#country and that he was surprised that his 2nd largest following (after spain) was in chile!
At a train station here in Germany I heard a girl talk on the phone that seemed to speak some language I never heard until I realised she was speaking Spanish in an accent I had absolutely never heard. It sounded like a polish person was speaking Spanish with an Arabic accent or while being very sick with a cold that was fucking up her throat. The only reason I could make out anything was because the person she was facetiming with spoke much clearer, even if with a very similar accent. The woman was also pale with blue eyes and light blonde hair which made it no less confusing. Told this back to my Spanish friend and he tried to help me figure out what accent that was. After half an our of giving details and listening to spanish dialects on youtube... Turns out it was Andalucian.
OOOH yeah it makes sense jsdjsdj I was actually gonna suggest Murcian, but Eastern Andalusian sounds similar to Murcian so it was probably that. Yeah, it could be tough to make out, I feel you lol
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