he decided not to
*After A died he took care of her reptile and cried more than he’d like to admit when it died as well
*Beyond became interested in A through him realizing that she also liked to do schemes around Whammy’s, and, after participating in some with her, realized she was pretty fun to be around
*Neither of them have a problem with PDA (to a reasonable extent), so most of the little kids think they’re really gross (think back to when you were little and saw 2 characters kiss in a movie)
*A is way taller than Beyond
*A has a lot of OC’s and Beyond turns her favorite ones into dolls
*Beyond is more like a stepdad to Matt than anything
*A is the only person he ever told about the numbers
*She believed him wholeheartedly
*Refuses to tell her her’s or Matt’s numbers because he wanted her to be able to live her life freely and happily without worrying about death all the time (like him-)
*As soon as Beyond figures out his feelings he confesses
*A tried to keep her composure, but she still starts happy-stimming
*A’s love languages-
* Giving-
1. Physical Affection
2. Words of Affirmation
* Receiving-
1. Physical Affection
2. Acts of Service
*BB’s love languages-
* Giving-
1. Acts of Service
2. Gift Giving
* Receiving-
1. Physical Affection
2. Words of Affirmation
*Beyond has a place in his room where he stores food, so A can always have access to her comfort foods
*When Beyond couldn’t sleep, he went into A’s room to watch her sleep (in a protective way but also in a creepy way because it’s Beyond)
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Scream (1996)
Smoking: Splatter
So today definitely needed to be a review day. The holidays are coming up. That painful time of having to see family that you don’t want to. And putting on that face of “oh I’m happy to be here” instead of the inner turmoil of, I hate you all and wish I was at home smoking a BIG FAT BLUNT. But here we are.
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Decided to do one of my favorite series Scream!
Ironic that I’m smoking out of a bowl I named splatter when we are about to see blood splattered. LOL. Sorry couldn’t resist.
Opening is with Drew Barrymore, Casey. I never really understood why she was in this movie. I felt like she could have been a bigger part than just the first death. I’m probably going to give away this movie. I don’t care. It has almost been out for 30 years, if you haven’t seen it yet your fault, get MAX and watch it lol.
Ironic that DB’s favorite movie is about a killer in a white mask stalking a person. When that is literally what is happening to her. Granted she’s not a babysitter, but still. And then she burns the popcorn... not cool.
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Haha, big Sony TV that is on Channel 3. You know she was about to play a movie in the VCR. FLASHBACK 🤣
How has the fire alarm not gone off yet? The kitchen is full of smoke and the Jiffy Pop is literally on fire…maybe they took out the batteries because they needed to be changed and it was making that annoying ass sound 😂 oh there it is. Finally goes off after her parents get home. It so would have gone off sooner. Those things are annoying AF.
You would so need so much therapy after seeing your daughter strung up from a tree dead with her entrails just flowing to the ground.
SO a 90s film when you see Courtney Cox in a lime green/yellow skirt suit. Like you’d see that from space 😂
Love that Henry Winkler is in this movie. He’s so great ❤️
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I will say that I get my own movie mentality off of Jamie Kennedy. He is very this is what happens in the movies. And if I was ever in a movie type situation, I would say the same things.
All I have to say is that freaking Scary Movie basically got this movie to a T! Freaking David Arquette being dumb. CC and her video guy. So just like the movie 🤣 it is also one of my favorites. The Waynes brothers are probably my favorite comedy people in the whole world!
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Haven’t even mentioned Neve Campbell when she’s the main character lol. Sucks to be made out like you’re crazy. I know that pain.
I love Matthew Lillard, “I’m starting to feel woozy here!”
I do find it interesting that they think installing a curfew for the town would help reduce deaths. I mean HW was killed in the middle of the day. And then of course there is a party where people just get killed left and right. I do have to say that Rose McGowan’s death is probably my favorite.
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I love how ML is just walking around in a fancy robe like he’s Hugh Hefner or something 🤣
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If RM would have just calmed down, she would have fit through that doggy door. She was slim enough. And I doubt that that garage door would have been able to lift with that extra weight. I don’t think they would be that strong.
NC loses her virginity to her suspicious boyfriend Skeet Ulrich. Which according to JK is going to get her killed. And it looks like that’s what happens with who we all know to be ML comes in after they are done and “Kills” SU.
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ML “peer pressure, I’m far too sensitive….my mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me.” 😂
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I take it back. RM isn’t my favorite death. ML’s is. Death by tv to the face. Definitely a way to go.
Thanks for joining on this week’s update.
Toke on 😶‍🌫️
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