#could try replaying the first act as mage trevelyn to see if i prefer it but thats alot of effort
sys-garden · 2 years
okay i tried to chose the origin/romance for my da characters just based on what would be more interesting and im stuck between lavallen/solas or mage trevelyn/cassandra. Cause trevelyn/cassandra is more in your face but lavellen/solas is more about foreshadowing u know? Like trevelyn/cassandra bulids a bit more on whats already there and adds a bit more spice too it cause act one starts with the mage/templar war and cassandra is one of the most important companions and the one you see the most. So being a human mage and then romancing her makes sense and makes those 2 things more important. BUT Lavellen/solas bulids more foreshadowing to tresspaser and DA:D and i think that solas is partically responsible for the whole corphyeus thing? without this what happens in tresspasser seems more suprising and your just like solas? that guy? instead of like SOLAS MY BABY GIRL???
I feel like trevelyn and cassandra is what i would’ve picked first time playing because its alot more obvious I am pretty much only doing solas/lavallen because i played it before and been in the fandom so i know about his whole dreadwolf thing.
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