bolyde · 6 months
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resonance. || A Web Weave for the Love of Serendipity Angemont @countercharmd
Ingeborg Bachmann, tr. by Mark Anderson In the Storm of Roses: Selected Poems; “Songs from an Island”
Ray Bilcliff
Fatima Aamer Bilal from her garden yearns more for visitors than water.
Alejandra Pizarnik, tr. by Yvette Siegert The Most Foreign Country; “Sky”
Anne Carson An Orseteia
Anne Sexton The Touch
Mitski Strawberry Blonde
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[COLLAR]: sender grabs receiver by the collar to pull them closer / but like arranged marriage hehehehe
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When the prince first forced him to take on yet another task, he was furious. The prince had him practically working from dawn to dusk... How could he possibly squeeze in one more task? It turns out the prince had a special task in mind. The prince refused to participate in all the events surrounding his arranged marriage, having Patchwork Jack go in his stead. As a reward for taking this task on, the Prince promised to let him have as many holidays off as he wants. It may seem like a meager reward but considering that previously he had to work all holidays, he considers it a win.
He does feel bad about tricking Serendipity, however. The prince's bethrothed is kind, clever, and fun to be around. He likes to think they're friends. Well, as close to as friends one can be while pretending to be someone else.
It's a bright sunny day, the two of them enjoying a picnic in the royal gardens. They're sitting side by side, shoulder to shoulder. The food is lazily consumed between gaps of conversation. As time passes they shift ever closer still to one another. He's not sure what broke the spell of calm between them but in a flash, it seems Serendipity has decided he's still not quite close enough. Hands curl into his collar and pull him closer. The action isn't aggressive. Instead it's intimate, their faces now incredibly close. "If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was ask, you know."
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bloodtwin · 3 months
@countercharmd sent: [ MAKE-UP ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap in order to get a better vantage point to apply makeup to their face. sitting in someone's lap prompts.
has there ever been a single day that goes by where puck doesn’t feel EMBARRASSED ? !
he & serendipity sit cross-legged on the floor of his tent. he feels… naked, his face partially bare as the bard does his makeup for him. real makeup—not the smeared, several-days-unwashed smokey eye he tends to wear. he thinks he looks strange without it. there are deep, tired lines that cut underneath his eyes, normally covered by his eye shadow. 
puck’s face flushes as serendipity scoots closer, angles his face up then slides into his lap. his eyes flick up to the ceiling, so he can apply the liner along his waterline. he swallows roughly, trying not to fidget. ( what is he supposed to do with his hands? he’s avoiding touching him, so he doesn’t mess him up. ) it’s different when someone else does your makeup. it feels more personal than he expected.  ‘ … do i look pretty? ’ he teases, an attempt to diffuse the tension he feels.
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celestialdetected · 3 months
The prince would not. stop. talking. About everything. About anything. By the end of day three Arawn longed for silence in a bone deep, aching way, he thought that the long stretches in the isolation cells had beat out of him.
But no, apparently not.
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"Look, if you're trying to get me to kill you before I drag you back home to mommy and daddy, this is..." a sigh. "Honestly, a great way to go about it. Please, five minutes of quiet, your highness."
@countercharmd for our royalty au!
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elliscousland · 3 months
E4 for Ren I think that would be funnay
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hopedflight · 4 months
"here." fel extends the book to serendipity with a warm smile. "i finished it and i thought you might like it." the two had quickly bonded over a shared love of stories, and the drow often passed books onto him when she finished them. "it's really sweet. it's a romance." the smile on her lips is wistful and far away.
she settles beside the tiefling on one of the logs at the camp. "are you doing okay?" fel asks, gesturing to her head as a universal sign in their party of 'given the tadpole of everything'.
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-> STARTER CALL. for @countercharmd.
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xavthew0rld · 8 months
It wasn't hard to notice when a party was happening. Sound always seemed to carry easier at night, the sound of music and laughter being enough to get his attention as he wandered. Following faintly familiar paths, unsure of what was happening; It was only natural for his feet to lead him towards the source of the noise, curiosity and confusion driving him to investigate.
As he drew closer to the edge of the camp, it only took an instant to realize what he was looking at. The camp was filled with the tiefling refugees. The ones that had been missing when he had gone to the grove.
Someone else had helped the refugees?
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Xavier's brow furrowed as he lingered at the edge of the camp, scanning for any familiar faces. Lingering for a moment when he spotted them, mentally checking to see who all was still there. It was good to see that they were all okay, but... Eventually settling on an unfamiliar face. A tiefling he was certain he'd never seen before.
One that was making a beeline for him, an enthusiastic greeting already inviting him into the festivities. "Ah... Hey, I appreciate it? But I was just..." He was already taking a step back, ready to make a hasty retreat when he felt a jolt of the thing inside his head. His words turning into a soft hiss as he shuddered.
For a moment, he saw himself. Staring at a reflection in a shield, fear and confusion and anger mixing together as he realized where he was. In surroundings both familiar and alien to him, yelling that this isn't him.
There was a harsh shake of his head, visibly recoiling as his eyes focused on the other tiefling. "...Well, this explains...some things."
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championsofthegate · 5 months
@countercharmd asked: "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" / for Gale
Gale laughed, reaching out to cup Serendipity's face with a hand. "I was merely awestruck by how enchanting you look in the evening light, my love."
Serendipity was always a beautiful man, to be sure, but by the light of the setting sun, he practically glowed. "You look the part of an angel among us lowly mortals."
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ofweave · 3 months
Would Gale like. Some scratches behind his ears
excuse you, Serendipity, he's not some common mutt — he's a former archwizard, not an animal, and he'll be treated as such! ignore the way his tail wags at the suggestion.
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bolyde · 15 days
Slides a note to Gale. He thinks they should kiss
Gale is enjoying his coffee and his choice of book for the morning when the note is not so slyly placed in front of him from his wandering bard.
Gale plays along, a slight glance given to @countercharmd as he settles into the lounge at his side. Gale hums with interest, peering at the note as slyly as he could pretend.
A hum of consideration is given before Gale leans over, quickly stealing a kiss from the corner of Serendipity's mouth, nuzzling against his temple to follow.
"Was that what you had in mind? Or something a little more involved?" Gale teased with a smile.
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deaddoveadventures · 3 months
Sits down behind Curumë and just starts braiding ribbons and flowers into his hair
Curumë regards the other, perplexed. „You know, I think the last time someone did my hair was when I was a little boy.“ Still, he allows him to continue. „Do I look pretty now?“, he asks after a while, a wry smile on his face.
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bloodtwin · 2 months
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@countercharmd ⸻ he huffs indignantly. ‘ i CAN read ! i just get bored. ’
but then there is a pause. he hums, smirks faintly. ‘ hm. i suppose reading it to me works just as well, though. ’
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xbadnews · 8 months
oh, i'm nobody. nobody at all. just pretend you never saw me. || @countercharmd
Today was meant to go a thousand other ways. Percy wished he could say that waking up on a beach, sand in his pockets, was the last place he'd expected to be this week. But that would be a lie. His mind was still reeling from everything he'd experienced on the ship that was now in pieces, burning & scattered around him. He wanted to be thankful that he was free, but the wriggling in his skull begged to differ.
It was all disorienting, really. Percy almost didn't recognize that the shape he was moving towards was a person. he must have lost his glasses in the crash - oh this was going to be a blast.
"I don't think so, "Percy cuts back, trying not to betray his irritation. The day had gone any way but planned & his head was still reeling. Or was that the tadpole, squirming for reign in his skull? It makes his skin crawl, not knowing what it could do to him. it's easier to see the stranger now that they're a bit closer.
the intensity of his desperation must have left him vulnerable, or maybe it threw itself at the stranger's mind to try & understand. Percy's fear & frustration throw themselves against the edges of the retreating stranger's mind & he's stunned. he wants to dig deeper, wondering if this is a result of the tadpole - did the stranger have one too? did he know something that Percy did now? he didn't like the thought; that the information could be there, barely out of reach.
He sets his jaw stubbornly, stepping after the other as he tries to leave, " what was that? "
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thiefscant · 7 months
@countercharmd — starter call / accepting!
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        “this is rotten stuff,” anais says, picking through the spoils of their most recent battle. “already the silver is green around the edges.”
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archivestarlyht · 6 months
ME WHEN I FUCKING GET U!!!!!!!! [positive]
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let's dance
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never-surrender · 9 months
@countercharmd asked: 🌧 / for Astarion mayhap !
To say that Astarion was less than thrilled was quite the understatement. Standing in the middle of the rainstorm, arms crossed, a scowl on his lips and a rather mutinous expression on his features ... he had never looked more like a drowned cat than now.
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"Are you quite finished yet?" they had left to loot and gather supplies for camp when they had got caught in the storm itself.
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